THE Workmen "Unemployed Act, 1905." , the With Local Orders and the under Board Government of the issued Regulations and Act; the by Provisions Notes BY LEACH, RJ^. OF Author of "Education of Bill, 1904." BARRISTER-AT-LAW, INN, GRAY'S Pauper "Criticism Children." Joint-Author of the and "Vaccination ^tcii^ilflcTZii Analysis Law," of Valuation "c. J 'J 1905. LOCAL GOVERNMENT PRINTING ROCHDALE. AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, PREFACE. produce collectively 5 oat of i and the of handbook a the of preparation the In provisions Orders and of have the work and ready individually or this assistance complete anything issued with do to the carrying Act, 1905, the Local book that by to all who to Workmen Unemployed Regulations haa^een aim only my Government I Boax^d under the provisions has Nothing left been Act. of the of out the thought was ^ would be of service, any J especially of members to Distress u Committees 3 : giving altogether Govei-nment I have to the Board, purposely from extracts sections Central and of which advantage the such of on Act circular the adopted such or extracts getting and Bodies letters of their issue the of plan letters and the Articles using opinions and making all them and in Orders This the by out Orders relate. Instead officers. sent of the particularly the their of Local Regulations, the necessary the the notes and Regulations to plan yields suggestions of the the Board in the to have convenient most places at Goveriament to opinion sight any Board may have all who, using the given made or desire the Local that suggestion or book, upon particular any point. the possible.; liowever, I Fordham, Central forms Gray's assistance October, of three the to in Inn, and they 1905. the to have the its as (3) correctly Great time. contents note more express of " Exchange given of lines with Superintendent Labour have to of pressure correct 45, page on worded ment state- Introduction. desire here taken read be 8 been under out got first should page on been has nevertheless, care, as has book The book ]\Ir. ; R. been the for also " me London the to Mr. in the Mr. to Fund H. of Lionel Gray's preparation and rules exchange A. W. H. Unemployed labour Leach, Webber to thanks my of Leach, Inn, of the R.A.L. for the work. TABLE CONTENTS. OF PAGE. Preface Introduction ... Full of text with Full Workmen Unemployed Act, 1905" Notes of text "The " 17 The Organisation(Unemployed Workmen) Establishment " Order, 1905 with Notes " London Order 39 ... Full " of text The Urban Establishment Workmen) with Full Notes of text " Outside " The Labour Rales Out-Door General with Bureaux and 1905 " 70 Order ployed) Unem- 88 the Regulations their Co-ordination and their 137 1902 156 Co-ordination 158 (London) Act, Exchanges ployed (Unem- Notes and Exchanges Employment The " Incorporated in Labour Model London Order, Regulations (Organisationfor 1905 Enactments Committees Distress Forms Relief 161 170 Orders 185 Index Abbkeviations L.G.B.C.L." Local Government in Notes. Board Circular Lettei'. INTRODUCTION. The " the of outcome recent during organisation " Fund Long, M.P., from the legislation for provinces, cases. speech contained ment " 1 " normal have Guardians that the of the Session Government's expectation the to with which be deal submitted with profound has the words to you question regret been but London the and caused : of to introduce The in also unemployed unjustified. not following gracious will in of aid the 1905 intention only not was H. W. naturally, expected the for Hon. Right a on disclose organisation before laid Government Local opening establishment, voluntary Unemployed proposals the intensity of the London the Board, the very was, by the of authorities distress of in origin at Legislation noticed, its in grown " the as law, for poor inauguration known statutory some the has Throne the of it " The proper " the President 1904 would " after had which then Parliament the demand Metropolitan 14th, speech and that from apart The scheme of the of Conference October made, years, scheme a " be unemployed. distressed demand widespread a should provision Act, 1905," is, undoubtedly, Workmen Unemployed in King's " for of the the unemployed. sympathy, by establish- the the want ab- of Introdiirtion. 8 " employment " temporary " but " of it is a Government the promised from the Bill The : and thus, if this (1) The Borough of distress (4) to the duties have " ; be difficulty, for this purpose Gerald the of President the Balfour, M.P.) introduced of Commons. Original Bill Act, and important respects been different is very Central left no constituted from Bodies entirelyof " persons given was outside [Act, Section London, 2 Local with (1)] were not were the relief Government to Central members Bodies Central experienced in to the mittees Comof the members (2) co-opted members ; additional Committees optional, Act, the Distress the in present Act was of Guardians, and Board power other by the members co-opt additional so of Distress constitution differed from Bodies Committees chosen appoint Bill for the the been and (3) Distress of had of such to necessarily to power Councils of members Board several April, House Between Central and might the meet a introduced. originally that " (Mr. provisionsof Committees 18th in the Measure in to provide machinery the on Board Act of Arrangements character." Differences The made been to now permanent Accordingly, pi'esent winter. have character expedient more Local the during Bodies and power only ; to be 9 Introduction. established in in postponed in any By at Board the such a to original Act it sections 1 (1) different the The of the Act Two Ireland is limited the it will be for the Act provisions the of mittees Special Com- respect of the in were and contained to three years otherwise proposals in They the to in organisation. Act provisionsof are request, such the Bill the to and England Wales but Wales ; the Scotland also to [Section 6]. Parliament discussion Act. the Exchanges. original Bill unless application to of 2 that areas proposal in no and originalBill applied only [Section 5] and the alike are was posed pro- was and expedient, any organisation They on the by Committees establish, without to only applies to England not 1905) there power very of Labour The established deeming to Bill. re have on how establishment be county (i.e.,Distress lines It Board. be might representationmade Government Board, but reference seen Local should area, once on establishment the provincialadministrative of Government Local Borough London on Bodies) Central and to the respect organisation Boroughs, such any Council Borough for County the in the (1) no time from determine originalBill House a its date which of Commons provision "that duration The limit. (11th August, [Section8]. rise to gave do the not appear total siderable con- in Aveekly Introduction. 10 remuneration under given week's Government (2) the " (although Body), the Body not are " 1905" Government " this " these Local be " so " years this Act by that employment in on of the respect of clauses be found ; to be was under two vided pro- " given a reference the to Regulations (Organisationfor and under authority [Section4 (3) (a)] of the work payment it will [ArticlesY. Board the for the Although Board's for successive established arranged Act, labourer not Section (i.e,, under actually employed not towards in the two " would consent should than Body a had Government Unemployed) of was employment." Local Local workman the work which unskilled an with provided so that by more purposes contributed original Bill the in provided by and that than earned person the if that workman of same For to be deemed be less Board, temporary for and " and, except work, work temporary be circumstances ordinary full should Act) the for any II. their have (1) (iv.){d)] that the delegated legislative actuallyor in effect imposed them. The proposal providing temporary from Councils is not in the work in the being restricted by of no wages being paid provided with work out under original Bill at to allow Act, the applicationof Section 1 of such contributions the Act. (6) in such of of contributions C^olonies out Farm expenses a way for such as butions contri- permits unemployed Introduction. In respects the some Bill, in others originalBill the who Bill made does The this,however, Act does made Act provision,apart would the were the ployed unem- The given. emigration of or of his for from " an The dependants. measure such the temporary the upon land is the expense for the the originof Bill Fund was sympatliy with wide far too apart meagre to as of the distressed accord ready the tlie measure in On duced intro- measure any the Unemployed that accommodation. that Law, with the from Coxcessions. op expected Poor law contributions 118-119. affording,at as politically was work (6) the I outcome London evident vphom provide (1) pp. become became to wlio, though equal hand be may migration Section by the legislators.Although soon and largerprovisions provision for no for scarcely be Parliament, originof Act [Section4 (3) (")]. Owing, however, used Note see would made persons The to makes the original class of of the that for any not for be cannot It but originalBill restrictions Councils it the the [Section1 (5)]. both provided. respect of assistance the character accommodation the in assisted,but the Act workman The to the identical are than provisionsof The provisionfor aiding unemployed Act is less generous generous. be may respect of in more Act 11 was " to Rates, ployed, unem- of all our be found mentioned in above^ to legisobjectionable lators the ployed, deserving unem- possible. satisfyLabour On the one- Members;. V2 Introduction. the "on other hand it as being Ministerialists it Indeed, that was the measure second [June 20th], of that which be likelyto questionableif for two of promise 2nd] had I3oor, whether employment, : by a and three Prime of .concessions Act their be the ; and to to guide it into and be might thus other to that measure House the in the [August (1) survey could their of a be of the lack of taken be by employment thought was duration may of problem the whether such shape Government's by temporary complete to in any to means It wav. be limited of the what arose, the The in that or most is very stage Commission fault a in the proposals (2) was barrier Committee Minister own able therefore the passage it or passed amended (2) to investigate and Unemployment been Royal a with years, have reaching the by would Commons recourse harm, appertained to dealingwith poor commission dam least The (I) " problems which by municipalitiesor in any to the would appointment "everythingwhich to have the on Government to of statement of endeavouring [August 4th] announced the Board, the mere measure good [ParliamentaryDebates], it Bill Commons of nature. Ministerialists House reached of lead measure the the interposea to of in opinion we should on of the deal Bill the things, viz. Government House the or the of Government Local the stage fruitful mischievous views of number government any voiced public opinion instead channels but the large a ^Notwithstanding in possumus, find to to bj upon exceedingly an hard of the at singlenon way of reading wise of was. President not be contrary so this as would looked was that such labours within the proposed period. credited. To these Introduction. Labour The on Poor 3 Will. IV., Commission (2 and better 96) c. In 1834." March, the many of the poor, employment in from support employment the Poor for the be parishes, might therefore order be that Rates such a peculiarcircumstances would This because was years be in seems of the possession of years, in which should be able not OF present The problem. Gerald said that of the : pi'oviding in that it some might parish vestries,in adapted Royal country Commission, limitingthe time to two the years to the the duration Royal new to solve Problem the Unemployed. is not in for of finallyreport. intended the President Balfour, M.P,) " " Act were of its duration of the to three Act and in two Act to and for their expedient best as limit that Report labourers of pursued The that, relief allowance be powers precedent Present The be the mode others, sufficient present The the for the all an Commission the thought was that in stated was unprofitablyemployed, or might of each. it it insufficient also might " was able-bodied work to extend course the in which intended of the solve the to Local unemployed Government moving the did pretend second reading Board (Mr, of the Bill, " The vast present Bill and " agriculturalparishesuntil force ; Act the laws inexpedient desirable Act recital of poor, The opening received instances many temporary a Royal Labour " For many frequentlyentirelydestitute and in of the appointment passed. was its notwithstanding the 1832, in of labourers employment 25th Laws 1832. Act, that, on to note It is of interest 13 not complicated problem to deal known with as the the whole unem- Introduction. 14 " ployed question,it ^' that ^' problem, and " whole " failure. " would field of limited " cants of that " kind ^' Guardians " class of " but " 1 of the " ' " " the And of the opinion " Bill Capable under "full ' as " unable the of poor in do of significence He the to definition " exceptional,and The own. suitable " more " of course, depend be made " Regulations to " Clause " would ^' distress,applicantsof " with " men 4, and exclude conditions with of such of the by Local due not bad ' poor to lack ' the Bill and [ParliamentaryDebates]. and with the under rules which employment, wives of Board character, applicantsnot homes his would, " and chronic complying residence, preferencebeing given established of not Capable law include of was fault " Government would case from the exclude to was words the under Regulations distress the than this Act whose work are to understand general provisionsof the on over which, in the cases desire workers out than treatment House the " interpretationof exact of obtaining work, under the wanted workman to treatment loafers,work-shyers,intermittent " 3 applicationis made, whom " any limited exceptionalcauses extended was suitable law.' of on control.' no body more from so The Sub-clause in desirous Honestly limitation local defined a be any thrown was as of destitution. cases only should there them, the regarded appli- as that of attention assist to was even for was to applicanthas the work unemployed temporarily which " the of Clause " find provide relief to and intended not was obligationto with to disastrous Bill with of the text unemployed, class it deal principleto be foredoomed object throughout of the class the its extend to would reading the than more unimportant part, but only a part unemployment that to do attempt attempt any Anybody see *' not altogether an part, not a did to work- families " 13 Infroduciion. afforded be may present Act. with the dealing suggestion enable the the Act, to Colonies, or of of Bodies as are, on present organisation deserving. will be the yet restriction on have as and Again stop works found which Rates of benefit a the the prove provision in in lished estab- large cation appli- (6)], these selves them- enter for winters unemployed. The doing again. given reason undeserving 1 Farm in and amount from useful to making Councils done the the as the pressed to great advantage should sufficient provisionsof or [Section them for that sham Organisation to the many such the useful to be not the and Act the fear, land, waste certain be unemployable the come, the being administer winters may it will the on benefits by many from for Act from contributions If,therefore, any upon, of Undertakings past years highways, Because the of exceedingly prove Areas. for Act. the made Act], as reclamation improvement Urban act large Undertakings, such any upon the should benefit from voluntary subscriptions are if the (6) of I by is far Even it. enter or best or constituted the Board, Bodies, organised to new better unemployed limitations the measure termed [see Section not of class benefits that any Bodies Afforded Advantages Regulations,the have receive new Government Notwithstanding some the tions Regula- periods of exceptionaldistress. in The the best Local of the obtainable only will Besides, if the or the apart from that unemployed better Board's Exchanges, only Labour by distressed class of the the Act, show the under made Government Local of the examination An to in from the have so are at weeding the Act entered hand out an the employable and Regu- Introduction. 16 which under lations workers have workers of is mio'ration the Finally, provisions the for include registers, but from the unemployed as well as trades by not, are for Poor Law man or men reason liberal as provision in of unorganised rates, the women when superabundance pi'ovisions distressed of a Organised but may-" contributions, Rate scarcity. shortag'e a they as advantage is contributions meets class best a provisions, that one there is " of out labour the on aiding, if established substantial a emigration emigration law poor is own The not. restrictions the the their have practically co-operate, there where districts to Bodies where districts from migration may country for be Exchanges same provision the with taken whole the throughout the and worked properly Labour " as aiding Acts. woman can have " such aid as of drawback non-medical seems Act, the poor to be loss that in law accord the with of relief with Regulations, civil involve. the [Section rights public This last-named conscience. the without provides, 1 (7)] which advantage [5 Edw. 18 Workmen Unemployed 7.] CHAPTER Act An XVIII. provisionof Employment view a Assistance or in proper Workmen [Ch. IS.] 1905. organisation with establish to Act, the to ployed Unem- for cases. [11th August, 1905,] "DE it enacted "^ with and by Spiritualand King's most the advice For (1) : and this Act, the of union law London, by, the partly,if by the of of the whole London the the be order so so co-opted every poor of and distress, and a of,and selected of, of members of the members persons nominated and partlyof and Board, but and partly county provides, of Government of and borough County Council, additional Board administrative members and Local persons the relief of the of be consisting "council guardians partly within committees co-opted to persons of board consistingpartly of by, the council the London, in borough or for the distress the selected and the wholly body central of shall there of of the experienced in persons of members Act committee distress a partly of pi'esent Government Local of the metropolitan borough members in this authority of this purposes every of the by Lords of the consent Commons, Majesty, " established, by order under Excellent and and Temporal, follows as 1. the assembled, Parliament same, by the body, nated nomi- number shall not Sect. Act, 1905. 19 [Ch. 18.] 1. exceed one-fourth every such of the committee be Work77icn Unemployed [5Ed\v. 7.] a shall order total provide that body, member one established body or of the number at least the by and oi-der shall woman. Note." Board S. the (1) For 1 establishingDistress London, "The see Establishment of the Order Local and Committees Government Central (Unemployed Or^'anisation in Body Workmen) Order, 1905." The (2) disti'css acquainted with the when and area, of the committee shall conditions of required by so themselves make labour the within central their shall body receive, inquire into, and discriminate between applications made from unemployed Provided them to that distress a application from an satisfied that he has not beinf^ less the application,as committee any twelve the shall not unless person in London resided than persons any tain enter- they such for : are period, months, immediately before central fix body as residential a qualification. If the (3) such but applicant is honestly is case this to which Act is than is work one unable he capable than obtain case but temporarily over causes his committee distress under of to do from so suitable poor if under may endeavour they think the central body refer the case to the central shall have that consider by committee any exceptional treatment law, they applicant,or, that obtaining work, control, and no for treatment distress of desirous more the for the by themselves, the has satisfied are no the rather power body, to [5 Edw. 20 Workmen Unemployed 7.] Act, \Q{)5. [Ch. 18.] Sect. 1. towards provide,or contribute for any unemployed person. and and Committee, of II. body central and aid "The of The (4). See unemployed committee, emigration of any his in a assist think exchanges the they positionto obtain supporting to they think or area 1905." fit,in any them to best by of that person by providing, calculated regular work or tributing con- or work in put him to other a the by aiding provision of, temporary think of XIX. Article person another of fit. referred that dependants, as manner if by collection (3) {a) and 4 person removal or towards such Section mittees, com- committees the by they as body may, central an distress and those far as distress Kegulations (Organisationfor Unemployed), (5) case S. 1 " of of the assistinglabour or over, superintend and, action efforts otherwise and NOTK shall registers,and employment information mittee Com- applications to the Body, see Section 4 (3) Kegulations (Organisation for the the establishing,taking and Distress Central to "The possible,co-ordinate as of the 1905." Unemployed), The referred cases Article (4) provision of, work S. 1 (2) and (3) For duties the conditions affecting Note." (rt)and the of means himself. (5). See Section 4 (3) {n) for the conditions The which be aided Article III. of under see emigration may for 1905." Kegulations (Organisation Unemploj^ed), MOTK. S. " 1 " On the conditions lAay be aided For Temporary see the conditions Work Kegulations. Article may under IV. under be Avhich of said which given see removal to another area Kegulations. in the assistance Article V. of form the of said [oEdw. Workmen Unemployed 7.] 21 [Ch. 18.] Act, \Q0o. Sect. 1. (6) Any Act, and under central Act the as the central be defrayed of the Lorough and Provided (a) A proportion paid that councils each which shall for the demand of metropolitan of value the of the council shall except and : expenses of labour in be and the and central in respect employment collection area of of his for the out by emigration an of mation infor- Local purposes or removal person ; and incurred to the the central unemployed dependants expenses of the paid incuri'ed expenses in relation of land of the them by the the the (iii.) consent in aiding another body by committees, including exchanges (ii.)the any sums and ; and made charges incurred registers and body of all " the distress the kept metropolitan boroughs, (i.) establishment body be contributions the of expenses shall fund the on of the expenses account separate to centi'al " supplied by no of the given rateable the to part as a body, made of committees consent contributions council the the of out central contributions by body by in Taorough with this under body of the distress incurred are management and central expenses supplied by voluntary purpose, the of the body, shall under be such this of expenses by the central with acquisition, Government of this Act; of tliat account. the Board, [5Edw. 22 Workmen Une7nployed 7.] Act, 1905. [Ch. 18.] Sect. 1. No (6) contribution such any exceed year produced by of the Note." one Board donations. See 4 and Section said for Colony ; (2) Temporary (3) Acquisition of Land ; respectively. See Section 4 (3), (/t),and See Section Regulations Voluntary to as Regulations as 14 of The (3), (ff),and 4 Accounts for any him disentitle S. " 1 of person be to county, Note. XVII. of at persons of Powers, the said XV. of the said Farm Article to are Government provision assistance for Article Colony or XVI. be made Act, which under a and to this to number Vic, 63 the Act shall as as a in other or vote of said audited. contribution work temporary the includes a parochial elector,or are up Value" registered or (7) There of and (62 1899 expression "Rateable Government "of Property upon Kates is paid." (7) o to as VIII., IX., X., (4) Borrowing the 34) 1905" (1) establishment to as XIV. Account. London the s. value lieu Article Articles and Article (4), (3), (/'"), transfer of receipts of how to not Contril)utions. Contribution Section See In Kate to value Grovern- Local Unemployed) and ; Regulations as c. the Accommodation work the rateable (3),(c),and 4 Kegulations Farm in higher rate, as (3),(5),(c),(h),and of the XVHI. be approve. S. 1 acceptance of whole in would halfpenny such penny, shall which one the or (6). See Section Kegulations (Organisation "The of on may council a amount rate a borouf^h, exceeding ment the calculated pound by not mentary, parlia- burgess. a precedents for the preserving of the franchise Amongst Education it may Act, 1S76 (39 and parent by reason a non-pauper ordinary school the Guardians parent be to persons assisted under the Act. be mentioned that under "The Elementary such shall fees of the not, deprived of any by 40 Vict. c. 79), Section of poverty for his children, such The Poor. Section reason of any franchise, right payment or Where 10. is unable to pay fees may be provides that under privilege, this or be the paid by "the Section, subject [5 Soct. 1. to any Unemjjloyed 7.] Edw. WorJcmen Act, 1905. [Ch. 18.] 23 disqualification." A similar provision is education, includingmaintenance or disal"ility in respect of cost of contained deaf child under of a l)lind and and the orovisions of "The Deaf tary Elemen- (Blind Children) Act, (56 and 57 The Elementary Education Vict^c.42),Sect.10, and (Defective and 63 Vict. and c. Epileptic Children) Act, 1899," (62 32), Education 1893 " (2) Sect.8 c. 50. 33 Sect. enrolled (4) burgess "a enacts a as medical Municipal CorporationsAct, 1882(45 The " by person or removed been has or " from the 46 Vic. he has to be received of the trustees order by and be disentitled (") that only reason surgicalassistance charities, shall not of municipal justice to a a hospital,or place for reception of the sick, at the cost of any local authority ; or (6) that his child has been admitted to, endowed in See further school." and public or taught any The Vaccination The Act, 1867 (30 and 31 Vic. c. 84) s. 26 ; " " " " Removal Act, 1885 Disqualification and Public and "The Health Vic. 49 c. (in 46) ; London) Act, (48 Isolation The 1891 (54 and 55 Vic. c 76) s. SO (4); Hospitals and Vic. 57 23 "The of the c. s. Act, 1893" 68) Cleansing (56 ; and 61 Vic. c. 31) s. 1. Persons Act, 1897 (60 Medical Relief " " " This (8) as and if the the of the City of in London and borough, of this Act rate, but shall not for the The (9) Local application of adjoining or provisionsof if the the near this boi'oughor and were within and with such to the Board and may paid out be reckoned purpose in of the other were limit may, by order, borough a or amount amount. upon or the district extend the district as metropolitan borough administrative modifications appear that on for the consolidated borough any section to that district of the cityof council required Board London, to the were calculatingthe of any Government council of London of the commons assembled shall be City metropolitan borough, a contribution any purposes of the rate were council common to the apply aldermen, mayor, London shall section necessary. county of London, and adaptations as [5Ed\v. 7.] 2. There 24 (1) Local urban last census for and the being provisions of section distress a distress a committee shall, as the same as applicable,as are given by This or body provisionshall extend urban last district for census thousand but not of the borough purpose to Board the to that borough powers, the far so distress in London. to any ten thousand, district make Local they think if the council the application for an Board, Government distress order the and the establish or subject to body body any council, and part with and of similar committees exceptions made any a such Act body and constitutions so by cation, appli- of this central committees or guardians, or, the purposes county distress county any of without for a of board or Government Local application expedient, committees central aforesaid, the the it county any as district or by and their to the distress the Act for municipal borough a population,according to the time fifty being, of less than less than on may, borough of the this been consent. Board in the or (2) Subject if with and fifty have constitution and the to to which council regards duties central Act the London, in district, have and of the than district this similar a or committees order less not or of committee established so of of one committee by [Ch. 18.] municipal borough borough of this Act, with purposes each being, a I'dO^. population,according a time Art, established for with not extended, of be Board district thousand, the shall Government and Workmen Unemployed in established to those London, shall, the order, have the [5Edw. 26 Sect. 7.] Unemployed Workmen Act, 1905. [Ch. 18.} 2. would be very views difficult to force Local to their The Authorities in opposition (Parliamentary Debates). foUowinfjcare less than oU,000 with County Boroughs populations of Bath, Canterbury, Chester, Dudley, Exeter, :" Glouce.ster, Lincoln, Oxford, Worcester. Where (3) have not of county, a been distress under the council of has not shall constitute and to the co-opt any that co-opted shall of the exceed not council be the the through of be to the under of that additional one-fourth a this county under council, with the number of of the duty of the special committee, of area by establishing,taking over, and as manner information Any employment think when required. provisionshall of the county incurred expenses be members so persons total number county purposes, case borough of a rate. fund as as the borough a case for expenses circumstances council out a case, information within their in such other su])ply any such council of such assistinglabour or to by in the paid labour registers, and fit, and they collect to conditions exchanges the to in council, respect or where special committee with in the whole committee. It shall out for the established the a but ; Act committees county, and, been persons committee distress this Act, consisting of members power of established county borough, a borough, this body committee for Act central a a under this county council specialor general may require,and of the boi'oughfund Sect. present [Ch. 18.] 1905. Central a Distress with population according a Consequently 50,000. incumbent on every the on and Council, under Section County Council Council of 27 co-opted, however, of appoint a Borough to power the must co-opt The The Act with a 50,000, to consisting of any to persons number be of persons of the total one-fourth should Council be County less than the exceed not Committee. it will County of the Committee members number of the with of the Council has less than of census of been County Borough London under At " nor except the census : not (3) of the Act 2 every population according to the last a Special Committee additional have for any last the to constitute meml)ers state county except London, established been Committee Board Committees Distress of any whole for the Government Local (3) The Body and S. 2. " estaljlished so Act, 2. Note. a Woi-kmen Unemployed 7.] [5Edw. proceed to in pursuance of the requirements Special Committee 10th October, 1905). (L.Cr.B.C.L. Sub-Section" Committees for regards Distress 2 (1) requires Distress mittees ComCounty Borouglis that Section in such witli to be established a Boroughs populationof It wiil be noticed not less than that as "The 50,000. Urban Order, Workmen) provision accordingly, and (Unemployed makes in Sub-Section "County Borough" County Boroughs with As "Src. 1905 " to duties "The see of Special Committee (3) does Special Committee County, but it County Council districts are is to On the " expression be taken Labour re (Organisation define not act in the areas that the submitted Borough or County or district in their organisation is established of Section therefore 3 should Order to apply to for Exchanges, Unemployed) XIX. Sub-Section for such Committees Provincial " populationless than, 50,000. a Regulations Article Distress 1905" under the of for area an intention shall is appoint respectiveareas Sub-Section 1 which a Administrative or that the Committee a in which no Sub-Section 2 2. the question of expenses incurred the Local the Government Board Act "Any expenses by paid in the case of a County Council out of the County for special or as the as general county purposes expenses circumstances and in the of case a require, Borough may Council out of the borough fund If the whole or borough rate. the of the the area County is within Special Committee, of the Council should be regarded as general County expenses state : must be " Council under the If, however, only part of the County is within tins expenses. it that the expenses to the Board of the Council area, appears should be treated in area." that as specialexpenses L.G.B.C.L., 10th October, 1905. [5 Edw. 2S Sect. WorJcmcn Unemployed 7.] [Ch. 18.] 2. Where (4) London such Section 2 (4) Where respect and "The see at commiteees or established for passing-of with the unemployed, that this or the a distress committee Note. not A whether before by the or dealing under of that as be think Board case with a may this Act committees of or a area. for Body estabUshed established order committee, distress and of Board in accordance for that S. 3. " but distress body for body Act, any Government Local to specialcommittee any establishment central a may distress about are Act, for the purpose and if the and body this area, fit,be temporarily constituted until with area, adaptations as committee under in the be, relating to that to central a area any established body this Act as Kegulations (Organisation distress after central this section XXI. time any a this Act, may, under order. 1905," Article Unemployed) already with modifications the by is made provisionsof apply necessary 3. the area, shall be made order any respects any of Act, 1905. under Section employed, dealing with the UnSection 2 1 (1).or under constituted Special Committtee of establishment Section 2 not, (3), would pending the Section 2 (1) Section 1 the organisation under (1) or have "Distress "Central status or as a Body" (2) any such Committee" constituted the Act under unless as by a under Order Local Government issued the Board, Special by ities, tlie provisionsin Section 3. of LiabilSee Sect. 4 re Transfer (1) (2) of the Act, or a ".C. 4. u.uder (1) this committee An Act may of that an order order of the Local establishinga provide body establishinga or for central the Board Government body constitution distress or and committee, and, in the central body, for the case ceedings pro- of incorpor- Enw. [5 Sect. Workmen Unemjiloyed 7.] Act, 4 ation of that body by property any other of for any property for mattei- any order the and liabilities, also over virtue those or Avhich from taken are effectingby that and, whei'e appropriate name, an liabilities or for body, transfer the of be ])rovision may Act, and for by this desirable special provisioneffectingonly body make to established committee or which made regulations under the by it appears the order. the Local fTOvevnment Board, in (1) empowers Distress Committee, to establishing a Central Body or bfiken lialjilities or are provision, "where proyjerty any for virtue the from of Order other body, effectingby any Note. S. 4 " Order an make over the of the transfer is Urban Order, 1905" Distress "The Article London 1905" London " such vision pro- (Unemployed Organisation Order, Order, (Unemployed " or Workmen) Order. (1) of VL Order Workmen) No liabilities." Committees Provincial " those or in Establishment The in pro|)erty either made Workmen) " 29 [Ch. 18.] 1905. 1905" "The (Unemployed Body Organisation provides, that the Central of name Corporate ])y the for and invest such Central London, Body Employment the of a Body with rights and lialiility Corporate Body. Such is in the Distress made Urban mittees Comnot a provisidn Order issued 1905" to pro(Unemployed Workmen) vincial of not less than Districts 50,000. Boroughs and Urban The in Provision, however, is made Regulations (Organisation shall be Body a Central " " for on Section lease the Distress a Act, established Committee, purchase by agreement or take to land for tlie purposes See Government Board. Local said of 2 for 1905" Unemployed) under of the Act Articles and X., of the consent on of the XXL Kegulations. (2) this Act order An may of the (3) The for those order be of the varied and revoked Board made Local Government cariying Government Local under into regulations,amongst effect other this by any under subsequent Act. I3oard this Boai-d may make Act, and lations regumay things,provide " by 30 Sect. [5 Edw. Workmen Unemjdoyed 7.] [Ch. 18.] I'dOb. Act, 4. (a) for reg-ulating,subject of this the Act, aid under emigration the under Act, and otherwise this Act are by any which in manner to be central body S. " of consent farm the colonies under this like the S. " Unemployed) Note. land is Articles central the purposes any land " Unemploj'ed) S. 4 1905." (^d)for of the or and so for persons the temporary whom work and Regulations (Organisationfor " VIII., and IX. regulatingthe acquisition of land acquired; by agreement the for disposalof and "Regulations (Organisationfor X., employment and offices, established of body a of this Act, and Articles Board, of body provided ; body (3), (c) See the provision,with the for (c) for authoinsingand a ; Government such by 4(3), {b) See 1905." by exercised this Act central a Act, and accommodation Note. this establishment, with Local by consent, upon under " authorising the for regulating See Regulations (Organisationfor Articles II., fll., IV., and V, 1905." Unemployed) or work committee distress or under (3),(") 4 for powers or may provide duties any performed body or a the provision of towards specialcommittee (h) removal, or contribute the Note. central a by Act, and this which under conditions which entertained be committee distress provisions under couditions application may any the to for and XXI. of oiJicers and provision enabling any inspectorof L5EDW. Sect. Workmen Unemployed 7.] Act, im5. 31 [Ch. 18.] 4. the meetiiio: of any this under Note. (e) for See anthorisino- this tinder (/) for the body if the Note. and the fund ; Unemployed) (g) for for XIV. of receiptsof any fund, and for of necessary, a the contribution central tionment, appor- those receipts contribution voluntary rate audit of the established and manner to any as so account of account that and the body property or S. 4 (3), (/")See "Regulations Article XV. 1905." " established Regulations (Organisation " central the between money re.s^ulatingthe money any payment to of any body for and Act, Article 1905." Unemployed) central of XIII. acceptance a (3), (e) See S. 4 and and acquired ; " XII. XL, the administration Note. Kej^ulations (Organisationfor " property by or established committee or the attend to and ; Articles 1905." [Unemployed) body Act (3), {d) S. 4 " Board Government Local matters this Act to the same incidental consequential thereon of any accounts under subject (Organisationfor as to the central in the same provisions the audit accounts or of a county council; and Note. S, " Unemployed) 4 (3) (g) See 1905." Article "Regulations (Organisation (Ji)for enforcing'the payment any in councils pursuance for XVI. liable to make of this Act, of contributions such and by contributions for authorising 32 Sect. [5Edw. Workmen Unemployed 7.] Act, ld05. [Ch. IS.] 4. regulating the borrowing and central Note. " Unemployed) {{) S. 4 (3), (A) See 1905." Articles committee or for provision of 1905." Unemployed) assistance Note. of a central body holding S. 4 " for (m) the Act, by as the Act by (3),(Z) 1905." Unemployed) of matters, such one the body or (Organisation for adaptations, necessary having the powers a "Regulations (Organisation for of local for requiring under powers authority,and XXI. Board for Board the mittee, com- or ; and See S. 4 (3), (/.") Article 1905." Act, and Act body regulations relating to Government Note. the di.'^tress committee for the this body "Regulations a Unemployed) body any and ; to " (Z) by for XX. Article (A-)for applying, with central and Act; under other local a XVIII. powers any any (3),(i)See S. 4 and to another committee this co-operationof with with or " XVII. having area any under by Regulations (Organisation " facilitatingthe for Note. established body of money any body this Act; the purposes to be returns or committee Local the of this made to having' and (Organisation for "Regulations See XXII. Article application for respects auy Parliament the matters of i-egulations, with inquiriesby any purposes to be necessary dealt provision in dealing any of this Avith the modifications with any like or adaptations. Note. " Unemployed) S. 4 (3),(m) 1905." See Articles " Regnlations (Organisationfor X., XVI.,XVII.,XVIII."XXIL 34 Sect. [5 Edw. or general improvement other any proportions be [Ch. 18.] on " shall Act such shall the 1894, rate under such on this the purpose assessment : : fifty-thi'ee (Scotland) Act, for sections substituted shall be borough general superintendent Government Local shall calculatingthe for include eighty-eightof and five,eighty-six, " 57 Vict. 0.73. or and foi"ty-seven, fifty-two, 58. of limit equal fund in visiting" officer and Sections any assessment statutory (7) "Inspector" (8) that in occupiers borough be reckoned not of amount of any " Provided : and owners for assessment" leviable assessment substituted rate c. Act, 1905. 5. (6) "Burgh .-,7" 58 Vict. Workinen Unemployed 7.] eighty- the Local 56 Government (9) " " (10) Municipal buro-ess Subsection shall not county may three of apply to with Board made council be. shall be substituted for " Government order " elector bui-gh except by 1894 Act, on or section any the for the town two of county consent this Act to any or of the Scotland expressed application council, Local as of tlie the case [5 Enw. In the (1) "The 6. application of (2) substituted of not Board (5) any county order of the Local Workmen two the to county a the on county the to of : Act, 1905. forty-fiveof Government Local Order, for sections 1898, eighty-five, eighty-eight respectively of Government may Ireland, application of Enactments) substituted in this Act Government forty,forty-three,and the Local Act section made of that schedule be of to eighty-six, and This in borough and : relating apply (Application 7. Act shall " thousand ten this for Ireland Articles shall " thousand of council the " county a ten three by except the of " apply : Subsection shall " ment Govern- fifty thousand," " for provisions inclusion (4) for thousand," shall not for Ireland 5. be The " " Local the " for respects population five Ireland Board As " (3) to : Section to Act 35 [Ch. 18.] " Board note 1905. this substituted be Act, Government Local shall See Workmen Unemploiied 7.] be cited 56"n7Vict. Act, 1894. as the Unemployed Short title. Duration orders such liabilities and ; securities existing rates, shall "c.), contracts, adaptations as and be and property of such transfer the eighty-eightof relate with such pending modifications order by current to and debts, made make established (which apply, may shall dissolvingthe their purposes Act, 1894 Government 56 " 57 Vict. and the the at continued so commmittees transferring years longer, no and is for necessary distress for and Board eighty-five,eighty-six,and sections Local think Act, and this under 73. and bodies central Government Local they as this Act [Ch. 18.] for three determine, period,unless aforesaid, the as passing thereof, otherwise that expirationof Act, \90b. in force contintie the Parliament unless c. of date the from shall Act This 8. of Worlanen Unemployed 7.] [oEdw. 36 of the Local Board. Government Note. of the Act date The " three periodof the the was 11th therefore, commenced years, August, 1905, to from run the that date. of Sections The Government Local jnanner are as Act, 1894, follows 1894, 56 and The rate appointed day nearly as (2) Act, (1) Every 85 the before collected, and like Goveniment Act, : tioned men- " 57 Vict., cap. 73. and precept for contributions be assessed, levied, and thereof taken, in proceedings for the enforcement Section made Local the of the in this Section be may as of all accoiints shall may as if this Act receipts and had not passed. expenditure before audited, disallowances, surcharges, appointed day and and other enforced, and penalties recovered as consequential proceedings had, in like manner nearly as the be as may after the had Act any of portion tlie shall, until the audit of and not appointed day ; and whose duty it is to make othcer for if this be such audit and same duties same liabilities is continue to render as before as passed, but as soon practicalile authoi'ity,connaittee, or every accounts, to account receipts or expenditure in any for the completed, lie deemed account in the the up any oiHce, and same accounts be bound and aj^pointedday. or to be purpose perform subject the to the [5 Edw. Sect. 8. " Workmen Unent/dvi/cd 7.] Note Act, 1905. [Ch. 18.] 37 " legal and other, coiniuenced before proceedings, in like manner, as 1)6 carried on the appointed day may and had not passed, any nearly as may be as if this Act in such manner as l)e amended such legalproceedingmay may All (3) or necessary appear in order to proper bring it into conformity of this Act. with the provisions for list made force until a (4) Every valuation shall continue this Act is made. in of change of name effect their identityas The (5) shall not from their and any local and powers, of such continue new to refer to new valuation corporate body a list Sanitary Authority Urban an in enactment any or deviate Act, whether referringto the members personal, general, public, authorityshall, unless or parish divided by a this Act, authorityunder its inconsistant of such the members with name. shall ])rejudicially Section 86 (1) Nothing in this Act affect any securities granted before the passing of this Act on the credit of any rate or property transferred to a Council or Parish Meeting by this Act, and all such securities as well as incurred by any and obligations all unsecured deljts,lialnlities, the in relation to any in exercise of or Authority ; any powers Parish transferred from to Council them or a Meeting, property satisfied by that Council or shall be discharged, i)aid,and to it is necessary for that purpose Parish Meeting, and where of any continue the levy of any rate or the exercise power tinue con"which would have existed but for this Act, that rate may to be levied and that power to be exercised either by the who have levied or exercised the otherwise would authority transferee the the case or as require. by same, may (2) It shall be the duty of every authoritywhose powers, transferred l)y this Act to liquidate, before the appointed day, all current debts far as practicable so and liabilitiesincurred by such authority. duties, and Section lial)ilities are 8S debts, liabilities, (1) If or at the time property are by when this any powei-s, duties, transferred to a Act parish meeting, any action or proceeding,or any of action or proceeding is pending or existing by or cause against any authorityin relation thereto the sanu^ siiall not be in anywise prejudicially affected by the ])assingof this Act, be and enforced but may continued, ])rosecuted, by or against the council or parishmeeting as successors of the said authority Council or in like manner as if this Act had not been 407509 passed. Sect. 8. IS.] [Cn. 1905. " All instruments subsisting liabilities, against or in enforced authority, or fully council of the and or shall council or as parish meeting as other in transfer such of effectually parish the of any be and agreements, of time the effecting property, favour as the at and debts, bonds, deeds, contracts, mentioned, section thereto. Act, Note " (2) be Worhnen Uiiemjloyed 7.] Edw. [5 38 powers, full force meeting, if, instead had been this duties, effect and and may of a the party ORGANISATION "THE (UNEMPLOYED ESTABLISHMENT WORKMEN) [Order ^0 the To of City London Commons of Council:" and Aldermen, Mayor, 1905." London]. for ^ountg tl)e c"on^o^ ORDER, Council Common in the bled assem- ; the To Boroughs the To the the And to that the the Distress Body the Metropolitan of the Poor several Administrative County ; several to Committees be established Administrative all others by in whom it may sub-sections the to pursuance Act, 1905, for County ; concern. (1) Workmen Unemployed and Workmen Unemployed said WHEREAS of in Unions Central of Guardians of of London To several ; Boards Law the of Councils and Act, of (8) 1905, Section it is enacted :" "1. "shall " (1) be Government For the established, Board of purposes by under this Order of tliis Act, Act the a there Local distress 1 TJie 40 committee " borough " of the " of " union distress,and '" administrative " partly of " committees " the co-opted " persons " the " of pei'sons partly,if and body, by nominated " order " the " shall provide shall committee " be (8) of number total the " shall nominated or if the " politan borough, '" and " as City boi-ough,and of any this City rate, but " calculating the of any amount limit on in shall ]:iaidout of that not the metro- common required be of aldermen, council the shall Act City a were of Loudon contribution consolidated purjjose the order to the mayor, were " " of London the and assembled purposes of at least by apply shall of the commons " such every established body section This London council and member one of one-fourth woman. a " " that co-opted so persons body, the Goverment exceed not of p)rovides, so Local the of the Board, but the number "and Order the of partly members additional be to by selected and Council, County London distress the and of of members and of the consisting by selected of and members of relief whole London, of county borough the for the body central law poor the in experienced a members every within partly or persons " of guardians of board of members of partly and council Avholly "and metropolitan every London, consisting partly of in borough the of council of the " " \^London']Order. OrgMiiscdion EstabUshnient of the for the of the reckoned be rate amount." for in the The 42 Art. Organisation EsiablisJnnent \_London^ Order. I. (h) Words words (c) The in the singular include in the plural include expression the " Workmen The the Mayor, City of the London in the means ployed Unem- ; Common Council," means of the- Commons and Aldermen, singular; " Act Act, 1905 "the expression plural,and the Council Common bled assem- ; and The expression London Constiiution Article the County II. the means Council. There (1) " Council County shall established be a of _ Distress " Distress of the Committee and Council, Common also Committees a Distress Committee of the of Council politan Metro- every Borough. (2) shall The Committee Distress that comprise twenty-fivemembers, Twelve members Council Eight members Council Five of Union from from persons being persons Guardians Board woman) body own their of the appointed by their at one own experiencedin Common ; Common selected by City body own (of whom outside the " the appointed by and members their is to say the appointed by from Council of the Common ; of the London and least Common body, shall be a Council but from, the relief of distress. Order. [^Londoii'] Organisation Establishment The 43 Art, II. (8) Tlie Borough members Committee Distress shall Council The in Column total shall consist 6 of the number of of number specified in Borough in Order this (ii.)Such Schedule of number Metropolitan Order. to this aforesaid specifiedas Column the Union Council Borough and 2 of Schedule to relation to the Schedule Boi'ough and Poor be a of of from from relief of distress persons as is to this this that the Union is Schedule, Metropolitan ; and one at appointed by the their outside experienced in s{)ecified Order. in Order (of whom Metropolitan Borough Schedule named Union to woman) Council but Metropolitan of members number shall the 4 Law Law Metropolitan Law Poor names Poor in the to the the selected persons of each partly or the opposite appointed by being Column specifiedin body, and in as Borough is as Metropolitan the of of Guardians Borough least 3 of members wholly (iii.)Such the to body own ; Board Column the appointed by their from relation number Box'ough the the members Council Borough tlie total to of members Metropolitan " (i.)Such by relation each the comprise specified in Borough of in own the in relation Column 5 to of 'The 44 \n. Organisation Establishment [^London'\Order. [I." Note" (1). Constitution, of Distress This with estaldisliinent the each 1 (1) Distress liy Section shall of the In accompanying "The In the according 25, made from each that say of population : " of each of 150,000 of members upwards members the of and total number the twelve part 1905), of members appointed by body, eight members own the a Government (20th September, number last Census parts of of members City of London, the with uj) of their selected of case the to Local the Order, the Board the While Act. the constituent three letter prescribes Metropolitan Borough but names the London Committee. Council (1) of 1 the tiieir circular Order at Section Act is in accordance Committees it is left to Committee, to (1) prescribe the number 4 have. persons i"tfixed of Distress of requirement Section Committee. appointed by own boily, and the them five by from outside their own appointed by the Council body persons but from the relief distress. In the in of experienced persons other of every -will be case Metropolitan Borough the numbers and four total of ten, six, a respectively, making twenty Guardians from their members." "The be seen numbers on be to reference to more than in any appointed II., and Article will particular case the Schedule Union is to to the Order." "Where within Law Poor one partly borough between divided appointed has been had their to regard being population (2). Women I\lembers Section 1 that women be being women are Section 20 have met persons distress" least observe more eligibleto the requirement shall 57 from be be that than Vict., (2), to a one [L.G.B.C.L., The Council representatives of the 20th is on or be value." of each of As Metropolitan Section Guardians, Board (1), 62 2 of there although 1894, Order of that Act, Government the mittee Com- M'oman." a guarantee no of 73), by their providing experienced in the relief of of the of the woman. woman 1899, (Local c "persons members "The thei-e l)e elected and chosen Act, of Boards 56 be Councillors elected as members women any "shall least Government Boroitghs (London and 63 A'ict., c. 14), and to concerned, Unions ratsable requires in respect at eligibleto not are memljer one the and wholly Guardians Committees. of Distress (1) of the Act of number the a Act by Distress Local Committee, one at Board Government it desiralile to appoint deem maj' the Committee, especially if the Guardians do September, 1905.] not include a woman." Art. IT. Note " of Commons, the of President the of the administration Keir of Hardie, " Charities under M. which excluded, the of of in the distress," and other persons be might Society in experienced "iierson adopted. was of distinctions invidious A the Mr. administration the Unions words stitution con- in objection by Organisation Charity a amendment an relief of Trail es' (Mr. experience strong "in M'ords In Board enlarge the to of setting up of the to Secretaries members not lead Committees (riiardians. Government After the that P., Local "persons Charities." would Distress and amendment of addition on";inally introduced as for the Councillors Balfour, M.P.) proposed an by Distress. Bill provided entirely composed Committee G. Belief of Workmen Unemployed House 1)6 to in crperienced The in the 45 " Persons (SJ. [Lo7idon']Order. Organisation Establishment The for such precedent Act, 1902, it is made VII., c. 42), where (3) (6) (2 Edwaixl shall be obligatory that "persons of experience in Education" found co-optation is Section Education Elementary the 17 co-opted Local the on stipulationeither in Ratepayers Committee or of the in the advice give any of such persons specifiedin Column from election nuniljcr neither more therefore, a nor 1)6 elected See Note wim to'that be the The the either Distress Board and selection Couiu'il Scliedule no the to 5 the the Article disqualitiedunder is to X of the Order. Article. (1) ITI. Article the shall Government matter. outside of " whicli is that Order, less [L.(i.B.C.L., 20tli Septem])er, 1905], is, No one, however, entirely for tiie Council. matter can Local the have nor ; or for area Tliere Order the relief of distress in the to Committee. Act present residents is elected attempted Eilucation the experienced "persons the in At nieetiim- a be to held within ^ three from weeks the of this date Order, within or ' such further Guardians Board of partly in their of members of City of London body the in the of the other a pei-sons one case, Distress who by case by the Committee Board and Union are to of select be from Council, Boroug-h Council, ; and or afterwards tlie Common the of "^^ ^fg^^g""^ Committees every wholly shall appointment the Union, Law Poor a allow, may Metropolitan Borough a own in the We as Guardians appointed, and, time Selection and - ^ Clei-k as to Art. Organisation Establishment The 46 III. Guardians the Council case require. shall,at meeting a weeks five further time We as date the Borough Council, The whom Town not less than the meeting at which the make selection as the that and the from Aveeks Local Board give made or by person Council to or every member in writing of of of members of the and as a intention made by each later than the of tlie should consider be made it should Board within at the be M'hom " earhest made further such allow. may to October, 1905 Uth Order],.or Board Government Coinmittee. of Distress Members is to be not date selection the the officer appointment is to be Gnardians applies by Order the of or appointment. (1) Selection of The shall of members Common the such be. days' pi'eviousnotice seven Committee Distress of given, are the Council may other within or Common case or meeting Council Borough the as expiration of the Order, the as Council Borough before the to Council, each of this Clerk, of notices and names, persons Borough of the Committee Distress said allow, appoint may the (3) the held be to the from the Council Common The (2) to or the communicate descriptionsof Common may forthwith shall addresses, and to Order. [London^ the [three time It is desirable possiibledace within tlie three " unless this is really impracticable all cases, [L.G. not The Order does require 20th September, 1905]. B.C.L., the of the Meeting at which notice to be given to the Guardians selection is to be made. Regulations wliicli the (ruardians, as Act, 1894, empowered by Sect. 59 (l)of the Local Government made with respect to notice of have and 57 Vic, c. 73), may weeks in (56 meetings business and should to the however transaction be and complied with management if time of permit. their The Order. OrganisationEstahUs1nucnt[^Loiidoii'] TJic Art. III. Note" " comnuinication made be to the selection made has "Forthwith" meaning "within (Guardians l)ythe in , soon descriptionsof Clerk the to The forthwith. been construed as it should be taken cases the the to case delay" L.J. be to "As that addresses say names, ai'e (per 207). ch. Common " sent and by the or the Council requii'e." may should communication the selected persons Guardians as accordingly made, the Council, Borough is selection the as Board Government Local of (4uardians made time," but "Avithout meaning 51 ex jiarte Lamb, the The be reasonable a the to is to of number a Clerk l"ythe as present connexion re Jessel, M. K. Sonthan, in 47 be written a notice to the sent of the Council. Clerk are Although the Guardians only to select,not to appoint, of the it is the duty to appoint the Guardians Council selected allowed the Order. not exceeding the number by of the Distress Committee. (2) Appoint)?ient The later not appointment has to be made date the five weeks from 2oth Octolier, 1905 (by which of the Order expires) or witliin such further time as Beard Govemiuent that allow. may will "It than the the date Local the probably be venient con- until each Board appointment should be made in the Borougli have selected their representatives, of Guardians otherwise these be appointed at a as representatives nnist it is but the ai"])ointment desirable that subsequent meeting ; the should take place at earliest date practicable,and the Board no that sliould ascertain the Council when the names of the selected be Guardians will received, so that by persons the of the Committee be appointment of the members may made afterwards as soon as possible [L.G.B.C.L., 20th September, suggest the 1905]. The (3) their ('ircular In Local (xovernment Act, point of out the appointment that are for the Committee Distress is of The so. left with not [Art. that Therefore: of the "Distress the Borough Section In has to be so 1 (1) of the will lie a Committee Council." the Committee far made the as by the mittee Comactual Council, Council, however, in appointing the Connuittee discretion any must XIV] Letter oj the Council. 20th, September, 1905, the Board, having in mind comply procedure of the they Committee a ami "Unless with the as Committee not left to Bules size of the of the Order. to the terms is the Committee, Moreover, prescribed by the Council [made to Order ]"rescribe. under Article XIV] that the acts of the Committee require, it will not Vie necessary sliould be submitted for continuation to the Council by whom " they are ajjpointed." [L.G.B.C.L. October, 1905]. with so Regulations, 10th The 48 Art. III." EstdhlisJinient Organisatioii Note" Notice (4) "Not the less than exclusive this of notice selected be subsequent need the appointincniis flays'previous notice" daj^on wiiich the notice that of Term office of means is seven given of and Borouo-li (1) of names at what the date lised for some day September, 1905]. meeting is [L.G.B.C.L., 20th establishment in as of or Committee. of selected he of Board for the he as member a becomes he of out goes bv a shall whom by of Guardians appointment until or Guardians resigns,or Council mittee Com- Council, of of dies, or of the Distress a Common Boai'd a member appointed, or of of the office until a Committee, member A member a Council, continue was the the in difficid/ies TV. Avlio is of office and date. until if it is ascertained XV. Article of deferred received, are of Article be not received, to Removal See Committees vliich at seven the Guardians will they members Distress Meeting made. the meeting is held [Zouch v. Empsey, 4 B. day on which Aid. 522; E.v. J. J. Salop, 7 L.J.MC. 56]. "The giving and of Council of be to days Order. \_London'\ was he whom Distress a disqualifiedby virtue of this Order. A (2) been member of Council from continue the for of the member disqualified by Provided who ceases shall be he virtue a hold the time their the by a but distress,shall resigns,or appointed or or has body, own relief of dies,or was who Council Committee, Distress that to he which as re-eligible if,at so outside in oifice until period to be from experienced in persons Committee Common the appointed by Borough Distress a to until completes serve he as a becomes of this Order: member office in a member of re-appointed. of a Distress pursuance of the Committee of this Article Distress re-appointment,he is mittee Com- qualified The 50 Art. [//OHrfow]Order. OrganisrdionEstablishment V. or, where the selected by Board a Council the which expirationof such whom the of to each give of the member is to be of the the Council either case, or by person given are shall days'previous seven which at of the and made, and officer Council meeting cation communi- allow. may other or meeting writing of in notice We the address, in or, person after of the names, selected, Clerk a meeting of that at date the as of made immediately the of time Town notices from pei'son further The (2) held Council description of within be days seven be Guardians, of will the to is to appointment the ment appointthe to make intention appointment. The Clerk Town after any such the Clerk or is made the to said afore- as person forthwith shall Committee Distress description of and address, names, officer appointment notifyin writing to the other or the person appointed. (1) Notice The terms Clerk, Town Council of that case Guardian to of the Section, by given by See Committee. no directions that a the of the identical filled,are of fact of the of the will Board under fill the selection the is to be he of meeting as to has vacancy wise of vacancy by death, resignation or otherit is the Committee member of apriarently will be fact of the the that (1) vacancy knowledge original selection to cantains Order communication " the notice Council, of the vacancy the But (.3). granted the to the as original appointment Guardian a for Mdthin the casual re the In taken each to is to make who arisen. Order member terms III. Article of the which at the with (2) of Vacfoicy. Clerk proceed Art. vacancies will to be the of Board III. ; as on of made, the (3) again Guardians occasion Order, the and concerned Guardians as [See on Art. ; the select to the that of a cation communi- the original III. (1)]. V Article of of the knowledge met who under may in respect of explicitdii-ection casual has arisen may be vacancy accordance with their the manner Act, shall (56 in which Time Clause evident is to he vacancy (1) of the Article is that, where the death that member by and otherwise, not notified Local ment Govern- (7),Note 46 to vacancy shall be filled within vacancy be may if but shall be the filled at well very vacancy in of of and vacancy, required by in which the selected ])erson Town has Clerk the the Clause (2) of the Guardians are to by or the CJuardiatis There one as the soon as "immediately" by the Clerk to given the select then held meeting Article. or member a Guardian a (for that is the meaning of the word in the Art.) after communication made Guardians member, a relief of distress, the of occurrence was Council the Distress after the weeks memlier the the but in the Councillor a four drawn, occurs resignation experienced persons filled. was from vacancy, a or selected used See 73), Section is not intention Committee the direct. Vict., c. 57 have be to X. Article (2) and of seat vacancy Committee has their to Where necessary. Committee as 1894 directions Order, such arises from disqualification or absence, the but the vacancy declare to seat vacant, only in such the giving, in of XIV. of office out be within to their Clerk. a deemed going or is hound course Committee Art. be the death Order the notify that is to as of and Council the Distress by powers Clerk fact deficiencyof The to as from arises vacancy Councillor, the a 51 Note" " the Where [^London] Order. Organisation Estahlishment The of as the fill the to requisite notice is stated no their time number fill to vacancy. Terms. (3) Meaning of Within " of the four On occurrence. Art. Art. is the the III., and after the day The occurrence." next follows the expre.ssion"Forthwith" expression on that "Seven Note see days" first day see of day the (1) Note on (4) on III. AirncLK Central The name four weeks weeks VI. (1) There shall Body'' for the Administrative Central of London," " with Body The shall Central be a be established County of London. "' (Unemployed) a Constitution of "'eQtrai Body. body corporate by perpetual succession,and a Body common the for seal, Art. Organisation Estahlishment The 52 Order. \_Lonclon'\ VI. and with hold lands Westminster woman) the their of the Committee Distress of of Central of Section four (government from case Committee their of every (not exceeding eight) Us whom : and the shall least at one members be a of the members additional and selected the Body. of Central 1 (1) of the Board While Section by to the with is in accordance Body Act. (three obligatory and Board) constituent Body, the pi'oportionateparts subject to each : be by Establishment the in aforesaid. as left from case Metropolitan Borough by (of Body (1). Constitution it is body by own Committee of members persons nominated names their in each by Council co-opted to Central from Distress nominated be Eight of the the number ma}' Local the " selected Borough Such Act to : body by other the and members Two requirement for mortmain Distress of the Council the This and name, : the by Council Common as in selected members body own in that comprise selected Council County shall Body members Four of licence any Central Four own be sued tlie Act. The the and sue without of purposes (2) to power Section one at (1) limitation the option of Central parts 4 (1) of 1 to prescribe by made The Art. Note VI." Section The total Order members as to the the persons of the Central and membership is The one-fifth Distress from {2 J. The is 16, in Body Body of rather or proportion "persons Central of persons nominated by number Committees Committees number The 84. i)rovidedfor total the (1) Body tlie 53 " 1 Central Order. Organisation E-'^tabUslimcnt [London^ co-opted by the the said is the for provided as nominated less Board. and than in co-opted one-fifth of the projiortion adojited for elected resjiectof the person those on experienced in the relief of distress." Body Corporate. a The provision of the order making the Central Body a Body Corporate with perpetual succession, t*ce. is in accordance with the delegated lejrislative authority given to the Ijocal The Government Board Central by Section 4 of the Act. Body , will therefore Local have the Government al rpupw Body " Succession must in Body Central or Common the order the a any into Seal. and, if there years exist. corporation changes there membership. is be no provisions,the expression Perpetual " preserved be may The of succession the that means should for, its The individuals by Incorporationand is in the making and mouthpiece." corporation's"hand the unaffected, and going is the Seal Common of contracts, "g., of symbol under Authorities substitution to cease as notwithstanding of, or coming out the of, extension or Central and only for three is Act Local Acts. (3). Perpetual Succession The of status (4). Lands. explanation of The for in mortmain license the right given the of purposes and Mortmain to hold " lands Act" the without is tliat in Uses Charitable 1 (1) of the Act, 1888 Section is land not be shall Vict. C. it enacted that 52 and 42), (51 behalf of assured to or for the benefit of, or acquired by or on any of a Corporation license in mortmain, from the otherwise Crown, of or than under Statute a the for the that if any land is so assured otherwise force, and aforesaid the land shall be forfeited to the Crown.. in The the old said Act Statutes of 1888, is an Act and other or than the corporations which unservicable as consolidating iiain of forfeiture under prohil"iting "to of land religious and supi"osedto hold them in a dead amending authority being time hand." ation alienwere Art. Organisation Estahlislunent The 54 VI. Note " " Land is defined Charitable Uses tenements and tenure, but or House of London up There was nominate with or 73) including as incorporeal of any other personal estate for the to total the Central Body Committees po\\er the of This adopted by once or C. for the Distress Local of the added on body. Board to during the Govemuient of Commons the additional co-opt was be to of and number provision stage in the House Pancras, St. provided fourth a members. Committee Vict. and introduced Bill, as originally of tlie provision no 55 Mortmain land. Workmens Council, to The Co-opted Members. Commons, County of land, or with of members members (at and 3 corporeal secured, money connected Unemployed constituted and Act, 1891, (54 (5). Nominated The Section by hereditaments not arising from in the [^London']Order. amendment an of Captain Jessel, ]\1.P. for enable such a provision would House) who pointed out that such bring into the Central Body well-known men, Mr. Charles as Booth, the Bishop of Stepney, and Mr. Steadman, otherwise who might not lind a seat on this body. A precedent the Board for to such vesting contained (30 Vict. of the reference C. under 6) 1 the nominated by upon members London." There insisted so Central the be to Order found Act, that it is that tliere will such shall be for if the Local present Order members The on not Body (Unemployed) provides. so be It Act, 1S(37 members nominate present tlie is Act, Poor provides. nomination The respect to be not either be ih embers Section of the 1 Central by met members Body "one See further Order at the aj Act "shall Act or with Order need They Katepayers, They must, See disqualifiedby Article X. " Central a woman." providing (2) Body. I'equiresthat be lease shall Note the thereon. (1) of the the nor not are in co-oi)tedmembers. or jjersous and tlie note Woollen down London, in who Article (6 J. nominated resident however, that comj)letesthe Election. is laid ij[ualilication No is the of only are Board Board. terms on Board's Government said Board Government Metropolitan the (1) of " Local the Asylums Section to of which Metropolitan the in power Section 11 in be a that woman." to Article II. at least This of the one member rec^uirement eight co-opted be Committee each. .Distress within time further members as We 7naj of the Central Committee Distress The (2) of notices after theii- weeks two Clerk, days' previous notice of the intention to members the The the Clerk selection members Body selected (3) After by the co-opting meeting at be the additional a time and Us. Distress such the or by whom Committee less than not meeting seven at which selected or and of aforesaid,after person forthwith of descriptions transmitted the by to several of the attend be with fixed the a by Centi-al Distress several Body shall, for place the of members members, the cause to Us. of members and respects in accordance by held number Council person to be are nomination Central or of the shall selection Council of the members made the and Committees, other to or member officer and of members selection. members, addresses, names, Order, select. officer Body other Appoint- within or the as to writing the make of Body each in meeting to be meeting a a of this appointment, Council Central or at other of the meeting the date entitled or at allow, shall select such are given, shall give to are from 55 Order. Council County six weeks within held and of (1) The V'II. Aeticlp: to [London^ Organisation Establishment The by Us, the ]jur})ose of preliminary Us arrangements and in to be Body. The 56 Art. Organisofion Establishment '^London']Order. vri. Every Central Body member shall,not shall Us appointed by the held The at desires co-opt less for first time a the tliat propose as person descriptionof before of the the Members date transmit to Us. person Central fixed be the the additional an days seven place to of the (1). Appointment to preliminary meeting, meeting and a than address, and names, (4) who iiiember shall Body be Us. by oj' Central Body. from the date of the Order period of six weeks ('20th the 1st ^November, 1905, by that September. 1905) expires on date therefore tlie County Council must appoint their members the unless Local the Central Board (Tovernment on Body, The extend the time. the 25th 8th November October, Central appointment be much so the it. earlier preciseperiods Body the September, 1905.] (2) Notice See the that of Council tativ Note (3). Notice soon the as October, then Body fourteen appointed Article, be so the the on that will days will make made within the Central pcssible." [L.G.B.C.L., as " Committee Meeting to appoint es. (4) to Article of desire Central -selection should Distress or the November, in the as members 25th on until have the itself beinc: mentioned 20th Represe n 8th Committee be constituted may members their than day of the It is desirable " the of will their until appointed not III.), appointment of apjiointed before if but their from the Committee (see Article 1905 for Body, Distress Any III. to propose to co-opt a person. (1) that notice by letter,addressed to the Secretary of the Board, is sent by the time required, and the information required by the Article, (2) that it contains viz. : the full name, address, and the trade, profession or rank should Care of the make to person its own co-opt on taken The proposed. to as re^'ulations any occurring, or vacancy (4)- Meaning For be the Central to be of notice on Body will have to required for proposal of service term expiring. Terms. reckoning expression "forthwith," see of Note time, and (4) and of the (1) to Article III. explanation Note The 58 Art. Vlir." Organisation Establishment Note- As Order to making Resignation is to be sent effected, see Note In (2) that Article Body by of Central IX. of the the additional this Order, death select delivered at of that Body. Distress or Central Committee by of case an Body shall, subjectto another co-opt or member a in tlie " Central in the resignationof or it is matter notice by selected, or, the the occurrino- vacancy was member, be in the Clerk to or Council tliat member of Notice is to be considered Resignation regulation any a whom to as IV. Body On reason otherwise, whom wlien or Resignation should of the meeting mention no Article absence the submitted or [^London^Order. member his in place. The shall be selected Committee, Body, to of selected person held tlie vacancy within weeks such after further or of meeting a four within or at Council of the meeting a co-opted or be at fill the co-opted to or vacancy Distress Central the the time occurrence as We may allow. Clerk The o" meeting Central of Body notice in is be to or the writing of or or Council, given are made officer other the shall give or days' previous seven at which the member additional notices whom Committee, Distress meeting the by person selection is to be co-opted. Clerk The any such or selection fortwith Central person Body the selected. other by person the as aforesaid Council notifyin writing names, or to address, and a shall, after Distress the Clerk mittee, Comto the occupation of the Art. IX. ( 1) Order. \_Loiidon'\ OrganisationEstablislunent The 59 Note" " Notice of Vacanry. The Order County contains Council in their occurred direction no the or notifythe shall to who as Committee Di^^tress that has vacancy similar a a tlie Central Body deficiencyexists under Article V., see Note (1) Art. how be met, substituting in that note deliciencymay Body for Distress Committee. The Town representationon Committee the of terms Clerk is the (;J) Time see Article Committee or to till vacancy and same in tchich to should X. identical 46 ^Section V. to as Central given by Council of or the terms with re the doubt (2)). No be observed fillvacancy, l)e to meeting VII. such. as tbc. For reckoning of "Time" Note (4) and Note (1) to Art. Article of not are notice to as Clerk (see Article original appointment intention " expression "Forthwith" and III. of the Government Local nisquaiiflcations. Act, 1894, shall the to Ijodj,and Central to and re-enacted in become Note. follows : " said made terms the disqualifiedby person member, any disqualifiedby The section and as to the herein were applicable; every applied so of this Order. virtue mentioned Section if,with as section said and Committee, Distress a modifications, the necessary shall apply Article this in is as " Local Section or 46 being a A (1). member district other Act Government than (") is (6) has an be of person chairman or a borough infant or within or council a of board a parislior of guardians if he a a or ; months election, or his before union parociiial or ; or before or option of has and within a line, or not to received any hard any a during tiie adjnilged bankrupt, or or arrangement w his convicted summarily of imprisonment with meiit of of election, received (c) has, within live years his election, been to 57 Vict., c. 73], for disqualified being elected alien an twelve .sint:e his relief [56 and 1S94 shall election either labour greater free time made itli his creditors mdict- on crime, and since or sentenced the without punishment, pardon, or aforesaid, a has, been compositionor ; or Art. OrganisationEstablislmcnt The 60 X. Note " " (d) holds office under paid any district council case (e) is concerned in the of or (2). Provided council or work any by a of bargain or contract the authority of the under a of sale being be not for disqualified of chairman or interested lease of or such any " in any loan the council or board, or in any the council for the supply from to money with contract shall person member reason (a) in the such any done board. or being board entered l)argain or contract any council or or board, participates the that or or profit of council elected in with the parisfic luncil or of guardians, as the board or be ; may into being Order. \^London'\ land, of whicli he is lands anv or occupier,of stone, for or gravel, or making in the or repairing highways bridges, or transport of materials for the repair of roads or immediate bridges in his own neighbourhood ; other owner or materials or (5) in in any newspaper relating to the inserted (c) in any with contract of the advertisement council is board or in any the council joint stock board or company the meeting of on rjuestionin which any interested, excepted that board are of affairs any ;'or shareholder he shall not or which vote at any a as ; but council such in the pany com- case established company company of works for the carrying on of a like publicnature, this prohibitionmay be dispensed with by the county council. a water or other who is a parish councillor, or is a a (3). Where person candidate for election as a parish councillor,is concerned in any such bargain or contract, or participatesin anv such profit,as disqualifyhim for being a parish councillor, the disqualification be removed of the council if are they county by may that such removal will be beneficial to the parish. opinion "svould is disqualified a (4). Where by being adjudged person his with bankrupt or making a compi"sitionor arrangement shall cease, in case creditors,the disqualification when the is adjudication annulled, or when discliyrgewith misfortune a without composition or certificate any that his misconduct arrangement, on bankruptcy on payment his of he Imnkrujitcy, obtains was part, and, of his debts his caused in case in full. by of Organisation Ent(iblishinrnt The Art. X." Gl Note" A (5). lie \_London^ Order. for being disqualified person for being disqualilied (6). If than member a rural a of of councillor. district of council a guardian shall also a parish, or of guardians, a hoaid a a or a from expirationof becomes those the council be vacant, and members and to notitied (9). This case of the clerk of the council the the signed by three council or board, direct, and board or for office vacant. when votes acts when or disqualilied, person liable this section, he shall for each offence be to elected are if that London apply authority auditors were if as in the accordance in pounds. exceeding twenty line not a shall section members as the on guardians declare notice thereupon become conviction summary reason his seat vacates by as maimer of board a forthwith same countersigned by If any prohibitedunder manner shall signifythe (8). whose or in such tlie office shall on board months vacant. of a council member a or (7). Where for or ollice, disqualihed holding absence, and become months district is absent of borough, six than meetings of the council or board for more for some consecuti\ of illness, or eiy, except in case his shall the ofhce council or board, approved by other they authority any this Act in like with district a of case council, and of members were a in the district council. In should the : substituted " Parish of "Board " District for such Guardians" " Council should Body" of Council the provisions of follows : a of Borough" a " Board as the a or Council" I*arish or Distress Committee for "Parish be substituted (3). Sub-Section as " should Body" "Council as than other or " or (2). "Members stated expressions District a "Central or or case require. may On modifications following Committee" "of or the " (1). "Distress be Section foregoing be observed (5) should be read above Section the as or Central Councillor." deleted. it may be further " (a). Infiincy. Full (h). age is attained on the day before the to wlio 21st birthday. Allen. On any Naturalization referred to. question Act, as 1S7I" (.33 and may 34 lie Vict., C. Alien, 14), should an the be The 62 Art. X. Note " OrganisationEstablishment Order. [^T^ondon'] " (c). Relief. "Relief." under Index See Crime. (d). A on summary V. London 55 J.P. conviction offence an on conviction School is pnnisliableM'ith imprisonment Conybeare di'squalifies. L..T.,Q.]?. 44: 63 L.T. (N.S.) 651 : crime a Board, 60 that 151. (e). Banlcruptcy. In held R. that Coohan V. under f56 Rule L.J.M.C. II. J.P. 51 33: 5 of Schedule 500^ it was Health Act, Public to 39 Vict. 1875 (38 and C. 55), an a-ssignment of propprty for with benefit of creditors was not necessarily a composition Board. Local of creditors a disqualifyintxfor membership Section 46 (I) (c) of the Local fiovernment Act, 1894 (56 and 57 with "an Vict. C. 73), it will be noticed, makes arranarement and the said Rule did not, a disqualification, creditors," which therefore such apparently (f) Disqualificationfor It is advisable absence the explain his 62 L.J. Mayor, V. Brown, 28 Welshpool, is mentioned as is declared seat a be afforded (Richardson opportunity an to Board School Metley v. for vacant (N.S.) 308). of Vacancy. office is not of Sub-Section R. before L.T. 69 ; property disqualifies. absence. should absence 943 (g). Declaration The that that member Ch. of assignment an arrangement an (7) actually to as has been of Leeds, 7 A. ".*v:c.. and E. L.T J.P. .502: 37 (N.S.) 407; L.T. 35 (N.S.) requirements of complied with. until the vacant declaration 963; R. v. Hardwicke v. Mayor, "c., of 598. First meeting of The XI. Article time and Distress Committees] first meeting Council of every Common and of the of the Distress Distress Committee Committee Metropolitan Borough Council in the one case shall and of holding of the Common Council of the be by fixed the the by the Borough Council in every Convener of Meeting. shall be no provision as to who it will of the first meeting of the Distress Committee, As convener and the other place case. Notice Order makes first The for the Council to appoint a convener. be necessary as possible after the appointment meeting should "be held as soon of the Committee." [L.G.B.C.L., 20th September, 1905.] Xr." Art. Note- have first meeting to appoint at their Committee fourteen [Article XII.], and have, within days of appointment, to appoint representatives on the Central [Article VII (1)] the notice convening the meeting should As a 63 [^London']Order. Organisation EstahHslinient TJte the Chairman their Body that state meeting the among will be of items the business A rei"restntativesmentioned. Article need Body be first the at and of the is mentioned in first at the appointed Committee Distress their at transacted Chairman a yiee-Chairman not Each XII. Article Central he but XIV., he to of appointment meeting. aud the thereafter meetino-, and as "'^ anii . requires,shall occasion appoint . of their one number to be Chairman. The the of office of the term Committee Distress if but Committee whom by the Council to be to a be member Committee the or shall foi'tliwith Chairnuin Note XIV., III. an " As for of Body Central Body, as appoint Member a be he or was ceases co-opted the the as an Distress case another the member a Body, of or cause, Body, as by member a whom be to or of the Council of Guardians by Central Central rest the to ceases of the to Distress otlier Committee member of the to be any as appoint, Board ceases such be Body appointment of the proceed for the Chairman from member a nominated additional or Disti'ess or Central of the for Central shall member a Committee, of the selected be Committee Distress of the the terra selected was Distress Chairman the appointed, or was he whom Chairman or to ceases he of the that during Chairman of Distress CoM.mittee be, may person to be term. to appointment of a expression "forthwith" V ice-Chairman see Note see (1) to Article Article Body, Central OrganisatioiiEstahlinhment The 64 Article of meetings the held be the appointed by first meetino-, all ordinary Committee Disti'ess a shall Body After XIII. \^London']Order. such at times Disti-ess of or and Central the places Committee the or are as Central Body. An extraordinaiy meetinq- of or the Central Chairman a his on Committee business other the shall Body a Distress be from of or that than shall be of the but Body, the specifiedin extraordinarymeeting receiptof members Central the the by the on three any Committee summoned or responsibility own requisitionin writing Distress of no for summons transacted that at meeting. Note. XIV. Article Distress decided and a second The or of the at question,and person presiding*at members in the the shall Body of the votes of meeting a Central that voting on the of or majority a XIV. Every question Committee by of votes Act imder See " be present of case a equality shall meeting have casting vote. of quorum Central Body members of shall the be Committee Distress a one-third of the Committee, Distress whole or of or the of number of the Central Body. A Distress appoint from Committees, consistingof Committee their among either such or of a number the Central members general of or such Body and so may many specialnature, persons as the and Distress- Art. Oryanisation Establishment The 6G XIV." Order. [^I^ondoii} Note" "Kule shall Rule except, in case this Act to by of with the the of or If to appointment of with to Body respect with or Distress with the of to selection the which appears expedient for removal a of a Distress Central or for a be by be such for or Order to or do or difference the of proper of or of a mittee Com- necessary holding Committee entitled Guai^dians, Committee proper of members may of any or Centi-al Distress to the to Committee a or difficulty the Distress of mittee Com- respect may We determination establishment of of Board Us to Distress of the meeting' of such meeting Distress Body, arises difficulty with or Council of any Body, a number a first or of members the by anything the a selection Central or transacted of Body, whom the meeting." a summons difference members of the or member any thereat." Central to be establishment Committee respect on validity of the any respect a])point after summons at a meeting relating thereto, quarterly meeting, business prescribed a XV. respect of the shall transacted be ARTICLE of business specified in that the affect the not No 8. than other at attend of service Want 7. days to summons Council " Removal a Rule " of the Three 6 Council, clear least before meeting of any meeting, s|)ecifyingthe thereat and business proposed to be transacted signed by the Town Clerk, shall be left or delivered by post in a registered of every member of the letter at the usual place of abode Council three clear days at least before the meeting." the the the tii'st Central the Body. Short title. ARTICLE XVI. This Order C)rganisation (Unemployed Order, 1905." may Woi'kmen) be cited " as Establishment The The Organisation Establishment [^London']Order, SCHEDULE. Constitution of Distress Committees. 67 68 The S"t(ibtShment{^London']Order. Ovga'o^SQiton umber of Members appointed. From Persons Poor Metropolitan Borough wholly Law or Union partly m From Council 10 From Guard- experienced Total Num- 20 The Organisation Given under Establishment the Seal Government in and the OiBce of this Boai"cl, September, hundi'ed {Loi\don'\ year Order. of Twentieth One 69 the Local day thousand nine five. G. W. BALFOUR, President. S. B. Provis, Secretary. of DISTRESS URBAN "THE COMMITTEES ESTABLISHMENT WORKMEN) (UNEMPLOYED 1905." ORDER, for (Order "\vith of population a of "^0 ti)e Council and which to [Note. Guardians of Board the To applies ; and Wales " Schedule]. See " BorouCxH EnCxLAnd in Order this 50,000 Municipal every District Urban Districts census). last at than less not Urban and Boroughs Provincial wholly Union such of Borough Municipal in comprised partly or Law Poor every trict Dis- Urban or any ; " To of pursuance And to all others WHEREAS by Act, Workmen "2. "of " the Committee Distress every 1905, (1) Local cipal borough Order; this whom 2 (]) shall Government and urban concern. of the that it is enacted There " it may Section be in established be to : Unemployed " established Board district for with by each a order muni- popula- Tlie " tion " being of not " being a of extended, " for the " London, " distress the " distress " London." Borough distress the to the of consist partly of members and partly of members the Borough, of distress, and Committee be and a And 4 of the that shall woman of that Distress every Board Order provide that the body in a said Metropolitan Committee Council Borough Guardians of in the establishinga one to Distress experienced persons Act as of the of every far so the every of the district, or (1) of of Council iu estab- so central constitution similar committee this 1 been council a powers, and is in and given by are London, shall the committee effect of Section the relation Committee of not pro- have Act distress time the Act, with a committees whereas in of duties same applicable, as And this of the this committee to that and of one which to 71 and fiftythousand, shall, as regards their borough have " section the for census district or purposes constitution last less than a " lished the to borough " '" Act, uccording visions " [^Provincial]Order. OrganisaiioiiEstahUshment in relief Distress member at least shall (1) and (2) of Section ; whereas Act " " Board " body by sub-sections it is enacted 4. (1) under or An that Older this distress : " of Act committee the Local Government establishing a may provide central for the 72 Tlie " constitution and " committee, and, " lishing a " that any property any other " " order the in liabilities or for " provision may be " this " make or (2) revoked, by any " made this under as I. appears Words females the Act those or Avhich for regulations under the desii'able the to body order. Government Local varied, be may follows In : We, Our of exercise hei-ebyOrder (6) property the of virtue of order the and Board this Act." under in the by from over it appears subsequent THEREFORE, (a) taken matter by of order An " intention made established committee Board Article any and, where name, special provision affecting only " Board, for for which Act, and " NOW that estab- order an or incorporation of are of body that effecting by transfer also " for the appropriate an liabilities,and " of case body, body, the of proceedings central body by " [^ProvincialsOrder. EsfabUshment Organisation : this that the powers behalf, do in that is to say Order, Government Local " the unless contrary " importing the gender masculine include ; Words in the singular include words in the pluralinclude the the plural,and singular; 74 The Article Organisation Establishment II. Column of the 1 in Column opposite to the number Council wholly the District named in Columns Order Union is and or appointed by the be distress the and (of tlie present Schedule to Distress their specified 4 of that the of Poor this whom Law of at one the in in the of relief relation in but body, own District to the 5 of Column Order. Committee. of Distress Local number letter to appointed by experienced Urban or estal)lishment their circular or Schedule Committees is in accordance 2 (1) of the Act. the re([uirement of Section constituent the three i)avts of eacli Distress pre"crihe Urban Union names District outside is as Borough the or Law 2 of the to Union Borougli Poor woman) a from of the the by Law the to of members persons Constitution Poor Borough 1 and Urban shall from selected and Council the Schedule specified in Column number least the in opposite oi' ; (iii.)Such it is left to is Borough persons relation Urban Borough but in as Schedule, names of Order that of each partly or District This being of Guardians this of of members and Board the 3 name this to District; (ii.)Such (1). Schedule specified Urban with Order. [^Provincial'\ (Toveriuueiit of nieml)ers the '20tii Board each by part Section (1) Coiiinnttee, Section shall 1 4 have. (1) to In September, 1905, accompanying (Outside London) Ordei', the Board say that : " Article Order. \_Provincial'] Organisation Establishment The 75 Xote" II." Order The " prescribes the number of members of the boroughs with a population according to the last of case of 400,000 persons of members total the census, the In Distress Committee. of upwards number is fixed 40, made at appointed by the council from their own up but selected by the ajtpomted by them bodj', 14 members appointed by body, and 8 persons guardians from their own from outside their the council own body but from persons of members 18 the experienced in relief of distress. population between with a will be 16, 12, and meml^ers, whilst with a will be In the and 200,000 respectively,making 7 in the of case of case population l)et\veen 100,000 and 200,000 6 respectively,making a 14, 10, and the In members. of case will district the numbers be other any 12, 8, and total a urban and boroughs boroughs the numbers 400,000 of 35 districts the numbers total borough of 30 urban or making respectively, 5 total of 25 members. a "The will be to the numbers seen appointed Article to in particularcase any II. and the to Schedule Order. "Where partly regard has the divided been their to Members law poor number ojie borough a l)einghad Women than more within appointed (2). be to reference on between population of Distress union of is wholly guardians to or be concerned, the unions rateable value." and Committees. eligiblefor election as Borough Councillors Lady Sandhurst, 58 L.J.(.i.B.316 ; 61 L.T. (N.S.) 150 ; 53J.P. 805], but are eligibleto be elected Councillors District for an Urban not a Act, Borough [Local (lovernment AYomen not are [Beresford Hope 1894, 56 and 57 v. Vict. [said Act, Section to Distress 20 Committee C. 73. Section (2)]. Why see Note 23 women (2) (2)], and to Guardians as for eligil)le are Article II. of the election London Order. (3). Persons See Note as experiencedin Beliefoj Note (3) Article three such to if inserted Guardinns (I) from further of the time a II. of the London Order and read here. III. weeks Article Distress. as Pooi- At a date We liaw be held meeting to of Order, may Union tliis within ggigp^jQjj alloAv, every wholly or or within Board of partlyin ^^^\ ^^^^ ^embers of committeef* 76 T}ie Article III. the Borough the and Council descriptionsof The (2) Distress Council within such member Town Clerk or the Council in of appointment be from as addresses, be of the Order, of this shall give than to or every days' seven at which meeting the the before held allow. less of the of the members the may not of and with forth- shall names, date Clerk members made the We writing Distress persons. appoint time pi'evious notice the meeting' to a five weeks of to at further The (8) said shall Committee expii'ationof is the of the Guardians Council their afterwards be to members to the to the from select are as Clerk the communicate and who persons the appointed by Committee, District,shall Urban or body own [^Provincial]Order. Organisntion Establishment Committee Distress intention the the make to appointment. (1). Selection See read as Borough Urban or Note See in Note the the L.G.B.C.L., (3). The Distress the be In Committee that (1) and as to Section the size as Order London the and " Borough " in the quoted 1905, point far is so. 2(1), but of the Committee a accompanying Committee Council." of September, Committee Board a expression Note District." Circular fTOvernment will III. here, adding after the word 20th Urban "or In Article to expression Committee. of the Distress (2) and Council." District if inserted as words Order (I) of the Article III. of the London here, substituting for the the Council Council" or Borough if inserted (2). Appointment read Committee. of Distress Members as Note Note "Common " Guardians oj that out of the as the Council or have the Council are They Connuittee Urban to be left with must Local the "Distress requires it to Act Council. the Order the liorough The Committee. the of District appoint the [Section 1 so no comply discretion with the Order. [^Provincial'\ (irganisaiion Establi^lutient The Article III. Note " 11 " the procedure of the Committee Moreover of tlie Order. terms is"prescribed by the Order [ArticleX] and not left to the Council under the liules (made "Unless to prescribe. Therefore: that the Acts of Article X.) so require, it will not l)e necessary " by Regulations wliom ('^).Notice of Council See a.s lOtb Council resigns,or from completes he Provided who be be so the time of re-appointed. a Committee, as a becomes from the dies or of this Order Distress of of the has own relief of resigns, appointed to was Committee, pursuance member their outside he which virtue who Committee of the office in he until or dians Guar- appointment or : Article, Distress re-appointment,he until Committee this is of of members Distress Council of Term otEce of Order. Distress member a re-eligibleas if,at to that to hold ceases shall of the by disqualified becomes or dies, Board in oflice until he period for member a as serve he exp(;riencedin persons the for Board a of the the of Council the of or member a Distress of the distress,shall continue or as Committee, of this virtue appointed by but "i:c. Com- Distress until office selected was Distress member A in of office he by disqualified Council, appointed, or was of the body, to read of Comviittee, of the tae continue whom by oi ... out goes he whom ("1 member shall Guardians, and Order of the London memLer A (1) a is . been III " 1 wlio (2) with ajfjiointmentis u-hich at the to (L.CB.C.L., XI. IY. Article member confirmation for in establishment of difficidties Article See by Meeting Note (4) to Article here. if inserted ("oj. Removed mittee submitted ai)pointed." thej- are October, 1905). made. be Note be should Committee the mittee Com- qualified of 78 The Article IV. Organisation Note " (1). Term Article [Provincial] Order. " oj Officeof Members opinion of Local See to Establisluncnt of the IV. of Distress Board (rovernnient London Committees. quoted in Note (1) Order. (^). Resignation. Note See Note as (2) Arcicle to if inserted IV. of the London Order and read here. (5). Di-sciualijication for Office. See Casual vacancies Committees Article Article Distress of that a member, at by after in his the will Council description of the person (2) member writing be further The Town of the of the made, and of or We Order, shall be held within the the of that may date a person the to make of meeting of the after munication com- address, and names, or or vacancy, in either case allow. shall give to each days' previous notice which of the intention whom immediately Clerk, seven at that at from be made held of as Clerk, Council be selected, tiine meeting to days seven the such to be to within Council Guardians of Avhich vacancy occurrence is the place. fill the to of the the in tion resigna- or this Board expiration of death appointed shall,subjectto appointment a of the by meeting a occurring vacancy Council appointed Council the reason person the selected by m.ember weeks where a otherwise, or was On another appointed four (1) Committee appoint the V. member The VI. appointment the in is to appointment. 79 V. Article Clerk, Town The Clerk Notice (Z) in which (3) Meaning of address, names, (1) for of the witli Article member said section were applicable ; and as 46 to the herein of the Distress a (3), respectively, such every and In {'!) Disquali- fications to modifications, the in made terms the said disqualifiedby become " Note Committee necessary person Notes viz: Government Local re-enacted,and applied shall so and read read Clei'k." "or if,with as and emendations, Article X., and in Section Act, 1894, shall apply (1), (2) Order following the read VI. Article Notes London XIV., Clerk" after "Town is to be filled. points see V. inserted, if here section the Terms. Article to any the appointed. person Vacancy tliese three On ment appoint- o/ Vacancy. (^2)Time Note the such notify in Avritingto Committee, Distress the to descriptionof and Clerk, after any or made, shall forthwith is as Order. [^Provincial] Organisation.Establishment The disqualified by virtue this Order. of NOTK read as See " Notes if inserted VII. AiniCLio meeting- of first to Article X. time and of the London and Order here. a The Distress place of shall Committee holding the meeting be committee. fixed by Council. the Convener As and Notice af Meeting. the Order makes of As the Chairman should the no provision as to who shall be meeting,'of the Distress Committee, it will l)e necessary for the Council "This to aj)|)ointa convener. as meeting should he held as soon possibleafter the ap))ointment of the Committee." [L.G.B.C.L., 20th September, 1905.] convener first have Committee [."Vrticle VIIL], mention that a Chairman he appointed. A he need appointed not he at the Vice-Chairman at their notice lirst meeting to convening the of the Committee is mentioned the lirst meeting. ai)pointa meeting will have in Article to X, but of The 80 ARTICLE Chairman of Establishment Organisation Each VIII. [^Frovincial^Order. Committee Distress their at Distress Committee, appoint the Distress the term Committee Chairman of the member of the Board from be to ceases other any forthwith for the As Note." X., and of the for of the a he selected was Committee, Distress Committee Committee another or shall be to person term. of appointment IX. of and times rest to be appointed, was Distress appoint be) as that during Distress the such Vice-Chairman a " "forthwith Note see Article see III. Article (1) to Order. Article meetings to to expression London the cause, proceed Chairman of be may whom of the member a if case he by member a as but the whom Guardians of shall Chairman (as by requires,shall Chairman. appoint, ceases Council appointment or to be of office of the term occasion as number of their one The for thereafter meeting-, and first After Distress a places the all meeting shall be held Committee the appointed by are as first ordinary at such Distress Committee. An shall extraordinarymeeting be summoned responsibility,or writing from Committee, the any but for summons transacted no at that by the the on three business the of a Chairman receipt of members other Committee Distress a of than his on requisitionin the that Distress specifiedin extraordinary meeting meeting:. own shall be The 82 Article of Removal Establishment Organisation If XI. {^Provincial'] diiference any Order. arises difficulty or diflicullies. with with or of of of after appoint with or to appears of determination such any meeting first Short difficulty XII. ARTICLE title. Ui-ban Order, of Distress 1905." or a of meeting of do or Distress This Committees the for proper the the number Council a Board a difference for members whom Order, such or to respect necessary any Committee Distress be to first by may, Us by mittee Com- of Committee the to We Committee, with selection respect Distress a appointment or Distress a of the to Committee, members may establishment respect Distress a the to respect Guardians, a Distress which anything for expedient or the removal of of establishment of holding proper the the Committee. Order may be (Unemployed cited as Workmen) "The a 2'he Organisation Establishment Order. [^Provincial] 83 SCHEDULE. Boroughs. Number of Members aDpointed. Prom Persons Poor Borough. wh oily Law or Union partly in From Council From Guard- experienced Total. 84 The Schedule " Organisation Boroughs Establishment IFrovincial']Order. " Number appointed. of Members From Person.s Poor Borough. Law Union wholly or partly Borough. in From Council From Guardians. exppriencpd in Belief of Distress Cardiff Cardiff Coventry ... Coventiy Croyclon Croydon Derby Derby Devonport East ... Ham 30 12 8 5 25 14 Id 6 30 14 10 6 30 ... 12 8 5 25 12 8 5 25 14 10 6 30 ... Ham ... Gateshead ... ... East Great 6 ... ... Gateshead 10 ... Devonport West 14 and West Yarmouth Great 1 " Flegg. Yarmoutli 7 " 18 14 " 40 The Schedule" Organisation Establishment [^Provincial]Order. 85 Boroughs" Number appointed. of Members From Persons Poor Borough. wholly Law or Union partly in From Council From Guard- experienced Total 86 Schedule" The Orgcmisation Establishment Order. \_Provinciar] BoroughsNumber appointed. of Members From Persons Borough. Poor Law wholly or Union partly in From Council From Guard- experienced Total. The Organisation Establishment Urban Given under hundi^ed Seal of Office Board, this September, and 87 Districts. the Government [^Provincial]Order. in the year of the Local Twentieth One of day thousand nine five. G. W. BALFOUR, . President. S. B. Pkovis, Secrotai'v. 88 "THE REGULATIONS (ORGANISATION 1905." UNEMPLOYED) Introductory " The Urban Note. Organisation (Unemployed Order, Distress 1905" applies Committees Order, 1905 Borouo'h Urban District population according " London. to applies to Workmen) Municipal with London of census "The every outside last to tablishme Es- Workmen) (Unemployed Establishment and FOR not less a than 50,000. The follo'.vingRegulations "Powers and Central the Body Duties " apply aforesaid two 'to whom whole of England not are instance, they Committees Body been or established. to the but as Regulations applicable areas will be in mentioned all 2 (3) Committee of the under to alike where the the the Regulations, areas Act) in from seen provisions relating include of the and addressed, are Such Wales. and (Section Distress only not the Committees Distress Orders, Bodies however, of the prescribing Act ; for Special to a Central have not Regulations {Orgnnisationfor Unejnploi/ed)1005. The 90 enacted " follows as " " regulations for carrying " and those by may things,provide " of this " application may " Committee " under which provisionof " for Act this " exercised " Committee " Act ; " Special or emigration the towards which otherwise Body duties any performed Central any aid powers or Distress or this under Committee and (h) authorising for the " farm " under " consent, by such a " tion for persons for whom " provided ; consent by colonies Act, and this (r) a establishment, with the Central the body Board, of Government Local of the " " be to conditions Act, and in any Distress a the may this manner are by by contribute under work regulatingthe under Body Central provisions which under Act, and this provide or or " " the entertained be a Act, other regulations,amongst conditions under removal, or effect this into " Act, the " make may regulating,subject to for (u) " " Board Government Local The (3) : it is Act said of the (3) 4 Section by -whereas And Body established the provision,with of temporary work like accommodathe upon is land and for authorising " acquisition by " agreement " the for disposal of a the any and Body Central of of this purposes land regulating so land Act, acquired ; and the by and for Unemployed) Regvlations {Orgcniisatioii The " (tZ)for the of 'provision ' inspector of ' attend ' the established " (e) ' meeting- of any under Act this ' tration of any for the (/) ' Central ' apportionment, ' between ' and ' Fund ' ' ' ' the of acceptance any established Body adminis- acquired ; so Central the to if to Fund, of necessary, a for the and those receipts Contribution Contribution the for audit Account Account and County of that incidental ; by any contributions in authorising by money Act ; and a and Act in the provisions same to any the audit accounts or of a and (/i)for enforcing butions this the as of accounts the subject to matters Council the under established Body any of consequentialthereon this receipts of any Central Voluntary manner same as of ; and ' ' committee or property payment Rate {g) " ' Body the " ' to and " ' Board regulating the or money any and ; Central for under enabling body the authorising Act, and ' ' this a or and Government Local property by money ' the for for offices, and officers of employment 91 1905. the Councils payment liable pursuance to make of this Act, regulating Central Body of the contri- such and borrowing established for of under The 92 Regulations {Organisationfor Unemployed) " " (i) for facilitatingthe body " " " committee or for Act committee, the provision of committee " " " " " tions,to of Central " to (l) " this " by Act any " Act, vpith " by under (in) matters, or authority,and such one body the necessary or adapta- the powers having regulations relating to any body Act the the a committee made having ; and applicationfor any Parliament any to be the of purposes returns or the matters Regulations, with inquiriesby for requiring respects as of local Board this for the of body and holding for Board powers " for the Act, and the this ; and Government " " by Committee Body Body Local this Disti^ess a Central a " assistance another; to other local any any under powers any (^*)for applying, with " " with Avith or co-operationof having area any 1905. of necessary dealt be to provision in any dealing of purposes Avith the like modifications or adaptations." NOW THEREFORE, Workmen Unemployed Government behalf, Do that is to say : " carrying Act, in the hereby make Board, thai for the We, 1905, exercise into of Our effect the the Local powers in followingRegulations, 1D05. for Unchijiloycd) Kegidatioun (Orffaiiisnfioii The , these unless Regulations, the appears interpretation effect J intention contrary In " " , (1) I. Articlb 93 " and of Regulations (a) Words the importing masculine gender clude in- females; (h) words (c) in the singular include in the plural include Words The expression " the Workmen {(T)The Labour " (whether object the or the in any keeping of workpeople The the who or Local Exchanofes. the Act. for circulation more provisionsof otherwise its by pecting* res- to engage seek ment engage- Exchange" information Regulations for ; and with These gister Re- either desire dealing or (2) information Exchange having* co-ordination, a Labour a form) having expression "Central Labour means of workpeojjlewho employment or {e) and form registers or employers " Employment the of ployed Unem- ; an other supply the means Exchange or in plural,and singular; " Act Local Exchange, Bureau, the Act, 1905 expression the shall have its means object the of, collected effect a or other by two subject to 94 Conditions affecting applications to The Regulations {Organisation for Unemployed) Article II. (1) The be application may conditions entertained under by 1905. which Distress a an mittee Com- Distress under Committee, and cases referred to Central (i) An Body. ihe Act shall shall applicant to person other the Distress Committee, Committee may be a shall an authorised or of the Act which visit and the or and Committee of mittee Com- to the other any any Distress other by person with of his dants, depenmatteis Committee member, officer, or as or Committee or to Committee, by for the Regulations member, any under or other or purposes the other Act. person Committee Distress to investigate applications, shall make applicantfor of information any information of any by authorised the meeting Committee, Distress the need officer, a receive or respect or for questions put such Distress with may person (iii)An the Committee, mittee Com- Distress Distress applicant concerning the the the to respect all member, by a the as all supply of the officer, a Distress such of or answer required by Committee to any or appoint. shall applicant and the application,any Committee him member, a in application required,attend, so Distress (ii) An to " investigateapplications; the or : his by and also, if of his purpose make authorised person shall follows as or officer, an to receive and be inquiriesat the verification the home of the of the statements Art. 95 EeQ^dations{OryanisationJor Uncm^iloyed)1905. Tlie II. of circumstances with communicate with the {'l) When body, authority,or information Local (2) of the Act 1 themselves make their applicationsnude when be not of state given upon a Districts Circular "The have the same given by Councils the with apply, of the '" having It will be themselves also to applications regards this latter any competent whether had fix to a the state the a of trade period during which to and " by the as tne Urban will Order applicable,as and are Central to Committee Distress of labour conditions to within that it time As will to be time regard being prevalent, and to by them, then their unemployed. from determine make between discriminate persons think be received Distress every Body. employment will a])plications or with sent that observed Central Board duty, the Committee existing. Body Regulations provides that, Body, the Regulations shall from them to applications should the date, adaptations, of powers with then same receive, inquire into, and made to may established duty of the acquainted and area, the Committee populous Borough Board necessary the are the prevail at any Body impose this requirement they should do so for a period which and duties, so far powers Committees Act to the Distress the they applications irrespectiveof and Article XXI. of the in London, far relate Central to so as a they Committee any only to be required so is that think circumstances Committee Distress Central the Central to the Provinces, of con'litions between duty ivhen Letter, of the to the in the the the unemployed. latter Board Committee according I'egulations, this receive when that Distress the that required trade or employment and fixed by them persons mittee Com- Distress discriminate from The Body. the required hy so Committee to time, In Distress Central the them " with acquainted observed the that: that directs and, area, to It will be performed by the to respect the state Body, shall receive, inqi^ireinto, and should able pei'son with with Board Government within hy or to be received. are Letter, sent pnd City shall to do Guardians Resrulations. to Metropolitan Borouq^hs" (10th October, Circular "Section " of object, same applicant. the "London, 1905) the the Board a useful Applications In labour other any supply to require,with so the also, Avhere shall applicant, and the be received." {Organisafion for Unemj)loyed) 1005. lirgulation:^ Tlie 96 Art. IT. (2) Note " " Conditions affectingapplicationa Section 4 Bonrd to make the of provisions application may this Act." relate (3) As The the required in the to thf" Local ment Governempowers "for regnlntinc^, subject to conditions entertained by conditions below notes see any under Committee Distress a which under so far as they II. minimum For the Act, these to Act Regulations the be Article to of the (3), (a) Coiiimittecs. to Distress minimum answer an questions which applicant may be Record Paper given in the Schedule of the see applicant. to questinns Regulations. (4) Unemployed WorTcwc7nen ivcll cbs Men Unemployed as may apply. Unemployed Act, Act, 1889" that include females 63) c. unless the Interpretation it is (1),(a),where 1 masculine intenfion contrary in the The " Section the importing mentioned not of operation Vic, 53 words " (1),(a), of the I. by the (52 and enacted although workwomen, in brouirht are shall gender appears." Article is in accordance. Regulations (5) Applicant's Dependayits." " Neither " the Act Dependants." define Regulations the nor Under "Lord Campbell's the expression (9 and Act" 10 Vic, of persons killed the families compensating wife, means "dependants" expression by husband, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, step-father, step-mother, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, step-son, the Poor Law and step-daughter (Sections 2 and 5). Under c. 93) Act an " accidents " for the male attaches to a or liabilityfor maintenance person, female, for chargeable wife husband, or parents, children, and Law Relief 1601 Act, (43 Eliz., c 2, s. 7) ; grandchildren ["Poor Acts " Law "Poor s. "Married 37); Vic, 75, c. (4 and 5 Amendment who is 186S Women's 20. Will. Act, a 21) IV., ; Poor 76, s-s. (35 and 1872" or moral and is submitted that c 1897" of 122, Act, 46 1834 " " agreement, the c. (45 and Bastardy Law 65, s. 4)]. Under question as to any 71) ; Vic, 36 Act, It Vict., Amendment Law 57 32 1882" Act, term to be either settled under the be as broadly interpreted as legal or Regulations should It be liabilityrequires. pointed out that question may of the mentions (31 and Property " c " Compensation is, in default "dependant" arbitration. Act 13 s-s. Act. Workmen's "The by Amendment Record in Paper wife, children, " and the Schedule other to the dependants." Regulations Art. Regulations {Organisationfor Unemployed') 1005. The 98 II." Note" Class {1) of Applicants In Circular the "London, and City, 1905, the October, "The Act the residential [Section shall (1) That the (2) That he ; is case is to the Committee n"t (2) has Act (2)]. Children Order unable do of from so has he under of populous such the no the Committee, by the with and area of and the the Urban residence Distress qualification, though residential discrimination to Law." Poor sent Boroughs ar^as ment treat- made are date, same In fAs suitable more foregoing from male any person months of 12 period by the may in food harsh, ^he franchise provided of the Local to the seeing (1) who to persons children to school " Poor Article II. (2)] may Law be may re the Section under Board Government father. On that (4 and 5 Will. IV., c. 76, s. 56). The Regulation apparently lies in the fact that 2 (calendar Committee. see cases who " ic, months " this face 1 (7) of be assisted; the recently Underfed School Amendment Act, for justification 183-i" Note female or " Distress appear is relief [See to of preceding date of the application, in Relief (other than IMedical Relief) is not to Law preserves (2) desirous Relief Disqualification. Poor that the II. entertained issued fix 12 honestly which than of the Distress mouths during a immediately Regulation and to been receipt of the are the application II.) Art. be of Law Poor An or area to Article Councils Act the to Provinces. less than at Note the to in the be is capable the Letter Circular the and observations in their of duty " is his of (iv.) (e) the be a as this temporarily over exceptional causes Similar Regulations, : fix is not pr )hibition mentioned 1 in Section that conditions under Districts will London immediately Paraojraph it in Body Central applicant obtaining work. (3) That " resided months, 12 the as fulfilled,viz. are has he than themselves control Board that less the that state entertain being also that Act Boroucjhs," Board to 10th on a (2)] expressly provid"^s that from an application any 1 not satisfied satisfy infringed, and Resrulations, the Metropolitan qualification. (1) of the Regulations, to applies. with Grovernment application Committee (3) sent Act Under Ai'ticle II. of the Letter, any unless they are person for such period, not Viefore the Local Committee Distress to ivhom a status the of irremovability gained by residence Regulations {Organisationjor Unemployed) The Art. Note" II." the for aggregate which during 52 no period of a year, made up of shorter relief is received [Ipswich Union v. West L. T. 469] therefore applications from resident should Board paupers obtained been would in which Medical Parish Relief as Ca!"e of Poor It who than in their Distress assistance under "Out-door places where the relieve Out-door the relief inferred from be may what has unemployed See (2) Committee The the is in force and Medical the and mendation recom- the thanunder should Relief Order" the Order must of relief may for Poor (Section Out " ascertain Regulation In is in force. Guardians makes be (3)). 1 only can families, with given in certain been already stated able-bodied 4) s. suitable Act without or The Workhouse. of reason more Prohibitory with men, 46, c all matters the Act Committees districts Order qualificat Dis- Rate." the Distress Relief latter able-bodied for that the (3)). 1 Committee respective or of Vict., 49 and disqualifiedby not are the Order," case and under treatment to Relief Medical "The (48 charge as had status situate. was Poor any (Act, Sect. is advisable whether of suitable by treatment order chargeable the the attendance, Laiv." considered Law " 1S85 Act, expense more Applicants be shift to by and the at " not received persons Surgical supplied by, or on the recommendation attendance having authority to give such Officer (3) such been had months, twelve of settlement defined is Removal able be not the Medical things had they subsequently become persons in whose of Guardians area such the "all than irremovability,and of Ham tain to enter- were though who, persons for more periods work, that assistance might enable by being found with the the of status irremovability get consequence to Union Committee Distress if the district status a assistance them the in obtained that 99 1905. provision but cases, as relief of the "wholly an that be may ordinary in the house." Work- Apj^endix. case have (a) of an applicantas satisfied that employed, continuous least and themselves resided period has been of Distress the " past he in the has to whom has in twelve been their i^egitlai-ly area months well-conducted and for at a the thrifty, Tlie 100 Art. isaiioti fur {Organ Rcgnlntiuiis Uuenqtloyed)IDU'u IT, that (6) \ has in (r) that, he ability, is this different physical work able the as obtain, to respects,the which the of the case be entertained may conditions Distress in prescribedby by Committee between and in Preference directs that preference to as the applicationsmade any the with Committee character. (2) of the Act 1 discriminate such be may other one the by Discrimination Section and age Regulation, shall be treated (1) dependant, qualified for with accoi'dance a applicationhe also applicant is of his of respect {d) that, in cases of other Committee Distress to time wife, child,or a and the at Cases. shall Committee to them. In their Eej^ulatious (10th October, 1905), the Board Government Local It will always be point out tliat : whether of the Committee in the discretion they will or will not entertain an applicationmade to them by a person who satisfies Letters Circular " " certain "A shall cases of others case be treated as to whom that (3) 1 fulnls This Act but in with have the to Mr. his Charles districts poorer to those would Booth's who were : be provided for classes A in that themselves President Balfour), in made A, the of whilst more of the with clear and B ence by refer- lowest, roughly or of ; ponding corres- B, those intended who employment E, regular workers not was Local inhabitants intermittent and the laying great 1 (3) of the Section hopelesslyunemployed were casually employed ; at low D, regular workers wages; of It standard rates payment. should the be " C, those an II. classification of London of satisfied mentioned conditions mentioned meaning only that (2) of the Kegulations. preference was keenly debated and conditions out that be not also satisfied Article point must have the Boaid on further They of Parlinmeut, and Gerald (Mr. Houses Act, said that the the Committee Committee complies (2) provides that in preference to I(. preferentially" of discrimination Government emphasis the by the conditions the matter in both he of Article character." to applicant Section be treated different a themselves he but prescribed conditions, the that ; at work geterally for class C. II. Art. Note " " the In Lord of Lords, House fit a man applicant classes work of iu have be trade-union not was of work good a for wages Lansdowne and considerable the of (2) portion of the part of the year. of was negative. when considered was (Section 1 control" were (3)) While 1 power months. Act, Bill under period the immediately or (2)],the Central Body of a Central Body ^may " paid during the that and a months in winter work stated " Month means and 18S9, 52 before question words the has he no Vict. 53 qualificationinserted It in the inserted was Sect. 63. on "less be not may " the application [Act, having the 12 a longer period than Month" [Interpretation Distress fix Calendar " Act present " introduced. of also his answer, but being prepared was months, " j Act depend qualificationfor Ai^pUcation. the twelve Sect. short Men the must which over exceptional causes (Parliamentary Debates). "from inserted (2) Residential than the Body well-occupied and Marquis The rate (3) year, but getting The Marquis of particular case rejularly and a refusing standard provisions of Local the as following Men strike; and on (a) Board, the ? " decisions the year, in the Act the " regarded was a the circumstances of each upon in relation to men invariably part Government he that, subject to the answered Eegulations, Local Men during House before fit remuneration; regularly short Bill in the the asked Burleigh (6) Would applicants? (1) paid for according to the of the considered it of of wuik out benefit for the also because be to of Balfour Lansdowne, charg^e Mnrquis How loug, ill the opinion of th" of would 101 Regnldiions {Organisationfor Unem'ploijed)1905. The Committee 3]. There present measure residential no was originally as representation that there should a qualificationequal to that required to give a person of irremovability luider the Poor Law, which is 12 months residence without relief [Union Chargeability Act, unbroken Poor with and Vict. 79. Sect. 28 29 18f55, c. 8]. In connection be a status Kemoval Law it re.=idence under the a merely temporary Stapleton, 22 L.J. Whitechurch, 32 do work uniier a has held been following with purpose, M. C. 102, L.J. M. contract that there circumstances: an is " intention (1) to in break for Absence return [R. J.; Wellington Crompton per C. 189. 27 J.P. (546]and where no there is intention (2) Absence to return v. v. to upon Directors, 24 L.J. [R. v. Brighton Poor while M. C. 41, 24 L.T. (N.S.) 138]. Absence .seeking work, but afterwards and returning, has maintaining family while away break in residence held not to necessarilyconstitute been [R. a Tacolneston, 18 L.J. M. C. 44; R. v. St. Marylebone, 20 L.J. V. M. C. 173]. couinletion of contract Art. Regiihdions {OrganisationJor Unemployed) Tlie 102 II. Notes " As be " to Page see in area Committee in the it need qualificationis residential which It should 98. continuous the 1005. of area Body or Distress the same dwelling within Central the in be continuous not necessary residence must while that understood be area. (2) of the Act, oddly enough, of twelve absence to his birthplace after an returns a man the benefits of the months will not in that place be able to have months' residential until he has the twelve Act obtained qiialitieation, in other words, he will be in the position of a stranger. to the Owing of Sect. terms 1 who (3) What If the " an Committee the which in one with, they they Body rather Central to that Body, to deal with obtain and the work, the is case in this the way the applicants whom they for whom think the case will be able they are unable to should, work that If, by the refer may Committee plied com- him. treatment they of case are for work for one Distress of for obtain themselves by that prescribed conditions to than cases but the Applicants. satisfied are endeavour may think that however, to assist Committee Distress applicant is do may if possible,be provided. In no case, however, will the Committee the provision of towards have to provide or contribute any power selves, for any unemployed person, work i.e.,either to employ him themof his in respect to make employment or by any payment Metroand 10th others London, October, 1905, City [L.G.B.C.L., to litan Boroughs]. The Act, Sect. 1 (3),provides for Keference there where is a in any Central London, area, Body. Outside " Committee Distress will have Regulations, and the of power Article a the Body, Central no Central Body Distress Sect. [Act, mittee Com2 (1) : XXI]. (4) Dependants. See In (3) to a Central lation and an by the of case Body by a Body and authorised an unemployed an Distress or for any the to the this member, Distress Tleg'u- require,apply Central person references officer,a by so other referred person Committee, of references officer,a member, Central (1) (i),(ii),(iii). circumstances the substitution Committee, person any shall, where vpith the 11. 5 to Article Note the to or Body, authorised Distress any Committee, other and Begulatiovfi{OrganisationJ or The Art. Unonploi/ed) 1905. 103 II. with such by to be that Central Body case referred that nothing of shall Central be to powers be within as ai^e the exercised the discretion the facts Distress a of of any Committee, shall Regulation but tral Cen- require the : where that the forthwith Body, with comply and the report fit further a referred case Central the to think Body make to of any facts Body, the Central Committee Committee Committee the by Distress a investigation of the them also require Distress and investigateanew to so adaptations : in this to do and Regulation applicable to it shall to Provided to Body ProAnded Body this performed Central the the render to necessary duties rnodifications other the by the Distress the requisition to the results tral Cen- Body. Art. Note." case referred one which See Article IT. (3) The them by to YI. a satisfied that applicant,or that with is and material, is keep a should not deal provisions prescribed with vinless Committee, Distress Distress respect tlpe Distress Body in any it is Article I. (4). (4) Wliej-e are the the within comes Central the the to Committee suitable to answer information to any false Committee matter the or record or a a Central question put supplied by which, knowledge the Centi-al of the case. an in their of the Body Body to an cant appli- o])inion, applicant, shall make The 104 Art. Regulations {Organisationfor Unemployed) II. A whose person good cause the Central Central to Body cancel Emigration the ARTICLE III. Body and ])erson a Committee be to cease Distress or fied quali- Committee or the will Body whose the in facilitate condition put other in a dependants The the who Central employment in forestry,and the of fruit Central Body in and the is received obtain to be at the aided place will fulfilment unemployed of shall person regular work, himself and or of his any him. accompany applicant for an " his which immediate supporting : of any circumstances the follows as who assistance Body that, in respect of past employment, he is age, sical phy- qualifiedfor agriculture,including horticulture, use keeping growth and to a satisfythemselves person positionto of case and ability, the that of means shall which unemployed an shall be emigration conveyed or under (jmigrationof dependants destination secure conditions The unemployed be of No Central dependants satisfies record, from aid the of his any that (2) the Distress made (1) may The be the shall,until, for penalty is prescribed in the Act for the only by applicant, therefore disqualificationlaid down by this KeguXXI]. (4) II. statement Article '[See Central them, assistance Art. " false pi^naltv is lation recorded so Body. Note. wilful is case shown to receive a 1905. or of and land for breeding any of "live vegetables,shall to pi-eference cases purpose be of a of bandry, hus- stock, or treated by the the acter. different char- The 106 Art. Regulations {Organisationfor Unemployed) IV. (i) The unemployed "unemployed only and to an place of destination of the regular place of that the will be the to period of Local restriction the to that the and (5) another Government foregoing practical repeal of of conditions any time after whose persons or at the able charge- during i-emoval. of Act (Section 4(3), (a)). are Regulation necessary 6 of the " a Regulations. Board Section reasonable every become the or regular employment not in the at by way legalises assistance by subject to Regulations made the area per.son duration, will months twelve that obtain of such be person rate poor and his unemployed the afford to is to be aided removal removal will as other satisfythemselves also facilities for other such once provided at be positiofito a the of any for the which work in at or him, can to : shall destination expectation 1 be put work and himself removed Body will person Section regular destination Central that be area, accompany be to place of (iii)The The obtain who that reaching will, on dwelling accommodation persons the England removal whose in that supporting dependants or of remove satisfythemselves is to be aided position to suitable to limits person area a aided be the shall Body unemployed means (1) within another in shall person of the dependant a : Central the and person area Wales (ii) The iu 1905. Poor The to Removal the restrictions prevent Act, the 1846 " Jor Unemployed) Regtdatiovs {Orgnnisation, The Art. IV." Note" that it is enacted Vict., c. 66) where Parish Union do contrary to law, with or (9 and any any such out 10 poor was parish to be jjoor person relief, any money, afforded any promise, or he use any poor not was thereof before any offence any such assistance, or such to or or cause afford, conveyance, induce any if,in consequence or or procure indirectly or be to procure make cause person poor any give directly or threat parish, and departure, any which or officer acts, such conveyed, bo facilityfor such Irom for which to to which parish chargeable any chargeable, convey then not officer of If any intent " to become to person person of the any 107 190S. offer, or any depart poor person of such or conveyance to become chargeable to any parish to person then chargeable, such officer,on conviction two justices,shall forfeit and pay for every exceeding five pounds not svim less than nor fortyshillings." The of restriction "dumping" the Regulations are not only prohibitive unemployed in other areas, but the conditions in the imposed are such that n..t be likelyto become new place of domicile, there obtained [See Note (2) Central the he to are One (3) s charge a is aided shall Eates in his to the (2)]. Committee, this which be may by their is proposed. done officer own the case is by personal No consent emigrate or to person to another remove Central the Body assisting him. Body enter without any or into any It all who agreement [See Article N(.te 5 to Art. IF. (1). area be will (4) T"epend'int". See It may is may of the be will be to assisted be either to repay necessary in that some either to willing agree expended by to part comjietent for or regulation being made Oct., 1905]." Board the removal. unemployed an to recoup them in to the part of emigration to instances on to XI.] Board required of the Local Government Removal: or of Person Emigration Agreement expenditure. either may district the in Article [See as Consent No " loth II. made removal removal certainly not so ))efore he or she has Law. the Poor of irremovability under Body, or Distress itis/ythemselves." in investigations which " way at whose person any time and status a 2 to Article How the sum the Central for this purpose, necessai-y the subject [L.G.B. C.Ls. on XXI]. TJie 108 Regulations {OrganisationJor Unemployed) V. ARTICLE Conditions The conditions under which 1905. a Central ftffectiiig assistance Body rorm in Body the ,)f work contribute provide or may Under the shall Act towards be the follows as : provision " ot temporary work. (i) Where the towards any the terms the observance in this the the employ or enforce, to requires, enforce following restrictions, Local as the the 10th and City October, Metropolitan Board that the " It is tions referring to the restricthat important they should Central Circular Body." They the " make the date same to tuting Districts, substi- Urban and requires case of Letter populous Boroughs therein Central by of to London, Government state in their observation Letter Circular Regulations Article Provincial the In carefully studied same Distress Committee for Body." (a) a That purpose the work of actual shall and have for its substantial object utility; " Article of of for applicant on them occasion as shall of the enable work " (1) V. accompanying Boroughs, the Note. conti'ibute " Article the will as they shall, : Body employment and namely be Central the for the such Body provide or provision of temporary person, arrange Note. Central (1) (a) Ajjparently work V. public utility See Note for private person. done " below under need necessarilybe paragraph (v). as to not work (6) work That shall subject to each person throughout effectual employed his on employment supervision; the be The 1905. {Organisaiion for Unriiij/loi/cd) Reyul((tio)"s 109 A.rt. V. That (c) work each shall with him perform attain with as, regard occupation,and calling or ability,may him throughout his his to his ordinary and age be properly efficiency of sical phyof required ; That {d) woi'k each shall, continuous absence facilitate other far as his thereon only as afforded day by day, be may for the on possible,be as search of means employed person occupation such with Note. to standard a due shall the on allotted task every diligence,and employment such employed person needed to work regular or supporting himself; " V. Article Distress their "workers own (1) {d) Committee as should be what That case with be the of and he dependant, the themselves that dependant Body provide provision of of will days a Central the the be at home has the of a of the porary tem- period in each tinuous least,con- the person wife, child, or Body cost of it. periods comprising from or the that and necessitating,during absence maintenance allowed, the consecutive employed a Central towards succession four make to print of a where contribute a may will Body Kegulation for Central advisable be, absence work or be case supplied (e) or the as to It will shall other satisfy lodging wife, child, defrayed by or and other deduction Art. Regulations(^Organisation Jor Uneynployed) 1905. The 110 V. from remuneration the and such every made in of give full to ployed, em- person made will make or arrangement or effect to this The case as may restriction; the behalf is made will convenience despatch the Guardians for to application of the worker's time See remuneration "dependants" the as those by which so benefit to avoid as As to II. any of rate For {g). Article (5) to worker's Committee, relief. Condition Note See the obtain and all due it with risk of writing Body or the Distress ensure an arrangement deduction should arrangement or at the Central be, should may agreement in completed and whose The (1) (e) V. engagement. the has the " Article be he agreement be needed Note. that of the pression ex- (1) (i).(ii). Uii). That (/) where wife, child, no wife, child, employed during in at from home, for each the shall be under ordinary during the work the is circumstances for period in same that provided ; periods absence of remuneration labourer unskilled continuous than less is not consecutive given pei-iodof any work an four case total of succession a or but that continuous would which be earned continuous the a necessitating, work least, his the days dependant, has has dependant, or temporaiy period comprising Note. other employed person other or or on a person the by work which place at and " as originally (1), (/"), (.g)In the Measure the total remuneration that was weekly provided be work provided for the unemjDloyed should temporary V. Article introduced for any less than earned does by not it " that an which unskilled contain this would ordinary circumstances under labourer condition. for a In full week's work." The effect, therefore, what be Act was 1905. Jor Unevijjloycd) Rc'julatUns {Qr^ci)iisntio)i Tlie Art. NoTB v." " of the out taken their outside restrictions the less than the different who for home fjimilies not as sent. so the case to work may as are provided with is to the on and an than Central yet one with If temporary of both from at such work home is quite possible a for consecutive days," the remuneration labourer that of the unskilled be less than "four of the anomalies. married distance a of rate a breach a and is necessitated with families Committee, such {g),it from men with avoid single man a and Distress hand families absence men upon not be will gone necessitate with men involves or restriction " also days, othfr the. arise, e.g. to and as Body, hand on (/) they determine be, should for that absence the he but men not (3),{(()'].The only necessitate does, shall be paid distance, and a Eegulations. 4 work consecutive such at Clearly anomaly the the by have, however, so distance four woik to restriction Taking doing single such at than remuneration restrictions, back put labourer, between more sent in irrespective of unskilled treatment sent are been Board legislativeauthority [See Section imposed by the Regulations not worker, that has Measure Government Local The Ill man from home longer period the singleman a of where the work that of the mrrried but is be less than to that man of the is, labourer the family remain. unskilled where If, therefore, the of the remuneration wcrk is provided anomaly, is the fi mily remain, by the Central unskilled labourer higher than that or (g) That the where wife, child, of the wife, child, of the remuneration that which be for in continuous earned continuous the other place and at dependant is emploj^edhas is and of the for any shall unskilled during the lodged and the the total given be less than ordinary an to defraying the person work a the subject maintenance said which the correct dependant, by work is made of under would worker's person other or married dependant, purpose lodging the difference to person that the a where man. other of for deduction the or remuneration period of mairied district the unless may, Distress Committee than mere cost where single man, Body receive in the same stances circum- labourer period wife, child, or maintained. The, 112 Art. Regnlationt{Organisationfor Unemjdoyed) 1D05. V. the Central (ii.)Where Body provisionof temporary work, be made shall the exercise or part of any (i.)has Condition Note. requires, their proof to on mentioned restriction in observed. been not them contribution the contribution the tliat any satisfaction occasion withhold right to enable will they shall,as exercise,and to the contribution their which terms on towards contribute " Article the terms of Note below made Contract ynb-division to should (1) (ii).This Y. the by (v). inserted be Local Public or (iii.)Where the Central towards the provisionof temporary Central the particularcase, all Body provide or facilities such reasonable be afforded person for to putting the has provided in been work other or The Central provided has in other for the of other work or shall put work for that an end obtain himself means to the person. work of regular of of excuse, an that has proper purpose reasonable to avail refused of regular a been use of putting work that supporting himself, or has, without person or of means obtain work make neglected to position to a are purpose satisfied temporary the facilities afforded him when Body, whom for person cause supporting himself. of means in any temporary position to a See " opinion, the whom the contribute shall their for Body work Body in as, of one as or the neglected offer of regular supporting himself, provisionof temporary Tlie 114 Art. v." Unemployed) 1905. Note" Where " the but Regulations {Organisation ;for the Central is for the wi'rk Body benefit themselves are of the employers, tliii'd party, some the same general principleswill apply." The on the Provincial date, same for Letter General Note Distress iu the the well as Letter Urban being Loudon Districts named in that Circular. as men be may provided II. (1) (i).(ii).(iii). Also Body." expression Central to Circular and Committee" " Body in Boroughs Above. on 4, Article reference " made are populous Central "' Women Note observations snme to the sent with wnrlc. Article see See XXI. in " (vi.) In or contribute work, temporally work shall the conditions be the of the this to of temporary Regulation conditions under pei-son of Regulation, and this and vide pro- provision provision terms any the Body shall of the tlie Act or Regulations. VI. Article Central towards specifiedin employment these the subject part of form which in case every (1) Committee Distress A shall form ^ Record " ^'^'^ Tnci'^^ "* keep and a record current receive, inquire into, or the entertain in which case every an they applicationunder Act. (2) shall a of For provide sufficient forth in (3) Form to the time those the All in the for Schedule Schedule time, and Record to this with Papers to this of each as soon Order case as Committee this in Regulation the form set in the Order. particulars as circumstances to Distress in accordance use suppl}' of such the purposes, are and shall indicated are be possible,upon appi-opriate entered, from the Record for Unemployed) Eeytdatioiis {Orgaiiitiation T/ie Art. VI. the Paper relatingto or by other any the other in and, or The (4) mittee, Comof the Committee Body, according as regulationsof or shall in the said be used Form. retain shall the require; Body Paper Record Committee Distress member a the Distress a instructions the by or Central of the or with by or directions respects,the in accordance by Central of the any Committee Distress Body or circumstances officer an authorised Central Committee Distress by case person the by in their Paper relatingto every application they receive, inquire into, or entertain under the which Act, and which the under Record the custody has Act Where Central Committee Paper relating to Distress Committee retained in the The (5) each shall their by the Record transferred to the Central of the be and Body, Central Committee and all at the to the times Record the by the shall be Body. Central by alteration,addition, keep AlphabeticalIndex Act Body, shall provide and referred case Central case custody a the under the Distress shall each the to in Body. referred is case made been not the to a Distress Body wise other- or for ready use an retained Papers in custody. NoTK. VI. Article " " Circular The to Districts, with the that be there state shall (Circular to lieptup to that which the Paper date. after be must " in after the sent to Record the By the that state Paper for each Provinces) that "keeping up to original decision duly recorded, history of Schedule], the as the Local City and Metropolitan Urban populous Borouiyhs and Regulations, a of London, Provincial and Boroughs, (10th October, 1905) Letters Boai-d Government of 115 1905. auch or " It is intended Case." They Record Paper date" punctual " case the " : should action recoi'd [See part II. history becomes on must of further is to be be stood under- the be case, made the Record known. The Art. {Organisation for Unemjiloyed)1905. Ilegulatiovs The 116 VI. NoTK " Board in Index is " such Circular Letters In point order that that out the required, be readily found." The particularcase may Central to Paper Body (second paragraph will be " for necessary sub-division Committee XXI.] of (3) shall each Body The condition that shall be form the whom Distress and application, Committee be to cause relates the to VII. " so " for suitable form In Body be the form of the of to Record refer if they desire to do so. the may be form of area worded VI., in the of the may the of be Central a co-ordination, see Paper, but to by to circumstances Central of any It for same I. the Body of means mittee Com- one Body. Section the own Central Body. the [London Circulnr] that case the as both their from Central should that so necessary think Body have each migrating Register of Article Central or is be cases area out to will so arranged as to be particulars required by the is that "The Register shall be as Committee with Reference the able which Paper of this in point on part with be^ may it is Regulation Body deal power Board The Committee should the Body's Central an Distress case "It say determine Central working to within Committees to The another that the in Note that to Distress and have to Act. the etc." actual may advisable Board long, course, recording The Regulation Committee Distress form. Letters, mentioned of as fit, subject, person received the as the " the Regulation. in such each have Record any Committee the of Register from Government discretion addresses, and particulars as Body, to be as application. Circular In the Local arranged so Committee Central extracted Article Note" the the or the Distress as octcupationof or other such Central a fit,subjectto the and names trade, calling, employment from Article [See and form think Body recordingthe for suitable Distress a Body Committee in such he Central the where course (4) [See Body Register. a shall the or sub-division Central Central a Distress keep Register Committee of powers is necessary. A Of of Kecord Transfer of of the II.]. Article VII. Article assistance the have transfer no the Alphabetical Paper in any an Record For (4) is all the of the Distress will have Register particular case, VIII. Article to establish obtain Farm a Before (1) Local of the the consent the of consent of a Government Farm Colony of establishment Central Farm a Body is the Farm : will be the and Colony (iii.)What the persons (iv.) What will total of persons time prothe to part Local to of this Central under Body used to for ; will be which work Colony ; other some shall, Body Fai-m for and comprises arable land, area uncultivated relation be the to land of the Farm to Government give in admitted area housing and for pi-oviding temporary admitted Central .acquiredor accompanied one any officers of the for cultivation, or which be arrangements jjasture land, land the at persons any is the available furnish number admitted maintaining The accepted by Colony ; (ii.)What (3) land on the to or purpose, " greatest be jjosedto purchased by donation, shall a as by particularsshowing (i.)What Colony lishment the estab- to laud on the for Body Board lease for that on Board. Central a shall Body Government Local iigreement, or taken Body proceed Central the 117 ployed) 1905. Central a Colony, (2) Every applicationby the Unevi for Regidntlon.s{Oryruiisat'wii The of form land. at Board the with any land the purposes time, same a statement proposed of a to be Farm ^^^^f" ^^f^y^ The 118 Art. Begulationa {Organmiilon for Unemployed) 1905. VIII. Colony, the acquisition effect or which will and use applicable to the of of land the the enable satisfythemselves the as with the purposes of Farm Colony. Central Body a The (4) Local and and than the Body and their acquisitionof land) in Body remuneration, persons Farm (1) In of maintenance, the and payment for any other or of the by Local Government their Circular by any Board's penses ex- of the to the tral the Cen- establishment, Colony, the Farm accommodation of of or rates, taxes, in be relation expected voluntai'y contributions, or of contributions the all that relation purpose reasonably Colony, may out The working for the furnish will be incurred with said compatible charges in expenses the defrayed out than establishment employed, assessments, the evidence to the land likewise with connection and maintenance, is the of shall which customs of customs use Board (other Central observance convenient Grovernment of Board Government due full and covenants Local terms, conditions, covenants, conditions agriculturalholding, and an that and terms to to be otherwise Council. Observations. (10th October, 1905), sent with City and Metropolitan Boroughs, the Letter Rej^ulationsto London, made the following observations, viz. : to provide enables the Board Section 4 (3) {b) of the Act with for the the establishment, Kegulations authorising by Article colonies their consent, of farm l)y a Central Body, and and tion informathe particulars of the Regulations prescribes VIII. when to be application is made to supplied to the Board the Board " " them before farm for their the consent. Central colony. Body applicationshould definitelyundertake The always to be made establish a Regidatioiis[Organisationfor Unemployed) The Art. NoTK" VIII." The " the can Council there course, pass the for the required, but of the from met the for land The other In arrangement number of Board or the provide be defrayed with of Loan. under vjhich the rent, suitable the on will the accommodation out of the tions contribu- and lessor or be must practicable be vendor be the 0/ land. buildings on accordingly, be might defrayed out be increased rent or Councils, or in the case of jjurchaseThe an, agreement might include the a in the would pnrchase-ynoney no money, it may the necessary rent of the is persons is insufficient, it to some or employed instances Body agree provide the of cost mon Com- consideration there borrowed he shall out the to contributions mo7iey, of out sources. the increased the Body cannot ur purchase-money and of Councils Central that cost into however, for accommodation Central the taken purchase-money Where, the or be the land the on competent of be. may olony, " will it, and amount accommodation farm the City and the Metropolitan Borough Councils. buildings on the land acquired,they will, of with case of consent of the matters of the Act is one purposes of the he defrayed out of the contributions are determining the the of the Where the with acquisition of land of for any of which as 119 1905: work unemployed certain to a given the erection of the be would with in connection buildings.'^ their In Regulations Circular Board the observations only In Circular this for Central " Letter, of the For see 1 on The in Central Bodies Central Body. (3) one Body See with be Distress or contrilnitions are such any Circular London the are named appointed. contributions, another. Colonies best This, apparently be to " advantageous that -See as Article XVIll. one is pro\ " a combination the p'owers in which matter ided for by of of a bination com- Article Article. XIV. Application of Receipts of and Acquisition of Land and by having Committees undertakings are secured " Note Donatio7hs Circular. are Committee Farm of cases some would XX. Distress reason some Provincial in the XXL] mentioned that (6) of the Act. establishment may excepting for " the tricts Dis- Urban Committee" of ajiplication and (2) Co-operationof which the whom are "Distress the not in the included " contributions by limitations ifcdics with sent and observations, same in [see Article Body" Council Section above Letter the and the the Board to date, same populous Boroughs make given known of the Letter Provincial to Also Farm see Colony Borroiving Article " " XXI. See Sie Article Articles XV. X. Tite 120 Art. 1905. Regulations {Organisationfor Une7nploi/ed) Vllf." Note" (4) Definition oj In down the House Lansdowne, that. had of charge In reply, said the Measure, land is that the should Camper- Measure of Marquis of in the "I : it take in the be of think not between Lord Mr. there the reallyis of case desired as a work." IX. the Central it, is give (1) Central some Government Before can whom men it is accommodation obtain Body the for work for persons land, the upon the of consent proceed Local Board. the of of Central accompanied : Local Central a Board Grovernment for Body work provide and the to vision pro- persons for laud shall upon by plans, estimates, the for Body accommodation temporary the showing place which a Central a (2) Every applicationby whom object Tlie and parts of the country, of instruction in agricultural kind Body provide shall Body consent to other to remove to provide temporary whom colony established in Suffolk. Committee the which placesto the at [Parliamentary Debates]. Article to or it is desired ments allot- colony ordinary colony experiment has, in fact, provide of depot for unemployed kind close any and success I take colonies, emigrate to whom a farm Central Long's farm used analogy, or any farm referred, particularlyat the farm Walter of these be delinition no Colonies." let to labourers. The tried with considerable noble to was Earl Stage) (Committee there for the I do been be Lords is intended analogy, by of purpose. acquired and interest an teaching promoting purpose and such work as agricultural occupations, road-making, country in who what and Colonies" pointed ont that expression "Farm the that Farm ^^ particulars " (i.) The work (ii.)The situation to be of the land provided thereon situation,nature, tlie temporary the and of the ; extent, accommodation natuie and ; allocation of The 122 Art. IX." Regulations{Organisationfor Unemployed) Note" The of Urban " London Circular. Measure, " the Lord for the expression Article " Central " cular Cir- populous Boroughs Distress expression the Circular Board's in the to Provincial In that [See Adjective The same is used During ', the containerl are date Districts. Committee (2) observations same Letter and 1905. " Body in the XXT.]. Temporary." of House Balfour of Lords' Committee asked Burleigh the Sta^^e upon what the intended was Did Temporary Accommodation." interpretatiouof the words the tion, accommodaform of the to the adjective Temporary apply the time the in or during which occupant might remain " " " The accommodation. the in Measure, both have should say the time when " of the Local of and Central with Sections one ment employ- these except Act, and as as Body : to and deemed were purposes to the except the the taking the be shall the to one hundred the Lands apply as incorporated with incorporation SpecialAct, the if, Clauses Lands of the of provisions one fifty-oneof 1845, be Acts, Sections and aforesaid if for the were of Act, by land of twenty-seven Eegulatious, deemed were the consent purchase and and hundred to undertaking the to hundred subject Central Clauses thirty-one,and and Act is, of the Act. purchase by agreement, Consolidation the the respect one with may, purposes Lands Clauses the the that persons" to obtain made I but Lord, undoubtedly was of know, Board, purchase by agreement of than fiftyand Acts being Body for the the otherwise hundred A purpose Body, provisions noble I VIII]. Government the Central Article lease land on For effort is charge all for may, the unemployed of an X. Article take word had who (I'arliamentary Debates). under Notes (3) [See land reply "The accommodation for them or said:" meanings attrilnited to it by that what was contemplated temporary during of Lansdowne, ^larquis and promoters the of the The Art. Regulations {Organisatioii for Unemployed) X. Provideil of that Lands the nothing Clauses "Regulations made Central Body, the entire fee on a simple land the of use other purpose of free from any be the Board for which the any land the is of be conditions was and manner Local the as such not arising moneys any appliedin land the which and and Body Government direct. NOTK. Article " "The acquired Body Body On alienation Central a disposed disposalshall such condition, with for purpose for from to acquiring from interfere or any prevent the covenant, affect purposes shall subject land, in or Body. acquired the shall subsequent a Act the Act purchase Central the in the acquired by rec[uiredfor incorporatedprovisions or would than land Any Acts on the acquired by in the under limitation, which or "in 123 1905. X. " of the purposes the provision of are Distress or Conunittee [See Article XXI.] cases" proper Article Article As Article X. IX. Article see Also to the X. " each (5) 1 Notes to the A and be Central Central a unemployed Sections the a of power workmen 4 (3) (cj] generallygiven to the Act. Acts incorporatedby Kegulations incorporated Kegulations. Clauses Distress Committee such officers employ " in Enactments XI. may and 8 of Section following Schedule Body V. and may which work for provide provisionsin Land see Article may Title [Act, temporary having the land which for Act" and as are a Central necessary Officers. for the efficient exercise discharge Central Note of the duties of the of the j^owers Distress Body. to Article XI. See Article XX. and tlie efficient Conunittee or The 124 Office Regultitions{Organisationfor Unemployed) Article XII. Where Committee Distress a 1905. a or accommo- dation. Central Body belonging to or the as may Inspectors Body Committee, may attend the ]irovidesuch offices XX. of the Local Inspector Central a Committee Distress Article See An of ; but XII. XIII. Board offices for tlieir purposes. Article Article meetiiii suitable of use themselves may be necessary to the Authority,the Local a Central Note at obtain cannot every meeting Body, or shall Inspector of not of ment GovernDistress a mittee Special Com- a vote at such any meeting. Notes. Article " XIII. Although should however, give such s. as powei'S the Poor Under 20). hns Guardians, are Law " hf" " Inspector an the and anri a new to an (10 and ntt^nding in his advice is not Article 1847" Act, of It this given under Board vote, value. taking part the not can of rights of Tinder be of " 109, c. P.oariis proceedings, though the to Inspector. Vict., 11 mept'i'iyrs tance, assis- thing of of not Vic, attend 55, s. 205), he can c meetings of Rural and Non-Borough Urban Local Authorities and directed "when, as by the Government has but he Board," no statutory authority for voting. taking'part in the Article Donations. donation of the the and of and not be Central other in such respects with condition the all money Body or Regulations any subject to shall A property purposes in all used or 1875 Act, (38 and or other Body 39 shall a the to be made that the used that the applied for or to secure pliance com- requirementsof the Act as under the applied for the money any Act, or other and also property purposes px'operty accepted by the Central shall be administered a purposes condition manner the accept may property for Body, subject other or Health proceedings. money Central said Public XIV. of money " accordingly. ; Regtdations {Organisntionfor Unemployed) The Note- Art. XIV." Article Note." In I. of than be the that referred he provision permits which " make or Bodies Bodies From donations or one of the and Distress most Committees will , have the to no tary volun- themselves concern in contained with. recently that appear the restrictions in the Section of use Mr. matter I. (6), prohts of voluntary " present Act. of the purposes such offer of how methods making profits,"S:c. as Gas " issued Letters Board Councils the .vill have receipts from be sought. It will therefore important questions Central of Central having the powers Councils, might be augmented by Municipal Undertakings contribu- " to .suggestedthat from (6) of ex])enditure of the out Circular to as reports it would contributions for are first and (Article XXI.) newspaper Hardie, M.P. Keir met Government suggestions any contributions be All to. strictlylimited^ their In Colony (Article XV.) Kegulations, the Local opinion he to are the with Siili-.seetion Regulation, this sliunld Act by voluntary contri})utions,plus any met Farm of " with the Councils tion.s from to XIV. cuniiexion Section other 125 1905. tributions con- that Clearly Ije used in the way profits must scribed preaffecting the Undertakings by the Statutory Provisions u.suallythe relief of the Borough Kate. could " be not so, Article as XV. shall Body Central A all cause Receipts from " " receipts arising carried be and Central Note." " is not up or Account transferred /-NT I^arni a of the to the Colonv Central to the the by XV! " 1 (6) of of and the enactments the Act. officers of in like the all Also The XVI. audited provisionsas but to has Article see the Central of the a " to the " fund see Body shall be made subjectto the same a Body of carried Central County Audit to XXI. of and manner be to As Accounts accounts relating that receipts. Council the Accounts and the of a farm colony. Fund credit of received Contributions simply "profit" Account,'' Article and -n J? Body. General Section " working Greneral Voluntary Article It the afterwai'ds of Account 1 1 irom to the be to p Audit, Art, Regulations {Organisation for Unemployed) The 126 XVI. County and Council, Note. the Schedule tioiis. the the to XVII. by the of Health of the demand Note." Schedule two and Central a ninety-two apply be the to made and of the if,with as herein were applicable to hundred re-enacted, and payment by the a Council on Body. XVII." " to A XVIII. Government and manner, in the and sections and thirty-four,and and the to borrow may hundred two Body, Board, may execution two Central subject Authority hundred Act, sections contributions provisions incorporated in this Regulation see incorporated in the Kegulations fallowing the the Regulations. Also Article XXI. see of the Local incurred make a the -t^RTiCLE Local visions, pro- of pavnient to contribution a of "Enactments like made Article For liable Act, 1875, shall terms recovery penal XXI. the enforcing hundred two Article see modifications, they necessary in For Council a eighty-four and and Also Regulations. pursuance Public thereto " contribution Borrowing. incidental XVI." Article in all matters provisions incorporated in this Regulation see incorporated in the Regulations following the Enactments of to apply accordingly. Article " For Recovery and consequential thereon, including shall " 1905. the and 1875, shall apply accordingly,with and, herein-after set in Public to say as Health the a " ; hundred Health necessary the : Acts to thirty-six Public particular,with forth, that is in money defraying expenses and the cocsent conditions two thirty-three, hundred thirty-nineof the borrow like for of with two Act, fications, modi- modifications Regulations{Organisationfor Unemployed) The XVIII. Art. (a) The The {h) the of demand Article Note." For , Schedule to of the Central Body. XIX. (1) established of Special Committee, Committee within may, Whei'e establish Local of area Central the Body, Body Central or has Exchange Central a assist a or Special or take or \?^"^", the over establish Local other the Central Exchange Body Where two established Bodies of the or or or terms the and Excljaugos subjectto agreement. Central take as or Body be may or of Special and, is within Central Bodies Central far so agreed,of the of area Local Special Exchanges, may, by working Exchanges conditions or Exchanges, combined Local such effective SpecialCommittee. over the or Exchange, over, SpecialCommittees cu-oiierate for Centi-al which more taken or or and established have Committees assist Body the for the Central desirable think they may Central the the with or Special Committee a provide which Exchange Committee Central shall in combination Local (3) Body Exchange, Committee working, by the a by agreement, Central a Special have Where Exchange. (2) any the on XVIII." been as raised be contributions " Akticle every security the on provisions incorporatedin this Regulation see incorporated in the Regulations following the Article XXI. the Regulations. Also see to Local borrowed be the Enactments a the for only and land shall money borrowed be shall money purchase of " 127 1905. as may upon be or those ment, agree- of the such settled TJie 12S Art. (^OrganisationJor Unemployed) licyultiiions 1905. XIX. A (4) been Central established Bodv taken or of the Local within the (5) A Central for arrange to the If of this under thing Board, the on Committee, such obtaining by Order, and such of Sections Act other matter Local the the any or Body, Special and after think Board difference qi;estionor Labour to Government Central ; conclusive. Exchanges. Also (4), 2 (1), 2 (3). 1 as shall be final and re " a.ny useful arises Government determine the any any Local determination {l)The Provisions to as of prove Authority concerned, the as fit,may, See or may wo^'k. difference Regulation, Local procedure any opinion, may or Committee publication and of application or Distress ment manage- Special Committee a their proceedingor agreement, delegatethe any has Exchange Body. or question any to distribution desirous pei'sons (6) Body Local a may Central which, in information over Exchange of the area whom by Articles XX. aucl XXI. (2) Local In their The to time Circular any found regulations "willingto make to obtain some them, are Board "The immediately without exchanges the Board as of to have the regulations it of the not proceed further instructed of is this to 1905) at present " be course be desirable before Act : Should of of the working the matter. it would that the that would they to stated any made. assisting working October, expedient it as necessary, but they think would should view thought not experience regulations (10th Letter have make Observations. Metropolitan Boroughs, Board be such Hoard's City, and London, " Government the one suggest themselves information Central of their existing Labour that to the establish to guide in Body Inspectors Bureaux this to and Central local Body labour With them. matter, make to the inquiry repoi-t to Regulations {Organisationfor Unemployed) The 130 XX. Article the jurisdictionin provide siich Officer of assistance the Distress Central Body purpose, by furnishing with Committee Local Committee belonging of (2) Central a In expresslymade having Committee Body to In the Article XX. their Provincial Government the concur Grovernment the provision is no and in which by Act several another Bodies a and and mitting sub- scheme to framing Board Body one to it is " Letters London, state (10th October, 1905) sent with Metropolitan Boroughs, and City, and populous Boroughs Board at an Committee. the in of proposal. Circular the Regulations to to under ment Govern- services shall be provided may Local to give effect " the or premises placed which Regulations powers concerned Committees the Body Local are Distress for Committee, or Distress or on befoi'e the or case assistance proposed that such Body these by specified a Central the Authority other any an the possession of the of consent Law Poor a of disposal of accommodation shall be obtained disposalof Note. the the or services Body a Authority. that, the Board officer with the Local to Provided or in information Body for Central of or otherwise or the the at Authority, or by providing Distress with Committee the Body Central by placing Authority Local Central the as need or a Authority having co-operate may Committee Distress of area Committee Distress Local (1) Every " 1905. that and Urban they hope "that Districts,the Local Local Authorities Regidafions (^Organisntionfor Unemjyloyed) 1005. The, Note" Art. XX." willing be will to co-operate desirable is very is consistent low as kept as Central and Body with with efficient the performance ^g of the bodies." new the On ti,o as It of the wiu. regards officers and omcooor-ommodation. that expenditure on this head sik^^M Committees Distress work 131 in Article provision made the Board Authorities will furtlier avail XX. that state this of themselves supnly re they of information, Local "that trust provision ; " also as of Board of Authority [see definition of one of Sect. 2 (2) of Act] placing services Guardians, note mittee, Comtheir officers at disposal of Central Body, or Distress the case be, they say that they "will be ready as may regards to Law Poor a consider applicationwhich any be may made to them for the circumstances such in any in which are their consent case be for made available that the officers' services properly may of the Central the purposes Body or of a Distress Committee." [See XXI.] Article Local The refuse the entertain scheme and in their as may proposal,make then XXI. Article of far as they relate a to Distress every Central Central a they in the expedient, or necessary or scheme. To having the powers SO the confirm are where may, modifications such opinion entertain may proposal,and the enlertaia to Board Government these Body ,,,,,,., Body, Committee Distress Regulations, shall apply with having powers central Bodies. adaptations,and the necessary adaptationfollowing,that Article that Article Urban a Note." X. Article the District Central is to say shall have to were in particularwith : " effect Council of substituted as if references the See Act, Section 2 Borough for references Body. XXI." the (1). in or to of The 132 Regulations {Organisation Jor Unemployed) Article Local inquiries. auvernment Board Act, subsections (1) ^^^^ Loc^"^ of the Local Grovernment Act following modification, Subsection under and that Councils and other included any Body having and as the subsection be to applied as the the such any the mentioned under powers if as therein the Body Act, under authorised thereby were of with effect establishment as 87 " have payable by of purposes apply : authorities if all costs defrayed say shall the of Section shall is to (5) for or (5) 1888, proceedings to any respect Widi XXII. 1905. under charges the Act. NOTK." Article For " Short provisions incorporated in this Kegulation see incorporated in the Regulations" following the the Regulations. Enactments Schedule XXII." the to Article title. as The " XXIII. These Regulations (Organisation Regulations for cited be may Unemployed), 1906." MISCELLANEOUS is It Workmen under Board subsequent In by 1905," this Order of pages, the deal fully 10th October, with Section "An Board, this 1905.] be 4 Board of of varied made the Local (2) Order be may with probably Regulations by some to " the the will made : Act connection preceding "It enacted Act, NOTES. the the and under desirable hereafter contained Board to as requirements they have not thought subject at the present by any this Act." further but Government revoked Regulations Government "Unemployed Local time." state the in that supplement to returns it : " the to be expedient to [L.G.B.C.L's. The Regulatioui! {0 rganisationfor Unemployed) S C H E 1005. 133 L E DU . Record Name Papek. of Central Body. " " Insert " where Distress except the Name of No. of 1. Name Applicant Age 5. Trade. . Duration Addresses or in full, thereat of Residence - .... Calling, Employment, - *Condition or or Children - - Single, Widow or . - . . other Dependants : Ages, and ^ Number, *If any mation " J *Trade, (. ment or Dependants Other pation Occu- or . (Married Widower) 7. Children Register_ thereat . 6. . full, and in Address Duration 4. in " . Preceding Address and No. . ( 'ommittee have the powers of a Central Body. Names of Residence 3. : . Cliribtian Present Committee. Application Suinaiiie 2. of Distress Sex rhis head contained Calling, EmployOccupation (ifany) *Actual Rent and of Rooms Number in of Rooms Deduct Arrears Rent of Rent sul)-let a reference - sub-let - Appendix. . an C"py to - i"r in the Api endix, (ifany) for Rooms - in attaclied inserted Applicant's tenancy No. is in oripinalletteror other document, or 8. inforunder give to the The 134 Regulations {OrganisationJor UnemiJloyed) 1905. Schedule. tHere 9. tNature tiish whether has Apphcant been employed regularly, or, if not, at what time of the year has he 10. of Duration Employment Full Name Name been employed. and last Applicant's - and Address of Employer Date and of cause of Termination - *Rate and of Wages Weekly average Earnings received by Applicant in last Employment 12. - of Foreman Applicant'slast Employment 11. - - . of tParticulars . Names Full last Five of Years Addresses and . Employment other Applicant during . of ployers Em- .... Names 13. * of Foremen Present Income Dependants : of Applicant and " Earnings of Applicant Earnings of Wife Earnings of Childifin Earnings of Other Receipts from Club " Society or Charitable Other 14. *If any original If or document, a copy to or the Sources *Relief:" If letter ... Sources- mation infor- under this head is is contained in an Dependants no Relief has or any Relief has been or any of his other or in attached inserted in been of last Date received of his by Applicant Dependants received by Applicant Dependants Receipt Appendix, sive to the reference what From Poor Law Union Appendix. 15. *Particulars present, Society 16. of of Membership, Trade other or past or Provident ----- *Applicant'sProspect Work himself or other .... of means obtaining Regular of Supporting 1D05. Reguhdioiis {Orydnisationfor Vnemjiloijcd) The 135 Schedule. 17. Applicant'sFitness Work For Change For of Particulars liS. References Full " in Rural Land on Area - Occupation previous Experience (ifany) of - - Persons res])onsible to Addresses and Names " - - Date by "Applicationreceived __^ II. 19. quiries InVisit and ised authorHome at Applicant's by other Person or Oflicer,Member *Re}iort (with date) on - 20 *Report (with date) ised Case by authorother Person- on Officer,Mem])er, or Reports ftrom References (ifany) 21. * 22. Record Previous (ifany) of In Record Paper retained In Committee Record - Paper . - Applicant : by Distress " - - - retained Central by Body In Register .... Elsewhere 23. Decision 24. Record or . Action of After "Statements . on - . Case (with date)- History of CaseApplicant, verified by - of . Date III. Appendix. ttHere insert a to ft of every letter or other document copy the case, or attach the original. relatin 136 The {Organisatlo^i Rrgnldtions Given under the Government October, hundred for Seal of and the Office this Board, in Unemployed) year One 1905. of Tenth the Local thousand nine five. G. W. BALFOUR, President. S. B. Provis, Secretary. of day Incorporaled in ^^Regulations." Enactments 138 Acquisition of Land. of the poses information Central of members Bodies (1) Workmen Unemployed for the Workmen Act, 1905, no agreement, i.e., to owners (2) The 127 Consolidation X. apply the to of the lands Article 150 the Audit. The given c. " 41). Lands sale says for the compel Clauses shall not of purposes Act, 1905, contain superfluous land. of 151, also made inapplicable provisionsfor deposit, X., contain by public of copies bodies Special and Acts companies for acquisitionof land, "c. " Article Statutary Local to (8 Yict., c. 18) which Workmen the " the Regulations of inspection,"fec., obtained 131, of acquired pi'ovisionsfor by to Act, 1845 Unemployed Sections acquired by be given are powers " Unemployed the only : sell. Sections Article of can and Committees Distress purposes the For however, be pointed out it may, Land of Act, 1905. XVI, Provisions Government of the Regulations. re Audit Act, 1888 are (51 and hereunder 52 Vict. Enactments Incorporated in Regulations.^' " 139 Audit. Section 71 of expenditure end of each and be of an Accounts by Urban of the District of far as Auditors like in and manner their property there relate to and of county shall shall be the same have appeal Provided that the District Auditors Act, 1879, described in the Second the in as First sliall for an cations, modifiof owners rights, and like case of such Schedule Schedule so Authority, and be 65. the of necessary the 39 c, the if, as such 38 and Vict, or Accounts accordingly all ratepayers in the them manner the the with Audit. manner of Officers re-enacted those ' providing like in Audit the tions Sec- Auditors, including apply an the two-hundred- and amending District the Accounts as Act, 1875, and enactments by of Officers, under Health shall herein and spection in- to and _ all Authority were of appointed by ' of sums, Urban they Public to Audit they the Council, shall such imposing penalties and recovery and County Council, a Board, the and enactments Q"y^*[i Act, Abstract Board, Officers and Authority of and-fifty "' applying this by of two-hundred-and-forty-seven Sections up of Aocouiits to the beinj^prescribed by Government Government Local made defined as time be transmission to Treasurer audited shall Aufi'to* Abstract]. The County Councils " Board. Local to (3) r for the [Relates Accounts of form receipts and of the accounts finalicial year, Grovernment (2) The County local in the Local be (1) ^ "' " to the modified to this Act. in vl"t"c. 6. Ennctments 140 Incorporated in " Regulations.''^ Audit. Public Health Act. [Incorporatedby (38 Section Government Section the with 247. Council respect (1) to audit The shall under this audited soon as Before each receiving the such the District from such authority shall,after auditor the least of the one circulated this or more in the of the newspaper be deemed on any to be of Act, 1879"], and some twenty-fifthday as Auditor's and required by year, be relatingto time made, shall of accounts notice be expenditure in every once at will (namely,) poor: audit the not are authority appointment, give of ; receiptsand auditor " Authority observed of relief of the (2) [Repealedby (3) be be after the Local following Regulations examined can 55). c. 71 (3) of the the Act and March, by the of accounts Vict. Urban an Borough, a 39 Act, 1888]. Where of and the requisite fourteen place at which deposit of days' same accounts in section, by advertisement of the district ; local and the containingsuch sufficient proof of proceedingwhatsoever : newspapers production notice such shall notice Incorporated in Enactments 141 Regulations.'^ " Audit. (4) A of copy the balanced, vouchers office of thereat, intei-ested for persons audit, and without such behalf and books, made or up, the every or shall five auditor the them liable pounds of accounts and when inspection penalty a not : any audit by may, to that in altered allow to the accounts to be at officer any such such be from and : up refusing be purpose require altering all before shall extracts or make to allowing or exceeding For days authority duly appointed thereof, (5) clear reward or neglecting books, so fee during open, persons copies of take libertyto the inspectionof seven such all referred or be the to accounts, deposited in be authority,and such office hours same, shall accounts, books, rate receipts mentioned and such to in of all and up books, deeds, contracts, account the with together made duly accounts under in summons Act, writing, of him before production this all books, deeds, contracts, accounts, vouchers, receipts which and he require any any such other deem may person and documents or may accountable for books, deeds, contracts, accounts, vouchers, receipts,documents appear and necessary, holding papers before him at any adjournment thereof,and or such to make papers audit and or to any sign a 142 Enactments in Tncor2wratcd Eegnlations." " Audit. declaration and to if such any do, to the as such any same ; refuses neg-lects or person produce to or of the correctness so books, deeds^ ments, contracts, accounts, vouchei's,receipts,docuor shall declaration,he refusal or and shillings; makes the if such signs any or be to same he inflicted falsely or shall upon be corruptly material any liable to guilty persons forty declaration, knowing in untrue such neglect every exceeding not he sign or for incur penalty a make to or papers, the of ticular, par- penalties and wilful corrupt perjury : (6) Any ratepayer district make the be may of owner auditor ; and have the allowances by such auditor shall section contrary the person of the to auditor person deficiencyor or misconduct and owners they have as and or in by of pursuance of item every surcharge law the this account on same authorising the making illegal payment, against any any disallow making before accounts : acting law, may right of appeal against same an audit, and ratepayers against disallowances (7) Any such the in property at the present objection to any shall or and shall accounting the loss incurred of that by person, charge amount the or of gence negliof any Incojporated in Enactments " Regulations.'''' 143 Audit. which sum ought brought into account shall every such in such from any party aggrieved for disallowance allowance (8.) Any may for to of and provided auditoi's and with the said with respect and surcharges with the by said application any appeal to Board which the case case of of the the time relief of the have the under ; this Local auditors : sui'chargesby poor same Act or it as ances allow- same said may Board, poweis it possesses the ; in lieu of such appeals against allowances, and by aggrieved the as as ances, disallow- Government have appeal or so person same being: in allowances, auditors shall the disallowances to respect allowance dis- conditions for the to Bench disallowances shall court made the in same the to any : remove of case such of Queen's court, the laws regard the powers has in the under to said subject to of also made of certiorari the and the writing disallowance Court the amount respect have may apply manner force in aggrieved by into are he and person, in state person writ a shall not applicationby on surcharge, which is certifythe decision or but that and person, his been by case due reasons have to in in the ances disallowpoor law Incorporated in Enactments 144 Regulations." " Audit, (9) Every by person be such is sum not the appeal, from the been and certified with the due like of the paid by such and expenses, costs reasonable incurred are of the audit, the auditor audited such deposited in the constitutinga of their of abstract the shall Authority of loss such after the the time accounts local newspapers shall of such to same shall the on and Clerk in as person: report the cause a completion examined, office,and such rate proceedings, from to of case including shall and report Authority, who the him days deliver more by fourteen accounts an such in recovered not Within (10) him by has poor such for compensation samq process the in shall be such same like as is if such no the accounts, and all is the audit after the whom by of there ; and recover powers the on shall days there shall be Act treasurer decision against to certified Where the auditor person the to paid, and so any certified,unless so appeal against an from this fourteen within been has due under person Authority same be to auditor an paid by such the certified sum be publish some one circulated or in district. provisions as board of to audit improvement of any local Act commissioners are Enactments 146 I ncorp such authority,within the Any to due from authority being If any local which proceed in to raise within the be may the jointboard precepts as and the of this sum within as may other or Act, the be to the be a part unpaid, due. sum from formed by them, of powers issuing therein named a tributory con- district, rural authority thereof. proceed sufficient to of mentioned contributed amounts port sanitaryauthority, any of may, to any Act the same authority district a defaultingauthority be to the Where 292. be I'ural a recovery being to pay the have a complying obtaining payment sums were in the in this the contributoryplaces Section raise of recovering jointbeard jointboard, the shall of and if such of of case by recovered joint board time as sufficient purpose places of the the default the district shall be may proceedings as manner summary a as sum For direct. it,the to for may or general expenses. authority makes such joint board, aforesaid in to be to precept, to precept addressed a contribution deemed the the authority, and in addition debt such in by instituting proceedings for of debt, or a may precept addressed instead of jointboard authority as that accordingly,such, the to local a limited mentioned mentioned sum jointboard debt the as person time a therein sums to such with Regulations." ^^ of Contributions. Recovery pay ratedin a authorised, in are in a manner summary suance purto defaulting authority such pay any debt due to them, Incorporated in Enactments shall,within sum authority,have, the sam, powers incurred such by as due afoi'esaid officer for be the shall if were they were sum their have in of the to authority so the as precepts, other defaulting expenses properly the district same in all or the that subject to from authorised as other any aforesaid where otherwise authorities, the shall defaultingauthoritywould otherwise the 7'aise moneys to power and by issuingprecepts, or expenses being were authority; so rate defaulting authority for of expenses officer be if it as by rate a and and rate a authorised the powers, respects of such and manner same to raise power levy by them, the the requiring payments power the authority so power the officer of the by for their due raising raising such the by levy expenses defaulting authority have the have the have requiring payment same of issuing from such authorities. Any precepts aforesaid enforced had as have incidents payment as to appointed levied same levied relates ratepayers, the shall appointed shall defaulting the defaultingauthority within individual any of defaulting authority have the moneys from of authority. Where any the purpose as if such as the district the far so same authority,and for authorised authority so such of 147 of Contributions. Becovory tlie Ecgtdatlons." " been for in the issued issued by raising the same by manner the the authority so sum due in all to authorised them respects as defaultingauthority. may if be they authority The making of purpose think and the all to due thereout and by such aforesaid, and incurred of the shall their the such ten to any such sums cent, per aforesaid charges persons shall of payment the after and apply the debt due expenses as balance, if any, such on authority by charges, and render hands for defaulting authority; in costs, in all costs, by as them may, raised them, add to exceeding authorised so raised in be to sum be to default authority them, aforesaid as (includingcompensation the moneys debt defray ma^y employ) of reason the sufficient,not expenses they may of the paying due, and debt authorised so estimate an they liegulatlons.'' " ContributioDS. of Recovery as Inco?-poratedin Enactments 148 maining re- the application to defaulting authority. Powers. Borrowing The statutory XVIII. (38 are 39 and Section of the defraying or be to Sanitary or such mentioned Public " of the Regulations. in Health Article 1875 Act, Vict., c. 55). 233. Any Local Government any Acts this local authoritymay for the costs, charges, and expenses of or any this loans Act, sums them by Act, such loans the or contracted bori-ow of in or money as necessaiy expenses, tion sanc- purpose of incurred for the under aforesaid. the execution re-borrow, costs, charges, and any with Board incurred interest, any any provisions follows. as discharging Acts Article XVIII. " of the purpose the and Sanitai'y take for or of up at defraying for charging dis- Incorporated iii Enactments Urban An or sums sums mortgage the persons of such fund if applied expenses of such rates the out borrowed, the of by persons advanced Section any intended such to be be or such 234. fund, this bv or exercise The ine: confeiTcd rate Act, special to of any rate or payable, and are of any for so sums to mortgage may such whom of to payable, applied thereon, they behalf on applied are the credit any credit of the the expenses to rate. or re-borrow authority,on expenses interest of such or securing the repayment with of this of whom rates or borrow authorityon such defray to thereon, they may behalf on fund intended or of which purpose or of which out rates any execution interest may or or any securing the repayment such Authority if applied all or the in by any re-borrow or authorised are with to expenses common of borrowed, sams, and fund them so Rural general of any they by advanced are such borrow for the purpose Act, and A which incurred expenses Bums the credit of out may Authority on I'ate any 149 Bcgulations." Powers. Jiorrowing such, " are sums rates. of the be shall of borrow- powers subiect to Ropuia- the tioiiB as exercise to borrowing , , followingregulations; (namely,) (1) Money shall not works any the to be be powers. (including works of which opinion of the spread over a except for borrowed Local term under the this sion expres- ought costs Government of manent per- years) : in Board of Borrowing Incoi'poratedin Enactments 150 Eegulations." " Powers. (2) The exceed, the with under of the in the (3) which respect of the balances value the Government Local for to inspectors has reported to the not such money one Act, in two the 3'ears district be may said of such Board such local a board be for the either pay of determine off in principaland set apart in the as way same a each of ; and, principal or of they the case by compound in ment Govern- borrowed shall sinking fund, of time, authority shall so moneys interest, or such Local local instalments annual investing the the and ity, the local author- with subject as aforesaid, the of their one inquiry borrowed sanction give not : as the the premises, shall until loan with exceed would year held may Board, year standing out- borrowed be exceeding sixty years, equal for money to (if any) assessable The this within proposed sura their sanction (4) ity local author- and the : Where such the value assessable time any all Acts assessable premises borrowed by at of balances Sanitary the whole not contracted loans the shall borrowed sum and in every late accumu- interest purchase of by Ex- Incorporated in Enactments Borrowing " Regulations.'^ 151 Powers. bills chequer such sum of way will as of in the interest be sufficient,after to expenses, boii^owed so moneys all securities, accumulations with compound payment Governnient other or -within off pay the the tioned period sanc- : (5) A local whole or under of authority may the part of any this Act fund that they until borrowed by (6) which so Where the discharging repayment a been moneys produced the of the money the beyond the period for sanctioned, sinking with unless extended the the for time shall unexpired portion of original loan the Board, beyond date of purpose borrowed so the whicli GovernmeTit ji-ears from for the previous loan, extend be and year the part of is borrowed not case the Provided equivalentto sum have would or of which : of apart discharge in each whole the applied : money Local established the fund sinking fund the set repayment discharged,a are interest fund the into apply the towards been pay time any sinking fund a or for has accumulate the in moneys the at of the sanction and the of shall in was the no period of sixty originalloan. 152 Incorporated in Enactments Borrowing Beijulations." " Powers. Where urban any authority borrow any the purpose of defraying privateimprovement or in respect expenses part only duty of the of the such district authority,as district,to make liable,it between they as of a rate of the Section 236. [Deals with Section 237. [Register of Mortgages to be district to open hours, without fee as the be the can, requires,either out rates, or shall a ratepayers of the far so expenses, determined have part and of be occasion as private improvement such to they good, borrowed, so money of which for money of out levied in aforesaid. of Form Mortgage.] to be kept, office public inspection during reward.] or Mortgages.] Section 238. [Deals with Section 239. [Contains provision for appointment Receiver interest Local on Mortgage Inquiries. The are as and 52 non-payment on of of principal XXII. " Local Vict., c. 41). or money of the Regulations. statutory provisions mentioned follows. of Rates.] Article " Transfer Government in the Act, 1S88 Article " (51 EiKictinents 154 Sections 293 to 296 of the (38 [Incorporatedin from fit in relation in which their this Government Local made Board such such inquiries as inquiriesas they the concerning matters with matters any may public respect to required is consent or see Act. instituted 294. rates out such order The by, of or Act, and of which the made shall be of rule a said parties by to the costs Board applicationof Board under whom or borne of one any may proceedings inquiriesor appeals to, as the on Government of costs such be may of law Local to the as this courts the sanction, approval, orders under be Act, and any 55). Grovernraent to place, or any Section make to Act, 137o, (above given).] Local cause this by health by time to directed are The Health c. (1)of Act, 1888 293. time 87 Regulations." " Public 39 Vict. and Section Board Section in Incorporated and ; the the every superior named person therein. Section 295. Board and conclusive refer, and Board in may shall All orders pui\suance in by the this Act of respect of be direct. made the published in matters such Local shall be ment Govern- binding to which manner as they that Local in Incorporated Enactments Regiilations." " 155 Inquiries. 296. Section Inspectors of the Government Local Powers ' Board for shall, the of Inspectors of purposes directed inquiry any by Govern- ment Board, the have Board, the examination, the and be have Poor persons call To for Law production disobey evidence Vict., them, the c. perjury. 109, S. 21).] and those of to is [Poor powers a Law Poor to to witnesses examine contracts, to Law relief the of Acts. have Inspectors and required which those their accounts, matters relating Acts of Inspector "an is the and papers to purposes " before of places and witnesses to powers under the for Note. of similar Inspectoi'S poor relation production inspection inspected, the in on Board ; Act, any oath ; 1847 to false give (10 to etc. accounts, agreements, misdemeanour summon and 11 EXCHANGES LABOUR AND THEIR CO-ORDINATION. (LONDON) BUREAUX LABOUR Ch. VII., Edw. (2 Act the authorise to Bureaux 1902. 13.) XIII. CHAPTER An ACT, the throughout Labour of establishment [22nd. Metropolis. July, 1902.] it enacted "DE by and Spiritual the King's the advice Temporal, follows : borough Excellent most and of consent in Commons, by the the council Majesty, Lords the this present authority of the " lawful be shall It and and assembled, as 1. with and Parliament same, by to for any maintain and establish of a politan metro- labour bureau. 2. or Any incidental this Act shall to be the by incurred expenses exercise paid out of of the the a borough powers general council conferred rate. in by Labour 3. this In Act office an mean and Exchanges the by either information respecting otherwise and workpeople Co-ordination. the for the of purpose of who employers who " bureau keeping workpeople 157 labour " term used place or their supplying registers desire seek shall to or engage engagement or employment. 5. Act This Note. The Bureau Act, are : been established Battersea, is 18) the that have Council, bodies," Boroughs 1905)]. in Workmen Labour London, there [L. and G.B.C.L. Urban It recent been others with Districts 1905" St. Pancras, (5 Edw. provision make to Exchanges. during are Act, Statute Boroughs some and above the smith, Hammer- Fulham, Poplar, Labour a of Westminster. general first of outside Bureau where provisions Kensington, Islington, "Unemployed establishment the Finsbury, Chelsea, Stepney, wark. The c. under " Hampstead, South Labour Boroughs, Metropolitan " has the as 1902. Act, (London) cited be may years is a Kegulations in the to Councils provinces the Bureaux Borough the by been have for however, "Labour established wliich fact, 7, set up by other of populous (lOtli October, EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGES THEIR Extract I4th of of the in a the by of " " confei'ence W. had H. the tral Cen- the by of known its origin Metropolitan Long, M.P., Government Local of request which the on Organisation Fund," Hon. (as Board of the at Right the the at Government Local pi'oposed Guardians President prepared Unemployed scheme Statement Prelimiuarj Committee London the " April, 1905) Executive as CO-ORDINATION. from President AND Board, then October on 14th, 1904. " the The co-ordination of medium felt to be the of such a Conference those was existing invited, of be the Committee the working of and confer the with that of a been to and the Committee, the elicit this of suggestions, the Conference of Management well-attended the were meeting actually engaged was Classification appointed Committee entirely successful. of notice Superintendents those Exchanges the has to to To their sequel Executive and tion forma- 22nd, the proposal 26th. and Consultative experiment the Committees the as the was this aim. achieving recommended, was interested Exchanges and for througfh Exchange, December as approved by January on Chairmen back bringing likely to held Employment Exchange an existing Bureaux, hopeful step far as been step having Central a most Accordingly, of the to a in meet " an " in in the to aid order In with future, and the of work standard of points decided in Mr. W. H. March and It is too used by seven Exchanges. For these oi' Street, Westminster. made Central to as Exchange working will thus and larger is the being Local it in the use provide a ready with locally,the a results, ever through it, when- provided filled over all that for be Fulham co-operationis being Exchange be cannot by the of of inter-communication, places of appointed Superintendent, and applicants cannot of which for {sinceconsiderablyincreased) of future, the Central means offices early to report the time present working been systematic plan a rapidly developed. at the has and important the lately in charge Exchange, other many most inaugurate the and rules discussed the in Victoria Fordham, Employment but to Exchange, Central taken been have far, however, been has new were So upon. and uniform a model adopted, administration step taken the been set of a 159 Exchanges providing to them, has of local formation view a among application forms their Co-ordination. and Exchanges Employment employment, attempt area, to be can adjust the balance. " may The Central become outcomes of only not the work greatest utility. fluidityof labour; which wage-earners Exchange Its of one of is the the functions to may provide be the inceptionof permanent more winter, but will a enabled be to one to of increase instrument new what find the the the by billets that they need conditions and it incidentally, of " The will for search they men of knowledge increase Exchange ordinary channels, will of strengthening the intended, is Form, and work, It and Co-ordination. while, want, the prevailing employment, efforts.' recognition their the employers Application model and Exchanges JEmployment 160 to not to in thus, and aid the take applicants in normal of place institutition courses of their own through is of the their work respect, every its from importance supreme the ' quote to another maintaining industry." Model 162 4. The those The will of name the of out and or before he or to be public she repeated of of that of notice removed from the applicant, applicant that notice such than on notice gives employment, often days Sun- of exclusive month, less the be unless the out not month will holidays, still under or month, one end is applicants suitable. applicant after the registered ployers em- registered. every register the employment, be but suitability, to for applicants consider they discharge, 6. recommend from select whom one Only Forms. according may any and will Superintendent employment 5. Rules on ceeding suc- every remains out employment. 7. Applicants they obtain must notify employment the Superintendents through the Exchange. when of Model Form Rules and Forms. 163 Application. of ^ilcfropolitajt^5oi-oiig^ of Municipal Employment (AfSliated with the Central Exchange. Employment Address Exchange). OfficeHours Date No. Name Addi-ess Married or What Single. family. How long resident the Exact Name and Address of last Name and Address of What Sick Any remarks. yoa Employer Benefit, Trade, N.B." Employment applicants in their bearch NOTE." Where the foregoing " on Form oi other Reconl for Unemployed), not Paper," 11X)5." and please inform permanent. the you a qualified. work. descriptionof Society are Borough. for which work descriptionof member work. of ? Superintendent immediately or be guaranteed. cannot for work, aud not to take to aid This exchanere is intended efforts. the place of their own and Labour Committee be considered seeing necessary of "The given in the Schedule offices of Distress may and longest Employer For the sake of other applicants obtain work, whether temporary entered Other descriptionof employment required. in arc combined, Exchanpo application has to be that Regulations (Orgauisation Model 164 Card For ^Tctropoltfon ^oroug^ Employer. EXCHANGE. STREET. HIGH HALL, TOWN to of EMPLOYMENT MUNICIPAL NO mi. Workmen of Unemployed Introduction of and Rules i90 FEES. To , Be Sir, Dear In reply to of in advertisement your I introduce may the bearer i* who of No fees whatever charged for are Yours seeking work is in above 'faithfully, Superintendent. [BACK Employers them at Typists, Shop Servants, 8-0 Saturdays," 8-0 till till 4-0. 12-0. Handy-men, will be made to Porters, Messengers, Travellers, Clerks, Assistants, Waiters Girls, Boys, Youths, FEES NO endeavour " Labourers, General and Domestic Hours." : every Chauffeurs, Mechanics, Caretakers, Writers with notice short CARD.] OF that informed are Carmen, Office ", this introduction. OVEE] suit position and Shorthand Waitresses, etc., etc. WHATEVER. Telephone No. Superintendent. Model Card Post to Rules and Forms. Unemployed Applicant to 165 call at Registry. liTcfropoIifon ""3oroug:^of 1VIUNICIPAL EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE. Town Hall, Street. High No. Telephone 190 referen With it' you still are disengaged to e application for your employment. please call _ next, o'clock at sharp. SUPERINTENDENT. Card Post statingthat Employment EXCHANGE, EMPLOYMENT MUNICIPAL Obtained. been "gSofougf) of ^Tctropolitan TOWN Telephone has STREET. HIGH HALL, No. REGISTRY CARD. EMPLOYMENT AND Registered No. of Removal Date _ Sir, I have This Days, obtained Card if out employment or temporary, is printed. ] brought be must On of work. [On Address Side " Postal " with to the Registry at least every obtaining eniployinent, whether senil this Card _ immediately Address of to the Seven permanent Registry. Superintendent of Exchange Model 166 03 94 Q -00 c 111 0 E o o n o IL c3 O O u Rules and Forms. Model FORM Feom Report Labour Central Yictoria following S.W. Borough the from Exchange^ Westminster, Street, Exchange Exchange. Employment of The 167 RETURN. of Centra! Forms. Borough of Superintendent 34, and DAILY OF Superintendent TO The Rules Date have registered as Unemployed Signed [Here follows Trades and printed list Callings. ] of this day. Model 168 Form op Weekly. Rules and Return Forms. made "^^Icfropolifan^oroug^ the Week Exchange. of EXCHANGE. EMPLOYMENT MUNICIPAL During Borough by 1905. ended Females, Males. Fresh Applications Kenewals , Total. Statement showing the Number Engaged of each Class during the of Workers Registered and Week. Males. Number of Persons during Number of who the week Employers during the week have secured through who have in want this Agency called of Females, Employment or written Employees Superintendent. OUT-DOOR THE The in " in " Regulation the is in The of one Union of of the dense their other At Out-Relief was a Unions, tress Diswhich to as respectively. who age. The populations. areas or is Order Unions. in the operation who of not of " is the not time able-bodied is of the of parish charge, issue it is now a charge. The two Orders OUT-DOOR by Article said the Poor Government Local female, given are I. Unions, Law ORDER. 21st be (now December, able-bodied relief shall " Commissioners Board) Every requiring hereunder: PROHIBITORY RELIEF Issued the Prohibitory The " Out-door " the satisfythemselves in operation fact, and Orders, 'the is in should question " and door Out- to viz. orders, two The Unions Committees Order in three-fourths over Commissioners Boai^d) relating Order." Order include "which Law Prohibitory Order," Regulation operation ORDERS. Poor contained are Relief Out-door the Government Local Relief Relief of Regulations the (now RELIEF from relieved any 1844. male j;erson, Parish onlv within in the the any Workhouf-e or of Out-Door The Article I. of the such or Union, together with able-bodied her, and with the if he be him l7l Ecllef Orders. wife ; save of and 2nd. Where such and her such in the Where r relief on relief on bodily or or person, require or the part, of relief for either expenses, of his of any burial first six months of her such a Where her, and upon or such or shall person legitimatechild of her the shall defraying the their illegitimatechild to " family. being his, her, gaol ; require person, dependent 6th. shall person in with family. Where have her of or person, sickness, accident or purpose male urgent necessity. person such Where or his together require infirmity affecting such wholly 5th. shall him and following cases mental of with resident of any the 4th. be account any 3rd. able-bodied person of sudden account resident if she of every family employment, in the such be and man, except 1st. Where in such every of the may be not married a as person may such a be shall widow widowhood. a widow, and legitimate children or incapable of earning livelihood, and born be after the have no ment commence- widowhood, person place of safe shall be confined in any custody, subjectalways, reofulation containe.l in Article 4. The 172 Article Relief Orders. Out-Door I. 7tli. Where such child, of the in able-bodied any of service Where soldier, sailor, the children the accoixling the IV., afford shall be infirmity within the from to family of of such the any Medical Officer shall have Board is ordered of or soldier, a for the of said male Unions, able-bodied or male 0 (Beer's Weekly attended the Minutes of the the of in Article such to allow door out- children or resident Union. relief out-door to any person, of member extract an such Report (ifany nature infirmity, shall of the da}^on subsequently allowed. Proceedings which or resident person case),statingthe or or within sickness, accident, able-bodied Guardians reside child in which case account in the wife, child, may the within every reside not of nurture, and age a discretion, may, or such any being Woi-khouse the sickness, accident, speciallyentered the on as Guardians their children, mother In any of any the within the given be not shall of to relief in relief II. shall regulationcontained wife, child, or Article who shall the person Board the subject to with or person, but Union, same, being wife, Majesty marine, or of such Union, the man able-bodied any within His be marine. sailor,or 8th. shall person the be of relief The Out- Door Orders. ReUef 173 Article II. But if the Board of the hand cei-tificate under Union, the or of of copy shall Medical a before the in be like fit,a the of attendance in Board, sickness, accident, shall think Officer Practitioner laid same on stating-the infirmitj,and or a in entered manner Minutes. Article poor-rates III. of Unions to any within the cases be such the of Medical party, shall nature the of the Guardians : No relief shall be in any parish comprised any who person Union, does and save reside not fi^om given in except the of the in place some the said following- " 1st. Where such such 2nd. paiush, shall Where such or or 3rd. of his Where such receive she her relief require not may bodily or Justices person, any shall be entitled parish in which i^esident,under be on family. pei-son relief from which shall sickness, accident, or within destitute. infirmity,affectingsuch, mental any become person of any account being casually person, law by may be any to he or order authorized to make. 4th. Where such in the 5th. being person, of her first six months such Where is person a legitimatechild dependent and no commencement illegitmate of a her child widowhood. w^dow, on be shall widow, her born widowhood, who for has a support, after and the who The 174 Art. Old-Door Relief Orders. irr. the at time resident the with in be may such Union in which was other thau and such shall such residing be not parish child a sixteen, maintained children Where shall person within the in for the situate not be under house Work- a education wife the of child or some person the residing within not of the Union. Avithin Union, able-bodied,and not death legal settlement, Establishment or 7th. place some person of age pauper in her the husband's comprised. Where the lier him of parish situated 6th, of Union. 8th. Where such of receipt at in was settled in such "within the Union relief. IV. Where licensed the all relief which child or the same manner, if she were in house at the the time shall a widow. subjectto being resident of +.he allowance law, a or Avoman same or to his to such is ment in confine- lunatic give the one recited Union, of any as relief, of that being not of the asylum Guardians and that husband custody or date the calendar hereinbefore parish,and in seeks twelve the children, shall be given her as or seas, the applicable to of the the a Orders several in the parish person within which Article such been have some preceding next of the from which time some months beyond relief from Union shall person woman idiot, wife, or in conditions, Out-Door I'he or any of any the apply any any for or Officers, of their in parish, Union the of tlie house rent portion any in pauper of payment such wholly of any in or such or any rent, given to retain directlyor in or to or to of purpose rent, in full such part, pauper, to be apply in lodging, procured mental necessity,or the prevent that always, shall contained to part, for considering the of case in and shall be urgent taken regulatingthe incurred by to amount from particularperson, any to be exjDense Article temporary or sudden imbecility,or to this shelter any any afforded be in nothing Guardians, said of relief to such person providing lodging. Provided VI. Article of Guardians from departure I'cport the Poor relief granted same, the and of approve in such be otherwise lawful, subjectto be disallowed. not such in depart and days the any be such thereof, Poor departure, to in after grounds particular instance deemed the case before regulationsherein- fifteen Commissioners, Law Commissi(mers of the any that Unions said within and contained, the always, of the any particular instance to Overseers or pauper. Provided in Guardians, I'elief ordered relief for the such portion of for the pay, lodging the of 175 Overseer the to or indirectlydischarging any be lawful It shall not V. Article RelieJ-Orders. Law then the shall, unlawful, or if be The 176 Out-Door VII. Article No any regulationin loan ; and of, any account wife, to his thereto, or Article under IV., the think to proviso in tit, be on or under of the any or twenty-one, family exceptions under or her or I.,or of the Guardians if the may, of his of way given to, of age to contrary given by be the Article any be may above be may shall which part any under or Order person of sixteen, under age or relief any which relief this Orders. Relief the exceptions Ai'ticle III., Article VI., given by of way loan. tbis in used Whenever VIII. Article the it shall Order, be place separately,maintaining taken its " word include to own " Parisb is any whether poor, parochialor extra-parochial. in this Order, Union of under appointed provisionsof from the said Governors, entitled the Act or poor-rates under an the of Parishes maintenance of of Parliament. the to include entitled to Local act recited ordering of any Guardians " word hereinbefore in the only provisionsof or Directors, Managers, to act is used not Union relief Order, it shall be taken in this Guardians any Whenever the also any for the Local to include under " Union " word taken Act, but united any X. Article be the formed recited incorporatedor used it shall Parishes hereinbefore the poor Whenever IX. Article or not under Act, but Acting is only the also ians Guard- relief to the Act " poor of Parliament. 178 Art. The Out-Door Reliej Orders. III. Nor to the directlyor indirectly, pay, the of conveyance under conveyed Statute, lawful some Order The lunatics of case The a of conveyed person hospitalor an asylum, other be lawful person to for which for any the to such Guardians being to or of reception time from or house other or or or poor it shall place this Article lodging of any pauper of purpose in of any account on w^holly or portion of to any the objectsin pay, house to money applicant for to house Work- such ; give of the the for which in conveyed for the the house a chargeable ; Workhouse in persons, Parish or person establishment or to the conveyed time a " ; person is at the case any Nor a hospital registered person Nor ; viz. Law Board, Law licensed or or Poor a of the Union 3rd. the school, or lunatic some Justices infirmary,or reception of 2nd. of Poor of case district a of conformity with followingcases 1st. The from or the or of in or Regulation or except in the to Order an unless person, provisions authority Commissioners III. poor the under or other Article any o" expense part, affecting any mentioned the apply be given such rent, the relief ordered to of any of the to nor payment ; rent pauper, in such The Art. Out-Door III. retain to nor the portion of directly or purpose such rent, in full that always, shall contained of case any mental IV. poor-ratesof any Union casefi : in not part, for any in or in apply sudden a poor porary tem- or in person necessity or urgent or Article shelter to any for this imbecility. Article does charging indirectly dis- nothing lodging procured who for relief such pauper; Provided comprised of any such or 179 Orders. Relief relief No of the of any said the in reside shall be Parishes, said and respectively,save of any or Unions, to within place some from given Parish any person such Parish in the except the following " 1st. The of case and Parish, 2nd. The 3rd. of sickness, accident, her or of case child a dependent illegitimatechild of her of her widow\ for her on and death place legal settlement, such and Parish a the who or on bodily her, or legitimate no at the time with the Parish than not and ment commence- resident was other her in Avhich or support, after born in some having widowhood, husband's relief family. him Union requiring j)erson infirmity,affectinghim of his The a of any mental any such casu.allywithin person destitute. case account or a situated is of in the comprised. The 180 Art. Out-Door Relief Orders. IV. 4th. The of case maintained child a in education within the The 5th. Union Parish such establishment children situate not Parish. or wife child or Union or of sixteen age or of poor of the case the Workhouse a for the under of within i-esiding some not person residing therein. 6th. The of case receipt of of this date Y. male bodied other hire or relieved the out to receive and from he within or the preceding next the from or which time some in the be he is by any given employed Workliouse, be for wages or person. male shall be kept employed superintendence able- to any long so as if person, set to work under he by their continues relief. VII. Article Articles Parish, able-bodied Every and been Order. remuneration of the Union months while person Guardians, direction the has such relief shall No VI. Article in calendar twelve from relief, at seeks she who pei\son relief Parish some Article a V. and following cases 1st. The account Provided VI. : shall that not be the regulations imperative in in the " case of a of sudden person and receiving releif uigent necessity. on The Art. Out-Door Orders. Rdiej 181 VII, 2n(i. The mental or any of a of purpose 4th. of his of case the confined person bodily or or person receivingrelief person the defraying of any The sickness, accident, on family. case burial receiving relief person affectingsuch infirmity, of his The a of any account 3rd. of case for the of expenses the family. children wife, child, or in of safe gaol,or place of any a custody. 5th. The of case resident Article days or to any of them the same, Article with the the age Guardians of Poor IX. No sorts Law for relief Avhich shall think or the be to his age be be of alter or contrary given by way to of given in conformity to or on account lawfullygiven wife, of or require. so shall be Order mode and discontinue shall relief may twenty-one, under this they be superintendingthem shall may place shall in which times thirty the paupers of work Board Order Board male i-elief which this to whom family a in execution act Law Poor shall forthwith and provisionsof person her or shall,within employed, the be if the any any or sort regulation in loan, but to the provision made working, of Union or proceeded to able-bodied shall the work, and any which work, the set while have VI., report places at Guardians The they shall of Article Parish children, or therein. i-esiding VIII. after the within not person wife, child, the or any above part of his sixteen, may, fit,be given by way of if the of loan. The 182 Article deem If the X. of the contained III.):^^^^ Article shall departure been to the Board, notifysuch such be may Guardians have been and if the Poor departure,and terms shall all relief given far as and conditions lawful, anything in be to the same of this Order contrary notwithstanding. to the Whenever XL Article Order in this Guardians the the said hereinbefore Guardians to include entitled or " word it shall be taken appointed provisionsof to " only not act, under recited is the Act, but also Governors, Directors, Managers, Acting Guardians, any Vestrymen, other or Officers appointed or entitled to and distribution or in the Poor from Article in this the in Parish a ordering of any Whenever the word it shall be extra-parochial. taken own or of the Managers as poor-rate,under XII. Order, act separatelymaintaining its or the grounds deemed Guardians, the with approval, shall be so notification, shall be in accordance such Order, of such such relief which not this in after the report shall provisionsof after case the by Board, shall approval to Regulations contained and case such shall approve Board in such said those same, such to the contrary in of the any ation consider- particularcase, twenty-one days Law answer an by used of any report the given so returned such shall,upon (except within Poor thereof,to the Law Guardians specialcircumstances hereinbefore before Relief Orders. expedient to depart from it have Out-Door the relief "Parish" include Poor, whether Poor, of the local Act. general or to Union, is used any place parochial The XIII. Article party, or number be persons several taken matters or context thereby. there be such to XIV. Whenever to that by its number number, shall word in well Order, be one any one the the applied party, matter or the in something same several to or person as person importing this shall as as repugnant referred bearing things unless Article is well as or used 18S describing the and include, to respectively, is only parties or in thing, or Orders. Relief Whenever matter, singular shall Old-Door and thing subject construction. in the be this Order Article taken any of to this be Article Order signified INDEX. ABBREVIATIONS. Coininittee. D.C.," Bistress Tentral Body." "C.B.," Board. Government "I/.G.B.," Local " Act. Uiiemplo.yed Workmen U.W.A.," " of member Absence of D.C. workman, ,, C.B. or of Avork search from work home on Land ") ... ,, ,, Acquisition of Land (see " of Act, duration family from wages Authority, contribution for working Labour Exchange Agreement to deduct witli ,, ,, for Local for w Alien Applicant questions ,, before to attend for work D.C. to applies U.W.A. class to which ,, qualificationof by... residential ,, false statement ,, Application to D.C, reference maj'^ be received when of to C.B. ,, conditions ,, Audit afiecting of Accounts disqualificationattaching to ") (see Guardians Borough Council to appoint D.C. in London Bankruptcy, of Guardians Boards " London outside ,, ,, ,, 21, 26, 31, 126, 145 from contributions ,, to ,, fill casual D.C. on vacancy 49 in London ... London outside ,, may ,, D.C ,) a Powers to have Committee assistance ,, Borrowing apply by, to 78 ,, ,, ,, 24 D.C of ... ... D.C. or C.B ... 45,47, 76 130 31, 126, 148 186 Index. PAGE Central Body, " index keep to keep registerof establishment ,, of to 114 cases 1]6 cases ... ... ... Colony by tenii)oraryaccoimnothition ... provisionof ,, workers ,, ,, appointment by audit ... ... ... ... ... ... 30, 120 30, 122 30,123 30, 124 31, 125 ... ... ... 32, 126. 14S ... of oflicers office accomodation ,, 30, 117 ... f jr ."! by acqnisitionof land ,, ... of Farm by for of accounts of ... of money ,, borrowing ,, may delegate to ,, niay information distribute,"Src., ,, co-operationby by D.C. of Liibonr control Exchange 12S ... ... ... ... f(jr ... unemployed 128 ' Central with ... 21,31 also Chairman, "Contributions" appointment of, by D.C. " ... ... of, to 63 meeting Clerk "). (see "Town Committee, notice of ajipointment of members power to Borough to Distress summon ... ... ... be .sent to ,, ,, give to ,, of notice for C 50 to ,, Body to casual vacancy... the Guardians for D.C Clerk to London give of selected L.G. notice of ... give to District meeting ditto ,, re Council to casual casual appoint vacancy to D.C. notifyClerk to ,, to Seal London ... Contributions, voluntary, use 55, 58 55, 58 of selected names for C.B. notice ... of D.C. ... ... of ... 78 ... ... person to 76 ... ... ... Mil ... ... ... "Borongli Council"). from ... ... ... ... ... of 21.124 ... ... use of ,, apportionment ,, recoA'ery of Council's... towards provisionof temporary ,, to for C.B give Councils, " meeting 53 ... ... ,, 58 ... for 79 vacancy (see under ... " of notice persons Urban Common ... of Guardians to tran.smit Council 58 ... selection ,, Common to 46,50,76,78 Council County ,, to member C.B. to select Clerk 55 of meeting for co-optation ... notify for U notify selection ... to meeting names to clerk to Central ... to select 55, 58 ,, ,, ... B transmit C.B. to ... to ... on ...63,80 64, 80 Council to Clerk 63, 80 ... of office of term ,, ... C.B. ,, ,, Clerk 130 ... Fund See Clerk Clerk and ... ... of 21 ... ... ... ... ... ... 31 ... ... ... ... ... ... 31, 126, work 145 lOS ... ... Index. Co-operationbetween " and D.C's. CB's re Labour Exchantres, re Scheme for 1 J. Ct.B. ... of C.B, members proportionof ,, iKrc. approval of ,, Co-opted 187 for CB. of members Special Committees meeting to co-opt for C.B. ... ,, of notice ,, Corporate Body, London County Administrative, C.B. a Body for London London of outside Central Council of estal)lishment of under County Borough organisation for Special Committee ,, ... population 50,000 appointment of Special Committee (See under Borough.) ,, apply for may ,, for Crime, disqualification of term Dependants, meaning for from deduction workman's ,, of Difficulties,removal in of respect wages establislnnent of "c by D.C from membership Disqualification, 66 82, 19, 97, 100 59, 79 Discrimination, of D.C. ... isation, organ- ... ... 59 C.B ,, Distress by poor Committee, law relief constitution of, ... London ... of ,, a of tlie council committee ,, ... term ... of office of memlterof... ,, ,, ... resignation of memljer casuat " of ,, be ... ... C.B. on declaration of ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, first meeting apiiointment appointment meetings of niay appoint ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (London) ... ... by vacancy of ... ... ... ... of chairman of vice-chairman ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... of ... ... ... ... ... of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... snl)-committees rides of i)rocedure niay mai"e removal of ditliculties as to estabiisliment ... ,, applicationsfrom delegation of "liscrimination ,, ,, ,, unemployed liy keep discriminotion into 59, 79 61, (52 62, 79 63, 80 65, 81 64, 80 64, 88 64, 81 of, ike... 66, 82 94 to to sul) a](i)lications to provide and ... ... ,, ,, 18, 55, 58 59 vacancy disqualificationfor mend)ership of... ,, ... 49 to sucli ... ... ,, notice 18, 42, 44, 45, 67 24, 73, 83 19, 102 47, 76 48, 77 49 ... ... to select members ,, ... of on vacancy ... ... in London of, outside ,, duties 98 ... constitution ... ... ... committee ... 94, 97 IIIO ... ... lecord cases ... ... ])yi)ers by ... ... ... ... ... 97, 114 19, 97, 100 Index. 188 PAGE Distress Committee, Avhat keep to do to assist may index of cases register of ,, cases of officers appointment by applicant 102 ... ... ... /.". ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... for office accommodation under see District (see "Urban Council of land Donations Central District ... ... ... ... Body]. Council"). ... ... ... Contributions."] Emigration, provision for in Act Workmen Act regulations under Unemployed classes desirable to emigrate to L.G.B. monthly report of eases Poor and Law provisions for be what of Councils paid from contributions Expenses, may of Special Committee Extraordinary Meeting, summoning of, D.C. ,, ,, ... ... ,, ... ,, ,, ... ... ... 20, .30 104 ... 104 ... 105 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 105 21 ... 26 ... ... ... ... C.B Statement Farm Colony, 30 ... ... maintainance of persons definition ,, Board ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 118 on 119 120 ,, " when apply may ... ... fill casual Immigration, colonial Incorporationof C.B. and on ... D.C. 50 ... from ... ... ,, ... ... vacancy 95 ,, assistance ... 25 ,, information ... 24 ... ... ... of ,, to ... in London for D.C. 18, 45, 67 outside 24, 74, 76, 83 for establishment of organisation definition Avhen ... ... ... of, to select members ,, ... ... of ... Guardians, ... ... 117 co-operation in respect of ,, 103 of ,, 64, SO 64 by applicantfor assistance establishment regulations in respect of ,, 130 11" ... ... [See also "Voluntary False 123 30, 124 ... ... 116 124 inspector [L.(t.B.] at meetings of... co-operationby and with and duties of C.B. [For D.C. having powers ... 114 by, to C.B. and ... ... D.C 130 105 foreign laws ... 29 ... 51 in London ,, 61 Infancy, a disqualification Inquiries, local, by L.G.B. at meetings Inspectorsof L.G.B. ,, powers Ireland, applicationof Act 32, 132, 152 of D.C. and of, at local inquiries.. to... 30, 124 C.B 155 ... 35 Iiule.r. 189 PACE Exchanges, establisment, "c., Labour of 20 co-ordination of... of Local Central definition ... ,, regulationsas difference ... ... ... 93 ... 127 ... 128 ... in respect of to as 93 estahlishment, "c., of to of, by D.C. agreement management 20, 156, ... ... Exchange Exchange 158 working 128 ^ utilityof... Act 129 London in ... ... ... ... 156 ... . model rules and for forms ... Land, regulationsin respect of acquisitionof, for 161 ... ... of Act purposes 30, 122, 137 definition of of, for Farm 54- Colony 117 of L.G.B. consent of requiredto acquisition disposalof surplus applicationof proceedsof sale of ... .. 122 ... ... 123 ... ... ... 123 ... ... ... ... ... Liabilities,transfer of Local AuthoritjMuay Local 29,36 co-operate with Board, establishment (jovemment ,, to consent ,, of to rate power ,, ,, ,, ,, may ,, ,, inspectors of, ,, may and ,, ... C.B 18 contribution ... ... orders revoke or at and regulations their orders meetings of ... D.C. attending or ,, eiuigration and to not requiied estal)lisliment ,, ,, tion migraFarm Colony required ,, ,, ,, ,, of, consent ,, required when of co-operation, of Poor use ,, of acquisition to ... ,, Law ... land 122 ... ... required ofiicer by, for applicationof proceeds lands of sale of sui'plus conditions ,, 130 130 ,, ,, ,, 117, 118 commodation provisionof temporary acfor workers 120 required ,, scheme 107 ... ... of ,, stitution con- "c.., 66, 82 C.B. , of, 28 29 30, 124 difficulties of D.C. ,, 22 ... C.B remove consent IS, 24 ... ... make vary 130 ... ... organisation by member required to C.B. increase appoint niay ,, ,, and D.C. 123 ... ,, settle may ,, differences re labour change ex- 128 Local ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Inquiries(see "Inquiries"). London, organisation for ... out-district adding County Council, ,, London ,, ,, to ... administrative to .select members when to select county of 23 ... for C.B. ... ... 18, 39 18, 52 ... ... ... ...55,58 Index. 190 first meeting of D. C. London other meetings of D.C. first meeting of C B. other meetings of C.B. rules and procedure for Meetings, ,, ,, ,, ,, quorum first meeting ,, ,, of other outside D.C, ... ,, ,, quorum ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Metroi)olitanBorough Migration or removal, Nominated Order London of D.C. meetings rules and procedure for ,, members (see C.B. Borough " of C.B. ,, proportion of ,, proportionof, accommodation Officer,appointment of L.G.B. ... 20,104, to nominate ... Order London and D.C C.B. by D.C. applications and receive to ... power for C.B. of ") aid may , Office Order , ,, investigate cases duty of as to record ... to ,, ,, audit ,, of accounts ... paper ... of 31, ... ... of local ,, Organisation, for authority assistingD.C. ... and ... C.B. London outside London ,, temporary ,, Out-Door Relief Orders Parliament, Persons Poor Law Poor Law to be laid before regulations of L.G.B. relief of distress in D.C. to be on experienced Officer, assistingD.C. or C.B. to D.C. Relief, ajiplicant having disqualification .. ,, cases ,, ,, ,, Procedure, suitable more for emigration provisions regulations of L.G.B. meetings " " see Property, transfer of Publication, of information ... (Quorum, Rates Record and see " meetings Taxes Paper to of Farm re employment " Cylony by be considered D.C. regulations as to to be provided by D.C. for each case to be kept alphabeticalindex when form to be sent of of ... by D.C. to C.B. 18, 43, 4 Index. 191 PAGE Register of Cases to be Kemoval to another Kemoval of Difficulties" Area Resignation" see 116 Difficulties." under see " under C.B "Migration." " see and ... see " of Workman Keniuneration D.C. kept by "Distress "\yorknian." " Committee and Central " Body." " L.G.B Ketumsto 32 of to L.G.B. ,, emigrated cases (Government Scheme, see "Local Scotland, application of Act to in county SpecialCommittee, ... ... 105 ... ... Board" ... ... ... boroughs in administrative 33 ... labour re ... ... exchanges, Szc. 26 counties ,, y6 ,, of expenses ,, ... ... ... ... 26 ,., ... of 26,127 powers constitution ,, of may ,, for arrange C.B. temporary as ,, D.C. or 28 ... distribution of employment information ... Statutes ... ... 128 ... : Poor Law Belief Poor Law Amendment Land Clauses Act, 1601, Act, 1834, Consolidation Act, Land Clauses Acts ... Poor ... s. 25 57 to 71, 96 ; ss. ; 1845 ... 138; ... ... 127, s. ... 7, 96 56, 98 s. 131 137 ... Kemoval Act, 1846 s. 6, 106 Lord Campbell's Act, 1846 96 Poor Law Board Act, 1847 s. 20, 124; s. 21, 155 Union Act, 1865 Chargealjility s. 8, 101 Metropolitan Poor Act, 1867 s. 11, 54 Vaccination Act, 1867 s. 26, 23 Poor Law Amendment Act, 1868 s. 37, 96 Naturalization Act, 1870 61 Law Bastanlv Amendment Act, 1872 s. 4, 96 Pul"lic Health Act, 1875, s. 205, 124 ; s. 233, 148, 9 ; s. 234, 149 ; ss. 236 to 9, 152 ; s. 247, 140 to 5 ; ss. 249, 250, "145-6 ; s. 292, 146 to 148 ; ss. 293, 4, 5"154 ; s. 296, 155 ; schedule II., 62 Elementary Edncation Act, 1876 s. 10, 22 District Auditors' Act, 1879 140 Municipal Corporations Act, 1882 s. 33, 23 ; s. 22, 65 Married Women's Property Act, 1882 ss. 20, 21, 96 Medical Local Relief and Act, s. I'ublic Health ... ... ... 1889 ... ... ... 23 ; 4, 99 s. ... ... Act, 1888 71, 138, 9 ; 25 ... ... " s. 87, 153 ; ss. 1 " 100, 25 " 1, 96 Charitable ... Act, 1885 Uses s. and ... 1888 Charitable InterpretationAct, ^Mortmain ... Removal Disqualification Government Mortmain ... ; s. 3, Uses (in London) Act, 101 Act, ; 1891 s. 15, 25 ; s. 16, 25 ; 23, 127 3, 54 s. 1891 .s. s. 80, 23 Index. 192 PAGE Elementaiy Education HospitalsAct, Isolation Local (Blindand Act, Government Workmen's s. 10, 23 s. 23 1893 1894 23 " 20-44. Act, Goverament London Cluldren Act, 1893 ' 23, 24"25 s8. s. Deaf ; s. 75 ; s. 85. 36 ; 59, 46 ; s. 1899 s. 86. 37 ; 88, 37 ; s. 46"51, 59 ; s. 34, 22 " Compensation Act, 1897 ... Cleansingof the Persons Act, 1897 (Defectiveand Elementary Education ... ... ... ... 23, 75 s. s. 2 44 s. 1 23 96 ... ... Epileptic Cliildren) Act, 1S99 s. Act, 1902 Elementary Education Labour Bureau (inLondon) Act, 1902 Sub-Committees of D.C. and C.B. appointment of ... " ,. powers ,, ,. quorum ... 8, 23 45 17 s ... lo6 64, 81 97 65, 81, 94*, 65, 81 for workers on land, regulations 30, 120 meaning of ad jective tempurary 122 provisionof Temporary Work, conditions affecting 30, 113 Temporary Accommodation " " ,, ... ... ... of Office of members Term Clerk to Town of give notice meeting to appointD.C to fillvacancy to clerk to D.C. ,, Tx'ansfer of property and District 57 ... 48, 49, 77 ,, ,, Urban of C.B DC 46, 76 50, 78 50,79 29,36 in D.C. ... filled on vacancy liabilities (Non-Borough)Council,appointment of D.C, in 24, 73, 74, 76, 87 who apply for D.C D. C. , a committee of assistance to give may D.C. or C.B. ,, ,, may 24 47 a ,, ,, ,, ,, ... Vacancy, casual,in D.C in C.B 49, 7S 58 Vice-chairman, appointmentof Voluntary contributions, purposes ... ... ... of adnunistration of for maintenance of Farm for provision of temporary ,, ... ... ,, ... ... ... ... 65, 81 21 31 ... ,, 130 ... Colony ... ... 118 dation accommo- 121 Wages (see"Workman"'). Woman, may ,, / and C.B. ..r be assistedunder Act... to be on D.C. / ^ X'V^ .T 42, 43, 52, 74 ../(^19, ... ... Work temporary (see "Temporary Work"). Workman (Unemployed), unem[)loyed,how may ,, ,, ", ,, ,, ,, " ,, " " conditions as ,' ... be aided to if provided wnth provisionfur family ... ... ... 96 19, 20, 102 work 108 109 ... remuneration of 110,111 facilitiesto, for obtaining regular work 20, 112 ... when [See also his away under employment may ... be taken ,,, "Applicant."] 112, 113 MEUN1VER% ^ ^i i WEUNIVER% A^ f S* "^/J ^lUBRARYdK I 5 mmim^^ ^ ' ^1 "ri]33NVS01^ v\?.IIRRARV/)/ .yX\ niversity of UC A A 001 4 LIBRARY REGIONAL SOUTHERN Aige'es 024 963 005 L Los Calilornia, 096 641 FACILITY 4