6th Grade Social Studies Europe Geography Unit Information Milestones Domain/Weight: Geography 31% Purpose/Goal(s): Students will be able to locate selected countries and major physical features in Europe using a world and regional political- physical map. Students will take a broad approach to environmental issues by providing background information on the specific environmental issues and their consequences (effect on the economies and populations) on Europe. Students will explain how location, climate, and distribution of natural resources have impacted population distribution and trade in Europe. Students will get a general idea of the broad diversity of cultures in Europe by understanding all of the nuances of the various cultures and languages of Europe. Students should understand that language is a system used by a group sharing a culture and a history. Content Map: Europe Content Map (includes all domains) Europe’s Geography Teacher Notes Prerequisites: No elementary standards align to Europe’s Geography Unit Length: Approximately 12 days Europe Geography Study Guide | Europe Geography Study Guide KEY Click on the links below for resources by Essential Question: EQ 1: Where are the major physical features and nations of Europe located? EQ 2: How do location, climate, and natural resources influence Europe and its people? EQ 3: How have environmental issues affected Europe? TCSS 6th SS Europe Geography Unit Essential Question and Standard(s) 1. Where are the major physical features and nations of Europe located? Standard(s): SS6G8a. [Standard Breakdown] Locate on a world and regional political- physical map: the Danube River, Rhine River, English Channel, Mediterranean Sea, European Plain, the Alps, Pyrenees, Ural Mountains, Iberian Peninsula, and Scandinavian Peninsula. SS6G8b. [Standard Breakdown] Locate on a world and regional political-physical map the countries of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, and United Kingdom. Vocabulary Essential* Danube River Rhine River English Channel Mediterranean Sea Alps Pyrenees European Plain Iberian Peninsula Belgium France Germany Italy Poland Russia Spain Ukraine United Kingdom Portugal [for exploration] *Essential Vocabulary listed in the Standards **Supplemental Vocabulary listed in the state frameworks and/or other state document TCSS Resources [Back to Top] The Enduring Understanding for this lesson: Location The student will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture, and development. Assessment SS6G8a.-SS6G8b. Sample Assessment Items The resources below are set up in a model lesson format. The ppt provides guidance for the entire lesson including activating, teaching and summarizing strategies. The activities listed below the ppt are used during the lesson and are identified in the ppt for use where they are most likely appropriate. The resources can be used as an entire lesson or pulled out for use separately. Europe Physical Features and Nations PPT [Includes “I Do”, “You Do”, and “We Do”] – See “Notes” on ppt slides for suggested instructional approaches where applicable or view the Europe Physical Features and Nations PPT Notes Europe Physical Features Identification Map [“You Do”] – Students will use the map to identify the physical features of Europe throughout the lesson. Use Google Earth to show some of Europe’s physical features [contact the academic coach if you do not have access to Google Earth on your desktop] Europe Physical Features Foldable –[“You Do”] After identifying the physical features on a map, have students use the foldable to mark each feature on a small map, write a description of where the feature is located in Europe, and write a method for remembering the location of the physical feature. Europe Physical Features Distributed Summarizing [“You Do”] – use this as a formative assessment. After checking for understanding, keep the papers so that you can use them again after students complete the Europe Political Identification Map. Europe Political Identification Map with Portugal [“You Do”] Students use the map to identify specified countries of Europe throughout the lesson. Portugal is included because the history standards ask students to trace the empires of Portugal 8/25/2015 2 TCSS 6th SS Europe Geography Unit Essential Question and Standard(s) Vocabulary Resources [Back to Top] TCSS Assessment Additional Map - Europe Blank Political Map [“You Do”] Europe Physical Features and Nations Interactive Review Flipchart Physical Features and Nations Slipcover [“You Do”] – Put unlabeled maps in clear slipcovers. Give each student a slipcover, vis-à-vis or expo marker, and paper towel (a sock is also good and cheaper). Call out physical features or nations and have students circle the feature or nation and hold up their slipcover when instructed. Use the Europe Physical Features and Nations review ppt [“You Do” or “We Do”] and BYOD technology to quiz students on the location of Europe’s physical features and nations. For example, use Plicker Cards [these need to be made in advance by the teacher] as student response cards as the teacher shows review slides from the ppt to determine whether students can identify the features and nations. Teachers could also use sites such as Socrative, Kahoot, Testmoz, etc. Ask the academic coach for assistance if needed. Europe Physical Features and Nations Summarizer [“You Do”] – each student should complete the summarizer. The teacher should use the summarizer to determine the level of student mastery and if differentiation is needed. 8/25/2015 3 TCSS 6th SS Europe Geography Unit Essential Question and Standard(s) 2. How do location, climate, and natural resources influence Europe and its people? Standard(s): SS6G10a. [Standard Breakdown] Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of the United Kingdom and Russia affect where people live and how they trade. SS6G10b. [Standard Breakdown] Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of Germany and Italy affect where people live and how they trade. TCSS Vocabulary Essential* Climate Natural Resources Supplemental** *Essential Vocabulary listed in the Standards **Supplemental Vocabulary listed in the state frameworks and/or other state document Resources [Back to Top] The Enduring Understanding for this lesson: Human Environment Interaction - The student will understand that humans, their society, and the environment affect each other. Assessment SS6G10a. and SS6G10b. Sample Assessment Items The resources below are set up in a model lesson format. The ppt provides guidance for the entire lesson including activating, teaching and summarizing strategies. The activities listed below the ppt are used during the lesson and are identified in the ppt for use where they are most likely appropriate. The resources can be used as an entire lesson or pulled out for use separately. Impact of location, climate, and natural resources on people in Europe Activating Strategy [“We Do”] – Groups use a map of four make believe countries to answer questions about location, climate, and natural resources. Impact of location, climate, and natural resources on Europe PPT [Includes “I Do”, “You Do”, and “We Do”] – See “Notes” on ppt slides for suggested instructional approaches where applicable or view the Impact of location, climate, and natural resources on Europe PPT Notes Impact of location, climate, and natural resources on people Notes [“You Do”] – Students use the notes throughout the lesson to record the important information Location, Climate, and Natural Resources Graphic Organizers [“You Do”] – Students use their notes to fill in two graphic organizers comparing the location, climate, and natural resources of specified countries of Europe. United Kingdom Maps | Russia Maps [“We Do”] – Prior to instruction, small groups compare the location, climate, and natural resources of the United Kingdom and Russia. The teacher may want to assign different factors to each group. Germany Maps | Italy Maps [“We Do”] – Prior to instruction, small groups compare the location, climate, and natural resources of Germany and Italy. The teacher may want to assign different factors to each group. Impact of location, climate, and natural resources Summarizer [“You Do”] – Each student should complete the summarizer. The teacher should use the summarizer to determine the level of student mastery and if differentiation is needed. 8/25/2015 4 TCSS 6th SS Europe Geography Unit Essential Question and Standard(s) 3. How have environmental issues affected Europe? Standards: SS6G9a. [Standard Breakdown] Explain the major concerns of Europeans regarding the issues such as acid rain in Germany, air pollution in the United Kingdom, and the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine. Vocabulary Essential* Acid rain Air pollution Nuclear disaster Supplemental** Cancer Air currents Birth defects Radioactive Contamination Vehicle emissions Power stations (industry and power generation) *Essential Vocabulary listed in the Standards **Supplemental Vocabulary listed in the state frameworks and/or other state document TCSS Resources [Back to Top] The Enduring Understanding for this lesson: Human Environment Interaction - The student will understand that humans, their society, and the environment affect each other. Assessment SS6G9a Sample Assessment Items The resources below are set up in a model lesson format. The ppt provides guidance for the entire lesson including activating, teaching and summarizing strategies. The activities listed below the ppt are used during the lesson and are identified in the ppt for use where they are most likely appropriate. The resources can be used as an entire lesson or pulled out for use separately. Europe Environmental Issues PPT [Includes “I Do”, “You Do”, and “We Do”] – See “Notes” on ppt slides for suggested instructional approaches where applicable or view the Europe Environmental Issues PPT Notes Europe Environmental Issues Graphic Organizer [“You Do”] – Students use the graphic organizer to record important information throughout the lesson Suggested Activities [“You Do” or “We Do”]: o Allow students to select a product such as a bumper sticker, public service announcement, magazine/newspaper ad, brochure, editorial, jingle, song, cartoon, poster, etc. on either air pollution or acid rain. The product must include the name of the environmental issue and a statement about the issue or about solutions and/or ways to stop the issue. [Note: this activity is not intended to be a lengthy one; students should complete the activity in a class period or less] Acid Rain Animation [linked in ppt] Additional Resources: o Chernobyl RAFT | Chernobyl RAFT Rubric [“You Do”] – Students complete a short writing assignment in which they select the Role, Audience, Format, and Topic. o Chernobyl Images ppt – ppt includes only images o “Voices of Chernobyl: Survivors’ Stories” NPR Story Audio version | Transcript of the story o Chernobyl: An Inside Tour o “Long Shadow of Chernobyl” National Geographic 8/25/2015 5 TCSS 6th SS Europe Geography Unit Essential Question and Standard(s) Vocabulary Resources [Back to Top] TCSS Assessment Video: [There is also a print article] Differentiation: After students complete the 3-2-1 Summarizing Strategy [listed in the ppt], identify which students understand the environmental issues facing Europe and which students need more support. Students that understand the environmental issues in Europe should read the article “Comparing Nuclear Events at Fukushima, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island: Q&A” then create a venn diagram comparing the three. Students that need more support should use their graphic organizer to compare and contrast the environmental issues in Europe. Triple Venn Diagram | Triple Comparison Organizer 8/25/2015 6 TCSS 6th SS Europe Geography Unit Breakdown of Standards SS6G8a. Locate on a world and regional political-physical map: the Danube River, Rhine River, English Channel, Mediterranean Sea, European Plain, the Alps, Pyrenees, Ural Mountains, Iberian Peninsula, and Scandinavian Peninsula. [Back to Resources] Know [Data/Facts]: Understand [Think/Process]: Do [Apply]: The location of major physical features in Europe How to find these locations on a map Locate features on a world map [DOK 1] Essential Vocabulary Locate features on a regional physical/political o Danube River map [DOK 1] o Rhine River o English Channel o Mediterranean Sea o European Plain o Alps o Pyrenees o Ural Mountains o Iberian Peninsula o Scandinavian Peninsula SS6G8b. Locate on a world and regional political-physical map the countries of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, and United Kingdom (UK) [Back to Resources] Know [Data/Facts]: Understand [Think/Process]: Do [Apply]: The location of major nations in Europe How to find these locations on a map Locate nations on a world map [DOK 1] Essential vocabulary Locate nations on a regional physical/political o Belgium map [DOK 1] o France o Germany o Italy o Poland o Russia o Spain o Ukraine o United Kingdom (UK) o Portugal (for EQ4 - Exploration) TCSS 8/25/2015 7 TCSS 6th SS Europe Geography Unit Breakdown of Standards SS6G10a. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of United Kingdom (UK) and Russia affect where people live and how they trade. [Back to Resources] Know [Data/Facts]: Understand [Think/Process]: Do [Apply]: Describe geographic factors of the Compare the United Kingdom & Russia’s UNITED KINGDOM – (UK, Great Britain, England) United Kingdom and Russia location, climate & natural resources [DOK 2] Location Describe how geographic factors impact Explain how geographic factors affect where o Northern Hemisphere the people and how the country trades people live and how they trade [DOK 2] o Europe in the United Kingdom and Russia Draw conclusions based on location, climate o Very far north and natural resources and how it affects o Island – with many ports population density [DOK 3] o Atlantic Ocean – to the west Explain why the UK has a much higher o English Channel – to the south population density compared to Russia o Arctic Ocean – to the north [DOK 2] Climate o Gulf Stream – brings a current of warm ocean water from the Gulf of Mexico o Mild Climate o Plenty of Rain – Gulf Stream (warm) meeting Arctic Ocean (cold) causes this phenomena Natural Resources o Coal o Oil o Natural gas o Fertile soil - agriculture Where people live o Urban Areas - Industrial o Southern region o Largest city – London, England – more than 7 million people How they trade o Easy world-trade because of access to water o Imports 1/3 of its food o #1 Industry - Service (Banking, Insurance and Tourism) TCSS 8/25/2015 8 TCSS 6th SS Europe Geography Unit Breakdown of Standards SS6G10a. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of United Kingdom (UK) and Russia affect where people live and how they trade. [Back to Resources] Know [Data/Facts]: Understand [Think/Process]: Do [Apply]: Describe geographic factors of the Compare the United Kingdom & Russia’s Russia United Kingdom and Russia location, climate & natural resources [DOK 2] Location Describe how geographic factors impact Explain how geographic factors affect where o Northern Hemisphere the people and how the country trades people live and how they trade [DOK 2] o Northeastern Europe (Ural Mtns divide in the United Kingdom and Russia Draw conclusions based on location, climate Russia - Europe/Asia) and natural resources and how it affects o Largest country in the world population density [DOK 3] o European Plain – western Russia Explain why the UK has a much higher o Arctic Ocean to the north population density compared to Russia Climate (Terrain) [DOK 2] o Very cold – harsh climate o Siberia – Eastern Russia - tundra o Not much rainfall o West – cold, but warmest region in Russia o Rivers & ports – frozen most of year Natural Resources o Fertile Soil – European Plain in Western Russia: Farming – wheat & barley; Ranching – livestock o Mineral Resources – difficult and expensive to harvest and transport due to harsh climate & remote location Coal; Oil; Natural gas o Forests o Fish Where people live o Urban Areas – Industrial o Western Russia – warmer region How they trade o Resources are very difficult and very expensive to harvest and transport due to harsh climate & remote location o Railroad – waterways are frozen most of the year o Russia imports a lot of its food o #1 Industry – Service TCSS 8/25/2015 9 TCSS 6th SS Europe Geography Unit Breakdown of Standards SS6G10b. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of Germany and Italy affect where people live and how they trade. [Back to Resources] Know [Data/Facts]: Understand [Think/Process]: Do [Apply]: Describe geographic factors of the Compare the Germany & Italy’s location, GERMANY Germany and Italy climate & natural resources [DOK 2] Describe how geographic factors impact Explain how geographic factors affect where Location the people and how the country trades people live and how they trade [DOK 2] o Northern Hemisphere in the Germany and Italy Draw conclusions based on location, climate o Central Europe and natural resources and how it affects o Rhine River in the West population density [DOK 3] o Danube River in the South Climate o Moderate Summers – warm & mild Winters - cool Natural Resources o Fertile Soil – Agriculture – about ½ of the country o Mineral Resources Coal Iron ore – steel o Forests Where people live o Urban Areas - Industrial o Western Germany – river valley, cities, towns & factories How they trade o Easy access to waterways – Rhine River & sea o Surrounded by many countries o #1 Industry – Manufacturing (steel and automobile production) TCSS 8/25/2015 10 TCSS 6th SS Europe Geography Unit Breakdown of Standards SS6G10b. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of Germany and Italy affect where people live and how they trade. [Back to Resources] Know [Data/Facts]: Understand [Think/Process]: Do [Apply]: Describe geographic factors of the Compare the Germany & Italy’s location, Italy Germany and Italy climate & natural resources [DOK 2] Describe how geographic factors impact Explain how geographic factors affect where Location the people and how the country trades people live and how they trade [DOK 2] o Northern Hemisphere in the Germany and Italy Draw conclusions based on location, climate o Southern Europe and natural resources and how it affects o Peninsula population density [DOK 3] o Mediterranean Sea to the south o Alps to the North o Mountains cover 70% of the country Climate o Moderate Summers – warm & mild Winters – cool (cold in mtns) Natural Resources o Fertile Soil – Agriculture – grapes (wine production) o Very Few Mineral Resources – must import raw materials Where people live o Urban Areas - Industrial o Northern Italy – closer to other European countries How they trade o Easy access to waterways – Mediterranean Sea & many rivers o Close to many countries (central Europe) o #1 Industry – Tourism (climate, coastline, site seeing) TCSS 8/25/2015 11 TCSS 6th SS Europe Geography Unit Breakdown of Standards SS6G9a. Explain the major concerns of Europeans regarding the issues such as acid rain in Germany, air pollution in the United Kingdom, and the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine. [Back to Resources] Know [Data/Facts]: Understand [Think/Process]: Do [Apply]: Germany: Acid Rain - rain polluted by gases released into Identify the causes of acid rain Explain the factors causing acid rain the air How acid rain affects the environment [DOK 1] Causes of Acid Rain of Germany and surrounding countries Explain the concerns, issues, and o Burning of fossil fuels from Industries and What causes air pollution in the United consequences regarding acid rain in automobile emissions Kingdom (UK) Germany and how it can impact other Effects/Issues/Consequences How air pollution in the United Kingdom countries [DOK 2] o Forests – damaged or killed more than half of affects the environment and the Explain the causes and effects of air Germany’s forests (example: Germany’s connection it has to acid rain pollution in the United Kingdom (UK) Black Forest) Define the Chernobyl nuclear accident [DOK 2] o Rivers & Lakes – pollutes water killing plants Describe the long–term effects of the Explain the significance of the nuclear and fish (aquatic life) nuclear disaster on Chernobyl and disaster and the effects it had on o Contamination of drinking water surrounding countries Chernobyl and surrounding countries o Damage to buildings & monuments [DOK 2] o Acid rain is carried through the air to other countries Air Pollution in the United Kingdom Causes: Industry Emissions & Power Generation; Automobile Emissions Effects: Damage to vegetation; Harm to atmosphere; Harm to human beings; Air Pollution causes Acid Rain; Air pollution is carried to nearby countries Chernobyl, Ukraine – 1986 Nuclear Disaster Causes – Nuclear reactor overheated and exploded releasing radioactive chemicals into the atmosphere Effects of Nuclear Disaster o In Chernobyl, Ukraine, there were land evacuations because the land was contaminated causing damage to plants and animals as well as health issues in humans such as cancer, birth defects, and death. o Wind Currents carried the radioactive chemicals contaminating many European countries o Economic Impact: Loss of income from agriculture because of land and water contamination; Crops, Water & Cattle were unsafe to consume; Shortages of food & water TCSS 8/25/2015 12