1 Guidance Notes on University Applications Advice and information on building a strong platform for applications to the UK and overseas universities Geoff Riley FRSA Eton College and Co-Founder of Tutor2u Summer 2013 Edition Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 2 Section 1: UCAS – Building Blocks to Choosing a Degree 1. First, have a look at the UCAS web site www.ucas.ac.uk 2. Second, send off for your own copy of a favoured university prospectus that can be browsed at leisure 3. Universities cannot see where else an applicant has applied and there is no rank order of applications A Selection of Economics Faculties: Click on the links to access the economics faculty web sites Bath www.bath.ac.uk/econ-dev/ Birmingham www.economics.bham.ac.uk/index.shtml Bristol www.bristol.ac.uk/economics/ Cambridge www.econ.cam.ac.uk/ and www.econ.cam.ac.uk/prospect/ba/index.html Durham www.dur.ac.uk/economics.finance/ Edinburgh www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/economics/ Exeter www.sobe.ex.ac.uk/undergraduate/ Lancaster www.lums.lancs.ac.uk/departments/economics/ Leeds http://lubswww.leeds.ac.uk/undergraduate/index.php?id=55 Liverpool www.liv.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/courses/courses_e.htm London School of Economics http://econ.lse.ac.uk/ and http://econ.lse.ac.uk/study/ugpr.html Manchester www.socialsciences.manchester.ac.uk/disciplines/economics/ Newcastle www.ncl.ac.uk/undergraduate/course/L100/economics Nottingham (BA): www.nottingham.ac.uk/ugstudy/courses/economics/ba-economics.aspx (BSc): www.nottingham.ac.uk/ugstudy/courses/economics/bsc-economics.aspx Oxford (Econ & Management) www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate_courses/index.html Oxford (General) www.economics.ox.ac.uk Oxford (PPE) www.admissions.ox.ac.uk/courses/ppec.shtml Queen’s (Belfast) www.qub.ac.uk/home/StudyatQueens/UndergraduateStudents/ Royal Holloway (London) www.rhul.ac.uk/economics/prospectivestudents/home.aspx Sheffield www.shef.ac.uk/economics Southampton www.southampton.ac.uk/economics/undergraduate/ St Andrews www.st-and.ac.uk/academic/economics/ UCL www.ucl.ac.uk/economics/undergraduate/prospective Warwick www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/Economics/ York www.york.ac.uk/depts/econ/ Trinity College Dublin www.tcd.ie/Economics/ Columbia (New York) www.columbia.edu/cu/economics/ Harvard (Economics) www.economics.harvard.edu/ Princeton (Economics) www.econ.princeton.edu/ Yale (Economics) www.econ.yale.edu/ Stanford (Economics) http://economics.stanford.edu/site-map Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 Alternative University Information and Careers Advice: 3 Guardian University Guide: www.guardian.co.uk/education/universityguide Times University Guide: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/public/gug/ Independent: http://education.independent.co.uk/higher/ Open Days www.opendays.com/ More useful links Tutor2u UCAS Blog: http://tutor2u.net/blog/index.php/economics/C561/ Complete university guide – information on economics and related subjects available here: www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/single.htm?ipg=8823 Thinking Skills Assessment: www.admissionstests.cambridgeassessment.org.uk/adt/ Student feedback on courses: http://unistats.direct.gov.uk/ Deferred Entry (Gap Year) Firstly if you are considering deferred you MUST contact the university concerned to check that they accept deferred applications BEFORE submitting your application. You might be a stronger candidate with your results known universities are often reluctant to ‘block’ too many places with deferred offers. Whether you go for deferred or post A2 application you should have clear plans on what you are going to do and how you will be keeping up your academic skills, most universities will expect to see something on your personal statement. Selection methods used by universities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. UCAS form Additional Questionnaire (Cambridge) Additional or replacement Personal Statement (e.g. Durham) Aptitude tests (e.g. BMAT, HAT, PAT, MSAT, ELAT, etc on Wednesday 6th November 2013) Interview Selection Criteria GCSE record AS results and module marks Predicted grades for A2 & pre-U School reference Personal statement (including extra statement for some universities) Conditional Offers Usually based on 3 A level/pre-U subjects Occasionally based on UCAS Tariff: http://ucas.com/students/ucas_tariff/ Might require particular grades in specified subjects i.e. BBB is not equivalent to ABC UCAS Offers - Your Response You can accept up to 2 offers Firm: the one you are committed to going to if you make the grades Insurance: The back-up in case you don’t make the grades for the firm choice (should ideally be lower grade requirement) Decline: Offers you don’t want to accept You can’t select between firm & insurance – you commit to going to the firm one if you make the grades Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 Section 2: Studying Economics – Courses and Conditional Offers . 4 Contact the university department concerned for precise information before applying. Further details are likely to be given out at the official university / faculty open days Conditional Offers and Recent Advice Posted by Universities (updated: May 2013) For competitive courses, single honours economics will require at least one A*at A2 – probably Maths. You are strongly advised to take Further Maths for Cambridge, UCL, Warwick, LSE and Oxford Econ & Management o Bath: Typical offer: A*AA or AAA, Mathematics and Economics A2 is required at grade A or above o Birmingham: Typical offer: AAA, GCSE Mathematics grade A if not offered at AS or A2 level; AAB for Business Management, AAB for Politics and Economics o Bristol: Typical offer: A*AA including AAAA in C1, C2, C3 and C4 o Economics and Finance A*AA offer made for 2013. Economics with Study in Continental Europe (4 years) AAA. Economics and Politics AAA including A in C3 and C4 Maths. Economics and Econometrics: AAA with AA in C3 and C4 o Bristol is more likely to make you an offer if you are studying Further Mathematics within the context of four recognized A-level subjects. Some pure mathematics (mainly calculus) is needed for econ theory which is compulsory in the first year (1/6th of the first year course). Most of the mathematics will not be harder than you would find in Further Maths A-level o City University: Typical offer: Economics: AAB o Cambridge: A-level Maths is essential for those applying for entry. Vast majority of offers for economics at Cambridge require A2 grades of A*AA Human, Social and Political Sciences A*AA o o Each college adopts a different entry procedure: all have interviews (one 25-30 minute subject specific, one 15 minute general), some have tests: TSA, Maths or a comprehension/ submitted work. o Cambridge requires you to submit AS module scores and as a rule of thumb you should be scoring at least 95% in each AS module units. In 2011, at Selwyn College 8 successful applicants (out of 89) averaged 97.1% across their top 3 AS subjects o Their Tripos system is flexible – e.g. you might study Law or Management Studies in 3rd year Durham: Typical L100 offer: A*AA. Economics BA (Honours) and for Business Economics; For Combined Social Sciences (Econ + Geography) typical offer is A*AA, Business & Management offer 2103: AAM2orD3AB o You will need an A* in Maths for Economics but don’t bother applying for PPE if you are doing Double Maths as they think this shows too narrow a focus. Durham’s PPE admissions advisor wants students to be taking four A2 subjects o If you are taking 3 subjects to A2, consider applying for the Combined Social Sciences degree which has more places. You can study the same modules as the PPE o Edinburgh: Typical offer: AAB or BBB: Single Honours Economics: Maths: Maths AS or A-level desirable. 2013 offer for one student is AA + pre-U D o Exeter: Typical offer: Economics A*AA. Selectors prefer applicants to offer grade A at A level Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 Mathematics. Econ and Politics offer: AAB; Business and Management: AAA; Econ & Finance: AAA 5 o Leeds: Typical offer is AAA for most Economics options including Management. You must have A/A* in GCSE Maths; AAB for Economics and Maths. Economics and German offer: AAB o London School of Economics: Further Maths is a must for Economics L100, but it is not necessary to have studied even single Maths to apply for Economics and Government. LSE put a HUGE emphasis on the UCAS statement. Recent offers: Government and economics AAA, Economics A*AA Philosophy & Economics: AAA o Manchester: Typical offer: Economics AAB, Development Economics AAB; Economics and Finance AAB, Management AAB, History with Economics: ABB o Newcastle: Typical offer: AAA excluding General Studies. GCSE Maths grade A and English grade B. Business Accounting and Finance 2013 offer: AAB o Nottingham: o o For the BA and BSC Honours Economics: Typical offer is A*AA and for those taking four full A2 subjects (not including general studies) A*ABB o Economics with Hispanic Studies (4 years) A*AA; Management Studies: AAA Oxford (Economics and Management): o Typical offer: AAA or D3. Candidates are required to have Mathematics to A-level o Work experience & "extended projects" irrelevant - they read UCAS Statement very carefully o TSA exam is crucially important. They look at your public exam grades and your TSA score and your school reference, and by using "regression analysis" they produce an "algorithm", from which they give each candidate a score. They then rank all the candidates. The TSA is the major component o Oxford Engineering Economics and Management (2013): A*AA o Oxford (PPE): Typical offer: AAA (Maths and History are helpful but not essential) o Queen Mary London: Typical offer: Economics L100: AAA o Royal Holloway: Typical offer: Economics: AAB; Economics with Politics: ABB o Sheffield: Typical offer: BSc economics (L101) AAB o Southampton: Typical offer: 3 A level subjects: AAA including A level Mathematics; 4 A level subjects: AABB including A level Mathematics at grade B or above o St Andrew’s: Typical offer for single honours Economics is AAA o UCL: Economics: A*AA in the first sitting, to include grade A* in Mathematics (and A in Economics if taking this subject), plus a pass in a further subject at AS level. Philosophy and Economics (2013) AAA o Warwick: Typical offer: A*AAB - For applications to 'L100 Economics' or 'L112 Economics and Industrial Organization' you must obtain a minimum grade A in A2 level Maths. A*AAa for those taking 3 A2 subjects. Land Economy (available at Cambridge, Reading) Its two primary disciplines are law and economics. Students with interests in economic geography, environmental economics, the economics of real estate and in environmental and property law will be attracted to Land Economy. www.landecon.cam.ac.uk/courses/undergradstudy/introduction.htm The University of Cambridge Land Economy faculty admits around 60 undergraduates per year. The normal requirement for undergraduate applicants to Land Economy is A*AA at A level. The Department does not require applicants to have taken any particular subjects prior to joining Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 Section 3: Strengthening your University Application 6 For most admissions tutors, their main concern is your intellectual / academic potential, commitment, curiosity and passion for your chosen subject disciplines compared with other student applicants One admissions tutor said: “we look for intellectual curiosity and a wide-ranging view of the subject, i.e. not just focused on the UK.” This is very good advice, try to show awareness of the big changes happening in the world! Focusing on your UCAS statement Your UCAS personal statement should be at least 80% about a genuine commitment to a chosen subject and must demonstrate evidence of having gone well beyond the syllabus, with a track record of independent study. Enrichment and Extension Activities in your Subjects Here is some advice on improving the quality of your application – assuming that you have the required grades o Independent enrichment reading o Try to read articles from a quality newspaper every day. This will give you breadth of awareness and it will undoubtedly improve your written work in your final papers o Develop your own personal learning network using blogs and twitter – for example by following and engaging in discussions with subject experts. o Watch TED talks and talks from the Royal Society of Arts and the London School of Economics o Read up on critical thinking / thinking skills – consider buying a book on this to prepare for TSA tests o Get involved in school societies and make contact with speakers after their visit – follow them on Twitter or draw on some of their most recent articles and books – this is a great way to immerse yourself in a subject o Enter at least one external essay competitions such as the one organized by the Royal Economic Society o RES Essay competition for 2013 – details here: http://tutor2u.net/blog/index.php/economics/C572 o Get involved with summer schools that give you fresh insights into subjects you want to take further. Check to see which UK and US universities are organizing summer schools and apply early! o Challenge the conventional wisdom in the classroom – seek to question what is being taught, have confidence to take issue with your teachers and explore different arguments – don’t take a back seat, don’t be passive – it will help you in interviews and in university seminars, it will improve your self-confidence o Explore areas of the subject beyond the syllabus such as game theory and behavioural economics o Network - explore opportunities for work experiences with different organizations and people - the more diverse the experience – the better. Working for a charity, with a local newspaper or business start-up is more valuable than a week sat with boring people in an investment banking office or a firm of accountants! o Travel and seek to understand more about the social, economic, political and historical background of the places you are visiting. Read up about them, perhaps contributing to school-based magazines or other student publications. Blog about your experiences and your views. o Attend outside lectures and other events – look for lectures made available to the general public at your local universities or academic organizations: In London for example I recommend: o LSE Public Lectures: www2.lse.ac.uk/publicEvents/eventsHome.aspx o RSA Events: www.thersa.org/events Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 Section 4: Writing a Personal Statement 7 They are a crucial piece of evidence alongside projected grades and school reference They must be personal; they must convey genuine enthusiasm for the subject! Some universities allow (like) substitute or additional personal statements: o Durham substitute statement allowed o Cambridge SAQ additional statement allowed o UCL ‘Arts and Sciences BSc’ additional statement required First paragraph What sparked your interest? - talk about how you reached your decision to study this subject How has it been sustained? - Has taking it to A2 level confirmed you want to take it even further? Be specific - give an example of something in the course that's really fired your interest Paragraph Two - Your Academic and Intellectual Curiosity Books that you have read. Try to think about your independent reading. Give the title, the author, a brief synopsis and explain what it was about that book that you liked/seemed relevant to you and your course. If you can, try to get to the heart of what the book was about, or take issue with it The journals or magazines or blogs you've read or follow. Why do you like that particular journal, and which articles in particular have interested you? How have you carried this interest forward? If you refer to something you have read, say what you think of it, a chance to show critical thought The recent developments in your subject that has caught your eye. Have you studied developments in behavioural economics? Or read different books on globalisation and the financial crisis? Paragraph Three - Related interest in your subject(s) The work experience or voluntary work that you have completed What it was about that work experience or voluntary work that (specifically) interested you? Any academic competitions you've entered, what did you write about? What did you learn? What extra courses, lectures, summer schools, and seminars have you attended? Who gave them? What impressed you? What did you take from them? Paragraph 4 - Extra Curricular - the subliminal messages The sports you do and the level Any scholarships you have, and how you have continued to excel in that area Your orchestras, choirs, bands, societies and say why you like them Your positions of responsibility or occasions when you've led teams. What did you learn from it? What takes up your free time, and why do you give it so much space in your life? Why you think these qualities will make you a good undergraduate? Some areas of your life that show you can work under pressure, to deadlines The Importance of Entry Profiles On the UCAS website, every course at every university has an Entry Profile, accessible when you either search for a course or search for a university. Entry profiles will give a clear statement of the essential and preferred subjects at A2 and AS, as well as the grades and other requirements universities are looking for from applicants. As well as specifying what grades are required, certain courses may specify required additional tests, skills, recommended evidence of relevant work experience and so on. Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 Section 5: Sample Personal Statements 8 Statement 1: History (Oxford) History is an enormously difficult subject to define. To me the most appropriate definition is that offered by Cicero, “History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time.” This is because the breadth of the subject means that the historian can never be certain of what happened, but tries to give an accurate account based on limited sources. History is something with which to think with; to see how people behaved in the past presents us an opportunity to think how we behave. My interest in history stemmed from its capacity to develop awareness of differing political, cultural, social and economic structures. This was particularly evident when studying the causes of the American Civil War, and the innate differences between the North and South. My inquisitive nature is a main factor in my desire to study history; I am interested in a broad range of historical topics including the Anglo-Zulu war, the First World War and the American Revolution. I have been appointed Secretary of the History Society of my school. A particularly memorable speaker was Professor Richard Holmes, who spoke about the Western Front in World War One. Following this talk I visited the battlefields of the Somme to gain a better understanding of the war. I have enjoyed reading Gary Sheffield’s controversial book, Forgotten Victory. I was interested by the notion offered that the war represented the greatest military victory in British history and that the First World War was as war that Britain had to fight. I have attended two talks by David Rattray, one at the Royal Military College at Sandhurst and the other at the Royal Geographical Society. These talks on the Anglo-Zulu war interested me because of their focus on the battle of Isandlwana being a great victory for the Zulus, and not entirely due to British incompetence. When studying the Causes of the American Civil War, I undertook the reading of The Great Republic –A History of America by Sir Winston Churchill. Though more of a synopsis of American history up to the early twentieth century it offers an interesting overview and a good description of the Civil War. Since coming to the school I have gained an internal scholarship based on exam results. I have also won three History prizes in exams as well as in several other subjects. Last year I won the lower-sixth Divinity prize. In this essay I drew on examples from history as a means to explore what may be justified in the future. Looking at key events in history, such as the Industrial Revolution, I concluded that to hold back human development for the sake of future generations would be a mistake. Recently I have entered the Birley prize for an historical essay written and researched entirely independently. I chose the topic of The Olive Branch Petition and the American War of Independence. I was particularly interested by Bernard Bailyn’s book ‘The ideological origins of the American Revolution’, a book which gave great significance to the political philosophy of the revolution. I was also able to research Parliamentary debates from 1775 at the House of Lords Record Office, which was a rewarding and useful experience. My interest in Politics led to my appointment as Vice-President of the schools Political Society. In this position I am able meet a number of significant political figures. Both the editor of The Guardian and The Telegraph has come offering their views of the role of the media in society. As I am young for the year I probably need to take a Gap year. For three months I plan to do voluntary work in a Game Reserve in Natal Province, South Africa. From here I will have the opportunity to visit both the Boer and Anglo-Zulu War battlefields. The opportunity to gain some understanding of other cultures should enhance my ability as an historian. The Oxford history course’s broad chronological sweep and geographical range, including topics such as Spain and America in the 16th Century, is particularly appealing. I would relish the opportunity to study a history course that is not focussed merely on British and European histories. Having had a small sample of the tutorial system at my school, I feel that I would benefit enormously and gain much enjoyment from such a system. Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 9 Statement 2: PPE (Oxford) When I was fifteen years old, I had the privilege of being elected Deputy Young Mayor of the London Borough of Newham. Engaging with the electorate, senior politicians and media, I experienced some of the links between economics, politics and philosophy, energising my decision to pursue the subjects academically. I enhanced my abilities through self-study, reading The Times, The Economist, debating and writing an online blog. This initiative helped me do well at school: youngest Chief Editor of the school magazine, highest achieving GCSE student in the borough and a Sixth Form Scholarship for state school pupils to Eton College. While reading Harford it dawned on me that there is an economist in each of us. I explored the idea in my article 'sKOOLonomics' by examining how students use economic thinking to make rational decisions in school situations. However, in my essay 'Tragedy behind the School Gates' I investigated the paradox in the Prisoner's Dilemma of how reason can be self-destructive and discussed measures to promote cooperative behaviour. In 'King's Speech' (highly commended in the 2011 RES essay competition), I echoed Mervyn King's fear of a repeat of the financial crisis and considered how government response has not fully addressed issues such as banks being too important to fail and deep-rooted global imbalances. I agree with Rajan's analysis that serious 'Fault Lines' lay not in economics but in politics. I enjoy running the College Economics Society, interacting with the experts and learning from them. In my paper 'It's the Economy, Stupid' I argued that politicians must address the economic aspirations of a society to get elected. However, in the context of the sovereign debt crisis, economic reforms are being undermined by politics. In a lecture on the Arab Spring I attended at the LSE, Dr Lisa Anderson cautioned against placing too much emphasis on the causal relationship between poverty of the masses and political unrest: ideologies play a role. My essay 'Fear is the Key' (winner, College Politics prize) discussed how conservatism is a positional attitude driven by fear of change rather than an ideology. I have met leading politicians, visited the Houses of Parliament and witnessed proceedings of the Newham Council. I complemented my experiences and studies by reading Woolf's Introduction to Political Philosophy. I am a Committee Member of the College Political Society. Philosophy enables us to think critically about some of life's deepest questions and provides the economist and the politician with a moral compass. This encouraged me to think and engage in discussion. Having read Warburton's Introduction to Philosophy, I attended his exhibition 'Picturing Philosophers' which inspired me to design 'Walk with Philosophers', a new course for the Newham Summer School, which I taught in a Socratic style. Debate Chamber's Philosophy Summer School and a Harvard online course on Justice enhanced my thinking. Then, having read Liberty and Equality edited by Machan, I am scheduled to talk at the College society on how the two can be compatible yet contradictory depending on their conception. My other involvements and responsibilities included positions as Deputy Head Boy, School Council Chair and jazz band member. At College I revived the Debating Society, hosted Berkshire Schools debating competition and was ranked in the top twelve at England Schools 2012 Debating Team Trials. Outside College I have taught debating at an Oxbridge Summer School, GCSE History lessons and other workshops. I volunteered as a primary classroom assistant and had work experience at Freshfields law firm. I have been selected as a London 2012 Young Leader and host community events associated with the Olympic Games. These experiences have strengthened my organisational skills and ability to work to tight schedules. Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 Statement 3: Teacher Reference for Harvard (Economics) 10 Note: Applications to the US differ from the UK system – seek special advice from your school / college on SATs exams and other aspects of the process. This is an example of a reference written for a student seeking an early-application place at a top US university and key is the range and depth of the activities and achievements that a referee can point to within the body of the application. Student A is an exceptional young man with a breath-taking range of academic and whole school talents and interests. I recommend him to you in the strongest possible terms and I do so without reservation. My hope is that, as my reference pans out, you will get a true sense of his commitment to academic excellence all of which is balanced and blended with a delightful lightness of touch and integrity in his day-to-day work within the school community. Academic results Since arriving at Eton Student A has occupied a lofty place in our internal academic rankings. He has been awarded straight Distinctions in our end-of-term exams winning a scholarship along the way. In the last year alone he has won school prizes in Economics, French and Physics. At GCSE, Student A secured the highest possible set of results and he was also placed in the top ten in the United Kingdom for his performance in Biology and Chemistry. It was no surprise that he emerged from his AS exams (taken at the age of 17) with a clean sweep of top grades and we have no doubt that Student A will reach the highest standards in his 2010 papers. Student A was a natural choice to be included in Sixth Form Select – an elite group of our most academic students that meets regularly to read and dissect essays written by members of the group. His written work for me is accomplished, full of genuine insight and beautifully easy to follow. He has a natural gift for absorbing complex issues with the minimum of fuss and in developing a narrative and sustaining an argument with a telling phrase or supporting evidence. He carries this pursuit of interesting ideas into the schoolroom where he does not seek to dominate discussion for its own sake; instead he chooses his moment to capture the essence of an issue. He is without doubt an outstanding academic leader in a fine school. Beyond the classroom Student A has managed to achieve all of this without compromising for a second his outstanding contributions to the broader life of the school. We have a long-standing tradition of encouraging students to stretch their academic wings by entering an eclectic mix of essay competitions in different subject domains. Earlier this year Student A entered for the Newcastle Scholarship – a grueling three-day exam that tested his understanding of the writings of Kant. At the same time he was researching an essay for the Royal Economic Society’s annual competition on the intriguing title “Are economic recessions inevitable?” A few weeks later we learned that his essay had been awarded third place nationally and that Charles Bean, Deputy-Governor of the Bank of England and one of the judges had commented that Student A’s essay was the most well written answer he had seen from over five hundred submitted. Student A will receive his award from Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta of Cambridge University at a special lecture this coming November. I was delighted to appoint Student A as Secretary of the school’s Keynes (Economics) Society. This student-run body invites external speakers and Student A and his team has already arranged a program of meetings that is unparalleled in my ten years at the school. Student A has also been editor of Etonomics – our in-house economics magazine, contributing articles as well as editing the contributions of his peers. When time allows you can find Student A attending society meetings – from Politics and Philosophy to Science - and as a leader in the development of a new school group – the International Forum. Student A appreciates the value of these meetings and he builds a first-rate rapport with our guests during their time at Eton. Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 11 We are proud of the range of activities that students at Eton can get involved with and Student A has entered into the spirit of these opportunities with gusto and relish. He devotes one afternoon a week to our Social Service program helping to care for elderly stroke victims at a local Concern Centre. He has played violin in our Concert Orchestra, joined the chorus in a house production of the Threepenny Opera and he had helped form a team for the house close harmony competition. He can be found playing soccer for his house on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and he has also tried his hand at rowing, shooting and school tennis, his talents at the latter gave him the opportunity to attend a school tennis training camp in Florida last Easter. Embracing the triumph of the city From where does Student A draw the energy to do all of these things? He clearly has exceptional organizational skills because, beyond Eton’s doors, he makes frequent trips to London’s South Bank to attend theatre, dance and film events. He has also completed a summer sculpture course in the capital and he has enjoyed completing sailing training in Norway, Outward Bound events and he has found time to complete his Driver’s License in quick order! You will relieved to know that Student A still has time at the end of the day to dive into a good book. He has read Candide in French and is currently enjoying the works of Philip Pullman and the writings of the renowned development economist Jeffrey Sachs. Our school has provided Student A with a wonderful and eclectic balance of life opportunities that are difficult to find elsewhere and he has set a terrifically high standard in the schoolroom whilst savoring and contributing richly across a broad canvas of other activities. I have no doubt that Student A will do the same at university for his sense of collegiality is embedded deeply in everything he does. His inter-personal skills are of the highest order and his intellectual curiosity and drive to understanding more about an ever changing and turbulent world order will lead him into even more areas of academic debate and discourse. This summer Student A spent several weeks in Tanzania, first working at Mvumi School where he taught English and Accounting and then a week at the Tanzanian central bank in Dar El Salam. This was truly a life-changing period for Student A; he has written that the experience ‘devastated my perception of equality, the axiom to which I supposed we are all subscribed’. He is now deeply interested in the complex inter-relationships between politics and economic and social policy-making and it will be fascinating to see where this new focus takes him in the months and years to come. In twenty years as a Head of Faculty at two of the top academic schools in the United Kingdom, I have rarely come across someone with such a range of interests and talents. Expressed simply Student A is absolutely outstanding and I am delighted to offer this reference to you in support of his application. Geoff Riley FRSA Eton College Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 Statement 4: Economics and Management (Oxford) 12 It is difficult to think of a more important and interesting time to study and understand Economics. As the coalition government embarks on the biggest spending cuts since the time of Thatcher and the world looks set to plunge back into recession through the instability within the Euro Zone, one cannot ignore the impact of economic policies on all our lives. This is what draws me to the subject. Since taking up Economics at AS level, my main interest has lain with the evolution of innovation which is especially apparent in the past century. "The Rational Optimist" by Matt Ridley is a book that addresses the adaptability of the human race to overcome the obstacles of the past and argues for optimism when looking to the future as human ingenuity and innovation will provide a basis for continued growth despite issues like food shortages and strained resource supply. To develop my understanding of this subject, I researched and wrote an essay for the school's Economics prize on the importance of urbanization to provide the high density living that is required to spark innovation, boost productivity, and ultimately fuel growth. I concluded from this research that urbanization is one of the most important factors for continued growth due to the increased creativity and enterprise experienced in high density locations. Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly important from an environmental stand point in order to reduce the future carbon footprint of developing countries such as China and India. I ended up winning 1st prize for this competition, examined by Professor Paul Collier. For me, what makes the subject so fascinating is its dynamic nature due to the irrational actions and decisions of the global populace. As a mathematician, I was fascinated to find that even this irrationality can be modeled and calculated through the application of Game Theory which has become something in which I'm especially interested. "The Art of Strategy" by Dixit and Nalebuff was one of the most useful books I read in relation to this subject as use the of extensive case studies practically demonstrates the principles of Game Theory to everyday human decision making. Furthermore, Leonard Mlodinow "The Drunkards Walk" gave me an insight into how ineffective the human brain is at understanding probability and statistics which can explain why many of the irrational choices we make are governed by the view that these instincts are in fact rational. In this book Mlodinow shows through the manipulation of statistics that the chaos of randomness can be understood through awareness of the chance affecting our decisions. Over the summer I spent 2 weeks working for Ceres Fund Ltd. I found the work rewarding as an experience which gave me an insight into how complicated the workings of the market are, reinforcing all that I have learnt of the irrationality of most consumer choices. Furthermore, I worked for African Access Holdings (Pty) Ltd for 3 weeks, being seconded to a group company specializing in travel and event managing. This was a particularly enlightening experience as it made me aware of the importance of such demanding managerial structures in larger companies. I also managed a shop on Portobello High Street which was interesting to experience first-hand the role of economic theory in practical situations. At school, I am Secretary of the Advertising Society, on the committee of the Model United Nations, the Psychology Society and the Entrepreneurship Society as well as being Secretary of the more informal Meditation Society. I enjoy the responsibility of organizing house games, captaining my house football and cricket teams while also representing the school in both sports. I am looking forward to the challenging nature of an Economics and Management course as it will allow me to study the theory which fascinates me in tandem with the practical side of economics, which is so relevant to every choice I make. Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 Statement 5: Economics – Cambridge 13 I first became aware of the importance of Economics when I represented Iraq at a Model United Nations conference in Edinburgh. I debated issues ranging from the problem of aid dependence to the economic impact of terrorism, and won the “Best Delegate” award in the Economics Committee. Since then, I have extended my knowledge of different areas of Economics by reading the Financial Times and The Economist, and by attending open lectures at the LSE and RSA. In my gap year, I am working as an economic research assistant for the International Growth Centre (at the invitation of Professor Tim Besley) in a team planning to measure private returns to education, with the exciting possibility of undertaking fieldwork in India. My interest in Game Theory as a method for understanding strategic decision-making encouraged me to read ‘The Art of Strategy’ by Dixit and Nalebuff. I am intrigued by how empirical evidence seems to refute the assumptions of Rational Choice Theory, leading us to question how rational we are and how useful the assumption of self-interest is, given the strong social, cultural and moral influences promoting altruism. Game Theory also appeals to me because it provides an opportunity to use my aptitude for Mathematics to analyse economic problems. I am working through ‘Mathematics for Economics and Business’ by Ian Jacques, and have enjoyed applying calculus to problems such as those encountered in constrained optimization. I am eager to develop my Mathematical skills and their application to Economics at University. Recent turmoil in the global economy led me to read 'Animal Spirits' by Akerlof and Shiller, which introduced me to the intriguing manner in which psychology affects the performance of the macro economy. In my essay for the RES Young Economist of the Year Competition, entitled "Are Economic Recessions Inevitable?” I argued that there was convincing evidence to suggest that underlying psychological factors, rather than policy failures, cause the business cycle. Since then, I have begun to explore rival theories of business cycles, including Keynesian, Monetarist and Austrian ideas. Amartya Sen’s ‘Development as Freedom’ sparked my interest in the role of economic and social liberties to increase the advancement of poor countries, via the market mechanism. However, I found that much debate surrounding development is concerned with the time frame in which transitions towards market-based economies occur, rather than simply evaluating the benefits of free markets. The development of social capital appears to be a challenging but essential part of this process. My belief that it is necessary to adopt a bottom-up approach to improving living standards of citizens in developing countries was reinforced by reading ‘The White Man’s Burden’ by William Easterly. My interest in microfinance came from reconciling this approach to development with the improvement of economic freedoms and my entry for my school’s Economics prize focused on the recent boom in microfinance to fund small Indian businesses. I concluded that regulation of microfinance lending should be increased to ensure that credit bubbles do not grow, burst and cause havoc, as they have done in the developed world. In my view, education is the best remedy available to improve global living standards. Through mountaineering expeditions to the Himalayas and the Andes, I have raised $12 000 to help educate orphan girls from the Masaai tribe in Tanzania. I will be teaching in Tanzania for three months from next April. As the secretary of my school’s Economics Society, I sought out inspiring speakers from varied academic and business backgrounds to enthuse budding economists from several local schools. This experience has helped to develop my organisational and time management skills. I am keen to make the most of the opportunities that a university education can offer, and hope one day to pursue a career in academia. Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 Statement 6: PPE at Oxford 14 Throughout my academic career I have tended to favour subjects that impact upon, or seem relevant to, my own life. This was certainly a crucial influence in my choice of A level programme and university course. I have a strong commitment to understanding the world as it operates today; the more I have learned, the more I have come to appreciate that such an understanding often requires explorations of a more abstract than practical nature and that theoretical approaches can unlock an appreciation of real world scenarios; but I remain someone whose primary focus is the here and now. I have enjoyed a number of books that have helped me to develop my thinking beyond the specific requirements of the A level syllabuses. Michael Lewis’ The Big Short, which I reviewed for an economics journal, revealed the culture of moral depravity and lack of accountability that has caused so much turmoil. My interest in the current economic crisis was given an historical and theoretical context by Keynes: The Return of the Master; this book certainly advanced my appreciation of the debate between ‘classical’ and ‘Keynesian’ economics. I am also interested in Development Economics, and my school economics prize essay: “Is there room for Ethics and Morals in Economics?” concluded that it is impossible for any economic or political system to function efficiently without a basic moral foundation. Paul Collier’s The Bottom Billion explained how political and social factors have prevented the economic development of the poorest nations, and I am interested in Dambisa Moyo’s view that the way out of poverty for Africa is not through aid, which encourages corruption and conflict, but through investment in infrastructure and encouraging free trade. Early in my study of Economics I came to appreciate the diversity of applications of the subject: it is influenced by, and in turn influences, almost every sphere of human activity, not just the business and financial world. In trying to understand the forces that shape financial markets or economic developments, one engages with a broad range of enquiry. My reading about Keynes has encouraged me to realise that Economics is a “moral science” that “deals with motives, expectations, psychological uncertainties”. As such it is obvious that it is a subject that feeds off other disciplines and I am very excited by the possibility of being able to extend my examination of the modern world by pursuing philosophical and political courses, where possible. In my last year at school I took an optional course in philosophy; by reading a wide range of texts starting with Plato and finishing with a taste of Wittgenstein, I began to get a feel for philosophical methods and a basic outline of a developing history of ideas in areas of metaphysics and moral philosophy. In order to expose myself further to political debate I campaigned in the borough of Richmond in the 2010 General Election. I met hundreds of residents and discussed their political hopes and concerns. Not only was I often asked to defend the government’s social policies during my encounters with the electorate, but the process of campaigning in economically deprived areas one day and in privileged suburbs the next made me aware of how far economic inequality had helped to cause the present political instability in the UK. Recently I have worked in a political thinktank, which has given me a fascinating insight into the workings of government and policy motives, sparking a desire to pursue this avenue of study more exhaustively. Whilst at school I involved myself in many worthwhile ventures, I worked for Starlight charity organising distribution of gifts to disabled children, and I cycled across Ireland in aid of Cancer Research raising £9,000. I am currently employed at Sloane Robinson in the City, as a researcher, writing reports on market activity. In the New Year I will be working at an orphanage in India, before travelling in the Far East. Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 15 Statement 7: PPE, Oxford Participating in an election campaign for the Thai Democrat Party (TDP) this summer has cemented my decision to apply for PPE. The experience not only enabled me to realize what is required to enter the Thai Parliament – my definite ambition – but it also exposed the undeniable connections between the three disciplines. Not only was I often asked to defend the government’s handling of the recent demonstrations on ethical grounds during my encounters with the electorate, but the process of campaigning in deprived areas one day and in nearby up-market shopping complexes the next made me aware of how far inequality had helped to cause political instability in Thailand. Indeed, the pursuit of income equality was the subject of my essay for the Royal Economic Society’s competition, which was Highly Commended. My main attraction towards PPE thus lies in the synergetic links between the three branches. In economics, I am fascinated by the extent to which the simple price mechanism unconsciously affects numerous facets of our everyday lives and have extended my understanding of the subject through reading Sandelin’s A Short History of Economic Thought. Studying economics in the midst of the current financial crisis has led to me following many topical issues, including the possible trade-off between a quick economic recovery and a sustainable budget deficit – the topic of a recent school prize that I won. Dixit and Nalebuff’s The Art of Strategy provide an intriguing insight into game theory and behavioural economics. In addition to running the school’s Economics Society, I also explored how ethics can enhance several areas of economics through Amartya Sen’s On Ethics and Economics and another prize essay. As for politics, I attended an internship programme at the TDP. Shadowing the current Thai Prime Minister also expanded my understanding of how leading a coalition government with a small majority forced him to resort to a cabinet government. Political newspapers and magazines have interviewed me, defending the PM’s refusal to give in to the protestors in order to avoid setting a precedent for ochlocracy over parliamentary democracy. Studying UK politics has allowed me to investigate the ideologies behind the UK parties’ policies in the general election, as well as to examine how far Parliament serves its purpose in the Westminster model. Political philosophy appeals to me no less than contemporary politics: Woolf’s Introduction to Political Philosophy spurred me to explore various original texts, such as Rousseau’s Social Contract. My participation in the Dicey Conference at Oxford further expanded my knowledge of civil liberties. Although there is not enough time to study philosophy at school, it is not exclusive owing to the universal ability to think. While Warburton’s Philosophy: The Basics provides an overview of major philosophical issues, Bertrand Russell’s The Problems of Philosophy has given me a taste of the style and framework of original works of philosophy, especially on aspects of epistemology. Hodges’ Logic introduced me to formal logic, including the tableaux test for inconsistency. My enthusiasm and aptitude for philosophy are also reflected in me winning a school philosophy prize on the importance of doubt towards philosophy. I believe that I have demonstrated the all-round academic capabilities needed to cope with the broad nature of PPE, having finished top of my year academically over the past 3 years. Taking part in the Mathematical Olympiad and my school Maths team that came 4th in the UK will also help me with the numerical skills required. Outside the classroom, I am captain of my House’s football team and editor of my school’s academic yearbook. In addition to running Community Services, my organizational skills and responsibility are reflected in my appointments as an Academic Prefect and Head of the Scholar’s House. Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013 16 Section 6: Recommended Reading for Economics / Management Here is my selection of economics books for students keen on deepening their understanding 1. 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism (Ha-Joon Chang), ISBN: 1846143284 2. Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure (Tim Harford) ISBN: 1408701529 3. Art of Strategy (Dixit and Nalebuff) ISBN: 978-0-393-06243-4 – especially good for Game Theory 4. Assumptions Economists Make: (Jonathan Schlefer), ISBN: 0674052269 5. Carbon Crunch: How We're Getting Climate Change Wrong (Dieter Helm), ISBN: 0300186592 6. Development as Freedom: (Amartya Sen): ISBN: 0192893300 7. End this Depression Now! (Paul Krugman) ISBN: 978-0393088779 8. Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction: (Ken Binmore) 978-0199218462 9. Grand Pursuit: The Story of the People Who Made Modern Economics (Sylvia Nasar) ISBN: 1841154563 10. How Markets Fail: The Logic of Economic Calamities (John Cassidy) ISBN: 1846143004 11. Keynes – the Return of the Master (Skidelsky) ISBN: 184614258X 12. Made in Britain: How the nation earns its living: (Evan Davis) ISBN: 0349123780 13. Makers: The New Industrial Revolution, (Chris Anderson), ISBN: 184794065X 14. Paper Promises: Money, Debt and the New World Order (Philip Coggan) ISBN: 1846145104 15. Poor Economics: Rethinking Ways to Fight Global Poverty (Banerjee & Duflo) ISBN: 9781586487980 16. Positive Linking – Networks and Nudges (Paul Ormerod) ISBN: 0571279201 (forthcoming in 2012) 17. The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty (Dan Ariely) ISBN: 978-0062183590 18. The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine (Michael Lewis) ISBN: 1846142571 19. The Economics of Enough: (Diane Coyle) ISBN: 0691145180 20. The Idea of Justice (Amartya Sen): ISBN: 0141037857 21. The Plundered Planet: How to Reconcile Prosperity with Nature: (Paul Collier) ISBN: 1846142237 22. The Quest for Prosperity: How Developing Economies Can Take Off, (Justin Lin), ISBN: 0691155895 23. The Signal and the Noise: The Art and Science of Prediction (Nate Silver), ISBN: 1846147522 24. Thinking Fast and Thinking Slow: (Daniel Kahneman) ISBN: 1846140552 25. Worldly Philosophers: Lives, Times, and Ideas of Great Economic Thinkers (Heilbroner) ISBN: 0140290060 Reading list last updated Tuesday, June 11, 2013 The Enlightenment Economics blog written by Diane Coyle is excellent for keeping up to speed with the flow of new economics books that are being published at the moment: http://www.enlightenmenteconomics.com/blog/ Superb regular articles available from the Project Syndicate website: http://www.project-syndicate.org/ I post regular university and economics subject advice on my Twitter feed: @tutor2u_econ I also curate the Tutor2u economics blogs – available here: http://www.tutor2u.net/blog/index.php/economics/ Geoff Riley – UCAS and Economics – Summer 2013