AP Environmental Science - Chino Valley Unified School District

AP Environmental Science (APES)
2014-15 Information Packet & Survival Guide
Welcome to AP Environmental Science (APES). This is the equivalent of a one-semester, college level course in
environmental studies. It is designed to engage and challenge students while providing a framework within which to learn
the scientific underpinnings of some of the most pressing issues of our time. It is each student’s responsibility to read,
know, and abide by the following policies. Any questions or concerns must be addressed at the beginning of the school
year. This is an extremely challenging course, and success will require your undivided attention on a daily basis. Our
ultimate goal is to prepare for the AP Environmental Science exam in May. Success on the AP Exam may earn you
college credit. Plan on a lot of work with very little downtime. If you are having trouble keeping up, see me to explore
options for fixing the problem.
I can be contacted at my email – kevin_britten@chino.k12.ca.us or in Room 34. I am usually at school by 6:30 a.m. and I
usually stay until after 3:00 p.m.
Class Rules and Expectations
Come to class PREPARED to work.
o This means that you have your APES notebook, lab notebook, pencil or pen ready
• Come to class on time! Not in your seat when bell rings is considered tardy.
• Be respectful of others and their property.
• No personal electronic devices (cameras, cell phones, iPOD’s etc.)
o There is very little need for electronic devices in this class.
• Raise your hand to ask or answer questions.
o This class works best when there is open discussion, but be respectful of others.
• Make an honest effort on every assignment.
• Do not plagiarize!
o This is discussed later
• Take advantage of opportunities to learn.
• Follow classroom procedures and directions.
• Solve problems, don’t make them!
My main class rule:
Don’t interfere with my ability to teach, or with the ability of others to learn
Consequences of Breaking the Classroom Rules
1) Warning
2) Phone call to your parents
3) I don’t anticipate going to level 3 and beyond. If this is necessary, I will follow school discipline procedures.
< You are required to be in your seat, with all necessary materials for that day readily available, when the bell rings
< You are expected to attend class everyday. I expect you to take the initiative in keeping up with assignments. It is
your responsibility to make up an assignment, lab, or test and to be proactive in making it up. Most assignments
will be posted on the class webpage. There is no excuse for not knowing about an assignment or due date.
< If you are absent the following policies apply:
q Excused absence on the day an assignment is due, — it is due your first day back.
q Lab activities are very difficult to conduct if students are absent. The following applies if you miss all or part of a lab.
< Absent for part of a lab — obtain missing data from lab partners, it is due on time.
< Absent for an entire lab or activity — obtain data from lab partners. Turn in lab on an agreed upon date.
q If you are absent for a test—a make-up test will be scheduled for an excused absence.
< You will not be allowed to make-up a test for an unexcused absence
q Late assignments – assignments are usually given well ahead of the due date, therefore, there is NO EXCUSE for
late assignments. If you do not turn in an assignment on time, you will be assigned to a study hall session to
complete the assignment. You may receive up to 60% credit for the late assignment, depending on the
circumstances. Students that have chronically late assignments (>2 times in a semester), will not be given the
opportunity to turn in late assignments.
q If you have an unexcused absence - no credit for assignments, labs, or tests which are due, performed or
administered that day.
q There will be no make-up quizzes or in-class essays, if you have an excused absence, you will be excused from a
quiz or in-class essay. You will receive a zero for missing a quiz or in-class essay for an unexcused absence.
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Laboratory Rules
< The laboratory is a special situation that you will encounter in this class. Labs can be fun and rewarding learning
experiences, however, they can also be dangerous.
< The rules in the laboratory must be strict.
Always follow safety rules…Think, safety first, safety last, and safety always!
When in doubt…Ask before you act!
q We will review lab procedures and rules prior to conducting the first lab.
q The consequence of breaking a laboratory rule is exclusion from the lab and no credit for the lab.
Each assignment you complete and submit, on-time, will be graded with points assigned based on a universally
applied, objective grading scheme for that assignment. Approximate point values for assignments are:
500 pts
In-Class Essay
40 pts
10-100 pts
20 pts
Lab or Activity
50-200 pts
As assigned
Class work
10-100 pts
Final Examination
1000 pts
Each semester consists of 5-8 units of study.
Grades will be based on the percentage of total points earned and assigned according to the scale below.
Grades are weighted as follows:
Exams – 50%
Labs/Activities – 20%
Homework/Classwork – 20%
Quizzes – 10%
After applying the above weighting, a percentage will be determined for each student, and grades will be assigned
as per the guidelines listed below.
Final grades will be calculated to two significant digits.
>97% – A+
87-89% – B+
77-79% – C+
67-69% – D+
94-96% – A
84-86% – B
74-76% – C
64-66% – D
90-93% – A80-83% – B70-73% – C60-63% – D- <60% - F
Other Policies
q Plagiarism –
o I consider plagiarism to be academic dishonesty that deserves serious consequences. More importantly,
plagiarism is an offense that, in college, will merit very harsh punishment.
o Merriam-Webster’ Collegiate Dictionary (10 Edition) defines Plagiarize: to steal and pass off (the ideas or
words of another) as one’s own: use (another’s production) without crediting the source: to commit literary theft:
present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
§ Therefore, copying, re-titling, re-naming, photographing or otherwise using someone else’s work as your
own will be considered plagiarism.
o I expect any and all work that is turned in for my review to be your own.
o Consequences may include any of the following: opportunity to re-do the assignment for reduced credit, my
refusal to accept the assignment for credit, request for school administration to intervene.
q Use of electronic devices in class:
o Electronic devices include but are not limited to iPODS, Cellphones, MP3 Players, Cameras (digital or film),
gaming consoles, electronic tablets, personal computers.
o I will follow school/district policy with regard to the definition and allowable possession of electronic devices.
o Except for calculators, I rarely allow the use of electronic devices in class.
§ There may be times that a personal electronic device may be needed for assignments. In these cases, I
will clearly state my expectations with regard to the use of these items. At all other times, please secure
any personal electronic devices at any time you are in my class. Consequences may include reprimand,
confiscation of the device, and/or request for school administration to intervene.
Routine homework procedures:
The course is divided into 12 units of study. In general, each unit will be completed in 2-3 school weeks. With each unit
are two primary components of homework. These are Unit Vocabulary and Unit Study Guide Questions. Unless otherwise
stated, homework is due on the day of the unit exam.
The following outlines the requirements and expectations for properly completing a Unit Study Guide
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< You will be supplied with a list of vocabulary words at the beginning of a unit. This list must be completed and will
be due on a pre-determined day (usually the day of a unit test).
q The Vocabulary List must be handwritten, in your handwriting, (printing is acceptable) and must be legible.
q The Vocabulary List may be done on index (flash) cards if you desire, but these must be handwritten as well.
q Vocabulary List Format:
" Use pencil or pen.
" Write your name, period and “APES” in the top right-hand corner of the paper.
" Title the paper "Vocabulary Unit ___"
" Provide complete unambiguous definitions for each of the words listed in the unit's study guide.
" You may use any source including the book, internet, dictionary etc., but you must cite your source!
Study Guide Questions (SGQ’s)
< You will be supplied with approximately 10 “SGQs” at the beginning of each unit. You will be given due dates at
the beginning of the applicable unit, but in general, these SGQ’s will be due on the day of the unit exam.
q The SGQ responses must be handwritten, in your handwriting, and must be legible.
q The SGQ responses must be answered in short essay format.
q SGQ Format:
" Write with pencil or pen.
" Write your name, period and “APES” in the top right-hand corner of the paper.
" Title the paper “SGQ Unit ___"
" Provide complete unambiguous answers in either short essay, graph, drawing or adequate format to
answer the questions.
The APES Scrapbook (ScrAPESbook)
< Because this course deals extensively with current events, I am going to require all students to maintain a
scrapbook of current events that apply to the course.
< This book will be periodically collected and graded.
< I will discuss and provide guidelines for the scrapbook at a later date.
Guidelines for Preparing and Maintaining the APES Lab Notebook
" Use a composition style book only. Graph paper filled is preferred but not required.
" Write only in ink (just like in college).
" Do not word process lab write-ups. All data and write-ups are to be in your own writing, neatly printed
" Never tear pages out of the lab notebook.
" Number the top outside corner of both sides of each page of the lab notebook.
" Begin the first lab write up on page 3.
" The lab notebook must contain a record of all materials and procedures used in performing the lab (a scientifically
literate stranger should be able to execute any of the labs within your lab notebook–without any additional
" Record all data directly into the lab notebook.
" Initial and date all data the day it is collected.
" Do not obliterate information. Strike out incorrect information and mistakes with a single horizontal line.
" Use the first two pages of the lab notebook for the Table of Contents.
" Begin the Table of Contents on page 1.
" After each lab is completed, add its name and page number to the Table of Contents.
" Be prepared to turn in your lab notebook at any time during a laboratory.
Some of you have had me as a teacher in previous classes, so you may already be aware of my procedures and class
policies. Be advised that this class is a little different from others in that you will have a good amount (~10 hours/week) of
homework. In addition, since this is a college level course, my expectations will be more like that in college. You will be
expected to maintain a level of responsibility and maturity similar to that in college. You will be expected to thoroughly
complete and submit all work on time and without prodding. I trust you will find this to be an interesting course. There may
be times that I will have to shift gears. I have a master calendar, and I will stick to that schedule as much as possible, but I
may make periodic adjustments and you should be ready for that. We will have fun, but we will also maintain a level of
professionalism that you may not have experienced at the high school level.
Now, lets get started!
Mr. Kevin Britten
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Dear Parents,
I am pleased to have your child in my class. I look forward to teaching AP Environmental Science (APES), a
subject that I love. Certainly, I cannot expect every student to have similar feelings for Science, but because your child
has chosen to take an AP level course, I expect them to be ready for a lot of work and learning opportunities. Success in
this class depends on many things. A huge portion of your child’s responsibility to this course is taken by homework
(expect ~10 hours per week), understanding the concepts presented, attending class every day, and putting forth effort,
paying attention, taking notes, *asking questions*. In addition, there will be numerous extracurricular activities. If your
student needs assistance, please make sure that they understand that they are encouraged to see me. I readily make
myself available, but I cannot and do not monitor each students progress. It is you and your child’s responsibility to
contact me before grade problems develop.
Attached to this Letter to Parents, please find the Course Syllabus for this class. Please take a moment to read
and familiarize yourself with my policies so that YOU are aware of the expectations of your child. My intention is to
make much of this class available on my school webpage, therefore it is vital that your child has access to the internet. If
internet access is not available at home, it is available in the school library. In addition, I plan to incorporate a large
amount of supplemental instruction in the form of videos and movies. I will adhere to the School District policy with regard
to supplemental instruction. You will be receiving a supplemental materials list and permission slip in the near future. In
order for your child to view supplemental materials, this permission slip must be on file in my room. If you have questions
with regard to this, please refer to the district website, or contact me and I will be glad to discuss this matter.
If there is any way that I can be of service to you or your child, please do not hesitate to ask
How to Contact Me
• Email: kevin_britten@chino.k12.ca.us (I check this regularly)
• Phone: School- (909) 627-7351 ext. 3634
Mr. Kevin Britten
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN BY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2011
Student’s Name: _____________________________________________Student’s Period # __________
Parents’ Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number(s) ______________________________________________________________________
Parent E-mail (optional)___________________________________________________________
Parents, please sign below as an indication that you have seen and reviewed the course syllabus. Please also have your
student sign below to acknowledge that they too understand the expectations set for them in this class and agree to abide
by those expectations.
Parent’s Signature
Student’s Signature
Most assignments and reference material will be posted on my district webpage.
Does your child have access to the internet at home? _______
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