
Promoting science committee QUESTION OF:​
Measures to limit patent rights on new drugs to insure global access at affordable prices. SUBMITTED BY:​
Turkey, Finland, India, Cambodia, UK SIGNATORIES: ​
Cambodia, Finland, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Spain, Chile, Netherlands. Affirming​
that technically, a chemical compound (a pharmaceutical product) can be obtained through different processes and methods. From a legal perspective, product patent protection would prevent all other processes and methods from producing the same chemical product. Having​
studied that in 2001, for the purpose of monitoring medicine prices and improving access to essential drugs, the World Health Organization (WHO) and Health Action International (HAI) developed a standardised methodology for surveying the availability, affordability and components of medicine prices in developing and transitional countries. Reaffirming ​
that public sector availability of generic medicines is, on average, less than 60%, ranging from 32% in the Eastern Mediterranean to 58% in Europe. Deeply disturbed of​
the fact that North America, Europe and Japan together represent 80% of the global pharmaceutical market, and that of the remaining 20%, Africa represents only 1%. 1. Recommend​
the countries of all the delegates to create specific law for limiting the price of drugs and for establishing necessary organizations to supervise and administrate the pricing and patent applications of the drugs: a. Establishing organizations to control and supervise the price of the medicine for public usages, b. Those specialized organizations should catalog drugs according to the citizens who need them, i. Setting special price for those families who have a bad economic conditions, ii. Setting a price for the general public which bases on the international reference price, c. Governments should make laws that help countries to promote trade and circulation of the new productions, in order to decrease the monopolizing companies’ power in the market, d. Government need a set of laws to clearly supervise all the process, 2. ​
the governments to get involved in the pharmaceutical market and produce process and have necessary funding on medicine company, in order to control the price of drugs in the market, a. Fund for those individual companies to invent more new life­saving drugs in the following but not limited kinds of companies, i.
The individual companies in More­Developed countries to invent more new drugs, ii.
The individual companies in Less­Developed countries to balance the drug market, b. Fund for those monopolizing companies for new drug invention, and letting them shift their focus point from profit to saving lives, 3. Calls for all the delegates to limit the patent of the monopolizing countries by examining the previous patent information of the company; a. Countries should focus on the price that is formulated by the international organizations, i. Correlative departments should supervise the market regularly to ensure the standards be followed, ii. Strongly command all the countries to limit the rate of patent rights therefore to supervise the price, b. Governments should control the companies that are monopolistic, i. For the low­priced drugs should not be monopolized, ii. Setting the higher taxation to the companies that are monopolistic, iii. Setting the limit for the price of the medicine, iv. Setting the penalty for the companies whose price of the medicine are higher than the restricted price, 4. ​
that governments having mandatory substitutional drugs and limit the price of them by applying the following measures: a. Changing some medicines that are produced by monopolistic companies, b. Having the substitution to some of the medicines that have high price, use the medicines which are equally safe and effective but have lower price instead, c. Letting government supervise the entire process, d. Ensuring the price and safety of drugs which are involved in the life­insurance system, 5. ​
the delegates’ countries to develop a more efficient and more effective way of examining drugs, aiming to lower the price for companies which need to pay for applying drug investigation: a. Shorten the time that those companies need to wait for the drug to be tested, and lower the prices of those companies applications for the drugs testing process, since there will be more expensive for the drugs by, i. Asking for assistance from international organizations, ii. Starting a donation fund around the world for those life­saving drugs, b. Governments should make policies that encourage the examination of drugs, i. Governments can invest more on examination of the drugs so that the time can be shortened, ii. Government can simplify the process of examination drugs. 