Parent School Site Compacts – As developed by each Parent Advisory Committees. PERS- List of Responsibilities Parent Get Kids to School School Conduct a competent teacher evaluation process Regularly reach out Follow current to children, Policies. teachers, and dorm staff. Providing Atmosphere for necessities that learning exists. dormitory children require. Communicate with Safe and administration and nondiscrimination PAC. atmosphere for learning Dormitory support safe environment Student Come prepared to learn Take responsibility for own education Teacher Communicate parents , students, and staff Follow district policy Respect and tolerate peers and staff Come prepared to facilitate learning Adopt healthy lifestyle Prepare children for lifetime learning Follow school policy and regulations Follow district curriculum produce and follow curriculum maps GCS - List of Responsibilities Parent Provide the opportunity for children to attend school. Provide a place and time for study. Involvement yourself with your child’s teacher and school School Provide a safe learning environment Student Respect others Teacher Follow Curriculum Follow non discriminatory policies Provide positive working and learning environment Make the school a place that is open to the community Come to class prepared Communicate with Parents Have an appropriate attitude towards learning Follow syllabus and curriculum maps Understand that education is a personal responsibility Support community Train parents on current learning movements Provide parents information on how to comprehend standardized testing information IDEA- List of Responsibilities Parent Participate in state mandated testing Supply changes in contact information Check email and website regularly Participate in monthly communication Write two progress reports or High school evaluation Submit quarterly samples of work Write and follow Individual Learning Plan School Provide Resource Environment that is safe and open to learning Provide communication lines Provide appropriate Workshops Contact Teacher Monthly contact with families Provide Curriculum Fairs Supervise and guide progress report development Monitor transcripts Document contact with families Supervise and guide parent’s with Individual Learning Plans. Insure that class loads match graduation requirements Provide requested resources