Exchange Fact Sheet

Exchange Fact Sheet
Contact Detail
Head of the
Dr. Jorge Talavera Traverso
Ms. Nancy Matos
Vicepresident of Academic Affairs
Mr. Peter Yamakawa
Vicepresident of Research
Mr. Jaime Serida
Dean Graduate School of Business of ESAN
Mr. Jorge Cortez
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Mr. Javier del Carpio
Dean of the School of Engineering
International Affairs
Bachelor Programs
Ms. Mariella Olivos
Associate Director of Undergraduate Programs
Phone: 317-7200 - Extension 4381
Ms. Desiree Jiménez Guimarey (Mg.
Incoming Students and CBEM Program
Phone: 317-7200-Extension 4749
Ms. Mylene Sandoval
Outgoing Students Coordinator
Phone: 317-7200 - Extension 4748
Master Programs
Mr.Armando Borda
International MBA-Director
Ms. Carolyn Sillan (Int' / MBA)
317-7200 - Extension 4716
Ms. Benoit Charmetant (MBA/MSC)
Phone: 317-7200 - Extension 4694
Visiting Address
Alonso de Molina 1652
Monterrico, Surco
Lima – Perú
Master Programs
Undergraduate Programs
Incoming Students
Universidad ESAN is a leading academic institution founded in 1963 as the first Graduate School of
Business in Latin America. Since then ESAN has acquired an excellence academic reputation in Peru,
based on the quality of its MBA, specialized master degrees, executive programs, etc. Currently
Universidad ESAN offers a variety of undergraduate courses from our 3 schools: Economics and
Management, Engineering and Law where the fields of specialization are: Management and Marketing,
Management and Finance, Economics and International Business, Information Technology and Systems
Engineering, Industrial and Commercial Engineering, Environmental Management Engineering,
Organizational Psychology, Consumer Psychology and Corporate law.
Universidad ESAN continues to be fully immersed in an internationalization process, maintaining strategic
alliances with prestigious institutions all over the world. We offer our faculty, students and alumni, new
dimensions of knowledge and opportunities for professional and personal growth.
Length of Bachelor degree (years): ESAN offers a five year program (1st and 2nd years are core courses)
Academic Calendar 2015 – Bachelor Level
The academic calendar opens twice a year.
- 1st semester (March – July)
- 2nd semester (August – December)
A semester lasts 16 weeks (14 weeks of classes and 2 weeks for mid-term and final exams).
Nomination Deadline
30th October
31th March
Application Deadline
30th November
30th April
Mandatory Orientation Seminar
9 to 10th March
13th to 14th August (to be confirmed)
Spanish Crash Course
11th to 18th March
17th to 21th March (to be confirmed)
Beginning and end of Semesters
(including examination dates)
Starts: 19th March
Ends: 22th July
Starts: 24th August
Ends: 18th December (to be confirmed)
Note: Exchange students can come either in the 1st or 2nd semester and they can stay for a maximum of 2 semesters.
Application Process for Undergraduate Students
1ST STEP: Submit Nominations
Please submit your nominations to Mg. Desirée Jiménez Guimarey, our Incoming Coordinator,
( including the following information about students: last name, first name, gender,
nationality, n° years studied (Bachelor: 1st, 2nd, 3rd or Master 1st, 2nd), type of program at Universidad
ESAN (Exchange 1 semester, Exchange 1 year, Double Degree 1 year), university and personal email
2ND STEP: Submit Online Applications
Exchange students need to register and then upload all the required documents on our online process system
until November 30th for first semester students (March – July) and until April 30th for second semester
students (August – December). The link to complete the application with their full name as the registration in
their passports in the following: After registering, students will
receive an e-mail message with their user name and their password.
Students applying to the Exchange Program at Universidad ESAN must have completed 2 years of university
studies by the time of application.
Online application form signed by the coordinator and digital photo
A digital colour jpg format passport photo (35 by 45 mm - width x height)
A Spanish Certificate:
For Exchange Students: Intermediate Spanish level or a letter from a professor stating the student has a
good command of this language.
For Double Degree Students: B2 level
An English Certificate for students taking courses in English: TOEFL IBT 80 or IELTS 6.5
CV in English or Spanish
Official Transcript of Records from all courses taken at their home university in English or Spanish
A clear passport copy
Learning Agreement
A letter in Spanish, introducing yourself and explaining your raisons to participate in Universidad ESAN.
Copy of International Health Insurance (mandatory)
Courses for Exchange and Double Degree Students
Exchange students can choose a variety of courses from our 9 bachelor programs. The primary language of
instruction is Spanish. However, 10-15% of the courses are offered in English. In order to become registered,
students must attest their language proficiency.
English / Spanish courses:
Please note that Master 1 or Master 2 students must take courses from the 4th or 5th year of our Bachelor Programs.
The courses in our Double Degree Program are pre-established in each one of our academic programs:
Management & Finance, Management & Marketing, Economics and Business and Industrial and Commercial
Regarding course selection, it is mandatory for our partner institutions to validate all the courses and consider the
pre-requisites or requirements, as well as exchange students’ command of English / Spanish. According to our
regulations, students are not allowed to make changes after they have sent the Learning Agreement.
Universidad ESAN will provide exchange student with updated information about courses and program
schedules upon arrival. Course registration will be carried out during the mandatory welcome program that is
(e.e.) one week before the beginning of classes.
Please note that the course selection form you send us before your students come to UE is for reference only.
Courses offered are subject to change.
Are undergraduate exchange students allowed to take Master Degree courses? It is not possible. At the graduate level,
exchange students are required to have at least 3 years of corporate experience (interships are not valid).
Exchange students usually take 6-course workload per academic semester, which is equivalent to
approximately 30 ECTS, depending the number of credits per course.
In average for 6 courses:
21 theory hours per week
- 4 practice/lab hours per week
Contact hours per
undergraduate course
3 to 4 ESAN Credits
Minimum workload per
undergraduate semester
12 ESAN Credits
Maximum workload per
undergraduate semester
21 ESAN Credits
Spanish Language Course
Universidad ESAN offers its incoming exchange students a Spanish course free of charge, which allows
students to advance their proficiency of the language. The course opens two weeks before the beginning of
classes, depending on the number of students registered.
In order to registered students must contact Mg. Desirée Jiménez Guimarey, our Incoming Coordinator
( and they should take an online quiz a month prior the beginning of classes.
Exchange students are required to stay until the end of exam period. No special early exams can be arranged
for them. From the beginning of classes, the exam timetable is uploaded on our system: UE VIRTUAL.
Students are permanently evaluated on the basis of their active involvement in class and conferences, quizzes,
reports, written exams and other special assignments. Evaluation procedures and tools and their relative
value are established by each professor at the beginning of each term and detailed in the corresponding
syllabus. In addition to academic performance, evaluation also takes into account the ethics and sense of
responsibility students show in class.
At the end of the period of study, UE provides the sending institution with a report on the courses taken and
grades achieved by every exchange student. Transfer of academic credits is determined by the home
95 – 100
90 – 94.9
85 – 89.9
80 – 84.9
75 – 79.9
70 – 74.9
65 – 69.9
60 – 64.9
55 – 59.9
50 – 54.9
45 – 49.9
0 – 44.9
18.5 – 20
17.5 – 18.49
16.5 – 17.49
15.5 – 16-49
14.5 – 15.49
13.5 – 14.49
12.5 – 13.49
11.5 – 12.49
10.5 – 11.49
9.5 – 10.49
9 – 9.49
Our grading scale goes from 1 to 20, where 11 is the minimum passing grade.
Exchange students have the possibility to check their transcripts on UE Intranet during the semester.
Transcripts are sent to home universities only once exchange students have completed all administrative
procedures, paid all required fees and given books back to libraries.
Beginning of August: for 1st semester students
Beginning of January: for 2nd semester and full-academic-year students
A Academic Expenses
Incoming students participating in formal exchanges are exempt from regular tuition charges. They are,
however, required to pay US$80 dollars for administrative costs which provide them with the following
Accident insurance
ESAN ID Card (Students can access the library, computer labs, and participate in extracurricular
programs. The ID Card must also be produced when taking exams. ID Cards are given to all exchange
students after completing administrative procedures.
University Card (Students will gain the benefit of low-cost public transport and access to certain
public establishments at half price: theaters, museums, libraries, etc. - granded by the Peruvian
Prospective Living Costs
Exchange students coming to live in Lima should consider spending approximately US$ 800 to US$ 1,000
dollars per month (including housing rental).
ESAN University provides exchange students with a list of pre-selected homes
near campus. Students can contact the names listed on our website.
Depending on the type of facility chosen, the cost of rent may vary from:
US$160 to US$230 per month when living with a local family
US$250 to US$400 if renting an apartment
Daily costs in our cafeteria are the follows:
Snacks, sandwiches US$2.00
Local Transport
Lima has a wide variety of means of public transport and their costs are rather
inexpensive. Traveling by bus or colectivo may amount to S/. 1.00 (1 Nuevo sol)
per trip, depending on the distance traveled.
There is usually light traffic except during rush hours (7:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 6:00
to 7:00 p.m.).
In addition, taxi services are widely offered at very convenient prices.
Other expenses
Among these consider laundry, newspapers, photocopies and other minor
personal expenses, amounting to approximately US$100 per month.
Exchange Rate aprox: 1 Euro = 4,26 Nuevos Soles / 1.00 US = 3.90 Nuevos Soles
Visa Requirements
Once the application has been accepted, ESAN will send students the official Admission Letter, as well as a
letter addressed to the ANR (Asamblea Nacional de Rectores), who will contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
for visa processing.
ESAN Admission Office will help students to obtain the “Visa Oficial” at the Consulate of Peru in the students’
home country or wherever he/she may be living at the time of visa processing. Therefore, students need to
follow the steps outlined below before January 23th 2015:
Upload the onwards trip ticket to Peru on our application system for incoming students. Students
need to arrive in Lima on the first days of March.
Send an e-mail to our Incoming Coordinador, Mg. Desirée Jiménez Guimarey
( mentioning the city of the Consulate of Peru where they would like to pick
up the visa before arriving in Lima. Here is the link with the list of cities from which students need to
It is also important to note that this is an Official Visa for studies and it will be issued from the day of your
arrival until the end of the semester. If students want to stay longer for tourism, they will need to get a Tourist
Visa (90 days) by leaving the country from any of the borders and entering it again.
Once the Official Visa is approved, the institution in charge of giving the “Visa Oficial” is the Consulate of
Peru (“Consulado General del Perú”) where students decided to pick it up. The Consulate of Peru usually
issues the visa a week prior to the student’s departure to Peru, so they will need to call to confirm the visa is
ready. In the case there are any problems, students need to let us know immediately.
If students do not meet the deadlines, ESAN will not be responsible for their visa procedure.
We do not recommend students to enter our country with a Tourist Visa. In case students decide to
do so, ESAN will not be responsible for the administrative procedures to change their immigration
status. Students would need to do this independently, considering that this is a difficult process that
will take approximately 3 to 4 months.
If students fulfill all the requirements on time but the visa is not issued one week before their flight to
Peru, it is really important that they follow these steps:
1) Send an e-mail to our Incoming Coordinador, Mg. Desirée Jiménez Guimarey
( letting us know about this matter immediately, as well as the name of the
immigration officer who stated that visa was not ready in the Peruvian Consulate in your country.
2) These students will need to enter the country with a Tourist Visa. Only in this case, will ESAN be
responsible for starting the procedures to change the immigration status once students are in Peru.
The Official Visa is only issued for 90 days. Universidad ESAN in accordance with the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs regulations will extend their visa. In this case, international students are required to submit the
following documents to our International Student Office before April 17th 2015:
Original Passport
Copy of the return ticket or reservation
IMPORTANT: The Official Visa extension process will take almost a month. This means that students will be without
their passport during this period and will not be able to travel abroad.
Facilities on campus
UE Virtual
All exchange students will be given a user name and password to access the UE
virtual platform, where they will be able to check their courses and material
uploaded by the teachers, or any other announcements. They will also be given an
UE email address, where they will be regularly contacted by administrative and
academic staff. It is the students’ sole responsibility to check their mails. The link
ESAN/Cendoc offers its services to students in all programs and to the faculty and
researchers. It also offers access to EBSCOhost and Infotrac databases, with a
considerable number of full text articles and reports. It also offers access to
Internet and other national and international databases.
ESAN/Cendoc fosters and maintains cooperative agreements with a wide range
GRAN GAMA of institutions for the exchange of publications, donations,
interlibrary loans and other specific content requests. In addition, it participates
in international and national projects. At present, it has exchange agreements
with over forty libraries and information centers from around the world. For
further details:
Information Services
ESAN/Cendoc Library and Information Center is one of the most comprehensive
in its area of specialization in Latin America. It has approximately fifty thousand
volumes, among books, documents, reference collections and other types of
materials. In addition, it has over 14,000 titles belonging to technical journals
(online and printed versions) and records of journal articles in Spanish.
Computing Center
ESAN offers the media and facilities to connect with internal and external
networks, including Internet, which facilitates communication with professors,
students and allows for access to worldwide information sources. In addition,
there are two fully-equipped computer laboratories with multimedia system, VC
(videoconferencing) rooms, as well as on-campus wireless connection.
Junior Assistant Program
The International Student Office offers the "Junior Assistant Program", designed to help international
students to get organized in Lima and to provide them with personal orientation regarding accommodation,
public services, transport, meals and recreational activities; as well as to organize some cultural and
international activities.
ESAN University Junior Assistants will contact exchange students, so please, check your e-mail account
Other courses available for incoming students
The 3-week session is perfect for those seeking a short-term intensive Peruvian experience (July-August),
where we offer a variety of courses on campus from Monday to Thursday.
Currently, Universidad ESAN is launching the course "Foreing Investment in Emerging Economies", which
will take place on campus July 17th to August 7th 2015. This program has been designed entirely in English.
We invite all international students interested in learning about doing business in Latin America to take this
course. For further information, please visit:
ESAN University offers tailor-made programs in a variety of fields in January and February. All of our
programs are taught in English or Spanish.
Living in Lima
In addition to its economic appeal, our country presents interesting social features, such as its racial and
cultural diversity, its economic and social differences and a population growth that has surpassed the Latin
American average.
Our campus is located in Surco, a residential area in Lima, the country’s capital, with easy access from and to
the different parts of the city.
The city of Lima, also known as “The City of the Kings”, is one of the most attractive Latin American capital
cities to live in. It is a pleasant, safe and modern city, adequate for professional development, especially
because of its strategic location for multinational firms operating in the region.
Nightlife in Lima offers a wide range of entertainment, and Peru is an important gastronomic destination in
Latin America because of its rich gastronomic culture, which includes dishes from the different regions of the
New shopping centers and extended supermarket and bank timetables make life easier, too.
Distance from city / airport by taxi = 45 minutes
International Student Welcome Guide
Here you will find useful information about living in Peru, students’ services and facilities, our short study
programs. Our courses are taught in English, which may appeal to you. One of our top programs is the new
Certificate in Business in Emerging Markets (CBEM), which offers students the opportunity to learn how to
do business in an emerging country, with focus on Latin American reality.