Third Exam CHEM ZSS g"gu"i.-bfremistry I _prof. Bastin Falf 20tl Name biquous,carefu uydrawnstructures(wh I;;I;iltffi'd: lii:? ?ffffiTJilTfunam ere 1) /8 pts 2) _/10 pts 3) /8 pts 4) /8 pts 5) t15pts 6) t15pts 7) t12 pts 8) 112pts 9) tl2 pts rotar: Zr0opts T / D ( J = # c - tH # x.# N 2 T *Z - + 1 ?,s$,- ) t'u t -\ e^5e sr ?n , S"D {",'-l ) \t\ r>Xocr.-\\rn tc t\J "S C\" n}a Bastin -Exam #3 Chem255 - Fall 201I 1) (8 pts) ProvideIUPAC namesfor the following compounds. (a) tgl'{),),g t.',11$l-I - 3 ^{\u*n^o --------.: 5C (u) (b) (b-6-crNr\.)-k+\gn* oC (+) (c) q -Secb.,\.,\ \-.-,.\.,rt (d) r -\\ 1lf\ \ \ I \r, l-r n\r I - '6, q -c\'rsnb-\n..,\ -') , \ IU 17l20r1 us\eno Bastin -Exam #3 Chem255 - Fall 201I 2) (10 pts) Providestructuresfor the following compounds. t\-. \ry ,^Al I '.. @@r;@p@ 47+'t'2."."\ \*-"k (c)@sad 16 g1y_! -2-op19 Ie ' (Q!f gns-s ds(gop_y I-3i elg e /- - tUt7t20rl t- t- Bastin - Exam #3 Chem255 - Fall 201I 3) (8.pts)Providea structuralformula for the cycloalkenestartingmaterial for eachof the following reactions. (a) cHs HCI > r-A*I v\ cr C\\,.J ,)R \1'oR , lt (b) q.' cHs l) HBR2 9 \\ i 4) (s^pF) Indicate(by circlingon thestructure) thefour isopreneunitsin thestructural formula of VitaminA (shownbelow).If youdon'tiecall*hut;; iroptin. t wiiifiy"" know f o r a 2 p tp e n a l ty. ""iiis, ., ,| r ') * r't-- ,/\ ./ " tt' J1*' rutTt20tr 4 Bastin - Exam #3 Chem255 - Fall 2011 5) (15 pts) Providethe reagentsneededto bring aboutthe following transformations. a) qn\ 5 oo' r) o"o* cR[..\u:3 It : \.t-\J)N"rb\, Hao K tnnt.)q, N..o\\ "rrttt\oH \l \-,/ b) Br b., QSaoH I O ...rrt\lOCHa .:tt'' \ *-RR, ,\\rl )xro),\\*o\ r)hr p d) A t) r xlou\\. (e) H* Hao OR t) qtou")a I NJD J) l.\"bH* rur7l20rr + enantlomer ri,r + enantlomer Bastin - Exam #3 Chem255 - Fall 2011 6) (15 pts) Draw the product(s),if any, of the following reactions.Indicatestereochemistry whererelevant. Pleasedo NOT write the mechanismson this page(usethe back of the pages). a) tr "N | ' A\J \a' -rdiHz tt'c- d "o \_,t \\l c.\c\i\-,r'r b1r o \\l;'"' tfs ( ''v.'$:.-r ' ,) i-. i ,.. $t \: :' -.\ d't''' ) \o.$. b) 2)H2O2,CH3COOH b i'v''''''' " :'. Y -s\ J: 1 a*..srry\l it t . r- cl\ o o\.\ ? c) 1) NaNH2 2) CH3CH2BT Rs, '''.\ '\' >r c.r\'. k d) *,c Brr Q n..t\ + @ ' )'-' > l Qqp.St.)fi'\rrpq- e) O \\ 1) Hg(OAc)2,HzO 2) NaBHa rU rT12011 \ \\ Frc_r( - I i., q "..\lNt j-K: u o -"1r\..^.rsY:e f Bastin- Exam#3 Chem255 - Fall 201I fQq\e^\t 7) (12pts)Thesexattrac of the codling moth hasthe molecularformula is pheromoneabsorbstwo molar equivalentsof (l-decanol refersto an OH being hydrogenand is convertedto 3-ethyl-7-methyl-1-decanol locate4glthel+Eiition of a decanechain). On treatmentwith ozonefollowed by treatment pheromoneproduces producesCH3CH2CHTCOCH3, CH3CH2CH'COCH3, CH3CH,COCH2CH2CHC wate}he pheromone w4l€inc and watelhe CH3CH,COCH2CHTCHO, ,t \'-and w{@nc ' Neglectingthe stereochemistryof the double bonds,write a general OHtCffpII. structurefor this pheromone. Cr3H24O.On catalytic_ drogenatio 6h-.'r, lcrtr) rs \,?. t9t \, ;\ t,''on"t"rt. r ,fr- )A ' Qt C r.HJ\c \N i.Gt 1Til r'+\ \ it* bu= ) I o. ') r) (cu) f ln\ " \'"1 K o lc \ , 1 rS \ I I coc\\3 C \\s c\q*, \ I .| \,\r \ \\ ,\ \ )u I\ - ' \ ' il o o\\ca*'>or\ Tht ., \uQS \ u tU rTl20ll \Jr \\ -0'+ l' \ f ou I o I )l$s + \* D 3tt I c\S\, y" c-*)c\\)c\o @ l ** $ s.- \. wrSe. *\, h4 u-Q. Bastin - Exam #3 Chem255 - Fall 201I 8) (12 fts). Providethe product(s)of the following reaction. Be sureto show all pertinent stereochemistry.Also, draw a curved-arrowmechanismthat clearly explainshow each productis formed and the stereochemistry of eachproduct. Bt, - \\- )$' ) CD1!\ \vc)c' c\r \t\ V Bc crs .or$ :/ \ J"to't\ e*e hc / );\ tu 17l20tl I Jo\' Bastin - Exam #3 Chem255 - Fall 201I 9) (12 pts) Using a curved-arrowmechanism,structures,and words,explainwhy treating propenoicacid with HCI givesonly 3-chloropropanoic acid. I\ oH HCI > o \t A rt\:c-\ at'-! \ f\ i,\ }q\s \r: H S- o\\ OR H os- ,--iJ{ \\oocoes, 5t \: ns\ + C : q t.( \r$t1 vg\:\ue i tr\\ \ Nrs\A.5\ir,,t this 5: \ rr\<\ r.^e\-\ S^u-=\ \s 1\-.* \\-'*s n S\rr"\-p f r __--TD> rU t7 l20ll 9