Chicago Manual of Style Author Date Format

Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)
Author & Date/References
Albert S. Cook Library
Research & Instruction
The Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition [2010] , also known as CMS, was used to create this guide,
which illustrates examples in the author-date/references format. Material requiring a citation uses an
in-text citation within your paper along with a full bibliographic entry in the reference list which occurs at
the end of your paper. For each author-date citation in the text, there must be a corresponding entry in
the reference list for that source. For additional examples , see Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition on Reserve at Cook Library 9Z253 U69 2010, and also available online.
In-text Citations
Within the in-text citation, the author’s last name is listed first, followed by the year of publication of
the source, then the page number noting the location of the cited material within the original source.
For periodical articles, a month and day may be included after the title. In this guide, the in-text citation
examples are shown within parentheses and follow the bibliographic citations listed below.
Reference list citations for books should include the following information in this order whenever
possible: {p. 693-694}
1. Full name of author(s) or editor as author or corporate/institutional author
2. Publication year
3. Title and subtitle
4. Editor, compiler, or translator in addition to author
5. Edition (only if not the first edition)
6. Volume information: total number of volumes of an entire multivolume work cited, individual
volume of an multivolume work, title of individual volume if different from set
7. Series title and number (if applicable)
8. Facts of publication: city and publisher
9. Page information (if applicable)
10. For electronic books: URL or DOI [digital object identifier], or type of medium (Kindle, etc.)
***Remember to single space after all commas, colons, and periods.
Note: Single spacing is used in this guide for brevity; the 2.8 Formatting rule on p. 59 of CMS states
that all references and the paper itself should be double spaced. The final authority for the
bibliographic form (including spacing) in your paper is your professor.
Examples: Books
Book with One Author
Smith, James. 2009. Treading Lightly: How to Navigate in Today’s World. New York: Walker Press.
In-text citation: (Smith, Bales, and Fowler 2009, 126)
Book with More than One Author
Note: With multiple authors, invert (put last name first) the first author only.
Franklin, Jean, Helen Smith, and Patrice Ferguson. 2012. Marketing for Business. New York: Doubleday.
In-text citation: (Franklin, Smith, and Ferguson 2012, 126)
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Book Available Electronically
For an online book, include a URL as the last element. For a book available through a database (e. g.
Ebrary Academic Complete), include the name of the database instead of the URL.
Cantor, Norman F. 1994. The Civilization of the Middle Ages: A Completely Revised and Standardized
Edition of Medieval History. New York: Harper Perennial.
In-text citation: (Cantor 1994, 123)
Chapter/Article in an Edited Book
Pirolli, Peter L., and James G. Greeno. 1988. “The Problem Space of Instructional Design.” In
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lessons Learned, edited by Joseph L. Psotka, Dan Massey, and
Sharon A. Mutter, 181 – 201. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
In-text citation: (Pirolli and Greeno 1988, 191)
Article in an Online Encyclopedia
Include editions other than the first and volume numbers. For an encyclopedia available electronically,
include the URL if it leads directly to the encyclopedia, otherwise, use the name of the database. If the
electronic version does not provide all of the information that you need for a complete citation, consult
the library catalog for additional information. If articles are listed alphabetically in the encyclopedia,
page numbers need not be included in the References list.
Monty, Daniel Joseph. 2008. “Gangs.” In Encyclopedia of Social Problems. Edited by Vincent N. Parrillo.
2 vols. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
In-text citation: (Monty 2008)
McEwan, Gordon. 2008. “Machu Picchu.” In Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Edited
by Erik Langer and Jay Kinsbruner. 2nd ed. 6 vols. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons. Gale Virtual
Reference Library.
In-text citation: (McEwan 2008, 310)
Journal Articles should include the following pieces of information (if available) in this order: {p. 729}
1. Full name of the author(s)
2. Year of publication
3. Title and subtitle of the article
4. Title of periodical
5. Issue information: volume number, issue number, month, day (if applicable)
6. Page reference (if available)
7. If specifically required, a date of access
8. For online periodicals, a URL or a DOI (digital object identifier)
***Remember to single space after all commas, colons, and periods.
Examples: Journal Articles
Full Text Article from an Online Database with or without a DOI
If there is no doi (digital object identifier), include a stable/permanent URL for that article within the
Duncan, P. Bruce. 1993. “Using Toxicity Data to Evaluate Ecological Effects at Superfund Sites.” Journal
of Hazardous Materials 35 (2): 255-71. doi:10.1016/0304-3894(93)80010-D.
In-text citation: (Duncan 1993, 264-65)
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Lupton, Mary Jane. 1990. “Singing the Black Mother: Maya Angelou and Autobiographical Continuity.”
Black American Literature Forum 24 (2): 257-76.
In-text citation: (Lupton 1990, 271)
Unsigned/Anonymous Article from a Weekly Magazine in a Database
List an unsigned article under its title. For electronic versions, include stable/permalink URL as the last
“Best Music of 1993.” 1994. Time, January 3, 85.
In-text citation: (“Best Music of 1993” 1994, 85)
Newspaper Article Available Online
Cohen, Noam. 2010. “Web Attackers Find a Cause in WikiLeaks.” New York Times, December 9.
In-text citation: (Cohen 2010)
Newspaper Article Retrieved from a Database
Include edition, if it is noted.
Cohen, Noam. 2010. “Web Attackers Point to Cause in WikiLeaks.” New York Times, December 10,
Final edition.
In-text citation: (Cohen 2010)
Examples: Websites
Include as much of the following information as possible: personal author/corporate author, latest year
of copyright or last update, “Title of Site Section,” (if relevant) Title of Site, Sponsor of Site (if different
from the author) and URL. If there is no copyright, revision or other publication date given, use the date
of access.
Part of a Site
Civil War Trust. 2011. “Civil War Battlefields.” Saving America’s Civil War Battlefields.
In-text citation: (Civil War Trust 2011)
Entire Site
Gray, Terry A. 2009. Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet. Palomar College, September 21.
Note: In this example, the date of access information is split: the year is the second element, followed
by month and day listed directly before the URL.
In-text citation: (Gray 2009)
Examples: Miscellaneous Sources
McPike, Erin. 2011. “RNC Candidates Push for Credibility, Conservatism in GOP.” RealClearPolitics
(blog), January 4.
In-text citation: (McPike 2011)
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Online Video Clip
Antheil, George. 2006. Ballet Mecanique: Exhibition at National Gallery of Art, March 12 – May 7.
YouTube video, 9:54. Posted by “esinger3141”, July 2, 2006.
In-text citation: (Antheil 2006)
MGMT. 2008. “Time to Pretend.” Dailymotion video, 5:00. Posted by “potq,” April 3, 2008.
In-text citation: (MGMT 2008)
Film or Video: DVD or VHS
For a commercial film include the producer, production company and its location, and format.
Returning Dreams. 2005. Produced and directed by Emily Marlow. Oley, PA: Bullfrog Films. DVD.
In-text citation: (Returning Dreams 2005)
Film or Video Streamed from a Database
The Ottoman Empire. 1996. Films Media Group. Films On Demand.
In-text citation: (Ottoman Empire 1996)
Television or Radio Program
“A Very Glee Christmas.” 2010. Glee. Fox Video, 42:59, December 7.
In-text citation: (“Very Glee Christmas” 2010)
Image from a Database
Include artist name, date of work, title of work, and URL for the subscription database.
Cezanne, Paul. 1878-79. “Seat at L’Estaque.” http://library.artstor/org.
In-text citation: (Cezanne 1878-79)
Map, Chart, or Table
Refer to the medium of the image in the text of your paper and site the source, including figure number
shown in the original source of the illustration. If there is no figure number, cite the page number. For
images retrieved online, if no date is given, use the date of access.
“The Habsburg Territories 1814 - 1914.” 1999. In Oxford Atlas of World History, edited by Patrick K.
O’Brien, 175. New York: Oxford University Press.
In-text Citation: (“Habsburg Territories” 1999, 175)
Published or Broadcast Interviews
Cite the interview starting with the name of the person being interviewed; the interviewer is listed
Galbraith, John Kenneth. 1999. “Name Dropping: Interview with John Kenneth Galbraith.” By Howard
Berkes, August 12.
In-text citation: (Galbraith 1999)
Lecture or Speech
Include presenter, date, sponsorship (if applicable), and location.
Nixon, Howard L. II. 2010. “Women’s Equality in Sports.” Lecture presented at Towson University,
October 15.
In-text citation: (Nixon 2008)
Prepared by: Lisa Woznicki
Revised: 8/14/2014
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