ESC 577 - HOMEWORK 2 – ANSWER SHEET QUESTION1: (30 points) 1.a. (5 points) ATMOSPHERIC CO2 CONCENTRATION CARBON EMISSIONS CARBON ABSORPTION BY PLANTS CARBON ABSORPTION BY OCEANS ATMOSPHERIC CO2 CONCENTRATION CARBON EMISSIONS CARBON ABSORPTION BY PLANTS CARBON ABSORPTION BY OCEANS (STOCK) (FLOW) (FLOW) (FLOW) : MtC : MtC / year : MtC / year : MtC / year 1.b. (5 points) SALINITY SALTS FLUSHED SALTS RELEASED SALINITY SALTS RELEASED SALTS FLUSHED (STOCK) (FLOW) (FLOW) :ppt (parts per thousand) :ppt/month :ppt/month 1.c. (5 points) INFECTED FISH SUSCEPTIBLE FISH INFECTION SUSCEPTIBLE FISH INFECTD FISH INFECTION (STOCK) (STOCK) (FLOW) :# of fish :# of fish :# of fish/day 1.d. (5 points) HOMEWORK ASSIGNED HOMEWORK COMPLETED HOMEWORK COMPLETION HOMEWORK COMPLETION HOMEWORK ASSIGNED HOMEWORK COMPLETED (FLOW) (STOCK) (STOCK) ESC 577 – HOMEWORK #2 – ANSWER SHEET : questions/week : questions : questions 1/7 ESC 577 - HOMEWORK 2 – ANSWER SHEET 1.e. (5 points) BOOKS CHECKED OUT BORROWING RETURNING BOOKS CHECKED OUT BORROWING RETURNING (STOCK) (FLOW) (FLOW) :# of book :# of book/day :# of book/day 1.f. (5 points) KNOWLEDGE FORGETTING LEARNING KNOWLEDGE LEARNING FORGETTING (STOCK) (FLOW) (FLOW) : (dimensionless) : (dimensionless) : (dimensionless) QUESTION 2: (34 points) ORDERED BOOKS NEW COMING BOOKS Book Barrowing BOOKS ON THE SHELVES Book Indexing Book Order Rate Orders Receiv ed Book Returning BOOKS CHECKED OUT The book circulation of a library can be summarized as follows: Books that are ordered by the instructors (if it is a university library) or librarian come to the library after some amount of time. After the books are received, they are indexed by the librarians and take place on the shelves of the library. As a member of the library checks out a book, this book become unavailable for others and others have to wait until the book is returned. Stocks and flows of the dynamic problem and their units are listed below: VARIABLE BOOK ORDER RATE ORDERED BOOKS ORDERS RECEIVED NEW COMING BOOKS BOOK INDEXING BOOKS ON THE SHELVES BOOK BORROWING BOOKS RETURNING STOCK/FLOW (FLOW) (STOCK) (FLOW) (STOCK) (FLOW) (STOCK) (FLOW) (FLOW) ESC 577 – HOMEWORK #2 – ANSWER SHEET UNIT :# of books/month :# of books :# of books/month :# of books :# of books/month :# of books :# of books/month :# of books/month 2/7 ESC 577 - HOMEWORK 2 – ANSWER SHEET QUESTION 3: (36 points) ESC 577 – HOMEWORK #2 – ANSWER SHEET 3/7