Brooklyn Law School Brooklyn, New York

Project Profile
Brooklyn Law School
Brooklyn, New York
Challenge: Brooklyn Law School
selected KI’s Genius® movable walls to
transform an unfinished storage space into
a beautiful, functional and highly flexible
Solution: The double-decker stacked
configuration of movable walls features an
artful blend of glass, color and lighting to
create an industrial, open and welcoming
environment—all while supporting
the school’s emphasis on maximizing
flexibility and cost-effectiveness. With
just four to five basic parts required,
Genius walls offer quick installation with
minimal disruption. Ease of installation
and movability also contributes to lower
life-cycle costs. In addition to its flexibility,
Genius walls have the ability to provide
a strong sound barrier. The finished
installation provided an attractive yet
highly functional environment at Brooklyn
Law School.
An unlimited blend of wood, aluminum, glass, and other substrates help customers create
any design imaginable with Genius® movable walls.
Genius® movable walls and KI’s Engage®
task seating create a dynamic and functional
meeting area.
Constructed using ecologically sound
materials and manufacturing processes,
Genius® movable walls are designed for
Genius® movable walls help maximize
usable space with smooth-sliding doors.
1330 Bellevue Street • P.O. Box 8100 • Green Bay, WI 54308-8100 • • 1.800.424.2432
KI and Furnishing Knowledge are registered trademarks of Krueger International, Inc. Code KI-00968/KI/PDF/0313
Genius® movable walls provide a strong
sound barrier with an STC rating of 4448, one of the highest ratings in movable
This double-decker stacked formation
of Genius® walls create an attractive and
contemporary design.
KI’s Silhouette® seating and a Trek® table
create a productive and comfortable
meeting space.
1330 Bellevue Street • P.O. Box 8100 • Green Bay, WI 54308-8100 • • 1.800.424.2432
KI and Furnishing Knowledge are registered trademarks of Krueger International, Inc. Code KI-00968/KI/PDF/0313