project details - Institute of Business Administration

S.No. ELP Company
Area of Investigation Project Description Max.(100 words)
1. Customer Service Project:
- How is it done?
- What are the international standards?
- Measures on how to monitor
- Reevaluate existing practices via a
1 Meat One
Human Resource
Strategic Analysis &
Marketing Strategy
2. HR Manuals
Training modules
- Customer Satisfaction
- Selling
3. Marketing Strategy for Qurbani &
- Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
- Marketing timeline
- Marketing ideas – Out Of Home
- Marketing plan
- Trade operations
2 Al-Shaheer Corporation
3 UBL Omni
Strategic Analysis &
To revamp the business model and
Marketing Strategy experience of Khaas Meat store.
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies,
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Strategy
5 Meat One
Marketing Strategy
Our project is based on the marketing
strategy of UBL Omni. The objective of
the project is to change the behavior of
the students to pay through Omni
instead of cash and they want to
implement this model on IBA. For this
we need to work on both the demand
side and the supply side. Demand side
is the students of IBA and supply side is
the retailers of IBA. So we need to
develop the marketing strategy to
persuade students to open omni
accounts as well as to bring retailers of
iba on board to accept payments on
digital mode instead of cash.
The ELP project focuses on
strengthening the UBL ADCs portfolio
which could be both exciting and
convenient to its customers. The
suggested ADCs segments would be
expected to launch in short to medium
time period.
Hence, it has been divided into
following components:
•Identification of new market
opportunities - Investigative research
on local and international ADCs market
•SWOT & Competitor’s Analysis
•Marketing Communication Plan
The project is aimed at improving
shopper retail experience and creating
guidelines for current and future store
layouts to improve effectiveness of
product placements, in-store
communication as well as store
ambiance bringing an element of
consistency across stores.
Assigned Faculty Advisor
6 UBL Ameen
7 Amreli Steels Ltd
We have have been given a task of
writing and editing a book on Islamic
Training material for banking. And to make presentations
and training material from the book for
UBL employees.
Design a feasibility report on setting up
an export-oriented fruit processing
manufacturing plant in Pakistan.
Inclusive in the project is detailed
New ventures /
assessment of fruit pulp applications,
Feasibility Studies
market, customers, competition,
business economics, product
characteristics, manufacturing process
and risks.
8 Bank Alfalah
9 Alternate Research
Financial Analysis
Inbox Business
11 UBL
Internal Models Approach requires the
bank to develop robust internal risk
measurement methodologies. The
project will require students to develop
robust statistical models to effectively
measure the market risk on Bank
Alfalah’s on and off balance sheet
exposures. This will involve detailed
analysis of bank’s balance sheet to
identify sources of bank’s market risk
exposure, in order to develop an
effective statistical methodology to
measure and quantify the market risk
faced by the bank.
We are to prepare financial valuation
models for three companies from the
fertilizer sector of Pakistan. As per the
requirement of our sponsor, we have
been assigned three major players of
this sector. These are ENGRO
Fertilizer, Fauji Fertilizer Company
Limited and Fauji Fertilizer bin Qasim
Project: Establish a proper Project Cost
Sheet which will decide whether or not
to undertake a project, covering
following aspects;
1. Expected Revenues
2. Cost of Goods Sold / Sales
3. Gross Profit
4. Financing Costs
5. Other Costs
6. Net Profit
Strategic Analysis &
Marketing Strategy,
Process reRolling out a new remittance product in
engineering and
Dubai and Bahrain (pilot project), from
vendor management to marketing.
Adnan Hussain
Shanzoo Technologies
13 READsylexics
Trade Development
14 Authority of Pakistan
15 Avari Towers Ltd.
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies
Strategic Analysis &
Marketing Strategy,
strategies, Financial
Students will study and evaluate
business model which is used by
Indian companies such as Tata
Consulting Services, Vipro, Hindustan
Limited, Igate etc in terms of providing
staff augmentation services, Off-shore ,
near shore and blended outsourcing
services. The company intends to
expand to offices outside Pakistan and
students will be required to develop
detailed business plan, feasibility,
marketing strategy, guideline etc.
Aman Ullah Saiyed
Our project is based on doing a
complete analysis of the financials of
the institute to figure out why it is doing
poorly in terms of profits. Project's other
part is to create and implement a
thorough marketing strategy and
rebrand the institute. They want to enter
and also be seen as an institute which
wants to help with literacy and trainings
in the mainstream.
The project entails conducting a
feasibility research on restructuring The
Carpet Training Institute, Karachi. The
institute was set up in 1992 in
Management Control
collaboration with Pakistan Carpet
Systems, Strategic
Manufacturers and Exporters
Analysis &
Association but has failed to continue to
operate since 2005. The project
Marketing Strategy
expects the students to identify
problems faced by the institute, outline
a budgeted plan for its revival and to
devise strategies to ensure its self
sustainability in subsequent years.
The ELP at Avari requires us to study
the two core functions at the firm:
Performance and Compensation
Structure. We are expected to review,
Human Resource
analyze, evaluate, and then suggest a
recommended Performance Appraisal
form as well as a Compensation
Package that is internally and externally
aligned to the hotel industry
NOWPDP is an organizational
dedicated to advocating and advancing
the rights of people with disabilities.
The Rickshaw Project was initiated in
2012. It is a project initiated by
NOWPDP. Our purpose is to build on
the accomplishments of this project and
Project Development
increase its reach and sustainabilityand
empowering via employment and
demonstrative inclusion in action by
creating highly visible, ‘’moving’’
platform for advocating issues
regarding the rights of persons with
Ashraf Jaliawala
17 Princely Jets Pvt. Ltd.
19 PeaceNiche (NGO)
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies,
Marketing Strategy
Princely Jets (Pvt.) Ltd, a subsidiary of
Akbar Group of Companies, is a Private
Aircraft Charter Company that provides
Jet and Helicopter services in Pakistan.
Their products include Aircraft charter,
Helicopter Charter, Air Ambulance
Service and Firefighter Service.
We propose to work around the
following 3 objectives during our 4month Experiential Learning Program.
1. Educating the market
2. Finding new opportunities and
refining existing ones for rotary and
fixed wing equipment in different
3. Partnerships for utilizing
opportunities in new markets
Heartwork is a project of Nowpdp that
works in two key areas; skill
development trainings of people with
disabilities and sale of handmade
products made by people with
disabilities. The aim of the project is to
develop skills of people with disabilities
such as paper making, textile
designing, screen printing, weaving and
provide them avenues where they gain
access to markets to sell their products
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies,
Marketing Strategy,
strategies, Financial Our involvement with Heartwork is
across all levels, that includes trainings
in schools, marketing and sale of
Heartwork’s products, identification of
new markets, establish alliances with
media groups and textile houses, make
a plan for in house vocational training
institute, plan and execute a textile
launch, measure impact of Heartwork
and ensure it meets its sustainability
aspect too.
The project aims firstly to increase
PeaceNiche's reach, via it's first project
T2F, in order to develop new audience
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies, and increase awareness of it's work in
Strategic Analysis & art and culture, science and technology
and advocacy.
Marketing Strategy, Secondly, the aim is also to develop a
sustainable business model in order to
allow PeaceNiche to survive as an
organization well into the future rather
business processes than collapse after it's charismatic
Founder leaves that position. To that
and developing a
sustainable business end students are following and working
on a few of PeaceNiche's current
undertakings in order to analyse
existing business processes and
recommend changes/improvements.
Dr. Framji Minwalla
The project involves studying and
expanding the business model for
PPAF's Domestic Worker Capacity
Building Program that deals with the
training and placement of domestic
Pakistan Poverty
Alleviation Fund
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies
A demand side need assessment will
be conducted which will address the
current bottlenecks in placing trainee
domestic workers in relation to the
available supply.
The final report will consist of market
demand forecasts, required skill levels
and kinds for different categories of
workers and a placement strategy to
establish the program in the market.
Social Impact Lab-IBA
22 Express Media Group
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies,
Management Control
Systems, Resource
Human Resource
23 Foundation Securities Ltd Marketing Strategy
To set up a Social Impact Lab at IBA. In
the phase of setting it up, decide what
its objectives are and how it would go
about achieving them. Complete all
initial paper work and get the operations
started before the end of project.
Express currently does not have a state
of the art performance management
system. The HR there is outdated. They
have allocated us certain jobs in
express TV and express newspaper for
which we need to conduct a through job
analysis and use the JD to map out
competencies and performance
standards which will then become a
part of the appraisal. We also need to
recommend a software that they can
use to automate their system.
This project involves creating a
marketing and sales plan for FSL.
Currently FSL is limited in this
department and want us to develop
marketing and sales plan. Their
marketing and sales effort is ad hoc and
inefficient. FSL’s product portfolio
consists of online stock and commodity
trading. But for this project only stock
trading will be focused upon. FSL
doesn’t have a proper and staffed
marketing dept, and is not leveraging its
competitive advantage i.e. the lowest
commission rates in the industry.
Beside this, this project also involves
developing action plans so as to
leverage FSL’s imminent takeover by
Askari Bank.
Dr. M. Azam Ali
24 Karam Ceramics
25 UBL
Trade Development
Authority of Pakistan
Jubilee General
28 ARPATECH Pvt. Ltd.
- Develop Mission/ Vision for the
- Market Research – Dealers Feedback
Human Resource
- Industry, Competition & Market
- Industry Analysis – Porter’s five-force
Strategic Analysis &
- SWOT Analysis
Marketing Strategy,
- PLEST Analysis
Supply Chain
- Marketing Plan
- Design a Slogan
- Competitive Analysis
- Business Strategy
- Recommendations
Marketing Strategy
The Project is regarding conducting a
research on Customer Satisfaction. We
need to find out that whether UBL
customers are being satisfied at each of
our touch points or not and what to do
in case of dissatisfaction and what are
the areas of improvements?
The task we have been provided is to
revive the Pakistan Institute of Gems
and Jewelry. This institute comes under
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies, TDAP and has been dysfunctional for
Management Control 16 years. We are required to make a
new management plan for the institute
Systems, Human
in which we have to mainly focus on the
training and development of human
Strategic Analysis & resource of Gems and Jewelry sector of
Marketing Strategy, Furthermore, we have to develop a
sustainable business model for the
institute so that the institute is able to
generate revenue for itself and be
Process reindependent. Although, the control of
engineering and
the institute will remain in the hands of
TDAP but due to shortage of funds in
the Government sector it is very
essential that the institute generates
funds for itself.
Conduct a feasibility study to set up
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies, idea incubators in various universities in
Pakistan with a self sustaining revenue
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies,
Marketing Strategy
General Tyre and Rubber
29 company Pakistan
Marketing Strategy
Responsibilities include to lead a team
of five in the planning, marketing and
execution of a 'soon-to-be-launched'
online shopping portal, based on an
international business model. The
project also entails checking the
feasibility of such a portal based on the
research conducted.
Formulate a marketing strategy for
General tyres to improve Brand
perception in the replacement market
for 14" and 15" passenger car tyre
Dr. Shahid Mir
30 Reckitt Benkiser
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies
Market research on the feasibility of
introducing a hot wax variant for Veet in
Research involves survey of parlors in
Karachi pertaining to waxing solutions,
plus detailed analysis of findings and
final recommendation.
Tata Best Foods, a subsidiary of Tata
Group which owns Tata Textiles, export
raw red meat to the Gulf and to other
countries. They plant to enter the
domestic market now.
31 Tata Best Foods Ltd.
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies,
Marketing Strategy
Apart from this, they believe the brand
needs to be revamped as it will not
make the desired impact on the local
customers, who might associate it with
Tata Group of India.
Hence, our group will work on this
project to suggest ideas in order to
revamp Tata Best Foods as a brand,
conduct market feasibility study and
help them launch themselves in the
domestic market.
Restructuring of 2 main strategic areas
of HR:
32 Reckitt Benckiser
Human Resource
Employee engagement: Research on
best practices across various top tier
organizations in the FMCG and
Pharmaceutical sectors of Pakistan.
Collate this with current practices in RB
Pakistan taking a deep dive into gaps
existing and give recommendations in
order to develop a roadmap for
employee engagement strategies for
Talent Management: Research on
strategies across various top tier
organizations in the FMCG and
Pharmaceutical sectors of Pakistan and
develop strategies for hi-pots and
graduate recruits in RB Pakistan.
Also benchmark RB Pakistan’s
organizational structure against top tier
organizations and submit
HBL has launched two youth product
HBL iD(18-24) and HMC(under 18).
These products aim to introduce
banking to youth by giving them their
own deposit account and associated
instruments (example Chequebook,
Debit Card)
The project requires that a marketing
strategy be defined for these two
products wrt target market and
competitive products.
33 HBL
34 Beach Luxury Hotel
Marketing Strategy
Supply Chain
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies
•Customer Engagement
oDetermine Target Market interests
and habits
oIdentify medium of communication
oSuggest optimum media and
strategy specific to the suggested
•Distribution engagement – all HBL
products are marketed and sold
through the branch network, under this
head the following is required
oIdentify 3 innovative go-to-market
techniques (for creating product sales)
oDevelop 2 branch engagement
strategies for boosting product sales
through branch network
The key deliverables that will be
presented in our final report are given
1.Analysis of current procurement and
purchase management systems.
2.Proposals to better streamline
purchase and procurement methods in
a cost effective manner.
3.Suggestions on management of
relationship with vendors based on the
timing and accuracy of delivery and the
terms agreed upon with different
4.Propositions to manage inventory
control systems taking into account the
seasonality in the hospitality industry.
5.Useful ideas adopted through
industry comparison.
The project includes conducting in
depth research of three businesses:
packing and moving services, pick and
drop services and photovoltaic systems.
On the basis of the research, the
objective is to prepare a pre feasibility
report on the above mentioned three
projects. It will include the financial
feasibility of the above businesses,
critical factors involved, geographic
market to be covered etc.
Ejaz Ahmed Mian
Shell Pakistan Limited
(Shell Tameer)
37 Intergrated Dynamics
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies,
Marketing Strategy
38 Cyan Capital
Research on
39 Continental Biscuits ltd.
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies,
Marketing Strategy,
Social Media
Campaign and
Trade marketing
Prepare a feasibility study of introducing
adult literacy as part of the Tameer
offering as well as standalone program
for Shell Contract staff including haulier,
forecourt staff and others like lubricant
customers in far flung areas.
While drones are unlikely to become a
part of our daily lives in the immediate
future, they will soon begin taking on
much larger roles for businesses. It is
estimated that 12% of an estimated $98
billion in cumulative global spending on
aerial drones over the next decade will
be for commercial purposes (Business
Insider). Integrated Dynamics wants to
tap onto this market potential for quadcopters and make the best use of their
state of art technology while facilitating
activities for various businesses.
The Investment Team at Cyan is
currently working on the telecom sector
and infrastructure sharing business in
particular for its portfolio company,
Towershare (TS). TS started its
operations in Pakistan and is currently
in the growth phase whereby it will be
expanding its telecom tower portfolio
through construction contracts and
tower acquisitions. Hence, in the next
12 months, TS will be evaluating and
executing tower deals and Cyan will be
closely involved in all the transactions
through different stages. Therefore,
Cyan requires research on precedent
transactions to understand the
dynamics of tower deals and gain
valuable insights.
Project 1: CBL wants to explore in other
categories of with respect to the food
category. We are required to carry out a
feasibility study with regard to the new
Project 2: The objective is to reintroduce the concept of game shows
which are fading for the Prince biscuits
target market. As part of our research
we shall be looking into the prospective
branded content formats.
Project 3: Interaction with the agency to
see ensure there is an increase in
brand presence of TUC with its World
Cup digital campaign. Also do retail
visits to ensure clutter breaking
positioning for TUC.
Eram Abbasi
40 Avari Towers, Karachi
EFU General Insurance
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Strategy
The purpose of this final semester ELP
project for Avari Hotel is to identify the
brand positioning of Avari Hotel,
Karachi (Restaurants/Food and
Beverages) in the leisure market and
the Y- Generation. The project’s focus
would also work upon increasing the
footfall in Avari Hotel, Karachi in
general and its restaurants in specific.
Consumer research shall also be
gathered for gaining valuable insights
with regards to the brand and its current
positioning in the mind of the consumer.
Furthermore, a literature review shall be
done as well in order to gather valuable
secondary data in this area of research.
The Project is about to develop develop
the sales and Brand strategy for EFU
Auto Insurance. It is divided into three
1) Dealer Research: This includes an
investigation into the behavior of both 3
S and Non 3 S Dealers.
2) Consumer Research: This includes
an investigation into the behavior of
Consumers to gauge the motivations
that impact the consumers to move
towards Car insurance and what is EFU
positioning in the minds of the
3) The third stage is to design brand
strategy for EFU insurance and also
come up with a Sales Strategy.
between group members and UBLOmni
team. It includes the evaluation of the
newly launched indirect distribution
model entities spread across Karachi.
Each student in the group is assigned
one such entity closest to their area of
residence. They will share their
evaluation done on the back of field
visits and data analysis (to be provided
by Omni) and PIP=performance
improvement plan with sales team as
42 UBL
Strategic Analysis &
Process reengineering and
The key concepts to be covered will
include as follows;
The art and science of territory
o Business planning
o Resource deployment
o Training and development
o Customer satisfaction(retailer)
KPI definition and measurement
Business development
Salesforce management.
Mushko is facing a serious problem in
work process management due to lack
of manuals and SOPs. In order to
operate efficiently and smoothly, they
want a third party to develop the internal
Management Control
controls for their procedures, before
Systems, Strategic
that they want to improve on their
Analysis &
current methods of working. With
Mushko Electronics (Pvt.) Management,
mutual understanding, it was decided to
Process redivide the project into three phases - (1)
engineering and
Mapping the current procedures (2)
Identifying loopholes in current
procedures; and (3) suggesting SOPs
with improved internal controls to
increase the efficiency in operations.
The project calls for interaction with all
departments of the company. Hence,
the work has been divided accordingly
amongst the team members.
We are required to observe, analyze
and improve the back as well as front
end processes of the Hotel’s five
restaurants. The aim is to increase the
Supply Chain
efficiency of service in all of the
44 Avari Towers Karachi
restaurants and therefore drive higher
customer satisfaction. A deep
understanding of the entire supply chain
of the restaurants is needed.
Farah Naz Baig
45 Engro Foods Limited
46 Engro Fertilizers
Dubai Islamic Bank
Pakistan Ltd.
The project attempts to address the
gaps analyzed in the Departments of
'Sales Collection' and 'Accounts
Payables'. For this purpose, SOPs for
each process in the departments are
Management Control
being designed. Also value stream
Systems, Process remaps for each process will be made to
engineering and
identify gaps and give
recommendations to restructure
processes wherever required.
The project also involves aligning JDs
with SOPs in order to make it clearer as
to who is accountable for which
strategies in order to offer
recommendations and suggestions
towards effective and sustainable
procurement to Engro Fertilizers. This
Supply Chain
1.Creating awareness of
environmental impact for Engro
2.Developing guidelines for green
procurement for Engro Fertilizer
3.Rethinking material requirements,
consumption and procurement methods
for Engro Fertilizer
4.Formulation of a technique to
reduce the use of hazardous materials;
improving energy efficiency of
purchased materials for Engro Fertilizer
5.Coming up with ways to further
reduce pollution and noise levels and
using recycled materials, and recycling
waste for Engro
6.Branding Engro Fertilizer as a
Green Purchaser
7.Educate all employees on the
requirements of “green” procurement
programs, their roles and
responsibilities relevant to these
programs and the opportunities to
purchase green products and services
8.Increase purchases of green
products and services consistent with
The main objectives are:
1)Reassess the DIB Brand Persona
through Customer Survey, focus groups
and Marketing Research.
2)Study the strategic shift in the
New ventures /
Business expansion from small bank
Feasibility Studies,
with a few but large ticket size clients to
Strategic Analysis &
a growing larger bank with higher
volume but smaller ticket size clients.
Marketing Strategy,
3)The assessment of successful
Research, Market
delivery in the Bank’s promise of World
Strategy and Brand
Class Banking – The Islamic Way
through a bigger geographic distribution
network but smaller size branches and
4)Viability in mass market products
against niche products and the cost to
income benefit
Khusrow M. Uzair
Tameer Micro Finance
Bank Ltd.
Coca Cola Beverages
Pakistan Ltd
50 Engro Fertilizers
51 Engro Fertilizers
52 Al-Rahim Textile
The initial phase of the project involves
in depth research about the
organization, it’s operations, risk
management (an extremely crucial part
of any financial institution) and
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies, culminates in the development of a
Management Control strategy for microfinance interventions
Systems, Strategic for provision of energy solutions/
products as well as in Education and
Analysis &
strategy development for both , for the
bottom-of-the-pyramid consumers. It
will also include a detailed analysis of
the legal and regulatory environment
governing the energy sector with
particular emphasis on existing
framework (if available) or regulatory
gaps for micro energy solutions and
market strategies and pilot plans.
The project is designed around shopper
behavior observation, deriving insights
from the research carried in Modern
Trade outlets and suggesting to Coca
Cola what action plan they should and
can follow in order to boost sales in
these retail outlets. The second phase
of the project is to gauge the
effectiveness of retail activation and
lastly, we are to be engaged in the
planning and execution of promotional
Conduct a Critical analysis of EFERT
cost structure, production and raw
materials as compared to its local
Strategic Analysis & competitors and international
Develop a benchmarking dashboard for
future performance
measurement in the fertilizer industry
To conduct a critical analysis of Engro
Fertilizer's cost structure, marketing
reach and operations and to compare it
Strategic Analysis & with both local and international players
after which a practical benchmarking
dashboard is to be created for use by
the company for measurement of its
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies,
Strategic Analysis &
Marketing Strategy,
Supply Chain
Management, Study
and Research:
Strategies for Retail
Al-Rahim textile is launching its brand
'Kapray' which would encompass a
number of consumer goods such as
clothing and furniture, for which a
market research needs to be carried
out in identifying growth areas for the
the venture. This would give further
assistance in planning a marketing
Strategy, brand build up, and supply
chain management.
M Kamil Shahbazker
collection of proper feedback from the
customers as well as employees. The
company needs to know the
requirements of the customers so that
they can become more market oriented
and achieve customer satisfaction.
They also need to know the employees’
view in this regard so that they can
facilitate them with the proper channel
linking them to the internal customers
as well as external customers.
53 ICI Pakistan Ltd
54 APLL Pakistan
Feasibility Report:The team has to first identify the major
New ventures /
and minor problems by conducting
Feasibility Studies, meetings with the relevant personnel
Management Control and customers. The research will help
in identifying the need of a CRM system
for the company. A feasibility report of
the CRM system will be prepared by the
team comprising of the following main
•The need for a CRM System
•The components of a CRM system
•Analysis of the feasibility for the system
for each division and the support
•Budgets and Long Term Returns on
Investment (Financial feasibility)
•Labor, overheads and material
for the implementation of the
work load sharing and maximum
utilization of current resources with
highest attainable efficiency. The team
will work to identify an improved
working pattern with the support center
GSC (Global Service Center) in China
in addition to working on the billing
pattern and rates communications with
In short, the students will understand,
Management Control evaluate, examine and audit the overall
Systems, Strategic current process starting from booking
Analysis &
placement by customer, obtaining
shipping instructions, planning better
Supply Chain
equipment for shipment, billing,
processing, warehousing, trucking,
logistics, LEAN and other overall
management of the following key
Process reaccount customers of APL.
engineering and
2.Marks & Spencer
The team will need to analyze the
processes in finding the bottlenecks at
different stages. The increasing
volumes in coming months will help the
team find potential optimization
possibilities and recommendations.
B) Settlement of ICO transaction
accumulated balance of receivable and
payable in the balance sheet of APL
Logistics Pakistan CE L419, The ICO
55 mcb
56 PCI Group
To establish a pilot Eco pay system in
IBA using mcblite, and spread the
awareness on mobile wallets
Mohammad Kamran Mumtaz
PCI Group has pioneered itself in
flooring and carpeting industry. So far
they are dealing in B2B market, our job
New ventures /
is to find out where the brand PCI
Feasibility Studies,
stands in the market then transform that
Strategic Analysis &
image to move into B2C market.
Marketing Strategy
We have to make next five years plan
for PCI's B2C segment which will cover
all aspects of the journey.
New ventures /
Feasibility Studies,
Marketing Strategy
57 Millward Brown
Brand Positioning
58 Dawn News
Marketing Strategy,
59 Pizza Hut (MCR Pvt Ltd.) Marketing Strategy
Millward Brown is an international
research and public relation agency.
They just opened a office Pakistan ,
before this they had been operating in
Pakistan through Dubai. Since Millward
Brown has just moved into Pakistani
markets , they want us to carry out a
research through which we identify the
preferences of the local clients. On the
basis of our research we are required to
identify the gap in the market on the
basis of which we are going to propose
a Brand Positioning for the company.
Project undertaken pertained to DAWN
News’ cricket world cup television game
show of 75 episodes.
•Responsible for planning and
executing digital and print marketing
strategies for the television show.
•Assisted in devising show format and
producing content for various televised
•Developed and maintained excelbased dashboards for episode-wise
content delivery, selection of show
segments, production schedule and
supporting print and digital promotion
•Mobilized resources and assisted in
executing the shooting schedule to
facilitate smooth operations of show
•Maintained thorough liaison with the
marketing, production, product
development and creative departments
to foster integration of activities across
the value chain.
Project entails to cover four major areas
including market research, customer
profiling, new product development and
advertising in relation to its flagship
brands Pizza Hut and Burger King.
Firstly, the organization requires a fullfledged research on K-Electric’s
satisfaction index upon which it
determines the customer reaction and
feedback with respect to the range of
services it is providing. The main
objective of this research is not only to
spot the problem areas but also to
understand the brand perception.
Increase in validated database
60 K=Electric
Marketing Strategy
The objective is to increase the
database through 8119 registration, the
advantages of this service will be
shared, which the students will then
communicate at IBA to achieve an
agreed upon number of validated
Revamping the KE Bill
There are two main questions that
needs to be answered, i.e. 1) what are
the top 5 things a consumer looks at in
the KE bill and 2) What is
missing/should also be included in our
bill? The students are free to come up
with further suggestions on content,
layout etc.
61 J. Junaid Jamshed
The project is divided into two major
parts: to help improve the Customer
Relationship Program for the company,
Management Control and to provide a 360 degree feedback
Systems, Marketing on the J. brand and provide
recommendations to reposition the
brand as desirable to the youth. The
team will also help develop a marketing
strategy aimed at capturing the younger
segments of the market.
Nida Aslam Khan