5 global warming

Ch 6 Impacts of global warming
Chapter 6 Impacts of global warming
This chapter compromises a set of activities, which focus on the reasons for
and the consequences of global warming and ways of preventing it.
The activities illustrate:
• understanding what is global warming and how it occurs
• the causes
• the consequences and impacts of global warming
• understanding the cause-effect relationships between energy consumption
and impacts of global warming
• finding solutions: the options for preventing global warming
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DRAFT 200 d10042005
Ch 6 Impacts of global warming
Activity 6.1: Europe map puzzle
One impact of global warming is an increase in
temperature both on land and of the sea. Europe
will encounter many changes due to global warming
in the near future and this game illustrates which
countries might suffer most because of global
warming. You will need to know certain predictions
and consequences of global warming especially in
Europe. Therefore study the background
information before starting the activity. This will
also give you a chance to improve your geographical
Task 1: The puzzle
Taking turns, fill in the outline map identifying
where each country fits onto the map.
Alternatively a country is called out and its shape has to be identified from the outlines
provided and put down within the outline map
Task 2: The game
Using the map as a guide, answer the
questions set out in the worksheet
Notes for teachers:
Background: This activity is to emphasise the consequences of global warming in Europe. Students
should know some of the current and predicted consequences; they may presume some other effects.
They should be aware of the climate in various parts of Europe and be able to link this to the effects of
global warming. They should also have a fair knowledge of European geography and history.
Aims of the activity
• To raise awareness of the present effects of global warming and study scientifically predicted
effects especially in the UK and neighbouring countries
Material: tables for completion, a Europe map puzzle
Key words: effects of global warming, sea level rise, droughts, temperature rise, heat wave,
Skills: Observation, working in groups, understanding and interpretation, linking the concepts together
and information sharing
National curriculum subjects: science, citizenship, geography
Age Range: 9-12, key stage 2-3
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DRAFT 200 d10042005
Ch 6 Impacts of global warming
Activity 6.2: gathering information
Collect articles and pictures from newspapers, magazines and the internet
regarding environmental pollution and climate change and bring to school for
your next lesson.
Notes for teachers:
Background: This activity is to collect information regarding global warming; definition, reasons,
consequences. Students should find and bring articles and pictures from the newspapers and
magazines and from internet if available. Parental assistance may be required to provide these
Aims of the activity
• To find information about global warming
Material: articles, pictures from newspapers and magazines
Key words: effects of global warming, sea level rise, droughts, temperature rise, heat wave, ice sheet
Skills: Observation, understanding and interpretation, linking and information sharing
National curriculum subjects: science, citizenship, art and design, geography, PSHE
Age Range: 9-12, key stage 2-3
Activity 6.3: consequences of global warming
Design and make a poster, which illustrates the effects of global warming.
Discuss with your group which articles and pictures you will use for your poster.
You may need to use resources provided by the previous activity (gathering
information) or your teacher may provide some of these resources.
Each person should select one picture or article and make one drawing
Arrange these on the poster leaving some space for writing and creating your
own drawing.
Do not start gluing the pictures and the writings immediately but arrange them
so your poster will look attractive
It is up to you how to organise and design your poster, but don’t forget it should
be about the effects of global warming
Notes for teachers:
Background: This is a poster activity is to emphasise the consequences of global warming.
If students have been unable to bring their own materials then you will need to provide these.
It is important that students be encouraged to develop their own ideas, drawings and titles.
They should be aware of some of the consequences of global warming . They don’t have to read all of
the articles but to scan and understand them in general. As a complicated group activity, a balanced
team work, sharing the tasks is important. Therefore the groups should be arranged carefully.
Aims of the activity:
• Understanding the effects of global warming
Material: articles, pictures, cardboard, colour pen, glue, scissors.
Key words: effects of global warming, sea level rise, droughts, temperature rise, heat wave, ice sheet
Skills: Observation, working in groups, understanding and interpretation, linking and information
National curriculum subjects: science, citizenship, art and design, geography
Age Range: 9-12, key stage 2-3
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DRAFT 200 d10042005
Ch 6 Impacts of global warming
Activity 6.4: how to stop global warming
For this activity we would like you to think about possible solutions to prevent
global warming.
Write down a list of things that could be done to prevent global warming
Why and how do you think your ideas could help?
Then design and make a poster which illustrates ways to stop or reduce the
effects of global warming.
If you have done the previous poster activity you can use the reverse side of
your cardboard.
To make the poster, you can either use the information that you gathered from
the previous activity or ask your teacher to provide you with some useful
But even if your teacher has helped you, try to be creative and make your own
drawings and words for the poster.
Don’t forget! Your poster should be about how to stop global warming.
It should have a title such as:
‘Stop Global Warming’
‘How can we stop global warming?’
‘Quick Guide to saving the planet’
Notes for teachers:
Background: This is a poster activity is to emphasise the things that can be done to save the environment and reduce the
effects of global warming. Students will have newspaper or magazine articles and pictures but it is important that they
use their own ideas, drawings and titles as well.
They should be aware of some of the reasons and consequences of global warming as well as how to reduce these effects.
They don’t have to read all of the articles but to scan and understand them in general. This is a complicated group
activity, so balanced team work and sharing of the tasks is important. Therefore the groups should be arranged carefully.
Aims of the activity:
• Understanding the ways to stop global warming
Material: articles, pictures, cardboard, colour pens, glue, scissors
Key words: conservation of energy, energy efficiency, saving, recycling, renewable energy, Kyoto protocol,
Skills: Observation, working in groups, understanding and interpretation, linking concepts together and information
National curriculum subjects: science, citizenship, art and design, geography
Age Range: 9-12, key stage 2-3
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DRAFT 200 d10042005
Ch 6 Impacts of global warming
Activity 6.5: What can I do to stop global warming?
Write a list of things that YOU could do to stop global warming by answering
the questions below;
• What could you do today (something different from yesterday) to help
to stop global warming?
• What could you do this month and
• What could you do in twenty years time?
Assemble your ideas into a list with your group.
Decide which ideas could make the biggest difference
Below are some examples to give you some ideas:
Today I will turn off the computer that I leave on normally to watch TV.
This month I will ask my parents to get a recycling bin for paper and glass
Notes for teachers:
Background: This activity is to discuss the ways to save the environment and reduce the effects of
global warming. The emphasize of the activity should be “you”. It is important to raise awareness of
the individual actions such as energy savings in the home, recycling, choosing more environmentally
friendly production. Students should understand the relationship between the reasons and the effects of
global warming.
Aim of the activity:
• Understanding the importance of individual actions to help to stop global warming
Material: Key words: global warming, climate change, saving energy, energy conservation, recycling, energy
efficient appliances, Doing your bit, thinking big acting small.
Skills: Observation, understanding and interpretation, linking the concepts together and information
National curriculum subjects: science, citizenship, social science, PSHE, geography
Age Range: 9-12, key stage 2-3
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DRAFT 200 d10042005
Ch 6 Impacts of global warming
Activity 6.6: Who makes the effect?
Your teacher will explain the impacts of global warming
Prepare a game about the greenhouse effect
Each person in the group to prepare a card with a drawing on one side and an explanation
on the other one.
Give your cards to another group
Spread your cards on the table with the drawing facing upwards.
Taking turns each person selects a card and writes down what is the impact
Then look at the back of the card to check the answer
At the end of the game discuss which impact has the greatest effect
Notes for teachers:
Background: Discovering which appliances and actions result in an increase of the greenhouse effect
They should be aware of some of the reasons, consequences of global warming as well as how to reduce these
Aims of the activity:
• To stimulate the analysis of energy consumption and impacts that it causes to environment and to
• To identify cause-effect relations between consumption and impacts
• To work the global impacts of individual actions
To stimulate the concern for reducing energy consumption
Material: - Cards, colour pencils, scissors, glue
Key words: global warming, climate change, saving energy, energy conservation, Greenhouse effect, climate
change, human actions, energy consumption
Skills: Observation, understanding and interpretation, linking, information management, , analysis, comparison and
setting of cause-effect relations
National curriculum subjects: , science, citizenship, geography, social sciences, PSHE
Age Range: 9-12, key stage 2-3
Resource book for Schools
DRAFT 200 d10042005
Ch 6 Impacts of global warming
Activity 6.7: Mice and owls
Split into two groups - one group are mice and the other owls. When your teacher reads
a sentence which are true, owls go after mice. If on the other hand the statement is
false, mice go after owls.
Notes for teachers: this is an adaptation of a popular game to understand climate change subject
Aims of the activity: a revision of global warming in general.
To evaluate the knowledge obtained from these modules
To clarify some of the concepts discussed previously
Material: List of short sentences about climate change Key words: Greenhouse effect, climate change, human actions, energy consumption
Skills: Coordination, analysis, classification
National curriculum subjects: Physical education, science, citizenship, science, , geography, Social sciences,
Age Range: 9-12, key stage 2-3
Examples of sentences that can be used in this game:
• Carbon dioxide emission causes an increase in the greenhouse effect
The greenhouse effect is a condition needed for life in the Earth
Without the greenhouse effect, the temperatures would be much higher than now
Since industrial revolution greenhouse gases have increased very quickly
Greenhouse effect is one of the factors of climate change
The greenhouse effect, acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer are some of most
important environmental threats.
Ozone layer does not have anything to do with global warming
The average temperature of earth changes from year to year
Extreme weather events like storms, hurricanes and tornadoes will become more
common and more destructive with global warming
The temperature is rising because there is more light coming in through the ozone
The average temperature of the earth is expected to be 5 degrees higher by the
end of this century because of global warming.
Because of global warming, many animals in Polar Regions such as polar bears and
penguins could be totally extinct by the time you are a parent.
You could stop global warming by taking care of what you buy.
Resource book for Schools
DRAFT 200 d10042005
Ch 6 Impacts of global warming
Activity 6.8: greenhouse effect quiz
Fill in the worksheet by answering the questions and putting a tick to the right answer
or right answers.
Notes for teachers:
Background: This activity is a revision of global warming subject in general
Aims of the activity
• To study the description, main reasons, effects and the ways to prevent global warming
Material: a quiz to fill in
Key words: ice cap melting, malaria, temperature rise, stand-by, recycling, sea level rise, ozone layer,
greenhouse effect, fuels, greenhouse gases
Skills: Observation, working individually, understanding and interpretation, information management,
National curriculum subjects: science, citizenship, science, geography, PSHE , social science,
Age Range: 10-14, key stage 2-3
Resource book for Schools
DRAFT 200 d10042005
Ch 6 Impacts of global warming
Worksheet 6.1: Europe map puzzle
Resource book for Schools
DRAFT 200 d10042005
Ch 6 Impacts of global warming
2- Complete the table
A country by the Mediterranean
Country that has beaten England in 2004 Euro cup
Country that England has beaten in 2004 Euro cup
A country that is closest to the artic
A country, which gets rain all year around
A country where one can go skiing
A country that is famous for its pizza
Three countries that has joint EU recently
Resource book for Schools
DRAFT 200 d10042005
Ch 6 Impacts of global warming
3- Complete the table
A country that is:
What could be the effect of global warming?
Below sea level
summer 2003
Was very hot and dry in summer
Was flooded recently
Was very hot last summer
Resource book for Schools
DRAFT 200 d10042005
Ch 6 Impacts of global warming
Worksheet 6.8 Greenhouse gas quiz
How does a greenhouse work?
Sun light comes in and out of the greenhouse
The windows of the greenhouse allow the sun rays to go in and out
The heat of the sun is trapped inside the greenhouse therefore raising the temperature
2. Greenhouse effect leads to:
keeps the earth temperature around 15 degrees, which is 33 degrees higher than it would
be otherwise
decreases the amount of water is the seas
raises the earth temperature continuously leading to global warming
3. Which of these statements are true?
Earth climate has been changing rapidly since the industrial revolution
The main cause of climate change is greenhouse effect
The ozone hole is one of the main reasons of global warming
The temperature of earth has risen by 10 degrees in last hundred years
It is suggested that human interference is the main reason of climate change
CO2 emissions are the main cause of extra greenhouse gases
4. The temperature of the earth has been rising because of;
Pollution from factories;
The emission of a huge quantities of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere;
Fuels and the burning of fossil fuels
Greenhouse effect
The hole in the ozone layer
The question below is open to discussion, there isn’t one right answer.
5. The most serious effect of the global warming is:
The rising of global temperature;
The melting of the ice cap;
The disappearance of some species of plants and animals.
Sea level rise
Spread of disease such as malaria
Resource book for Schools
DRAFT 200 d10042005
Ch 6 Impacts of global warming
Worksheet 6.8 Greenhouse gas quiz
Again the question below is open to discussion, there isn’t one right answer.
6. How do you think global warming could be prevented ( put them in order)
By switching off the lights when we don’t need them
By not leaving appliances on stand-by mode
Buy walking to the school instead of coming by car
By recycling products
By using energy that does not emit greenhouse gases
By using energy efficient appliances
By using products which have environmental labels
By having a shower instead of bath
By having a bath instead of shower
Resource book for Schools
DRAFT 200 d10042005