Author Visit Fee Schedule

BeeBop Books
P.O. Box 1424
Howe, Texas 75459
Suggestions for a Great Author Visit!
The more the students know about Debbie Reece, the more successful this
program can be. Feel free to show the book to the children. Have the
teachers talk about different ways to use a pumpkin other than Halloween.
Ask them if they have ever heard of using a pumpkin for Christmas.
Author visits are set in half-day increments. Morning sessions are 9-12 and
afternoon sessions are 1-3 depending on your school’s lunch and bell
schedule. For preschools or elementary schools, the presentation will take
about 15 minutes for small intimate sessions. With groups of 25-50, Debbie
can read and then ask several questions about the book. These intimate
sessions do not require a microphone.
With elementary schools, older students, or larger sessions
(groups over 50) the presentation may take closer to 25 minutes.
They may require a microphone and presentation station and a
laptop for Debbie to attach thumb drive to enlarge the book’s
illustrations for all to see. When working with large groups,
Debbie is able to project the story illustrations on a screen while
she reads. She will bring her original work and talk about what
an author does, what an illustrator does; the process of turning a
story into a book; then read the story to the children. Debbie
offers a simple question and answer period to review the story.
If there is time, she will answer any questions about writing
stories or creating illustrations. Debbie did not create these
illustrations. However, the illustrator used her drawings to grasp the feeling that she wanted for each drawing.
BeeBop Books sets a goal of selling 50-100 books in order to
donate $50-$100 back to the location for literacy programs,
books, and other educational experiences. This is just a goal,
not a requirement.
BeeBop Books
P.O. Box 1424
Howe, Texas 75459
Checklist for Author Visit
On the day of author visit, Debbie will arrive about 30-45 minutes before the first session in order to begin signing preorders. After the visit, she will sign all pre-orders before leaving your event.
For larger sessions, please have a microphone and a computer to plug her portable drive in to present the story
illustrations and PowerPoint presentation of her writing process.
For smaller, more intimate sessions, please have 1 chair available for the reading book in the classroom.
Please have someone available to assist Debbie with organizing the book signing and collection of order forms. This
person will introduce her to the children. When she is finished, she will hand the audience back over to this assigned
person. They will also assist Debbie in organizing the book orders while Debbie signs the books after the reading so the
children can return to their classroom.
Please call if you have any questions. 903-532-6841 or 803-968-5334 Debbie Reece
Children of all ages can participate with creative ideas from writing stories to creating Christmas Pumpkins.
BeeBop Books
P.O. Box 1424
Howe, Texas 75459
Cross Curriculum ideas
Students really enjoy author visits. Yes, it does get them out of the everyday normal schedule, but it also invigorates
their creative ideas and energizes their desire to read and write. Here are some ways to make Debbie’s visit exciting and
educational for various ages and grades in the school:
All ages
1. Read the book to the students then have the students illustrate some part of the story. Use the resulting
artwork for bulletin boards in classrooms, library, cafeteria, and hallways. Or, use the artwork to create a
welcome sign for the day of the author visit!
2. Have a pumpkin decorating art show. Use balloons and Paper Mache to create a green pumpkin and then think
of ways to decorate the pumpkins. Draw your idea of a Christmas pumpkin. How would you decorate it?
3. Discuss the idea of recycling and environmental issues on their level. When the green pumpkin was not picked,
Farmer Bill gave it to James. James came up with an idea to give the pumpkin a new purpose. He recycled the
green pumpkin. What do you recycle at your home? Clothing, i.e. “hand-me-downs” or “hand-me-ups” with
friends, or consignment or donation. Food scraps for compost, aluminum cans, bottles, cardboard, paper,
plastic. Does your community recycle?
1st through 5th graders
1. English/writing lesson: Use this opportunity to have the students write their own ideas for a different ending to
the book. Or perhaps what would the next book be to follow? Debbie is working on another idea for a book!
2. Geography lesson: Where do pumpkins grow? Cold climates, warm climates, the United States? Other
3. History lesson: Has there ever been a time when pumpkins did not turn orange? Has anyone ever done anything
with a green pumpkin?
4. Science lesson: Is there such a thing as a green pumpkin? What causes pumpkins to turn orange? If you pick a
green pumpkin, will it turn orange once it is removed from the vine? Why? Why not?
5. Social lesson: How did people react to James idea to use a pumpkin for Christmas? Why did they react that
way? What convinced them to act differently towards the idea? How did James show people that being different
is okay? Have you ever had an idea that people thought was unusual? Did you follow through with it or just
forget it because others didn’t like the idea.
6. Family Values: Did James have pride in his idea? Who supported James in his idea? Did James have selfconfidence? Do you take pride in your work? Who supports your ideas? Do you have self-confidence to do
something a little different from others around you?
BeeBop Books
P.O. Box 1424
Howe, Texas 75459
Author Visit Fee Schedule
For locations up to 2 hours or up to 80 miles one way from Howe, TX, there is a fee of $250.00 per half day
session, morning or afternoon, $400.00 for a full day session.
If the visit requires an overnight stay, airfare or car rental, the fee is determined by the length of the visit.
This fee is for travel related expenses.
Creative funding for author visits can include:
Contact your school’s PTA.
Contact other schools in your district or in districts nearby. Contact private, or Montessori schools, churches
and private preschools, daycares, and Mom’s groups like MOPS, AFTER BABY COMES, etc in the area to set
up multiple visits and share the expense of the author visit as well as sharing the experience of a fantastic
author visit with others in your area.
Contact us at with any questions or to discuss your dates for an author visit. We believe that
every school deserves the experience of an exciting and entertaining author visit that also provides educational and
personal growth. Let’s see what we can do for you. Debbie has visited schools all over the Dallas area as well as in OK,
MD, and PA. Mrs. Reece’s schedule fills fast for the TX, OK area as well as the MD, PA, VA area. See our website for
reviews from other schools. We look forward to visiting your location!
Children of all ages love The Christmas Pumpkin!