Multiple-Lines-of-Evidence Approaches to Address Complications to Vapour Intrusion Pathway Assessments Robert Ettinger Geosyntec Consultants October 28, 2014 Challenges to Vapour Intrusion Assessments Sensitive subject for many stakeholders The subject of new and changing regulatory guidance and litigation Closed sites reopened to address vapour intrusion pathway Affecting property transactions Technically challenging pathway Data needs and interpretation for “MLE” assessments Evaluation of background contributions to indoor air Understanding uncertainties associated with vapour intrusion modeling 2 Managing Uncertainties Compounding conservative assumptions can lead to overly conservative conclusions Balance uncertainties to improve risk-based decision making process Limited Site Characterization Greater understanding of contaminant fate (e.g., bioattenuation) Reduced site characterization requirements Less conservative modeling Detailed site characterization 3 More conservative risk mgmt. decisions Direction of Regulatory Guidance Increased reliance on multiple lines of evidence “MLE” assessments to address spatial and temporal variability Exclusion criteria for petroleum vapour intrusion More cautious screening evaluations Consideration of short-term action levels Less reliance on vapour intrusion modeling / greater use of indoor air sampling Alternate lines of evidence to evaluate indoor air background sources Increased emphasis on engineering controls and pre-emptive mitigation 4 Multiple Lines of Evidence Investigation Approach Source 5 Vapour Intrusion To Building • Soil Characteristics • Building Characteristics Source Characterization • Groundwater, Soil, Soil Vapour Concentration Distribution Top-Down Bottom-Up Indoor Air Evaluation • Risk Management Decisions • Background Contributions • Mitigation Options Importance of a Conceptual Site Model Develop Initial CSM Conduct Investigation CSM should characterize potential sources, fate and transport pathways, and receptors (e.g., buildings) Use CSM for investigation planning and identify pros / cons of different lines of evidence Review/ Update CSM Not all lines of evidence have equal weight in VI evaluation Need Add’l Data? Yes No Proceed with Corrective Action Planning / NFA 6 Consider CSM when interpreting investigation data Resolve differences between data and CSM Common Views of Vapour Intrusion Models There is a range of opinions about the use of models for vapour intrusion pathway assessments Most modeling questions arise from: 7 Different expectations for accuracy of model results (i.e., typical vs RME estimates) Deviation from conceptual model used for vapour intrusion model development Use of inappropriate input parameters Uncertainty of significance of model input parameters Some combination of data collection and modeling is usually appropriate Vapour Intrusion Models • There are many options for VI models available • Model selection is dependent on what you know about the site and the level of desired assessment • Regulatory attenuation factors are simple VI models Empirical 8 USEPA Database USEPA VISL Calculator Analytical Numerical Johnson and Ettinger (1991) VAPOURT (1989) Little et al. (1991) Sleep & Sykes (1989) San Diego SAM RUNSAT (1997) VOLASOIL (1996) Abreu & Johnson (2005) Krylov and Ferguson (1998) VIM (2007) DLM - Johnson et al. (1999) Brown University (2007) DeVaull (2007) BioVapor (2010) USEPA Empirical Attenuation Factors Empirical data from over 900 buildings at over 40 sites from across the country Data are predominantly from residential buildings Majority of data from a few sites Used paired data (indoor air and sub-surface data) to calculate empirical attenuation factors Filtered data to screen out poor data quality and results impacted by background sources 9 USEPA Empirical Attenuation Factors US regulatory agencies focus on 95%ile values USEPA database results may be biased by background impacts May not be relevant to nonresidential scenarios 95th percentile J&E Model Prediction 10 Be careful if simply using empirical factors USEPA Empirical Attenuation Factors Empirical Attenuation Factors Source # of Data Pairs Median 95%ile Model Predict Crawl Space 41 0.39 0.90 NC Sub-Slab Soil Gas 411 0.0027 0.026 0.0024 Soil Gas 106 0.0038 0.25 0.0013 Groundwater 743 0.000074 0.0012 0.00041 Always keep limitations of empirical attenuation factors in mind in risk-based decision making process 11 Vapor Intrusion Attenuation Factor USEPA VI database study is commonly referenced to estimate VI attenuation factor, but limitations of study should be recognized Data predominantly from single family homes Difficult to completely address background effects Natural vadose-zone biodegradation effects not captured Use of 95%ile empirical factors will over-state potential risks Ability for site-specific modeling/assessment is important 12 Site-Specific Modeling Site-specific modeling can be useful tool to characterize uncertainty in preliminary screening vapour intrusion assessments Consider differences in site conceptual model from default assumptions Focus site-specific inputs for “critical” parameters that can be well characterized (see Johnson, 2003) Additional support may be needed if calculated results are significantly different from expected range 13 Vapour Intrusion Critical Processes for Modeling Evaluation 14 Process Key Considerations Sensitivity Measurements Diffusive Transport (Diffusive Flux) Soil type, moisture content, presence of groundwater VI decreases when higher moisture content soils are present Continuous boring logs, soil property data, in-situ diffusivity test, VOC soil gas profile Building Ventilation Varies by building use/design Increasing ventilation reduces indoor air concentrations Building ventilation rate Soil Gas Convection Default values typically used Key parameter for sub-slab data or pos. press. Cross-slab pressure Partitioning Groundwater to soil gas relationship Uncertainty reduced by collection of soil gas samples Soil gas samples for source characterization Evaluation Framework for Petroleum Hydrocarbons PVI is different than VI for chlorinated compounds PVI rarely shown to be a complete pathway due to natural biodegradation in vadose-zone soils Investigation strategies for chlorinated sources are not well-suited for many petroleum release sites PVI Conceptual Model PVI guidance focuses on identifying site conditions where PVI is not of concern (exclusion criteria) USEPA OUST and ITRC developed guidance on parallel tracks From API, 2004 15 USEPA PVI Database Data from 74 sites Predominantly UST sites, but data from terminals, refineries, and petrochemical sites included Data analysis focuses on paired soil vapour and groundwater data to identify distance for vertical attenuation in vadose zone Distance to attenuate to 50 – 100 µg/m3 Different from analysis for CVOCs due to background sources of petroleum compounds 16 USEPA PVI Database Dissolved-Phase Source 17 From USEPA, 2013. Evaluation of Empirical Data to Support Soil Vapor Intrusion Screening Criteria for Petroleum Hydrocarbon Compounds, EPA 510-R-13-001. USEPA PVI Database LNAPL Source 18 From USEPA, 2013. Evaluation of Empirical Data to Support Soil Vapor Intrusion Screening Criteria for Petroleum Hydrocarbon Compounds, EPA 510-R-13-001. Considerations for Sites That Do Not Meet Exclusion Criteria Petroleum hydrocarbons degradation occurs for wide range of petroleum contaminated sites Typically re-visit multiple-lines-of-evidence approach Data collection to assess biodegradation (soil vapour or sub-slab soil vapour probes) Modeling Indoor air sampling is challenging for petroleum hydrocarbons Consider whether remediation and/or mitigation is warranted 19 Indoor Air Sampling Indoor air concentration measurements are used to make decisions about potential health risks, but there are difficulties with sampling and interpretation. Challenges to indoor air sampling VOCs frequently detected Occupant disruption Temporal and spatial variability Interpretation for future land development scenarios Background effects 20 WMS Sampler VOCs Commonly Detected in Indoor Air Total Percent Detections 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Toluene (0.03 - 1.9) m/p-Xylene (0.4 - 2.2) Chemical (Reporting Limits in ug/m3) Benzene (0.05 - 1.6) o-Xylene (0.11 - 2.2) Ethylbenzene (0.01 - 2.2) Methylene chloride (0.12 - 3.5) Carbon Tetrachloride (0.12 - 0.25) Chloroform (0.02 - 2.4) Tetrachloroethylene (0.03 - 3.4) 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (0.25) Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) (0.05 - 1.8) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (0.12 - 2.7) Trichloroethylene (0.02 - 2.7) 1,2-Dichloroethane (0.02 - 0.25) Vinyl chloride (0.01 - 0.25) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (0.01 - 2.0) cis 1,2-Dichloroethylene (0.25 - 2.0) 1,1-Dichloroethane (0.08 - 2.0) trans 1,2-Dichloroethylene (0.8 -2.0) Dawson and McAlary, 2009, “Background Indoor Air,” Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation 29, No. 1 21 Detection of VOC in indoor air is not a useful single line of evidence to assess vapour intrusion pathway 100 Indoor Petroleum Hydrocarbon Sources 20:50 Richard Wilson Saatchi Gallery Permanent Exhibit 22 Indoor Air Concentrations Are Greater Than Outdoor Air Concentrations 23 From Sexton, et al., 2004. Comparison of Personal, Indoor, and Outdoor Exposures to Hazardous Air Pollutants in Three Urban Communities Approaches for Indoor Air Background Assessment Various approaches available to evaluate background contributions to indoor air quality measurements Traditional approach - chemical inventory and comparison to literature values Real-time monitoring with portable GC/MS Compound ratio analysis / tracers Building pressure control Compound-specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA) Detailed data analysis Pros and cons to each of these methods Risk management considerations should be used to assess need for detailed background evaluation 24 Indoor Air Sources Source Latex Paints X X X Alkyl Paints X Carpets X X X X Glued Carpets X X X X X X Wood Burning X X X X Paint Removers X Spray Products X Adhesives/Tapes X X X X Room Deodorants X Tobacco Smoke X X Gasoline/driving X X Dry Cleaning X X Foam Board Solvents X X X X X X X X X X From Hers et al., 2001. The use of indoor air measurements to evaluate intrusion of subsurface VOC vapors into buildings, J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 51:1318-1331. Expect detections of VOCs in any indoor air sample 25 Example Background Indoor Air Concentrations From Dawson and McAlary, 2009 26 Consider background range as well as typical values Background Concentration of 1,2-DCA CONCENTRATION 100% 1.0 90% 0.9 1,2-DCA Conc. (ug/m3) 1,2-DCA Detect. Freq. (%) DETECTION FREQUENCY 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Median 1,2-DCA Conc. 90%ile 1,2-DCA Conc. 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 USEPA INDOOR AIR LIMIT 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 <0.08 2004 <0.08 2005 <0.08 2006 1,2 DCA Background Source: Detailed study by Hill AFB identified molded plastic ornaments manufactured in China as source for 1,2 DCA. Note: 1) 1,2-DCA = 1,2-dichloroethane From McHugh et al., 2009. Also see Doucette et al., GWMR, 2010 27 2007 2008 Real Time Monitoring with Portable GC/MS Building survey to sub-ppbv levels Use to identify preferential pathways or indoor sources HAPSITE GC/MS Analyze for target VOCs in SIM mode ~10 minute sample time Can also be run in scan mode 28 Building Pressure Control Negative pressure = induced vapour intrusion Positive pressure = inhibited vapour intrusion 29 Building Pressure Cycling Concept 30 Short-Term EPA TCE Response Action Levels (RAL) USEPA issued TCE toxicity reassessment Sept. 2011 Strengthened confidence “that TCE is a human carcinogen” Identified non-cancer effects Decreased thymic weights (immune system) Toxic nephropathy (kidney) Conotruncal cardiac defects (developmental) USEPA Region 9 recently proposed short-term action levels 31 USEPA Region 9 TCE Indoor Air Screening Levels Residential 6 Accelerated RAL (µg/m3) 2 Commercial (8 hr/day) Commercial (10 hr/day) 24 8 3.0 21 7 2.4 Exposure Scenario Urgent RAL (µg/m3) Chronic RSL (µg/m3) 0.48 • Accelerated RAL – Accelerated Response Action Level based on Hazard Quotient =1 Implement corrective action within a few weeks • Urgent RAL – Urgent Response Action Level based on Hazard Quotient =3 Implement corrective action immediately • Chronic RSL – Chronic Regional Screening Level based on 1x10-6 target risk level. 32 TCE Response Action Levels Technical questions have been raised regarding the development of the response action level for TCE Laboratory test procedures Reproducibility of laboratory tests Calculation of acute reference concentration Expect further questions/ comments regarding the TCE Response Action Level 33 From: Symposium on New Scientific Research Related to the Health Effects of Trichloroethylene, Washington, DC. February 26-27, 2004. ( Considerations for Indoor Air Monitoring Focus on short-term action levels and need for expedient response may affect indoor air sampling strategies More difficult to address data with quality control issues (e.g., false positives) Temporal variability in indoor air concentrations may lead to requests for more frequent monitoring Consider longer duration sampling (i.e., passive sampling) Allows for 2-3 week time-average samples Impractical to implement if sampling with HVAC off is required Expedited decisions require planning before sample collection Develop decision tree for contingent actions Consider whether expedited laboratory analysis provides value 34 Response Process Occupant relocation or indoor air purification (if expedited action needed) Source removal and/or mitigation (e.g., excavation, soil vapour extraction) Local regulatory or building code requirements Barriers to chemical entry Pathway sealing Sub-slab depressurization Sub-slab venting Aerated Flooring HVAC modifications to increase ventilation or change building pressure Consider VI pathway in redevelopment plan 35 Active Remediation vs Engineering Controls Site-specific determinations are needed at balance shortterm and long-term vapor intrusion concerns Engineering controls can provide a short-term solution to address vapor intrusion concerns Remediation may be better suited to address long-term concerns 36 Sub-Slab Depressurization 37 37 Novel Mitigation Technique: Aerated Flooring A plastic form used to create a continuous void below concrete slabs 38 Concrete is poured over the forms 39 Vapour Intrusion Mitigation System Considerations Design Implementability (e.g., new vs existing structure) Effectiveness O&M Requirements Electrical costs Equipment upkeep Monitoring Requirements Requirements to demonstrate effectiveness Cost Considerations Installation costs may be much less than monitoring costs Other Issues Impacts to building occupants (i.e., aesthetics, costs) 40 Risk-Management Decision Matrix Parameter 1 41 Increasing VI Risk Parameter 2 Increasing VI Risk Risk Management Assessment Risk management in mitigation decision process Increasing Sub-Slab Concentration Increasing Indoor Air Concentration 42 < RBSL and < Background > RBSL and < Background > RBSL and > Background <100 x RBSL Pre-emptive Mitigation / Remediation Pre-emptive Mitigation / Remediation Mitigate / Remediation <10 x RBSL Confirmation Monitoring Monitor/ Pre-emptive Mitigation Mitigate / Remediation <RBSL No Further Action Confirmation Monitoring Monitor/ Background Assessment Summary Regulatory approaches for the vapour intrusion pathway are continuing to change. Vapour intrusion evaluation methods continue to be developed and improved, including methods for: Site investigation Site-specific modeling Identification of background sources Consider risk management, risk communication, and long-term liabilities to address uncertainties associated with vapour intrusion pathway assessments 43 Acknowledgements Special thanks to colleagues at Geosyntec who contributed to this presentation: Nancy Bice Todd Creamer Helen Dawson David Folkes Todd McAlary Bill Wertz 44