Regional Seminar, 2011, Pre-Session Task - task 1 Task 1: Analysing Assignment Questions Introduction to Task 1 As will be discussed and practised in the regional seminar, it is very important to be able to analyse assignment questions so you are able to identify what to base your argument around and how to structure your assignment. The following task previews some content that will be covered in the seminar through stepping you through some exercises by asking you to analyse current questions in use in three different colleges at Massey that are examples of long involved questions. Instructions Task 1: Look at the explanation and example below and apply the same strategies to the questions 1, 2 and 3 below. Most assignment questions have 3 identifiable features 1. Topic – the subject of the assignment, often quite broad 2. Focus – the direction you need to take, the aspect of the topic to focus on 3. Command – how to address the question; discuss, compare and contrast, review, report on etc. Go to OWLL link for a comprehensive list of commands: • Getting focus on the topic right is fundamental to writing a good answer to the question • Keep checking to make sure you are not ‘going off in the wrong direction’! Example Question Are Guerrilla marketing techniques appropriate for 21st century New Zealand? Discuss Regional Seminar, 2011, Pre-Session Task - task 1 Question 1 (OPTION 1) 179.101 Social Policy: An Introduction. Assignment 3 Choose one area of social policy (for example, health, welfare, social services, education, housing, disability issues, social policy for Maori, children or women). Write an essay in which you describe significant changes in your chosen area of social policy over the 20th Century and to the present day, in terms of the roles and functions of the state, the voluntary sector, and the market. In your essay you should identify the main reasons for significant changes, and provide examples of specific policies that reflect those changes/reforms. Question 2 (OPTION 2) 110.209 Intermediate Financial Accounting. Essay Question 2. Using essay format: 1) Explain and discuss the differences between the decision usefulness and accountability objectives of general purpose financial reporting with reference to the nature of the users of financial information and their perceived information needs. 2) Include a discussion of the qualitative characteristics information needs to have in order to meet the decision usefulness and accountability objectives. 3) State your opinion on whether financial statements do actually have an accountability role, or whether their only role is that of providing information for decision making. Question 3 (OPTION 3) Information Technology. Report Question Your manager is gathering information on IT equipment. Write a report discussing the “state of the art” and predicted advances in one on the following areas of computer technology: - primary memory, including cache - touch screens - hard disk drives - scanners CHOOSE ONE OF THE QUESTIONS ABOVE AND DO ADDITIONAL TASKS IN OPTION 1, OPTION 2 OR OPTION 2 ATTACHED TO THE EMAIL.