Bug pilot river basin: Vladimir Kroneev, Central Research Institute

Bug River Basin
in the frame of FLOOD-WISE Project
Vladimir Korneev
Central Research Institute
for Complex Use of Water Resources
Minsk, Republic of Belarus
With contribution:
Wojciech Wilgocki (Poland),
Aliaksandr Pakhomau and Kanstantsin Tsitou (Belarus)
Oleksandr Sergushko and Andriy Melnychuk (Ukraine)
Members of the river basin pilot team Bug
Poland - District Office of Włodawa, Poland (partner 12): Wojciech Wilgocki,
Anna Wygiera, Patrycja Gierasimczuk
Belarus – Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water Resources
(partner 13) : Vladimir Korneev, Aliaksandr Pakhomau, Kanstantsin Tsitou,
Ukraine - Volyn Regional Board of Water Management (Western Bug
Basin Water Department, Lutsk, Ukraine): Oleksandr Sergushko and Andriy
Melnychuk; National University of Water Management and Nature
Resources Use, Ukraine (partner 11): Prof. Vasyl Guryn. Anna Girol.
Main institutes involved in cooperation in the frame of Project
- Board of the Lublin Basin Vistula and Bug Borders in Lublin;
- Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (Warsaw);
- Institute of Technology and Life Sciences (Falenty)
Belarus: Brest Regional Committee of Natural Resources and
Environmental Protection as one of the main responsible organization for
the local monitoring system in the Bug river basin and for the cooperation
with Poland and Ukraine on the regional level including emergency
Ukraine: Volyn Regional Water Resources Board / Western Bug Basin
Water Department, Lutsk, Ukraine.
Short overview of
the Bug river basin
Countries sharing the river basin
The area of Belarus
the river
basin in the Poland
km² / %: Ukraine
39,400 km2 (100.00%)
Short overview of the river basin
Belarus, Poland and Ukraine share the Bug River basin. The river’s
sub-basin is around 19% of the entire Vistula basin. The Bug River is
772 km long, of which 587 km are in Poland, 154 km are in Belarus.
Except in its upper stretch in Ukraine (Dobrotvirsk and Sokalsk
dams), the main watercourse of the Bug River is not regulated, but its
tributaries are heavily regulated, in particular in Ukraine (more than
218 dams) and Poland (more than 400 dams). The reservoirs are
mainly used for irrigation.
Bug is connected through the Dnieper-Bug canal, rivers Muhavets
and Pina with the Pripyat river, and is connected through river Narew
with the basin Neman.
The Western Bug has 13 tributaries stretching for 50 km including
five in Ukraine, two in Belarus and six in Poland. Four of them are
transboundary rivers. The Solokia and Rata flow across the territory of
Poland and Ukraine while the Pulva and Lesnaya flow across Poland
and Belarus.
The Bug’s average discharge is 50 m3/s at the border between
Ukraine and Belarus, and 100 m3/s at the border between Belarus and
Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
Floods are frequent in the upper and middle parts of the
river’s catchment area (Ukraine) and at the border between
Poland and Belarus.
Significant variations in the flow regime due to melting snow
in spring and low discharges in autumn greatly affect the
quality of water.
Last flood in the Bug river basin: 1958, 1962, 1967, 1971,
1974, 1979,
1979 1999
The flood risk assessment in the Bug River Basin on the
territory of Belarus, Poland and Ukraine bases on the interests
of governmental and regional management structures, water
uses, households to appropriate precaution measures against
flooding within the bounds of possibility and reasonability.
Possible criteria for the determination of significant areas
are: flood level and flow rate; number of affected inhabitants
and building; amount of expected damage; important
infrastructure; flood prevention measures.
Flood hazard maps and flood risk maps
Common suggestions:
all Bug countries are using same system of terrain
heights (Baltic System);
to prepare FHMs and FRMs for pilot Bug river basin
district area for scenarios 1% (once per 100 years), 5%
(once per 20 years); 10% (once per 10 years);
to use hydraulic method for modeling, GIS modeling
with using public data sets and prepared hydrological
and morphological data;
to take into account existing good practices regarding
methodology and technology of the preparation of an
Flood Risk Maps and Flood Hazard Maps i.e. LAWA
method etc.
Problems: not so good quality of maps
Flood hazard maps and flood risk maps
Important actions
Morphometric and hydrology data exchange between
Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water
Resources (Minsk, Belarus), District Office of Włodawa
(Poland) and Volyn Regional Board of Water Management
(Western Bug Basin Water Department, Lutsk, Ukraine) during
August-December 2011;
Creation of the mathematical model of pilot Bug river district
and hydraulic modeling (1D hydrodynamic model based on
Sean –Venan equations);
Creation of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the territory
of pilot Bug river district.
Starting from all the available information, cross-border flood
hazard maps and flood risk maps were created. Stakeholders
in the Bug countries have planned to use the maps in their
practical work within the framework of flood risk management.
Flood hazard maps and flood risk maps
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the pilot
transboundary district (Poland – Ukraine – Belarus)
was developed with using of the next information:
STRM-model (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
conducted in 2000 to obtain elevation data for most
of the world. It is the current dataset of choice for
digital elevation model data (DEM) since it has a
fairly high resolution - about 90 meters for the Bug
River Basin, has near-global coverage, and is
released into the public domain);
Detailed maps of Wlodawa scales of 1:10 000 and
1:25 000;
Map of the entire Bug River Basin of 1:50 000
(map from the Soviet time);
Map of the entire Bug River Basin of 1:100 000
(Poland map);
Google maps.
Flood hazard maps and
flood risk maps
For the transboundary area of
the Bug, common flood hazard
maps were created, using
data from Poland, Belarus and
Ukraine. The flood hazard
maps refer to various
probabilities (1%, 5% and
A more detailed
flood hazard
map was made
for the town of
Flood hazard maps and flood risk maps
Flood risk management plan
Solutions found
A start on trilateral flood risk management planning for the Bug
During FLOOD-WISE, all three Bug countries (Poland, Belarus,
Ukraine) cooperated for the first time in flood risk management.
The partners exchanged morphological and hydrological
information, exchanged good practices and implemented
experiences from other partners. Starting from all the available
information, cross-border flood hazard maps and flood risk maps
were created and a flood risk management plan was developed.
Stakeholders in the Bug countries have planned to use both the
maps and the FRMP in their practical work within the framework
of flood risk management.
Objectives and measures of the FRMP
(combined for all Bug-countries but based on the Polish example in general)
The analysis of the reasons and possibilities of flood occurrence;
Assessment of flood risks depending on reasons;
Water resources management including flood risks decreasing.
Determination of inundation zones depending from the levels of
Development of water resources management plans of different
levels (regional, state) with using river basin approach;
(No) permission from Local Administration for new building activities
in inundation zones of river Bug on distance to 500 m from river bank
(no any activities to 30 m from bank, trees planting from 30 to 500 m
from bank is allowed only)/ To take into account of inundation zones
of river Bug with elevations about 1% of flood-probability in cases of
permission from Regional Administration for new building activities in
inundation zones (planned measures in Belarus);
Optimization of land use.
Objectives and measures of the FRMP
(combined for all Bug-countries but based mostly on the Polish example)
Maximum possible decrease of flood damages
Existing dikes improvement for protection against floods;
New dikes disposal for flooded urbanized and rural areas;
Building, modernization, maintenance service and exploiting of other flood protection
hydraulic structures;
Watercourses cleaning;
Bank protection.
1% of probability safety level plus 1 m behind primary dikes along river Bug
Reduction of flood damage and casualties by actions taken before possible floods
Assessment of meteorological and hydrological situation;
Flood Risk Assessment depending from current hydrological situation;
Maintenance in readiness all required services and technical equipment;
Development of the Detailed Action Plan during floods including communication and
measures on evacuation including definition of places for evacuated inhabitants;
Dike monitoring before floods;
Communication and information about possible floods.
Objectives and measures of the FRMP
(combined for all Bug-countries but based mostly on the Polish example)
Emergency response
Adequate response depending from the level of flood;
Reduction of flood damage and casualties during a flood.
Early notification;
Dike monitoring during floods;
Protection measures during floods;
Acquaintance of all participants of measures with their tasks and
action plan;
Accurate differentiation of duties in case of floods ;
Information of population with actions for decrease of flood
consequences and flood damages;
Communication and information about the flood
The medical and humanitarian help to the population and life-savers.
Recovery from flood damage after a flood.
Reconstruction measures and their financing
Issues addressed to the future (possible actions):
No measures that considerably increase the transboundary impact of
flood risk in the Bug River Basin due to requirements of the
Convention on Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses
and International Lakes/ Helsinki Convention because of all Bug
countries ratified this Convention (exceptions possible if all parties on
the state level agreed: origin, affected and concerned due to ESPOO
Convention classification of involved parties);
Objectives of flood risk management as well as of the
environmental objectives set by EU Water Framework Directive;
Integrative measures (water management and soil, spatial
planning, land use optimization and nature conservation);
Possible implementation of sustainable land use practices,
improvement of water retention, as well as the controlled flooding
of certain areas;
Possible Implementation of EU-experience for different safety
levels along the river Bug, depending on land use including built
areas (1:100), agriculture (1:25), grassland (1:10), Nature
(including the floodplain near the river Bug) - no safety level;
Possible actions:
Possible implementation of measures reducing possible
negative impact of engineering activities (i.e. existing dikes
improvement and new dikes disposal, watercourses
cleaning and bank protection) on environment;
Hydrological Information exchange between countries of
river Bug on regular bas and in on time regime in case of
extreme flood;
To use EU-experience in part of funding for recovery after a
flood and compensates measures;
Development of the Bug River Basin Water Resources
Management Plan for the entire river basin (Poland-BelarusUkraine);
Implementation of measures to further improvement of the
water regime in river Bug (in combination with nature
development and other goals) for regional development and
adaptation to effects of climate change.
Using of good practices in flood
mapping for the river Bug
Implementation of flood forecasting models for the Styr
River (Pripyat River Basin)
Within the framework of the Project “Flood Monitoring and
Forecast in Pripyat River Basin” (NATO Science for Peace and
Security Programme and Environmental and Security Initiative),
Ukrainian, Belarusian and Slovak partners implemented
connected flood forecasting models for the Ukrainian and
Belarusian parts of the Styr River.
The organizations involved in the project were:
Central Research Institute for Complex Use of Water
Resources (Belarus);
Ukrainian Center on Environmental and Water Projects of
Academy of Technology and Sciences (UCEWP);
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute (UHMI);
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMU).
Using of good practices
in flood mapping for
the river Bug
0.5 % P (ONCE PER 200 YEARS)
Meetings and knowledge exchange /Lessons learned
Interregional partner meeting
(Włodawa, Poland. 18-20 October
2010) with visit in Belarus
Working meeting in Minsk
with Belarusian stakeholder
Photo of Fred van den Brink
Photo of Fred van den Brink
Partner exchange meeting
15-17 March 2011,
Maastricht, the Netherlands
(river basins Meuse, Bug, Rur
and Sotla)
Lessons learned of good practices
from other river basins
Meetings and knowledge exchange/ Lessons learned
Meeting between the partners from
the Bug and the Elbe - knowledge
exchange meeting
on mapping, flood risk management
planning and flood protection
measures, January 2012,
Frankfurt (Oder)
Lessons learned of good practices
Bug river basin regional partner
meetings: 19.09.2011; 06.06.212
Photo of Aliaksandr Pakhomau
Photo of Kai Deutschmann
Photo of Fred van den Brink
Conclusion and issues addressed to the future
The countries of the Bug River Basin (Poland, Belarus and
Ukraine) have their own programs on flood protection measures
which mostly devotes to engineering dikes construction to protect
some settlements from floods.
Since existing programs and plans do not (yet) take into
consideration transboundary impact of own measures and
activities. Therefore cross border flood management plans should
be developed.
Cross border contacts and cross border information exchange in
times of floods, focused on calamity management and early
warning will be important and useful.
Strengthening of cross border contacts and the forming of an
trilateral Bug River Basin Committee would be a good suggestion
for increasing efficiency of Flood Risk Management in the Bug
River Basin, including improvement of exchange of data, insight in
each other problems and benefits, insight in the right partners who
are responsible for the various goals and tasks
Conclusion and issues addressed to the future
To take into account Recommendation for the Bug-countries
governments from FLOOD-WISE Project in real practice of
water resources management including flood management in
the Bug River Basin.
To propose international projects on more detail specification of
the Flood Risk Maps and Flood Risk Management Plan for the
entire transboundary river Bug district based on more detail
cartographic information and common hydrological and
hydraulic model;
To propose international projects on the development of
prototype of Early Warning System for the river Bug with
installation of the Automatic Hydrometeorological Stations
(AHS) on river Bug (as similar on Tisza river Hungary/Romania/Ukraine) .
Thank you for attention