Hurontario Main - CUTA 2012


Hurontario Main LRT

Canadian Urban Transit Association, Quebec City

Ashley Curtis, Associate

Steer Davies Gleave

Monday November 12 th 2012

Steer Davies Gleave

1500 – 330 Bay Street

Toronto, M5H 2S8

+1 647 260 4861

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

CUTA, Quebec City 2012



Preliminary Design/TPAP

Canadian Urban Transit Association

Quebec City

November 12, 2012

Presentation Scope

1) Background

2) Urban Style LRT

3) Project


4) Key Challenges

5) Transferable

Lessons / checklist

CUTA, Quebec City 2012


CUTA, Quebec City 2012


Ι Places to Grow - GTHA forecast to grow by

1.7m people and 700,000 jobs by 2031

Ι Significant growth expected in Hurontario-

Main corridor – 100,000 residents, 50,000 jobs

Ι Regional Transport Plan (2008) – The Big

Move - Hurontario Main corridor identified for Rapid Transit

Ι Hurontario - Main corridor identified as top

15 priority project

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Regional Context

Metrolinx “Big Move” Transportation Plan



CUTA, Quebec City 2012



Background - Corridor Master Plan

Ι Master Plan – integrated approach to transit, land use and enhanced urban design

Ι Vision: to create “a beautiful street”

Ι Extensive public engagement including 3 PIC’s – 2008, 2009,


Ι Assessed alternatives:

■ LRT preferred technical solution

■ LRT most popular public option

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

The Master Plan Vision

Ι Easy, reliable, frequent, comfortable and convenient light rail transit service is provided throughout the Corridor, with effective connections to other links in the inter-regional transit network

Ι Hurontario/Main Street is a beautiful street , with attractive

“places” along the Corridor featuring expanded mobility, vibrant economic activity , and liveable, connected , mixed-use neighbourhoods, integrated with the transportation infrastructure

Ι The Regional Urban System and the planned urban structure of each city are recognized and reinforced, and accordingly, mixed use, compact, intensified Transit Oriented Development is present along the Corridor….

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

The Project

Ι 23 km

Ι Lake Ontario to Downtown


Ι 28 stops

Ι Major movement corridor – north south and east west

Ι Connects with 3 regional rail lines

Ι Sub regional shopping mall in Downtown Mississauga

(21m visitors/year)

Ι Urban style LRT

CUTA, Quebec City 2012


CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Urban Style LRT - Modern LRT Vehicle

CUTA, Quebec City 2012


An Integrated Transit Solution, Montpellier

CUTA, Quebec City 2012


LRT Priority- Re-allocating Road Space

CUTA, Quebec City 2012



LRT Priority- Re-allocating Road Space

CUTA, Quebec City 2012



Simple Stops, Easy to Integrate

CUTA, Quebec City 2012


Low Floor Level Boarding- Access for All

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Integrated LRT and Transit

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

San Diego

LRT and Vibrant Street Space

CUTA, Quebec City 2012


A Complete Street Design Approach

CUTA, Quebec City 2012


New LRT and New TOD Development

CUTA, Quebec City 2012


LRT Branding - Part of City’s Image

CUTA, Quebec City 2012


“Postcard Test”

CUTA, Quebec City 2012


CUTA, Quebec City 2012

CUTA, Quebec City 2012


Watson & Associates

AIR Inc.

Project Outputs

Ι Complete Preliminary Design of Hurontario-Main LRT

Ι Complete the Transit Project

Assessment Process

Ι Project Business Case

Ι Provide a complete package to enable move to implementation phase

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Seven Major Elements

Ι Review & Requirements

Ι Concepts & Standards

Ι Conceptual Design

Ι Business Case

Ι Preliminary Engineering

Ι Environmental Pre-



CUTA, Quebec City 2012

The Ten Point Plan

Ten Point Plan

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Work Stages

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Design Freeze Process

Ι Design Freeze 0

■ Consultant review and commentary on the challenges and opportunities, and unaddressed issues from the Master Plan document

Ι Design Freeze 1

■ Establish alternatives – Applying design standards and design criteria to the LRT alignment and systems and develop alternatives to resolve key issues identified in DF0

Ι Design Freeze 2

■ Provide the preferred design concept

Ι Design Freeze 3

■ Prepare the preferred alignment design to 30%

Ι Design Freeze 4

■ Finalize preliminary design by incorporating TPAP commentary

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

3D Approach


Vision & Project


Think Network-

Operating Plan

LRT System/Urban

Design Guidelines

LRT System &

Alignment Design


Traffic & Roadway


Wider Public Realm

Land Use & TOD



Project Report


Business Case, AFP

& Implementation


CUTA, Quebec City 2012

LRT- Outline Design Criteria

Ι LRT vehicles- either 30m or 40m long coupled as x2 (or x3) units

Ι Segregated (separate) LRT track/right of way

Ι Signal priority for LRT

Ι At-grade, low floor/level boarding, Urban Style LRT

Ι LRT stops- width 3m (side), 5m (island)

Ι LRT stops- up to 90m length and

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

LRT – up to 90m length- Dresden

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Overview of Program


CUTA, Quebec City 2012


CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Project Development - Key Challenges

Ι Moving from Master Plan concept to deliverable Project – an Integrated

Transit Solution

Ι Interface with other Projects and


Ι Public Realm Scope – delivering a

Complete Street


Ι Finding the Funding- the Business

Case - costs, benefits, ridership

Ι Project Delivery – environmental approvals, phasing and procurement

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Developing the Detail - Multi-disciplinary challenge

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Developing the Detail - Multi-Agency challenge

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Interfaces - Mississauga Downtown 21 Plan

Ι Developing an Urban Core

Ι Adding an Office Quarter

Ι Additional Educational Uses

Ι Additional Residential Uses

Ι A new Main Street

Ι A finer grain Street Grid

Ι Walking, Cycling, Transit priority

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Creating a 21 st Century City

Ι Downtown 21 Plan

Ι LRT alignment & stops

Ι LRT segregation

Ι LRT operations

Ι Other transit operations

Ι Land Use Plans

Ι Floorspace & trip generation

Ι Pedestrians & cyclists

Ι Traffic volumes

Ι Parking Plan

Ι Servicing & Deliveries

Ι Public Realm designs

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Downtown Mississauga

Ι Downtown Mississauga

Movement Plan

Ι DT21 Vision & Objectives

Ι A Multi-modal Approach

Ι Integrated Transit Solutions

Ι Linking land uses and Transit

Ι Infrastructure design

Ι Land uses & and trip generation

Ι Micro-simulation to aid design

Ι Providing a context for LRT..

Ι ..and BRT and local transit

Ι Phasing of construction

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

LRT as a focus for downtown activity, Strasbourg

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Planning for Complete Streets

Vehicle-oriented (existing) Multi-modal (future)

(insert image)

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Designing a Complete Street: Our Approach

Ι Set Urban Style LRT System Design Criteria

Ι Merge with wider Urban Design criteria

Ι Produce System Design Guidelines

Ι Develop Design Work Book process

Ι Design, consult, design !

Ι And don’t forget the funding

Ι to evaluate and justify a “Beautiful Street “ ?

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Creating Complete Streets

• Complete Street Design

• Junction layouts

• Pedestrian sidewalks

• Cycle facilities/Network

• Trees/landscaping

• Lighting

• Way-finding

• Public Art

• “Day of Opening” Design

• Ultimate Corridor Layout

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Developing a Complete Street- Existing Condition

Traffic-dominated, low density development

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Developing a Complete Street –Introducing LRT

Re-allocated road space for segregated LRT

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Developing a Complete Street –The full package

Segregated LRT, higher people-capacity corridor

Wider footways, cycle facilities, landscaping/trees, mixed TOD

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Developing a Design Work Book

Ι Applying the Design Criteria

Ι Plans show:

■ Twin track layout

■ Stops, including end ramps

■ Pedestrian connections

■ Junction re-designs

■ Curb realignments

Ι Identifying alternatives

Ι Developed in stages…..

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DW 1.0

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

DW 1.1

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

DW 1.3

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Sketch Illustration Gutter running LRT with centre traffic lanes

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Sketch Illustration Transit Mall

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

4) Lessons Learnt………so far

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Hurontario Main LRT: Complete Street Conclusions

Ι Build from the Regional Land Use Plan and Transit Plan

Ι Clear Vision and Objectives are critical

Ι Integrated Transit Network development is multi-faceted and complex - Rethink the Transportation Hierarchy

Ι Get the right Team – internal & external - Success comes through partnership between Municipality and Consultant


Ι Think Multi-Disciplinary & Multi-Agency

Ι Consult early, consult often

Ι Focus on delivery:

Ι Making the Case

Ι Finding the Funding

CUTA, Quebec City 2012

For more Information:

Ashley Curtis, Associate

Steer Davies Gleave

1500-330 Bay Street

Toronto, Ontario


Tel: 1-647-280-4861


CUTA, Quebec City 2012

Thank You

CUTA, Quebec City 2012
