Scndvst 101 Fall 2014 Syllabus WELCOME TO SWEDISH 101! Course Number: Scndvst 101-001 Time: MTWR 10.00-10.50 am Instructor: Veronica Lundback Office: Curtin 893 E-mail: Phone: (414) 229-4547 (shared line) Office hours: MR 11 am – 12pm, or by appointment Required Texts (these books will be used for both Scndvst 101 and 102) Available at the UWM Bookstore Levy Scherrer, P & Lindemalm K: Rivstart A1+A2 Textbok. 2nd ed. Natur & Kultur. Levy Scherrer, P & Lindemalm K: Rivstart A1+A2 Övningsbok. 2nd ed.. Natur & Kultur. Online Web activities: Swedish- English Dictionary (available free online at Additional material will be provided by your instructor. We are happy that you have decided to learn Swedish as a foreign language and hope you enjoy this course! This course is designed to help you learn how to communicate in Swedish in a meaningful way. That is, the goal is to be able to express your own thoughts and not just repeat memorized dialogues or isolated vocabulary words. You will learn to use Swedish in context, so that your Swedish will be useful when you (hopefully) travel to Sweden some day. Some important things to know about Swedish 101: We will work on the “4 skills”: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Active participation in class is important!! The homework you prepare before class will help you in class. Attendance is mandatory (call or email if you can’t come to class! This doesn’t excuse you, but it helps your instructor plan class.) • Don’t be afraid to participate / we all make mistakes and mistakes are a natural part of learning a foreign language! • • • • Course objectives After the completion of this course you will be able to: • Present yourself and ask questions about others – and answer similar questions. • Understand and use words and phrases in every day situations. • Read simple texts and pick out the main points. • Write summaries, notes, e-mails and informal letters. • Communicate in conversations with a partner who is cooperative and speaks slowly and clearly. • Communicate with cultural competence in both formal and informal settings. Policies If you need special accommodations in order to meet any of the requirements of this course, please contact the instructor as soon as possible, In addition, if you have any questions or concerns regarding the requirements of this course, including what is expected of you in class, i.e. participation, homework, tests, or anything else, discuss this with your instructor as soon as possible. You are responsible for reading this syllabus thoroughly and understanding the requirements and assessment measures for this course. The Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics intends to comply with the UWM policy on Academic Misconduct and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Copying or cheating may result in a failing or lowered grade, either for the entire course or a specific assignment. Please see your instructor with any questions. Students have certain rights to file appeals or grievances. Documents that outline these rights and describe the grievance procedure in the College of Letters and Science are on file in the Department of Foreign Languages & Linguistics in Curtin 829. Or you can use the following link to the Secretary of the University Web site that contains the University policies Expectations Course work expectations Throughout the semester you are expected to devote a minimum of 12 hours per week to this class. Please note that these times are estimates. Everybody works at different paces, so you may have to spend more time on your out of class learning activities. Semester credit hours 192 Weekly breakdown In class activities Homework (TB and ÖB) Journal Oral practice/vocabulary Quizzes 4 hours 6 hours 0.5 hours 1 hours 0.5 hours Attendance Regular attendance is required. Three absences are allowed for the semester (note that quiz/test policy always applies). Religious days of obligation will be excused if the instructor is notified in advance. Absences affect your final grade! Your final grade will decrease by one percentage point per absence after 3. Contact you instructor as soon as possible (preferably before) if you have a legitimate reason for missing class. Treat Swedish class like a job - call or email you instructor if you cannot make it to class! Missing class hurts the whole class, not just you! Please know that attendance is not the same as course participation. Rather, attendance is a prerequisite of course participation. We understand that students get ill or may encounter other unexpected circumstances which prevent them from coming to class. Nevertheless, being in class, using Swedish and participating in real-life communication are essential course requirements and can neither be made up though alternative methods (i.e. extra credit) nor can these activities be foregone without jeopardizing the outcome of the class. Exams and other assignments missed by you due to an absence can only be made up at your teacher’s discretion. Missing an exam or assignment due to absence from class may result in a point/grade reduction or a zero score. Your instructor will show good will if it seems reasonable but you cannot expect to not suffer any penalties. Assessment and Evaluation Preparation (20%) Preparation consists of assigned homework (whether turned in or not), reading the texts and familiarity with the vocabulary that you are expected to learn and be able to work with in class. You are expected to complete the learning exercises in your textbook and workbook (listening and written) and hand in any written assignments. There may also be speech assignments to be posted in D2L. Please note that all homework is to be completed by the day noted in the syllabus. You are expected to keep a vocabulary log (flashcards or lists) – turned in on Thursdays. We will go over techniques in class. Journal For this class you will keep a journal in which you will keep track of your progress learning Swedish, mainly in English but you will incorporate Swedish. You are expected to write one entry at the end of each week to summarize your week. Write about a) your feelings about the material: what you enjoy, what frustrates you, b) what you accomplished during the week, including examples in Swedish of what you have learned, and c) what your goals are for the following week. Journals will be graded based on how well you address the issues above. Journal entries should be submitted into the D2L drop box at the time stated in the syllabus. At the end of the semester you will put together an e-portfolio in D2L that should contain your journal entries, a personal presentation, writing samples, reflections and personal comments. This portfolio is something that will document you experience learning Swedish, and can be as personal and creative as you like. Doing supplemental exercises online will help you learn vocabulary and practice pronunciation. ( Completion of assignments on time is expected. No late homework accepted and no extra credit will be allowed to make up for missed assignments. Participation 30% The participation grade will be based on actively participating in in class learning activities. That means your willingness to volunteer in class and answer question when called on, to work with a partner and in a group, to show respect to your classmates and instructor. This includes paying attention in class and coming on time! Having a good attitude in class will make the course more enjoyable for everyone. There will be a regular self-assessment on your preparation and participation that will factor into your Participation grade. If you have any questions regarding the Participation grade criteria, talk to your instructor as soon as possible. Tests (50%) Quizzes 10 % There will be vocabulary and grammar quizzes for each chapter. Each is worth 2 percent of your total quiz grade. Written exams 30 % You will sit three exams during the semester. Each worth 10 % of your final grade. Oral exam 10%. Towards the end of the semester you will schedule an oral proficiency exam. The exam will be a 10 minute conversation in Swedish with your instructor. A PM further outlining what to expect (and think about before and during) the test will be handed out a couple of weeks ahead of time – along with practice questions. If you fail to show up for any test or quiz without having obtained permission from your instructor prior to the test, you may earn a zero for that test and not be allowed to make it up. Contact you instructor before you miss class! Assessment evaluation summary Grade Curve Preparation 20 % Participation 30 % Quizzes 10 % Written tests 30 % Oral exam 10 % A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF 98-100 93-97 92-90 88-89 83-87 80-82 78-79 73-77 70-72 68-69 63-67 60-62 59 and below Please note that A+ will not be given as a final grade Syllabus PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS SYLLABUS MAY CHANGE AT ANY TIME!!! Week Week 1 Theme Presentations Focus Presentation, greetings, languages, countries Useful phrases Må 1/9 Ti 2/9 Labor Day Introduction No class Getting acquainted Syllabus Ons 3/9 1. Hej! Presentation, greetings, languages, countries Useful phrases To 4/9 By Sunday Week 3 TB 8-11 ÖB 4-6 We will work with this in class – don’t panic if you don’t have the books Chapter Quiz POST JOURNAL 2. Hej och tjena! Greetings, Hi and good bye Work and study continued TB 15-17 ÖB 7-8 Kapitel 2 start Greetings, Hi and good bye Work and study continued On 10/9 To 11/9 Notes TB 12-14 ÖB 6-7 Må 8/9 Ti 9/9 Homework TB 18-19 ÖB 12 TB 20-22 ÖB 13-15 In-class writing/personal TB 23-25 ÖB16-17 Chapter Quiz presentations by sunday POST JOURNAL Week 4 3. Siffror Numbers & Time Address Phone Må 15/9 TB 26-27 ÖB Ti 16/9 TB 28-29 ÖB 3:1-3 Ons 17/9 TB 30-32 ÖB 3:4-6 To 18/9 In class writing (daily activities) By Sunday POST JOURNAL Week 5 4. Inköp TB 33-35 ÖB 3:7-12 Oral exercise 1 in D2L Food and shopping Numbers cont. Må 22/9 TB 36-37 ÖB 4:1-4 Ti 23/9 TB 38-39 ÖB 4:5 Ons 24/9 TB 40—43 ÖB 4:6-9 To 25/9 Review By POST JOURNAL Ch 1-2 ÖB Repetera 1+2 Chapter quiz Study guide handed out Sunday Week 6 5. Fritid Hobbies and culture, planning Må 29/9 Review Ch 3-4 Ti 30/9 Test 1 STUDY! Ons 1/10 Kapitel 5 start TB 46-48 ÖB 5:1 To 2/10 Week 7 TB 49-51 ÖB 5:2-3 5 Fritid cont. Må 6/10 TB 52-53 ÖB 5:4 Ti 7/10 Ons 8/10 To 9/10 ÖB Repetera 3+4 Simple past of modals Simple past of regular verbs In class writing POST JOURNAL By Sunda y Week 6. Familj 8 Extra material Extra material TB 54 ÖB 5:5 Presentations, family and relations work & leisure Må 13/10 TB 56-57 ÖB 6:1 Ti 14/10 TB 58-59 ÖB 6:2 Ons 15/10 TB 60-61 ÖB 6:3-4 Chapter Quiz To 16/10 In class writing TB 62-63 ÖB 6:5-7 Assignment + take home quiz will be given Veronica at conference but available via email Chapter quiz sunday Week 9 POST JOURNAL 7. Vardagsinköp Shopping Må 20/10 TB 66-67 ÖB 7:1 Ti 21/10 TB 68-71 ÖB 7:2-3 Ons 22/10 TB 72-75 ÖB 7:4-5 To 23/10 TB 76-78 ÖB 7:6-7 Sund Week 10 Chapter quiz POST JOURNAL 8. Turism Tourism, weather, calendar Må 27/10 TB 80-82 ÖB 8:1-2 Ti 28/10 TB 83-84 ÖB 8:3 Ons 29/10 TB 85-86 ÖB 8:4-5 To 30/10 TB 87-89 ÖB 8:6 By Sunday POST JOURNAL Week Turism cont. Chapter quiz 11 Må 3/11 In class writing TB 90-91 ÖB 8:7-8 Ti 4/11 Review Ch 5-6 ÖB Repetera 5+6 Ons 5/11 Review Ch 7-8 ÖB 7+8 To 6/11 Test 2 Ch 5-8 Sund POST JOURNAL Week 12 9. Kommunikationer Transportation asking for directions Må 10/11 TB 92-93 ÖB 9:1 Ti 11/11 Ons 12/11 TB 94-95 ÖB 9:2 TB 96-98 ÖB 9:3-4 To 13/11 TB 100-102 ÖB 9:6-7 By Sunday Week 13 Må 17/11 Ti 18/11 POST JOURNAL 10. Sverige Sweden – geography and culture i TB 104-106 ÖB 10:1- TB 108-109 ÖB Chapter quiz Ons 19/11 To 20/11 In class writing/project Week 14 10. Sverige Må 24/11 TB 110-111 ÖB 10:2-3 Ti 25/11 Ons 26/11 To 27/11 By Sunday In class writing/project Thanksgiving break interviews Thanksgiving No class Week 15 Writing and Projects Må 1/12 In class writing/project Oral exam reviews In class reading and writing/project Ti 2/12 Ons 3/12 To 4/12 By Sunday Chapter Quiz No class Post Journal Oral exams this week! Project presentations Treats!! Project presentations POST JOURNAL Week 16 Må Extra material NORDIC FILMFESTIVAL UNION THEATER Dec 5-7 All Screenings are FREE! STUDY! Swedish Christmas Extra Material 8/12 Tis 9/12 Ons 10/12 To 11/12 Review Review Wrap up and review Treats! TBA Scandinavian Holiday Party Please note that Test 3 (accumulative) will be given during finals week Have a great winter break and welcome back to Swedish 102 next semester !!