Handy Countries and Continents Revision Flashcards! Flashcards: They may just be a rectangular piece of card or paper but they can work wonders for your revision. This revision tool is ideal when you need to remember vocabulary or specific grammar points. Europa Simply print out this document and cut around the edges of each individual flashcard. Flash cards can be put to a variety of uses from card games and testing aids to signposts and quick reminders. Four ways to use your flashcards for revision: 1) Why not stick the flashcards to their corresponding items around your house or bedroom to help you remember the word for each object in your target language? 2) Keep the flashcards in your pocket to glance over when you have a spare minute for example when on a bus or when on the move. 3) Why not write a translation on the reverse of the card to test yourself before flipping the card over to check that you had the right answer. 4) Why not give the flashcards to a friend or relative and ask them to devise test questions relating to what is written on them to see if you have learnt the words. This can be nervewracking, but helps you get used to being on the spot on the day of your final exam. Good luck! Afrika Africa Europe Asien Asia Südamerika Nordamerika North America South America 1 Antarktis Australien Australia Antarctica Großbritannien Frankreich französisch britisch UK -UK British France France - French Deutschland deutsch Germany Germany - German Spanien spanisch SpainSpain - Spanish 2 Portugal portugiesisch Portugal Portugal - Portuguese Schweiz schweizerisch Switzerland Switzerland - Swiss Schweden schwedisch Sweden Sweden - Swedish Italien italienisch ItalyItaly - Italian Österreich österreichisch Austria Austria - Austrian Norwegen norwegisch Norway Norway - Norwegian 3 Russland russisch Russia Russia - Russian Griechenland griechisch Greece Greece - Greek Kanada kanadisch Canada Canada - Canadian Polen polnisch Poland Poland - Polish Vereinigten Staaten amerikanisch UnitedUnited StatesStates - American China chinesisch ChinaChina - Chinese 4 Japan japanisch JapanJapan - Japanese Indien indisch IndiaIndia - Indian Südafrika Brasilien südafrikanisch brasilianisch South Africa South- Africa South African Ägypten ägyptisch EgyptEgypt - Egyptian BrazilBrazil - Brazilian Argentinien argentinisch Argentina Argentinia - Argentinean 5 Mexiko mexikanisch Mexico Mexico - Mexican Neuseeland neuseeländisch New Zealand New –Zealand New Zealander Australien australisch Australia Australia - Australian Dänemark dänisch Denmark Denmark - Danish Ungarn Ukraine ungarisch ukrainisch Hungary Hungary - Hungarian Ukraine Ukraine - Ukrainian 6 Tschechische Republik tschechisch Czech Czech Republic Republic - Czech Türkei Algerien algerisch Algeria Algeria - Algerian Kenia türkisch Turkey Turkey - Turkish Israel israelisch Israel Israel - Israeli kenianisch Kenya Kenya - Kenyan Malaysia malaiisch Malaysia Malaysia - Malaysian 7 Ghana ghanaisch GhanaGhana - Ghanaian Marokko marokkanisch Morocco Morocco - Moroccan Chile chilenisch ChileChile - Chilean 8