5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk

White Paper
5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk
1 | 5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk
Table of Contents
Two-thirds of change requests require a schema update……...……………………………..……...2
Overview - Composite Risk Management………………………………...………....………...……....2
Identify the hazards……...….…….…………………………………....…………………………….......3
Assess hazards to determine risk……………….…..….…………………....………………..…...…...4
Develop controls and make risk decisions……...………………...…………………………...…….…5
5 steps to eliminating database change risk….……………………………………...……….….….…6
Implement controls…….……………….…….……..……………………….………………………....…7
Supervise and evaluate…………………………………………………………………………………...7
Datical DB…….……………….…….……..……………………….………………………....…...…...…8
About Datical…….……………….…….……..……………………….………………………...……..…10
2 | 5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk
5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk
“Updating the schema carries a
78% probability that your
application will “break”
somewhere along the release
path to production.”
In new research conducted by Simon Management Group (SMG)
among Fortune 1000 companies, we’ve learned that two-thirds of
change requests require a schema update. Updating the schema
carries a 78% probability that your application will “break”
somewhere along the release path to production.
If you are currently managing your schema changes manually,
you are setting yourself up for unnecessary risk in your
application lifecycle.
Enterprise Risk Management has gained a lot of attention recently,
especially since the financial crisis of 2008. Groups like the
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), a joint initiative
between accounting organizations, and the International
Organization for Standardization, ISO, have published frameworks
for managing risk in the enterprise. These frameworks bear many
similarities to the U.S. Army’s process for managing risk –
Composite Risk Management.
Intuitively this makes sense – why expend the effort to analyze the
nature of risk as it applies to the enterprise, when one can adapt a
comprehensive methodology that combat leaders have successfully
employed for centuries?
This white paper presents an overview of Composite Risk
Management, and discusses the process of updating your database
schema within the application release process as a practical
Overview - Composite Risk Management (CRM)
There are several guiding principles for applying the framework –
how do they apply to your application lifecycle?
Integrate CRM into all phases of missions and operations
Every phase of your application lifecycle has unique
risks associated with it
Make risk decisions at the appropriate level
Manage risk at the appropriate level, and know when an
issue must be elevated
3 | 5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk
“Risk occurs when the state
of the database is unknown.
Will the changes that
“worked” in your dev
environment also work in
QA, staging or production?”
Accept no unnecessary risk
Apply the process cyclically and continuously
Accept no level of risk unless the potential gain or benefit
outweighs the potential loss
The process of managing risk is never complete
Do not be risk averse
At the heart of risk lies uncertainty, which also carries an
equal chance for opportunity
The CRM framework consists of five steps:
1. Identify hazards
2. Assess hazards to determine risk
3. Develop controls and make risk decisions
4. Implement controls
5. Supervise and evaluate
Identify the hazards
Some common hazards that organizations typically face when
updating their database include:
Hazard: Misalignment of version numbers between application and
database code
Risk occurs when only certain changes or feature requests will be
deployed in a release – someone must manually determine what
gets deployed.
Hazard: Database configuration “mismatches” across environments
Risk occurs when the state of the database is unknown – will the
changes that “worked” in your development environment also
work in QA, staging or production?
4 | 5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk
“. . have you ever run
across an SQL script
containing 2,000 lines of
If a problem occurs,
someone will have to
manually inspect those
lines to locate and
troubleshoot the issue.”
Hazard: Too much information in a single database release
Risk occurs when single changes contain too much information –
have you ever run across an SQL script containing 2,000 lines of
code? If a problem occurs, someone will have to manually
inspect those lines to locate and troubleshoot the issue.
Hazard: Troubleshooting the database manually
Risk occurs when an issue is identified and you can’t easily
eliminate the database as a cause – productivity is decreased and
all too often the project is delayed.
Hazard: Uncertainty about the impact of database changes
Risk occurs when there is drift between environments – how do
you know that what you intended to occur in production will
actually execute correctly?
Assess hazards to determine risk
“Hazards are assessed and risk is assigned in terms of
probability and severity of adverse impact of an event/
So, there are two key inputs – the probability of a hazard occurring,
and the hazard’s impact on the task at hand. The intersection of
these variables determines the level of risk. The military employs a
tool called a Risk Assessment Matrix for this purpose (see Figure 1).
Figure 1
5 | 5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk
Probability should be scientific, based on industry benchmarks or
metrics from your organization. Severity is largely subjective and
should be defined according to the impact to your organization.
Now, let’s assign risk to each hazard according to the matrix (see
Figure 2).
Figure 2
When assigning risk to the task (i.e. updating the database schema),
the rule of thumb is to use the highest level identified from individual
hazards – updating the schema is assigned a risk level of “High.”
Develop controls and make risk decisions
Controls are developed which will either reduce the risk of a
hazardous event occurring, or eliminate the risk entirely. To be
effective, each control must meet the following criteria:
1. Suitability – The control must remove the hazard or mitigate
residual risk to an acceptable level.
2. Feasibility – The organization must have the capability to
implement the control.
3. Acceptability – The benefit gained must justify the cost in
resources and time.
6 | 5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk
5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk
Hazards are reassessed to determine the residual risk level (i.e. level
of risk after the control has been implemented). Risk decisions are
based on residual risk only. If residual risk is higher than acceptable
by management, additional controls are developed and the hazards
1. Hazard: Misalignment of version numbers between application
and DB code
a. Control: Treat database changes like Tier 1 artifacts
Check database changes into your source control
ii. Synchronize database changes with application
2. Hazard: Database configuration “mismatches” across
a. Control: Maintain awareness about the state of the
Maintain a log that tracks the current state of the
ii. Maintain a log that tracks what changes have been
made to specific databases
3. Hazard: Too much information in a single database release
a. Control: Deploy database changes as atomic units –
cohesive units with your application code
Break database changes down into the smallest
units possible
4. Hazard: Troubleshooting the database manually
a. Control: Provide proof that the database is not at fault
Require reporting within your organization to build
an audit trail which can be quickly referenced
7 | 5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk
5. Hazard: Uncertainty about the impact of database changes on
a. Control: Maintain awareness concerning drift in your
Employ automation that provides a log of
changes made to specific environments
ii. Strive to ensure environment integrity and
Now, we reassess each hazard and determine the residual risk (see
Figure 3). Once again applying our rule of thumb, updating the
database now carries a residual risk of “Moderate.” If management
decides that this is acceptable, then we are complete with our risk
Figure 3
Implement controls
This is why your manager makes the big bucks – he’s the one who
has to enforce the controls. We’re betting that he tells you that you’re
now in charge of your organization’s risk management process.
Supervise and evaluate
Now, all you have to do is design and implement four daily logs and a
reporting system. Oh, and you’ll also have to go to everyone every
day for at least three months to make sure that they’re using the logs
and reporting system correctly. After a period of time, you’ll also
have to check all of the logs against actual data to evaluate whether
8 | 5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk
“[Datical DB] empowers
your developers to
accurately and efficiently
update the schema
simultaneously with their
application updates, using
an object-oriented approach
so they don’t have to worry
about SQL syntax.”
the system is working. If it worked, you should immediately buy a
powerball ticket. If it didn’t work quite the way you planned, it’s time
to troubleshoot the process, identify the discrepancies, and begin
Repeating a key point:
“...controls are developed which will either reduce the risk of a
hazardous event occurring, or eliminate the risk entirely.”
Updating schemas is inherently risky. Developing a robust logging
and reporting system is time-consuming and frustrating in addition to
being risky.
Why not avoid the heartache and eliminate the risks entirely? That’s
where Datical comes in.
Datical DB
Datical DB is a database change management solution, based on
Liquibase, specifically developed to help you eliminate risk and
uncertainty when updating your database as part of the application
release process. Unlike the current DBA tools available, Datical DB
employs a holistic approach while seamlessly integrating with your
current process and tools. It standardizes the process of updating
your database schema so that you can keep application and
database code in synch throughout the application release process:
Maintains an automated running log of all executed database
changes and compares database configurations to provide instant
visibility into the current state of your database.
Organizes and tracks your SQL scripts while providing the entire
team with visibility into what’s happening in the database.
Empowers your developers to accurately and efficiently update
the schema simultaneously with their application updates, using
an object-oriented approach so they don’t have to worry about
SQL syntax.
Augments your DBA’s ability to facilitate the process, troubleshoot
problems, and recover from disaster.
Enables you to eliminate configuration drift between databases
and perform fresh installations in a matter of seconds.
Most importantly, it provides you with proactive environmental
intelligence concerning the impact of changes on the database,
before you deploy.
9 | 5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk
“Datical DB makes it very
easy to reduce errors and
application downtime,
speed time to market and
lower your cost.”
Instead of providing yet another framework that requires you to spend
a lot of money, time and effort to change your existing systems but
still doesn’t provide change integration, Datical DB simply works with
the systems you have. Whether that’s Source Control, Build
Systems, Testing Systems and existing Automation Frameworks –
Datical DB makes it very easy to reduce errors and application
downtime, speed time to market and lower your cost by:
Eliminating database change risk and bottlenecks in your
develop-test-deploy process
Accelerating releases and automating deployment processes
Knowing how changes will impact production and any other
Improving compliance with auto-documenting change
management processes
Increasing quality of service with a holistic, repeatable, databaseagnostic approach
We invite you to learn more at www.datical.com.
About Datical
Datical solves critical business pains by leveraging proven open
source projects, such as Liquibase. We enhance and extend open
source projects while removing complexity. We make them easy to
use. We make them open. We make them flexible, secure and fully
But first, we complete extensive market validation research so we
know we’re solving the right problems and adding the right features,
in an easy to use, non-disruptive way.
We’re not interested in checking off boxes on a feature comparison
checklist. We’re focused on solving our customer’s most complex
database change problems, protecting critical data and reducing risk.
That’s how we deliver serious value. And our customers see quick
We believe it’s because we’re fanatically market driven and have
taken a different, model-based approach in architecting our solutions.
This makes it possible to fuel automation with environmental
intelligence, visibility and flexibility – extending the very best open
source projects for a future proof enterprise.
10 | 5 Steps to Eliminating Database Change Risk
600 Congress Avenue
Suite 1650
Austin, Texas 78701
United States Army (2006). FM 5-19, Composite Risk Management. Washington D.C. Headquarters, Department of the Army.
Simon Management Group (2012). Datical Market Validation Study. Austin, TX.
Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Datical, the Datical Logo and Datical DB are trademarks of Datical, Inc. All other company and product names
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