Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd Vryheid Formation and intrusive dolerite Comprising predominantly of thick beds of yellowish to white cross-bedded sandstone and grit alternating with beds of soft sandy shale. The sedimentary rocks are, however, so extensively and widely intruded by dolerite sheets and dykes that the two lithologies are considered to represent a single groundwater system. The distribution of these lithologies is indicated in Figure 17 together with the positions of groundwater sample sources. Six different modes of groundwater occurrences associated with these formations are listed. These are (a) weathered and fractured sedimentary rocks not associated with dolerite intrusions, (b) indurated and jointed sedimentary rocks alongside dykes, (c) narrow weathered and fractured dolerite dykes, (d) basins of weathering in dolerite sills and highly jointed sedimentary rocks enclosed by dolerite, (e) weathered and fractured upper contact-zones of dolerite sills and (f) weathered and fractured lower contact-zones of dolerite sills. Minor groundwater strikes are also often encountered. The groundwater yield potential is classed as low since 83% of the boreholes on record produce less than 2/l. The groundwater rest level is generally encountered between 5 and 25 m below surface. Numerous springs occur at lithological contacts such as where sandstone overlies an impervious shale horizon, along fault zones and along impermeable dolerite dykes. Groundwater seepage in lower lying areas contributes substantially to sustaining the dry season flow in the stream systems that drain these landscapes. A recharge of 4 to 5 % of mean annual rainfall is appropriate to this groundwater regime. The general suitability of the groundwater for any use is indicated by the average EC value of 57 mS/m and mean pH value of 7.5. The significant coefficients of variation for sodium, chloride and sulphate possibly reveal contamination (perhaps associated with coal mining activities) in some of the groundwater samples. The significant coefficient of variation for nitrates indicates that a measure of caution is required when considering this water for human consumption. The significant coefficient of variation associated with the SAR data indicates that the sodium hazard must receive greater attention than that of salinity when considering this water for irrigation use (Draft Gauteng EMF, 2013). Emfuleni EMF –Draft Status Quo Report 34 May 2014 Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd (Source: Draft Gauteng EMF, 2013) Figure 17: Locality of the Vryheid’s formation Emfuleni EMF –Draft Status Quo Report 35 May 2014 Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd Table 3: Groundwater chemistry of Vryheid’s formation Element/Parameter Statistics drawn from a population of 26 samples (units) pH Minimum Mean Maximum Standard Coefficient value value value Deviation Variation (SD) (%CV) 4.8 7.5 8.5 0.6 8% 3.7 57.0 344.0 55.0 96 % 33.0 400.0 1835.0 353.0 88 % Calcium (mg/l) 1.0 38.0 184.0 32.0 84 % Magnesium (mg/l) 1.0 24.0 174.0 26.0 108 % Sodium (mg/l) 1.0 43.0 492.0 80.0 186 % Potassium (mg/l) 0.3 3.6 38.0 4.5 125 % Chloride (mg/l) 1.0 44.0 919.0 124.0 282 % Sulphate (mg/l) 1.0 47.0 919.0 113.0 240 % Total Alkalinity (mg/l) 12.0 162.0 539.0 106.0 65 % Nitrate (mg/l) 0.1 3.9 80.0 9.8 251 % Fluoride (mg/l) 0.1 0.4 2.6 0.4 100 % Langelier Saturation -5.5 -0.8 1.2 1.1 Adsorption 0.1 1.8 31.0 3.9 Electrical Conductivity (EC) (mS/m) Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) Index (LSI) Sodium 217 % Ratio (SAR) Source: Draft Gauteng EMF, 2013 2.11 Geology The geology forms the foundation for the development of the landscape, soils and vegetation cover. It is also the source of minerals that form an important part of the economy of an area. The ELM compromises of three dominant geology formations, which are the ECCA Group, Kalahari Group, and the Transvaal Rooiberg Griqualand-West Group (Figure 18). Emfuleni EMF –Draft Status Quo Report 36 May 2014 Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd Figure 18: ELM geology Emfuleni EMF –Draft Status Quo Report 37 May 2014 Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd 2.11.1 ECCA Group As Gondwana moved north towards the equator, thick clay and silt beds were laid down in a large sea that occupied the Karoo basin. These sediments now form shales and sandstones, and are easily weathered and often present slope stability problems. The ECCA group is only located in small portions in the South and Eastern part of ELM. 2.11.2 Transvaal, Rooiberg, Griqualand-west The Transvaal Supergroup is an end Archaean/earliest Proterozoic platform succession developed on the Kaapvaal Craton. It contains three unconformity-bounded sequences that are preserved and exposed in two geographically separate areas– the Transvaal basin, where it circumscribes the Bushveld Complex, and the Griqualand West basin at the western Kaapvaal margin, that extends into southern Botswana beneath Kalahari cover as the Kanye basin. The two basins are separated by a broad basement high, referred to as the Vryburg arch. The Transvaal Rooiberg Griqualand-West Group makes out a large portion of the ELM geological formation. 2.11.3 Kalahari Group As with the Transvaal Rooiberg Griqualand-West Group the Kalahari group makes out a large portion of the ELM geological formation. 2.11.4 Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary rocks are deposited on the Earth’s surface from waste material, consisting mostly of mineral grains and rock fragments derived from the weathering and erosion of pre-existing rocks. This material is carried away from its source under the influence of gravity. This is often by running water, but it may also be by wind or glaciers. It is eventually deposited as flat-lying layers, usually but not always on the sea floor. As this deposition continues, this sediment is then buried under an ever-increasing load of overlaying material. This causes compaction of the loose sediment, as water is gradually expelled from the pore spaces between the sediment grains. Mineral matter being deposited in the pore-spaces between the sediment grains induces cementation. The action of these two processes converts the sedimentary material into a solid rock. The dominant sedimentary rocks in the ELM area are as follows: • Dolomite Most dolomites were probably formed from limestone after its deposition as magnesia-rich brines converted the original calcite into dolomite. If this occurred soon after deposition, the original features of the limestone are often preserved, but otherwise dolomite typically occurs as a massive and rather granular rock with sugary or saccharoidal texture. Emfuleni EMF –Draft Status Quo Report 38 May 2014 Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd • Mudstone and Shale Shales and mudstones are extremely fine-grained sedimentary rocks, mostly consisting of clay particles less than 1/256 mm in diameter. Produced originally by chemical weathering, especially of feldspar, clay particles eventually settle out in still water as mud, often on the sea floor. Such muddy sediment first forms soft and sticky clay before all its water was driven out by ever-increasing loads of sedimentary rock, converting it into mudstone or shale. Shales are more fissile rocks than mudstones, splitting easily along the bedding into thin sheets, and forming paper shales if particularly fissle. • Sandstone Sandstones are formed by sand grains of varying diameter. They can be between 1/16mm and 2mm. These grains are most usually quartz, occurring as fresh grains without any cleavage, and often greyish in colour with a slightly frosted surface. Other minerals may be present together with fragments of fine-grained rocks. Feldspar can best be distinguished from quartz by its rather turbid appearance and the presence of cleavage. Sandstones typically have a granular texture. They often weather to form a slightly rough surface. 2.11.5 Metamorphic rocks • Quartzite Quartzite is a metamorphic rock composed almost entirely of quartz, formed by the recrystallization of quartz-rich sandstone, and consisting of an interlocking mosaic of quartz grains, all tightly welded together. Although a metamorphic rock, it resembles a quartz-cemented sandstone (or orthoquartzite). Its detrital nature is often only revealed by the presence of feldspar grains (or other distinctive grains such as blue quartz). Quartzite often fractures along a multitude of very smooth joined-planes, displaying a polished appearance which cut across the individual quartz grains in the rock. A more detailed geological representation is provided in Figure 19 and Figure 20. Geology was also found to be a major gap in information. Emfuleni EMF –Draft Status Quo Report 39 May 2014 Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd (Source: SDF, 2013/2014) Figure 19: Geological profile Emfuleni EMF –Draft Status Quo Report 40 May 2014 Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd Figure 20: Geological formation is ELM 2.12 Soils and Agricultural Potential Mineral soils are largely derived from rocks or sediments that are constantly modified by climate, plants, living organisms and animals so that, over a period of time, soil formation occurs. The major factors that control the formation of soils are as follows: • Parent materials (geological or organic); • Climate (precipitation and temperature); • Biota (living organisms, vegetation, microbes, soil fauna and human beings); • Topography; and • Time. The parent geological forms in the ELM area are described in Section 2.11 Geology. The different parent types are responsible for certain soil properties depending on the sediment build up and mineral content in the parent material and the above mentioned factors. The soil types occurring within the ELM boundary is outline in Figure 21. Shale, quartzite, siltstone, sandstone, mudstone conglomerates • Soils are usually sandy-clay loams with a coarse sand grade in the topsoil; Emfuleni EMF –Draft Status Quo Report 41 May 2014 Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd • Soils are highly variable in depth. Average soil depth is however the shallowest of all soils in the Gauteng province; • Soils are therefore wet in summer but dry in winter due to their shallow depth to bedrock; • The westerly dip of the underlying bedrock ensures good lateral drainage except where there is localized impedance due to the ‘damming’ effect of rocky-outcrops, resulting in the accumulation of stagnant water; • Soils can be very stony, and stone lines are common; • The bulk density of both the top- and sub-soils is low; • Top-soils have low colour values and chromas due to a higher than average organic matter content; and • These soils contain a higher percentage of organic carbon in the topsoil than that of any other geological substrate. Soils derived from shale parent material are slightly more fertile than those from quartzite (Gauteng EMF 2013). Dolomite, limestone, chert group • Dolomite derived soils are deep; • Only on ridge tops and steep slopes does the un-weathered rock come close to the surface; • Soils are well-drained and appear to remain so even in bottomland- and river terrace areas; and • The Griffin form is generally the wettest soil to develop on dolomite. Solution and removal of dolomite by ground and surface waters result in the formation of many caverns and underground channels, which often collapse. The normally horizontal overlying strata are often crumpled into irregular folds as a result. These folds may be seen quite close to the surface. They contain thin bands of chert, chalcedony and greyish blue shales, forming a C-horizon in many soils. Surface soils are classified as clays with a coarse sand grade. Fine sand is high, but medium sand is low. Sub-soils are classified as silty clays. Soils on dolomite have on average very high clay content. The stone content is generally low, but stone layers containing either manganese concretions or chert fragments do occur. Dolomite-derived soils have a high pH and low exchange acidity, most likely due to their limestone origin. Although available P levels are low, the exchangeable bases Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) are high, while exchangeable Aluminium (Al) is low. The high levels of exchangeable bases on dolomite-derived soils can most probably be ascribed to the parent material and high pH of these soils. Diabase, gabbro, basalt, norite, diorite, dolerite group Soils derived from these parent materials are not easily recognizable as they are invariably buried below colluvial topsoil from the adjacent rock, from which there are Emfuleni EMF –Draft Status Quo Report 42 May 2014 Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd usually separated by a stone layer. Diabase soils therefore mostly exist only as sub-soils and their position as an important sub-division of soils relating to agricultural potential in the area of the ELM. When occurring as colluvial material, these soils are recognizable by their very much deeper weathering than the adjacent formations. The spheroidal weathering of diabase rock is characteristic and is often a reliable indication of its presence even when the rock has completely weathered. Diabase soils are high in silt, but low in coarse fragments. Structure is invariably present and neocutanic horizons are common. Emfuleni EMF –Draft Status Quo Report 43 May 2014 Lidwala Consulting Engineers (SA) (Pty) Ltd Figure 21: Soil within ELM Emfuleni EMF –Draft Status Quo Report 44 May 2014