Habitat Vs. Niche Habitat Habitat “where it lives” Evolutionary History Environmental Requirements tolerances Niche Not just the habitat! How organisms interact with the abiotic & biotic factors, to survive and reproduce. “Factors” and the Niche Abiotic NON-Living Biotic Things that are or have been “ ALIVE” Rain, Snow, pH Bodies of water (or lack of) Temperature Hot/Cold Determines when/how the organisms reproduces All about the food it eats and the way it is obtained 1 “HABITAT / Fundamental Niche” “Optimum / Realized Niche” The organism experiences stress More energy to maintain homeostasis Less energy left for growth and reproduction. Generalists vs. Specialists Generalists Virginia Opossum Bro a d niche To lera te wide ra ng e o f co nditio ns Use a v a riety o f reso urces Generalists vs. Specialists Koala Specialists Na rro w niche Do no t to lera te a wide ra ng e o f co nditio ns Use o nly a few reso urces 2 Acclimation Definition of acclimation Some organisms can adjust their tolerance to abiotic factors Wha t is the difference between a cclima tio n a nd a da pta tio n? Acclima tio n – Occurs within the lifetime o f a n indiv idua l o rg a nism Ada pta tio n – Genetic cha ng e in a species o r po pula tio n, o ccurs o v er ma ny g enera tio ns Conformers vs. Regulators Conformers (Ectotherms, Cold-blooded) Organisms that do not regulate their internal conditions Change as the external environment changes Regulators (Endotherms, Warm-blooded) Organisms that use energy to control some of their internal conditions Keep an internal condition within the optimal range over a wide variety of environmental conditions Escape from Unsuitable Conditions Dormancy State of reduced activity Occurs during periods of unfavorable environmental conditions Migration Organism wants to escape unfavorable conditions Move to a more favorable habitat 3 Resources Definition of resources The energy and materials a species needs to survive in an environment Wha t determines the surv iva l o f a species in a pa rticula r ha bita t? Suita bility o f env iro nmenta l co nditio ns Av a ila bility o f reso urces Fo o d, energ y nesting sites, wa ter, sunlig ht, etc. Reso urces essentia l to surv iv a l v a ry fro m species to species 4