3. Non-Available Component - North Carolina Military Business Center

North Carolina
Military Business
STA Spring Meeting
April 29, 2010
North Carolina Military
Business Center
• Mission: To leverage military and other
federal business opportunities for economic
development and quality of life in NC
• Goals:
– Increase military business for NC companies
– Integrate military/families into workforce
– Support defense-related recruitment
Teresa Bouchonnet
Business Development
Textile Businesses
Often fail to pursue the military / federal
market because they don’t know…
It exists
How to locate potential customers / opportunities
How the Government makes purchases
How their business fits into the process
How they need to team with other businesses
• Matching Businesses with bids
• Teaming to win Federal Contracts
• Helping to find sources for products &
• Must be listed in www.ccr.gov with a
proper profile. You also must update
every year to include ORCA update
Defense Supply Center
• Supports daily operations and every
contingency and humanitarian operation –
everywhere soldiers, sailors, Marines
guardsmen and airmen serve
• Food, clothing, textiles, medicines, medical
equipment, construction supplies/equipment
• FY09: over $14.5 billion in acquisitions
• LPTA, sealed bid and “best value” source
DSCP Clothing and
FY10 forecast: $2.412B billion in acquisitions
Manages over 45,500 line items
Orders average: 5.9M/year, 489k/month
Awards to domestic businesses: 58%
Awards to small business: 45%
$125m: small disadvantaged $341m: HUBZone
$143m: woman-owned
$118m: Veteran-owned
DSCP Clothing and
• Buy full range of textile products: thread,
fabric, end items, etc.
• http://www.dscp.dla.mil/clothingandtextiles
• Contains list of items in soldier clothing
bags, FY09 and FY10
• Issue RFP
• Close RFQ
• Proposal Evaluations
• Negotiations Open
• Peer Review
• Negotiations Close
• Final Evaluations
• IARB Milestone B
• Peer Review
• SSA Decision
• Congressional Notification
• Award Contract
• Full Performance – ACU & FR ACU
• Full Performance – FR ACU-P
22 Jan 2010
10 Mar 2010
01 Jul 2010
3 Sep 2010
07 Jan 2011
31 Jan 2011
07 Feb 2011
11 Mar 2011
02 May 2011
06 Jun2011
13 Jun 2011
14 Jun 2011
16 Jun 2011
17 Oct 2011
18 May 2012
Berry Amendment
• Requires clothing and material / components
of clothing (DoD, USCG, TSA) to be grown,
reprocessed, reused or produced in the US
• US Department of Commerce, Int’l Trade:
• www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/paic/dnad.htm
1. Non-Available Component: Acrylic Staple Fiber
End Item(s): Acrylic fiber sandbags
Approving Official and/or Date: Approved by Director, DLA on October 30, 2008
2. Non-Available Component: Modacrylic Fiber
End Item(s): Military parkas and ruffs
Approving Official and/or Date: Approved by Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Tech & Logistics on December 11, 2002
3. Non-Available Component: Cationic-Dyable Continuous Filament Polyester
End Item(s): Used in polyester/wool gabardine for U.S. Air Force windbreakers
Approving Official and/or Date: Approved July 8, 2002
3. Non-Available Component: Chemical and Oil Protective Nitrile Gloves
End Item(s): Protective gloves used by the Navy to protect personnel against
exposure to Otto fuel used to propel torpedoes
Approving Official and/or Date: Approved by Director, DLA on December 8, 2008
5. Non-Available Component: Ethyl Vinyl Acetate (EVA) for Midsoles and NonMarking Solid Rubber for Outsoles
End Item(s): U.S. Air Force running shoes
Approving Official and/or Date: Approved on July 16, 2006
6. Non-Available Component: Medical/Surgical Supplies
End Item(s): Bandages, gauze, sponges, cotton pellets, medical clothing, surgical
instruments, etc.
Approving Official and/or Date: Approved on June 13, 2001
7. Non-Available Component: Poromeric Material
End Item(s): Used in high gloss men's and women's dress shoes
DNAD Delisted Due to Availability of Domestic Source: January 1, 2010
8. Non-Available Component: Rayon Yarn
End Item(s): Used in dress clothing, individual equipment, insignia, flags, streamers
and guidons
Approving Offical and/or Date: Approved on July 20, 2001
9. Non-Available Component: Snap Fastener
End Item(s): Used on Marine Corps men's dress green coat
Approving Official and/or Date: Approved by Director, DLA on December 3, 2008
10. Non-Available Component: Various Straps for Ejection Seat Restraint
End Item(s): Navy Aircrew Common Ejection Seats (NACES)
Approving Official and/or Date: Approved on May 9, 2003
Federal Agencies
• Identify other agencies buying
your product / service
• Consider military bases/activities,
VA hospitals, DHS/Coast Guard,
Park Service, Forest Service,GSA
• Need to research & persevere to
find who buys what you sell
• Use Internet websites to explore!!
Understand Textile
• Products being purchased
– Uniforms, sweaters, boots, socks, body armor,
packs, parachutes, sheets, towels, ETC!
• Quantities being purchased
• Ultimate consumer of products
• Priority level of products
Understand Textile
• Need for lighter weight equipment
• Need for fire retardant fabrics, uniforms
(nylon/cotton Army ACU replacement)
• Longer lead times
• Lost production time
• Additional costs
• Shipping RFID Requirements & Packaging
• Camouflage shade problems
Fire Resistant (FR) Clothing
Sample posted on www.fbo.gov
Sources Sought and Market Survey for Flame Resistant Aramid Pants
iaw Forest Service Spec 5100-92M and MTDC Drawing 973F
Solicitation Number: QSDLA-H4-10-0990-FIRE
Agency: General Services Administration
Office: Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)
Location: Southwest Supply Operations Center (QSDL)
Please return requested information in attached document to Linda Haffner
at linda.haffner@gsa.gov by 4/28/2010. Information provided will assist in
the development of the solicitation for these items and an opportunity for
offers in the near future.
Please consult the list of if you cannot open a file.
Sources Sought Notice and Market Survey for Forest Service Pants
Contracting Officer
Phone: 817 574-2565
Fax: 817 574-2615
Sources Sought Notice & Market Survey
Apr 22, 2010
• FY 10 Goal - Need 2 additional materials
for the FR ACU
– 6-6.5 oz Rip-stop
– 4 second Pyroman Burn
Future Efforts
-Alternate Fabrics; different weights; use of
stretch fabric; low cost FR to training uniforms
Army-wide Camouflage Uniform Patterns
Sources Sought – US Navy
Certified Navy Twill- 100% Poly
Woven White Fabric for Dress Uniforms
Solicitation # N623670900005
60/40 Cotton/Polyester Pinpoint
Shirting Fabric Sol.# N623670900003
- Bedspread
- FR Bedspread/Cover for Submarines
Development Item
Next Generation (NexGen) ABU
Hybrid Jacket
Cold-Weather Layering System
Stain- Resistant Boot
Next Generation Flight Suit
Security Forces Beret
Informal Uniform- At Chiefs Desk
Female Light Weight Jacket
Redesign/ Delete maternity Jumper
Female Cardigan Sweater
All-Weather Coat
Beret Flash
Mechanics Coverall
Sustainment Items
PT Sweatshirt
PT Long-Sleeved Shirt
PT Running Suit
Lightweight PT Short w/ Pockets
Lightweight PT T-Shirt
Optional Running Shorts
Airmen's Battle Shirt
Improved ABU Coat- On contract
Cold-Weather Safety Toe Boots
Cold-Weather Non-Safety Toe Boots
Pull-Over Sweater
White Maternity Shirt
Flame Retardant ABE
FR Socks, Balaclava, Boots, Gloves
Locating Opportunities
• Federal Business Opportunities
• www.fbo.gov
• All federal requirements anticipated over
• All opportunities imported nightly into
Locating Opportunities
• Searching FedBizOpps (www.fbo.gov)
• Classification Code 83
– Textiles, leather, furs, apparel and shoe
findings, tents and flags
• Classification Code 84
– Clothing, individual equipment and insignia
• Keyword searches
Locating Opportunities
Air Force:
Coast Guard:
F A Q / H e lp · R e fs · M y A c c o u n t
Hom e
N a v ig a t io n :
S o lic it a tio n s
Na v ig a tio n /D o c u m e n ts - - - - - -
R F P /IF B s
S ea rch :
T e c h D a ta
D o w n lo a d s
A w a rd s
Ch o os e S e ar c h
L o c a t io n : H o m e
N o t ic e :
» U p d a te to D o m e s tic S o u r c in g C o n fe re n c e - D S C P R e a d N o t ic e
» D L A Im p lem e n ta tio n o f th e D e p a rtm e n t o f D e fe n s e (D o D ) P a s t P e r fo rm a n c e In fo rm a tio n R e trie v a l
S y s tem (P P IR S ) R e a d N o t ic e
P le a s e re a d n o tic e s p o s te d o n th e N o t ic e s p a g e .
[ 2 4 6 ] 0 9 /0 2 /2 0 0 8 9 :3 6 :0 6 P M
T h e D L A I n t e r n e t B i d B o a r d S y s t e m ( D I B B S ) is a w e b - b a s e d a p p lic a t io n t h a t p r o v id e s t h e c a p a b ilit y
t o s e a r c h fo r , v ie w , a n d s u b m it s e c u r e q u o t e s o n R e q u e s t s F o r Q u o t a t io n s ( R F Q s ) f o r D e fe n s e L o g is t ic s
A g e n c y ( D L A ) it e m s o f s u p p ly . D I B B S a ls o a llo w s u s e r s t o s e a r c h a n d v ie w R e q u e s t F o r P r o p o s a ls ( R F P s ) ,
I n v it a t io n s F o r B id ( I F B s ) , A w a r d s a n d o t h e r p r o c u r e m e n t in fo r m a t io n r e la t e d t o D L A .
H e l p
H elp
F r e q u e n t ly A s k e d Q u e s t io n s ~ F A Q
D I B B S O n - L in e Q u o t in g H e lp
B a t c h Q u o t in g H e lp
V e n d o r
R e g i s t r a t i o n
V e n d o r R e g is t r a t i o n
R e g is t r a t io n G u id e lin e s
C o n ta ct U s
S o l i c i t a t i o n s
R e q u e s t s f o r Q u o t a t io n ( R F Q )
B a t c h Q u o t in g
S u b m it t e d Q u o t e S e a r c h in g
R e q u e s t s f o r P r o p o s a l ( R F P ) / I n v it a t io n F o r B id ( I F B )
O t h e r D L A O p p o r t u n it ie s
R e f e r e n c e s
G lo b a l S e a r c h
F e d e r a l S t o c k C la s s e s ( F S C ) m a n a g e d b y D L A
M a s t e r S o lic it a t io n D o c u m e n t s
R e g u la t io n E x t r a c t s u s e d f o r D I B B S q u o t in g
V ir t u a l L ib r a r y
A u t o m a t e d B e s t V a lu e S y s t e m ( A B V S )
S u p p lie r R e q u ir e m e n t s V is ib ilit y A p p lic a t io n ( S R V A )
A w a r d s
A w a rd s
O th e r D LA A w a rd s
S u b s is t e n c e B la n k e t P u r c h a s e A g r e e m e n t s ( B P A s )
Lo g In
Textile Resources
• NC Textile Complex Team:
– Department of Commerce, NCSU, industry, agencies
– www.nctextileconnect.com; www.sctextileconnect.com
• Hosiery Technology Center: products, testing
• Textile Technology Center: products, testing
• NC Military Business Center:
– Business development: Teresa Bouchonnet
– www.MatchForce.org: free opportunity, job matching
– www.ncmbc.us: industry tab – clothing and textiles
• UNICOR CONFERENCE MAY 11-13 Kingsport Tn
• Advance Planning Brief for Industry MAY 18-20,
Springfield, VA
• Techtextil MAY 18-20, Atlanta GA
www.techtextilna.com/asb( Include # of meetings)
• SPESA May 18-20, Atlanta GA www.spesaexpo.com
• SEAMS May 20-22, Atlanta GA www.seams.org
EXHIBITION AUG. 23-25 Columbus OH
• NC DOC 2010 Conference OCT. 13 Greensboro NC
• Website containing wealth of information to
help you pursue Government contracts and
• Calendar of events
• Links to reference documents
• Clothing & Textile Section
• Lists of active clothing & textile bids
ID Your NAICS Codes
• North American Industry Classification System
• ID all NAICS codes that may apply to your
product / service:
– Wholesaler, dealer, distributor, manufacturer
• NAICS Lookup:
– Link on www.ncmbc.us
Textile NAICS Codes
Partial List
313111 -- Yarn Spinning Mills
313112 -- Yarn Texturizing
313113 -- Thread Mills
313210 -- Broadwoven Fabric Mills
313221 -- Narrow Fabric Mills
313222 -- Schiffli Machine Embroidery
313230 -- Nonwoven Fabric Mills
313241 -- Weft Knit Fabric Mills
313249 -- Other Knit Fabric and Lace Mills
313311 -- Broadwoven Fabric Finishing Mills
313312 -- Textile and Fabric Finishing (except Broadwoven Fabric) Mills
313320 -- Fabric Coating Mills
314 -- Textile Product Mills
314110 -- Carpet and Rug Mills
314121 -- Curtain and Drapery Mills
314129 -- Other Household Textile Product Mills
314911 -- Textile Bag Mills
314912 -- Canvas and Related Product Mills
314991 -- Rope, Cordage, and Twine Mills
314992 -- Tire Cord and Tire Fabric Mills
314999 -- All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills
315 -- Apparel Manufacturing
315111 -- Sheer Hosiery Mills
315119 -- Other Hosiery and Sock Mills
315191 -- Outerwear Knitting Mills
315192 -- Underwear and Nightwear Knitting Mills
315211 -- Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors
Textile NAICS Codes
315212 -- Women's, Girls', and Infants' Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors
315221 -- Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Underwear and Nightwear Manufacturing
315222 -- Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Suit, Coat, and Overcoat Manufacturing
315223 -- Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Shirt (except Work Shirt) Manufacturing
315224 -- Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Trouser, Slack, and Jean Manufacturing
315225 -- Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Work Clothing Manufacturing
315228 -- Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Other Outerwear Manufacturing
315231 -- Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Lingerie, Loungewear, and Nightwear Manufacturing
315232 -- Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Blouse and Shirt Manufacturing
315233 -- Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Dress Manufacturing
315234 -- Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Suit, Coat, Tailored Jacket, and Skirt Manufacturing
315239 -- Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Other Outerwear Manufacturing
315291 -- Infants' Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing
315292 -- Fur and Leather Apparel Manufacturing
315299 -- All Other Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing
315991 -- Hat, Cap, and Millinery Manufacturing
315992 -- Glove and Mitten Manufacturing
315993 -- Men's and Boys' Neckwear Manufacturing
315999 -- Other Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing
Make Socio-Economic
Programs Work for You!
• Socio-Economic Programs
Small Business program
Small Disadvantaged Business program
SBA 8a Small Disadvantaged Business program
Service Disabled Veteran Owned and Veteran Owned
Small Business program
– HUBZone program
– Woman-owned small business program
• Leverage teaming opportunities – as prime or
Successful Strategies
• Understand the Market on how the government
• Understand the product and the customer’s
• Educate the customer as you educate yourself
• Develop or be involved in development process
• Develop a long term plan
• Revise Long term plan as the market changes AGAIN!
What you need to do:
Get Started!
Become web-enabled
Use checklist on www.ncmbc.us
Get in www.MatchForce.org!
ID your product/service (FSC/PSC)
ID your business (NAICS codes)
Determine if your firm is a SB and qualifies for
other socioeconomic programs – certify!
• Complete registrations (DUNS, CCR, ORCA)
• Market and team for success!
Successful Strategies
• You only have 3 Days after contract award to
asked for a “Debrief” ( weekends & holidays count
toward the 3 days.)
• Always asked for the Debrief, because it will help
you the next time you bid. Win or lose!!
• Packaging & Shipping Requirements = COST!!
• Does the cost of shipping included in price FOB
• RIFD is it on all line items or just shipment box?
• If Mult-year Firm Fixed Price Contract does it
have FAR 16.203 Fixed-Price Contracts with
Economic Price Adjustment
• Or FAR 52.216-2 Economic Price Adjustment
• If you have questions e-mail the POC on the bid.
• ??????????????????????????????????????
Contact Information
• Scott Dorney, Executive Director, 910-323-4824,
• Teresa Bouchonnet, Business Development
Specialist, 828-349-3878, bouchonnett@ncmbc.us
• Carolyn Bunting, MatchForce Administrator, 910578-2579, buntingc@ncmbc.us
• All NCMBC Staff (“Contact Us”, www.ncmbc.us)