2013 ANNUAL REPORT Dear Girl Scout Friends: As Juliette Gordon Low, our Founder said, “The work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers.” Since our Centennial Celebration at the State Fair of Texas, we have been honing our focus, building a stronger infrastructure, and utilizing outcomes to improve our programs and ensure their relevance for today’s girls. Through every step of the way, girls remain at the center of our lens as we empower them to reach their highest potential. In 2013, a special task force of volunteers, board members, community leaders, and staff embarked on the council’s second Strategic Learning Process to assess our strengths and weaknesses. With more than 33,000 girls and 17,000 adults, we are constantly reviewing what is working and what isn’t. This enables us to keep Girl Scouting relevant and fun, while providing the most up-to-date leadership development skills to our membership. Our task force emerged with a clear picture of our priorities for the next five years: Girl and Family Experience, Volunteer Support and Engagement, Program Effectiveness, and Growth Strategies. Inherent in each priority are three business imperatives: Value Proposition, Fund Development, and Process and Technology. Looking forward, our winning proposition is to be the premier place for girls to have fun, explore their full potential, and become leaders! We are working to realign staff and job responsibilities to create the environment in which Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Another focus of Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas will be to engage more girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities, encouraging them to not only seek careers in STEM fields, but ultimately to help create our future. It is critical that girls come into contact with female role models in various STEM fields and are given an opportunity to see how STEM affects every aspect of our lives. Thanks to lead gifts from the Rees-Jones Foundation, the Simmons Foundation, and the Hoglund Foundation, we have taken the first steps in transforming our Camp Whispering Cedars into our STEM Center of Excellence. Partnering with entities such as the Perot Museum of Nature and Science, the Dallas County Community College District, and others, we will soon be able to provide hands-on experiences and mentors to bring alive the educational and career opportunities in STEM fields. Many of our badge programs are incorporating STEM facets, helping girls realize the new ideas they can bring to the world of STEM, as well. Another critical focus area is on our volunteers – engaging them, helping to make their work easier, improving our technology, and providing them with more online training courses, easier registration, and access to the information they need. Our volunteers hold the promise of a better world, giving girls in Northeast Texas experiences they will cherish for a lifetime. If we are to continue to make “the history for tomorrow” for today’s Girl Scouts, we must be willing to take a hard look at ourselves and make the changes that this generation requires. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of girls. Thank you for supporting our girls, enabling them to make our world a better place. Yours in Girl Scouting, Colleen Walker Chief Executive Officer 1 Millie Bradley Chair of the Board GIRL SCOUT MISSION: Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. 2 Strategic Learning In 2013, GSNETX began a journey of strategic learning with a team of volunteers, staff, and board members. That journey led the council to an innovative spotlight on customer experience, with special attention focusing on how to equip the volunteers of today with the tools and resources they need to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. The focus for the council is on four critical initiatives: Girl and Family Experience: Create an inclusive environment where girls and families feel welcome, connected, to Girl Scouts and can fully benefit from the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Volunteer Support and Engagement: Establish a relational, effective volunteer system that drives engagement and retention and ensures that GSNETX is the opportunity of choice for volunteers who want to impact girls’ lives. Program Effectiveness: Create an outcome-driven culture among all staff, volunteers, and community partners. This culture will advance alignment with the National Program Portfolio, use of the Girl Scout processes, and measurement and reporting of Girl Scout Leadership Experience outcomes in order to deliver the ultimate girl experience. Growth Strategy: Transform girl and volunteer recruitment and retention strategies with a focus on building and growing diverse, sustainable GSNETX membership. With this strategic direction, GSNETX restructured its mission delivery staff before the 2013 Administrative Kickoff. 3 • Membership staff were realigned to implement key strategies for recruiting new members and retaining current members. • The Program Team was structured to serve program grade levels and short-term volunteers. • Adult training is undergoing a transformation in partnership with GSUSA to best serve the volunteers of today, with enhanced use of technology and innovation. STEM Center of Excellence at Camp Whispering Cedars The capital campaign and STEM program development will continue at Camp Whispering Cedars as we transform our facility into a one-of-a-kind STEM Center of Excellence. $13 million $4 million raised The Rees-Jones Welcome Center and the Hoglund Foundation Girl Program Center is coming soon to the STEM Center of Excellence Serving 2,200 girls and adults today Overall Capital Campaign The Perot Foundation The Rees-Jones Foundation The Simmons Foundation The Hoglund Foundation Many thanks to: The Hoblitzelle Foundation The Dallas Foundation The Prothro Foundation Millie and Allen Bradley Stephanie and Hunter Hunt and others Camp Bette Perot Aquatic Center With thanks to The Perot Foundation Opening June 2014 4 STEM Programming GAMMA SIGMA The first – ever Gamma Sigma event was held at Hebron High School for Girl Scout Juniors and their parents to engage them in their Girl Scout journey. The day was filled with hands – on activities in STEM, Healthy Living, Financial Literacy and Outdoor Leadership. girls adults COLLEGE JOURNEY Girl Scouts entering 7th – 12th grade participated in hands-on experiments with a focus on (STEM) in a college setting at the University of Texas at Dallas. There were two sessions: Cadette Week on June 23-28 and Senior/Ambassador Week on July 21-26. During the five-day workshop, girls interacted with college students, were mentored by successful STEM professionals, and were exposed to a wide array of exciting STEM related coursework including computer programming, robotics, environmental engineering, biology, and anatomy. Texas Instruments sponsored Senior/Ambassador Week and the Fluor Foundation sponsored Cadette Week. STEM Outcomes Girls develop: • Confidence in STEM • Awareness of STEM in daily living • Understanding of STEM career options • Interest in pursuing STEM courses and careers “Because of College Journey, I have set higher standards for myself in my science and math classes” - College Journey attendee, 16 year old 5 Cookie Program The Girl Scout Cookie Program is an integral part of the Girl Scouts Financial Literacy Initiative for girls in grades K – 12. FIVE KEY SKILLS LEARNED THROUGH THE COOKIE PROGRAM: 1. Goal Setting 2. Decision Making 3. Business Ethics 4. Money Management 5. People Skills boxes sold girls selling boxes donated to Troop to Troop average troop revenue 6 Gold Award Program The Girl Scout Gold Award is the highest award a Girl Scout can earn and recognizes Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors who demonstrate community leadership, culminating in 80 hours or more of service. Each girl chooses and thoroughly researches an issue she cares about, designs her action plan, builds community collaborations, and takes the lead in implementing her Girl Scout Gold Award project. Girls received their Gold Award in 2013 Maria Hayes, a 2013 Gold Award Honoree, challenged herself daily and took the road less traveled by other students. Her hard work has paid off. In May, she graduated in the Top 10 of her class from Denison High School. Maria was a Commended National Merit, an AP Scholar, Outstanding Science Student, and Outstanding Spanish Student. She earned numerous academic letters and served as Secretary of the Grayson County 4-H Council. Maria, a 14 year member of Girl Scouts, recently received her Gold Award working with Texoma Health Foundation to create a resource room, “Room for Hope,” for women with breast cancer. “I have learned countless things from Girl Scouts! From learning how to make and keep friendships to learning how to become a responsible adult, Girl Scouts has made me who I am today! I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities it has given me.” - Maria Hayes, 2013 Gold Award Honoree 7 Camp Rocks 1,600 “I learned how to be a role model for younger girls, how to teach them and help them grow.” Girls Attended Resident Camp 2,000 Girls Attended Day and Twilight Camp - 13 year old, Camp Gambill NEW! Air-conditioning was installed for all cabins at all resident camps. 91% of parents said the overall camp experience was excellent or good. 90% of parents said they “I made it to the top of the rock climbing wall and never thought I could. It felt great.” - 11 year old, Camp Bette Perot would send their daughter to camp again. 8 Community Programs Using the Girl Scout Leadership Experience model, Girl Scouting is delivered to girls in underserved schools through in and after school community outreach and education programs funded by the council and our generous supporters. Programs include Girl Scouts Direct, Girl Scouting in the School Day, and Las Mariposas. GIRL SCOUTS DIRECT - This afterschool leadership development program provides an “authentic” Girl Scout experience for elementary-school girls in underserved communities. K - 5th grades 86% of girls in Girl Scouts Direct reported an improvement in academic achievement. GIRL SCOUTING IN THE SCHOOL DAY (EAST TEXAS) - This leadership development program is held during the school day for middle school girls in underserved communities in East Texas. 6th - 8th grades 75% of girls in Girl Scouting in the School Day (East Texas) showed a notable growth in STEM interest and competence. “I never thought about going to college or what I might study if I did go, until Girl Scouts. We even looked at many great STEM careers. I now realize that I can do anything I want if I work hard and put my mind to it.” - Michaela, 6th grade, GSSD East Texas 9 GIRL SCOUTING IN THE SCHOOL DAY (DALLAS) - This leadership development program is held during the school day for middle school girls in underserved communities in Dallas County. 6th - 8th grades 93% of girls in Girl Scouting in the School Day Dallas reported an improvement in seeking challenges. LAS MARIPOSAS - This program provides an “authentic” Girl Scout experience for elementary-school girls whose primary language is not English. 1st-5th grades 91% of 1st-5th grade girls in Las Mariposas reported a strong sense of self. “Girl Scouting in the School Day has been involved with our students for a few years. The curriculum includes current topics our students are excited to receive information about and participate in discussions. The hands on activities are creative and always have a message our students can embrace and own. The leaders are professional and truly have our students’ best interest at heart. We at Robert T. Hill MS value the concept of GSSD, the curriculum choices, and the leaders.” - Coach Thibodaux, Robert T. Hill MS, GSSD “Girl Scouts taught me to make good decisions for myself, instead of the bad choices I used to make.” – 5th grade student, GSD 10 GSNETX by the Numbers Number of Badges earned for GSNETX’s 4 Pillars: 12,286 STEM 20,289 Financial Literacy Statement of Activities Total public support and revenue $15,159,888 EXPENSES Services for girls and adults $11,549,021 Management and generalopportunities $1,142,058 Fundraising$874,884 Total expenses$13,565,963 Change in net assets $1,593,925 Net assets at beginning of year $17,787,047 Net assets at end of year 11 $19,380,972 Outdoor Leadership 17,252 Healthy Living 2013 OPERATING REVENUES UNITED WAY (3%) REVENUE2013 Annual giving/contributions $2,850,172 United Way contributions $379,872 Cookie Program, net $9,580,221 Program and camping fees $940,046 Sales of merchandise, net $525,133 Investment income/(loss) $290,711 Other income$593,733 7,781 ANNUAL GIVING/ CONTRIBUTIONS (19%) LES NDISE SA MERCHA HER (9%) T O & & %) AMES (6 R OG FE PR ING P M CA COOKIE PROGRAM (63%) GSNETX by the Numbers 33,178 Girl Members 17,242 Adult Members Statement of Financial Position 2,616 Service Units Girl Scout Troops 2013 EXPENSES %) G (6 ISIN DRA FUN NT %) ME (8 GE AL NANER MAGE & ASSETS2013 Cash and cash equivalents $8,314,902 Investments$2,495,140 Accounts and pledges receivable $2,862,692 Inventory and other $580,920 Land, buildings and equipment, $6,614,946 net of accum. depreciation Total assets$20,868,600 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts payable-trade$233,560 Deferred revenue$72,996 Other accrued liabilities $1,013,441 Custodial funds$167,631 91 SERVICES FOR GIRLS & ADULTS (86%) Total liabilities$1,487,628 Net assets-unrestricted$15,826,033 Net assets-temporarily restricted $3,435,432 Net assets-permanently restricted $119,507 Total net assets$19,380,972 Total liabilities and net assets $20,868,600 12 Donors Juliette Low Leadership Society ($1,000 or more contribution level) Ginger Adams Kit Addleman Susan Adzick Emily and Greg Allbright Ruth Sharp Altshuler and Charles Sharp Melisa Ambers Julie and Keith Anderson Lesly Bosch Annen Anonymous Crystal Arredondo Audra Ashton Bob Barker Jennifer and Thomas Bartkowski LuAnne Jones Beckley Celes Bedford Michelle Befort Ronald Berg Lucy Billingsley Jenny Birge’ Michael Bohling Beatrice Bourne Millie P. Bradley Betty Bridges Julie and John Broad Brady Brownlow Cindy Brownlow Beth and Ed Bull Megan Burkhart Kathleen Burrow Sharon Butler Nancy Carter Samuel Cheng Debbie Chesley Terry Clower Jennifer Clubb Serena and Michael Cole Martha and Russell Coleman Kathryn and Leo Collins Lani and Keith Connolly Sonja and Michael Conoly Pete Cooper Cathy Coughlin Gayla Crain Mary Anne Cree Trammell S. Crow Ashley Crowe Brenda Cubbage 13 Trisha Cunningham Nicole DeBusk Nancy Dembny Kim Dixon Steve Donosky Matrice Ellis-Kirk and Ron Kirk Julie England Shannon and Robert Fitzgerald Sharon Fountain Tiffany Fowler Mary Anne French Sheila Gallagher Rani C. Garcia Suzy and Larry Gekiere Carol and Don Glendenning Lisanne Glew Robert Goff Ashley Goldman-Barr Brenda Gomes Melissa Gomez Monica Gonzalez Gerri Gordon Aimee Griffiths Lutha Grigsby Orsolya and Kevin Halter Rosia Harmon Juanita Harris Lyda Hill Kelly Hodgson Sally and Forrest Hoglund Lesley Holland J. Mark Hollis Rita Howdeshell Cathey Humphreys Alison Hunsicker Stephanie and Hunter Hunt Mattie Jenkins Kimberly Johnson Elizabeth and Richard Johnson Andrew Jones Randy Jurgensmeyer Janise Jurica Ann and Keith Kadesky Angie and Kevin Kadesky Kimber Kadesky Dean Kadesky David Kim Roxanne Kosanda Lisa Kuhn Lori Lee Debra and Steve Leven Connie Lindsey Gwyneth Lloyd Lisbeth Lokey Lynne Mabry Janet Madigan Cynthia Malone Mia Martin Whitney Johns Martin Laura Maxwell Katherine Maxwell Aisha McClendon Jami McDermid Diane Michaels Peggy and David Millheiser Steven Moon Anne Motsenbocker Sara Jo and David Mueller Eddie Mullens Carol Nichols Erle Nye Anne Oltman Theresa and Yousuf Omar Michele Ostendorf Troy Owen Erin Pearce Tonya Pelley Bette Perot Margot and Ross Perot Amy and Nick Plenger Angelica Podias Sally Posey Caren Prothro Brenda Pryor Heather Randall Glynn and Charles Rasor Mara Rodriguez-Carter Debra and Tim Roling Becki Rush Elixabeth A. Schartz Norma Scott Peggy and Carl Sewell Patricia Sherwood Carol Short Rebecca Short Susan G. Simon Camille and Earl Simpkins Marcia Simpson Ruth Skinner Nicole and Justin Small Christina Stenger Marianne and Roger Staubach Denise Strickland Cheryl Sutterfield-Jones and Ron Jones Donna Tharp Tammy Thies Clarice Tinsley Barbara Van Riper Monica Velazquez Bobbie and Andres Villareal Julie and C.J. Vogel Colleen Walker and Felipe Gumucio Janet Walters Severina Ware Kacy Whitehead Robert Williams Nancy Wonders $250-$999 Contribution Level Mary Abbott Shirley Agustin Billie Anderson Dianne Armstrong Tiffany Attaway Dana Bartholomew Monica Bentle Rose Beyer Jane Binnion Leigh Birdsong Kelly Blackburn John Blaufuss Maria Boddicker Erin Botsford Christina Brand Stephanie Bray Amy Brooks T.K. Brown Brenda Brown Stacy Brown Gretchen Burkhalter Richard Burnett Mary Burnette Nancy Buschmann Kristi Bushman Leonard Carroll Kelly Carter David Cedillo Christina Cernuch Ann Chabot Katherine Coker Steven Cook Susan and Simon Cooper Ray Corbin, Jr. Michael Corry Elizabeth Cotner Mary Crain Brenda Crews Ronda Criss Angela Crone Nancy Crouch Katherine Crow Kasey Daly Linda D’Amanda Richard Darrah Perrie and Tim Daugherty Tammy Davis Sherri Davis Monica Davis Kristen Dearing Brandi Deere Marge Dellert Melissa Denis Lene DeRudder Ron Dykstra Tanya East Sharrie Ely Tricia Flynn Sarah and Doug Francis Jeanette Frazier Beth Garvey Kara Gehan Lisa Genecov Joey Giancaspero Evelyn Glass Alice Gorena Victoria Gorman-Page Rosemary and Jeff Groce Hilary Grider-Henk Erika Hackworth Cynthia Hagan Donna Hamaker Ann Harmon Lesley Harris Julie Haworth Elise Healy Staci and Jason Hernandez Nicke Hetzel Lori Hoff David Holmes Yin Hu Nancy Huff Laura Hyman Mary James Hilary Jirasek Mary Johnson Sally Johnson Timberly Johnson-Lyimo J. Paul Jones Pam Jones-Williams Margo and Jim Keyes Vaishali and Rajesh Khamankar Bruce Kimme Sharon S. King Marcie Kolb Susan Krnic Kenneth Kubiak Monique Kunkel Susan Lafayette Katherine Lalonde Lindsey Lambert Sandy Lancaster Maria LeBlanc Janice Leuschel Kelly Lopez Amanda Mackoy Reba and Richard Martin Rashmi and Apurva Mathur Loretta Mays Chasity McCarty Daniel McCracken Sydney McDole Anna and David McPhail Nancy Medina Carol Middelkoop Jane Miles, M.D. Janice Mitchell Blanca Morales Jenifer Moreau Brianna Morris Mary Murcott Nelda Myatt Diana and Richard Nevins Patricia Newman Karol Nurse Karen Packer Mary Paquin Rick Parker Rose Patterson Catherine Pena Gretchen Peterson Katherine Petty Donna Pierce Molly Pieroni Brian Plunkett Kathleen Plunkett R.A. Reuter Trust Claudia Reed Betty Richardson Carol Roehrig Kristee Rouse Charlotte Russell Jean Russo Marguerite Sakis Patricia Sandlin Kelly Schlotman Michael Seisler Jon Sellers Elizabeth Sherwood Jessica Slaughter Sharilee Smith Kimberley Soles Shannon Steinman Helen Stevenson Laura Stratton Julie Sturm Mary Beth Sunderhaus Ellen Sutton Deborah Taft Kay Tait Nancy Tao Sharon Tulloh Nancy Usrey Rebecca Vallo Siotha and Jeremy Vest Elizabeth Wahlquist Deanna Walker Kristin Wear Andrea Werner Dallas White Timothy Williams Kerin Wilson Lori Wiseman Johnna Wyant Jennifer Yepez Shatoya Young Sandra Zoellner Corporations & Foundations Action Automatic Sprinkler, Inc. Alliance Data Anonymous AT&T Bank of America Charitable Foundation Bank of Texas Baylor Health Care System Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. BNY Mellon Wealth Management The Boone Family Foundation Brookshire Grocery Co. Capital One Bank Carl B. and Florence E. King Foundation The Carl J. and Margot A. Johnson Foundation The Catholic Foundation Children’s Medical Center Citibank Texas, NA Clements-Gear Management Company Comerica Bank Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc. CoServ Charitable Foundation Crain Cubbage Healy Hedgpeth Johnson & Wilson, PLLC Crosstex Energy The Dallas Foundation Dallas Mavericks Dallas Women’s Foundation Dallas Zoo DART Deloitte & Touche LLP Denton Benefit League Direct Energy Ed & Mary Heath Foundation EF Institute for Cultural Exchange, Inc. Eileen Fisher, Inc. Encana Oil & Gas Inc. Energy Future Holdings Enterprise Holdings Foundation Ericsson Inc. Ernst & Young LLP The Eugene McDermott Foundation EXCO Resources ExxonMobil ExxonMobil Production FedEx Office and Print Services, Inc Fluor Corporation Foundation Fredonia Rotary Foundation Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP Garland D. Rhoads Foundation Girl Scouts of the USA The Graham and Carolyn Holloway Family Foundation The Grainger Foundation Grant Thornton LLP Harold Simmons Foundation Hawn Foundation, Inc. Haynes and Boone, LLP HCK2 Partners Heritage Guild of Collin County The Hispanic 100 Kappa Delta HKS, Inc. The Hockaday School The Hoglund Foundation Hunt Consolidated, Inc. IBM Imprimis Group, Inc. Ingersoll Rand JCPenney Jones Lang LaSalle JP Morgan Chase Junior League of Collin County Kimberly Clark Foundation Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch Knights of Columbus Council 11716 Kohl’s Locke Lord LLP Lockton Dunning Benefits The Louis and Peaches Owen Family Foundation M. B. & Edna Zale Foundation Mary Kay, Inc. Mattel The Meadows Foundation Medieval Times MetLife The Mike and Mary Terry Foundation NBCUniversal Foundation Nina McLemore, Inc. Norma’s Cafe Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC ORIX Foundation P. T. Kilman Trust Palmer & Cay PDS Tech, Inc. Perot Museum of Nature and Science PlainsCapital Bank Posey Family Foundation Preston Center Rotary Club PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP R. A. Reuter Living Trust RAM Foundation Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund The Rees-Jones Foundation Rent-A-Center, Inc. RICOH USA, Inc. The Rogers Foundation Ronald McDonald House Charities, Inc. Ross Avenue Baptist Church Foundation, Inc. Samsung Sanofi-Aventis US Santander Consumer USA Inc. Foundation Sewell Automotive Companies Shamrock Asset Management, LLC Shiloh Place Sprint Nextel Stocker Hoesterey Montenegro Architects Strasburger & Price, LLP T. B. Butler Foundation Texas Bank and Trust Texas Instruments Texas Instruments Foundation Texas Rangers Baseball Texas Women Ventures The Dock The Theodore and Beulah Beasley Foundation Thompson & Knight Foundation 14 Donors Continued Tom Thumb Town North Woman’s Club Trinity Industries, Inc. Trinity Mother Frances Healthcare System Trinity Presbyterian TXU Energy UPS Foundation, Inc. Venturity Financial Partners Vin and Caren Prothro Foundation Wal-Mart Corporation Weaver and Tidwell, LLP Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Wendy’s International, Inc. WGG Foundation YesterLand Farm LLC Youth Service America United Way/United Funds East/Central Texas United Way Forney Area United Way Greater Longview United Way Harrison County United Way Hopkins County United Way Liberty City United Fund Terrell-Kaufman United Way United Fund of Cherokee County United Fund of Kilgore United Way of Denton County United Way of Franklin County United Way of Grayson County United Way of Hunt County, Inc. United Way of Lamar County United Way of Metropolitan Dallas United Way of Rusk County United Way of Smith County United Way of West Ellis County GSNETX was a proud participant in the 2013 Donor Bridge campaign . 15 In-KindSupport Total Wine & More Venturity Financial ($250ormore) Partners AJ Bart BeautiControl Wordsmooth Celebration Restaurant D’Moms Eiseman Jewels FelCor Lodging Trust Fox 4/KDFW Kiehl’s Luna de Noche MAC Cosmetics Perot Museum of Nature and Science Planet Productions Sleep Experts Strasburger and Price, LLP Thirty-One Gifts 2013 Gold Awardees Jasmine Ahamad Ann Marie Anderson Caroline Stone Arbour Anase Sewuese Asom Sarah Bauer Meghan Bowen Allison Brockette Linda Buehler Malintzin Camara Sarah Chung Adrian Collins Michaela Xochitl Cortes Jennifer Cuaderes Susannah Dibble Emma Donohoe Adrienne Downey Laura Evans Mary Elizabeth Flickinger Sierra Francis Lauren Gariss Michelle Hagan Cathryn Halverson Chole Hancock Jenna Hanley Rebecca Harshman Leah Hart Julianne Hasting Callie Haworth Alexandra Hayden Maria Elena Hayes Katarina Hernandez Valerie Huynh Amanda Hydrick Kay Ideker Stephanie Jasper Stephanie N. Johnson Taylor Johnson Alanna Justman Laura Kenyon Alicia Isabel Kiattinat Darby Lee Ivy Lee Loper Katherine Lothrop Jessica Martinez Meagan Elizabeth Massey Katy Mast Haley McDaniel Mackenzie Merriam Clarsia Renee Montes Sydney Morton Erin Marie Odom Amber Omar Alycia Ovalle Briana Nicole Owens Caroline Pajda Emily Pellerin Harley Poole Colleen Pritchett Ricky Rajani Angie Reisch Rachel Rogers Ana Marie Alicia Romanach Isabella Ruekberg Kelsey Schmitt Jessica Scurlock Micah Secor Shannon Shiffer Abigail Shipman Anjana Slvakumar Elizabeth Anne Slovak Emily Sparks Tracy Stephens Callie Ann Stone Regan Irene Sullivan Annie Tadvick Carly Thompson Lauren Truitt Rachel Tucker Meena Vegesna Sarah Velten Alexandra Marion Villareal Aime Wall Britta Ward Claire Wheeler Eryn Wilson Inna Wines Kendall Wolkenstein 16 Alumnae Association The Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas Alumnae Association currently supports nearly 26,000 members. A Girl Scout Alumnae is any current or former member, current or former volunteer, or current or former staff member. To join today, please visit www.gsnetx.org/alumnae. GSNETX Service Centers and Counties Served Service Centers: JoAnn Fogg Service Center (Headquarters), Collin Area Service Center, Denton Service Center, East Texas Regional Service Center, Grayson Area Service Center, Highland Village Service Center, Paris Service Center, Southern Sector Service Center. Counties: Anderson, Camp, Cherokee, Collin, Dallas, Delta, Denton, Ellis, Fannin, Franklin, Freestone, Grayson, Gregg, Harrison, Henderson, Hopkins, Hunt, Kaufman, Lamar, Marion, Morris, Navarro, Panola, Rains, Red River, Rockwall, Rusk, Smith, Titus, Upshur, Van Zandt & Wood. 32 33,000 girls counties in Northeast Texas 4 Outdoor Centers of Excellence 17,000 adults 23,000 square miles 17 8 Service Centers Board 2012-2013 of Directors Board Officers Term: 2013-2015 Board Chair Millie Bradley Retired, ExxonMobil, General Auditor First Vice Chair/Finance Beth Bull Communities Foundation of Texas, SVP & CFO Third Vice President/Property Brenda Cubbage Crain Cubbage Healy Hedgpeth Johnson & Wilson, pllc, Shareholder Second Vice Chair/Strategic Planning Earl M. Simpkins Booz & Company, Partner Secretary Liz Schartz Thompson & Knight, Partner Term 2012-2014 Treasurer Barbara Van Riper J.P. Morgan, V. P. Board Members-at-Large Term: 2013-2015 Kit Addleman Haynes & Boone, Partner Susan Adzick McLane Foodservice, V.P., Marketing Jenny Birgé Frito-Lay, R & D, Sr. Group Mgr. Katheryn Burchett J.C. Penney Company, SVP/Merchandise & Mktg. Integration Megan D. Burkhart Comerica, EVP & Chief HRO Trisha Cunningham Texas Instruments, Chief Citizen Officer Kim Dixon FedEx Office & Print Services, EVP & COO Theresa A. Flores Mary Kay, Inc., Manager, Government Relations Heather Randall Trinity Industries, VP Legal Affairs & Govt. Relations Alison Hunsicker Mockingbird Management, Owner & President Martha Ross Overhead Door Corp., VP, Controller & Treasurer Jennifer Johnson CrossTex Energy, SVP, HR Mike Scott New State Capital Partners, Partner Mike Mattocks Dallas Mavericks, Dir. of Corporate Sponsorships Marcia Reeves Simpson EXCO Resources, Inc., VP Engineering & Officer Yousuf Omar Citi, Market President Kacy Whitehead Crain Cubbage Healy Hedgpeth Johnson & Wilson, pllc, Of Councel Tegwin Pulley STEM Equity Pipeline, NAPE, Texas Director Board Members-at-Large Term: 2012-2014 Lesly Bosch Annen Healy Partners, Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy Samuel Cheng American College of Emergency Physicians, Controller Terry Clower Univ. of North Texas, Dir., Ctr. For Economic Dev. & Research Judy D. Forinash Capital One, IT Cynthia F. Malone AT&T Services, Inc., Gen. Atty., Wholesale Regulatory Clarice Tinsley Fox 4/KDFW, Anchor/Reporter 18 Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas 6001 Summerside Drive Dallas, Texas 75252 www.gsnetx.org