Club Guide - Undergrad Inside

Wharton Undergraduate Student Clubs
and Sponsored Student Organizations
Introductory Guide
Opening Statement
Dear Wharton Students,
Welcome to another exciting year for clubs at Wharton! Thank you for
taking the time to learn about how our clubs – comprised of undergraduate
students from Wharton and Penn overall – enhance the student life experience
throughout your time at Wharton and Penn. Through full-day conferences,
weekly events, general body meetings, on-campus recruiting facilitation, and
more, our clubs and club leaders provide endless opportunities for you to
engage and explore your interests within Wharton. From marketing consulting to
stock pitching to treks to New York City, clubs serve to educate outside the
classroom while also building community and camaraderie.
This packet is a great reference to help you find which Wharton clubs and
organizations is the best fit for you. We strongly encourage you to attend
Clubbing Night, August 26th, 5 -8PM to talk with club representatives and find out
how to get involved, attend initial general body meetings and see what
communities you identify with, and overall have fun! If you don’t want to join
anything yet, no problem - wait until Spring or join in another semester.
We hope that you will find this packet of information useful as you begin
to explore how you will engage the Wharton club community. The Wharton
Council oversee this body of clubs and we hope to serve as your resource as
you find your place at Wharton. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us or the
Wharton Undergraduate Division with any questions or concerns!
See you at Clubbing Night!
The Wharton Council –
About Wharton Council
The Wharton Council’s mission is to foster a more complete co-curricular
experience for the entire Wharton undergraduate community. Our mission has
two parts: clubs and traditions. The Wharton Council supports our clubs through
funding, recognition and events such as the Wharton Undergraduate
Leadership Forum and End of Year Club Awards Night. We also foster
community through our school-wide social events called Traditions such as the
Business of Life Lecture, Hostile Takeover: Wharton’s Game of Assassins and the
monthly Wonderful Wednesdays at Wharton.
The Wharton Council recruits six members from the freshman class at the
start of each spring semester. We will host an information session in December
and another in January. We have an application, two meet-and-greets and two
rounds of interviews.
For more information, please visit our website at!
Table of Contents
Wharton Council Recognized Clubs
1. Black Wharton Undergraduate Association (BWUA) ........................................................................................... 5
2. Management and Technology Club (M&T) .......................................................................................................... 6
3. MUSE.................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Penn Actuarial Society (PAS) ................................................................................................................................ 8
5. Penn Fashion Collective ....................................................................................................................................... 9
6. Penn International Impact Consulting (PIIC) ........................................................................................................ 10
7. Penn Microfinance ............................................................................................................................................... 11
8. Penn Social Entrepreneurial Movement (PennSEM) ........................................................................................... 12
9. Penn Undergraduate Biotech Society (PUBS) ...................................................................................................... 13
10. Social Impact Consulting (SIC) .............................................................................................................................. 14
11. Undergraduate Media and Entertainment Club (UME) ....................................................................................... 15
12. Undergraduate Sports Business Club (USBC) ....................................................................................................... 16
13. Undergraduate Statistics Society (USS) ................................................................................................................ 17
14. Wharton Alliance ................................................................................................................................................ 18
15. Wharton Asia Exchange (WAX) ............................................................................................................................ 19
16. Wharton Business and Law Association (WBLA) .................................................................................................. 20
17. Wharton China Association (WCA) ...................................................................................................................... 21
18. Wharton China Business Society (WCBS) ............................................................................................................. 22
19. Wharton Europe .................................................................................................................................................. 23
20. Wharton Hedge Fund Club (WHFC) ..................................................................................................................... 24
21. Wharton International Business Review (IBR) ..................................................................................................... 25
22. Wharton Investment and Trading Group (WITG)................................................................................................. 26
23. Wharton Latino Undergraduate Association ....................................................................................................... 27
24. Wharton Management Club (WMC) .................................................................................................................... 28
25. Wharton Middle East and North Africa Club (MENA) .......................................................................................... 29
26. Wharton Private Equity Venture Capital (PEVC) .................................................................................................. 30
27. Wharton Retail Club (WRC) .................................................................................................................................. 31
28. Wharton Supply Chain Organization (WSCO) ...................................................................................................... 32
29. Wharton Undergraduate Consulting Club (WUCC) .............................................................................................. 33
30. Wharton Undergraduate Energy Group (WUEG) ................................................................................................. 34
31. Wharton Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Club (WUEC) .................................................................................. 35
32. Wharton Undergraduate Finance Club (WUFC) ................................................................................................... 36
33. Wharton Undergraduate Giving Society (WUGS) ................................................................................................ 37
34. Wharton Undergraduate Healthcare Club (WUHC) ............................................................................................. 38
35. Wharton Undergraduate Hospitality and Travel (WUHT) .................................................................................... 39
36. Wharton Undergraduate Real Estate Club (WUREC) ........................................................................................... 40
37. Wharton Women ................................................................................................................................................. 41
Business Fraternities
38. Alpha Kappa Psi (AKPsi)........................................................................................................................................ 42
39. Delta Sigma Pi (DSP) ............................................................................................................................................. 43
40. Phi Gamma Nu (PGN) ........................................................................................................................................... 44
Sponsored Student Organizations
41. Cohorts................................................................................................................................................................. 45
42. Social Impact Advisory Board (SIAB) .................................................................................................................... 46
43. Wharton Alumni Relations Council (WARC) ......................................................................................................... 47
44. Wharton Ambassadors (WHAMB) ....................................................................................................................... 48
45. Wharton Dean’s Undergraduate Advisory Board (WAB) ..................................................................................... 49
Wharton Council Traditions ........................................................................................................................................ 50
Our mission is to maintain and increase the academic success of African-American
students on the undergraduate level; to increase communication between the student
body and the University administration; to establish and maintain relationships between
students and the external corporate community; and to represent the AfricanAmerican interest in business or business-related issues for undergraduates at the
University of Pennsylvania.
BWUA goal is to enhance the college experience of our 250 members by providing
them with the opportunities to become well-rounded individuals through community
service, mentorship, academic development, social events, and professional
development activities alongside our 29 corporate sponsors. The organization has 15
board members (5 Executive & 10 Appointed)
Howard E. Mitchell Memorial Conference (HEMM): 2-day Conference consisting of an
Alumni Reception, Career Fair with ~20 companies, Professional Panel Discussion and
Keynote Luncheon. Students gain great exposure to a variety of corporations in the
Financial Services, Consulting, Technology and Retail industries.
Galvanizing Adolescents Toward a Legacy of Achievement (GALA): Black Tie GALA
that honors a local non-profit organization that BWUA plans to partner with for the
upcoming year. During the GALA there is a keynote speaker and student group
Freshman Luncheon: Luncheon held to introduce incoming freshmen to the club and
what we can offer to them during their time at Penn. Event includes a keynote speaker
and catered meal.
How to Join
You can get involved with our organization by visiting our website at or emailing us at
For more information or questions regarding BWUA, contact Simon Tesfalul, President:
Management &
Technology Club
We host social, professional, and corporate events throughout the year for all M&Ts to
enjoy. These events range from study breaks to lunches with alumni to course planning
workshops. We also design M&T apparel so that M&Ts can show their spirit on campus.
Our club board is divided into three committees: corporate, social, and professional.
Each committee is composed of a single vice president and several board members.
We also have a president and executive vice president who are responsible for
finances and external affairs as well as for the oversight of each committee. The
general body is composed of the M&T students, approximately 200 in total.
SIG Poker Tournament: Sponsored by the Susquehanna International Group, members
of the corporate committee work alongside SIG employees to organize and execute a
poker tournament open to all Penn Students.
Brown Bag Lunches: Lunch meetings where students get the opportunity to have
intimate discussions with some of the most influential members in the technology and
M&T Thanksgiving Dinner: The entire M&T community gathers for an evening of food
and fellowship. Students enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal along with several
holiday-themed activities.
How to Join
Applications will be sent via email to all new M&T students within the first few weeks of
school. We will be recruiting board members for all three committees: corporate, social,
and professional. For general body membership, please inquire with the club leaders at
Clubbing Night.
For more information or questions regarding M&T Club, contact Adam Stravitz:
We aim to promote the academic study and professional practice of marketing among
University of Pennsylvania students by providing a forum for students, field experts and
community leaders to share their knowledge and creativity. In short, we’re the go to
club for all things marketing.
MUSE currently consists of three glorious parts: the executive board, committee
members, and general body members. Each committee is led by a Board member. All
the cool stuff we do is at the committee level (that's you!), which means individual
committee members are given responsibility, ownership, and autonomy.
Consulting Branch: Every semester, MUSE partners with 5-8 businesses to provide
professional consulting services. Projects range from strategic planning to tactical
implementation. No prior experience or specific major necessary - we just hope that
you're awesome.
Marketing, Advertising, and Retailing Conference: This annual recruiting conference
connects corporate recruiters to undergraduate students so people get hired. It warms
our hearts. (
MUSE E-Marketing Engagement Week (MEME): This is a weeklong conference that aims
to educate students on many relevant fields within digital marketing through snazzy
workshops and fascinating speakers. We'll see you there! (
How to Join
For more information or questions regarding MUSE, contact Adina Luo, President:
Penn Actuarial Society aims to be a resource for the actuarial community at the
University of Pennsylvania and to raise awareness about and foster interest in actuarial
We have a relatively small and flat board which is consisted of President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, and Marketing Chair. We are looking into
forming temporary committees for certain events throughout the year to get more
members involved.
Actuary101: Why is actuary the best job ranked by WSJ? This event introduces what
actuaries do in the real world and advices how students can better prepare themselves
for this career at Penn.
Passing Dinner: PAS hosts a free dinner twice a year for members who have passed their
actuarial exams. In the past, we have taken students out to restaurants in Center City,
such as Buddakan and The Continental.
Company Info Sessions: Companies in different industries that offer actuarial positions
come and network with PAS members. It is a great event to learn about internship
opportunities offered.
How to Join
Applications for special event committee members will be due mid September. For
general body membership, please inquire with the club leaders at Clubbing Night.
For more information or questions regarding PAS, contact Jade Lee, President:
Founded in 2003 and formerly known as Dzine2Show, the Penn Fashion Collective serves
as a campus hub for all things related to the fashion industry. As of now, The Collective
is comprised of The WALK Magazine, the first and only campus fashion magazine of its
caliber, and is the engine behind twice-yearly fashion shows, as well as plays a large
role in the planning and execution of Penn Fashion Week. We welcome anybody with
an interest in fashion, luxury, and retail to join us!
Our club is in transition, as we are working towards become an umbrella organization in
order to reflect our status as a hub for all fashion interests. We have a six-member
Executive Board that oversees a larger Deputy Board and general body.
Fall/Spring Fashion Show: Each semester, Dzine2Show puts on a fashion show, featuring
student made apparel and clothing from local boutiques
Penn Fashion Week: Every Spring, The Collective partners with Wharton Retail Club and
Delta Sigma Pi to put on Penn Fashion Week - a week filled with speaker events,
giveaways, and culminating with our Spring Fashion Show
Internship Panel: Club members with experience interning in the Fashion industry sit on a
moderated panel and answer questions both members and non-members may have
about getting their dream internship and fulfilling their potential.
How to Join
For more information or questions regarding the Penn Fashion Collective, contact:
Penn Fashion Collective President: Maha Subramaniam []
The WALK Editor-in-Chief: Laura Petro []
Our mission is to make use of our acquired business skills to identify and solve
operational problems of international NGOs in developing countries, move them
towards sustainability, and thereby enhance their long-term social impact.
PIIC offers two opportunities for involvement:
General Body Member: You are trained and then consult off-site (from campus) for
NGOs around the world and join one of our 3 committees. Project Development
corresponds with NGOs to plan our on-site (travel abroad) and off-site (from campus)
consulting projects and their respective trainings. Impact Assessment takes data from
our past consulting projects, manages our knowledge bank, and makes
recommendations to modify our consulting practices. Marketing & Events handles
campus communications and alumni relations as well as coming up with innovative
ways to illustrate our global social impact. As a General Body Member, you are
guaranteed a spot to be an On-Site Summer Consultant if you choose to participate.
On-Site Summer Consultant: You are trained and then participate in international
summer consulting projects. Student teams of 4-6 people spend three weeks at the
beginning of the summer working with an NGO in their host country completing a
consulting project. Consulting NGO locations and project scope areas for Summer 2016
will be released in January.
How to Join
We recruit from all schools, years, and majors. Recruiting is in September for General
Body Members and in January for On-Site Summer Consultants. Like us on Facebook,
visit, and come see us at the various activity fairs around campus to learn
For more information or questions regarding PIIC, contact Ira Ko, President:
Penn Microfinance seeks to educate and empower students through partnerships with
microfinance institutions, hands-on experiences, independent research and networking
opportunities. Penn MFC strives to be an effective social impact group by establishing
partnerships with microfinance institutions around the world to work on hands-on
consulting projects during the year, followed by service trips over the summer. We are
also the host of the first and largest undergraduate microfinance conference in the US.
We have an 8-person board. Committees within the club are comprised of the specific
project teams (Brazil, Rwanda, Indonesia, Philippines, Think Tank, and Conference).
Penn Microfinance has approximately 120 active members, and 1,300 who are
subscribed to our listserv.
Penn Microfinance Conference: The conference is our largest event and we have held
a conference every year since 2007. As part of the conference we bring in speakers to
lead a discussion about various topics concerning microfinance, including one keynote
Microfinance Debate Competition: We introduce a debate topic to students a week
before the event and they must create arguments for both sides of the debate. The
goal of this event is to improve awareness about difficult microfinance.
Kiva Lending Event: We host a workshop to teach how to make small loans through the
Kiva website.
How to Join
Applications are released after our first GBM in January. We will be recruiting students
for the positions on the project teams (Brazil, Rwanda, Philippines), for the Think Tank
(our research group), and for the Conference team, depending on their availability
(more info to come). For general body membership, please inquire at Clubbing Night.
For more information or questions regarding Penn Microfinance, contact Jader Morais:
Penn Social Entrepreneurship Movement (PennSEM) has an ambitious mission to make
Penn a leading educator in social enterprise by providing academic resources and
real-world experiences for students to explore the field of social entrepreneurship. From
teaching students more about social entrepreneurship through weekly discussions to
immersion trips, to helping students research a field of their interest and start their own
social impact initiatives, PennSEM endeavors to foster a tightly-knit community of future
social entrepreneurs.
PennSEM's Executive Board is comprised of 2 Co-Presidents and Committee Chairs for
the organization’s four committees: Think Tank, Events & Trips, Consulting, and Compass
Fellows. Members of each committee vary in size, with 40 active members total.
Annual Social Impact Talks: A dynamic 50-minute exchange session of ideas,
information and insight from three to five Penn professors. The event allows students the
chance to learn about the groundbreaking theories and concepts that are shaping the
future of social impact. The Talk features renowned professors bringing an eye-opening
perspective on impact in multiple facets.
Joel and Lois Coleman Social Impact Lecture Series: A speaker event created to inform
and inspire in the realm of social impact and social entrepreneurship. Funded by the
Wharton Ethics program, the event features a distinguished leader in social enterprise to
present his/her experiences in social entrepreneurship, followed by a closed dinner.
Fall/Spring Break Trips: Organized for select attendees to visit and meet founding
members of social enterprises to explore the landscape of social entrepreneurship in
select locations. Past locations have included San Francisco, India, and DC.
How to Join
Recruitment varies, depending on the number of active members in a given semester.
For more information or questions regarding PennSEM, contact Sherry Huang and
Lauren McCann, Co-Presidents: or
Penn Undergraduate Biotech Society (PUBS) is a student-run, professional organization
dedicated to connecting students who share an avid interest in biotechnology and
There are three committees, each focusing on various aspects of biotechnology. The
three committees are: Science and Entrepreneurship (led by Milan Savani), Finance
and Venture Capital (led by Raghav Bhargava), and Consulting (led by Kartik
Speaker events: learn and participate in interactive discussions with leaders in the
Biotech Industry. Interact with speakers varying from scientists in a research lab to
venture capitalists looking to invest in novel treatments.
Committee presentations: research and present alongside your committee members
on specific aspects of the biotech industry (e.g. an emerging drug, the reasons behind
the recall of a drug treatment, the financial life of a drug...)
Pro bono work with a startup biotech in Philadelphia: get first hand exposure to the life
sciences and biotech industry.
How to Join
We anticipate applications to be available for submission within the first 3 weeks of the
semester after PUBS has had the opportunity to host an initial introductory general body
meeting. They will be due shortly afterwards, most likely within 2 weeks. As the club has
been newly restructured, we will be initially recruiting primarily for committee positions.
For general body membership, please inquire at Clubbing Night.
For more information or questions regarding Penn Undergraduate Biotech Society,
contact Adrien Gaussen, President:
SIC provides pro bono consulting services to social sector organizations with the aim of
increasing their impact on the community. Even as we partner with socially responsible,
non-profit clients and empower them to best achieve their goals, we focus on the
personal and professional growth of our consultants. SIC provides undergraduate
students with an invaluable opportunity to apply the frameworks and theories learnt in
the classroom to solve real world problems. We believe that it is our responsibility to
have a positive impact on the community we live in. Through our two-fold focus on our
clients and consultants, we aim to generate the greatest amount of social impact.
The club benefits from a very flat structure. The president and 5-6 project leaders sit on
the executive board. Each project leader leads a team of 4-5 student consultants in
working with a particular client over the course of the semester. Some of our past clients
have included the Make A Wish foundation, Urban Affairs Coalition, The Free Library of
Philadelphia, and Philabundance among others.
Semester projects: Each team works closely with client organizations to address
strategic, operational, or financial challenges by applying the talents, skills, and insights
developed in the classroom and taught during training sessions.
Training sessions: Regular training sessions are hosted by consulting firms (McKinsey, Bain,
BCG) and senior SIC members every semester to foster the development of key
consulting skills.
Recruitment events: Every semester we host exclusive meet-and-greets hosted by
professionals from top consulting firms for club members.
How to Join
Applications will be made available early in the semester. We will host 2 info sessions
and are recruiting student consultants. For more information or questions regarding SIC,
contact Saanya Ojha, President:
UME seeks to foster a community among undergraduates interested in pursuing careers
in media and entertainment. We have professional gatherings to give students access
to the vast network of Penn alumni in the entertainment industry, and we host a number
of fun and interactive community building events for students. Wherever your interests
may lie within the entertainment industry, UME is your red carpet into all things Media
and Entertainment at Penn!
UME has 150 general body members. UME is directed by a student member board
headed by the President and Vice President. General members who show active
involvement have a good chance of becoming board members.
Media and Entertainment Week: UME hosts 3-5 events such as guest speakers, gaming
tournaments, networking lunches, and internship panels. Previous speakers include the
Chairman of Walt Disney, the Director of the TriBeCa Film Festival, and the Executive
Producer of the Hunger Games.
New York City Spring Career Trip: Our annual industry/alumni career trek. This spring, we
visited Fox News and Warner Brothers Music Group.
Penn Student Film Festival: Showcases student films from East Coast schools as well as a
selection of highly regarded films from festivals like Sundance and Tribeca.
How to Join
Applications are already available and will be due on January 18th. We will be
recruiting for the following positions: Communications Chair, Marketing Chair, Member
Events Co-Chair, Conferences Co-Chair, Professional Development Chair. We
encourage anyone with an interest to apply! For general body membership, please
enquire at Clubbing Night.
For more information or questions regarding UME, contact Gabrielle Abramowitz,
The Undergraduate Sports Business Club is dedicated to the dual purpose of informing
undergraduate students about the sports industry and connecting them with jobs and
internships in the field. It was founded in March 2005 after the creation of the Wharton
Sports Business Initiative, a partnership among top level business leaders, Wharton
faculty and students that generates and disseminates knowledge about the sports
industry through educational programs, and strategic corporate partnerships.
12 Executive Board Members including the President and Executive Vice President. 3-5
Extended Board Members "Directors" ~100 active club members
NYC Career Trek: This is an event that will give USBC members the opportunity to visit
prominent firms and organizations in the sports industry on a more intimate level.
USBC Career Fair: This event is for Penn students who are looking for summer internships
or full-time opportunities with leagues, teams, agencies, media groups, players
associations, and more.
Football Analytics featuring Alec Halaby: Alec is the Special Assistant to the GM of the
Philadelphia Eagles. Data analysis helps make informed strategic decisions within the
sports world.Alec provides an interesting insight in how his analytical approach to
scouting and evaluating player production helps provide a more empirical approach
to making personnel decisions. Data analysis helps make informed strategic decisions
within the sports world.
How to Join
Applications are due in December for various board positions and in January for
director positions. For general body membership, please inquire with the club leaders at
Clubbing Night.
For more information or questions regarding USCB, contact Andrea Pascual, President:
Undergraduate Statistics Society
Through its three-fold mission of community, academics and career-planning, the USS is
a network for students to interact with not only one another, but also PhD students,
professors and professionals. Our society holds events aimed at developing a
community of undergraduates interested in statistics, with emphasis relating to higher
education and career opportunities, as well as the furthering of its members’ interest
and knowledge of statistics.
The USS is structured in three tiers. (1) Executive board: President and role specific VPs
(2) Committee members: most executive board members hold a standing committee,
in which committee members take ownership of a project or event. New members are
welcome to become involved in committees! (3) General body members- by attending
one of our events you automatically become a member!
Poker with Professors: The USS holds an annual poker night were you get to play with
some our best faculty members.
Baseball and Statistics: Baseball is a game of numbers and statistics can help use them
to predict performance. The USS holds a baseball and statistics talk prior to attending a
Phillies game together.
Faculty Speaker Events: Statistics is one of the most cross applicable disciplines in
academia. We structure our speaker series such that students can understand the math
and statistics that goes behind many applications.
How to Join
Applications will be made available during New Student Orientation, although the due
date has not yet been determined. We will be recruiting for our Vice President of
Membership and a number of different committee positions.
For more information or questions regarding USS, contact Michael Sklar, Executive Vice
The Wharton Alliance is the Ivy League's oldest pre-professional LGBT organization. The
club's three main initiatives for its general body are 1) professional development, 2)
corporate networking, and 3) community building.
The club consists of an executive board, a general board, and a general body.
Applications to join the general board are in the fall, and the general board elects the
executive board before winter break.
Diversity Case Competition: With $5,000 in cash prizes and the opportunity to network
with the Wharton Alliance's sponsors, about 150 students applied to compete in this
collaboration between Wharton Alliance, Wharton Women, and the Wharton
Undergraduate Finance Club. This was one of the largest club-run events at Wharton
during the 2014-2015 academic year.
Goldman Sachs Networking Reception: Goldman Sachs, one of our perennial sponsors,
sent representatives to Philadelphia to meet members of the Wharton Alliance at
Distrito - a local contemporary Mexican restaurant.
How to Join
The best way to learn about our events is to join our listserv
( and to fill out our membership survey,
which will be released in the fall. We also recommend connecting with us on Facebook
(The Wharton Alliance).
For more information or questions regarding The Wharton Alliance, contact David
Wharton Asia Exchange is a professional organization charged with bridging the gap
Wharton Asia Exchange
between the university community and the business world of Asia. WAX provides a
unique platform for cultural and corporate exchange with the dynamic, rapidlyevolving business environments of Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan,
China, Thailand, and others. Ultimately, we aim to expose high-potential, like-minded
students to global opportunities for their personal and professional development.
All general body members must be part of one of WAX's seven committees. The
committees are divided into External (Corporate, Professional, and Spring Trip), Internal
(HR and Finance), and Communications (Journal and Marketing). Membership is
roughly 65 people.
Spring Trip: An annual spring break trip, planned and guided by students, to an Asian
city. This Spring Break, we'll be jetting to Taipei, Taiwan. Participants tour cultural sites
and corporate headquarters. Previous destinations include Seoul, Tokyo, Singapore,
and Hong Kong.
Spotlight Asia Week: Each fall, WAX turns the spotlight on Asia with speaker panels,
industry overviews, an introduction to recruiting for jobs in Asia, and a hands-on trading
General Body Meetings: Biweekly workshops and mixers exclusive to WAX members.
Speakers include professors, industry experts, and members of our extensive alumni
How to Join
For more information or questions regarding WAX, contact BerBer Xue, President:
Wharton Business Law Association
WBLA aims to stimulate an interest in business and law, more specifically the intersection
thereof, within the Penn community in order to promote the understanding of important
legal and corporate issues of today. The Association strives to advance the prestige of
Penn in the realms of business and law, specifically through networking with industryleading entrepreneurs, executives, lawyers, and academics.
The Association consists of the following structure: Executive Board, Events Committee,
Finance Committee, Marketing Committee, Conference Committee, and General
Wharton Business Law Conference: Now in its 4th year, the Conference is the first
undergraduate business law conference of its kind in the nation. Top business
executives, lawyers, academics, and government officials are invited to attend from
New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.
JD/MBA Panel: WBLA annually hosts the JD/MBA panel featuring Admissions directors
and current students pursuing the JD/MBA track.
Recruiters & Law Schools Information Sessions: WBLA hosts a variety of Information
Sessions for recruiters (ie. banks & consultancies) as well as for law schools admissions.
Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship: WBLA hosts lawyers and entrepreneurs from the
Penn and Philadelphia community to discuss the legal aspects of startups and
How to Join
WBLA will be recruiting for members in each of its Committees through mid-September.
For more information or questions regarding WBLA, contact Shashank Sirivolu or Joyve
Chao, Co-Presidents:
Our goals are to establish connections between Penn students and leading Chinese
and American financial institutions by serving as a platform for their interaction, to
develop a network of top business leaders and students from China and the United
States by initiating partnerships between business and educational institutions, and to
encourage the exchange of knowledge on China-related business issues by promoting
opportunities at the University of Pennsylvania
We have 5 committees in total. Each committee has a VP and director. Our general
body consists of 25 people and we have a total membership of 50 people.
Welcome Dinner: This annual event with food and board games is a great opportunity
to catch up with friends before the new year.
China Week: During this week, WCA hosts different Chinese culture workshop and
panels. The week will culminate in China Night, which will showcase the many talents of
Penn's Chinese student body.
How to Join
For more information or questions regarding Wharton China Association, contact
Caelyn Nuo Xu:
Wharton China Business Society is a professional organization that educates students
about business in the Greater China region and provides exclusive opportunities to
those interested in Asia-related careers. Our mission is to not only to provide
opportunities, but also the knowledge necessary to succeed in working in Asia.
WCBS consists of a twelve-member board with five program committees and four
support committees. WCBS expects 50 members across its committees.
Wharton China Business Forum: Forum features speakers who share insights on China’s
business world. Previous keynotes include private investor, Jim Rogers, Carlyle cofounder, David Rubenstein, and investor/author/professor Jeffrey Towson.
Breaking Into Asia: Breaking Into Asia is a week-long event featuring info sessions,
resume workshops, and panels held by firm executives, Career Services, and successful
students that prepares students to work in Asia.
Wharton China Spring Tour: Spring Tour is a ten-day tour of a major Chinese city (Beijing,
Shanghai, Hong Kong). Attendees can network with executives as they visit offices of
elite firms and enjoy the local culture.
How to Join
WCBS committee applications will be available after our first GBM on Wednesday, Sept.
2nd. Applications will be due per Wharton Council Guidelines on Sept. 18th followed by
a series of interviews. Please check our website for updates.
For more information or questions regarding WCBS, contact John Mo, President:
As Penn’s undergraduate professional organization dedicated to Europe, we have
three goals: 1) To expand Penn’s business network in Europe: we want to make it as
easy to meet and work with alumni in London or Istanbul as it is in New York. 2) To help
Penn students from Europe work at the best firms in the US. 3) To connect Penn students
with Europe's employers and universities.
Wharton Europe is a project-based organization. Apply to the Board as a whole rather
than be restricted to a committee with a narrow scope. This lets you drive the projects
you truly care about, from guest lectures to trips and more. Vice-Presidents are there to
guide you where necessary, but leave you free reign to lead as part of the Board and
create value for our over 350 members.
Europe Week: our annual event series engages over half our members with offerings
ranging from workshops with MBAs and undergraduates at top firms to cultural social
Spring Break Trip (2014: Berlin and Prague): we travel to Europe every year with a small
group of students to experience its most dynamic and historically rich cities.
Transatlantic Ambitions: we partnered with the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in this
panel featuring leading professionals who shared advice about how to both be
successful and travel the world.
How to Join
General membership is open to anyone interested in one or more of the three parts of
our mission. Just sign up to our email list at and get to
know us at our events. If you want to get more involved, we will be recruiting for Board
positions this semester. Opportunities to learn more will be announced by email.
For more information or questions regarding Wharton Europe, Thomas Mustier, CoPresident:
The Wharton Hedge Fund Club is an undergraduate, student run organization aimed at
students interested in expanding their experience and knowledge of the hedge fund
industry. WHFC seeks to educate its members on various aspects of the industry,
connect them with industry leaders, and assist them in finding professional opportunities.
Through events such as speaker series, investor conferences, and site visits, WHFC
introduces the community to hedge funds and the people who run them.
There is one President, two Executive VPs, one Treasurer, 4 VPs (one for every
committee), and a varying number of committee members. There are 4 committees
within WHFC: Outreach, Events, Operations, and Technology. There are over 100
general body members. Certain events will only be open to board members so
application to join the board is highly encouraged.
Tiger Management & Arrowgrass Capital Partners Site Visit: Students were able to travel
to NYC and visit the offices of legendary hedge fund Tiger Management and
Arrowgrass. Students spoke to principals and discussed investing ideas over lunch.
GoldenTree Asset Management Investor Meeting: Students attended the investor
conference of a major credit hedge fund. Students heard from many partners and
principals about different credit strategies.
Karen Finerman: Students attended a talk given by a hedge fund manager and CNBC.
She shared her story and advice for people entering finance.
How to Join
Applications will be made available by the end of September and will be due a week
after they are published. We will be recruiting for new board members. We will take
candidates for committees including outreach and events. For general body
membership, please inquire at Clubbing Night or email
For more information or questions regarding WHFC, contact Charlie Serota, President:
Wharton International
Business Review
The Wharton International Business Review is the premier undergraduate publication
from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. IBR features internationally
relevant articles written by University of Pennsylvania undergraduates and interviews
with international business executives. With every issue, we aim to bring a global vision
to the business world. We publish our print edition once each semester and release
online content year round at We have been widely recognized
within the Penn publishing and Wharton communities. IBR was the 2015 Penn
Publications Cooperative winner of Best Magazine, Best Interview, and Best Feature
Article. IBR also won the 2015 WeCAN award for Best Small Club at Wharton.
IBR consists of a general board and several teams divided by function. Our main teams
are as follows: 1) print writing, 2) online writing, 3) design, 4) business, and 5) event
marketing & social media. Since we are a work product, we do not have a true
"general body," unlike many other clubs.
Escaping Corporate America Lecture by Kunal Mehta: IBR teamed up with three other
Wharton clubs to bring Disruptors author Kunal Mehta to campus. A fellow business
writer, Kunal shared anecdotes and insights about transitioning from investment
banking to startups.
Autumn / Winter 2014 Launch Event: IBR and friends enjoyed snacks at University City's
William Street Common to celebrate the distribution of our A/W '14 issue. The event was
free to all and provided a forum to discuss the content of the issue.
Tap House Year-End Social: In celebration of IBR's 2015 PubCo and WeCAN wins, IBR
and friends took over the patio of Tap House on the last day of classes.
How to Join
Getting involved with IBR is simple. Interested individuals can message IBR on Facebook
(Wharton International Business Review), join us at Wharton Clubbing Night, or find us at
the SAC Activities Fair. In case of conflicts, please also feel free to email David at:
WITG’s mission is to familiarize students with investing through a hands on educational
experience. Our unique Development Team helps to teach basic concepts and
investment philosophies to incoming freshmen. The team provides new members with
foundational concepts that will allow them to excel in our club and beyond. It is
supplemented by our Investment Team structure for advanced members. Overall, we
believe our club’s structure allows us to provide the best investing education at Penn.
WITG has around 500 general members that are engaged with the club at some level.
Our committees, referred to as Investment Teams, present research at a number of
Sunday meetings throughout the semester. We also have the Development Team for
new members.
Howard Marks Lecture: The Howard Marks lecture was one of the hallmark events for
WITG. It was the flagstone lecture of the Howard Marks lecture series, which brought in
a variety of Wall Street veterans.
Dodge and Cox Case Competition: The D&C Case Competition was an investing
competition that helped our members to take their ideas and receive real, honest
feedback from a panel of experienced judges.
Moore Capital: WITG hosted Richard Axilrod, the Managing Director of Moore Capital.
This event was an exciting opportunity to meet an experience Wall Street veteran and
hear his insights.
How to Join
We will be recruiting for the Development Team, Investing Teams and Junior Board.
For more information or questions regarding WITG, contact Michelle Liao, President:
Wharton Latino is an undergraduate organization established with the purpose of
promoting and bringing together the Latino community and those interested in Latin
America within the University of Pennsylvania. Through corporate, educational, social,
and community service events, Wharton Latino seeks to provide a professional
experience to its members, host educational speakers, and integrate the club’s
members through social and community service events.
Executive Board: President, Vice President of Marketing, Vice President of Internal
Affairs, Secretary, Treasurer, Community Service Chair, External Affairs Chair, Corporate
Liaisons, Social Chair.
Committees: Community Service, Corporate, and Marketing Committees.
Active General Body Membership: around 70+ students.
Career Conference: Every fall, Wharton Latino's corporate sponsors are invited to the
Career Conference, an event open to all university students, giving them a great
opportunity to meet recruiters, develop networking skills, and learn about the great
opportunities our sponsors offer.
Valentine's Day Rose Sale: A charity rose sale the week of Valentine's in which all the
proceeds are donated to a charity in Latin America.
Freshmen Dinner: Every year, as a welcoming gesture and first social event, the new
freshmen members are invited to dinner at a nice restaurant in Philadelphia.
How to Join
Students are invited to join any GBM at anytime during the semester.
For more information or questions regarding Wharton Latino, contact Sebastian NegronReichard, President:
Wharton Management Club
The Wharton Management Club (WMC) is a student-run organization that seeks to
expose the undergraduate community to opportunities within the field of
management, both inside the classroom and beyond. To do so, our club hosts speakers,
professional networking sessions, professor luncheons, and experiential learning events.
Since management is not confined to a particular industry or field, our club aims to
touch upon a broad sphere of interests through a diverse set of events.
Our club consists of an eight-member board, three committees, and a general body.
The committees plan and execute events and publish a newsletter. All committees
participated in our Applied Management Program (AMP), which seeks to expose
members to real-life management situations through case study analysis.
Danny Meyer Speaker Event: WMC collaborated with the Wharton Retail and Wharton
Travel & Hospitality Clubs to host Danny Meyer, the founder of Shake Shack and CEO of
Union Square Hospitality.
Howard Marks Speaker Event: WMC collaborated with the Wharton Investing Trading
Group and the Wharton Dean’s office to host Howard Marks, the founder of Oaktree
Capital, a leading value-oriented asset management firm.
The Man Behind the World’s Most Important Structures: WMC hosted Eugene Kohn, a
world-renowned architect who, apart from designing Huntsman Hall, designed the
MoMA, the Pinnacle, and Hudson Yards.
How to Join
We will be recruiting for committee positions at the beginning of the next school year.
Details regarding the recruiting process will be available on our website
( over the summer.
For more information or questions regarding WMC, contact Brendan Stone or Jenna Lin: or
The vision of Wharton Middle East and North Africa Club consists of our four pillars. The
first is to bridge the gap between Middle Eastern businesses and University of
Pennsylvania students. Secondly, the club explores how business policy affects the
political climate of the region. Thirdly, the club looks to support philanthropic events
and programs, which bring attention to key issues in the region. Lastly, Wharton MENA
structures a yearly mentorship program with MBA students.
The board consists of a President, Foreign Travel Chair, Corporate Sponsorship CoChairs, MENA Conference Chair, External Outreach Chair, MBA Relations Chair,
Marketing Coordinator and Treasurer. There are over 100 members.
Wharton MENA & Wharton Europe Conference: Linking business and political issues in
both regions by hosting renowned guess speakers through a one-day conference.
Wharton MENA Mentorship Mixer: Tap house mixer with the Wharton MENA MBAs.
Wharton MENA End of Year Party: Bringing together all interested in the MENA region for
a night to celebrate the unique culture
How to Join
Applications will be due in September. There will be committee membership available
in the fall and board membership in the spring. For general body membership, please
inquire with the club leaders at Clubbing Night.
For more information or questions regarding Wharton MENA, contact Hanna Seminario
or Zahed Saifi, Co-Presidents: or
Wharton Private Equity Venture Capital serves to help the Penn undergraduate
community learn about and gain access to both Private Equity and Venture Capital
opportunities. With events to engage with PEVC professionals, access recruiting
opportunities, and learn about these industries, Wharton PEVC serves as a gateway for
students interested in the industry.
There are two co-presidents, as well as an executive committee consisting of Vice
Presidents along functions such as Events, Industry Research and Marketing. These Vice
Presidents then have underlying committees with flexible size, from three to ten people.
The general body membership is roughly 1000 members.
Dorm Room Fund Collaboration: Wharton PEVC partnered with Dorm Room Fund to
introduce students to VC opportunities on campus, as well as analyze the VC thought
Venrock Presentation: Wharton PEVC hosted David Pakman in association with other
Penn organizations, giving students exposure to a senior VC executive.
Fred Wilson Dinner Event: Wharton PEVC partnered to host Fred Wilson, a VC from Union
Square Ventures, for a large speaker event and then a more intimate dinner setting
where students could talk about various topics, including their own startup idea.
How to Join
Applications will be open several weeks after the start of the semester, and they will be
due one to two weeks after the release of applications. We will be recruiting for board,
committee, and general body members.
For more information or questions regarding Wharton PEVC, contact Karan Parekh:
Wharton Retail Club’s mission is to facilitate the personal and career development of
students interested in retail by building a network of exceptional undergraduates,
faculty, and retail professionals.
There are two co-presidents, as well as an executive committee consisting of Vice
President of Finance and Corporate Sponsorship, Vice President of Marketing, Vice
President of Operations, and Vice President of External Communications. Vice
Presidents have committees of their own, ranging in size from 1 to 3 people. The general
body membership is roughly 1000 members.
Penn Fashion Week: A week-long celebration of the business of fashion, featuring
professional panels, runway show and keynote speakers, including Vera Wang, John
Idol and Tory Burch, among many other notable names.
The MARC or Marketing, Advertising and Retail Conference: An annual event including
a case competition, keynote presentation, networking lunch, and career fair with
recruiters from leading companies in all three industries.
Career Treks: These treks offer opportunities for members to visit offices throughout the
year. Past treks include URBN, Alice + Olivia and Ralph Lauren, among other retailers.
How to Join
Deputy VP Board elections will be made available at our first GBM in September, and
will be due one week later. Available positions will include DVP of Marketing, DVP of
Events, DVP of Photography, DVP of Finance, DVP of External Communications, PFW
Chair and MARC Chair. Executive Board elections will take place in December,
including President, VP of Finance, VP of Marketing, VP of Operations and VP of External
Communications. For general body membership, please inquire with the club leaders at
Clubbing Night.
For more information or questions regarding the Wharton Retail Club, contact Alina
Wong and Roopa Shankar, Co-Presidents: or
Supply Chain
We work to expose students to the systems, innovation, and impact creation imparted
by pioneering industrial companies in their supply chains. By bringing executives to
campus, or taking "career treks" to businesses themselves, we connect students with
employees and executives of various industrial companies, inspiring them to consider
careers in the supply chain verticals of those firms.
Our club has five committees focused on different industries: manufacturing and retail,
food, TMT, energy and transportation, and healthcare. Each of those committees has a
VP, and those VPs report to the president. Our listserv has over 1,500 students who we
invite to attend all of our events.
Annual Conference: We invite nine of the top supply chain executives at leading
companies to join us for three one-hour panels followed by a dessert networking
Career Treks: In recent years we have traveled to Amazon, Rent the Runway, Le Pain
Quotidien, and the Septa Control Center to see their supply chains in action.
Lecture Series: We invite speakers who are supply chain experts in various industries to
join us for smaller events that foster interaction between the speakers and audience
How to Join
We will be holding a GBM and accepting applications to join the board. We are
looking to add members to all five committees! Details will be posted on our website:
Consulting Club
The Wharton Undergraduate Consulting Club seeks to promote awareness of the
consulting industry within the Penn undergraduate community by providing the student
body with information, hands-on experience, and networking opportunities with the
world’s most prominent consulting firms.
The club is comprised of 10 board members: President, Executive Vice President, and
Vice Presidents of Finance, Conference, Corporate Relations, Events, Marketing,
Internal Development, Publications, and WUCC Advisors. There are committees for
Conference, CR, Events, Marketing, Internal Development, Publications, and WUCC
Advisors. We have about 1900 general members subscribed to our listserv.
Annual Consulting Conference & Case Competition: This year we are hosting our 4th
Annual Consulting Conference & Case Competition on Friday, October 17th. All class
years are encouraged to attend.
Consulting 101: This event will give an overview of what consulting is about. Key topics
include what a typical day in consulting is like, the type of work that consultants do,
and previous examples of the panelists' work.
Consulting Across Continents: This event featured panelists from diverse backgrounds
around the world. It gives attendees the chance to learn about differences between
consulting in America versus South America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania.
Management Consulted Bootcamp: This is a consulting recruitment workshop led by
Jenny Rae Le Roux, a former Bain consultant.
How to Join
For general body membership, please inquire at Clubbing Night. For more information
or questions regarding WUCC, contact Jennifer Shi, President:
The mission of the Wharton Undergraduate Energy Group is the spreading of
information about the energy industry to undergraduates and the helping of students to
obtain internships and positions in the field. WUEG intends to provide a forum for
undergraduate students to explore energy issues, at the intersection of business, policy
and science, considering economic and investment issues as well as research and
The Board consists of the President, Executive VP, VP of Corporate Relations, VP of
Energy Academics, VP of Events, VP of Finance, VP of Marketing, and VP of Corporate
Development and their corresponding committees, which are compromised of 33
committee members in total.
Trends in Energy Deals: Speaker Event with Robert Seber: WUEG and WBLA co-hosted a
speaker event with the Vinson & Elkins, LLP law partner and Colombia Professor Robert
Seber, an expert in midstream energy M&A.
Energy Finance Internship Panel: WUEG partnered with WUFC to host an internship
panel with a focus on opportunities within energy finance, including speakers with
experience at Blackstone, McKinsey, and Chevron.
Thorium: The Future of Sustainable Energy: WUEG hosted an internal presentation by
one of its members, Sasha Klebnikov, on the nuclear fuel base thorium and sustainable
How to Join
For more information or questions regarding WUEG, contact Jacob Tupler, President:
The Wharton Undergrad Entrepreneurship Club fosters creative thinking and
entrepreneurial collaboration amongst the student body within Wharton and at Penn.
The Club's mission is to provide a pool of resources for student entrepreneurs to pursue
ventures during their undergrad years. Join WUEC to become a part of the tightest
network for students interested in technology, design, and entrepreneurship.
Club involvement ranges from the executive board positions to our general board and
committee positions to general members. Our Executive Board 2015 includes a
presidency role alongside VPs of the following committees: Marketing/External Affairs,
Graduate Collaborations, Undergraduate Collaborations, Speaker Series, and
The Pitch: Club members will meet to individually pitch either a specific product market
(broad focus) or a single startup (narrow focus) to the Board members and e-Club
Wharton MBAs.
Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship: Are you an entrepreneur who’s curious about the
legal side of innovation? Richard Cohen, a lawyer and partner at Duane Morris LLP, will
speak alongside a panel of four successful Penn startups. Mr. Cohen represents a
significant number of start-up companies and presents regularly at Wharton on venture
capital and issues impacting entrepreneurs. Penn student startups Black Box Denim,
GreenVote, Hangify, and NOMsense will be discussing how they got started, the
difficulties they have faced, and advice they have for other entrepreneurs. The event
will focus on the legal aspects of startups, both from their perspectives and that of a
How to Join
We will be recruiting 15 Board Members for the Fall semester. Applications will be due
mid September. For general body membership, please inquire at Clubbing Night. For
more information or questions regarding WUEC, contact Monica Dyches, President: or visit
WUFC aims to be your primary finance resource throughout your time at Penn. We
provide resources for students ranging from those who are just beginning to learn about
finance to those who are looking for internships and jobs in the finance industry.
Throughout the year, WUFC hosts events that expose students to the finance industry,
including panels and educational workshops, office visits, case competitions, senior
speakers, socials, networking opportunities, and more.
WUFC has an executive board, committees, and general body members (nearly 2000+
members). We have 13 executive board members. There are committees for Corporate
Relations, Events, Financial Analysis, Membership, Marketing, and Tech.
Secrets of Wall Street: Senior directors from banks such as Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse,
Bank of America Merrill Lynch discuss the finance industry and their careers with over
200 students during a panel and networking session.
Recruiting Roadshow: A week of events that prepares students for job recruiting in the
spring. Past events have included panels with senior speakers, site visits, workshops,
mock interviews, etc.
Buzzwords of Finance: Students use buzzers to play in an interactive Jeopardy-like game
that teaches them about different terms used in finance.
How to Join
WUFC will be recruiting for general body members. For general body membership,
please inquire with club leaders at Clubbing Night.
For more information or questions regarding WUFC, contact our Gmail or visit
The mission of WUGS is to promote a culture of giving in the Wharton Undergraduate
community through opportunities for interaction and education, thereby positively
impacting the student experience.
Our board consists of a President, EVP, VP of Marketing, VP of Finance & Operations, VP
of Technology, VP of University & Alumni Relations, and VP of Membership. Each VP
(except for the EVPs) has his or her own committee of 3-5 members. General Body
Membership includes 40-50 members.
Give and Take 101 with Dr. Adam Grant: An interactive lecture & discussion with
Management Professor and author of "Give and Take," Dr. Adam Grant about his vision
of giving at Wharton & Penn.
Annual Giving Week: A week in spring dedicated to educating students about
interpersonal giving on campus and providing them with an outlet to do so. This past
year, we had a giving station, a MBA dinner panel on "Second Chances", a speed
networking event to connect seniors with underclassmen, a quizzo event to connect
undergraduates, and a keynote speech on giving.
Givers at Penn Recognition Week: This social media campaign highlights student
leaders at Penn who acknowledge the gifts of others. It aims to inspire students and
shine a spotlight on givers in the Penn community.
How to Join
We will be recruiting committee members for each of our committees. For general
body membership, please inquire with the club leaders at Clubbing Night.
For more information or questions regarding WUGS, contact Taylor Nauden, President:
Healthcare Club
WUHC seeks to expose future leaders to the unique elements of the healthcare industry
and prepare students for a wide array of career opportunities.
WUHC's organizational structure is as follows: President, 4 VPs (Executive, External Affairs,
Internal Development, Finance), and 7 Committee Chairs (Speaker Series, Luncheon
Series, Corporate Relations, MBA Relations, Marketing, Communications, and
Conference). Each committee varies in size and structure according to their respective
goals and resource needs.
1st Annual Undergraduate Healthcare Conference: A gathering of student , faculty,
and industry leaders from around the country to discuss hot button issues in diverse
areas ranging from innovation in healthcare technology to the impact of healthcare
New York City Site Visit: Each year WUHC members travel to New York to meet industry
leaders in the workspace. Future trips are planned to the greater Philadelphia area as
well as Washington DC.
Annual Corporate Dinner: WUHC invites a select group of professionals to campus to
have dinner and network with WUHC members.
How to Join
Applications will be made available following the General Body Meeting in early
September and will be due on September 18th. We are recruiting for committee
positions at this time. For general body membership, please inquire at Clubbing Night.
For more information or questions regarding WUHC, contact Imran Cronk, President:
WUHT seeks to provide a forum for students to increase their knowledge, grow their
network, and gain exposure to the hospitality and travel industries through speaker,
recruiting, and networking events and behind-the-scenes visits to hotels and
The club has three levels: the executive board, the committees, and the general body.
Usually the executive board and committees have 20 people and currently the club
has more than 100 active general members.
Break into the Industry: Career Conference - In 2015, the hosted its first annual career
conference to provide Penn students an opportunity to get internships in the industry.
The conference had a panel and networking session with representatives from
companies like Alice, Ritz Carlton, Neuehouse, Delta, American Airlines, Starwoods etc.
Four Seasons Hotel Trek: A behind-the-scenes trek to Four Seasons Philadelphia, the
leading luxury hotel chain in the world, to learn more about what goes into running a
world class business.
Sustainability in Food Panel: Panel discussion on the rise of sustainable business
practices in the food and beverage industry featuring Chipotle, Luke's Lobster and Hip
City Veg.
How to Join
We will be recruiting for Corporate Liaison, Public Relations, and Events committees in
September. For general body membership, please inquire at Clubbing Night.
For more information or questions regarding WUHT, contact Riddhima Goel, President:
Real Estate Club
the Penn community about the real estate industry and exposing the undergraduate
student body to the various opportunities in the field. It seeks to provide an intellectual
environment that not only allows students to learn, but also to network and build
meaningful foundations for success in real estate.
There are two Co-Presidents, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and Directors of the Treks,
Speakers, Membership, Investment, and Careers committees. Board positions are by
election, while committee members are selected via an interview process.
Treks: Trips around the country to learn about local markets, tour project sites and visit
developers, financial firms and architects like Silverstein Properties, Goldman Sachs and
the Rockwell Group, respectively.
Speaker Series & Zell Lurie: We host on-campus speaking events, often followed by
intimate networking dinners. Members gain increased access to Zell Lurie programs,
including the Ballard Luncheon Series, Resume Book and Mentorship Program.
Education: Internal case competitions and workshops educate members on real estate
investing, preparing them for interviews and competitions.
How to Join
Our informational kick-off meeting, open to everyone, will be held on Tuesday,
September 8, 2015, in a location TBD. Visit WUREC at Wharton Clubbing Night and join
our listserv to receive announcements on important meeting dates, application
deadlines, and interview information. Also check us out at Committee
applications will become available mid-September and be due one week after. To join
the WUREC listserv, please fill in the following Google Form:
For more information or questions regarding Wharton Undergraduate Real Estate Club,
contact Brendan Stone or Nicole Jizhar, Co-Presidents: or
Wharton Women is the largest paid-member undergraduate student organization at
Penn, and its mission is to empower young women to explore careers in business.
Whether you are interested in listening to influential guest speakers, networking with the
club’s thirty plus corporate sponsors, volunteering at a high school conference to inspire
the next generation of female leaders, or enjoying a night out with friends at the club’s
annual Etiquette Dinner, Wharton Women has something for you!
A ten-member executive board leads the club, which is chosen at the end of the fall
semester. Active members are invited to apply for committee and chair positions, and
over forty leadership roles are offered each year. Anyone can become a member of
Wharton Women – no application needed!
Annual Dinner: Begin the night by networking with over a hundred corporate
representatives at a career fair. Afterwards, enjoy dinner during a keynote presentation
led by a powerful woman in business.
Business Conference: Female leaders from a variety of industries join Wharton Women
for a day of engaging discussion and learning.
Dressing for Success: Learn how to rock a stylish business wardrobe while giving back to
women struggling to enter the workplace. This charity event mixes fashion and fun!
How to Join
Anyone is welcome to become a member of Wharton Women. Please see our
Facebook Page (WhartonWomen Undergraduates) to learn more about joining our
listserv and becoming a formal member.
For more information or questions regarding Wharton Women, contact Nadia Govotsos,
VP of Membership Development:
As America's largest & oldest business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi has prided itself as the
premier developer of principled business leaders. For over 100 years, Alpha Kappa Psi
has cultivated the world's leaders and innovators, seen from some of our alumni, which
include former Presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, Wal-Mart Founder Sam
Walton, publishing magnate Malcolm Forbes, and more. Here at the Epsilon Rho
Chapter, we are dedicated to Brotherhood, Professionalism, and Philanthropy.
The Brooklyn Four, Executive Board and subcommittees facilitate the operations of the
Fraternity, as well as organize professional, community service, and social events. The
organization has on average 55 members.
Media & Entertainment Week: M&E Week is a series of fun events that aim to generate
buzz about film, music, television, and entertainment. Past speakers include Allison
Shearmur, the former President of Production for Lionsgate, Denmark West, the former
President of MTV, and Dick Wolf, Producer of Law & Order.
Aspire to Excellence Speaker Series: Each semester, we invite professionals who have
aspired to excellence in their lives to campus to provide students with advice on how
they too can identify and live their passions.
How to Join
We will be recruiting for the general body membership at the beginning of the each
semester with freshman only considered in the spring. There will be information sessions
and an application process beginning in the second week of the semester. Recruitment
is open to men and women.
For more information or questions regarding AKPsi, contact Pierre Villenave, President:
Delta Sigma Pi
The Beta Nu Chapter of DSP is Penn's chapter of the international business fraternity. Our
mission broadly is to connect business students with a wide variety of interests and
backgrounds while jointly pursuing professional and academic excellence coupled
with community service. Most of all, DSP is a community of social, diverse individuals,
united by our fraternal bonds and our drive for greatness.
We have a 7 person executive board and a few general board members under each
of the VP's that form committees (External, Internal, and Corporate). In total, our
organization currently has 58 members.
Philadelphia 3 Day Startup: DSP is excited to bring the 3DS competition exclusively for
Penn students to Philadelphia this semester. 3DS is a 3 Day business plan competition
held at a shared work-space on campus cooperating with the national organization 3
Day Startup. Participants will have three days to create, perfect and present their ideas
for a start-up, receiving plenty of guidance and feedback from instructors.
Penn Fashion Week: DSP is one of the three organizations that put on PFW every spring
semester. This is a huge endeavor open to all of Penn.
How to Join
Applications will be made available in the second week of the semester. We recruit a
new pledge class every semester, with freshmen only being eligible to join in the spring
semester. Recruitment is open to men and women.
For more information or questions regarding DSP, Sebastian Rollen, President:
Phi Gamma Nu
Since its inauguration, the Delta Lambda Chapter of Phi Gamma Nu has followed the
Governing Principles of the National Chapter. As a chapter of the National Fraternity,
the Delta Lambda Chapter has embraced the personality and spirit of its founding
members. At the University of Pennsylvania, we are unique in having created an
organization based on diversity: we believe that opportunities for the study of business
should be open to all, regardless of social or academic background.
We have 5 Executive Board Positions, and 5 committees led by a committee head. The
committees are Signature Event (1) & (2), Professional, Philanthropy & Social. There are
roughly 50 members in the whole of PGN.
Annual Internship Fair: This is the largest student-run career fair on campus, attracting
hundreds of students. Employers we have worked with in the past include UBS, Deloitte,
BlackRock etc. Brothers who have successfully gone through the recruitment process
also offer resume tips.
Balls4Balls: Meatball eating competition held during Relay4Life to benefit prostate
cancer research.
Silverlake Private Equity Case Competition: Hosted with top private equity firm Silver
Lake, contestants come from some of the most prestigious universities to compete for
the top $1000 prize.
How to Join
During Rush week, we will have multiple events for sophomores through seniors. Note
that freshmen cannot rush in the fall (spring only). Recruitment is open to men and
For more information regarding PGN, contact Katherine Qiu, President:
The mission of the cohort system is to enhance the Wharton undergraduate experience
by fostering smaller communities within and among class years.
General body membership includes all Wharton undergraduates -- every student is
assigned to one of the 9 Cohorts during their freshman year. Each Cohort Board has a
President, two VPs, a Director, and a Freshman Representative, in charge of
coordinating activities for their Cohort. There are two Co-Chairs in charge of managing
the system. The 47 Cohort leaders also serve on various sub-committees.
Amazing Cohort Race: Scavenger hunt event for the freshman members of each
Cohort to bond with one another and familarize themselves with campus.
Cohort Mentorship Program: Mentorship initiative geared towards connecting
underclassmen with upperclassmen for general advice, questions, and concerns about
academics and extracurricular activities.
Cohort Holiday Events (Hauntsman Halloween, Thanksgiving, Winter Whartonland, etc.):
Holiday-themed events to celebrate the shared sense of community and culture with
the other members of the Cohort.
How to Join
Applications for the Freshman Representative position of each Cohort will be made
available during the first weeks of school, dates TBA. This position serves as a liaison
between the freshman members of each Cohort with the overall Board. Recruitment for
Director, VP, and President of the upcoming year will be during February.
For more information or questions regarding Cohorts, contact Connie Chen or Dave
Thomas, co-chairs: or
The Social Impact Advisory Board works closely with the Wharton Social Impact Initiative
(WSII) to develop and implement activities that strengthen and expand Wharton’s
social impact initiatives, serving to further the vision of Wharton as a “force for social
good.” SIAB’s goal is to drive integration and coordination of activities and
opportunities, identify synergies, and support new and existing partnerships and
SIAB is made up of a select number of undergraduates who are recruited through an
application and interview process. SIAB has a flat structure and all members join as full
board members.
Social Impact Club Funding: We offer up to $500 in funding for Wharton Councilapproved clubs to host social impact activities and opportunities on campus.
Social Impact Mentorship Program: We coordinate an undergraduate-MBA mentorship
program that connects students interested in careers in the social impact sector. Board
members source mentors and mentees and oversee program events.
Social Impact Coffee Chats: Our board members also serve as “social impact liaisons”
and meet with students interested in learning about social impact opportunities 1-on-1
throughout the year.
How to Join
Applications will be available online at in early
September, so please check the website or email us for more information. We will be
recruiting freshmen and sophomores to join the board.
For more information or questions regarding SIAB contact Kevin Shellito, Chair:
The purpose of the Wharton Alumni Relations Council (WARC) is to promote interaction
between undergraduate students and Wharton alumni. We encourage undergraduate
students to take advantage of the resources that the alumni network can provide both
now, during undergraduate years, and after graduation. A major goal is to set up
traditions that alumni and students alike will want to follow and proactively seek out.
WARC is a self-selecting, student-run organization. The Council is comprised of four
students from each class year, and members are organized into committees that are
charged with planning and executing our various events and initiatives. WARC’s board
structure is flat, with members of all class years holding equal responsibility within the
organization. Each year, two Co-Chairs and two Executive Members are chosen by the
Annual Alumni Colloquia: At the beginning of each year, WARC brings a handful of
diverse alumni back to Huntsman Hall to speak with current undergraduates about how
they’ve put their Wharton degrees to work.
Alumni Lunch Series: WARC invites interesting alumni from a variety of fields to speak
with students over lunch several times each semester.
Senior Reception: Senior Reception is a special event held each spring for Wharton’s
graduating class. It gives seniors the chance to share a toast with faculty and bid
farewell to the many friends they have made over their years at Wharton.
How to Join
Each year, we recruit four creative, dedicated, diverse freshmen to hold four-year
positions on the Council. If you are interested in promoting interactions and fostering
connections between alumni and students, you should consider applying to WARC. We
look forward to reading your application and meeting you!
For more information or questions regarding WARC, contact their email address:
Wharton Ambassadors
Wharton Ambassadors is a student organization that works closely with Wharton
Undergraduate Division administrators to conduct information sessions for prospective
students and families, contributes to admitted student event management, and
participates in high school outreach. As the “face” of the Wharton Undergraduate
Program, Wharton Ambassadors uphold and represent the Wharton brand and provide
input on marketing and communications.
Wharton Ambassadors consists of an executive board (7) and general body members
(60). Each Vice President has his or her own committee, which consists of about 10-12
general body members.
Penn Previews: This is WHAMB's most important event and consists of organizing on
campus events for admitted students in February and April.
Information Sessions: Wharton Ambassadors conduct daily information students for
prospective students and their families to provide them with an overview of the
Wharton Undergraduate experience.
Email-a-Thon: Wharton Ambassadors contact admitted students upon their
acceptance in January and March.
How to Join
Applications will be made available on September 1 and due on September 14. We will
be accepting applications for general body members.
For more information or questions regarding Wharton Ambassadors, contact Avivah
Hotimsky, Co-Chair:
The Wharton Dean's Undergraduate Advisory Board
sponsored by the Wharton Undergraduate Division
administration to generate and implement academic
impact on the learning environment and enhance
is a student-run organization
that works closely with the
initiatives that have a positive
the Wharton undergraduate
There are typically 20 members on WAB, including two Co-Chairs tasked with handling
administrative duties. Board structure is flat, meaning all members receive equal
responsibility, despite seniority.
Senior Capstone: The Capstone course is a 4-day elective option for seniors in which
students compete in teams to solve real world business challenges using skills acquired
throughout their Wharton education.
Management 100: Management 100 as conceived by WAB in 1989 to provide freshmen
with a common, teamwork-based and application-oriented introduction to the
practical study of business.
Social Impact Concentration: This secondary concentration gives students the tools to
consider how business thinking should be engaged to improve society through a
dedicated curriculum.
How to Join
For more information or questions regarding WAB, contact the Recruitment Co-Chairs:
Wharton Council Traditions
In addition to acting as the umbrella organization for Wharton undergraduate clubs, Wharton
Council also hosts annual traditions designed to bring the undergraduate body closer together
and foster community building experiences. Each of these traditions is described below.
Business of Life Lecture
The Business of Life Lecture is an opportunity for Wharton professors and other acclaimed
speakers to share with the undergraduate students their life journey, words of wisdom, and what
they believe is the Business of Life. Past speakers include Dean Thomas Robertson, Professor
Richard Shell, Professor Adam Grant, and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter.
Clubbing Night
Clubbing Night is the annual showcase of all Wharton Council clubs. This event creates a forum
for students to engage with the 40+ Wharton Council recognized and trial clubs.
Hostile Takeover
The Gamemaster and Wharton Council present Hostile Takeover, a game of assassins, to the
Wharton community. Each year, 300+ students, staff, and faculty participate in this tradition to
eliminate their designated targets and make the Final Boardroom, competing for great prizes
along the way.
Senior Reception
Senior Reception is a special event only for Wharton Seniors. It gives seniors the chance to share
a toast with Wharton’s faculty and bid farewell to the many friends they have made over their
years at the school.
Wharton Club Recruiting 101
Wharton Club Recruiting 101 is the follow-up event to Clubbing Night. Join Wharton Council and
club leaders as we explain how students can get involved in clubs and discuss student life at
Wharton Undergraduate Leadership Forum
The Wharton Undergraduate Leadership Forum (WULF) is an annual conference for Wharton
club leaders to meet each other, to learn from faculty speakers, and to create new partnerships.
This event fosters an environment of collaboration and cooperation among the leaders of the
Wharton undergraduate community.
Wharton 5K Run
The Wharton UGR & MBA Charity 5K Race is the first Wharton Council tradition that brings
together the undergraduate and graduate Wharton student bodies and allows the entire
Wharton community to engage in some friendly competition. All proceeds from the 5K are
donated to that year’s charity.