May 6, 2015
In their latest study, Alwin Köhler and his team from the Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL) of the University of
Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna give new insights into how nuclear pores are formed in the envelope of cell nuclei. Nuclear pores are molecular gates that allow controlled exchange of cargo between the nucleus and the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. This exchange is vital and errors are associated with cancer, aging and autoimmune diseases. The findings are published online today in the scientific journal Developmental Cell .
Cells are the building blocks of life: around 100 trillion make up a human being, while other organisms such as bacteria consist of a single cell. Organisms are broadly divided into two categories: those containing a nucleus – the eukaryotes
– and those without – the prokaryotes –. All higher life forms such as humans and animals are eukaryotes and their defining feature is an organelle that encapsulates and protects their genetic material: the nucleus.
The nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane, which separates it from the rest of the cell. Quite similar to a medieval town surrounded by two walls. Just as it is important for the people living in that town that goods and food are transported in and out of the city, a controlled exchange of molecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm is vital for cells. Gates in the town wall are what nuclear pores are to the nucleus. These extremely large protein complexes form a selective channel that spans the entire nuclear membrane. On the inside of the nucleus this channel extends into the "nuclear basket", a structure that indeed resembles a basketball basket.
Understanding the structure and function of this "nuclear basket" is a research focus of ERC-‐ and START Prize winner
Alwin Köhler and his team at the Max F. Perutz Laboratories of the Medical University of Vienna. "Until now, everyone assumed that the basket’s main function is that of a docking site for cargo transport. However, when we overexpressed basket proteins, meaning we made the cell produce far too much of it, we saw dramatic changes in the structure of the nucleus. The nuclear membrane was massively deformed when compared to its normal spherical shape," said Alwin Köhler. This initial observation led the researchers to investigate whether basket proteins have an ability to directly shape nuclear membranes.
To build a new nuclear pore, the double membrane of the nucleus needs to be reconstructed to allow the formation of a "hole”. To achieve this, the two nuclear membranes must approach each other, bend sharply and finally merge.
PhD student Noémi Mészáros explains: "It's as if you fold a section of the outer town wall inwards and a section from the inner wall outwards to create an opening for building a new gate." Colleague and joint first author of the study
Jakub Cibulka adds: "Our experiments showed that the basket proteins can deform membranes even in a test tube.
Moreover, nuclear membranes lacking the basket proteins became unstable in cells and formed abnormal membrane structures instead of proper holes" Taken together, these results confirmed the initial assumption of the researchers that basket proteins are more than just docking sites for transport. Rather, they actively help to shape the nuclear membrane so that a new nuclear pore can be formed.
These findings may help researchers to better understand how an amazingly complex molecular gate is constructed and on the long run what happens when it deteriorates in cancer and aging. Alwin Köhler and his team are now attempting to understand the general principles of nuclear membrane (re)construction, for which this study was just the beginning. "This project shows once again that biology always holds surprises and that basic research can not be totally planned. Without long-‐term funding by the ERC, the Austrian Science Fund FWF and the Human Frontier
Science Program this project would not have been possible," concludes Alwin Köhler.
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Publication in Developmental Cell:
Noémi Mészáros, Jakub Cibulka, Maria Jose Mendiburo, Anete Romanauska, Maren Schneider & Alwin Köhler: Nuclear pore basket proteins are tethered to the nuclear envelope and can regulate membrane curvature.
In: Developmental Cell (May 2015)
Online Press Release:‐us/press-‐media-‐info/pressdetail/news-‐detail/nuclear-‐membrane-‐reconstruction-‐how-‐ to-‐make-‐a-‐proper-‐hole-‐in-‐the-‐wall.html
Press contact
Dr. Lilly Sommer
Max F. Perutz Laboratories
T +43-‐1-‐4277-‐240 14
The Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL) are a center established by the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna to provide an environment for excellent, internationally recognized research and education in the field of
Molecular Biology. On average, the MFPL host 60 independent research groups, involving more than 500 people from
40 nations.
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The Max F. Perutz Laboratories are a joint venture of
How nuclear pore complexes assemble and insert into the nuclear envelope is still an enigmatic process. Mészáros et al. describe how amphipathic helices of the nuclear pore basket, a structure on the nucleoplasmic side of the pore, can generate highly curved membranes to promote nuclear pore assembly. The image shows an electron micrograph of a
S.cerevisiae cell. Drawing follows the contour of a dramatically remodeled nuclear envelope, a pathological condition seen upon overproduction of basket amphipathic helices (yellow cog wheels), which bind and bend membranes.
Artwork by Davor Markovic.
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The Max F. Perutz Laboratories are a joint venture of