Resource Guide to the Natural and Cultural History of Cameron, Cyprus, Horse and Marr Lakes Bruce Peninsula National Park, Ontario, Canada Scott R. Parker July 2012 Version 1.0 Sources of Knowledge P.O. Box 18 Tobermory, Ontario, Canada N0H 2R0 Sources of Knowledge Technical Reports in Social and Ecological Sciences Report 004 Acknowledgements Thank you to Parks Canada for providing access to data and archival reports. I also extend my gratitude to both Frank Brunton and Daryl Cowell for sharing their insight on the geology and geomorphology of the area. Thanks as well to Jeff Truscott for developing the lake maps and Cavan Harpur for reviewing the fish section. Recommended citation Parker S.R. 2012. Resource Guide to the Natural and Cultural History of the Cameron, Cyprus, Horse, and Marr Lake Watershed, Bruce Peninsula National Park. Sources of Knowledge, Tobermory, Ontario Cover photo of Cyprus Lake by Willy Waterton. 1 Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3 2. Climate..................................................................................................................................... 3 Air Quality .................................................................................................................................. 4 3. 4. 5. 6. Geology and Geomorphology ................................................................................................. 4 Water Chemistry ...................................................................................................................... 8 Physical Limnology ............................................................................................................... 11 Ecology .................................................................................................................................. 13 Fishes ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Amphibians and Reptiles .......................................................................................................... 14 Benthic Invertebrates ................................................................................................................ 14 Birds .......................................................................................................................................... 16 Mammals................................................................................................................................... 16 Diatoms ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Aquatic Plants ........................................................................................................................... 17 Aquatic Invasive Species .......................................................................................................... 17 7. Cultural Context .................................................................................................................... 18 Fish Regulations........................................................................................................................ 19 Fish Consumption Guidelines ................................................................................................... 20 8. Additional Resources............................................................................................................. 21 9. References ............................................................................................................................. 22 Appendix 1. Carbon dioxide-bicarbonate-carbonate equilibrium and marl formation................. 25 Appendix 2. Alkalinity and Buffering .......................................................................................... 26 Appendix 3. Lake maps (prepared by Jeff Truscott) .................................................................... 27 Appendix 4. Fish habitat characteristics ....................................................................................... 30 2 1. Introduction This guide provides an overview of the natural and cultural history of the Cameron-CyprusHorse-Marr Lake complex in the northern Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada. The lakes are associated with Bruce Peninsula National Park (BPNP) and are often explored and studied by individuals and students with an interest in aquatic ecology. This guide was produced by Sources of Knowledge as a resource to support future learning and project planning as well as satisfy general interest. The west shore of Cameron Lake has residential and limited commercial development, while the east shore is undeveloped and is part of BPNP. Cyprus Lake is entirely within BPNP and on its southeast shore is a 242 site campground that accommodates 60,000 user nights/year. Horse and Marr Lakes are also within BPNP. Although they have little development (i.e., only hiking trails that receive about 80,000 visitors/year), they are downstream from potential concerns such as nutrient loading and invasive species introductions. 2. Climate The Bruce Peninsula has a humid cool temperate climate with warm summers (mean of 16.8oC) and cool winters (mean of -6.7oC) (Figure 1). The summer months are dominated by hot, humid air masses originating in the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Winters have an increase in Pacific air, which is displaced over the season by cold Arctic currents (S.L. Ross Environmental Ltd. et al. 1989). Precipitation occurs throughout the year but tends to be highest in the fall from September through November. Lake Huron and Georgian Bay buffer macroclimatic extremes and tend to prolong mild temperatures in the fall and cooler temperatures in the spring. Figure 1. Average wind speed and direction (A) and temperature and precipitation (B) patterns from data collected at the Cyprus Lake weather station from 1995-2005. Average Monthly Temperature and Precipitation 1995‐2005 20.00 100.00 80.00 70.00 10.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 0.00 30.00 (MM) 5.00 Precipitation Temperature (Degrees Celcius) 90.00 15.00 20.00 ‐5.00 10.00 December October November August September July June May April March February 0.00 January ‐10.00 M o nth o f Year Temperature (Degrees Celcius) A Precipitation (MM) B Climate change models for the area (Scott and Suffling 2000, Suffling and Scott 2002) suggest that by 2050 temperature may increase between 1 to 6oC in spring, 1 to 5oC in summer, 2 to 3oC in fall, and 2 to 7oC in winter. Precipitation is projected to change from +6 to +24% in spring, 3 14 to +6% in summer, -23 to +7% in fall, and –2 to +17% in winter, with a trend towards more violent events (e.g., thunder storms vs. periods of light showers) and increased lake effect snow in winter (e.g., due to less ice coverage on Lake Huron). It is anticipated that such changes will affect inland lake surface water temperatures and lake levels (e.g., increased evaporation, less precipitation, “flashy” precipitation events) and may affect biodiversity as well. Figure 2 highlights some trends in the recent climate record for the area. Most months are variable and difficult to detect a statistically significant trend; however, figure 2 illustrates an increase for the months shown. Figure 2. Examples of changing temperature and precipitation values for the area. AirQuality Air quality in the area is affected by contaminants transported from other locations in the province and the northwest and eastern United States. Although precipitation in the area is considered acidic (Table 1), the widely recognized impacts associated with “acid rain” on lakes appear to be buffered by the dolostone bedrock (Appendix 2). Table 1. Annual mean acid deposition data from Environment Canada centred in BPNP for 1993-2002 Wet Sulphate Wet Sulphur Wet Nitrogen Critical Loads pH (kg/ha/yr) (kg/ha/yr) (kg/ha/yr) (equivalents/ha/year) 4.5 18.3 6.1 8.0 854 An air quality study was completed by the provincial government that involved a Mobile Air Quality Index (AQI) Unit located in BPNP from July 13 to 25, 2001 (Ministry of the Environment 2002). The unit detected relatively high ozone (O3) concentrations of 89 parts per billion (ppb) (i.e., 80 ppb is provincial ambient air quality criterion, AAQC) when the air flow was from Michigan and Ohio and relatively high sulphur dioxide (SO2) concentration of 30 ppb when the air flow was from the north, including Sudbury. 3. GeologyandGeomorphology The geological character of the area is the product of over 450 million years of change. The surface bedrock consists of dolostone, which was originally deposited as calcareous sediments in 4 a shallow Silurian aged sea (443-417 million years ago). Today’s escarpment was the coastal waters of the sea, where coral reefs, subtidal crinoidal shoal complexes and shallow lagoonal snail and megalodontid bivalve muddy environments formed, as well as an area of periodic drying. Figure 3 provides a modern interpretation of the upper bedrock stratigraphy in the area (Brunton 2009, Brunton and Brintnell 2011, Cramer et al. 2011). The surface bedrock along the Georgian Bay shore is Guelph Formation with Eramosa below that. Further inland these layers have been eroded and by the eastern side of Cyprus Lake the surface bedrock is Goat Island. This layer has low transmissivity (i.e., somewhat impervious to water percolation). Where bedrock fractures have formed, these joints provide opportunity for subsurface water flow (e.g., Horse Lake sink). Gasport is the next layer and is recognized for its large aquifers and karst conduits that occur at sequence boundaries or break in sedimentation. Penetrative karstic vertical joints through the formation have created such important regional caves as Root Cave. Multiple glaciations over the past 2 million years have sculpted the landscape. The last major glaciation was the Wisconsin and lasted from about 100,000 to 10,000 years before present (B.P.). Glacial striations and fractures are evident in many locations in the area (e.g., Cowell 1977). The limited amount of glacial sediments (e.g., till, glacio-fluvial) is believed to be due to catastrophic subglacial meltwater events which stripped off most of the sediment (Kor and Cowell 1998, Cowan and Sharpe 2007). Pockets of lodgement type till can still be found in the area, most obviously in the silt to sandy till south of Cameron Lake (S.L. Ross Environmental Ltd. et al. 1989). Following deglaciation (i.e., 13,000 years B.P.), glacial and post-glacial lakes occupied the region and evidence of their remnant shorelines remain. Lake level fluctuations are detailed in several reports (e.g., Blasco 2001, Cowan and Sharpe 2007, Lewis et al. 2008, Kor et al. 2012) and to be fully understood they require an appreciation of isostatic rebound and climate change. For reference the current Lake Huron lake level is 176 m above sea level (a.s.l.). Pro-glacial Lake Algonquin (i.e., 11,500 – 11,000 years B.P.) features 240 m a.s.l. and hence completely inundated the area. Following this, lake levels declined, attaining an elevation of 101 m a.s.l. around 9,000 B.P. and water flowed northward through an outlet in North Bay (n.b., a period of hydrologic closure did occur as well). Subsequent isostatic rebound at the North Bay outlet caused the lake levels to rise at an equivalent rate, reaching a high of 190 to 195 m a.s.l. around 5,500 B.P. (i.e., Nipissing phase) (ibid.). Again the area would have been inundated during this period. With the North Bay outlet rising, the lake eventually overflowed at Chicago and Port Huron-Sarnia. Erosion at Port Huron-Sarnia was faster than Chicago and the lake flow patterns and levels eventually became what they are today. The relic sand dunes found south of Cameron Lake were formed during the Nipissing stage. Marr Lake was a bay in Georgian Bay, which was cut off by a series of storm beaches. Cameron, Cyprus, Horse and Marr Lakes lie in a bedrock trough between Dorcas Bay and Georgian Bay. Drainage in this watershed is considered fluvio-karst (Cowell 1977, Cowell and Ford 1983, S.L. Ross Environmental Ltd. et al. 1989). Unlike most of the watersheds in the northern peninsula, the water flows into Georgian Bay versus Lake Huron proper. Cameron 5 flows into Cyprus and Cyprus into Horse via surface flow and Horse flows into Marr and Marr into Georgian Bay via subsurface flow (Figure 4). More specifically, Horse Lake drains through a series of sinkholes and reappears 90 minutes later in one of four springs in Marr Lake. This was proven by Daryl Cowell using a rhodamine WT dye test in 1973 (Cowell 1977). Marr Lake drains through the cobble beach into Georgian Bay. Figure 3. Revised Silurian stratigraphy and its karst characteristics (Brunton 2009, Brunton and Brintnell 2011, Cramer et al. 2011) for the Cameron-Cyprus Lake area. The surface bedrock varies with location. Eramosa and Guelph Formations are found along the Georgian Bay shoreline but they have been eroded further inland. Goat Island Formation and has low transmissivity (i.e., more impervious to dissolution by water). Gasport Formation is the main “confined” bedrock aquifer. Formation Karst Aquifers Guelph Aquifer Eramosa (Reformatory Quarry member) Upper is an aquifer Lower is an aquiclude Surface at Cyprus Lake through Cameron Lake (above layers eroded) Goat Island (lower was previous Amabel) Lower transmissivity Younger Formations Gasport (previous Amabel) Main aquifer Lions Head (some part of Rochester) (forms the base of many of the significant regional caves) Irondequoit (previous Amabel) Lower transmissivity Rockway Minor aquifer Surface at Georgian Bay coast to Cyprus Lake. ↓ Merritton / Fossil Hill St. Edmund Wingfield Dyer Bay Cabot Head Regional aquiclude Manitoulin Aquifer Older Formations 6 7 Figure 4. Lake overview and water flow direction (prepared by J. Truscott) The lakebeds are composed of a diversity of material including sand, silt, cobble/boulder, and bedrock. Most notably marl (i.e., calcium carbonate precipitate, Appendix 1) is deposited like a veneer atop the lakebed material. Lake morphology is described in Table 2. Table 2. Lake morphology. Depth Max Lake (m) Cameron Lake 15.0 Cyprus Lake 7.85 Horse Lake 1.5 Marr Lake 1.5 Depth Mean (m) 4.39 3.78 0.5 1.0 Perimeter (km) 8.6 5.3 2.3 0.9 Area (km2) 1.57 0.74 0.13 0.05 Volume (106 x m3) 6.59 2.56 4. WaterChemistry The chemistry of the lakes (Tables 3 and 4) is primarily influenced by the contribution of dissolved dolostone bedrock (i.e., CaMg(CO3)2). The main force behind the dissolving of bedrock is the amount of CO2 in the water (including ground water) which forms a weak carbonic acid (i.e., CO2 + H2O H2CO3). Appendix 1 and 2 explain the dissolution and marl formation processes. Of note, major ions are reported in milligrams/litre, mg/l (parts per million), whereas nutrients and metals are mostly described in concentrations of micrograms/litre, µg/l (parts per billion). Phosphorus (P), in particular the more soluble phosphate form (i.e., orthophosphate, PO43-), appears to be the limiting nutrient in the lakes. This is common in many freshwater systems. In other words, the concentrations of other nutrients such as nitrogen, carbon, sulphur, iron, or potassium could be available in limitless supply, but primary productivity (e.g., phytoplankton or plant growth) stops once the phosphorus supply runs out. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient and can be found in the nucleic acids of DNA or RNA and in the ADP and ATP of biochemical pathways for respiration(Wetzel 2001). Nearly all (>90%) the phosphorus from natural sources, such as bedrock, ends up in the lakebed largely because its binds with clays which have a high phosphorus holding capacity. The other 10% or so of natural source enters the lakes as soluble phosphate. Phosphorous from human origin, such as improper septic or sewage treatment systems, is mostly (>90%) in a soluble phosphate form. Since algae utilize soluble phosphate as a nutrient, human sources are usually the main culprit in algae blooms and lake enrichment (Mackie 2004). 8 Text Box 1. Tipping points: Chesley Lake. The impacts associated with increased nutrient loading to freshwater systems is well studied (e.g., Charlton et al. 1993, Scheffer 2004, Janse et al. 2010). In a simple model lakes exist in one of two states: 1) clear with submerged macrophytes (larger aquatic plants); or, 2) turbid dominated by phytoplankton. The following figure is modified from Scheffer et al. (2001) and further explains the two states by illustrating that: 1) as nutrients increase water turbidity increases; 2) that macrophytes reduce turbidity; and, 3) macrophytes disappear at a critical turbidity (e.g., shaded by algae). Chesley Lake, near Allenford (Bruce County), crossed the critical turbidity threshold becoming an algal (phytoplankton) dominant state. Werner provides details (Werner 2003, Werner et al. 2005). In brief, nutrients from agriculture and shoreline development coupled with deliberate macrophyte removal facilitated algal dominance and blooms. Algae increased turbidity and shaded macrophyte growth. When the algal blooms settled, the increased bacterial decomposition (i.e., increased respiration) caused anoxic (i.e., absence of oxygen) conditions in the lakebed. Anoxic conditions create a situation that allows phosphorus, which is normally trapped in the lakebed, to become available again, thus internally loading phosphorus back into the lake. This provided a positive feedback by providing more phosphorus for algal growth. Managing this situation has been difficult and interventions have included the installation of a large aerator to pump oxygen to depths to avoid anoxia. Chesley Lake is also experiencing the affects of zebra and quagga mussel introduction. There are obvious lessons to learned from this experience. Nitrogen is also an important nutrient to consider. It can be found in the nucleic acids of DNA or RNA and the amino acids of protein. Although the atmosphere (78%) and dissolved gas in water (~50%) contains high amounts of nitrogen (N2), this form must be fixed first for use by most phytoplankton and macrophytes (aquatic plants) (Mackie 2004). Blue-green algae can convert N2 into ammonia (NH3) through the process of nitrogen fixation. Ammonia is also supplied to lakes 9 from decomposing organic matter and in the excrement of organisms. However, most autotrophs including phytoplankton and macrophytes need nitrogen in the form of ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), or nitrite (NO2-). The ammonification process converts ammonia to ammonium (i.e., NH3 + H2O ↔ NH4OH ↔ NH4+ + OH-) and nitrification converts ammonium to nitrate (NO3) (i.e., NH4+ → N2O → NO2 → NO3). Total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) (Table 3) is the sum of organically bound nitrogen (e.g., protein, urea), ammonia and ammonium and is a conventional measure of the amount of nitrogen available to algae and plants. Total nitrogen is the sum of inorganic nitrogen (i.e., ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite) and organic nitrogen. Measuring total phosphorus and total nitrogen is a common practice in monitoring programs. It requires “digesting” (i.e., heat and acid) an unfiltered water sample to free the elements already bound in organic matter. So rather than monitoring for a single form of the nutrient (e.g., phosphate or nitrate), which may already be sequestered into organic matter, the analysis of “total” breaks everything to its elemental form and provides a simple measure for detecting trends. Specific Conductivity pH Dissolved Oxygen Turbidity Chlorophyl-a Chloride Sulphate Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Silica Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus Table 3. Example (mean) major ion and nutrient concentrations. uS/cm 288 Unit 8.7 mg/l 10.3 NTU 1 ug/L 1.4 mg/l 1.6 mg/l 5.8 mg/l 29.8 mg/l 21.4 mg/l 0.5 mg/l 0.2 mg/l 3.9 mg/l 0.4 mg/l 0.4 ug/l 12.9 Cyprus Lake 268 8.5 10.9 0.8 1 1.7 5.2 31.5 20.2 0.6 0.2 2.6 0.4 0.4 12.6 Horse Lake 270 8.5 10.9 0.8 1 1.7 5.2 30.0 21.0 0.6 0.2 3.0 0.6 0.6 9.0 Marr Lake 294 8.8 12.0 0.7 1 1.3 4.4 28.5 24.5 0.6 0.2 5.7 0.7 0.7 4.7 Cameron Lake Currently the watershed would be classified as an oligo-mesotrophic system, based on total phosphorus concentrations and oligotrophic based on algal biomass (Chlorophyll a). Most of the inland waters are oligotrophic. Oligotrophic is indicative of low nutrient and low plant growth conditions, whereas, eutrophic is indicative of high nutrient and high plant growth, mesotrophic is somewhere between. The observed elevated concentrations of phosphorus may be attributed to residential development in Cameron Lake (McCrea and Cowell 1991). Although, the Cyprus Lake campground operates on a sewage holding tank and pump out basis (removed to Tobermory sewage lagoon), in 2012 a sewage treatment facility was installed to manage waste from the Yurt toilet and shower facility with treated effluent directed towards Cyprus Lake. Biannual water chemistry data since 2007 for Cyprus Lake is available through BPNP’s ecological monitoring program (Parks Canada 2011). Historic data sources include: Cowell (1977), McCrea and Cowell (1991), Werner (2003), and Harpur (2010). 10 Gallium ug/l 8 0 Cyprus Lake 0 2.5 0.4 6.5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 5.8 0 Zinc Iron ug/l 0.3 Vanadium Copper ug/l 0 Uranium Chromium ug/l 0 Thallium Cobalt ug/l 0 Strontium Cadmium ug/l 0 Selenium Bismuth ug/l 0 Antimony Beryllium ug/l 4.3 Rubidium Barium ug/l 7.1 Lead Boron ug/l 0.4 Nickel Arsenic ug/l 4.3 Molybdenum Aluminum ug/l 0 Manganese ug/l Cameron Lake Lithium Silver Table 4. Example (mean) metal concentrations. There are no exceedences to the Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines ( ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l Cameron Lake 0.2 1.6 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 30.4 0 0.1 0.2 2.1 Cyprus Lake 0.2 2.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 27.8 0 0.1 0.2 3 5. PhysicalLimnology Surface water temperature varies from 0°C in winter (100% ice coverage) to 25°C (and occasional higher) in the summer. A thermal gradient can form (i.e., warmer surface waters gradually get cooler with depth) in Cameron and Cyprus Lakes. This gradient can reach a point in Cameron where the lake stratifies into distinct layers. In summer there is a layer of warmer less dense surface water and a layer of colder denser deep water. These two layers are like “oil and vinegar” and do not readily mix until the surface water cools in the fall and becomes uniformly dense again. The surface layer is referred to as the epilimnion, the deep water as the hypolimnion and the transition zone the metalimnion or thermocline. Since the hypolimnion forms below the photic zone where sunlight can drive primary productivity (i.e., oxygen production) and the deep waters do not have direct contact with the atmosphere, oxygen is not added to the hypolimnion during the stratification period. Although not observed in the area, summer oxygen depletion can occur in some lakes (see Text Box 1) and larger predatory fish are usually the most vulnerable. Similarly, shallow lakes such as Marr and Horse can experience a “winter kill” condition when ice coverage completely caps the surface and oxygen in these lakes with less volume becomes depleted. Of note, freshwater is its densest at 4°C, that’s why ice floats on the surface, and this is the temperature that makes mixing of the water column easiest because of the uniform density. The stratification process characterizes Cameron as “dimictic”. Given the shallower depths and surface area (i.e., sufficient for wind driven mixing), stratification is not maintained in Cyprus in the summer. Cyprus, Horse and Marr are characterized as “polymictic”, as they continually mix. 11 There is little information on waves, seiches and currents for the lakes. Langmuir spirals, parallel streaks of foam, are commonly observed on windy days. These spiral circulation cells are generated by the force of wind on the surface waters and the foam is trapped where the water downwells. Figure 5. This airphoto shows the dramatic change in lake levels (>2m) at Horse Lake between 1966 and 2006. The change relates to the relationship between beaver activity and karstic processes at the sinkholes. As a further comment on the foam found in Langmuir spirals and the windward shore, the question of its origin is frequently raised. Surface active agents, often called surfactants, are compounds that reduce the surface tension of the molecules at the lake-air interface, creating conditions for bubble formation when the surface water is vigorously mixed by waves. Some dissolved organic carbon, such as carboxylic fatty acids from plant lipids and lignins from wood, are natural surfactants and suspected to be the main source of foam in this area. However, synthetically produced surfactants are also found in detergents, shampoo, toothpaste, etc... As a quick test, if the lake foam has a floral odour it is mostly likely attributed to a human source, natural sources have an earthy smell. Of note, early detergents contained nonbiodegradable and persistent surfactants and phosphate softeners to reduce water hardness and improve the effectiveness of the surfactants. These phosphates lead to significant lake nutrient enrichment problems. Modern detergents now limit or exclude phosphates and contain biodegradable linear 12 alkylbenzene sulfonate surfactants (e.g., lauryl sulphate, sodium laureth). Other synthetic surfactants are used by industries (e.g., wetting agents, dispersants, antistatic agents, etc...) and are cause for concern, but these are not present in this area. As part of the BPNP monitoring program a HOBO lake level logger ( is maintained in Cyprus Lake. As observed since 2008, water levels in Cyprus Lake fluctuate approximately 22 cm seasonally from a late-spring high to midsummer low and are affected by precipitation patterns. The average late spring and summer discharge from Cyprus Lake to Horse Lake is estimated at 0.16 m3/s and results in a hydraulic residence time of ~180 days in Cyprus Lake. Information for the other lakes has not been estimated. The surface area of each lake was digitized using air photos from 1966 and 2006. Of all the lakes, only Horse Lake showed a significant change in surface area (Figure 5) during this period. This change is generally attributed to the relationship between beaver activity and karstic sinkhole processes (Cowell 1977). 6. Ecology The ecology of the area is the result of many factors, including: climate; peninsular geography; poor, thin soils; dolostone bedrock; fire and settlement history; karst-influenced hydrology; and post-glacial history. The species of the area form a rich mosaic with northern and southern affinities, including many rare, range-restricted, and disjunct species (S.L. Ross Environmental Ltd. et al. 1989). Fishes The fish assemblage is characteristic of shallow warm water lakes. Cyprus and Cameron are one of the few inland lakes in the region with a Centrarchid (bass) community. Smallmouth Bass and Walleye are the main top predators. Bluntnose Minnow, Common Shiner and Mimic Shiner are the main prey species and White Sucker is a large bodied planktivore. Table 5 provides a summary of fish presence and Appendix 4 describes their habitat characteristics. Recently, Cavan Harpur completed a study of the change in fish communities of the inland lakes of the northern Bruce Peninsula between 1973-74 and 2007-08 (Harpur 2010). In general, he observed an increase in the proportion of small-bodied wetland species, which are tolerant of higher temperatures and lower oxygen levels. Coincidently, Jeff Truscott completed a study on beaver colonization in the BPNP area (excluding the Cameron-Cyprus watershed) and reported an increase in the density of beaver colonies, the number of beaver influenced wetlands, and wetland surface area (Truscott 2011). Essentially both Harpur and Truscott demonstrate there is a trend within BPNP towards more wetlands and wetland communities. 13 Although several species of fish were stocked in Cyprus and Cameron, including Rainbow Trout, only Walleye and Smallmouth Bass remain today. An additional observation and possible area of further exploration relates to the presence of Logperch. Of all the inland lakes in the region, this species is only found in this watershed. This watershed happens to be the last to be inundated by Lake Huron (Nipissing high) and thus may have coincided with Logperch coastal colonization. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Yellow Perch ● White Sucker ● Walleye ● Smallmouth Bass ● Sand Shiner Mimic Shiner ● Rock Bass Logperch ● Pumpkinseed Johnny Darter ● Northern Redbelly Dace ● Iowa Darter ● Common Shiner ● Central Mudminnow ● Brook Stickleback Cameron Lake Cyprus Lake Horse Lake Marr Lake Blacknose Shiner ● Banded Killifish Bluntnose Minnow Table 5. Fish distribution in the lakes (Harpur 2010). ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● AmphibiansandReptiles The most comprehensive inventory of amphibians and reptiles was completed by Fred Schueler (Schueler et al. 1992). This inventory confirmed the following species in the watershed: redbacked salamander, yellow spotted salamander, bluespotted salamander, eastern newt, mudpuppy, American toad, spring peeper, wood frog, pickerel frog, bull frog, green frog, leopard frog, midland painted turtle, snapping turtle, garter snake, northern water snake, milk snake, green snake, ringneck snake, brown snake, ribbonsnake and massasauga rattlesnake. There are anecdotal records for queen snakes from the straits between Cameron and Cyprus, but this author has been unable to verify. As well, the perceived decline in bull frogs may be attributed to Walleye stocking. BenthicInvertebrates Benthic invertebrate assemblage is annually monitored through a kick and sweep survey as part of the park’s ecological integrity monitoring program. Table 6 is based on data provided by Dr. Stephen Marshal and Steve Paeiro, University of Guelph, as part of the monitoring program for the sites near the outflows of Cameron and Cyprus Lake in 2007. 14 Table 6. Benthic species confirmed during kick and sweep survey in 2007 by Steve Paeiro. More data is available within the park ecological integrity monitoring program, however it is generally not taken to the lowest taxonomic level. Order Family Genus/Species Amphipoda (Scuds) Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Decapoda Decapoda Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Odonata (Anisoptera) Odonata (Anisoptera) Odonata (Anisoptera) Odonata (Anisoptera) Odonata (Anisoptera) Odonata (Anisoptera) Odonata (Anisoptera) Odonata (Anisoptera) Odonata (Anisoptera) Odonata (Anisoptera) Odonata (Zygoptera) Odonata (Zygoptera) Odonata (Zygoptera) Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Talitridae Dytiscidae Elmidae Elmidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Elmidae Psephenidae Elmidae Elmidae Astacidae Astacidae Ceratopogonidae Chironomidae Chironomidae Ceratopogonidae Chironomidae Caenidae Baetidae Leptophlebiidae Ephemeridae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Ephemeridae Leptophlebiidae Ephemeridae Baetidae Baetidae Ephemeridae Heptageniidae Heptageniidae Ephemeridae Aeshnidae Aeshnidae Aeshnidae Corduliidae Gomphidae Gomphidae Macromiidae Corduliidae Corduliidae Libelludidae Coenagrionidae Coenagrionidae Coenagrionidae Helicopsychidae Limnephilidae Leptoceridae Leptoceridae Leptoceridae Polycentropidae Limnephilidae Hyalella Coptotomus Dubiraphia vittata Dubirhaphia Heterosternuta Heterosternuta pulcher Heterosternuta wickhami Hydroporus Macronychus glabratus Psephenus Stenelmis Stenelmis crenata Orconectes propinquus (Girard) Orthomectes Bezzia/Palpomyia Chironominae - Asheum Chironominae - Glyptotendipes Probezzia Tanypodinae Caenis Centroptilium Choroterpes Ephemera sp. Ephemerella Eurylophella Hexagenia Leptophlebia Maccaffertium Procleon Procloeon Stenacron Stenacron Stenonema Stenonema femorata Aeshna Basiaeschna Boyeria Epitheca Gomphus Hagenius brevistylus Macromia Neurocordulia yamaskensis Somatochlora unidentified early instar nymph Argia Early instar nymph - unidentified Enallagma Helicopsyche Hydatophylax Mystacides Nectopsyche Oecetis Polycentropus Pyncopsyche Benthic organisms play a significant role in energy and nutrient cycling in lake ecosystems. One need only look to Lake Huron to see the impacts of introduced dreissenid mussels are having on the benthic community (e.g., loss of Diporeia) and the whole lake (e.g., Nalepa et al. 2009). From Table 6, species in the order Ephemeroptera and Amphipoda in particular, play a key role in recycling detritus and as food resource for fishes, thus linking the energy and nutrients of the 15 lakebed with the open water ecosystem. Hexagenia sp. are often used as indicators of oligo-meso trophic conditions as they are sensitive to oxygen depletion. An inventory of molluscs, including snails and mussels, has not been completed in the area. Two crayfish species are commonly observed in the lakes, Orconectes virilis and Orconecties propinquus. The author also suspects Fallicambarus fodiens is present given the presence of mud “chimneys” found in the strait between Cameron-Cyprus. A handy identification guide to Ontario crayfish is available on-line ( Birds There are several hundred species of birds that reside or migrate through BPNP (e.g., Geomatics International Inc. 2005, Examples of species more commonly observed on the area lakes include: common loon, red-breasted merganser, common merganser, bufflehead, common goldeneye, mallard, belted kingfisher, common tern, Caspian tern, redwinged blackbird, Canada goose, herring gull, ring-billed gull, and great blue heron. Both the Owen Sound Field Naturalist ( and the Bruce Peninsula Bird Observatory ( maintain a bird list for the area. Mammals There are 40 mammal species in BPNP and vicinity (Young et al. 1996). Aquatic species observed in the lakes include muskrat, beaver and river otter. Mink, fisher, coyote, red fox, raccoon, black bear, long-tailed weasel, meadow vole, meadow jumping mouse, white-tailed deer, red squirrel, northern long-eared bat, and eastern red bat may also be found near the lakes. Diatoms Diatoms are a group of algae (phytoplankton) characterized by the fact they incorporate silica (hydrated silicon dioxide) within their cell walls forming a frustule. The frustule’s shape is used to identify the species, even centuries after it has been buried in lakebed sediments. The diatom species present provides some indication of water quality and conditions. For these reasons, paleolimnological studies of diatom presence in lakebed sediments is often conducted to detect change in water quality. A reconstruction of 200 years of trophic changes in Cyprus Lake (and other lakes in the region) was completed in 2002-03 by Dr. Petra Werner (Werner 2003, Werner et al. 2005). Change was detected due to settlement activity, but water quality is still considered good and the campground did not appear to have significantly increased nutrient loads. Presettlement lakes were dominated by benthic taxa, mainly small Achnanthes spp., small Fragilaria spp., and Navicula spp., and suggestive of high macrophyte abundance and low nutrients. Post-settlement/logging (ca. 1860) increase of planktonic taxa, such as Cycoltella commensis, are observed and suggestive of a change in habitat and water quality. 16 AquaticPlants With over 872 vascular plants in the region, of which 178 are non-native (Kaiser 1994), the list for the area would be significant. To maintain a focus on the lake system, a list of the most common aquatic and semi-aquatic vascular plants is provided on Table 7. Table 7. A short list of the aquatic and semi-aquatic plants of Cameron, Cyprus, Horse and Marr Lake system. Open water Various leaved water-milfoil Stonewort (Chara sp.) Common bladderwort Floating pondweed Bullhead lilly Fragrant water-lily Emergent Common reed Hard-stemmed bulrush Water-parsnip Soft-stemmed bulrush Common cattail Water spike rush Shore Canada blue-joint Royal fern Silky dogwood Sweet gale Shrubby cinquefoil Red-oiser dogwood Hairy-fruited sedge Beaked spike-rush Joe-pye-weed Hairy panic grass AquaticInvasiveSpecies The watershed is currently considered to be “aquatic invasive species free”. In the absence of any direct management actions the inland lakes remain vulnerable to invasive species introductions. Table 8 identifies those species in the region, primarily from Lake Huron, which are of most concern and would have a considerable negative impact. Translocation of species may be intentional (e.g., as bait (e.g., as bait, Keller and Lodge 2007), but is often unintentional (Johnson et al. 2001, Puth and Post 2005, Rothlisberger et al. 2010), with organisms carried in bilge water and bait buckets as well as attached to boat hulls. Thus, every time a sea kayak or canoe is brought into Cameron or Cyprus Lakes after being used in another water body, there is the possibility that it will transfer an aquatic invasive species. There is a long history of fish stocking in the area, and not surprisingly, needs to be considered in invasive species discussions. It appears that Smallmouth Bass may not have been present in Cameron and Cyprus Lakes prior to stocking in the 1940s and 1950s and the same can be said for Walleye prior to stocking in the early 1970s (Beak Consultants Ltd. 1990). Rainbow Trout was stocked on several occasions, including 1969, and Brook Trout was stocked in Cameron but didn’t succeed (unpublished OMNR records). 17 Table 8. Aquatic invasive species threat to Cyprus Lake and potential vectors (C. Harpur, personal communication) Invasive Species Alewife Common Carp Curly-Leaved Pondweed Eurasian Water-milfoil European Common Reed European Gammarid Fishhook Waterflea Goldfish Purple Loosestrife Quagga Mussel Rainbow Smelt Red Mysid Round Goby Rusty Crayfish Sea Lamprey Spiny-tailed Waterflea Threespine Stickleback Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Water Hyacinth Water Lettuce Water Spangles Watercress Zebra Mussel Bait Aquarium/ Ornamental Recreational Boats Scientific Research Colonization Threat Low Low High High High Low High Moderate Moderate High Low Low Moderate High Low High Low Moderate Moderate Low Low Low High 7. CulturalContext The northern peninsula has been occupied by people since the Paleo Period (11000 B.P. to 9000 B.P). Much of the early occupation was believed to be nomadic and along the coast. The Archaic Period (9000 B.P. to 2500 B.P.) is characterized by the use of lithic (stone tool) materials and many of the surveys of the area have focussed on the former Lake Nipissing shoreline and the maritime adaptation of the culture (Heritage Quest Inc. 1994). The Woodland Period (2800 B.P. – 400 B.P.) is characterized by ceramics and interactions of Odawa and Iroquoian populations is evident (Heritage Quest Inc. 1994, Molnar 1997). In the vicinity of BPNP there are 165 registered archaeological sites and they represent a continuum of human activity for the past 9,500 years (Heritage Quest Inc. 1994) . The first archaeological survey of the area was completed in 1972 and failed to produce any finds. In 1973, a more intensive survey was completed and of particular importance was the discovery of three aceramic (i.e., possibly Archaic period) chipping station sites along the bedrock ridges to the west of Marr Lake. To date, there are no known archaeological sites in the interior of the area. A portage trial into Cameron Lake from Dorcas Bay was noted in 1880 (Hamalainen et al. 1973). 18 In 1855 the township was surveyed. Cyprus Lake was named to commemorate the island of Cyprus being ceded to Great Britain as associated with the Crimean War, 1854-56. Cameron Lake, originally named Lake Kent, was named after John Cameron of Southampton a man well known to people throughout the peninsula during the early days of settlement (Robertson 1906). In 1870 the Cook and Brother Logging Company, one of Canada`s largest companies in the late 19th century, were issued a license to log. Pine was most prized and in their first year almost 89,000 cubic feet of white pine was removed from St. Edmunds Township. They established a logging shanty at the west end of Cameron Lake and a road from Bury Road to Dorcas Bay (Kelly and Kischak 1992). Logging coupled with wildfires, including a catastrophic one in 1908, transformed the landscape from mature forest to early successional, with a significant loss of pine and hemlock in the species composition (Suffling et al. 2003). In 1968 Cyprus Lake Provincial Park was established, including a 242 site campground. No showers or electrical hook-up were installed. In 1987, the provincial park was transferred to the federal government to establish Bruce Peninsula National Park. Motor boats are permitted on Cameron Lake, but gas powered motors are not permitted on Cyprus, Horse or Marr Lakes. Canoes, kayaks, wind surfers, sail boats, etc... are permitted on all the lakes. A significant concern relates to the fact that boats can be used on Lake Huron and while they are still wet be re-launched in the area lakes, potentially introducing non-native species. The provincial government has identified Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSIs) within the area. Cameron Lake Dunes, Cameron Lake Fen, and Little Cove-Cave Point (encompasses Horse and Marr Lakes) are life science ANSIs (Riley et al. 1996). Most of the area, with the exception of Cameron Lake and its western shore, is within the Niagara Escarpment Plan area, which also defines the Niagara Escarpment World Biosphere Reserve ( BPNP is also a “Dark Sky Preserve” recognized by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada ( ). FishRegulations All the lakes are accessible to fishing and are managed under the Ontario Recreational Fishing Regulations, not the Canada National Parks Act (Table 9). 19 Table 9. Ontario Recreational Fishing Regulations for Cameron, Cyprus, Horse, and Marr Lakes. Limits (S = Standard License, C= Conservation License) Species Open Season Walleye S - 4; not more than 1 greater than 46 cm (18.1 in Jan. 1 to Mar. 15 & 2nd Sat. C - 2; not more than 1 greater than 46 cm (18.1 in.) in May to Dec. 31 Smallmouth Bass 4th Sat. in June to Nov. 30 S–6 C-2 Yellow Perch Open all year S – 50 C - 25 Sunfish Open all year S – 50 C - 25 Live Bait: baitfish, leopard frogs, crayfish, and leeches can be used as per the provincial regulations. It is illegal to release any live bait or dump the contents of a bait bucket, including the water, into any waters or within 30 m of any waters. Legal Baitfish Species: Blacknose shiner, Blackchin shiner, Bluntnose minnow, Brassy minnow, Central stoneroller, Common shiner, Creek chub, Eastern blacknose dace, Emerald shiner, Fallfish, Fathead minnow, Finescale dace, Golden shiner, Hornyhead chub, Lake chub, Longnose dace, Mimic shiner, Northern redbelly dace, Pearl dace, Redfin shiner, River chub, Rosyface shiner, Sand shiner, Spotfin shiner, Spottail shiner, Striped shiner, Longnose sucker, Northern hog sucker, Shorthead redhorse, Silver redhorse, White sucker, Central mudminnow, Lake herring (cisco),Trout-Perch, Brook stickleback, Ninespine stickleback, Threespine stickleback, Mottled sculpin, Slimy sculpin, Blackside darter, Fantail darter, Iowa darter, Johnny darter, Least darter, Rainbow darter, River darter, Tessellated darter, and Logperch FishConsumptionGuidelines The provincial government monitors and publishes fish consumption guidelines for Cameron and Cyprus Lakes (Ministry of the Environment 2011). The guidelines are based on an assessment various species and sizes (Table 10). Only mercury is tested for in the fish tissue from these lakes, where the risk warrants it, other contaminants are tested for in other lakes. Mercury bioaccumulates in fish muscle. Of note, larger Walleye (> 40 cm) and Smallmouth Bass (> 35 cm) from Cyprus Lake should not be eaten by the sensitive population (i.e., women of childbearing age and children under 15). 20 Table 10. Fish consumption guidelines based on an assessment of mercury concentrations (Ministry of the Environment 2011). The table provides the number of meals per month for various fish sizes. Each meal represents a percentage of monthly intake (e.g., 1 meal of a fish with a value of 4 = 25% of recommended intake). A. Cyprus Lake B. Cameron Lake 8. AdditionalResources Several on-line resources provide additional background and reference material (Table 11). 21 Table 11. Additional resources Name Description A. Background Reports CPAWS, An atlas of the northern Bruce Peninsula to Community Atlas support conservation planning. Sources of Forum proceedings provide locally focussed Knowledge papers on geology, archaeology, oral history, Proceedings GIS, birds, fishes, plants, planning, etc... State of the Park Parks Canada report based on monitoring report ecological integrity and visitor experience Lake Huron Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation provides additional resources and reports on such things as invasive species and restoration. B. Data Air Photos and Maps Bruce County “Map Factory”, build a map complete with ownership and high resolution imagery. Geological Maps Ontario Geological Survey Google Earth based geological maps for Ontario. Species Data Natural Heritage Information Centre contains biodiversity and natural area data. URL pid=72&cid=225 CountyLocator/locator.asp _earth_e.asp 9. References Beak Consultants Ltd. 1990. Sport Fish Management Study - Bruce Peninsula National Park. . BEAK Ref. 2545.1, Canadian Park Service. Blasco, S. M. 2001. Geological history of Fathom Five National Marine Park over the past 15,000 years. Pages 4562 in S. Parker and M. Munawar, editors. Ecology, Culture and Conservation of a Protected Area: Fathom Five National Marine Park, Canada. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands. Brunton, F. R. 2009. Project Unit 08-004. Update of Revisions to the Early Silurian Stratigraphy of the Niagara Escarpment: Integration of Sequence Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Hydrogeology to Delineate Hydrogeologic Units. Brunton, F. R. and C. Brintnell. 2011. Project Unit 08-004. Final Update of Early Silurian Stratigraphy of the Niagara Escarpment and Correlation with Subsurface Units Across Southwestern Ontario and the Great Lakes Basin. Ontario Geological Survey, . Charlton, M. N., J. E. Milne, W. G. Booth, and F. Chiocchio. 1993. Lake Erie offshore in 1990 - restoration and resilience in the central basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research 19:291-309. Coker, G. A., C. B. Portt, and C. K. Minns. 2001. Morphological and Ecological Characteristics of Canadian Freshwater Fishes. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2554:iv+89p. Cowan, W. R. and D. R. Sharpe. 2007. Surficial geology of the Bruce Peninsula, southern Ontario. Ontario Geological Service. Cowell, D. W. 1977. Karst Geomorphology of the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario. McMaster University, Hamilton. Cowell, D. W. and D. C. Ford. 1983. Karst hydrology of the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada. Journal of Hydrology 61:163-168. Cramer, B. D., C. E. Brett, M. J. Melchin, P. Ma¨nnik, M. A. Kleffner, P. I. McLaughlin, D. K. Loydell, A. Munnecke, L. Jeppsson, C. Corradini, F. R. Brunton, and M. R. Saltzman. 2011. Revised correlation of Silurian Provincial Series of North America with global and regional chronostratigraphic units and d13Ccarb chemostratigraphy. Lethaia 44:185-202. Geomatics International Inc. 2005. Bruce Peninsula National Park and Fathom Five National Marine Park Avifaunal Conservation Plan. Prepared for Parks Canada, Tobermory, Ontario. Hamalainen, P., V. Pelshea, and D. Spittal. 1973. Bruce Peninsula: Archaeological Survey, 1973. Ontario Government. Harpur, C. 2010. Assessing the natural variability in the fish communities of the lakes of the northern Bruce Peninsula. University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. 22 Heritage Quest Inc. 1994. Review and Assessment of Known Archaeological Resources on the Bruce Peninsula, Grey and Bruce Counties, Ontario. Prepared for Parks Canada, Kingston, Ontario. Janse, J. H., M. Scheffer, L. Lijklema, L. Van Liere, J. S. Sloot, and W. M. Mooij. 2010. Estimating the critical phosphorus loading of shallow lakes with the ecosystem model PCLake: Sensitivity, calibration and uncertainty. Ecological Modelling 221:654-665. Johnson, L. E., A. Ricciardi, and J. T. Carlton. 2001. Overland dispersal of aquatic invasive species: A risk assessment of transient recreational boating. Ecological Applications 11:1789-1799. Kaiser, J. 1994. The Flora of the Bruce Peninsula National Park and Vicinity, including the Tobermory Islands. Prepared for Parks Canada, Tobermory, Ontario. Keller, R. P. and D. M. Lodge. 2007. Species invasions from commerce in live aquatic organisms: Problems and possible solutions. BioScience 57:428-436. Kelly, C. and V. Kischak. 1992. A Land Use Study of the Bruce Peninsula with Emphasis on St. Edmunds Township. Parks Canada. Kor, P. S. G. and D. W. Cowell. 1998. Evidence for catastrophic subglacial meltwater sheetflood events on the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 35:1180-1202. Kor, P. S. G., D. W. Cowell, P. F. Karrow, and F. J. R. Kristjansson. 2012. The Cabot Head Archipelago: evidence of glacial Lake Algonquin on the Northern Bruce Peninsula, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 49:576-589. Lewis, M., C.F., P. F. Karrow, S. M. Blasco, F. M. G. McCarthy, J. W. King, T. C. Moore, and D. K. Rea. 2008. Evolution of lakes in the Huron basin: Deglaciation to present. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 11:127 - 136. Mackie, G. 2004. Applied Aquatic Ecosystem Concepts, 2nd Edition. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa. McCrea, R. C. and D. W. Cowell. 1991. Surface water quality of Bruce Peninsula and Fathom Five National J. H. M. Willison, S. Bondrup-Nielsen, C. Drysdale, T. B. Herman, N. W. P. Munroe, and T. K. Pollock, editors. Science and the Management of Protected Areas, May 14-19, 1991. Elsevier Acadia University, Nova Scotia. Ministry of the Environment. 2002. Georgian Bay Air Quality Study 2001. Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Branch, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto. Ministry of the Environment. 2011. Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish, 2011-2012. Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto. Molnar, J. S. 1997. Interpreting fishing strategies of the Odawa. University at Albany, SUNY. Nalepa, T. F., D. L. Fanslow, and G. A. Lang. 2009. Transformation of the offshore benthic community in Lake Michigan: recent shift from the native amphipod Diporeia spp. to the invasive mussel Dreissena rostriformis bugensis. Freshwater Biology 54:466-479. Parks Canada. 2011. Bruce Peninsula National Park of Canada: State of the Park Report 2010. Gatineau, Quebec. Puth, L. M. and D. M. Post. 2005. Studying invasion: have we missed the boat? Ecology Letters 8:715-721. Riley, J. L., J. V. Jalava, and S. Varga. 1996. Ecological Survey of the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve. Volume I. Significant Natural Areas. Volume II. Technical Appendices., Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Southcentral Region., Peterborough, Ontario. Robertson, N. 1906. The History of the County of Bruce and of the Minor Municipalities Therein, Province of Ontario, Canada. William Briggs, Toronto. Rothlisberger, J. D., W. L. Chadderton, J. McNulty, and D. M. Lodge. 2010. Aquatic Invasive Species Transport via Trailered Boats: What Is Being Moved, Who Is Moving It, and What Can Be Done. Fisheries 35:121-132. S.L. Ross Environmental Ltd., Mosquin Bio-Information Ltd., and Horler Information Inc. 1989. Bruce Peninsula National Park Biophysical Survey. Canadian Parks Service, Tobermory. Scheffer, M. 2004. Ecology of shallow lakes. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA. Scheffer, M., S. Carpenter, J. A. Foley, C. Folke, and B. Walker. 2001. Catastrophic shifts in ecosystems. Nature 413:591-596. Schueler, F. W., D. M. Tomes, and A. Karstad. 1992. Herpetology of the Outer Bruce Peninsula, Volume 1: Introduction & Site Accounts. Parks Canada, Tobermory. Scott, D. and R. Suffling. 2000. Climate Change and Canada's National Park System: A screening level assessment. Adaptation and Impacts Research Group, Environment Canada, and University of Waterloo. Suffling, R., M. Evans, and A. Perera. 2003. Presettlement forest in soutern Ontario: Ecosystems measured through a cultural prisim. The Forestry Chronicle 79(3):485-501. Suffling, R. and D. Scott. 2002. Assessment of climate change effects on Canada's National Park system. Environmental monitoring and assessment 74:117-139. Truscott, J. 2011. Beaver (Castor canadensis) colonization, wetland community change and resilience: Bruce Peninsula National Park. Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC. 23 Werner, P. 2003. Reconstructing trophic state changes for shallow and deep lakes in a limestone region of Ontario, Canada, using paleolimnological indicators. AAT NQ86248. Queen's University, Kingston Werner, P., M. Chaisson, and J. P. Smol. 2005. Long-term limnological changes in six lakes with differing human impacts from a limestone region in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Lake and reservoir management 21:436452. Wetzel, R. G. 2001. Limnology: Lake and River Ecosystems, 3rd Edition. Academic Press, San Diego. Young, V. H., R. E. Elliot, E. Hofstede, J. S. Dobbyn, and R. E. Harris. 1996. Bruce Peninsula National Park Mammal Inventory. Volume IV. Final Report., Prepared for Parks Canada by LGL Ltd., Tobermory, Ontario. 24 Appendix1.Carbondioxide‐bicarbonate‐carbonate equilibriumandmarlformation Four forms of carbon dioxide in freshwater: 1. 2. 3. 4. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Carbonic Acid (H2CO3) Bicarbonate (HCO3-) Carbonate (CO3-2) The first form, C02, is required by plants (e.g., algae) for photosynthesis and with the other forms, plays an important role in affecting lake pH, alkalinity and buffering capacity. Equation 1. Carbon dioxide readily combines with water to form carbonic acid (e.g., rain water pH about 5.6). The symbol “↔” indicates that it is an equilibrium formula. CO2 + H20 ↔ H2CO3 Equation 2. Carbonic acid weakly dissociates into bicarbonate and carbonate. The carbonate can only exist in waters greater than pH 8.2. H2CO3 ↔ HCO3- + H+ ↔ CO3-2 + 2 H+ Equation 3. As carbonic acid flows through the soil and comes into contact with limestone, it reacts with the calcium carbonate to put calcium and bicarbonate ions into solution. H2CO3 + CaCO3 → Ca2+ + 2 HCO3Equations 4 and 5. Marl formation. Calcium and bicarbonate ions react to form soluble calcium bicarbonate with equilibrium carbon dioxide. At pH levels greater than 8.2 any CO2 removed from the water by off-gassing or photosynthesis will cause calcium carbonate to precipitate out forming marl. Ca2+ + 2 HCO3- ↔ Ca(HCO3)2 Ca(HCO3)2 ↔ CaCO3 ↓+ H2O + CO2 calcium bicarbonate calcium carbonate precipitate Used by plants 25 Appendix2.AlkalinityandBuffering 1. Hardness The concept originated in earlier days to describe the soap consuming power of water. That is hard water (> 120 mg CaCO3/l) is “hard” to lather because the cations of calcium and magnesium cause soap to precipitate. While soft water (<60 mg CaCO3/l) is relatively easy to lather since little soap precipitates. Hardness relates to the cations of calcium, magnesium, and to some extent iron, and is usually expressed as mg CaCO3. It includes, CaCO3, Ca(HCO3)2, MgCO3, Mg(HCO3)2, CaSO4, MgSO4, CaCl2, and MgCl2. Of interest, boiling water converts the carbonates (CO3-2) and bicarbonates (HCO3-) to carbon dioxide and calcium is deposited as “scale”. 2. Alkalinity Alkalinity is a measure of the ability to resist drops in pH. Resistance is due to the presence of anions of carbonates, bicarbonates (and occasionally hydroxides). Again, hardness relates to calcium and magnesium while alkalinity to carbonates and bicarbonates. The compounds that contribute to alkalinity are: CaCO3, Ca(HCO3)2, MgCO3 and Mg(HCO3)2. 3. Buffering The strong acids associated with acid rain, like sulphuric acid (H2SO4) or nitric acid (HNO3), may be converted to much weaker acids like carbonic acid depending on the alkalinity of the lake or river. a. Hydroxides are converted to water: H2SO4 + Ca(OH)2 → CaSO4 + H2O b. Carbonates are converted to bicarbonates: H2SO4 + 2 CaCO3 → CaSO4 + Ca(HCO3)2 c. Bicarbonates are converted to carbonic acid: H2SO4 + Ca(HCO3)2 → CaSO4 + 2 H2CO3 26 Appendix3.Lakemaps(preparedbyJeffTruscott) 27 28 29 Appendix4.Fishhabitatcharacteristics Data in the following table is sourced from Coker et al. (2001). The Ontario Freshwater Fishes Life History Database ( is also a valuable resource. Common Name Banded Killifish Trophic Class invertivore; planktivore Blackchin Shiner Tolerances Environment tolerant of low dissolved oxygen and high water temperature (38°C); moderately tolerant of turbidity benthopelagic invertivore intolerant of turbidity, siltation and loss of aquatic vegetation benthopelagic Bluntnose Minnow detritivore benthopelagic Brook Stickleback planktivore; invertivore Central Mudminnow invertivore tolerant of siltation and organic enrichment; moderately tolerant of turbidity tolerant of low dissolved oxygen, acidity and alkalinity; intolerant of turbidity; often only species occurring in marginal habitats low dissolved oxygen (<1 mg/L); low pH; high water temperature (29°C) Common Shiner invertivore tolerant of turbidity benthopelagic Iowa Darter invertivore intolerant of turbidity, but can survive low dissolved oxygen (<1 mg/L benthic Johnny Darter invertivore benthic Logperch invertivore tolerant of many organic and inorganic pollutants; avoids excessive siltation; moderately tolerant of turbidity moderately tolerant of turbidity Longnose Gar carnivore tolerant of high water temperature, turbidity and low dissolved oxygen benthopelagic benthic benthic benthopelagic Habitat Characteristics quiet, shallow, margins of lakes, ponds and sluggish streams in areas with sand and gravel substrates with patches of aquatic macrophytes nearshore of clear, vegetated lakes and quiet pools and slow runs in creek and small rivers with sandy substrates sand and gravel bottom shallows of clear lakes, creeks, rivers and ponds small, boggy headwater streams, shallow lake margins, ponds, and clear pools and backwaters of creeks and small rivers. Usually ass. with vegetation heavily vegetated ponds, wetlands, bogs or pools of small creeks and quiet, shallow (0.5m) areas of lakes with mud and organic substrates pools near riffles in clear, cool creeks and small to medium rivers, and nearshore in clear-water lakes clear waters of lakes, and slow flowing pools of creeks and small to medium rivers, having rooted aquatic vegetation and organic to sand substrates sandy, silty, gravelly, sometime rocky, pools of creeks and small to medium rivers, and sandy shores of lakes sand, gravel, or rocky beaches in lakes and over similar substrates in creeks and rivers, avoiding silted areas and swift currents vegetated, sluggish pools, backwaters and oxbows of medium to large rivers and weedy, quiet shallows of warm lakes with silty, sandy substrates, often near logs of brush piles 30 Reproductive Guild Nonguarders: Open substratum spawners: Phytophils Nonguarders: Open substratum spawners: Phytophils Guarders: Nest spawners: Speleophils Spawning Months June-August June-August June-August Guarders: Nest spawners: Ariadnophils May-July Nonguarders: Open substratum spawners: Phytophils April-May Guarders: Nest spawners: Lithophils May-June Nonguarders: Open substratum spawners: Phyto-lithophils April-June Guarders: Nest spawners: Speleophils May-June Nonguarders: Open substratum spawners: Psammophils May-June Nonguarders: Open substratum spawners: Phytophils May-June Common Name Mimic Shiner Trophic Class invertivore; herbivore Northern Redbelly Dace Pumpkinseed invertivore; planktivore Tolerances moderately intolerant of turbidity Habitat Characteristics benthopelagic sandy pools and creeks and small to large rivers,open waters and quiet backwaters of lakes lakes, bogs, ponds and pools of creeks with organic substrates and aquatic vegetation, usually stained water warm, shallows of lakes and ponds, quiet, pools of creeks and small rivers, with aquatic vegetation and organic debris vegetated areas of shallow lakes and pools of creeks and rivers Nonguarders: Open substratum spawners: Phyto-lithophils Nonguarders: Open substratum spawners: Phytophils Guarders: Nest spawners: Polyphils Guarders: Nest spawners: Lithophils May-June clear, gravel-bottom runs and flowing pools of small to large rivers and shallow (5-7m), rocky and sandy area of lakes lakes (at depths up to 21m), and pools, backwaters and runs of medium to large rivers pools and riffles of creeks and rivers, warm shallow lakes and embayments of larger lakes lakes, ponds and pools of creeks and small to large rivers with moderate aquatic veg. And clear water Guarders: Nest spawners: Lithophils May-June Nonguarders: Open substratum spawners: Litho-pelagophils Nonguarders: Open substratum spawners: Lithophils Nonguarders: Open substratum spawners: Phyto-lithophils April-June benthopelagic invertivore; carnivore moderately tolerant of turbidity benthopelagic Rock Bass invertivore; carnivore benthopelagic Smallmouth Bass invertivore; carnivore Intolerant of low dissolved oxygen (<3 mg/L) and siltation; moderately tolerant of turbidity; inhabit deep water and remain in a condition of semi-hibernation during the winter moderately tolerant of turbidity; intolerant of pH <6 Walleye invertivore; carnivore moderately tolerant of turbidity benthopelagic White Sucker invertivore; detritivore tolerant of pollution; moderately tolerant of turbidity benthic Yellow Perch invertivore; carnivore low dissolved oxygen; turbidity; salinity; low pH benthopelagic benthopelagic 31 Reproductive Guild Spawning Months June-July Environment May-July May-August April-June April-May