2012 Annual

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Annual Report 2012
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Greenpeace, Inc. is the leading independent campaigning
organization that uses peaceful direct action and creative
communication to expose global environmental problems
and promote solutions that are essential to a green and
peaceful future. Greenpeace, Inc. is registered is a
registered 501(c)(4) entity. Greenpeace Fund, Inc.
supports Greenpeace, Inc. campaigns through research,
public education, and grants for environmental advocacy.
Greenpeace Fund, Inc. is registered with the Internal
Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) charitable entity. Please
visit greenpeace.org to learn more about Greenpeace, Inc.
and greenpeacefund.org to learn more about Greenpeace
Fund, Inc.
Charity Rankings
Greenpeace Fund, Inc. (Greenpeace Fund) is consistently
ranked among the nation’s top charities – for our
achievements and for the high percentage of revenue that
goes directly towards the protection of the planet.
Greenpeace Fund is proud to meet all of the BBB Wise
Giving Alliance Standards for Charity Accountability.
Greenpeace Fund is recognized by Charity Navigator as
having demonstrated financial efficiency and excellent
accountability and transperancy.
Greenpeace Fund is proud to be a top-rated environmental
charity by the American Institute of Philanthropy with an
Greenpeace Fund is proud to be a part of the CFC and to
carry the “Best in America” seal from Independent
Charities of America. Of the 1 million charities operating in
the United States today, it is estimated that fewer than 5%
meet or exceed these standards and fewer than 2,000
2charities have been awarded this seal.
This report is intended to provide a summary of all Greenpeace campaign
activities. Please note that all donations to Greenpeace Fund, Inc. were
solely used in connection with 501(c)(3) permissible activities.
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Letter from the Executive Director
Daniel Casillan
Kelly Mitchell
Rolf Skar
Patricia Simun
Basil Tsimoyianis
Corrine Barr
George Pletnikoff
Jackie Dragon
Liza von Rabenau
Karen Topakian
Carol Steinhart
Adelaide Gomer
Boards of Directors
Letter from the Chief Operating Officer
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“With realization of one’s
own potential and selfconfidence in one’s ability,
one can build a better world.”
Dalai Lama
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s personally motivated as I am by our cause — to
create a green, peaceful future — I become more
inspired every day by the people who give so much
of themselves in its pursuit. That’s why I am so proud to
introduce you to a small handful of the people who are
These men and women come from many backgrounds and
run the gamut in age and experience, ability and
perspective. They are constantly pushing us towards
becoming a better Greenpeace, one that invites everyone
concerned about our future and outraged by
environmental crimes to join the fight.
What I see each and every day is that these people are
doers, which I equate to what the Dalai Lama identifies in
people who make a better world. George and Karen and
Daniel and Pat and Jackie — just to name a few of our
friends and colleagues and supporters described in the
following pages — are all confident in their ability to, as our
Forest Campaign Director Rolf says, “fight the fight, even if
the odds are slim.”
That is what amazes me the most about this collection of
individuals. They have a never-failing sense of faith and
determination to take on what others may think is
It’s people like them, and you, who show skeptics that
nothing is impossible. It’s because of them and you that
Greenpeace can convince 100 of the world’s largest
corporations to take
action to end
deforestation, help
communities across
America shut down
dirty and dangerous
coal plants, and build
powerful coalitions of
scientists and native
communities and
supermarkets to safeguard our oceans.
Phil Radfo
It’s hard work sometimes, but it’s also a lot of fun, and we
share a lot of laughs. With that sense of fun and goodhearted mischief that has always been in the DNA at
Greenpeace, we asked Rolf and the others profiled in here
to share with you what they think their “unofficial title” at
Greenpeace is.
I hope you enjoy getting to know a bit more about our
people, and I hope you know that you, too, are
Greenpeace. You created this ever-more powerful
movement and you keep it going. You inspire us every day
and remind us how much we are capable of building
For a green, peaceful future,
Philip D. Radford
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n the island of Rarotonga in
the South Pacific, Daniel
bore witness daily to the
deterioration of our oceans. As a
commercial diver there, Daniel
saw bleaching coral, rising sea
levels, and the depletion of
marine species. “At first I would
see schools of tuna, and then
over time they would disappear,”
he says. He also saw all types of
commercial fishing ships, like
long liners “pillaging the ocean,
knowing that there is only a finite
period of time, and people doing
something about it.” His mission
became clear: to raise awareness
in any way that he could.
Daniel Casil
Daniel Casillan
Official Title:
City Coordinator for the
Orange County
Greenpeace Office
Unofficial Title:
“Jack Of All Trades”
That’s why Daniel is proud to hold
several fundraising records and
for signing up 1,500 monthly
Greenpeace supporters over three
years as a Frontline canvasser. He
understands it’s difficult to engage
strangers on the street, but for
him, it’s inspiring to start a
conversation, then see others
“become aware and stand on the
right side of history.”
Today, he is a coordinator for the
Frontline program, recruiting and
training Frontline staff across
Orange County that is creating a
community of change. He also
puts his diving skills to use on
the ships, supporting direct
In 2012, he was on the team that
staged a four-day occupation of
a Shell drill ship in New Zealand’s
Port of Taranaki, launching a
global campaign to stop
exploitative drilling in the Arctic.
In a “James Bond move,” Daniel
dove into the harbor in the
middle of the night, bringing
supplies to the team on the ship,
which included actress Lucy
Lawless. These supplies included
food, flashlights, and cards from
Greenpeace supporters from
around the world. Daniel was
also the dive team leader on the
South Korean “Save the Whales”
ship tour. He helped to observe
and document whales, dolphins,
and evidence of overfishing.
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“On one dive, I turned around and
saw a family of humpback whales
watching me with their big eyes.
This changed me and I swore I
would help save the oceans. We
are the whales’ worst enemy and
the only ally they have.”
- D. Casillan
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I have withdrawal from latenight coalition meetings,”
Kelly says of the intensive
work that she and a group of
more than 60 organizations, large
and small, undertook to close
down the Fisk and Crawford coal
plants in Chicago. This
campaign, which came to a
dramatic conclusion in 2012, was
one of the most meaningful she
has worked on — and not just
because Greenpeace helped
force two of the dirtiest plants in
the country to close their doors.
Kelly Mitchell
Kelly Mitchell
Official Title:
Climate and Energy
Unofficial Title:
“Expert Generalist”
“We all felt this campaign in our
bones,” Kelly says, “and we
found a way of working with
humility and respect where
everyone was involved in
decision-making.” She believes
this is a model for grassroots
work across the country. “We
now have this broad base of
grassroots power in Chicago,”
Kelly says, “and we are in a great
position to fight whatever comes
next with such resiliency.”
Ever since joining Greenpeace
seven years ago, Kelly has
devised and overseen campaigns
combining grassroots organizing,
communications, and advocacy
aimed at addressing the root
causes of climate change. “I feel
very blessed,” she says, “to be
paid to prevent the world’s most
powerful industries from cooking
our planet.”
Much of her work has focused on
the U.S. coal industry, from
working alongside communities
most impacted by the pollution at
coal plants to stopping the
export of U.S. coal overseas. “I’m
inspired by a mix of anger and
hope,” she says. “I’m angry that
coal companies pollute with few
consequences and that they
have corrupted every institution
of power. Yet given all their
money, their connection to
politicians, their influence over
the media, they’re losing. That’s
because people are fed up and
willing to take bigger and bolder
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“We’re not satisfied with
Band-Aid approaches to
- K. Mitchell
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oordinating a global forest
campaign is a job with
strange hours. Last year,
for example, Rolf held midnight
meetings with Indonesian
colleagues three times a week.
Rolf Skar
Rolf Skar
Official Title:
Forest Campaign Director
Unofficial Title:
“Tree-Hugger In Chief”
But it is exhilarating. As Rolf
describes it, he pulls the trigger
on initiatives that reach every
corner of the globe — like last
year’s effort to push Yum!
Brands (owner of KFC and other
fast food chains) to cut ties with
corporations that are tearing up
wildlife habitat in Southeast
Asia’s Paradise Forests. As he
puts it: “There are people who I
will never meet, who speak
languages that I will never
speak, but to whom I am
The strategy behind the work —
ensuring that there is no market
for products derived from
devastated forests — has been
extraordinarily effective. Some of
the world's biggest brands —
from Nestlé to Mattel — cut
business with forest-destroying
companies, sending a strong
message that deforestation is
bad for business. Now,
Indonesia's biggest palm oil and
paper companies have
committed to end their forest
destruction in Paradise.
Rolf sometimes feels removed
from forests when he is in the
middle of orchestrating the many
elements of a global campaign.
But he is front and center to
drive what he considers the
most important work — helping
companies turn promises into
action. “What people don’t
know,” he says, “is that when we
win, the real action begins.” It
isn’t flashy, but behind-thescenes negotiations to help
businesses develop new policies
and practices on the ground are
how Greenpeace makes sure
that forests stay standing.
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“I believe in fighting the fight
even if the odds are slim. I think
there’s a responsibility to do
what’s right, and there is power in
knowing that what you are doing
— whether or not it works — is
the right thing to do.”
- R. Skar
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at first heard about
Greenpeace “very early on,
when they first started
chasing whalers.” She also
notes: “Had I been 20 years
younger, I would have wanted to
be on one of the ships, chasing
after them, too.”
Pat Simun
Patricia Simun
Long-Time Supporter
of Greenpeace
Why we are inspired by
Patricia (known as Pat):
“Pat considers Greenpeace a
part of her family and, for
those of us who know her,
the feeling is mutual. Her
spirit is infectious.”
Pat has always appreciated
Greenpeace’s willingness to
“make the commitment to do
something, even if it takes years
and years.” She doesn’t believe
environmentalism can be “just a
hobby,” given the threats we
face. In particular, she applauds
Greenpeace’s efforts to convince
corporations to commit to
conservation measures. She’s
glad that Greenpeace “keeps an
eye on them.”
“Once an agreement is in place,”
she says, “it’s easy for folks to
say, ‘Oh, sure,’ and then when
you turn your back, they go back
to what they were doing.”
Today, Pat’s support of
Greenpeace is largely driven by
the memory of her brother, A.E.
Griffith Bates, Jr. In his
retirement, “Mr. Bates” (as he is
still fondly referred to by staff)
volunteered for Greenpeace,
logging in more than 25,000
hours organizing precious
archival photographs and
documents. In honor of his deep
commitment, Greenpeace
named its airship, the A.E.
Bates, after him. Pat is
appreciative of the love that
came from Greenpeace in wake
of her brother’s death and was
thrilled to ride on the A.E. Bates
on one of its earliest flights.
At 82, Pat remains as active as
possible. One of her other great
passions is bones. She
volunteers at Los Angeles’ Page
Museum, digging up and
cleaning Ice Age bones found in
the La Brea tar pits.
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“I’m terribly concerned about the
world we will leave for our
children and grandchildren. It’s a
pretty messy place. But I don’t
know of another organization like
Greenpeace with such courage
and that never gives up.”
- P. Simun
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asil has climbed Mount
Rushmore, office buildings
of U.S. Congressmen, and,
in 2012, a Russian oilrig
alongside Greenpeace
International Executive Director
Kumi Naidoo. But the work he
finds most fulfilling is teaching
others about civil disobedience.
Basil Tsimoyianis
Basil Tsimoyianis
Official Title:
Activist Program Officer
Unofficial Title:
“A lot of the folks who inspire me
most don’t really have a choice
about whether to be active or not.
They live, work, and raise families
on the frontlines of environmental
destruction every day. People are
having their lives and livelihoods
wrecked in exchange for the
economic and political interests
of a few. What’s left are damaged
ecological and social systems
that impact us all.”
His interest in Greenpeace was
sparked when he was majoring in
environmental studies at the
University of Vermont.
Unfortunately, the coursework
discouraged rather than inspired
him. “I went to school to learn
ways in which I could have a
positive impact and instead I
learned how corporate interests
and government negligence were
exacerbating ecological
problems. It was depressing.”
Basil took some time off from
school and participated in the
Greenpeace Semester, a program
where Greenpeace staff instruct
students in environmental
activism and engage them in
campaigns. He returned to
campus with new purpose. Basil
mobilized classmates and forced
the college administration to
commit to purchasing sustainable
paper products, helping
Greenpeace to stop paper giant
Kimberly Clark from tearing down
virgin forests for profit.
Basil describes himself as
undergoing a constant process of
learning, spurred by his
interactions with activists and his
work on campaigns. “If you asked
me why I became involved seven
years ago I would say it was
because of my infatuation for wild
places. I would now say there’s
more at stake. I’ve got a lot of
work to do. I think we all do.”
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“There’s no billboard that tells people the
toxic air quality near a coal plant or an ad at
the gas pump showing those poisoned by the
processes involved. That’s up to us.”
- B. Tsimoyianis
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uddy was a Greenpeace
supporter that Corrine
knew for 12 years. She and
Buddy would have “the most
wonderful conversations,” and
she describes him as “warm,
funny, sweet, and caring.” Buddy
spent many years in the Coast
Guard and felt a special
connection to the sea. When he
retired to Palm Springs, he joked
about the irony of living in the
desert when he had always been
so close to the ocean. In his last
years, Corrine visited Buddy, and
he again expressed his passion
for ocean protection and his
enthusiasm for Greenpeace.
Corrine Barr
Corrine Barr
Official Title:
Gift Planning Manager
Unofficial Title:
“A guide for our supporters,
helping them connect to
and act for Greenpeace
Buddy gave modestly to
Greenpeace throughout his life,
but he wanted to do whatever he
could. So he left his estate to
Greenpeace when he died in
2012. “It was sad for me to lose
this person that I connected with
over the years,” says Corrine,
“but to know that his gift was
going to perpetuate the work
that he was excited about made
me feel good.”
Corrine thinks of herself as an
activist and a fundraiser, so she
participates in many Greenpeace
rallies and protests. On the
Summer Solstice last year, she
dressed up as a polar bear to
raise awareness about the
Arctic. She gets involved in
Greenpeace campaigns,
“because I want to bring the
voice of our supporters to our
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“One of the first things that I
remember about Greenpeace is
watching the whales trapped in
Alaska every night on the news. It
was 1988 and I was amazed at
what Greenpeace could do. What’s
amazing to me now is how we
have evolved to be even more
effective, bringing more people
together to save the planet today
and for the future.”
- C. Barr
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or eight years, George has
worked toward a
reconciliation between
environmental activists and
Alaska’s Indigenous
communities. It’s an important
partnership, because Alaska is at
the center of our ocean
protection campaign. Alaska’s
Bering Sea, for example, is
among the world’s most
productive and threatened
fisheries. It’s a priority marine
ecosystem that Greenpeace
works to save by helping
Alaska’s Indigenous communities
have a say in its future, for their
way of life is inextricably tied to
the ocean.
George Pletnikoff
George Pletnikoff
Official Title:
Alaska Oceans Campaigner
Unofficial Title:
“I am an Aleut person who
happens to work with
Greenpeace on issues that
are critical to our people’s
Native Peoples and
environmentalists have been at
odds before, largely because we
haven’t, as George says, “in
humility, listened to what the
people are and are not saying.”
Himself an Aleut, George
understands that silence among
Native People is as important as
what is said, and with that
knowledge he is building a
powerful coalition of Native
communities, scientists, and
environmental activists.
A milestone in 2012 that George
is particularly proud of is the
signing of a resolution by 229
tribal governments, which among
other things calls for the
protection of the Bering Sea
Canyons from destructive fishing
practices such as pollock
trawling. Trawling is a particularly
destructive fishing practice that
tears up the ocean floor and puts
at risk a variety of marine
species, from deep sea coral to
Steller sea lions to pollock to
salmon. Given the rising influence
of Indigenous communities, this
definitive call to action is hard for
policymakers deciding the future
of the Bering Sea to ignore.
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“There comes a time for reconciliation, and
that time may be now, because there is so
much at stake. Our planet is at stake. But
we’re not going to solve our problems unless
we first have genuine introspection on who
we are and what we are trying to do to seek
reconciliation with all of Creation.”
- G. Pletnikoff
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The first bumper sticker on
my first car was ‘Save the
Whales’,” says Jackie. “I don’t
remember when I didn’t know
about Greenpeace, and I feel like
the luckiest person in the world
to do the work that I do.”
Jackie Dragon
Jackie Dragon
Official Title:
Senior Oceans Campaigner
Unofficial Title:
“Dolphin Whisperer”
That work, as described by
Jackie, is “to bring peoples’
voices into the political process
to protect the huge part of the
world that is water.” Specifically,
Jackie is organizing to push the
North Pacific Fishery
Management Council, which
makes decisions for all waters in
Alaska, to create a sanctuary
around the Bering Sea’s deep
sea canyons.
“These are the Grand Canyons
of the Pacific,” says Jackie, “and
this area is also one of the most
lucrative fishing spots in the
world.” Policymakers have
resisted putting protection of
this area on their agenda for
over a decade. “When it comes
to protecting the broader
ecosystem, and the food web,
they tend to wait until there’s a
devastating population crash
before they act,” says Jackie,
because of the profit motive.
But Jackie is no stranger to
fighting the forces that be. Prior
to working for Greenpeace, she
brought the shipping industry to
the table to negotiate stronger
safeguards for whales along
California’s coastline.
In 2012, Jackie and her team
mobilized citizens, seafood
businesses, scientists, and
native communities to convince
the North Pacific Fishery
Management Council to start a
process for assessing and
creating new protections of the
Bering Sea canyons.
It was a satisfying moment,
because the council listened to
the variety of people with a stake
in the Bering Sea. “On my own,
I’m nothing,” Jackie says. “It’s
when there are many voices
behind me that things change.”
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“Every day, I’m encouraged to see
progress against what seem like
the most difficult, incredible,
gigantic odds. We’re creating a
world where there will be whales,
which is one metaphor for a
healthy planet.”
- J. Dragon
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iza grew up near the
University of Puerto Rico in
San Juan. For some 27
years, her mother was the editorin-chief of the National tourist
guide for Puerto Rico, Que Pasa
en Puerto Rico. She later did
research and writing about
wildlife — specifically the birds of
Puerto Rico — as a consultant
for the Fideicomiso de
Conservacion de Puerto Rico.
Liza von Rabenau
Liza von
Greenpeace Supporter
Why we are inspired
by Liza:
“Liza is using the wonderful
memories she has of her
childhood to inspire the future
she wants for children
Liza remembers joining her
mother in the summers on long
walks around the island,
marveling at the mountains and
rivers that were so close to
where she lived. These were
places that her mother would
write about.
But that’s all changed. “There's
too much cement,” she says of
today’s Puerto Rico. “And
beautiful places that I used to
visit are gone.”
The loss of our “green world” —
as Liza put it — sparks in her a
great concern for the future of
her grandchildren. “They are
surrounded by malls and
highways," she says. “When I
was growing up, there was a
countryside with rivers and an
ocean beyond. My grandchildren
don’t see any of that.”
That’s why she is proud to
support Greenpeace and even
prouder that her daughter,
Marcela Bringas von Rabenau,
works for Greenpeace as the
national training director for the
Greenpeace Frontline
canvassing program. “I love
telling people that my daughter
is out there telling others about
the consequences of destroying
our environment, of the animals
that may not survive,” Liza says.
“Greenpeace is a movement,
and it's one that must be led by
our children,” Liza goes on to
say. As a social worker in New
York City's public schools, she
has her own opportunities to talk
to kids about the natural world.
“It’s incredible how they
respond,” she says, and it gives
her hope. “It’s their world and
their future.”
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“I love the word “sustainable” and what it means for our
future. We should know that when we eat certain foods —
sardines or tuna — we are having an impact on the world.
We need to know about the terrible things that are
happening to our planet every minute, and we need to
stand up and stop it.”
- L. von Rabenau
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I’ve been around
Greenpeace for a really long
time,” Karen says.
Karen Topakian
Karen Topakian
Official Title:
Board Chair of Greenpeace,
Inc., the 501(c)(4) nonprofit
arm of Greenpeace
Unofficial Title:
“I look out from a higher
height and further into the
future to help move
Greenpeace forward.”
As a high school senior in the
1970s, she saw toxic pollution
contaminating in the Pawtuxet
River in Rhode Island. It would be
in the 1980s when Greenpeace
activists chained themselves to
the discharge pipes to stop
chemical manufacturer CibaGeigy from dumping toxics into
that same river, and when Karen
thought: “I want to do that.”
After college, Karen immersed
herself in the Rhode Island
nuclear disarmament movement.
And in 1987, after finishing
graduate school, she joined
Greenpeace as a campaigner in
the Nuclear Free Seas campaign,
focusing on abolishing naval
nuclear weapons.
While on staff, Karen “was loaned
out to a lot of other campaigns, “
including Greenpeace’s emerging
initiative to stop climate change.
For this campaign, she spent 96
hours in a large metal box (with a
working bathroom), placed on
train tracks near a DuPont plant.
The plan was to stop DuPont
from moving chlorofluorocarbon
coolants, chemicals linked to the
depletion of the ozone layer.
Numerous activists spent time in
similar boxes across the country;
it was one of the first coordinated
actions Greenpeace took around
climate change. Chlorofluorocarbons are now no longer in use.
Karen believes it’s ever more
difficult for corporations and
politicians to ignore Greenpeace
because “science, an
understanding of law and
regulations, integrity, and
professionalism form the
backbone of every campaign.”
She’s particularly proud of
Greenpeace’s collaboration with
community groups to shut down
coal plants. She believes social
change begins from the “ground
up,” and that Greenpeace plays
an important role in “elevating
and intensifying” the hard work of
grassroots activists, “helping
them achieve the victories they
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“We don’t like to be ignored.”
- K. Topakian
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Carol Steinhart
Carol Steinhart
Long-Time Supporter of
Why we are inspired by
“Carol is just the type of
passionate, informed person
so many of us strive to be.”
love of science runs deep
in the Steinhart family.
Carol and her late husband
John both obtained doctorates
— in plant physiology and
geophysics respectively — and
collaborated on three books.
They wrote a definitive
description of the first major oil
spill in America: the 1969 Santa
Barbara Blowout. The disaster
wreaked havoc along the
California coastline and spurred a
national movement to end
offshore oil drilling.
ocean protection has always
impressed Carol. She also
admires Greenpeace’s creativity
and ability to get the media’s
attention. “We’d better pay
attention,” she says, “because
environmental issues seem to be
off our radar. The other things
that we care about won’t get us
in the end.” She’s frustrated that
policymakers “don’t know their
history,” and won’t “get out of the
way” to allow innovation around
clean energy technology to
Although heavily engaged in
research and writing on
ecological and energy issues, it
was her son’s great passion for
fish that turned Carol on to
Greenpeace. Carol describes
Geoff as a “Merman” who began
fishing at a very young age. He’s
still an avid fisherman with a
doctorate in fish biology.
Carol is an accomplished
musician in the violin, viola, and
the saw, which she learned by
watching a coworker with whom
she shared an office. In
retirement, she plays chamber
and folk music, volunteers at the
University of Wisconsin’s
Arboretum, and “bombards”
Congress with letters on a variety
of policy issues, especially
environmental protection.
Greenpeace’s commitment to
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“When my son was five years old,
he would watch Jacques Cousteau
on television. He was very upset
one day and told me that he
wanted to see whales before they
went extinct. That’s when we
began going on whale watching
trips and discovered Greenpeace.”
- C. Steinhart
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We’re all connected,” says
Adelaide on why she’s so
committed to the fight for
our environment, whether in
Ithaca where she lives or across
the world. “When a rainforest is
cleared for corporate greed, for
example, everyone is affected.”
Adelaide Go
Adelaide Gomer
Board Member of Greenpeace
Fund, the 501(c)3 nonprofit
arm of Greenpeace
Why we are inspired by
“Adelaide is a ‘Greenpeacer’ at
heart. She’s fierce and doesn’t
take things sitting down. If she
sees an injustice, she fights it
with energy and passion.”
For two decades, Adelaide has
jumped into the fight in many
different ways. As president of
the Park Foundation, she’s
spearheaded a number of
funding initiatives, including the
purchase of rainforest in Belize
and efforts to stop “fracking,” the
toxic process for extracting
natural gas from shale. The Park
Foundation’s investment in the
anti-fracking movement is part of
its focus on ensuring that clean
water is affordable and
accessible across the U.S.
Adelaide’s battle with cancer
heightened her awareness and
outrage about the many
carcinogens found around us,
especially in water. “You can eat
all the organic food in the world,”
she says, “It doesn’t matter if
there’s mercury in the water you
Greenpeace’s ocean protection
work captured Adelaide’s interest
and admiration long ago. “I look
out at the ocean, this infinite
thing,” she says, “and know it’s
full of plastics and toxins, that we
are losing any number of
species.” She joined the
Greenpeace Fund board in 2012
and has found it an eye-opening
experience, to see the “broad
horizon” of campaigns that touch
all corners of the globe. She’s
also gratified to see Greenpeace
mobilize youth. “It’s their world
now,” she says, “Young people
must engage if we’re going to
turn the future around.”
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“I’m a cancer survivor and a
grandmother. I want to go out
fighting and believe Greenpeace is
brave and courageous, fighting
with powerful impact. The battle
goes on and on and can so easily
be forgotten over time. I admire
Greenpeace for keeping the fight
- A. Gomer
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Greenpeace, Inc.
Board of Directors
Karen Topakian, Chair
Valerie Denney
Tom Newmark
Melissa Bradley
Jee Kim
Jigar Shah
Tracy Sturdivant
Betsy Taylor
Antha Williams
Greenpeace Fund, Inc.
Board of Directors
Jeffrey Hollender, Chair
Elizabeth Gilchrist
Alnoor Ladha
Adelaide Gomer
Ellen McPeake
John Passacantando
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Letter from Robert Fox, COO
s I reflect back on the achievements of 2012, an age-old
adage comes to mind: There's power in numbers. It's a
meaningful saying on many levels at Greenpeace and for me.
In terms of dollars and cents, we saw remarkable growth in
2012. Contributions to both Greenpeace, Inc. and
Greenpeace Fund, Inc. increased substantially, by 19 percent
and an extraordinary 55 percent respectively. Such numbers
make a Chief Operating Officer's heart lift, but there's
another figure that is deeply satisfying for me.
I'm moved by the fact that, across the U.S., hundreds of
thousands of individuals have made an investment in the
pursuit of a green, peaceful future. Many have supported
Greenpeace for decades, like Pat Simun, who is profiled in
this report, and her late brother, A.E. Griffith Bates, Jr.
There are institutions like the Arcus Foundation, an important
partner in protecting habitat for endangered ape species. In
2012, the foundation provided a generous $300,000 grant for
our work to stop the destruction of Southeast Asia's
Paradise Forests, home to the orangutan and gibbon.
There are individuals like our many Partners in Action
supporters. In 2012, 25 percent of those donors chose to
increase their gifts, showing an ever greater concern for the
environmental challenges we face and also great hope in the
future we can build together.
And then there are those who choose to make Greenpeace
part of the legacy they leave the world. In 2012, Violet
Kuffner, who throughout her life cared deeply about animals
and the environment, honored us with a bequest of
$900,000. We are pleased to fulfill her last request, which
was to judiciously use her contribution in keeping with the
“thrift and wisdom” that
she and her husband
practiced during their
I'm also keenly aware of a
number largely hidden
from the public, and that's
the number of people who
work tirelessly behind the
scenes to ensure that
Greenpeace is as effective
and sustainable an organization as possible. In keeping with
the theme of this report, I want to acknowledge the efforts of
our administrative team and fundraisers, all of whom are truly
committed to the principles that Greenpeace stands for and
to making sure that every dollar is wisely spent.
Robert Fox
I myself have been involved in social change for more than
25 years and I'm especially grateful to find myself with
Greenpeace at this time. As I think about the future of my
children, the threat of climate change weighs heavily on me. I
am inspired by the determination of those around the world
who are standing up for a clean energy future that will help
us avert the worst effects of this crisis. I am privileged to
work alongside passionate individuals who transform your
support and faith in Greenpeace’s work into action in
neighborhoods and communities, in and on our oceans and
deep inside our world’s ancient forests.
I am heartened as the number of people engaged in
environmental activism grows and as we find such immense,
collective power in numbers to stop environmental crimes.
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2012 Operating and Supporting Expenses for Greenpeace, Inc.
Priority Campaigns
Oceans Campaign
Forests Campaign
Climate Campaign
Support and
Grants from
Greenpeace Fund, Inc.
& General
Contributions and Donations
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:05 PM Page 32
Greenpeace, Inc.
Statements of Activities
For the Years Ended December 31, 2012 and 2011
In the United States, Greenpeace fulfills its role in
protecting the environment through two corporate entities:
Greenpeace, Inc., a nonprofit organization formed under
Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, and
Greenpeace Fund, Inc., a nonprofit organization formed
under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Greenpeace, Inc. furthers its mission of protecting the
environment through research, advocacy, litigation, and
lobbying (direct and grassroots). The organization also
bears witness to environmental degradation and takes
action to prevent it. Contributions to Greenpeace, Inc. are
not tax-deductible.
The mission of Greenpeace Fund, Inc. is to promote and
protect the environment through research and public
education. Greenpeace Fund, Inc. also makes grants to
other nonprofit organizations for activities that are
consistent with its mission. Contributions to Greenpeace
Fund, Inc. are tax-deductible.
Support and Revenue
Contributions and Donations
$ 26,696,233
Grants from Greenpeace Fund, Inc.
Licensing, royalties and merchandise sales
Investment income
Total revenue and support
$ 23,407,425
Program services:
Climate campaign
Forests campaign
Public information and education
Arctic campaign
Oceans campaign
Toxics campaign
Action resources
Outreach campaign
Other campaigns
Total program services
$ 1,173,284
$ 824,056
Supporting services:
Management and general
Total supporting services
Total expenses
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets, beginning of year
Net Assets, end of year
51255_GP AR 7/30/13 4:01 PM Page 33
Greenpeace Fund, Inc.
Statements of Activities
For the Years Ended December 31, 2012 and 2011
Support and
and Donations
& General
Total Grants &
Program Services
Support and Revenue
Investment income
Other income
Net assets released from restrictions
Total revenue and support
Program services
Grants to Greenpeace, Inc.
Grants to Stichting Greenpeace Council
Total program services
Supporting services
Management and general
Total supporting services
Total expenses
Change in unrestricted net assets
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Net assets released from restrictions
Change in temporarily restricted net assets
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets, beginning of year
Net Assets, end of year
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:05 PM Page 34
Members and donors give to Greenpeace, Inc. and Greenpeace Fund, Inc. in a multitude of ways at
a variety of levels. We are particularly thankful for the steadfast support provided by our Partners in
Action who gave $1,000 or more in 2012 and those individuals who included Greenpeace in their
bequests and estate plans. Thank you.
Arcus Foundation
The Aspenwood Foundation
The William and Flora Hewlett
Oceans 5
The David And Lucile Packard
Fred Stanback, Jr.
The Tilia Fund
$100,000 - $249,999
Grantham Foundation for the
Protection of the Environment
Growald Family Fund
The Reiman Foundation
Sustainable Markets Foundation
Wallace Global Fund
$50,000 - $99,999
Arkay Foundation
Earth Island Institute
Adelaide Gomer
Supreme Master Ching Hai
Jan Hatzius and Linda-Eling Lee
Joyce Fund of Greater Kansas City
Community Foundation
The Iara Lee and George Gund III
Douglas Legum
Marisla Foundation
The McIntosh Foundation
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
Panaphil Foundation
Park Foundation
Val and Min-Myn Schaffner
Faith Strong
Wilburforce Foundation
$25,000 - $49,999
Anonymous (3)
Sheila and Francois Brutsch
John Cecil and Celia Felsher
Firedoll Foundation
The Jaharis Family Foundation
Susan Jolly
Donald W. Meals
Howard Mechanic
Gillian and Peter Neumeier
Tomchin Charitable Family
Tortuga Foundation
Toward Sustainability
WestWind Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous (11)
David Blittersdorf Family Foundation
Aaron and Patricia Blumberg
David and Ginger Boss
Mrs. Walter F. Brissenden
Canino Family Fund
CGMK Foundation
Robert Crawford
Joseph H. and Barbara I. Ellis
Bob and Eileen Gilman Family
Collier Hands
Hidden Leaf Foundation
The Holborn Foundation
Patrick and Christi Horan
Clifford Hunte
Janelia Foundation
John Kay and Jutta Maue-Kay
Leonard Lepof
Marjory A. McKinley Charitable
Gift Fund
Susanne O. McMillan
Stewart R. Mott Charitable Trust
Mr. Tom Newmark
Larry and Sharon Papike
Geoffrey R. Pike
Gay Rogers
Rotonda Foundation
Geoffrey and Susan Schmidt
Adam Sender
The Serena Foundation
Sam Shimasaki
Sun Hill Foundation
John and Carson Taylor
Tricia and Steve Trainer
Vijaya Viswanathan and Nagesh
Edna Wardlaw
Leslie Williams
Wyss Foundation
Young Family Trust
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (17)
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Arnone
Arntz Family Foundation
The Banky-LaRocque Foundation
David Bassein
Susanna Bergtold
Big Blue Sky Foundation
Malinda and Yvon Chouinard
Nard Claar
June Clemens
Martin and Marjorie Cohn
Matt Damon
Danem Foundation
Andy and Muffy DiSabatino
Rob Docters
Andrew Edlin
Leo and Sherry Frumkin
Leann Gamm
Gretchen Garth
Bradley L. Goldberg Family
Craig and Susan Grube
Jeffrey and Sheila Hollender
The ISHI Trust
Barbara Kaneshige
Abigail K. Kawananakoa
Adam Koranyi
Rosemary and Ted Lassiter
Gabriella Laszlo
Don Lateiner and Marianne Gabel
Marquis George MacDonald
The Manaaki Foundation
The Howard and Kennon Mckee
Charitable Fund
Michele Robentson McNellis
Barbara W. Meyer
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:05 PM Page 35
Judith G. Mich
Lindsay M. Mickles
Walter E. D. Miller
Cara and Robert Monson
Justine and Alfred Nathan
Charlotte Perret
Gregor A. and Ann C. Preston
Charles Rizzo
David and Barbara Roby
Rita Rowan
Gaile Russ
George and Carol Sabochick
Fredrick and Karen Schaufeld
Shannon Farm Association
William Shatner and Elizabeth
Stephen M. Silberstein
In Memory of Steven Simons
Judith Smith
Lois and Arthur Stainman
David and Dianne Stern
Frances W. Stevenson
Irene Trautman
Klaus Ukens
Richard D. Urell
Phillip Vasyli
James Vecchione
Johanette Wallerstein Institute
Douglas and Leonore Walters
Ann and Carden Welsh
Eugene D. Weymouth
Shu J. Wong
Amy Woods
Mr. James H. Worth
Anonymous (10)
The Kenneth and Gabrielle Adelman
Barbara and Bert Aubrey
Jeffrey Benedick and
Duane Vajgrt, MD
Andrea R. Biagioni
Josephine Billups
Ana Blanco
Hugh Brady
Nancy Braus and Rich Geidel
Lewis Brounell Charitable Trust
Katie and Bruce Brown
Lester R. Brown
Carolyn Buhl
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Canady
John E. Cheim and Howard Read
L.S. Christodoulopoulos
Susan Clark
Kenneth Daly
Sandra L. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell de Burlo, Jr.
R.H. Rackstraw Downes
Alexandra Dunaif
Roger Feinthel
Joan FitzGerald
Sam and Esther Friedman
Mack Fuhrer
Marie L. Gaillard
Carol Gallant
Ute D. Gannett
Don Geddes and Mona Todd
Camille and Pierre George
Liz Gilchrist
Ken Gobalet
Gail Gorlitzz
Barbara Grodd
Karen Gupta
Lois S. Hager
Chandresh Harjivan
N. Harmon
Marilyn and Ren Harris
Willis and Cindy Hesselroth
Anita Hirsh
Betty C. Hunt
David Husch
James D. Hutcherson
Judy M. Judd
Daniel Kahn
Elizabeth and Richard Kent
Jeanie and Murray Kilgour
Jonathan C. Knight and Rose Molloy
Robert and Susan Kuehlthau
Judith Kuehne
Susan Lazarus
Eileen and Paul Le Fort
Deborah Lynch
Tom Wallace Lyons
Frances and David Magee
Donald and Bonnie Maharam
Charitable Foundation
Melody and Chris Malachowsky
Joseph Mayer
Purple Lady Fund/Barbara J. Meislin
Joe Meyer IV
The Mitzvah Foundation
John H. Moe
Brendan Monahan
Hildelena Montealegre
John Moody
Helen and Peter Morris-Keitel
Matt Morse
Ellen E. Myers
John and Shirley Nash
Paul and Antje Newhagen
Simon Nynens
Alisa E. O’Leary
Ken Olum
Joan and Joaquim Panozzo
Linda and Peter Parshall
Edmund Payne and Liss Fain
Philip Perlman and Renata McElroyPerlman
Matthew Polesetsky
John and Connie Rakoske
Federico Rampini
Michelle Rand
William L. Rand
Daniel J. Reiber
Brenda Richardson
Adam J. Richter Charitable Trust
Harry E. Roeder
Paul and Catherine Rosenberger
Benjamin J. Rosenthal Foundation
Rothman Family Foundation
Jeanne and Dick Roy
Erv and Kathy Sauer
Leslie Sauer
Patricia J. Simpson
Jennifer P. Sims
Maurice Spidell
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Stein
John Stevens
Scott Swanton
Tersea M. Sweeney and Steven K.
Bradford and Linda Taylor
Nicolaas Vanderkloot
Carrie A. Waters
Gabriel Wick
Anne Widmark
David Wright
Helene B. Young
Zaitlin-Nienberg Family Fund
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (71)
Rosalind S. Abernathy
Dorothy C. Adams
Patricia R. Ainsworth
Margaret Akin
Aziz Alagil
Janet W. Allen
Mariette P. Allen
Curt Allred and Barbara Braun
Janet M. Alnwick
Penny Fertel Altman
Altmann Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Anderson
Judy Andrade
Marcia Angle, MD and Mark Trustin
Ruth Aponte
Beatrix Araiza
Rowena Archibald
Lorene Arey
Houry Ariarad
Thomas H. Arms
Robert Arnow
Jacqueline Asplundh
Christina Lang-Assael
Gretchen Augustyn
Carsten Avenhaus
Victoria Ayres
Kurt Babney
Joaquin Baca-Asay
Peter Bacchetti
Mary Bachman and William Downing
John A. Balint, M.D.
Charles Banks
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:05 PM Page 36
Continuing our work to preserve and protect
the vital habitats of the Bering Sea,
Greenpeace conducted a successful follow
up outreach and research expedition to the
region with visits to the Pribilof Islands and
14 new submarine dives into the canyons.
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 37
Joyce Banzhaf
Bruce Barnum
David Barre
Bassett Foundation
Bastian Family Foundation
Earle S. Bates
Al Bauchamp
Paul W. Beach, Jr.
Ken and Kathie Bedell
Doug Bender
Leslee Bender
Josephine and George Benedek
Dalice Benge
Walter R. Benoit and Katharine T.
Kimberly Benston
Richard H. Berg
Daniel J. Bergmann and Debra A.
Richard Bergmann and Denise
Jeanne M. Berwind
Jennifer Bevan
Dileep Bhat
Jennifer Lynn Bice
Robert M. Bick
Nancy Bisaha and David Bieler
Joyce Black
Richard S. Blackmore
William and Jane Blake
Sharon Blanchet
Catherine Bock
Mitchell and Linda Bollag
Jeff Boutel
Paul Bowles
William and Elsa Boyce
Barbara and John Boyle
John A. K. Bradley
Alan Bremer
Julia M. Brennan and Phil Kline
Kate A. Brewster-Duffy
Rosemarie Bria
James G. Briggs
Peter and Alice Broner
Cynthia and Adam Bronfman
Jennifer Brorsen and Richard M.
Olive J. Brose
Marilyn and Allan Brown
Peter Brown
David Bundy
Burges Family Gift Fund
Bruce and Bettina Buschel
Teresa Bush
Hillary Butler
Gilbert and Ildiko Butler Foundation
Ione Byrnes
Odette Cadart
Mary Cafiero
Isolde K. Cahill
Michael L. Callaham and L. Hsu
Linda D. Campbell Fund
Martin and Esther Capp Family Fund
Paul and Bridget Carns
Allen Carroll
Margaret A. Carver
Joe Caywood
Cedar Elm Fund
Ana Y. Chang and Robert Lister
Walter Chapman
Ruth Charnes and David Hansen
Lina G. Chen
Peter Chen
Mary Jo Cheshire
Kimberly C. Christensen
Alice S. Church
Charli and Rich Clark
Sharon Clark, DMD and Adrian Van
Bakel, MD, PhD
Thorne Clark
Julie A. Clayman, MD
Melissa and Mitch Clearfield
Kathryn and Douglas Cochrane
Naomi and Harvey Cohen
Rebecca and John Colligan
Craig Conrath and Brooke Walker
Alison Coolidge and Tom Boreiko
Kristen Copham
Charles Q. Couch
Ginger and Wendell Covalt
Kathleen Cover
Eugene Cox
Gregory and Catherine Crockett
Paul P. Cronin
Karen Crotty
Cigy Cyriac
Carmen and Ludwig Czeisler
Katherine C. Dahmen
The Larry David Foundation
Stephen V. and Sharon Davies
Ellen B. Davis
Harry G. Davis
Jean R. Davis
Karen L. Davis
Peter J. Davis
Mrs. Thomas G. Davis
Toni M. Davison
Clyde Day
Marilyse de Boissezon
Victoria de Toledo
Brian J. Decamp
Russell N. DeJong, MD
Rob Dekker
Mark Delowery
L. deNeveu
Lauren Dengate
John Denham
Valerie Denney
Raj and Helen Desai
Johanna S. DeStefano
Robert and Kathy Deutsch
Eliana Diaz
Chris Diehl and Saskia Schott
Sally Dieterich
Erika Diller
Barbara Divver and Theodore Reff
Mark Dodel
Joseph L. Dombrowski
Marjory Maxwell Donn
Ms. C. M. Dooney
Riekie and Doug Dorman
John Doumanian
Tom D. Downey
April Doyle Jones
Lisa Dreier
Kay and Leo Drey
Andrew Duncan
Ann B. Dunlap and Melinda Moffitt
Helen Dunlap
Peter D. Durst
Gregg Eaton
Alfred K. Eckersberg
Jeb Eddy
Cheighton Edwards
John B. Ehrenkranz
Noel D. Eichhorn
Bibi Eng
Pamela S. Epple and Paul W. Persons
Gale Epstein
Dennis Esposito
Susan Farmy
Josephine Farwell
Barbara G. Fell
Pam Ferman
Richard Ferrie
Margaret Filman
Bob Fitch
Stephanie Flaniken
Jim Fleming
Amity Flores
Nancy Florsheim and Tom Florsheim
Mary Jane Fogle
Gunther Fonken and Agnes Hughes
Aggie Fowler
Robert Fox
Loretta Frankovic
Marie E. Fraser
Daniel French and Rosann Tung
Friedell Family Foundation
Richard and Barbara Friedenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Philippa Friedrich
David Frierman
Justine Frischmann
Mary E. Gagnon
Brian Garfield
Evan Garrett
Maria Gea Arredondo
George B. Geary
Berta A. Gehry
Patricia Geiger
N. Richard and Monique Gershon
Pradipta Ghosh
Linda Gibboney
John and Dolores Gilbert
Jordan and Stacey Gillman
Patty Gilmour
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 38
Sharon Ginsburg
Sonia Raiziss Giop Charitable Trust
David and Melinda Gladstone
Jennifer Glick
The Glickenhaus Foundation
Linda Gochfeld
Raymond Goetz
Diane Golan
Dawn Golden-Weill
Patricia Goldring
Peter F. Goldscheider
Elan Golomb
Joan and Frank Goodman
Lynn Goodman
Jill Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gordon
Michael A. Gordon
Christophe Gore
Albert Grabbb
Terry Ellen Grant
Greendale Lynn Family Foundation
Linda Gregory
Lulu Grodzins
L. Gayle Gross and Howard J. Gross
Karthika and Anuj Gupta
Eleanor Wisner Gural
J.L. Gurin
Michael Gutzman and Kim
Kate Haas-Hew
Dieter Haemmerich
Charles and Judy Hagan
Peter Hagedorn
Nancy Hager
Diane L. Hallinen
Patricia Hamlin
Mark A. Handschy and Terri Vernon
Diana Hanna
Otto Hanneman
Richard and Eileen Hardaway
Reza Hariri
Charles Harman
Shirley and Dean Harmison
Marcia Harms
Steven and Karin Harp
Ken and Jan Harper
Shirley R. Harrington
Buzz Harris
Scott Harris
Marian O. Hasson
Edward Hastreiter
William Hayward
Scott M. Hendler
Jane B. Henry
Sigrid Hepp-Dax
Louis J. Herskowitz
Katie Herzig
Sarah Hettinger
Betty Hewitt
Paul F. and Nancy Heymann
Barbara Hildreth
Richard H. Hill
Dorothy Hines
Pam and Steve Hirsch
Susan and Eric Hirst
Kenneth Hittel
Lois and Donald Hoffman
Patric Hooper
Andrea and Dennis Hopkins
Melanie C. Hopp
Lola Lloyd Horwitz
Ben Hostetler
Leslie M. Howard
John A. Hufty
Hutan Project
Phyllis A. Hyde
Katherine Hyett
Ellin M. Irwin
Matthew Jackson
Courtney Jaedtke
Clark Jeffries
Michael Jenkins and Christi Hogin
Robert Jennings, Jr. and Barbara
David Jeske
Mary and Grady Jeter
Wanda C. John
Mark Johnson
Isis Jones
Kenneth and Koury Jones
Nicholas Jones
Thomas and Elisabeth Jones
Linda Jovanovich
Emily M. Kahn
Susan Kahn Morrison
Dale S. Kammerlohr
Ellen Kampinsky
Edward and Katherine Karle
Lois Katnick
N. M. Keale
Nancy Kearney
Mark Keating
Frederick Keeley
Richard Griffin Keiser and R. K.
Robert Keisling
Caroline Kellen
Jacqueline Kelly
Glenn Kelman
Karl Kemp
Molly Kemp
Karen Kenesick-Massand
Barbara J. Kennison
Rolfe Kent
Phyllis and Robert Kerdasha
Masato Kihira
Earl Killian and Waidy Lee
Jee Kim
Barbara L. King
Craig H. Kintner
Shawn Kirkham
David and Jane Kirkpatrick
Lenore Kirvay
Mallikarjuna S. Kishtajoni
Gabriella Kiss
Nancy Kittle
Al Klail and Frances Scott
Carol Klein
Josephine Klein
Rebecca Klein
Michael Kleinman
Michael and Penelope Klestinski
Cindy Koch
Brian R. Kotarski
Edward Kozol
Steven Kronheim and Marcia Bond
Charles W. Krout, Jr.
Rebecca Lambert
Catherine L. Latham
Judy Layzer
Eugene Lee
William Lee
Marvin H. and Isa Leibowitz
William Lenz and Mary E. Schaid
Joe Lervold
Leslie Family Foundation
Leon and Catherine Levy
Saul D. Levy Foundation
Mary L. Lewis
Toby Devan Lewis
David Life
Xiao Fang Lin
Julie Lisle
Stanley Litt and Harriett Litt
Thomas C. Litwiler
Jessica Liu
Christopher Lloyd
Margaret and Robert W. Lonon, Jr.
Dawn Lowe
John Y. Lu
H.E. Luke
Rosemary Luke
Philippe Lunardelli
Luschei Outermost Fund
Christiane J. MacArthur
Maggie Macfarlane
Neil Macphail
Tom Mader and Carla Christense
Mayumi Maeda
Sigrid V. Magagna
William Maginn
Bruce Magoon
Ian Mallace and Valerie Mallace
Nora A. Maloney
Beverly L. and John Manfredonia
Jim Mannello
Sarah Manno
Nancy and Alan Manocherian
Lizbeth Marano and Mel Bochner
Elizabeth Marcellino
Sole Marittimi and Nick Riley
Jacqueline B. Mars
Anastasia D. Martin
David Martin
Elizabeth Martin
J.E. Martin
Robert Martin and Carol Thrane
Owen and Eileen Mathieu
David J. Matthews
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 39
Jane Mauksch
Mary Mc Keown
The John P. McBride Family and the
ABC Foundation
Richard and Elizabeth McConaughy
Angel Mcconnell
Robert W. Mcdonnell
Penelope and Thomas Mcginnis
Patricia Mckee
Darina and Allan Mckelvie
Bonnie McMillian
Ellen H. McPeake
John A. McQuown
Jonathan Meadows
Anita Meyer
Lenore Meyer
Ron Miller
L. David Mirkin, M.D.
Douglas E. Mittelstaedt
Joseph Mnuk
Dagny and Kam Mofid
Brian Monahan
Leo J. Montagna
Jill Moore
Elisa J. Moran and Gary Kleiman
James Morgenstern and Linda Dow
Sharon and Jeff Morris
Barbara J. Mosen and Carl Mosen
Ellen B. Mouton-Lewkowitz
Amy Mower, Esq.
Ursula Muehllehner
Denise Mulle
Diane Murray
Robert E. Murtagh
Maril Myers
Jeremy Nathans
Michael E. Nel
Brandy Nelson
Daniel and Shanie Nelson
Judith A. Nelson
Richard J. Nelson
Catherine Nesbit
Sara M. Neumann
Allan P. Newell
George S. Newell
Jim and Jeanne Newman
Lucy E. Nielsen
Robin and Michael Nimkoff
Ruprecht and Biss Nitschke
Naomi and Richard Norman
Peter Novick
Anne Oakes
Tamara Obrien and James Pokorny
Jan O’Brien
Jennifer and Tim O’Connell
Dan J. O’Connor
Susan E. O’Connor
Wolfgang H. Oels
Paul Offenbacher
Nancy Oliver
Leslie O’Loughlin
Robert T. Olson
Cindra Opalsky
Judy Orich
Jennifer Orthwein
Linda Oster
Elizabeth C. Owen
P.E.A.C.E. Awareness Foundation
Bo Palinic
Robert F. and Carolyn Papke
Mary and Dale Parker
Mehool A. Patel
Mena Paton
Matt Pawa and Elyse Rosenblum
Richard K. Payne
Mercedes Paz
Diane E. Pederson
Dennis Pence
Alan Penczek
Theresa Perenich
Prudence Perry
James Perse
Nicole Petroski
Derrick and Ruth Petry
John and Nuri Pierce
Ronald Plank
Adrienne Plotch and Robert Feldman
Lisa Pope
Margaret Porter
Thomas Queeney and Clare Walker
Maggie D. Quigley
Don B. Quinn
Phillip Radford
Elizabeth A. Rajam
Taylor and Bill Randolph
Lauren Ranz
Maurice Rapkin
L.B. Rappaport
Paul Rehkopf and Joey Miller
Julie Reich
Debbie Rennels
John Reuter
Phyllis C. Reynolds
Judith F. Rhodes
Dorothy Rhynard
David J. Richardson
Anita B. and Howard S. Richmond
Beverly S. Ridgely
Karen Ringsred
Frank and Joan Ritchey
John A. Ritter
Timothy A. Robert and Patrick K.
Mariah A. Roberts
Magnus Robertson
David A. Robinson and Ellen M.
Rocki Roccacani
Deby Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Rodgers
John Rodgers
Jill and Ron Rohde
John W. Rose and Carolyn A. Pedone
Jimmy Rosenberg
Clare Rosenfield
Myron Rosenthal
Neal Rosenthal and Kerry Madigan
Donald K. Ross
Edward Rothenberg and Lois Ellison
Sharon and Kirk Rue
Suzette Russi
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Rycroft
Shalom and Ann Saar
Laura Saavedra
Jayne Sabbagh
Roberta Sage
Michael and Nancy Salvatore
Norbert Salz and Janet Clark
Diana Samayoa
Douglas E. Satterfield
Roy and Fran Savarick
Nathan Savin
Mary Kent Schardt and Max Schardt
Paul Scheller
Nancy L. Schmanski
Gouri and Murali Sivarajan
Glenn H. Schnadt
Robin Schneyer
Emily Schoenbaum
Paul and Joan Schoenfeld
The Jack Schenker Charitable Trust
Susan and Ford Schumann
Eleanor Nadler Schwartz
Michael Schwarz
T. M. Scruggs
M. Beth Searls
Kenneth Sellin
Phil Selway
Miriam Shenitzer
Jeffrey Sherman
Michael T. Sherman
Carol Sibbrell
Martin S. Silberberg
Arthur F. and Carol Silbergeld
Peter J. Sills
Amy and Adam Simon
Stephen Simon
Patricia Bates Sinum and Richard V.
Jack Singh
Barbara Sirota
Sisters Of Charity Of Ottawa
Nicole P. Skerry
David T. Smith
Gene M. Smith
Jean and Dale Smith
Marion Smith
Mark Smith
Rudy Smith
Mark and Pam Smithers
Janet Snowden
Diane and Dale Snyder
Vivian Sodini and James Haughton
Marguerite Soffa
Rachael L. Sotos
Suzanne Sousan
John and Marcella Specce
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 40
Richard A. Speizman
Katrin Spiess
Rezso Springer
Dan Stafford
Marc R. Steinberg
Mark and Margaret Stenftenagel
Leonard Stephan
Judy Stewart
Peter Stewart
Glen Stimson
Kimberly Stirling
Ann R. Stokes
Mike Stoller and Corky Hale Stoller
Daniel Stone
Heather Strange
Eihway Su
Vivek Subramanian and Yvette
Ellen Sudow and Joseph Higdon
Olivier Suzor
Valerie H. Swales
David A. Swanson
Rose-Marie L. Swift
Swimmer Family Foundation
Harriette S. and Charles L. Tabas
Julia Taberman
David G. Taft Foundation
Harri Talvala
Margaret Tao
Grace Taper
Jeff Tapper
David Tapscott
Helga Tarver
Betsy Taylor
Fenwick Taylor
Gillian M. Teichert
Temcov Foundation
Marvin Tenberg
Audrey Terras
Ann Teske
Mark Tessler
Tara Thaka
Clare Eddy Thaw
The Thomas Fund at PACF
The Tides Foundation
Gregory Tiemeier
Raymond Tissue
Emil L. Tobler
Gail and Edward Tomberg
Karen Topakian
Christopher D. Tower
Karen Trione
Anne Trinque
Betty M. Twarog
Stephanie Ulmer and Klaus Sutner
Kenneth and Mary Unkeles
Elsie P. van Buren
Lee Van Divort
Linda Vincent and David Collins
Milton Viorst
Scott Wachenheim
Shubhangi Wakodikar
Bonnie Walker
Naima K. Walker Fierce
Erin I. Walsh
Leslie Walsh
Julie Watrous
J. Dix Wayman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weil
Alan Weiner and Nancy Maizels
Philipp Weis
Ben Weiss
Marion and J.H. Wertheim
Lenore Weslow
Kimberly West
Troy West
Maren Wilbur
Edmund Wilkinson, Jr.
Antha Williams
Jeff Willoughby
Ken and Sally Wilson
Winky Foundation
Margaret M. Winslow
Cornelia T. Winthrop
G.W. Wiseman and Anita R. Wiseman
Troy Wiseman
Richard Wolf and Leah Morgan
Norman S. Wolf
Nakita Wong
Arnold M. Wong
Matthew Woodward
Roger and Ann Worthington
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Writer, Jr.
Liza Yntema
Betty B. Young
Beverly Young
Carla Young
Pamela S. Young
John S. Yuille
John and Anne Zinsser
Eugene Zuckoff
Legacy Gifts
Anonymous (139)
Ms. Suzanne A'Becket
Mr. Alan R. Abrams
Diana Abrashkin
Henry Adamowicz
Ms. Ethel Adler
Dr. Daniel Aeschliman
Thomas E. and Sandra M. Ahlstrom
Ms. Martha Ainsworth
Mr. John S. Alexander
Ms. Katherine G. Alexander
Ms. Mary Allen
Dr. Julie Ann Allender
Nancy Allerston
Ms. Malgorzata A. Allison-Kosior
Ms. Mariah Almonte
Mr. and Mrs. Vittorio Amadei
Edward and Pamela Ames
Ms. Norma Amigo
Mr. William C. Amman
Ralph and Regina Anavy
Bud & Jackie Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Anderson
Mr. Charles W. Anderson
Mr. Joe Anshien
Mr. Hal B. Anthony
Julia A. Antoine, M.D.
Ms. Miriam L. Appleby
Mr. Ralph Arbus
Ms. Mary Armstrong
John ("Chimo") and Diane Arnold
Ms. C. Arrison
Miriam Asher
Mrs. Gilbert H. Ashton
Ms. Katherine Aspinall
Mrs. Jane Axel
Mr. Charles Azzolina-Michlin
Meredith and David Babbott
Mr. Albert Baca and Ms. Joan Baca
Ms. Nancy Bacal
Serge Baghoumian
Mr. Howard K. Bagley
Tanya Baikow-Smith
Dee Baker
Jan Baker
Mr. Roger A. Baker
Ms. Katherine Baker
Ms. Ruth R. Baker
Ms. Marian K. Balcerzak
Harlow G. Ballard
Dr. David Bao
Mrs. Gin Barbarullo
Dr. Carol K. Bard
Dr. Janet Barnard
Ms. Linda Barnello
Emma E. Barnsley
Mary Ann Baron
Robert G. and Ann S. Barrett
Mrs. Ann R. Barrows
Dr. David Bassein
Ms. Teresa A. Bassett
Mr. Kenneth R. Bates
Ms. Maxine L. Bauchmann
Carol Ann Bauer
Mary H. Bauer
Ms. Roberta Bauer
Kurt Bauereiss
Ms. Virginia Bayliss
Ms. Lillian Beach
Helen Beale
Ms. Margaret Beals
Mrs. Petrina Becker
Mr. Frederick Beckman
Mr. Gerhard Bedding
Prof. Hans-Joachim Behm
Ms. Mary J. Belfie
Adele J. Bellizi
Ms. Adele Bender
Jeffrey Benedick and Duane
Vajgrt, MD
Mr. J. C. Bennett
Ms. Violet Benoit
Mr. John E. Benson
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 41
In 2012, The U.S. District Court ruled
in Greenpeace’s favor to uphold the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration’s decision to protect
endangered Steller sea lions by
closing large areas around the
Aleutian Islands to bottom trawling.
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 42
Ms. Stacy Berger
Ms. Lane K. Berk
Irv and Jan Berlin
Mr. George J. Berlinski
Judy and Dennis Berman
Zina L. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph C. Bernhardt III
Howard Bernstein
Murray and Elena Berrie
Ms. Gladys S. Berry
Mr. Stephen A. Bessone
Mr. Michael J. Bihn
Mr. James R. Bila
Ms. Bernice Bildner
Mr. and Mrs. Acar Z. Bill
Mr. John M. Bissell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Black
Steve Blanich and Jo Blanich
Karin Blau-Poletow
Dr. Mary H. Blewett
Ms. Muriel Block
Helga Bloomberg
Mr. Brian Blumberg
Kathleen Neuer
Ms. Marilyn Blunt
Ms. Patricia Bode
Ms. Sigrid Boehm
Mr. Jerry Boehme
Ms. Gloria Bogin
Mr. Stanley O. Bokelmann
Ms. Nancy M. Bolce
Ms. Nona R. Bolin
Ms. Gilianna Bonfietti
Ms. Liza Bonilla
Stephen F. Booth
Mrs. Joan M. Borousk
Ms. W. L. Boucher
Mr. Joseph Bower
Ms. Paula Bowker
Ms. Marion D. Bowler
Bernadine Boysen
Renate Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bradshaw
Mr. Wayne A. Brandt
Mr. Timothy Braun
Ms. Ruth J. Brawley
Ms. Kathleen A. Brehmer
Robert X. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Breslin
A L. Breugem-Horlick
Ms. Inga Bricio
Charles W. Briggs
Ms. Deborah Brillhart
Mr. James L. Britt
Joanne E. Broadwell
Barbara C. Brodie
Ms. Helen H. Brouwer
Katie and Bruce Brown
Mrs. Helen Brown
Ms. Deanie Brown
Mrs. Margitta Brunner
Ms. Linda Brunner
Ms. Barbara V. Brusco
Mrs. Karol L. Bryan
Mr. James Buchholz
Miss Melody S. Buck
Ms. Susan Bullock
Mr. Craig Bunting
C. Burkart
Kristian Burrows
Dr. Lynn K. Bursten
Dr. Erskine H. Burton, DO
Ms. Betty Busch
Ms. Ivy Buster
Mrs. Nancy Butler
Charles D. Byers-Blaksmith and
Linda Byers-Blaksmith
Pauline B. Campbell
Dr. Irene Cannon-Geary
Mr. Alan Caplan
Mr. Irving S. Caplan
Ms. Elizabeth Cardwell
Mr. John Careccia
Ms. Dianne Carey
Ms. Jean Carley
Donnie Carlson
Mr. Craig S. Carlson
Ms. Louise Carlson
Mr. Brian Carney
Ms. Leslie K. Carper
Mr. Chip Carroon
Thomas D. Casper
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Castellini
Mr. Allan Otis Cate
Ms. Sheila Catoira-Manoury
Tiziana Catolfi
Mr. Lionel G. Cavallini, M.D.
Arlene Cavanaugh
Mr. Philip J. Cavaretta
Lisa Chaffin-Kaluahine
Joseph B. Chaiklin, Ph.D.
Ms. Margot Chamberlain
Mr. Dan B. Chapman
Ms. Beverly Chapman
Ms. Diane Chapman
Mr. Denis Charbonneau
Mr. Everett W. Chard
Mr. Matthew Charles
Mr. Frank Charlton
Dolores Chavez
Ms. Judith Checker
Mr. David Chelimer
Ms. Mary Jo Cheshire
Ms. Margaret Childs-Wetsel
Eugenia Chilton
Ms. Marta Chilton
Ms. Winifred Ciaccio
Barbara Clapp
Sandra B. Clark and Tony Dixon
Susan Clark
Tom Clarke
Ms. Hilda B. Classon
Ms. Christen Cleary
Mr. Lewis C. Clemens
Ms. Martha R. Clements
Mr. Craig Cline
Mr. Derek Clode
Liane C. Casten
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clow
Mrs. Kathryn and
Mr. Douglas Cochrane
Mr. Richard H. Coffey
Donald W. Coffin
Ms. Debbie Coffman
Miss Amy S. Cohen
Mrs. David Cohen
Barbara Coleman
Gladys L. Coleman
Brian and Lynne Collins
Ms. Donna Collins
Marcie Colpas
Helen L. Colvig
Mrs. Joan Cominos
Ms. Elizabeth Coney
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Confer
Ms. Patricia S. Conner
Ms. Judith Connors
Ms. M. Alison Contos
Ms. Ruth Cook
Mr. and Mrs. R G. Cooper, Jr.
Mrs. Laurie N. Cooper
Ms. Kathryn L. Corbett
Ms. Joy Cordery
June E. Cornelius
Mrs. Theresa Corner
Gerri D. Corvino
Jan M. Corwin
Ms. Jean F. Costa
Ms. Nellie A. Coudare
Ginger and Wendell Covalt
Ms. Anne M. Cowan
Mr. Thomas T. Craft
Mr. John B. H. Crain
Ms. Barbara Crane
Mrs. Judy L. Crawford
Ms. Diann Creager
Bobbie and Burton Crook
Leona Crownover
Mr. Robert J. Cukla and
Ms. Julie Flaherty
Janet L. Culbertson
Dr. Brian C. Cummings, D.V.M.
James C. Cummings
Ms. Juliette M. Cunico
Dr. Bethia S. Currie
Hope Curtis
Mrs. Lisa Curtis
Dagmar Cushing
Kelly J. Cutshall
Mr. John and Phisy Czyscon
Ms. Adriana Da Silva Toni
Mr. and Mrs. Wint Dahlstrom
Mrs. Ethel Daly
Ms. Karin R. Danby
Nina Danielson
Betts W. Dann
Ms. Jeri Dantzig
Mr. Tim Daulton
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 43
Ms. Catherine A. Davidson
Ms. Jacqueline L. L. Davie
Deborah Lynn Davis
Mr. Roy J. Davis
Mrs. Alice M. Davis
Mrs. June F. Davis
Ms. Bonnie Davis
Ms. Darby Davis
Ms. Ursula Davis
Gabrielle Dawson
Ms. Paula Dax
Ms. Marilyse de Boissezon
Ms. Beatrix M. de Greve
Ms. Patricia T. De Lemos
Elizabeth De Wreede
Phyllis H. Deal
Ms. Mary Ann Dean
Dr. Sara Deats
Mrs. M C. Decker
Helen Hokom
T O. Dees
Ms. Edith M. deGroot
Ms. Barbara Delgado
Amy Dellefield
Rita DelRey
Mr. Stephen DeLuce
Ms. Jean Demetrak
In Memory of Audrey June
Ms. Ruth Denison
Ms. Jane C. Dent
Ms. Kayleen A. Devier
Ms. Joanne R. Devlin
James B. DeVries
Mr. Charles T. Dewoody
Mrs. Trudi C. Dido
Mrs. Rita L. DiGenova
Ms. June H. Dilgard
Debra D. Dill
Gary R. and Linda L. Dionne
Ms. Loretta G. Ditlow
Mr. Michael L. Dixon
Kelly Dodge
Mr. Marty Dodge
Mr. Gilbert Doering
Christine M. Doerr
Mr. Clinton Donelson
Mr. Weldon R. Donsbach
Ms. Paula Dougherty
Mr. Gordy Dove
Mr. R.H. Rackstraw Downes
Ms. Catherine M. Doxsey
Mrs. Martha Dragovich
Pamela G. Drew
Mr. Gary H. Driver
Ms. Gloria Druss
Ms. Jane A. Dryja
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duchin
Mr. John W. Duckwall
Ms. Gretchen W. Dumler
Ms. Alexandra Dunaif
Ms. Paula Dunham
Ms. Lisa J. Dunlap
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dunning
Ms. Gloria J. Duquette
Mr. Steve Durci
Mr. Arthur Dusdall
Ms. Winifred J. Dushkind
Gail Dustin
Mrs. Ruth Dwork
Ms. Teresa Dwyer
Ms. Susan Dye
John Dziedzic
Ms. Elaine M. Eaglesham
Mr. John Eastman
Mr. Roger Eastman
Jules F. Eberhard
Ms. Gerrie Ebert
Ms. Mary Eddy
Mr. Roger E. Edens
Mr. Peter Edgerton
Marion C. Edlin
Mrs. Joyce Egyes
Mr. Laird M. Ehlert
Mrs. Lois Einarsson
Ms. Carole Elchert
Ms. Sandra Ellett
Ms. Karen A. Ellis
Ms. Kerstin Ellstrom
Karen Embertson
Ms. Patricia Enders
Ms. Mary Essman
Ms. Olive Evans
Ms. Shirley M. Evans
Ms. Patricia R. Fairbanks
Pamela Faler
Ms. Inge Falken
Mr. Ernest Farmer
Ms. Helen T. Farr
Francis C. Farwell and Laura
Farwell, Ph.D.
Ms. Elaine Farwell
Ms. Shirley Fay
Dr. Donald Feinsilver
Mr. Peter Feinsinger
John and Donna Fenn
Ms. Ingrid Ferguson
Mr. Douglas B. Ferley
Betty Fernandez and Manuel
Ms. Teresita Q. Finch
Martha M. Finkel
Ms. Jo Ann C. Finocchio
Mr. Bob Fischella
Mr. James Fish
Ingeburg Fisher
Mrs. Diana H. Goodhart and Mr.
John W. Goodhart, Sr.
Mr. Allen Fitz-Gerald
Mrs. Denise Fletcher
Ms. Maureen Florence
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Flowers
Dr. Marilyn Flynn
Gunther Fonken and Agnes Hughes
Charles and Janice Forman
Mr. Preston L. Forsythe
Mr. Seth Fortunate
Ms. Lucille R. Foster
Mr. Chris Foulke
Ms. Sarah Francus
Ms. Helene Frankel
Marie E. Fraser
Heida and Alan Freed
Mrs. Dale S. Freitas
Ms. Daniella Freitas
Mr. Marc B. Fried
Ms. Hallie Friedman
Mr. Louis E. Frosh
Patricia L. Frye
Mr. Mack Fuhrer
Ms. Kathryn Funk
Ms. Louise Gaby
Mr. John P. Gaffney
Ms. Patricia J. Gahan
Ms. Marie R. Galda
Mr. Ray Gallant
Mr. Ken Gallard
Ms. Audry E. Gallow
Ms. Carla Galois
Ms. Pauline Gambill
Mrs. Beverly Gardiner
Ms. Jane Garland
Ms. Camille Garnier
Louise Gasior
Ms. Winifred M. Gegg
Ms. Sandy M. Gehringer
Ms. Dorothy Geiger
Dr. David L. Geisinger
Ms. Marilyn Gelber
Mr. Albert I. Geller
Mr. Martin Gerotwol
Mr. David F. Giannuzzi
Mr. Jerry Gibbs
Mr. Michael Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer M. Giles
Ms. Annie M. Gillespie
Ms. Harriette Vanderford
Miss Adeline Gilsoul
Mr. Charles M. Ginsburg
Mr. Vanchinathan Giri Janardhanan
Mr. David Glaser
Mr. Charles B. Glass, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk F. Glauser
Mrs. Robert Glazier
Ms. Ruth S. Gleason
Mr. Luke Glosserman
Dr. Linda Gochfeld
Marjorie Lundy and James Godshalk
Steve and Mieneke Goldstein
Ms. Roberta D. Goldstone
Mrs. Erma M. Good
Mrs. Rosemary Gorra
Mr. Eben Gossage
Ms. Esther Gottlieb
Nancy Corse Reed
Ms. Cheree Grant
Nina Davis Gray
Ms. Christina Graybill
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 44
Following the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, Greenpeace used the
Rolling Sunlight to join the relief efforts in the Rockaways (NYC).
Greenpeace provided energy for lights, cooked and served thousands
of meals, and assisted the Occupy Sandy network in creating over a
dozen other relief hubs. Greenpeace's team on the ground was also
instrumental in creating the only fully operational clinic in the
Rockaways, staffed with doctors and nurses.
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 45
Clark R. Green
T.J. (Tom) Green
Ms. Greenberg
Ms. Janny Greenlee
Col. Frank Gregg
Ms. Wanda K. Gregory
Ms. Julie Griffin
Mr. Robert Griffiths
Mrs. George Grillo
Rev. Daphne Grimes
Ms. Elaine Gronskis
Mr. Robert R. Gross
Dr. Gary L. Groves
Ms. Carolyn L. Groves
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Grube
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Guevara
Ken Gunther
Philip Gurian
Ms. Judith Gutfleisch
Mr. Robert B. Hagedorn
Margery L. Hagg
Mr. Peter Haiman
Mr. Bob Hajla
Mr. Tom L. Hale
Frances J. Hall
Marie-Louise Hall
Ms. Linda Halliday
Ms. Melissa Hamilton
Kenyon Hammack
William Hammer
Ms. Basia Hammerstein
Mrs. Jim Hammons
Dr. Muriel B. Handmaker
Ms. Jean S. Handsberry
Ms. Sallie Hanna-Rhyne
Ms. Jody Hansell
James Hansen
Ms. Joyce C. Hansler
Dr. Scott P. Hanson
Ms. Sarah Hanuske
Mr. Karl Hanzel
Ms. Laurie Harberson
Mr. John R. Hardendorf
Mrs. S P. Harkonen
Ms. Ellen H. Harris
Ms. Virginia B. Harris
Mr. Charles O. Harrison
David and Emily Hart
Mr. Paul D. Harter
Mrs. Priscilla Harthan
Ms. Mary Hasson
Dr. and Mrs. David Hattem
David & Leslie Hatton
Mr. Robert D. Hawck
Ms. Christine B. Hayes
Mr. David Heep
Christine R. Heidtke
June E. Heilman
Thomas Heinrichs
Ms. Jan Hejtmanek
Ms. Marie Henderson
Miss Margaret Hendricks
Ms. Nina L. Hendrix
Loh Heng-Mui
Mr. Robert Henry
Ms. P. S. Herbert
Ms. Phillis Herbster
Pilar Hernandez
Ms. Bee Herrmann
Mrs. Patricia Herron
Mr. David W. Hester
Maren Hexter
Mr. Karen D. Hickman
Mrs. Wanda Higbee
Mr. John Higgins
Miss Anne Hill
Ms. Gale B. Hill
R. George Hiller
Ms. Margery Hinds
Mr. Tim Hinkle
Ms. Joan Hinske
Ms. Alice Hinson
Mr. James R. Hipp
Ms. Elaine C. Ho
Mr. Harris Hobby
Ms. Margaret Hodges
Laurel Hodkin
Mr. Isidore Hofferman and Mrs.
Sharon Hofferman
In Honor of Suzanne Wolfe Sheppard
Ms. Margaret A. Hogan
Mrs. Betty M. Holderman
Ms. Michelle Homyak
Diane Hood
Ms. Evan Claire Hoogs
Ms. Robin Hopkins
Patrick and Christi Horan
Mary Phyllis Horn
Ms. Julie Horngrad
Mr. John W. Hosmer
Ms. Catherine Hoss
Mr. Thomas Houlden
Ms. Edith Houser
Mr. Jasper Howe
Mr. Warren M. Howe and Ms. Janet
S. Karon
Ms. Genevieve K. Howe
Mr. Paul Howes
Mr. William Hughes
Ms. Susan M. Hughes, M.D.
Barbara B. Hultgren
Mrs. Clarice Hunter
Mr. Carroll A. Huntington, Jr.
Ms. Janice Hurd
Ms. Sybil Husted
Ms. Bethany Hutchinson
Ms. Phyllis A. Hyde
David and Arlene Iacono
Katherine E-G Iacovelli
Ms. Elizabeth Ingalls
Ms. Jayne Ingram
Ms. Ruth I. Ingram
Mr. Ken Irwin
Mrs. Ninalou Isaacson
Ms. Karen Isaacson
Maureen Ivy
Ms. Martha Iwagaki
David L. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson
Michael Jacobowitz
Mr. Jacques F. Jacobson
Mrs. Gail Jacobson
Ms. Sherie Jakobsson
G. A.and Barbara M. Jamieson
Ms. Julianne Jankowski
Ms. Linda Jeffords
Ms. Carol D. Jensvold
Lt. Col. Maddie P. Jims, RET
Mr. Arthur Johnson
Mr. Charles L. Johnson
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Johnson
Ms. Anna-Kajs Johnson
Ms. Beda I. C. Johnson
Ms. Geraldine Johnson
Ms. Karina K. Johnson
Ms. Mary Johnson
Ms. Sarah L. Johnson
Rachel Brundred Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jonen
Mr. Kent O. Jones
Mr. Cornelis J. Jongepier
Mr. Gil Jordan
Rev. Patrick M. Jordan
Dr. Stefania Jozwik
Mrs. Patricia Judd
Prof. Judy M. Judd
Ms. Elise Junkans
Ms. Gerritdina Justitz
Miss Vera Kahler
Ms. Myra Kaiser
Ms. Eileen Kamison
Helga Karker
Doris and John Karle
Mr. Roger E. Kazanjian
P. J. Keagle
Mr. Joe and Jean Keane
Ms. Joanna Keeley
Ms. Bessie M. Keens
Mr. Robert B. Keiser
Ms. Pearl Kellar and
Mr. Robert J. Kellar
Wayne H. Keller
Mr. Thomas C. Kelly
Ms. Shae L. Kemerer
Dr. L. Franklin Kemp
Ms. Shirley B. Kemp
Mr. Garth Kemper
Dr. Carol Kennedy
Mrs. Clair Kennison
Mr. and Mrs. K. Kenzel
Mr. Joseph Kern
Mr. Jack Kerr
Mr. Sean S. Kerr
Mr. Arnold Ketels
Mary Anne Keul
Ms. Dorothy M. Keyser
Kerryth Kilduir
Kineta Kindell
Mrs. Dorothy L. King
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 46
Ms. Judy Kinsman
Phyllis Putnam Kirk
Ms. Terry Kirkland
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kissinger
B.J. Kissling
P. Klahn
Mr. Hyman J. Klein
Mr. Edward Klunk
Mr. Donald H. Knapp
Ms. Vesta Knuth
William and Debbie Knutson
Mr. Arthur Koch
Ms. Jill Koch and Ms. Diane Miller
Diane Gordon and Michael Koerner
Mr. Charles Kohlhase
Ms. Joan Kolobielski
Mrs. Mary Ann Kooker
Mr. Francis J. Koppeis, Jr.
Barbara Korman
Ms. Janet Kozera
Mr. F. R. Kramer
Mr. Robert H. Kranich
Ms. Ilona Kratz
Mr. Jon Krecker
Susan and Arthur Krell
Salem Krieger Photography
Nancy Kroeger
Mr. Charles W. Krout, Jr.
Mr. Walter W. Krug
Ms. Mary F. Kruk
Miss Margaret Kruse
Mr. John S. Kudella
Mr. Bill Kuni
Mrs. Jean E. Kyle
Mr. Christopher Lack
Sandra Davis Lakeman
Margrit Lamb
Mr. Thomas Lamb
Ms. Joline La Mond and
Mr. William La Mond
Ms. Marie J. Lampkin
Mr. Stephen Landuyt
Mr. and Ms. Landwehr
Mr. Charles Lang
Toni L. Langland
Mrs. Larry K. Larson
Ms. Karen L. Lassen
Ms. Elizabeth Laucks
Mr. William Laudani
Mrs. Jo Anne Laughlin-Maloney
Mr. John Lawrence
Mrs. Ann Lawrence
Mr. Durwood Lawson
Mr. Arthur Laxer
Mr. Stephen L. Lazan
Ms. Sharon Lazar
Ms. Rayna B. Lazaroff
Ms. Belina Lazzar
Eileen and Paul Le Fort
Dr. Guy and Nadia Leadbetter
Trina J. Leaf
Mr. Stanley Lederman
Ms. Patricia Lee
Barbara Leeper
Don Leighton-Burwell and Pam
Mrs. Alice L. Leighty
Ms. Elizabeth Lemert
Mr. Alan Leong
Leonard Lepof
Ms. Patricia Leslie
Ms. Betty Letsche
Marc William Levin
Ms. Betty E. Levinson
Larry Lewack
Ms. Mary L. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Licata
Mr. Ralph Lichtenstein
Mr. John M. Liddell
Mr. Joseph Liebling
Mr. Clifford J. Liehe
Mr. James Ligoretti
Mr. Larry L. Lindsay
Mr. William K. Lindsey
Ms. Marilynn Liotta
Mr. Don L. Lipmanson
Sandt Litchfield
Mrs. Holly Livingston
Mr. Ramon V. Lockier
Mrs. Louise Lockwood-Zorowski
Ms. Joan A. Loewenthal
Ms. Renate C. Logan
Mrs. Margret E. Lohfeld
Ingodwee Trust-Mr. David T. Lonier,
Trustee and Ms. Glenna Long,
Miss Sareska Lugo
Marione Luke
Mr. Larry L. Lundberg
Mrs. Doris M. Lundmark
Brian R. Lundy
Mr. Eugene C. Luschei
Dr. Kathleen Lynch
Mr. Edward L. Lynch
Mr. James P. Lynch, M.D.
Mr. Robert J. MacDonald
Ms. Karen D. Maddio
Valerie J. Madison, Ph.D.
Ms. Rose P. Magee
Nevio Maggiora
Ms. Jane Maher
Larry Maillet
Mrs. Virginia Maina
Mr. Henry Males
Mr. Gary D. Malesky
Cecilia Malingkas Lai
Mr. Timothy Maloney
Mrs. Billie G. Manck
Sharon T. Mandell
J. P. Maney
Ms. Mariana J. Manzo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Marass
Howard A. Markham
Dr. and Mrs. Sanford E. Marovitz
Ilona I. Marshall
Ms. Carole S. Marshall
Ms. Melissa Martel
Mr. Ervin Martin
Ms. Mary Rose Martin
Ms. Setsuko Maruki-Fox
Ms. Linda Mason
Ms. Lillian W. Masters
Ms. Alma Mather
Nadya Mathison
Mr. James W. Matthews
Mrs. Nedra Matthews
Patricia D. Matthias
Ms. Eleanor Mattusch
Mr. Robert Matulich
Jean Matusz
Mr. Arthur A. Maule
Mr. Fred J. Maynard
Mrs. Barbara J. Mc Dougal
Ms. Barbara Mc Mahon
Leslie McCain
Mr. Edmund Mccann
Mrs. Sally McCarthy
Ms. Jacqueline G. McCauley
Kathleen Mccloud
Anne Mccoy
Jinx Mccreary
Ms. Janet L. McCrory
Ms. Ann Mcgarry, Esq.
Ms. Jo-Ann Mcgivern
Madelon Mcgowan
Ms. Sandra McKown
Mr. Ralph D. McKuhen and Ms.
Susan McKuhen
Mr. Michael Mclean and Ms. Collette
Steve Mcmaster
Mrs. Susan Weston Mcmillan
Ms. Frances Mcnair
Ellen H. McPeake
Ms. Bonnie McPherson Killip
Ms. Doris McPherson Taylor
Deborah Mcternan
Ms. Sonja Meadows
Kathleen C. Meagher
Mrs. Sally E. Mechels
Mrs. Dorothy Marie Meincke Heroy
Mr. Anthony Melchior
Cindy Mench
Ms. Ruth Mergler
Ms. Jane R. Merrill
Mdm. Janine Metz
Lenore and Dale Meyer Fund
Mr. Norman Meyer
Ms. Loraine V. Meyer
Mr. Lawrence S. Meyran
Jacqueline Miller
Mr. Robert J. Miller
Mrs. M. F. Miller
Ms. Norma Miller
Ms. Ocoee Miller
Ms. Tina Miller
Ms. Betty Millward
Mr. Larry Milosky
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 47
Mr. Carl Milton
Ms. Mindy Mindlin
Ms. Patricia Minnick
Ms. Sandra Miraglia
Buddy E. Turner and Roberta J.
Dr. Ellen Mitchell
Richard Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Moe
Felicitas Moen
Mr. Aaron Moeser
Mr. Allen J. Monchil
Mr. David Monheit
Ms. Angelina Montella
Ms. Mildred Mooney
Ms. Sandra S. Moore
Ms. Susan Moran
Ms. Beverly A. Morgan
Ms. Kathryn E. Morris
Sharon and Jeff Morris
Ms. Jeanette M. Morrison
Ms.Gladys M. Morrow
Mrs. Carole Morton
Alice M. Moser
Mrs. Ruth M. Moser
Dr. Ellie A. Moses
Carla B. Moss
Dr. Paul Moss
Ms. Irene Mostek
Ms. Joanne E. Moyer
Mr. Don A. Mueller
Mr. Victor Mueller and Mrs. Marion
Ms. Paula P. Mueller
Ms. Phyllis Mueller
Marlene and Samir Mukherjee
L J Murawski
Joanie Murphy
Mr. Nicholas T. Murphy
Ms. Kerrin J. Murphy
Timothy Murphy
Mr. Kailash Murthi
Robert Myers and Mrs. Ann Myers
Prof. John F. Nagle
O. Ruth Najacht
Ms. Judith E. Naughton
Ginger Navarro
Karl and Toni Nease
Tobin Nellhaus
Mrs. Ferrald C. Nelson
Mr. William F. Nerin
Mr. Charles H. Newman
Ms. Carol L. Nicholson
Ms. Sharon Nicodemus
Mr. Donald J. Nicolson
Mr. Henry Nielsen
Ms. Diane J. Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Niemiec
Ms. Emma L. Nikl
Ms. Sonja Nikolay
Jill North
Ms. Louise B. Nusbaum
David O'Brien
Mr. Mike O'Connor
Joyce B. Odro
Ms. Gretchen Oelhaf
Barbara Doroba-Ogg and
Michael J. Ogg, MD
Mr. Steven H. Olanoff
Don Olson
Ms. Kris Olsson
Mr. Robert Onan
Ms. Ramona O'Neil
Mr. Walter Oppenheim
Mose Orion Oppenheimer
Mrs. Teruko S. Orel
Mr. Robert Ormond
Mr. William Osborne
Ms. Elaine W. Osborne
Mr. Arne E. Osterby
Ms. Ann Ouellette and
Dr. Eugene Ouellette
Ms. Margreta Overbeck
Mr. Stan Ozbolt
M. Adella Pace
Margarita Padilla
S. Page
Mr. Stanley P. Pajewski
Ms. Joan Palmer
Poppy Parker
Ms. Judith Parksdifranco
Ms. Margery A. Pasko
Susan C. Pasquarello
Ms. Karen J. Pataky
Elaine A. Pavlick
Edgar Peara
Ms. Diane L. Pederson
Mrs. Tess Pember
Mr. Peter Pendleton
Mrs. Phyllis Pennell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Percoco
Mr. Tony Pereira
Ms. Theresa Perenich
Fionna Perkins
Ms. Margarita Perusquia
Jan and Patrick Pesek-Herriges
Ms. Nancy Petashnick
Ms. Lisa Peterman
Mr. Thomas Peterson
Ms. Kristina E. Peterson
Beatrice Petito
Ms. Susan J. Petra
Linda Petrulias
Ms. Alice Pettyjohn
Ms. Ellie Phelan
Mr. Clay Phennicie
Bradley P. and Lili Phillips
Ms. Jane B. Phillips
Patricia Phillips
Michael W. Picioccio
Mrs. Joanne Piela
Mrs. Mary Pierson
Gail Pigeon
Ms. Patricia Pillsbury
Ms. Mary C. Pinell
Theodore and Eleanor Pirozek
Petra L. and Alfred C. Plant
Mr. Mark Podhorecki
Mrs. Alanna Ponder
Ms. Susanna M. Porte
Miss Mary Porter
Mrs. Vera Porter
Mrs. Helen Posey
Mr. Charles A. Pospisil
Miss Myrna B. Pototsky
Ms. Julie Potter
Loni Powers
Vera Pratt
Mr. David Charles Prescott
David Preston
Gregor A. and Ann C. Preston
Philip Preston
Estate of Esther R. Price
Ms. Agnes Priddy
Mr. Winston Prior
Mr. Todd Provost
Mr. Edison Putman
Mr. John T. Putnam
Ms. Elissa Querze
Sheila Quinn
Ms. Joannah Ralston
Mr. Alberto Ramon
Ms. Joann S. Ramos
Glen Ray
Miss Ruth Ray
Dennis Rea
Ms. Claudia Ream-Pinedo
Sister Janet Rectenwald
Ms. Eva Reese
Ms. Patty Reis
Mr. Justus E. Requa
Mr. Sol J. Resnikoff
Ms. Helen Rodes Reutlinger
Mr. Henry Reynolds
Ms. Rita C. Reynolds
Mr. Walter Rheinheimer
Mrs. Ruth Riba
Brenda Richardson
Mrs. Beirne W. Richmond
Capt. Eugene M. Riddick
Ms. Candace Ridington
Peter and Deborah Rieman
Mr. Hunter Rieseberg
Ms. Virginia Rifkin
Ms. Sarah L. Riha
Mrs. Theron Rinehart
Ms. Gloria Ripple
Ms. Beverly I. Riverwood
Mr. Phillip Robberson
Ms. Samantha Robbins
Ms. Valerie Robbins
Lloyd Roberts
Ms. Ada T. Robertson
Ms. Robin Robertson
Donald A. Robins
Ms. Barbara J. Robinson and
Mr. John Robinson
Ms. Selena Robison
Ms. Marilyn Rodriguez
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 48
Harry E. Roeder
Mrs. Elaine Roeder
Mr. David Roloff
Peter P. Romeo
Ms. Christa Romppanen
Ms. Janet Rontz
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Root
Mrs. Marcia Rosellini
Ms. Kay Rosen
Mr. David A. Rosenberg
Mr. Andrew Rosenthal
Mr. Peter Rosnick
Mr. Marvin L. Ross
Ms. Luba R. Ross
Ms. Sarah Ross
Ms. Shirley L. Ross
Ms. Shirley Rote
Mr. Peter Rothe
Jeanne and Dick Roy
Dr. Patricia Rozee
Ms. Mathilde Rubin
Ms. Cynthia E. Rufty
Ethelyn M. Rund
Ms. Gail Runk
Ms. Melanie Rushing
Ms. Ruth A. Russell
Mr. Joe Russo
Ms. Diana Rutherford
Mr. Stephen Ryan
Ms. Nelliejane Ryder
Ms. Ruth H. Ryer
Mr. Winfred Ryle
Dr. Ian C. S Radford, M.D.
Mr. Wesley Sadler
Mrs. Jeannette Safran
Susan M. Santilli
Ms. Selma Sapir
Ms. Kim Sather
Mr. David Saunders
Ms. Tanya Saunders
Ms. Jackie L. Saylor
Ms. Jean Schauffler
Mr. Herbert Scheper
Ms. Kathi Schery
Florence Schiffman CSW
Barry and Libby Schiller
Miss Virginia Schlecht
Ms. Kathryn Schmidt
Betty L. Schnaar
Mrs. Juanita R. Schneider
Ms. Florence M. Schneider
Ms. Nancy Schoemaker
Ms. Lynne Schomaeker
Mrs. Judith W. Schrafft
Mr. Alfred C. Schroeder
Mr. Urs Schuler
Ms. Karen Schumaker
M Hugh Schwab
Alan and Barbara Schwartz
Mr. John Schwartz
Steve Schwartz
Ms. Connie Scontrino
Ms. Athena Scotes
Mrs. Barbara H. Scripter
Victoria L. Seale
Mr. Robert Sedivy
Mr. Steve Seebold
Dr. Adolph Segal
Ms. Marjorie Segal
Jacqueline Sehm
Shirley Seireg
Ms. Doris W. Seney
Ms. Suzanne Shafer
Garry R. Shapiro and
Yelena M. Kolodji, CNM
Ms. Jane Sharp-Macrae
Ms. Christine Shaw
Ms. Thelma A. Shaw
George L. Shepard
Mr. Max Shepard
Mr. William G. Sheppard
Miss Linda Shine
Ms. Anne Shirer
P. Robert Shrauger
Mr. William L. Shuman
Mrs. John P. Sieck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sikorski
Ms. Carol Sills
Mr. Al J. Silva
Mr. Matthew Silverberg
Marla and Louis Silverstein
Jay and Linda Silverthorn
Mr. and Mrs. W A. Simpson
Mr. Denis M. Simpson
Ms. Yvette Simpson
Ms. Judith Sims
Ms. Debra Sincere
Dr. Carol J. Sing
Bernhard H. Singsen, M.D., M.P.H.
Ms. Rae L. Siporin
Mr. Jim Skinner and
Ms. Judy Skinner
Mrs. Naomi N. Skoler
Dr. Michael Skolochenko
Mr. Tracy B. Slack III
Ms. Betty A. Slade
Ms. Sonya Sleva
George Smith
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Smith
Mrs. Jewel M. Smith
Ms. Barbara Smith
Ms. Gerda M. Smith
Ms. Laura Smith
Ms. Pamela Smith
Ms. Pamela Smith
Mr. James G. Snider
Dr. Sandra L. Snow
Diane and Dale Snyder
Mr. Gregory Snyder, N.P.
Pornphan Snyder
Vera Snyder
Ms. Debora Sokolski
James Stevens, British Composer
Mr. Charles F. Sommers
Dr. Joan Sophie
Ms. Sara SoRelle
Mr. James E. Sorensen
Margaret Spaulding
Ms. Ruth Spencer
Ms. Susan Spiegel
Mr. Gary Spizizen
Ms. Ruth S. Stahl
Ms. Gayle Stalker
Timothy Stanhope
Mr. Walter Stark
Mr. Sherman Starr
Mrs. Linda M. Aldridge Steenrod
Mr. Seth Steiner
Carol E. Steinhart
Mrs. Claudette Stella
Ms. Marjorie Stephens
Ms. Sherry L. Sterling
Mr. Robert E. Stevens
Mrs. Doris Stevenson
Lois K. Stewart
Ms. Joy L. Stewart
Ms. Carol Stitz
Frank A. Stivers
William Stockard
Mrs. Cora Stoll
Ms. Barbara Stoner
Dr. Sandra M. Storm
Mr. David Storrer
Mr. Guy W. Stoye
Donna Straat
Ms. Claire Stratford
Mr. Paul W. Strecker
Mr. Stephen Streif
Mr. and Mrs. William Strobel
Faith Strong
Mr. Evan L. Stroud
Allan Strowd
Ms. Alida H. Struze
Ms. Merle K. Stueve
Ms. Sheila R. Suarez
Mrs. Ann L. Sugden
Gail M. Sullivan
Dr. Lynne V. Swanson
Mr. Charles J. Swartz
Ms. Eva-Maria Swedlow
Ms. Mary R. Sweeney
Mr. Edward Swingle
Mr. Douglas J. Sykes
Mr. Frank W. Symonds and
Mrs. Ann P. Symonds
Mr. Frank W. Szabo
Dr. Elizabeth M. Tallichet
Mr. Donald H. Taylor
Mr. John D. Taylor
Nancy Taylor
Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor-Burford
Mr. Charles Teague
Ms. Teresa C. Tellez
Bev Teppen
Ms. Gretchen Ternes
Ms. Diane Terry
Mr. Scott Thatcher
Mr. D R. Thibodo
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 49
Jackie Thiel
Charlotte Thiemecke-Floyd, Ed. D.
Mr. Cody Thomas
Ms. Claudine Thomas
Ms. Mary V. Thomason
Mr. Timothy Thompson
Mr. Tom Tice
Ms. Judith Todd, Ph.D.
Ms. Darlene M. Tomecek
Ms. Jean Tompkins
Ms. Mary Toornman
Ms. Nadine Tosatto
Mr. Stephen M. Town
Ms. Paula Trachtman
Ms. Mary N. Tragus
Paula Renee Trehearne
Ms. Dorothy Truesdell
Mr. Curtis Turchin
Ms. Frances A. Turner
Ms. Willie L. Turner
Ms. Joy S. Turowski
Ms. Casey Tyler
Mr. Ray Unrath
Ms. Carol J. Urquhart
Rita Loree Valent
Gwen S. Valentine
Mrs. Ann C. Valsasina
Ms. Anje C. van der Naald
Mr. and Mrs. D. Van Grinsven
Ms. Dee Van Leeuwen
Ms. Lisa Van Valkenburgh
Ms. Jeanne Van Verre
Fred Vanacore
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vanacore
Ms. Christie L. Vella-Kramer
Debbie Velthuizen
Miss Raima Verasmende
Lynne Verioti
Rev. Dr. Audrey W. Vincent
Mr. Bernard S. Vinick &
Ms. Martha O. Vinick
Jim and Ginger Visconti
Dorothy M. Vislocky
Mari Vlastos
Jerry and Connie Voight
Mr. Larry Von C. Kuster
Philip H. von Lintel, MD
Ms. Erika M. Voss
Mr. Raymond L. Wager
Ms. Joan M. Wagner
Mr. Robert Wakefield
Dan F. and June Walcott
Lois Ream Waldref
Mrs. Frances Walker
Mrs. Susan Walker
Holly Wallace
Ms. Terry A. Walrath
Mrs. Romaine Walsh
Ms. Sharon Walters
Ms. Virginia E. Ward
Mr. David Warfel
Ms. Suzanne Waritz
Ms. Patsy Warlock
Mrs. Pat Watson
Ms. Delores A. Watts
Mr. Richard S. Waxman
Devin Weaver
Mr. Edward Webb
Ms. Jane Webb
Ms. Miriam Weber
Ms. Jackie Wein
Victor K. Weisberger
Mr. Michael Welber
Mr. Albert N. Wells
Mr. Walter G. Wells
Ms. Darlene Wenner
Vicki K. Westberg
Mr. Steve R. Westergan
Ms. Vivian Westerman
Curt Westley
Ms. Elaine C. Weston
Mr. Tom W. Wetterer
Mrs. Max Weyl
Thamar Wherrit
Mr. Ensley White
Mr. Richard White
Ms. Doris E. White
Neal White
Ms. Elizabeth Whitehill
Ms. Maren Wilbur
Mr. Russell Wild
Rev. Arlene R. Wilhelm
Miss Anna Wilkin
Miss Betty B. Willey
Stephen and Elizabeth Willey
Mr. Roger Williams
Ms. Ruth Williams
Ms. Suzanne B. Williams
Mr. Jack R. Willis
Mr. Rob B. Willis
Mr. Harold G. Wilson
Tom and Janet Winemiller
Mr. Mark A. Winn
Kathryn Winter
Ms. Vivian Winterman
Margaret Julian Wisdom
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Witzeman
Mr. William B. Wolf
Ms. Charlotte Wolf
Caprice C. Wolfer
Ms. Diane Wolfson
Mr. H. Mickey Wolk
Dr. Donald and Marcia Wolochow
Ms. Shu J. Wong
Ann and Roy Wood
Mr. Peter H. Wood
Mr. Robert Wood
Ms. Barbara Wood
Ms. Johanna Woodchild
Dr. Roger K. Woods
Margot Worfolk
Darby Moss Worth
Mr. George J. Wortiska
Mr. Arthur Wortman
Ms. June W. Wortman
Dr. Beatrice Wright
Mr. George C. Yeramian, Jr.
Jan Yoder
Mrs. Ruth Yoshioka
Mr. William Yothment
Mr. and Mrs. James Young
Mr. George T. Younis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zeiler
Miss Mary J. Zerwas
Jo A. Ziegler
Dr. Joan Zimmerman
Mr. Fred Zimmerman
Ms. Wilma J. Zinser
Mr. Emil Zollinger
Mr. Ed Zondag
Ms. Martha M. Zweig
51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 50
Norman J. Ackerman
Erika R. Anderson
Gwendolyn M. Appleyard
Adele A. Avra
Ronald P. Banas
Barbara J. Basch
John H. Bauchens
Mary Ellen Bell
Stella Bello
Betty Berenson
Gloria and Kay McFarland Bernath
Bernice R. Bild
Arline Bovee
Shirley Bowen
James L. Bowes
Helga Boyd
William S. Brown
Lenore Bruck
Scott Burzon
Don Carter
Lawrence and Erika Casler
Ruth B. Cluster
Johanna Couch
Elsa M. Crumpley
Leslie A. Cyril
Nancy Daniel
Vincenza D'Aversa
Winifred DaVia
John R. Davies
Carla C. Deadmon
Joseph Deare
John Delegan
Donald Dempsey
Buddy Diamond
Vida Diers
Helen L. Dunkhorst
Susan Egnew
William C. Emker
Sylvia Falkove
T. Lux Feininger
Margot Feuer
Suzy Ficker
Vernon Fischer
Lovelle Gibson
Eva Gillies
Jay Glanzrock
Kathleen Goetten
Fanny Goldfarb
Diana Goodhart
Sanford Goodman
Garnet Gorin
Jean Grandfield
James R. Green
Sarah Griggs
Mary Harkins
Joan L. Hempel
Edwin F. Holloran Jr.
Katherine Hurley
Irene Jewdoschenko
Norman B. Johnston
Kjell Jonquiere
Jacqueline Justen
John and Dorothy Kerek
Violet Kuffner
Annette Lampert
Hilda M. Lane
Harold B. Lawson
Elisabeth and Edgar Lehman
Anna Lentzen
Henritte Lerner-Hahn
Judy Lichenstein
Thelma Lindroos
Eleanor G. Lorton
Elsie Lowry
Harriet MacKay
Joseph J. Maio
Edna Maize
Donald E. Makosky
Brigitte J. Marcella
Barbara Maros
Henry A. Martin
Nancy A. Martin
Douglas I. Martin
Marion Mather
Barbara McEwen
Ella and Herman Medwin
Margery Melgaard
Margaret H. Menagh
Gordon Meyerhoff
Dorris Michalske
Arvin S. Miller
Rita M. Murphy
Roger Nigro
Jane M. O'Connor
Armenie P. Onegian
Ruby A. Pashby
Svend Petersen
John Pickles
Dana Ragsdale
Josephine Rente
Laurel Robinson
Maria Romano
Barney and Sally Roseblatt
Nancy S. Ross
Shoshana Rothazier
Charles Saunders
Sven Siemen
Maryilyn Silberstang
Renee M. Smith
Mary E. Snider
John J. Spillane
Rita Stanek
Louis and Walter Staudinger
Henry Stavan
Joseph Stern
Ann W. Stevens
Dorothy Strumble
Elenore and Gordon Suggs
Celeste Sunterro
Allan J. Taylor
Elisabeth Thaddeus
Carl J. Theden
Joseph and Mildred Vergara
Andrea C. Vodehnal
Herta Vossmeyer
Margery Walker
Margaret Waugh
Dayln J. Wells
George Whatley
Adolph J. Wood
Richard A. Zgodava
The Greenpeace Roadshow is an
ongoing series of casual
conversations, interactive
discussions and events taking place
online, across the country and in
your neighborhood. Visit
for upcoming events.
Photo Credits:
Cover Images:
Table of Contents:
Page 2:Stephen Carrera / GP
Page 4: Todd Warsaw/GP
Page 5: Jiri Rezac/GP
Page 6: Mannie Garcia/GP
Page 7: Stephen Carrera / GP
Page 8: Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert/GP
Page 9: Evan Spiler/GP
Page 11: Jason Miczek/GP
Page 12: Denis Sinyakov / GP
Page 13: Denis Sinyakov/GP
Page 14: Robert Meyers / GP
Page 15: Landov Agency / McClatchy
Page 16: Daniel Casillan / GP
Page 17: Alex Hoffman/GP
Pages 18 & 19: J. Rezac/GP
Page 21: Luis Lawanag/GP
Page 23: Robert Meyers/GP
Page 25: Daniel Beltrá/GP
Page 27: J. Rezac/GP
Page 28: Paul Hilton/GP
Page 29: Nigel Marple/GP
Page 36: Texas Constantine/GP
Page 41: Robert Visser/GP
Page 44: Bruce Cotler/GP
Page 51: GP
Back Cover: Paul Hilton/GP
51255_GP AR 7/30/13 4:01 PM Page 51
In 2012, following global pressure
from Greenpeace, KFC Indonesia
announced it was ending its 30-year
supplier relationship with APP and
would address issues in its supply
51255_GP AR 7/30/13 4:01 PM Page 52
© Daniel Beltrá / GP
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51255_GP AR 7/23/13 2:06 PM Page 52
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