Stewardship of Time & Talent 2015–2016 Response Form

Sacred Heart Parish
9460 NE 14th Street
Bellevue, WA 98004
Stewardship of Time & Talent
2015–2016 Response Form
INSTRUCTIONS: Each adult member is asked to please bring this completed form to church on
Commitment Weekend, October 17/18th. It will be brought forward as part of the Offering at
all three Masses that day or it can be returned to the church office anytime throughout the year.
I attend the:
□Sat.5:00pm □Sunday 9:00am □11:00am
I commit to use my time to grow in my faith this year by participating in the following:
5:00pm Saturday Mass
9:00am Sunday Mass
11:00am Sunday Mass
5:00pm Sunday youth-led Mass
(Starting 1/24/16)
Daily Mass
Morning Rosary Group
Monday Evening Rosary/Prayer Group
Tuesday morning Scripture Study
□ Wednesday Evening Scripture Study
Hearts on Fire Mornings of Reflection
Advent Small Faith Sharing Group
Lent Small Faith Sharing Group
Parish Mission
Lenten Stations of the Cross
Catechist Certification classes
Monday Evening Catechumenate
In addition to these activities, I plan to nurture my Catholic faith at and beyond Sacred Heart in
the following ways: (i.e. daily personal prayer, spiritual reading, regular family prayer, personal retreat…)
I commit to grow in my faith this year by serving in the following ways:
Sunday morning Catechist
Sunday morning classroom volunteer
Children’s Liturgy of the Word leader
Vacation Bible Camp volunteer (6/26-7/1/16)
Middle School Core Team
High School Core Team
Confirmation Core Team
Youth Worship Band (Sunday 5pm)
RCIA Sponsor
Saturday Hospitality Team (cheese & crackers)
Sunday 9am Hospitality Team (coffee& donuts)
Sunday 11am Hospitality Team (coffee & donuts)
Sunday 5pm Mass Hospitality Team
November Meals for the Homeless
Jubilee Service Day (August 2016)
Carpe Diem Steering Committee
Funeral reception helper
Grief ministry team member
Eucharistic Minister to the homebound
Eucharistic Minister to those in nursing homes
Eucharistic Minister to the hospitalized
Knights of Columbus
Art & Environment planner
Eucharistic Minister
Altar Server
9am Chorale member
Children’s Choir
Nursery Assistant
St. Vincent de Paul
Advent Giving Tree
Facilities Committee
CYO Coach
School Commission member
School classroom volunteer
School lunchroom volunteer
Recess supervisor
Health Room Assistant
Science Fair Judge
Technology volunteer
Pastoral Council member
Finance Council member
Stewardship Commission member
Worship Commission member
Lay presider for Word & Communion services
Brown Bag Food Drive helper
Church linens
In addition to these opportunities, I plan to serve beyond Sacred Heart in the following ways:
(i.e. home care of young children or older family members; civic clubs & boards, United Way, etc….)