– ar verbs – er verbs – ir verbs – é – amos – aste – asteis – ó – aron

– ar verbs
– amos
– aste – asteis
– aron
– er verbs
– imos
– iste – isteis
– ió
– ieron
– ir verbs
– imos
– iste – isteis
– ió
– ieron
Drop the ending from the infinitive and add the above endings.
There are many irregulars in this tense. Some include: tener es tuve, estar-estuve, ir es fui y
también ser, poder es pude, poner es puse, traje es para traer, haber-hube, hacer-hice, saber-supe,
querer-quise, decir-dije, venir-vine, ver-vi, dar-di, no acentos ACT (Andar, Conducir, Traducir)
[La cucaracha loca]
This tense is used to express an action completed in the past:
1. Mi mamá nadó el sábado.
My mom swam Saturday.
My mom did swim Saturday.
2. Tomó el desayuno a las siete.
She ate breakfast at seven.
3. Salió a la piscina a las ocho.
She left for the pool at eight.
4. Tomó el desayuno, salió a la piscina She ate breakfast, left for the pool and
y nadó a las ocho y media.
swam at eight thirty.
5. Marta fue a la tienda hoy.
Marta went to the store today.
6. Ya lo hice.
I already did it.
7. ¿Qué pasó?
What happened?
In Spanish, some verbs that express a mental state have a different meaning when used in the
preterite. Be careful of these verbs:
1. La conocí la semana pasada en el baile.
I met her last week at the dance.
(Conocer, which means to know or be acquainted with, means met, that is introduced to
for the first time, in the preterite.)
2. Pude hacerlo.
I succeeded in doing it.
(Poder, which means to be able, means succeeded in the preterite.)
3. No pude hacerlo.
I failed to do it.
(Poder, when used negatively in the preterite, means failed or did not succeed.)
4. Quise llamarle.
I tried to call you.
(Querer, which means to wish or want, means tried in the preterite.)
5. No quise hacerlo.
I refused to do it.
(Querer, when used negatively in the preterite, means refused.)
6. Supe la verdad.
I found out the truth.
(Saber, which means to know, means found out in the preterite.)
7. Tuve un paquete de mi amigo Paco.
I received a package from my friend Paco.
(Tener, which means to have, means received in the preterite.