Czech Republic Students Report

Report of the Comenius visit to Czech Republic
We met all in the airport of Faro on 7th November morning. We were
ten, 5 teachers and 5 students. We were ready, so we started our adventure.
We flew to Lisbon, and after a good breakfast at Starbucks we went to Praha.
We arrived in the late afternoon, so we went to the hotel to leave there our
things and after that we went to a shopping center to have dinner. Then we
went to visit the interesting historical part of Praha. Since there we had a good
impression of the city. Everything was old and classical, but at the same time
beautiful. After the awesome night we went to the hotel to have some sleep
and get ready for the next day. In the next day we woke up early to visit more
parts of the city. We visited the famous Charles Bridge, the castle and we saw
the change of the guards. In the afternoon, after lunch we returned to the
bridge and we went to the Hard Rock Cafe. After that we walked a little in the
downtown of Praha and we saw some musicians and the Orloj, a medieval
astronomical clock. We came back to the hotel and in the next day we went to
the Jewry. We visited a mosque, a Museum where we saw the names of
hundreds of thousands of Jews killed in the 2nd World War and we visited the
cemetery where they were buried. After this visit we came back to the hotel to
pack our things and then we went to the train station, where we met the other
Comenius groups.
We started the journey by bus, where we met each other, we sang, we
played the guitar and we laughed. When we arrived at Vysoké Mýto, each one
met his host family and then the real experience of what an European citizen
is, started. In the next day we were at school at 8 o’clock to see a presentation
of the school. Then we did a lot of activities to know each other, and after lunch
we rehearsed the song composed by us, as the Comenius song. After those
activities we went to a football field, where we played football before going to
a church, where we attended to a concert. After the concert we went to a
pizzeria and then we went to a pub, before going to our host families. In the
next morning each student group taught words and phrases, used in real
situations, in their own languages, to the other groups. After that useful lesson
we went to the street to use what we had learnt. Then we lunched and after
that we did some activities about Christmas decorations. After the workshop
there was the final ceremony, where we received a certificate of attendance
and saw the photos of the 2 busy days in Vysoké Mýto. Then we went to a
restaurant, where we had the farewell dinner and after that we went to a café
to dance and enjoy ourselves in the company of our European friends and in
the end of the night we went to a pub, where we talked, and finally, after these
2 wonderful days we all said good bye.
On 12th November we left Vysoké Mýto and started our journey back
home. But how sad we were! We has spent such incredible days and met such
fantastic people and made new friends.
It was a really awesome experience!
None of us would mind repeat it!!
(The Portuguese Team: Luísa, Gonçalo, Iuri and João)