Pathophysiology • JP Advis DVM, Ph.D. Bartlett Hall, Animal Sciences, Cook, 932 - 9240, 15 • Course website: • Lectures, tests, grades, office hours, textbook, Lectures 1-2: Introduction to Pathophysiology (2) Lectures 3-4: Mechanisms of Self-Defense and Stress (2) Lectures 5-8: Endocrine and Nervous System Dysfunctions (4) Lecture 9: Alterations of Skeletal Muscle Function (1) REVIEW AND TEST #1 Lectures 12-18: Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Renal Dysfunctions (7) REVIEW AND TEST #2 Lectures 21-24: Alterations of Digestive Function and Intermediary Metabolism (4) Lectures 25-26: Alterations of the Reproductive System (2) REVIEW AND TEST #3 • Material to be covered: • About lecture slides: • • • • There are not intended to be the sole source for studying the course material !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Slides are good to review the course material after you have study your course textbook Slides are a good indicator of the relative importance of lecture topics (see slide # per topic Group slides by titles when using them to review course material. Match lectures and text. Respiratory structure / function Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders The pulmonary system consist of the lungs, airways, chest wall, and pulmonary circulation. Its primary function is the exchange of gases between environmental air and the blood. The processes involved are ventilation, diffusion, & perfusion. The lungs are protected by a series of mechanical barriers from exogenous contaminants (URT mucosa, nasal hair & turbinates, mucus blanket, cilia, alveolar macrophages, irritant receptors). Alveoli are the primary gas exchange units of the lung. Type I alveolar cells provide support and type 2 provide surfactant. Ventilation is the mechanical movement of gas or air into and out of the lungs, It is controlled by the brain respiratory center, which receives inputs from lung receptors and chemoreceptors. Airways are controlled by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Structure / function of the pulmonary system Page 1 Respiratory structure / function Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders Structures of pulmonary system and upper airways NASAL WALL PHARYNX nasal cavity pharinx upper respiratory tract larynx traquea lower respiratory tract bronquioles TRAQUEA Page 2 LARYNX Respiratory structure / function Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders Structures of lower airways, their branching, alveoli conducting airways pulmonary venule alveolar duct respiratory unit lower airways pulmonary arteriole alveolar sac alveoli Page 3 cellular structures Respiratory structure / function Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders Section through the alveolar septum (gas exchange membrane) type 2 surfactant alveolar cell layer intertitial cell connective tissue alveolar epithelium surfactant layer capillary endothelium capillary endothelium red blood cell (RBC) alveolar epithelium basement membrane type 1 alveolar cell basement membrane alveolar macrophage Page 4 intertitial space Respiratory structure / function Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders Chest cavity, functional components, and spirogram trachea larynx right primary bronchus aorta left primary bronchus right lung mediastinum parietal pleura viceral pleura left lung pleural space diaphragm esophagus Page 5 Page 6 Respiratory structure / function Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders Neurochemical respiratory control syste blood-brain barrier capillary voluntary and higher centers control centers pneumotaxic (inspiration) chemosensitive (H,O2,CO2) apneustic (insp & exp) DRG (inspiration) VRG (inspiration & expiration) vagus n. stretch irritant J receptors vagus n. carotide body intercostal n. aortic bodies (low PO2) phrenicl n. (to diaphragm) Page 7 Respiratory clinical manifestations Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders Pulmonary disease is linked to many signs and symptoms, The most common are cough and dyspnea. Others are chest pain, abnormal sputum, hemoptysis, altered breathing patterns, cyanosis, and fever. Dyspnea is a subjective sensation of uncomfortable breathing, as for example, dyspnea on exertion and orthopnea. Common clinical manifestations include, abnormal breathing patterns (e.g. Kussmaul and Cheyne-Stokes respirations), hypo and hyperventilation, cyanosis, clubbing, cough, hemoptysis, abnormal sputum, and pain. Conditions caused by pulmonary disease or injury include, hypercapnia, hypoxemia, acute respiratory failure, pulmonary edema, aspiration, atelectasis, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, pleural abnormalities, chest wall restrictions, and flat chest. Common clinical manifestations of pulmonary alterations Respiratory clinical manifestations Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders Clubbing caused by hypoxemia and v/q abnormalities Page 8 clubbing - early clubbing - moderate clubbing - severe Respiratory clinical manifestations Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders Pathogenesis of pulmonary edema Page 9 valvular dysfunction coronary artery disease injury to capillary endothelium blockage of lymphatic vessels left ventricular dysfunction increased left atrial pressure Increased capillary permeability and disruption of surfactant production by alveoli Inability to remove excess fluid from interstitial space increased pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure movement of fluid and plasma from capillary to intertitial space (alveolar septum) and alveoli accumulation of fluid in interstitial space pulmonary edema Pulmonary disorders Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Restrictive lung diseases are characterized by decreased lung complience and increased work of breathing. The most common examples are pulmonary fibrosis, inhalational disorders, allergic alveolitis, pneumoconiosis, and the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Obstructive lung diseases are characterized by airway obstruction that is worst with expiration. The most common examples are asthma, chronic bronquitis and emphysema. When the last two occur together, it is often called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders The most common respiratory tract infections involved the upper tract (common cold, pharingitis, laryngitis). Infections of the lower respiratory tract occur most often in individuals whose normal defenses mechanisms are impaired. Pulmonary vascular disease ls linked to pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, and cor pulmonale (right side failure). Pulmonary disorders Page 10 Respiratory dysfunctions Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders Atelecthasia (Kohn’s pore), pneumothorax, flail chest are examples of restrictive disorders normal alveolus closed pore of Kohn open pore of Kohn atelectatic alveolus PORES OF KOHN low inspiratory volume (shallow breathing) high inspiratory volume (deep breathing) EXAMPLES OF RESTRICTIVE DISORDERS inspiration PNEUMOTHORAX expiration FLAT CHEST Page 11 Respiratory dysfunctions Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders mechanism for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is another example of a restrictive disorder acute insult (e.g. pneumonia, aspiration, smoke inhalation) ARDS Release of cytokines ( e.g. IL, Tß, TNF) influx of inflammatory cells to lung ( e.g. neutrophils, macrophages, activated platelets ) release of ROS and cytokines activation of complement system damage to type 2 pneumocytes disruption of alveolar capillary membrane microthrombi in pulmonary circulation atelectasia & decreased non-cardiogenic pulmonary pulmonary hypertension edema and intrapulmonary lung complience shunting Page 12 release of FGFs (e.g. TGFß, PDGF pulmonary fibrosis Respiratory dysfunctions Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders Examples of airway obstruction are those caused by emphysema, chronic bonchitis and asthma Obstructive dysfunctions (B, C, D) panlobular centrilobular NORMAL LUNG EMPHYSEMA (destruction of alveolar walls) CHRONIC BRONCHITIS (inflammation) BRONCHIAL ASTHMA (obstruction) Page 13 Respiratory dysfunctions Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders Pathophysiology of asthma, an airway obstruction dysfunction allergen or irritant exposure immune activation (IL-4, IgE production) mast cell degranulation vasoactive mediators chemotactic mediators ASTHMA vasodilation Increased capillary permeability cellular infiltration (neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils) autonomic dysregulation bronchospasm vascular congestion mucus secretion impaired mucociliary function thickening of airway walls jncreased contractile response of bronchial smooth muscle release of toxic neuropeptides bronchial hyperesponsiveness airway obstruction epithelial desquamation and fibrosis Page 14 Respiratory dysfunctions Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders Pathophysiology of chronic bronchitis and emphysema (COPD), another example of an obstructive respiratory dysfunction tobacco smoke air pollution inflammation of the airway epithelium systemic effects (muscle weakness, weight loss) continuous bronchial irritation and inflammation infiltration of inflammatory cells and release of cytokines (neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes, leukotriens, interleukins) inhibition of normal endogenous antiproteases increased protease activity with breakdown of elastin in connective tissue of lungs (elastase, cathepsin) Emphysema (destruction of alveolar septo and loss of elastic recoil of bronchial wall chronic bronchitis (bronchial edema, hypersecretion of mucus, bacterial colonization of airways airway obstruction, air trapping, loss of surface area for gas exchange, frequent exacerbations (infections, bronchospasms COPD inherited alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency dyspnea, cough, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, cor pulmonale Page 15 Your eigth case study Structure / Function airways, chest wall & pleura, ventilation, breathing, gas transport, lung circulation Clinical manifestations signs, symptoms and consequences of pulmonary disease Pulmonary disorders restrictive and obstructive lung disease, infections, pulmonary vascular disease, respiratory tract malignancies Case studies examples of case files on respiratory function disorders SUMMARY: A 34-year-old woman with diabetes presents to the emergency department with complaints of fever, chills, back pain, dizziness, and shortness of breath. She reports a new onset non-productive cough and denies having chest pain. She reports no sick contacts. On examination, she is ill-appearing, febrile, hypotensive, and tachycardic. She has marked right costovertebral (flank) tenderness. Her lung examination demonstrates course rales and rhonchj throughout both lung fields. Her heart rate is tachcardic but with a regular rhythm. Her O2 saturation on room air is very low at 80% (normal is >94%). Urinalysis reveals numerous bacteria and leukocytes, consistent with an urinary tract infection. She has pyelonephritis and septic shock, with evidence of bilateral pulmonary infiltrate, on chest X-ray. TENTATIVE DIAGNOSIS: LAB TESTS: FINAL DIAGNOSIS: TREATMENT: Page 16