AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference JULY 12–14 « JW MARRIOTT AUSTIN « AUSTIN, TX Technology Sponsored by Transfer Sponsored by 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference CONFE RE NC E DIREC TO RS Mark McConahay AACRAO Technology Program Director Lee Furbeck AACRAO Transfer Program Director Mark McConahay attended Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, received a B.A. in Mathematics (1979) and Master of Science of Environmental Science (1984) and never left. He joined the Office of the Registrar in 1982 as an Analyst/ Programmer, was the Associate Registrar of Systems from 1990– 2011, and is now the Associate Vice Provost and Registrar. In addition to his work in the Office of the Registrar, Mark has presented at several conferences, received two EDUCAUSE Best practice Awards (then CAUSE), two CUMREC Best Paper Awards, contributed to books and articles, was a member of the 2002 EDUCAUSE program committee, and a member of the CUMREC Board of Directors. Lee Furbeck, Ph.D. currently serves as Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Student Transition at Cleveland State University and has directed the transfer program for AACRAO’s Technology and Transfer Conference for the past seven years. She has published and presented extensively on transfer-related topics, student access and equity, and admissions recruitment. Lee previously served as Chair of AACRAO’s Transfer and Articulation Committee and has worked with transfer students and transfer credit policy at the institutional and state levels in multiple states. She has also served as Chair of AACRAO’s Professional Development Committee and in several regional leadership roles. Lee earned a doctorate in English at the University of MissouriColumbia, and master’s and bachelor’s degrees from the University of Kentucky. Conference Sponsors Page ii AACRAO TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE AACRAO TRANSFER CONFERENCE is sponsored by is sponsored by OnBase®, developed by Hyland Software, combines document imaging, management and workflow solutions in a single, Webenabled application. OnBase helps higher education institutions increase speed and accuracy while reducing costs. Tailored for departments, yet comprehensive for a campus, OnBase fosters process improvements in admissions, the registrar’s office, financial aid, accounting, HR and advancement. CollegeSource, Inc. has been creating information technology solutions for higher education since 1971. More than 2,000 institutions and millions of users worldwide utilize CollegeSource products for degree audit, degree planning, and transfer articulation. July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference CONFE RE NC E HIG HL IG HTS TECHNOLOGY & TRANSFER: THEY MATTER TO YOUR INSTITUTION A growing emphasis on student success and outcomes has many implications, especially as institutions attempt to recruit and retain diverse, knowledgeable, and mobile populations. For many institutions, creating a transferfriendly environment is a key strategy as students continue to transfer at higher rates. In addition, the use of technology is integral to enrollment strategy, and the activities of the registrar, admissions, orientation, and retention staff are often the critical difference between institutional success and failure. With this in mind, we invite you to join the ongoing conversation at AACRAO’s Technology & Transfer Conference in Austin. The sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities at the meeting will help you develop and refine your own programs, policies, and initiatives and inspire others on your campus to make a real difference in the success of your students. Page 1 Attend Two Meetings for the Price of One. Both Technology & Transfer offer their own independent programming; however, they will share plenary speakers, refreshment breaks, social events, and the exhibit hall. As a registered attendee, you will have the option of attending sessions of interest at either meeting. Last year, many attendees took advantage of the opportunity, and many brought institutional teams to “divide and conquer” the sessions. Who attends? AACRAO’s Technology and Transfer Conference brings together professionals from admissions, retention, enrollment management, transfer center, financial aid, and registrar offices to discuss and debate current issues. This is your opportunity to network with more than 300 of your peers—all engaged in the many facets of student services technology and student transfer issues. In addition, our exhibitors will be available to showcase their products and services and answer your questions. July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference CONFE RE NC E HIG HL IG HTS PROGRAMMING Sessions, Workshops, and More... Technology Using technology to develop integrated student systems and services is critical to the success and survival of today’s higher education institutions. Even as schools face fiscal constraints, the increased operational efficiency, accountability, and oversight of our programs is being mandated. How can we harness technology to bring forth new ideas, processes and practices to our institutions to achieve results? The AACRAO Technology program provides a forum for admissions and student records professionals to focus on the pragmatic aspects of technology, the issues surrounding its use, and/or how it can be used in an innovative manner. Connect with a community of peers to delve into these issues, vet new ideas, and to hear/ provide relevant feedback and guidance. Learn about new systems and services from our corporate partners, and share your experiences with peers in informal discussions and at roundtables. With more than 70 sessions, numerous workshops, and plenary presentations given by renowned higher education practitioners, you will have access to some of the most innovative work in our fields. As an added bonus, you have the opportunity to register for one of the pre-conference workshops held prior to the meeting. See page 10 for information on: •Registrar 101 & FERPA •Reverse Transfer Transfer Higher education institutions must adopt a studentcentered approach, with the goal of creating a transferfriendly environment to encourage the recruitment, matriculation, enrollment, and eventual graduation of this student demographic. AACRAO’s Transfer Conference has historically been at the forefront of providing current information about transfer students, transfer policies, and current practices being employed to support the success of this student population. Page 2 July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference CONFE RE NC E HIG HL IG HTS EXTENDING THE TRANSCRIPT: CREATING A FRAMEWORK FOR INSTITUTIONS AACRAO has been working with NASPA and other higher education groups to identify emerging practices in collecting, documenting, and distributing student learning outcomes and competencies, co-curricular activities, and other educational experiences. The goal is to develop a framework for an “extended” transcript that can be used by campuses as they assess how they wish to gather and represent a broader range of educational experiences than are currently represented by the academic transcript. Background The current framework for the academic transcript at colleges and universities resulted from the convergence of academic practice over many years. The notion of documenting non-traditional learning is at a very nascent stage in higher education. Considerable innovation is taking place at colleges and universities as faculty explore how best to identify and record student learning experiences, create new delivery models and assignments, and develop assessments and rubrics to measure student learning. Rather than attempting to create standards in this rapidly evolving arena, our work should focus on identifying emerging practices, addressing impediments to innovation, and offering creative options for campuses to deliver and document student learning. Our goal has been to create a framework ultimately leading to the development of new recording models and operational considerations for registrars and other higher education professionals to share with their campuses, faculty, and academic leadership. These will include examples where institutions have augmented traditional transcripts to present additional information, often in a digital format, as well as those who are creating supplemental documents to include other forms of student learning. Guidance for implementation of these models—including validation of non-classroom experiences, student information system considerations, ways to minimize negative impacts on transfer students, as well as enhancing the multiple ways students and alumni may wish to present themselves will also be a focus. The Extended Transcript Track As part of the extended transcript project, AACRAO is encouraging conference participants to join the discussions and contribute to the development of the framework. There will be a series of sessions bookended by an introductory/descriptive session and concluding with an interactive session that will bring together interested conference participants to help review, refine, and finalize the extended transcript framework. Additional sessions within this track will describe the goals and objectives of the project, identify the technical, system, and practice challenges, and highlight some of the current examples of digital academic transcripts, learning outcome and competency reports, and co-curricular records. See page 4 for the sessions scheduled in the track. Page 3 July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference CONFE RE NC E HIG HL IG HTS The sessions in the track are summarized below: The Extended Transcript, Part I Sunday, 12:30 pm–1:30 pm Redesigning the Academic Record Monday, 10:00 am–11:15 am In this first session in AACRAO’s extended transcript framework project, participants will learn the goals and objectives of the project and hear a summary of the work that has been completed to date. We’ll also hear from campus experts who have begun to develop components of an extended transcript and how this work might fit into a broader framework. Institutions and employers increasingly demand more from our faculty’s academic record. The value and usefulness of alternate forms of the record— including ePortfolios, co-curricular records, learning outcomes, and expansion of the current academic record—are recognized and requested. In this interactive session, attendees will see examples of these records, which are made possible by our current technological environment. It’s time for a new academic record. Presenters: Tom Black, Stanford University Presenter: Tom Black, Stanford University Mike Reilly, AACRAO Issuing Experiential Transcripts and Competency Reports: A Registrar’s Perspective–I Sunday, 1:45 pm–3:00 pm As more institutions seek to better represent the scope of student learning through these credential types, they experience both unexpected challenges and rewarding outcomes. Hear from registrars who have implemented these innovative credentials as part of their official offerings, and learn how you can do the same. Presenters: Rodney Parks, Elon University Issuing Experiential Transcripts and Competency Reports: A Registrar’s Perspective–II Monday, 8:00 am–9:15 am This session piggybacks on Part I, which was held Sunday afternoon. Hear from additional registrars who have implemented these innovative credentials as part of their official offerings, and learn how you can do the same. Brad Barron, Furman University This presentation provides an overview of the history and background of UNC’s decision to implement a contextualized transcript. As of Spring 2015, this transcript is officially on hold, as the various constituents discuss the future plans for this new format. In addition to the politics and policy involved, of equal interest are the technical challenges learned from this project, which included several successes and a few critical failures that ultimately led to the decision to delay. Presenters: Chris Derickson, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Joellen Shendy, University of Maryland University College Presenters: Darrin Hobbs, Western Governors University Providing Context for the Contextualized Transcript: A Case Study Monday, 1:45 pm–3:00 pm Christy Samford, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The Extended Transcript, Part II Tuesday, 8:00 am–10:15 am [double session] In this final session of AACRAO’s extended transcript project, participants will help develop the final framework. Come ready to roll up your sleeves, help resolve any outstanding issues and challenges, and contribute to the final document that will be published after the conference. Presenters: Tina Falkner, University of Minnesota—Twin Cities Brad Myers, The Ohio State University Page 4 July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference ME E TI NG AT A G LANC E REGISTRAR 101 TWO-DAY PRECONFERENCE WORKSHOP Lunch on Your Own 11:30 am -12:30 pm Saturday, July 11 and Sunday, July 12 Saturday, July 11 Registrar 101 Workshop (Day 1) 8:30 am–5:00 pm Sunday, July 12 Registrar 101 Workshop (Day 2) 8:00 am–11:30 am AACRAO TECHNOLOGY & TRANSFER CONFERENCE Sunday, July 12–Tuesday, July 14 Sunday, July 12 Registration Open 7:00 am–5:00 pm AACRAO Booth and Bookstore 3:00 pm–6:30 pm Cyber Café (Two Locations) 7:00 am–6:30 pm 3:00 pm–6:30 pm Exhibit Hall Open 3:00 pm–6:30 pm Speaker Ready Room 7:00 am–5:00 pm Breakfast for Workshop Attendees 7:30 am–8:00 am Preconference Workshop (Additional fee required) Reverse Transfer 8:00 am–11:30 am Page 5 Breakout Sessions 12:30 pm–1:30 pm Breakout Sessions 1:45 pm–3:00 pm Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall 3:00 pm–3:30 pm Opening Plenary Presentation 3:30 pm–5:00 pm Presenter: Stacey Güney, Director—HLC ACCelerator, Austin Community College Opening Reception 5:00 pm–6:30 pm Monday, July 13 Registration Open 7:00 am–5:00 pm AACRAO Booth and Bookstore 7:15 am–11:30 am and 1:30 pm–3:45 pm Cyber Café (Two Locations) 7:00 am–5:00 pm 7:15 am–11:30 am and 1:30 pm–3:45 pm Exhibit Hall Open 7:15 am–11:30 am and 1:30 pm–3:45 pm Speaker Ready Room 7:00 am–5:00 pm Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall 7:15 am–8:00 am Breakout Sessions 8:00 am–9:15 am Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall 9:15 am–10:00 am July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference ME E TI NG AT A G LANC E Tuesday, July 14 Breakout Sessions 10:00 am–11:15 am Panel Discussion “What are Business Leaders Really Looking for in a College Graduate?” 11:30 am–12:30 pm Panelists: Cam Houser, CEO, 3 Day Startup Andrew O’Hara, Founder and CEO, Chiron Health Tyler Mandry, CEO, AskU Registration Open 7:30 am–12:00 pm AACRAO Booth and Bookstore 7:30 am–12:00 pm Cyber Café 7:30 am–12:00 pm Speaker Ready Room 7:00 am–11:15 am Mike Reilly, AACRAO [Moderator] Conference Luncheon 12:30 pm–1:30 pm Breakout Sessions 1:45 pm–3:00 pm Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall 3:00 pm–3:45 pm Breakout Sessions 3:45 pm–5:00 pm Breakout Sessions and Roundtables 5:00 pm–6:00 pm Page 6 Continental Breakfast 7:30 am–8:00 am Breakout Sessions 8:00 am–9:00 am Breakout Sessions 9:15 am–10:15 am Closing Plenary Presentation “Competency-Based Education 2.0” 10:30 am–11:30 am Presenter: Steven Mintz, Executive Director, Institute for Transformational Learning for the University of Texas System and Professor of History, The University of Texas at Austin July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference F E ATUR E D SPEAKERS Stacey Güney, Director, Austin Community College, HLC ACCelerator. Opening Plenary Presentation Sunday, July 12, 3:30 pm–5:00 pm The ACCelerator at the Highland Campus of Austin Community College is the world’s largest “learning emporium”. The ACCelerator is part of the first phase of the conversion of the former Highland Mall that will hopefully result in expanding access to higher education, improving student success, and training an elite workforce to help regional businesses grow. Repurposing of the Highland Mall facilities is revitalizing an Austin landmark rich in history in addition to the profound impact of the ACCelerator on student success and the economic vitality of Austin and the state of Texas. The first phase, the former JCPenneys, open in the Fall of 2014 and includes the use of technology in order to facilitate targeted instruction and student services to create a personalized and modularized approach for students. The immersion of student services throughout all aspects of this new environment will result in a state-of-the art center for innovative learning, training excellence, and community engagement. Stacey Güney is the Director of the ACCelerator at the Highland Campus of Austin Community College and will describe the vision, challenges, operation and results of the center. Page 7 Stacey Güney holds an undergraduate degree in Math, Physics, and English from Greenville College and a Master’s of Science in Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis. Stacey is currently a doctoral student at the University of North Texas Department of Learning Technologies. Her current research interests include neuroscience and noncognitive skill development in instructional design, responsible use of technology in education, and the use of technology in math instruction. She brings an international perspective in her roles through her years of extended residencies abroad as well as her previous work as a consultant in higher education. July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference F E ATUR E D SPEAKERS Panelists: Cam Houser, CEO, 3 Day Startup Panel Discussion Monday, July 13, 11:30 am–12:30 pm “What are Business Leaders Really Looking for in a College Graduate?” The news is full of stories of businesses struggling to fill positions because they can’t find enough qualified graduates. Business owners tell us new employees arrive with college degrees but lacking the skills they need to succeed. Many businesses are providing their own training for their employees. And did we mention they hate our transcripts? Austin, Texas is a hotbed of high-tech industries and creative start-ups. Join us as we welcome a panel of Austin business leaders to discuss the state of education and work and explore how colleges and universities can work together to prepare the workforce of the 21st Century. Cam Houser is the CEO of 3 Day Startup, a company that runs hands-on entrepreneurship programs for students at MIT, Harvard, and fifty other schools on five continents. In addition to 3 Day Startup, Cam is a professor of entrepreneurship at the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas. He holds a BA from Davidson College. Andrew O’Hara, Founder and CEO, Chiron Health A native of Iowa City, IA, Andy O’Hara spent the early part of his career as a stock analyst at a Chicago-based investment bank covering the health IT sector. He made his way to Austin, TX to start the MBA program at the McCombs School of Business, but took a leave from the program in October 2013 to found Chiron Health, a web-based platform that connects physicians with their patients through secure video conferencing for routine followup appointments. Tyler Mandry, CEO, AskU Tyler Mandry is the co-founder and CEO of AskU, a company whose aim is to help students succeed in college life. Tyler began AskU after studying Computer Science at Texas A&M University and working at Google in California. Today AskU works from their office in downtown Austin, building communities that bring together students and collect their experiences for the benefit of future generations. Michael V. Reilly, Executive Director, AACRAO [Moderator] Mike Reilly joined AACRAO as Executive Director on June 1, 2012. Prior to coming to AACRAO he served as the Executive Director for the Council of Presidents, an association of the six public baccalaureate degree granting institutions in Washington state. He has more than 25 years of experience in university admissions and enrollment management, including having served as the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management at both Central Washington University and Humboldt State University. Page 8 July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference F E ATUR E D SPEAKERS Steven Mintz, Executive Director, Institute for Transformational Learning for the University of Texas System and Professor of History, The University of Texas at Austin Closing Plenary Presentation Tuesday, July 14, 10:30 am–11:30 Am Competency-Based Education 2.0 For years, accreditors, employers and a host of educational reformers have sought an outcomes-oriented education with explicit learning objectives and rigorous assessments to evaluate and certify students’ knowledge and proficiencies. In order to significantly increase student learning and career success, a growing body of thought has come to favor an approach that emphasizes demonstrated mastery of essential competencies. Why, then, has Competency-Based Education—an educational model that places a premium on learning outcomes rather than class time—evoked a great deal of ambivalence among many observers? The answer, is because Competency-Based Education lacks a commonly accepted definition. The University of Texas System campuses are implementing an approach to Competency-Based Education that differs fundamentally from that offered elsewhere. Rather than conflating competency-based education with any online approach that grants credit based on tests, papers, and projects rather than seat time, it focuses on CBE’s fundamental characteristics. For competency-based education to be truly effective, it is essential to move forward on multiple fronts. We need high impact program designs that offer personalized learning pathways, a high degree of interactivity, state-ofthe-art content, and powerful networking and collaborative experiences. We need 360-degree individualized student support, including instructional facilitators who can provide the mentoring that too few students currently receive. And we need new technologies to power next generation pedagogies and forms of education research previously impossible. Competency-Based Education can produce unprecedented gains in access, affordability, and student success. The challenge is to do this right. Page 9 A pioneer in the application of new technologies to teaching and research, Steven Mintz is Executive Director of the University of Texas System’s Institute for Transformational Learning, which is responsible for making a quality education more affordable, accessible, and successful through the innovative use of new technologies. He is also Professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin. Previously a fellow at Stanford’s Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, he is also past president of the Society for the History of Children and Youth and H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online and a former chair of the Council on Contemporary Families, which seeks to enhance the national conversation on today’s diverse families, their challenges, and their needs. He has also been elected into the Society of American Historians, whose members are selected based on their commitment to literary distinction in the writing of history. Previously the director of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Teaching Center and a professor of history there, he has chaired the juries for the Bancroft and Frederick Douglass book prizes, and created the Digital History website. He is the author and editor of 14 books including The Prime of Life: A History of Modern Adulthood, Huck’s Raft: A History of American Childhood, and Domestic Revolutions: A Social History of American Family Life. July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference WOR K S H OPS ATTEND A PRECONFERENCE WORKSHOP You may enroll in these workshops by registering online or completing the registration form and adding the item under the ticketed items portion of registration. Additional information on these workshops is available online. REGISTRAR 101 & FERPA TWO-DAY WORKSHOP REVERSE TRANSFER WORKSHOP Sunday, July 12, 2015 Saturday, July 11 (Day 1) 8:00 am–11:30 am Fee: $150 8:30 am–5:00 pm Sunday, July 12 (Day 2) 8:00 am–11:30 am Member Fees: $395 by June 12 and $420 after June 12 Nonmember Fees: $495 by June 12 and $520 after June 12 Registrar 101 is a journey through the “what” and “how” of the work of the registrar’s office. Registrar 101 is intended for members of the profession who have been in registrar or registrar-related positions for less than three years and want to develop a more solid, expansive understanding of the work of the registrar’s office. . Registrar 101 provides a unique framework for discussing/ learning the fundamentals of the work of the registrar’s office by: 1. exploring the evolving role and mission of the registrar, There is vast literature regarding the benefits of reverse transfer programs for students pursuing higher education. The literature notes that reverse transfer programs provide a means to award associate degrees to early-transfer students in a low-cost, scalable, and sustainable manner. Students who receive an associate degree are several times more likely to attain their bachelor degree, while students who fall short of a bachelor degree often walk away empty-handed when they have earned enough credits for an associate degree. In addition, reverse transfer programs help pull stop-out students back into the educational pipeline; improve the transition for community college students coming to four-year institutions, allowing them to complete on pace according to their degree plan; and identify motivated and academically prepared community college students who help meet four-year institutional goals in the areas of undergraduate admissions, diversity, accessibility, excellence, and tuition funding. 4. exposing a wide-ranging discussion of the “nuts and bolts” of the work performed in the registrar’s office, Scott Owczarek, University Registrar, University of Wisconsin—Madison, and Shelby Stanfield, Vice Provost and University Registrar, University of Texas at Austin, will review the efforts underway in their respective states, discuss some of the challenges faced, the lessons learned, and creative ideas put in place to facilitate reverse transfer. They will also discuss where this may lead, next steps, and the benefits and strategy behind developing a national approach to reverse transfer. 5. exploring the evolving role of the registrar’s office in management, customer service, technology application and as a change agent, Presenters: Scott Owczarek, University of Wisconsin–Madison 6. promoting best practices, and Shelby Stanfield, University of Texas at Austin 2. providing an in-depth discussion and application of FERPA, 3. discussing the interplay of academic policies and regulations on the work performed in the Registrar’s office, 7. providing a forum for discussing common issues and concerns of those relatively new to the registrar’s profession. Presenters: Lara Medley, Colorado School of Mines Kimra Schipporeit, University of Nebraska Kearney Page 10 July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference CONFE RE NC E SESSIONS TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE SESSIONS •A Collaborative Approach: Academia, Administration, and IT Moving the University Towards Information Literacy Through Data Governance •A Retrospective on an Office of the Registrar’s First Year in Social Media •A Simple Solution: Merging Systems for Increased Efficiency and Improved User Experience •An Administrative Approach to Project Management •Avoid the Penalty Box! Making the Athletics Certification and APR Less Painful by Utilizing Technology Properly •Building Lessons: Survival Stories from Creating a Custom Web Application •California State University’s CourseMatch: The CrossCampus Enrollment Program that Marries Students with the Course of their Dreams •Case Studies: Electronic Data Lifecycle From Application to Enrollment •Clearing Out the Filing Cabinets: Getting Started with Digitizing Archived Student Records •College Scheduler Presentation •CommIT: A Better Way to Get Students From There to Here •EDX: Electronic Exchange of Student Records Roundtable •ELearning 101: A Primer for Higher Education •Grade Change Workflow Implementation •How Carnegie Mellon University Manages the Graduation Process •How Did Peter Piper Pick His Projects and Prune His Project Pipeline? •How the CART Request for Service System Enabled the Registrar to Serve the Campus with an Organizational Structure •Improving In-House Processes Using Available Technology: The Case for Shadow Systems •INTO USF’s Databridge Implementation Between Banner and Salesforce.com •Issuing Experiential Transcripts and Competency Reports: A Registrar’s Perspective (Parts I & II) •It Never Stops for the One-Stop •Leepfrog Presentation •Leveraging Systems, Servers, Vendors, and Standards to Innovate, Automate, and Improve Student Services •Lifetouch Special Events Presentation Page 11 •Making it Easier to Build a Better Class Schedule at Yale and Northwestern Universities •Modifications to Your SIS: Why it’s Necessary! •Onbase by Hyland Presentation •Online Grade Replacement Opportunity •Past, Present, and Future: The Evolution of Technology, and its Impacts on the Academic Evaluation Process •PDF Transcript Recommendations, Best Practices, and Tips for Optimization •Peeling Back the Layers of Our Security Onion: Winona State University’s Security Penetration Test •Preferred Name and Preferred Pronoun at the University of Vermont: How We Did it and What We’ve Learned •Providing Context for the Contextualized Transcript: A Case Study •Redesigning the Academic Record •Space Re-Design for the Registrar: Providing a Better Work Environment that Seamlessly Incorporates Technology •SPEEDE andf ExPRESS Long Term Success in Texas, and What Made it Work •Students Rethink the Office of the Registrar’s Space to Enhance Collaboration, Creativity, and Engagement •Technology and Marketing Convergence in a Shifting and Changing Market •The Certified Electronic Diploma has Arrived!! •The Extended Transcript, Part I & II •The New Age of Student Information Systems •Time to Upgrade [Insert System Here]: Do we Build or Buy? •Tools to Successfully Implement Electronic Transcript Exchange •USAF Academy Office of the Registrar Reporting Application •Using a Technical Re-Design Project to Transform a Registrar’s Office •Using Technology Tools to Meet Outrageous Transfer Articulation Service Agreements •Western University’s Staffnet 2.0. July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference CONFE RE NC E SESSIONS TRANSFER CONFERENCE SESSIONS •A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Transfer Credit at the University of Texas •Articulation and Recruitment: The Benefits and Challenges of the DePaul Admission Partnership Program (DAPP) •Calendaring System for Registrar and IT Operations •Can a Statewide System Really Improve Transfer? •Community College Transfer Students: A Program to Help with the Quest to Belong •Create a Transfer Visit Program for Under $100: Warning, it Will Cost You Time! •Developing a Reverse Transfer Program •Don’t Stop Believing: The Non-Traditional Journey to UNCW •How Iowa State University Collaborates with Iowa Community College Partners to Promote Transfer Student Success •How to Build an Effective Yield Communication Flow •NCAA Transfer Standards and Best Practices •Operation Degree Completion: Two Steps to the Cap and Gown •Reverse Transfer at Texas A&M University Page 12 •Reverse Transfer: Increasing the Number of AA Degrees Awarded to Students in Florida •Reverse Transfer: Opportunities and Updates •Serving Those Who Serve: Supporting Military and Veteran Students through Policy and Procedure •Speed to Degree: Creating a Transfer Friendly Culture •Starting the Conversation: Strategies for Navigating the “New Transfer Student” •The Transfer Handbook: A Panel Discussion with the Authors •Transfer Admission Revamped: When University Goals and Office Function Intersect •Transfer Credit •Transfer Credit Evaluation Best Practices •Transfer Credit Evaluation is an Art, Not a Science •Transfer Partnerships Roundtable •Transfer Recruitment and Retention Roundtable •Using Technology and Teamwork to Advise Adult Transfers from a Distance •What Can Higher Ed Learn from Motorola? A Structured Approach to Assessing and Improving Processes •What Would Free Community College Mean for Your Transfer Policies? July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference H OTE L & TR AVEL INFORMAT ION CONFERENCE HOTEL discourage you from making your room reservations through such organizations. So please reserve your room through the AACRAO room block to receive the best rates and to ensure the security of your transaction. JW Marriott Austin 110 East 2nd Street Austin, TX 78701 USA Phone: (512) 474-4777 The brand new JW Marriott Austin hotel is now open, bringing an unparalleled upscale hotel to downtown Austin. Situated in the heart of the city, this hotel is just a 15-minute drive from Austin International Airport. Here, you’ll experience the quiet luxury of a JW Marriott hotel with 1,012 elegant, oversized guest rooms, countless amenities, and a superior location near some of the best attractions and entertainment options Austin has to offer—including the Sixth Street Entertainment District, University of Texas, and the Texas State Capitol. And both business and leisure travelers alike will appreciate the variety of on-site restaurants, extensive state-of-theart fitness center, outdoor pool and much more! TRAVEL TO AUSTIN Austin-Bergstrom International Airport–AUS Hotel direction: 10 miles NW Estimated taxi fare: $30 (one way) For more details on the Marriott and traveling to Austin, including information on hotel policies, parking, AACRAO’s travel agency and travel discounts, visit the meeting hotel and travel page. Reservation Phone Call (888) 236-2427 and mention that you are attending the AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference. Online Reservations Click Here to book your hotel room. Conference Rate: The special conference rate is $189 plus tax single/ double. Complimentary In-Room Internet access is included for those booking within the AACRAO Rooming Block. Cut-off Date for Reservations: Friday, June 19, 2015 This is a limited block of rooms and availability cannot be guaranteed. Early reservations are recommended. Important Note About Hotel Reservations We encourage you to reserve your room through AACRAO’s housing block, which reduces housing penalties for the association and helps us keep meeting expenses low for you. In addition, we advise you to be aware of any unsolicited e-mails from third-party agents regarding hotel rooms. Please be aware that such companies are NOT affiliated with AACRAO and that we Page 13 July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference R E GI STR ATI ON INFORMAT ION Early Bird Deadline is June 12 Easy Ways to Register Payment To Pay by Credit Card You May: Registrations MUST be accompanied by check, money order, or credit card charging authorization. Funds must be in US dollars. Checks or money orders should be made payable to AACRAO. (For accounting purposes, the AACRAO Federal Tax ID number is 52-2274900). Forms received without payment will not be processed. 1. Register Online 2. Complete the registration form and fax to: (301) 6945124 3. To Pay With a Check, You May: Complete the registration form and mail to: AACRAO – IV PO Box 37500 Baltimore, MD 21297-3500 Substitutions, Cancellations, and Refunds Substitutions and cancellations must be made in writing. Fax to (301) 694-5124. Substitutions may be made without penalty. No shows will not receive refunds of any fees paid. On-site Registration Registration will be available on-site for an additional $50 fee, although attendees are encouraged to register in advance. We cannot guarantee that registrations received after July 3, 2015 will be processed prior to the meeting. Registration Fees To qualify for the member rate, the registrant must be a paid member on an active AACRAO membership roster (institutional, affiliate, corporate, organizational, or individual). Presenters requesting discounted registrations require preapproval from the Conference Director and AACRAO Office. Preconference workshops require an additional fee. Your AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference registration fee includes: •Three days of plenaries, breakout sessions, and small group discussions •Two continental breakfasts and one luncheon •Session handouts •Networking reception “Guest” refers to a significant other or personal friend, not a business associate, staff colleague, or fellow student. Guest registration will not allow access to any sessions or activities except the evening reception on Sunday. Guest tickets are available for spouses, companions, and children of registrants. A complimentary guest registration fee is offered to children under 12. Registered guests may attend the Networking Reception on Sunday. Early Bird Deadline Early bird registration deadline is June 12. Registrations must be faxed or postmarked by that date to qualify for the early bird registration rate. Page 14 Deadlines for refund of conference and workshop registration fees: •By June 12—$50 processing fee •From June 13 to July 3—$150 processing fee •After July 3—No refund If a meeting is canceled, registrants will be notified in advance. AACRAO is not responsible for any charges or cancellation fees assessed by airlines, hotels, or travel agents. These terms and conditions will apply even if they are not printed on the registration form itself. Confirmations Confirmations will be sent via e-mail to registrants within one week of receipt. If an e-mail address is not provided, or if an e-mail sent to you is returned as undeliverable, you will receive a confirmation via fax or regular mail within 5-7 business days. Special Needs If you have special needs and require accommodation to fully participate, please e-mail a description of your requirements by July 3, 2015 to meetings@aacrao. org. Should you require special hotel accommodations, please notify the hotel when making your reservation. Questions? Registration only: Call (800) 310-7554 or email aacraotech@experient-inc.com Please allow seven business days for processing of form before calling to confirm receipt of form and/or changes submitted. General questions: Call (202) 293-9161 or e-mail meetings@aacrao.org July 12–14, 2015 • JW Marriott Austin • Austin, Texas • www.aacrao.org 2015 AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference Registration Form 12-14 July 2015 · Austin, TX Please print clearly. Fax to: 301-694-5124 Mail to: AACRAO - IV PO Box 37500 Baltimore, MD 21297-3500 Questions call: 800-310-7554/240-439-2554 or Email: AACRAOTech@experient-inc.com Key Code: ___________ First Name ______________________ Last Name _______________________________ Badge Name ______________________ Title ______________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________________ Institution/Company_______________________________________________________ Telephone*________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ Fax*_____________________________ City________________________________ State/Province_________ ZIP/Postal Code__________ Country_________________ Emergency Contact Name ____________________________ Phone ____________________ Alternate Phone ________________ Guest Name (Additional Fee) ____________________________________Guest Badge Name ______________________________ *International registrants should list their country and city codes. AACRAO considers anyone not affiliated with a college or university to fall into the Corporate Participant category and will review registrations and reclassify if necessary. Special Interests (check all that apply) £ Presenter £ First Timer £ Exhibitor £ Sponsor Registration Fees: Organization Type (check only one) £ Educational Institution £ Non-Profit Organization £ Government Agency £ Corporation/Consultant FIRST Named Roster Member registrant By June 12 £ $650 After June 12 £ $775 SECOND Named Roster Member registrant £ $610 £ $735 £ $785 THIRD & each additional Named Roster Member registrant £ $555 £ $680 £ $730 STUDENT Individual Member registrant £ $325 £ $390 £ $415 FIRST NON-Roster registrant £ $850 £ $975 £ $1025 SECOND NON-Roster registrant £ $810 £ $935 £ $985 THIRD & each additional NON-Roster registrant £ $755 £ $880 £ $930 Registration Category (Please indicate with an X) CORPORATE MEMBER (not exhibiting, presenting or sponsoring) £ $2140 CORPORATE NONMEMBER (not exhibiting, presenting or sponsoring) £ $2590 PRESENTER (Session ID _____________) £ $555 GUEST registration for Spouses, Partners, Children 12 and over On Site £ $825 £ $50 GUEST registration for Children under 12 £ Complimentary Pre-conference Workshop (additional fee) Workshop Day Start Time Conference Registrant Workshop Only Ticketed Events (Included in registration fee, for planning purposes, indicate your intention) *Indicates events only available to full meeting participants. Networking Reception *Continental Breakfast *Luncheon *Continental Breakfast Sun 5:00 pm Mon 7:15 am Mon 12:30 pm Tue 7:30 am Payment Information (Please check one): £ Check: #__________ £ Yes, I’d like to attend. £ No, thank you. £ VISA £ Yes, I’d like to attend. £ No, thank you. £ Yes, I’d like to attend. £ No, thank you. £ Yes, I’d like to attend. £ No, thank you. Federal Tax ID: 52-2274900 £ MasterCard £ American Express Cardholder’s Name:___________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Number:______________________________________________ Exp. Date ___________ Total Registration Fee $_______________________ Total Workshop Fee $_______________________ Total Amount to be Charged $__________________ Office Use Only Date Received _____________ Check # _____________ Check Total ___________ Sheet Total ___________ Date Entered _______________ Entered by ___________ Institution Type (check only one) £ 4-Year Public £ 4-Year Private £ 2-Year £ Graduate or Professional £ International £ For Profit £ Other ___________________ FTE Enrollment (check only one) £ Under 1,000 £ 1,000-2,499 £ 2,500-4,999 £ 5,000-9,999 £ 10,000-19,999 £ 20,000 + Carnegie Classification (check only one) £ Doctoral/Research University £ Baccalaureate/Associate’s College £ Master’s College & University £ Associate’s College £ Baccalaureate College-Liberal Arts £ Specialized Institution £ Baccalaureate College-General £ Tribal College and University Area of Responsibility (check all that apply) £ Records/Registration £ Admissions £ Information Technology £ Financial Aid £ Enrollment Management £ Bursar £ Academic Advising £ Student Affairs £ Institutional Research £ Other ______________________________ Title (check only one) £ President/Chancellor £ Chief Academic Officer £ Chief Information Officer £ Vice President £ Associate/Assistant VP £ Director/Registrar £ Associate/Assistant Director £ Other ______________________________ I’d like to learn more about joining an AACRAO committee. £ Yes £ No Meeting Attendance Attended Tech/Transfer in ’14? £ Yes £ No # of Tech/Transfer Conferences attended ___ Attended SEM in ’14? £ Yes £ No # of SEM Conferences attended ___________ Attended Annual Meeting in ’15? £ Yes £ No # of Annual Meetings attended ____________ Special Meal Request £ Vegetarian £ Vegan £ Food Allergy ________________________ Special Service £ Attach a description of requirements if you have special needs. Register by the early bird deadline of June 12 and save $125 on your registration! AACRAO Technology & Transfer Conference JULY 12–14 « JW MARRIOTT AUSTIN « AUSTIN, TX Thank You to Our Technology and Transfer Conference Sponsors AACRAO Technology Conference AACRAO Transfer Conference Totebags and Mobile Application Hotel Keycards Badge Holders and Executive Summaries Evaluations Research Partnerships Conference Photography Session Signs American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 520 Washington, D.C. 20036 www.aacrao.org