The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 Name __________________ Date __________ Course _____ The Giver Vocabulary & Reader Response Journal Chapters 1 & 2 Directions: Think back to our unit on short stories and the vocabulary charts we completed for each of the words. Complete a vocabulary chart for each of the words and then complete the reader response journal entry in the reader response section of your notebook. Sample Vocabulary Chart abnormal Definition/Part of Speech (adj.) not usualÍž out of the ordinary Context Sentence Context Sentence It is abnormal for it to snow in the summer because snow usually only happens during the cold temperatures of the winter. Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: not typicalÍž not normal Ant: customary, standard, usual 1 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 adherence Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 2 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 aptitude Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 3 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 enhance Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 4 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 palpable Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 5 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 **Reader Response Journal Entry #2 What was unique about the way children are born and infants are cared for in the community? What might you conclude about a community that would call a child by a number instead of a name for its first year of life? 6 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 transgression Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 7 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 wheedle Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 8 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 Name __________________ Date __________ Course _____ The Giver Vocabulary & Reader Response Journal Chapters 3, 4 & 5 Directions: Complete a vocabulary chart for each of the words and then complete the reader response journal entry in the reader response section of your notebook. 9 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 chastisement Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 10 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 conviction Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 11 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 infraction Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 12 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 petulantly Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 13 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 tabulated Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 14 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 remorse Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 15 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 bewildered Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 16 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 **Reader Response Journal Entry #3 Why did Jonas risk the humiliation of public chastisement for taking an apple from the recreation area? If you were Jonas, would you have done the same? If so, why? If not, why not? 17 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 Name __________________ Date __________ Course _____ The Giver Vocabulary & Reader Response Journal Chapters 6, 7 & 8 Directions: Complete a vocabulary chart for each of the words and then complete the reader response journal entry in the reader response section of your notebook. 18 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 benign Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: **Reader Response Journal Entry #4 Why had Asher been punished for confusing the words "snack" and "smack"? What does this punishment reveal about the community? 19 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 exuberant Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 20 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 apprehensive Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 21 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 indolence Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 22 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 meticulously Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 23 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 relinquish Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 24 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 rigorous Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 25 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 Name __________________ Date __________ Course _____ The Giver Vocabulary & Reader Response Journal Chapter 20 Directions: Complete a vocabulary chart for each of the words and then complete the reader response journal entry in the reader response section of your notebook. 26 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 mimic Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 27 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 sarcasm Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 28 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 rueful Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 29 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 chaos Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 30 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 solace Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 31 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 **Reader Response Journal Entry #11 Why would Jonas's departure from the community lead to possible change? 32 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 Name __________________ Date __________ Course _____ The Giver Vocabulary & Reader Response Journal Chapters 21, 22 & 23 Directions: Complete a vocabulary chart for each of the words and then complete the reader response journal entry in the reader response section of your notebook. 33 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 augment Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 34 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 fugitives Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 35 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 languid Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 36 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 lethargy Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 37 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 taut Definition/Part of Speech Context Sentence Synonyms/Antonyms Syn: Ant: 38 The Giver Vocabulary Boxes Chapters 1­2 2013.notebook January 31, 2014 **Reader Response Journal Entry #12 Why do you think the author, Lois Lowry, ended the story as Jonas was traveling toward his destination? 39