Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Version 2.0 March 2014 CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® and the CFP Flame logo are certification trademarks owned outside the U.S. by Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. (FPSB). Financial Planning Standards Council is the marks licensing authority for the CFP marks in Canada, through agreement with FPSB. All other ® are registered trademarks of FPSC, unless indicated. © Copyright 2014 Financial Planning Standards Council. All rights reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS CFP® Certification and the Capstone Course .............................................................................................. 1 About FPSC ............................................................................................................................................... 1 The CFP Certification Program ................................................................................................................. 1 CFP Professional Competency Profile ...................................................................................................... 2 Requirements for an FPSC-approved Capstone Course ............................................................................. 4 Key Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Criteria for the Financial Planning Case .................................................................................................... 5 Use of Financial Planning Software in FPSC’s Financial Plan Requirement ............................................ 6 FPSC-Developed Financial Planning Case Studies .................................................................................. 6 Key FPSC Information Accompanying the Case Materials ...................................................................... 6 Case Use Requirements............................................................................................................................ 6 Restricted Use ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Application for FPSC Approval of a Capstone Course ................................................................................ 7 Section I – General .................................................................................................................................... 7 Section II – Capstone Course Student Entry Requirements ..................................................................... 7 Section III – Capstone Course Information ............................................................................................... 8 Course Description ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Section IV – Learning Objectives ............................................................................................................ 10 Section V – Financial Plan Requirement ................................................................................................. 10 Section VI – Declaration .......................................................................................................................... 11 Application Process .................................................................................................................................... 12 Completing the Application ..................................................................................................................... 12 Application Fee ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Submission of Application Form to FPSC .............................................................................................. 12 Initial review ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Detailed Review ....................................................................................................................................... 13 Reapplication Process ............................................................................................................................ 13 Annual Update ......................................................................................................................................... 13 More Information ......................................................................................................................................... 13 CFP® Certification and the Capstone Course The Capstone Course plays a critical role in the training and assessment of future CFP professionals. It is the course where all the components of financial planning are integrated, where students hone their synthesis skills and demonstrate that they can develop a comprehensive financial plan. In this document, FPSC provides the parameters of the Capstone Course. These parameters ensure that all Education Providers maintain the required standards for FPSC to qualify students to proceed along the path to CFP certification. Education Providers are encouraged to exceed these standards. About FPSC Financial Planning Standards Council (FPSC) is a not-for-profit standards-setting and certification body that develops, promotes and enforces professional standards in financial planning through CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® certification — the gold standard for financial planning in Canada. FPSC's purpose is to instil confidence in the financial planning profession. FPSC ensures that CFP professionals and FPSC Level 1 Certificants in Financial Planning™ meet appropriately high standards of knowledge, skills, abilities and ethics through rigorous requirements for education, examinations and experience. The CFP Certification Program CFP certification, long considered the gold standard in financial planning, signifies internationally recognized standards of knowledge, skills, abilities and ethics. There are more than 17,500 CFP professionals across Canada, part of an international network of 150,000 individuals who have earned CFP certification in 25 territories around the world. CFP professionals demonstrate their financial planning competence through extensive education, a rigorous standardized national examination process, comprehensive continuing education requirements and accountability to FPSC for a code of ethics, practice standards and the rules and regulations of a professional body. Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Page 1 CFP Professional Competency Profile The foundation for the CFP certification program is the CFP Professional Competency Profile, which requires candidates to meet established standards in four key areas: education, examination, experience and ethics. The Competency Profile represents the complete set of financial planning competencies required of a CFP professional, establishing the distinct set of technical knowledge, skills and abilities required and the specifics of what CFP professionals must be able to do in practice. The Competency Profile provides a description of the abilities that a CFP professional must possess, representing not only the tasks, but also the job-related skills, knowledge, attitudes and judgments required for competent performance by individuals in the profession. The ability to integrate information across all elements of financial planning to meet the needs of the client, combined with adherence to rigorous professional standards, distinguishes a CFP professional from other providers of financial advice. These features are the foundation of the Competency Profile and its application. A thorough understanding of the Competency Profile is recommended prior to the development of the Capstone Course and completion of this application. The Competency Profile can act as a guide and framework in the development of the Capstone Course in order to ensure that students can demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities they will need to be prepared for real-world experiences as a professional financial planner. Education in the CFP Certification Program The Competency Profile is the foundation for the CFP certification program. FPSC’s competency-based approach focuses on the performance outcomes expected in practice. In order to assess a candidate’s competence, the CFP certification process requires that candidates meet established standards in the key areas of ethics, education, examination and experience. Education is a fundamental requirement for achieving CFP certification. Candidates for CFP certification must successfully complete a set of FPSC-approved courses in order to be eligible to write the examinations leading to CFP certification. The qualifying education requirement consists of two distinct components: • An FPSC-approved Core Curriculum program • An FPSC-approved Capstone Course The Core Curriculum program and Capstone Course are distinct and separate from each other and subject to a different set of guidelines and approval process. An education provider may choose to offer one or both of the education components. Each education requirement is integral to eligibility for the examinations leading to CFP certification. FPSC’s Objectives for the Capstone Course As the CFP certification program incorporates a competency-based approach, the education guidelines require that education providers commit to incorporating a competency-based approach to learning within their courses. FPSC recognizes that the Core Curriculum courses are developed such that they focus on the competencies and underlying knowledge domains within a specific component of financial planning (e.g., asset management or retirement planning) in isolation. Although effective for mastering the core financial planning competencies, this approach results in limited opportunities for the integration of professional skills and financial planning competencies across many components of financial planning. The Capstone Course requirement addresses this issue. The Capstone Course’s focus is the fundamental financial planning practices, professional skills and integration which are inherent in the Competency Profile and essential to the practice of financial planning. Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Page 2 FPSC’s Capstone Courses guidelines are designed to: • Ensure that all aspects of the Competency Profile are covered through FPSC’s education requirements, emphasizing areas that may not be fully covered in Core Curriculum courses such as: o Fundamental Financial Planning Practices o Integration of Financial Planning Areas o Professional Skills o Ethical Principles • Ensure an FPSC-approved Capstone Course is competency-based and requires the demonstration of a broad range of competencies required of a CFP professional. • Promote consistency of learning outcomes among the range of FPSC-approved education programs. The Capstone Course, through specific criteria for approval, will ensure that all education programs have met FPSC’s minimum requirements for the demonstration of the CFP professional competencies, professional skills and related technical knowledge. Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Page 3 Requirements for an FPSC-approved Capstone Course Key Requirements FPSC has developed specific requirements for the Capstone Course to ensure that candidates for CFP® certification develop the appropriate competencies for comprehensive financial planning. The focus of the course is on fundamental planning practices, professional skills, and integration of concepts and knowledge. Key requirements for an FPSC-approved Capstone Course are: • Achievement of Capstone Course learning objectives • Completion of an individual financial plan by each student, based on a case study provided by FPSC Educators wishing to offer an FPSC-approved Capstone Course must demonstrate how their Capstone Course will meet these two requirements. Learning Objectives Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to: • • • • • • • • Apply and integrate technical knowledge gained from Core Curriculum courses (pre-requisite and co-requisite) in the identification and analysis of issues relating to personal financial planning. Collect all qualitative and quantitative information required to develop a financial plan. Evaluate client’s objectives, needs and values that have financial implications. Analyze and synthesize personal financial situations. Identify potential opportunities and constraints, assessing information to formulate strategies. Formulate and evaluate strategies to develop a financial plan. Prioritize and consolidate recommendations into a financial plan. Communicate information, ideas and concepts to clients and others in a written and oral manner that is understandable. In the process of completing the Capstone Course learning objectives, the student should integrate the following objectives: • Demonstrate ethical judgment in providing professional services. • Assess the impact of economic, political and regulatory environments on financial situations. • Demonstrate logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives or approaches to problems. • Adhere to the FPSC® Code of Ethics and the FPSC® Financial Planning Practice Standards as they apply to the financial planning process. FPSC expects educators to adopt these learning objectives when developing their Capstone Course but acknowledges they may include ancillary objectives to meet their own requirements. The educator is required to demonstrate how the teaching and learning methodologies and the course assessments ensure that all Capstone Course learning objectives are met. If an educator adds their own course learning objectives they must demonstrate how these align with the Capstone Course learning objectives. This can be achieved by mapping course objectives to those that FPSC has established for approval purposes. A table is provided in the Application for Approval of Capstone Course to link learning objectives and/or learning activities and assessments. Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Page 4 Financial Plan Requirement The student’s completion of an individual, comprehensive financial plan assures FPSC that Capstone Course graduates are able to analyze and synthesize information in a realistic financial planning scenario. It demonstrates they can integrate information from at least four of the six financial planning areas in order to make suitable recommendations. Developing and completing the plan reinforces the acquisition of competencies, skills, professional practices and technical knowledge. Presentation of the plan provides students with the opportunity to learn from peers and mentors, accept and learn from constructive assessment and feedback, practice how to defend one’s recommendations and consider conflicting views on financial issues. Completion of the financial plan by each student individually offers the educator a means to assess competency. The development of a financial plan is a critical learning assessment within a Capstone Course and FPSC has established minimum requirements for its completion. Education Providers must uphold minimum educational standards for the financial plan requirement as outlined in the following criteria. Educational Outcomes for the Financial Plan Requirement In an FPSC-approved Capstone Course, the financial plan requirement will be based upon the following outcomes (as a minimum standard). Students must be able to: • • • • • • Address issues across a wide range of financial planning components. Integrate the financial planning components and clearly prioritize the components that may be most relevant given the client’s position in his or her life cycle. Demonstrate the fundamental financial planning competencies. Make recommendations, supported by appropriate analysis and synthesis. Demonstrate appropriate professionals skills when creating and presenting financial plans. Communicate a completed comprehensive financial plan clearly and professionally. Criteria for the Financial Planning Case FPSC has established minimum standards to ensure consistency in the breadth and depth of the financial planning case study that serves as the foundation for the financial plan requirement: • • • • • The case will present a true-to-life scenario of a client’s position, consistent with common issues that would be seen in practice. The case will present facts relating to a minimum of four components of financial planning. At least two of these will be the focus of the issue. There will be sufficient data provided to address the major planning issue(s) of the case, as well as any other planning issues. The case will contain conflicting goals or complications. There will be more than one course of action that is appropriate for the client. The case scenario must present qualitative factors that will impact analyses and recommendations. The case will include key financial data to enable the preparation of a net worth statement and a cash flow statement. In some cases, these financial statements will be provided. The case will also provide other important financial information such as details concerning insurance policies, investment statements, pension plans and similar information sources. Expectations for Student Response • Each student will prepare and submit a financial plan individually. The plan will be based on a case study provided by FPSC. • Students will be expected to complete qualitative and quantitative analyses to formulate strategies and support their recommendations. • Students must be able to provide the rationale for issues they ranked as high in importance. • Students will be expected to prioritize recommendations to cover various financial planning areas. Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Page 5 • • • • • • Students will be expected to demonstrate the professional skills required in the CFP Professional Competency Profile. Students will be required to validate assumptions included in the financial plan. Students must be able to defend the approach and/or recommendations taken within the financial plan. The financial plan should be well presented and well articulated in a written report to the client. The financial plan must be a stand-alone document. It must clearly attribute the references for any research/assumptions the student may have incorporated into the financial plan. The financial plan should be geared to the client’s level of sophistication. The financial plan should be presented as a true client engagement. Students should apply the FPSC® Financial Planning Practice Standards and the FPSC® Code of Ethics while preparing the plan. Use of Financial Planning Software in FPSC’s Financial Plan Requirement FPSC allows the use of financial planning software within the completion of FPSC’s financial plan requirement only for the purposes of developing projections and analysis to support the financial planning strategies and recommendations. The student is responsible for understanding all calculations and must develop and present the financial planning analysis, strategies and recommendations in a written report independently. The student is prohibited from relying upon financial planning software for these purposes. Students must be able to explain and provide a rationale for all results/data within their financial plan. FPSC-Developed Financial Planning Case Studies FPSC has developed financial planning cases to help the educator incorporate a financial plan into the Capstone Course and to offer course registrants a national standard. The case studies are based upon real client situations and developed into a case study format by a professional case writer from information provided by practicing CFP professionals across Canada. The FPSC cases are offered at a per-student fee to the community of FPSC-approved Capstone Course providers. Teaching notes and student requirements accompany each case for instructional purposes. The cases have been class-tested and reviewed by educators before publication. Key FPSC Information Accompanying the Case Materials The three case studies are published in one student package. The following FPSC documents, an important reference for future financial planning professionals, are included in the package. This information is critical to guide both education and continuous learning. • • • CFP Professional Competency Profile FPSC® Code of Ethics FPSC® Financial Planning Practice Standards Case Use Requirements To ensure a standard of consistency in all Capstone Course offerings, educators must use at least one of the FPSC-developed cases to meet the financial plan requirement. Educators will determine which FPSC case best suits their learning situation. Alternatively, educators may choose to use all of the FPSC case studies in developing and delivering their course. They may also use additional cases for whatever course work they see fit. Educators may add information to the FPSC case studies to allow for a more detailed analysis of various financial planning components provided the new content is consistent in quality and purpose. Restricted Use Because of the necessity of securely managing the case solutions, use of one or more of the FPSC cases is restricted to a FPSC-approved Capstone Course. In the future, these case studies may be made available in a different format for other financial planning courses, but currently they are limited to the Capstone Course. Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Page 6 Application for FPSC Approval of a Capstone Course Please refer to this section of the Guidelines for assistance in completing the Application for Approval of Capstone Course. It explains what information is required and will enable you to submit a complete and accurate application. To the extent possible, all of the required information must be included within the application form. Course outlines and similar documentation may be included as appendices. FPSC may request additional information if deemed necessary to assist in a thorough and objective review of the proposed Capstone Course. Section I – General Education Provider Education Provider is the institution responsible for the development of the Capstone Course curriculum, the assessment of the students, and the maintenance of course relevancy and timeliness. It is also the institution that monitors the quality of the education and is responsible for the reporting liaison with FPSC regarding our educational requirements. Program Head The person the Education Provider makes responsible for the development of the Capstone Course. Chief Academic Officer/Dean The officer with signing authority, who is ultimately responsible for the commitment to offering the Capstone Course. Section II – Capstone Course Student Entry Requirements Part A – Your Core Curriculum Program Information The Capstone Course is the culmination of the financial planning education requirements for CFP® professionals. FPSC-approved Core Curriculum courses will be referred to as pre-requisites or corequisites. Educators should ensure that all students have met these minimum requirements when registering for and completing an FPSC-approved Capstone Course. An education provider may enroll students from each of its FPSC-approved Core Curriculum programs, if more than one is offered. All of the programs/streams from which this Capstone Course can be accessed should be referenced in Part A – Your Core Curriculum Program Information. To respond to Part A, please indicate the following: • Program name, program type and structure for each program through which the Capstone Course is offered. If you are an FPSC-approved Core Curriculum provider, this program information should be consistent with that included in the Application for Approval of Core Curriculum Courses on file with FPSC. • Pre-requisite and co-requisite courses. As the Capstone Course integrates the competencies, skills and abilities across all financial planning areas, FPSC requires that the Core Curriculum courses are completed prior to or concurrent with the Capstone Course. FPSC may limit the number of courses that can be taken concurrently since the Capstone Course draws upon this prior knowledge. List all of the courses required for eligibility to the Capstone Course for each program in which it is offered, including the Core Curriculum courses. Indicate which courses are pre-requisites and which are co-requisites. Add additional attachments if necessary. Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Page 7 Part B – Students from other Education Streams You may also enroll students from other FPSC-approved qualifying programs or candidates with relevant prior qualifications who qualify for the Routes to CFP Certification. Indicate this in Part B – Students From Other Education Streams. Students who have not taken an FPSC-approved educational path may register in your Capstone Course, but the educator will be required to inform them that completion of the Capstone Course will not qualify as a requirement for CFP certification. Section III – Capstone Course Information This section will provide information on your prospective FPSC-approved Capstone Course. Recapping or reviewing coverage of the Core Curriculum should be confined to what is necessary to accomplish the course objectives. If requesting approval for more than one Capstone Course, where the content is substantially different in each, a separate Application for Approval of Capstone Course must be submitted. If offering the same course to different student populations, one application will suffice with appropriate description provided. Course Name Provide the name assigned to the course, such as that which will appear in the academic calendar and/or academic transcript. If using the CFP marks in the name of your course, program or course materials, refer to the Guide to Use of the CFP Marks by Education Providers. Course Code(s) Include the course code that is used by the education provider, i.e., the course code that would appear on a student’s transcript. List all the course codes here. If the same course is offered within more than one program and is assigned to more than one course code, include all code references. Course Website Include the website that supports the course, if applicable. Course Level Indicate the academic level at which the course is offered, i.e., whether the course meets the standards of a baccalaureate, masters or college level of education. If the academic level is classified differently within your province, please indicate and provide explanation. Course Description Provide a brief course description. Please include a course outline. Was this course included as part of the “Core Curriculum courses” in your Application for Approval of Core Curriculum Program with FPSC? If this course was included as a “required course” on your Application for Approval of Core Curriculum Program, please indicate so by checking “Yes”. If it was not, check “No”. Approval of your Core Curriculum courses filed with FPSC was based upon the bundle of courses included in each “program” at the time of application. The Capstone Course is a separate and distinct educational requirement; it should not be reported as a component of both the Core Curriculum and the course allocated to satisfy the Capstone Course requirement. If this course (or similar course) was included in the Application of Approval of Core Curriculum, FPSC will require a clear explanation of how the content and course-related material will be dealt with in both the Core Curriculum and Capstone Course. We may revisit the Application for Approval of Core Curriculum courses to ensure that all Core Curriculum requirements are still met, even if the Capstone Course is effectively removed from the listing of Core Curriculum courses required. Course Delivery Provide details of the course delivery format, estimated lecture and self-study hours, course duration and frequency. Although FPSC does not mandate specific course duration, as a minimum, the course Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Page 8 should be equivalent to no less than a one-semester course (i.e., 38 to 42 in-class hours with approximately the same time assigned for self-study). An online self-study course would approximate the combined in-class lecture and discussion time and out-of-class assignment hours. If hours allocated are less than this target, educators will need to provide further detail on how they will cover all the content in the course. Instructors Individuals teaching each course should have appropriate educational qualifications, skills and professional experience to ensure that all learning outcomes are achievable for a diverse student population. Given the competency-based and integrative nature of the Capstone Course, the professional experience of the educator/subject matter expert will play a significant role. CFP professionals are preferred because the Capstone Course focuses on the competencies and skills required in professional practice as a financial planner. Include the names and credentials of the educators who will teach the Capstone Course. Also include a résumé for each of the educators listed in this section to demonstrate the qualifications, skills and experience (both industry and academic) that each educator brings to his/her role. The documentation must indicate academic degrees, professional designations, specific industry training and licences. We understand that instructors may be replaced over time. Replacement faculty must have equivalent or greater expertise and such changes must be noted in the Annual Update (see below). You may have submitted documentation for instructors previously if they taught Core Curriculum courses. We request that you include a current copy with the Capstone Course application to ensure that we have the proper documentation for each application. Textbooks/Resource Materials The textbooks, articles, cases and other resource materials used in the Capstone Course provide insight into the depth and breadth of the planned course. They indicate the extent to which the course is focused on the application and integration of the competencies, skills and knowledge gained in the Core Curriculum courses. The materials used in the Capstone Course should reflect this focus and not duplicate the purpose of the Core Curriculum more than necessary to meet the Capstone Course objectives. Please list all key materials that you will use in the offering of this course, including the FPSC-developed case studies. Additional materials listed may include, but are not limited to: your own developed content; practitionerutilized software programs; professionally published educational publications, such as textbooks; and related learning, teaching, and assessment materials. Currency and Relevance of Capstone Course Material FPSC expects that all content within a Capstone Course is continually updated and kept relevant and that it reflects up-to-date financial planning issues. In this section, please outline how the educator will ensure currency and relevance in this course. New FPSC-developed cases will be made available on a periodic basis to support currency and relevance. Course Evaluation An FPSC-approved Capstone Course requires each individual student to complete a comprehensive written financial plan using one of the FPSC-developed cases. A specific weighting to the financial plan for the purposes of student evaluation is not strictly mandated, other than to state that it should represent a weighting of at least 25% and not more than 75%. Educators are encouraged to incorporate a diverse set of evaluation methodologies into the course. In addition to the financial plan requirement, include in the space provided the other assessments (such as tests, assignments, case study work, presentations and final exam) and their relative weightings. Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Page 9 If you do not have sufficient room for each individual assessment, group together similar assessments. For example, if you are grouping three mini-cases weighted at 25% total, you can include it in the field as “Mini cases (3)” with a weighting of “25%”. Also in this section, describe the efforts made to identify and mitigate plagiarism and other academic offences within your student community. Authentication of individual work is essential for the financial plan requirement. Section IV – Learning Objectives To ensure readiness of students as future CFP professionals, FPSC has developed a set of Capstone Course learning objectives that will serve as the minimum standard for any FPSC-approved Capstone Course. In this section, educators must indicate how they have met the Capstone Course Learning Objectives. Part A - Required Capstone Course Learning Objectives Indicate how well your course will achieve the Capstone Course learning objectives and how this will be accomplished. Column A – Objective Met Indicate that your Capstone Course meets, directly or indirectly, each of the Capstone Course learning objectives by checking off the box for “Yes” or “No”. Note: If “No” is indicated, a full explanation must be provided. Use additional attachments, if necessary. Column B – Your Related Learning Outcomes This column is most relevant for those who have included their own learning objectives. If using different wording in your objectives, show how they correlate with each of FPSC’s learning objectives. Column C – How Are the Learning Objectives Achieved? Reference the learning activities and assessments that will be completed. For example, an educator may include some mini-scenarios which are directed to identifying client objectives and issues. The activity does not involve full analysis of data and recommendations but focuses on identifying the relevant factors to consider about the client. This exercise supports the Capstone Course learning objective #3 – “Evaluate client’s objectives, needs and values that have financial implications”. It is possible and likely that a learning activity/assessment will support more than one of the Capstone Course learning objectives. Part B - Additional Learning Objectives In the table provided, list all additional learning objectives. FPSC will review the complete list of learning outcomes associated with each Capstone Course. Add any supporting comments in the table and attachments, if necessary. Section V – Financial Plan Requirement An FPSC-approved Capstone Course must include the completion of a written, comprehensive financial plan using one of the FPSC-developed cases. Section I of this document gave a formal educational purpose, described specific criteria for the case situation and established expectations for the financial plan. To ensure completeness and consistency within this requirement, specific outcomes for the financial plan requirement are expected. Educational Outcomes for the Financial Plan Requirement In this section, educators will describe how they will meet the minimum standards for the financial plan requirement within their Capstone Course. Indicate how the course will meet each of the listed educational outcomes for the financial plan requirement. Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Page 10 How Educational Outcomes Are Met In the comments section, include how your assignment of the case study will meet the listed educational outcomes. Include any specific requirements required of your students to support each educational outcome. Use additional space if necessary to provide a full explanation. For example, the case assignment may include a role-play activity in which the student will communicate to their peers the rationales for recommendations made. This directly supports educational outcome #6, “Students must be able to communicate their completed plan clearly and professionally.” Currency and Relevance of Financial Planning Case Scenario Maintaining currency and relevance with the provision of financial planning cases is challenging. FPSC will allow educators to supplement the required cases with information needed to sustain their quality and relevance. The cases are designed to reduce the likelihood of becoming dated, however it is recognized that continuous use will reduce the possibility of protecting the case solutions and replacements will be needed. FPSC Requirements for the Student’s Financial Plan FPSC has specific expectations for the student’s financial plan response. In this section, indicate if each requirement will be met, and how the educator will ensure that the student’s response to the FPSC case study will meet the specific FPSC requirements. Indicate the efforts made to authenticate the individual’s creation of the plan and to identify and mitigate plagiarism. Oral presentation of the financial plan is considered to be an optimal means of meeting the course requirements, but it is not a mandatory FPSC requirement. The intent is for students to be able to demonstrate their understanding of the case, present their recommendations in a compelling way, defend their recommendations, learn through educator/mentor expert feedback and build overall competency. Section VI – Declaration This section outlines the conditions for FPSC approval of a Capstone Course. It includes specifics regarding the term for which the approval is registered with FPSC and conditions for the use of the CFP marks. This section also includes an attestation that all of the information included in Sections I through V of the Application for Approval of Capstone Course are complete, true and correct. This attestation should be signed by the Chief Academic Officer responsible for the program(s) in which the course will be offered. Upon submission of the Application for Approval of Capstone Course, Section VI must be signed, dated and sent to FPSC by email, fax or mail. Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Page 11 Application Process Completing the Application • • • • Complete one Application for Approval of Capstone Course (Sections I through VI) for each distinct Capstone Course. If the same course is available to students through more than one academic stream/program, it is considered to be one course for the purposes of this application process. If a similar, but different, course is available to students within more than one academic stream/program, separate applications for each course must be completed. This distinction is one of judgment. However, if the courses involve a different set of learning objectives, incorporate different learning activities and/or assessments or use different materials they would require separate applications. Include any supplementary materials that will support or provide additional information for the Capstone Course. Examples of supplementary materials requested include a course outline, résumés of educators and supplementary explanation/appendices that may have been created within the process of completing the application. Please label all additional files/documents appropriately. Ensure that all requirements have been met and that all course information has been provided before submitting the application. Incomplete applications will result in a delay in the application review and approval process. FPSC will provide an explanation when requesting missing information and the review will proceed when it is received. Applications are reviewed on a first in, first out basis. Other applications, if any, will be addressed in the interim, but the application in question will resume its place in the queue once the appropriate information/material is received. The completed Application for Approval of Capstone Course must be certified for accuracy in Section VI – Declaration and signed by: o The director or senior officer responsible for the application; or o Chief Academic Officer. Application Fee The receipt of the Application for Approval of Capstone Course is subject to an application fee of $500 plus applicable taxes (see below*). This fee partially covers the administration of the review for approval and the annual updates. Cheques should be made payable to “Financial Planning Standards Council”. * Taxes: 5% GST in AB, MB, NT, NU, PE, QC, SK, YT; 12% HST in BC, 13% HST in ON, NB, NL; 15% HST in NS Submission of Application Form to FPSC Keep in mind that the approval process can take up to three months, depending on volume of applications received and issues that may arise within the review process. If you are seeking approval of a Capstone Course within a specific time frame, please inform us of this and ensure that you submit the completed application on a timely basis and well within the general guidelines for the approval process. • Submit an electronic copy of the Application for Approval of Capstone Course to Hellen Kountouros at • Send one hard copy of the signed Section VI – Declaration, together with the application fee to: Financial Planning Standards Council Attention: Hellen Kountouros 902 – 375 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 2J5 Initial review Once the application package and fee are received, FPSC staff will review the application to ensure that all required information is included with the submission. This preliminary review will serve to identify any omissions prior to the detailed review process. FPSC will inform the applicant, in writing, within 30 days of receipt of the application if there are significant omissions and/or deficiencies in the information provided. Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Page 12 Detailed Review FPSC will complete a detailed review of the application within one to three months of initial review to ensure that the application is complete. Time frame may vary based on the volume of applications concurrently under review. Applications will be reviewed by FPSC staff with consultation by our Academic Advisory Committee, as needed. FPSC will request any required additional information to ensure that the Capstone Course meets all of FPSC’s requirements. If deemed necessary, a meeting or phone call may be scheduled to gain further clarification and information regarding the contents of the application. Upon completion of the review process, FPSC will prepare a brief summary outlining the results of the assessment, which will lead to one of the following outcomes: Approved FPSC determines that the requirements for the Capstone Course have been satisfactorily met. FPSC will notify the educator and list the Education Provider and program name on the FPSC website. Pending Approval FPSC determines that the requirements for the Capstone Course have not been satisfactorily met. FPSC will advise the program head in writing of the review results, outline the reasons for the decision taken and indicate, if appropriate, measures that can be taken to revise and resubmit the application. The educator will have an opportunity to resubmit the application, if they choose to do so. Reapplication Process Six months before the three-year approval period expires, FPSC will advise education providers that their approval period is expiring. To enable renewal, educators will receive a website link to the most recent Application for Approval of Capstone Course. Annual Update Because of the nature of the financial plan requirement, the details included in the original submission of this application may need to be updated as the cases change and learning activities supporting the Capstone Course evolve. Educators will be sent an annual update document requesting confirmation of some of these key details and notification of any changes to the FPSC-approved Capstone Course. FPSC will also request that the educators provide a count of the number of students who register and complete their Capstone Course each year. The annual update form will be distributed electronically as the anniversary of the approval of the Capstone Course approaches. FPSC will also request an outline of how the specific learning objectives and the specific requirements of the financial plan requirement originally approved through this application are maintained within the course over the three-year approval period. To obtain and maintain approval, all Capstone Courses must meet FPSC requirements. These requirements may be amended from time to time based on feedback from educators and students, in conjunction with our Academic Advisory Committee and/or Certification Committee. More Information For more information about FPSC approval of Capstone Courses, please contact Hellen Kountouros at, 416.593.8587, ext.236 or 1.800.593.8587. Educator Guidelines for FPSC-Approved Capstone Courses Page 13