L2 Lit programme 2015-16 - UFR Langues et Communication

LLCE Littérature 2e année 2015-16
Département d’anglais
Liste des œuvres et questions au programme + bibliographies indicatives
UE Majeure 2 Littérature – Semestre 1 (CM)
-An Introduction to Post-colonial Literatures in English (Mélanie Joseph-Vilain et David
Bousquet) 10hr CM
-Modern Poetry in English (Fiona McMahon) 10hr CM
-Humour and the Novel (Will Noonan) 10 hr CM
UE2 Majeure Littérature - Semestre 2 (TD)
-BRINK, André. Devil’s Valley, London: Vintage, 2000. (M. Joseph-Vilain)
-CARVER, Raymond. Cathedral, Vintage Contemporaries, 1989. (M. Paquereau)
-FAULKNER, William. A Rose for Emily –That Evening Sun –Dry September, Paris: Folio
Bilingue, 1996. (F. Valadié)
Articles et ouvrages critiques:
-Fetterley, Judith. The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction, Bloomington,
Indiana UP, 1978, p. 34-45.
-Jones, Anne Goodwyn. “Desire and Dismemberment: Faulkner and the Ideology of
Penetration.” Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M.
Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995, p.129-71.
-Samway, Patrick, S.J. “Searching for Jason Richmond Compson: A Question of Echolalia and a
Problem of Palimpsest.” Intertextuality in Faulkner. Eds. Michel Gresset and Noel Polk. Jackson:
UP of Mississippi, 1985, p.178-209.
-Skei, Hans H. Reading Faulkner’s Best Short Stories, Columbia, U of South Carolina P, 1999.
-Zender, Karl.“‘That Evening Sun’: Marginality and Sight” in Ferguson, James, Faulkner’s Short
Fiction, Knoxville, U of Tennessee P, 1991, p. 253-259.
-FROST, Robert, Selected Poems. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. (C. Lemaire)
-GREENE Graham, The End of the Affair. Vintage (1951) 2004. (S. Aymès)
Introductory reading:
Bernard BERGONZI. A Study in Greene. Graham Greene and the Art of the Novel. Oxford
University Press, 2006. (B2UFR)
Marina MACKAY. The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of World War II. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press, 2009. (B2UFR)  Read introduction, chapters 2, 12, 14  15
Cedric WATTS. A Preface to Greene. Longman, 2001. (B2UFR)
For general reference:
Monica BOHM-DUCHEN, Art and the Second World War, Lund Humphries, 2013. (ordered)
Peter STANSKY, William ABRAHAMS (eds.), Life, Death and Art in the Second World War,
Constable, 1995. (ordered)
Sara WASSON. Urban Gothic of the Second World War: Dark London. London, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2010. (B2UFR)
Film adaptation:
The End of the Affair, US/ Ger, 1999, d. and sc. Neil Jordan, starring Ralph Fiennes, Julianne
Moore, Stephen Rea. (Médiathèque)
-SHAKESPEARE, William. Othello. Oxford Paperbacks, Oxford University Press, Reprint
edition, 2009. (C. Guéron)
-SHAKESPEARE, William. Romeo and Juliet. The New Cambridge Shakespeare. 1984. Ed. G.
Blakemore Evans. London: Cambridge University Press, 2003. (F. McMahon)
-SHAKESPEARE, William. The Tempest. ed. Stephen Orgel, Oxford Paperbacks, 2008. (F. Bort)
-The Granta Book of the Irish Short Story. Ed. Anne Enright. Granta Books, 2011. (C. SeréeChaussinand)