Statistics in APA 1 Basic symbols in Statistics Mean M = _____ or = = ________ M = is being promoted by the APA but = is still widely in use especially internationally = indicates a population mean Standard Deviation SD = _____ = ______ Measures of Effect Size Cohen’s d d = _____. Correlation r(df) = _____ Effect size for Anova Eta-Squared Confidence Intervals CI for a Mean or for a mean of difference Significance Tests One Sample t Test Independent Samples t Test Matched Samples t Test One-Way ANOVA Two-Way ANOVA Chi Square Goodness-of-Fit η2 = _____. M = or indicates sample mean SD = _____ indicates a sample standard deviation = ______ indicates a population standard deviation This is followed or preceded by a statement of the small, medium or large ____% CI [ ___, ___ ] t(df) = ____, p = ____. F(df1,df2) = ___, p = ___. 2(df, N= )= ____, p = ____ . Means and Standard Deviations Mean and Standard Deviation are most clearly presented in parentheses: The sample as a whole was relatively young (M = 19.22, SD = 3.45). Statistics in APA 2 The average age of students was 19.22 years (SD = 3.45). Percentages Percentages are easiest to read when presented with no decimal places. in parentheses Over half the sample (58%) could not correctly identify in which state Washington D.C. was located. Tables You are trying to present data is the easiest form to read without loosing its meaning. For example Several means and standard deviations may beeasier to read when displayed in a table. Tables are useful if you find that a paragraph has almost as many numbers as words. Group Control group Practice only group Instruction only group Practice and Instruction group Mean 23 27 SD 1.3 1.1 28 1.4 32 1.2 Tables have no vertical lines and horizontal lines only at the beginning and end. Tables are identified with arabic numerals sequentially. Ie. Your first table is Table 1 and the next is Table 2 etc. Do not use both a sentence and a table, choose one or the other. Statistics in APA 3 How to Report Z-tests results As the results are not significantly different z(100)=-1.875, p>.05 there is no reason to assume that the sample scores are significantly different form the general population. T tests “A significant difference (p<.02) was found between male’s and female’s scores on the Masterson Word Association Test with males making more negative associations than females. t(98)=2.4, p <.02” A d of .95 indicated a strong effect. There is a significance between the anxiety levels of this most recent sample and previous samples t(11) = -2.56, p < .03. The most recent sample had a lower anxiety level (M = 5.69) compared to the earlier samples (M= 11.5) The traditional southern states have an infant mortality rate (M = 8.3) significantly higher than the n Notw the z and the t and the p are either italicized z, t, p or underlined z, t, p. This is true of all statistical symbols Two sample T The sample was significantly different form the national average of 6.7 t (10), p <.002. The effect size was strong d = 1.25. The results found that the male mean(M= .53, S = .0070) interest in violence was significantly greater than the female mean (M = .50, S = .0084) interest in violence, t(98) = 2.4, p < .02. The magnitude of the difference in means was moderate. (d = .50)” Statistics in APA 4 Pared sample t-tests The difference between the first and the second games was significant ( t(26) =2.4, p <.03) with the mean of group one being 211.2 and the mean of Group being 195.59. d = 1.2. Also the comparisons between the first and third game resulted in a difference significant at the p = >.6 level There was clearly no significant difference between the mean for the second game and third game t(26)=--.665, P >.05 Correlations There is a good negative correlations between median income and percent unemployed. r = -.56, p<.01. In other words as unemployment goes up median family income goes down One Way Anova An analysis of variance showed that the effect of a curfew on grades was significant, F(3,27) = 5.94, p = .007. Post hoc analyses was conducted using a Tukey HSD and a.05 level of significance was achieved with the 9:00 group having a higher GPA ( M = 3.21, SD .56 than in the 11:00 ( M = 2.85 SD = .72) and the no curfew group ( M = 2.6. S.D 1.2) A one way ANOVA showed that the difference in quiz scores between the control group (N = 3, M = 4.000, SD = 1.000), the first experimental group (N = 3, M = 8.000, SD = 1.000), and the second experimental group (N = 3, M = 9.000, SD =1.000) were statistically significant, F(2,6) = 21.000, p = .002, η2 = .875. Tukey’s HSD tests showed that both experimental groups scored statistically significantly higher than the control group. However, the two experimental groups did not differ significantly. A two way ANOVA Statistics in APA 5 A therapist was interested in determining the effects of Prozac and insight therapy on gambling habits of compulsive gamblers. 40 participants were randomly assigned to each level of a 2 main One main effect being Medication (Prozac)(with two levels 10mg and 40mg)and the other Insight therapy (with two levels 1 hour per week and 5 hours per week). In one condition the participant received 1 hour per week of insight therapy and 10 mg of Prozac A second group received 5 hours of insight therapy per week and 20 mg of Prozac. Another received 40 mg of Prozac and 1 hour of insight therapy and the final group received 5 hours of insight therapy and 40 mg of Prozac. At the end of six months the amount of gambling determined by the amount of bets placed was measured. The relevant SPSS output is shown below. There is a main effect of the Insight therapy. The level therapy does have an effect on amount of gambling, F(l, 36) = 101.721, p = .000. More specifically, those who received 5 hours of insight therapy per week gambled significantly less than those who only received 1 hour per week. (M = $58.00 versus M = $ 235). Usually source table are included Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: perceived warmth Source Corrected Model Intercept Medication Therapy Med * Therapy Error Total Type III Sum of Squares 103.905* df 5 Mean Square 20.781 F 30.447 1761.524 31.476 69.429 1 2 1 1761.524 15.738 69.429 2580.837 23.058 101.721 .000 .000 .000 .000 3.000 2 1.500 2.198 .126 24.571 1890.000 36 42 .683 Sig Statistics in APA Corrected Total 6 128.476 41 3. R Squared = .809 (Adjusted R Squared = .782) A Two Way Anova with no interactions In addition increased medication also had a main effect on reducing gambling F(1,36) = 23.05, p = .000. There was no interaction F(2,36) = 2.198, P >.05 Chi Square Chi-Square statistics are reported with degrees of freedom and sample size in parentheses, the Pearson chi-square value (rounded to two decimal places), and the significance level: The percentage of participants that were married did not differ by gender, 2(1, N = 90) = 0.89, p = .35. Of the 87 abused spouses in the study 27 had called the police at least once, 30 had left the situation and 30 had remained in the situation without seeking help. These frequencies were significantly different, 2 (3, N = 87) = 9.1, p < .03.