Special O speech sample outline

Special Occasion Speech Outline
Joe Smith, Sue Jones, Paul Cho, Jane Doe, and Marcia Bradey
Video Music Awards
I. (Joe)Welcome everyone to the 50th Video Music Awards
A. Thank to everyone
B. Tonight will be a very special night
1. We will honor the top video’s of the year
2. Many special guest
C. I hope you are ready to enjoy a wonderful evening
D. Our first presenter is a very talent young artist
1. Ata young age this artist has accomplished so much
2. Without further ado I present to you all Justin Beiber!
II. (Paul – as Justin) Thank you, thank you!
A. It is my great honor to be her this evening
1. Such a great night
2. So excited to be presenting the award for hottest artist over 30!
a. Now this is a very competitive group with all the plastic surgery
b. These candidates are not only hot but also talented
3. The winner of this year’s award goes to someone who is talent both on screen & stage
a. She is
b. This person is also “the most beautiful woman in America”
B. I am sure you all know whom I am talking about now the beautiful Jennifer Lopez!
III. (Sue – as Jennifer)) Justin thank you, thank you all!
A. I am so overwhelmed
B. I want to thank all those who have helped me on this journey of become beautiful!
1. My parents of course, Dr. Jones, ……
C. I have worked so hard to be this beautiful
D. I am sorry you cannot all be this beautiful but….
(music end her speech)
IV. (Joe) Thank you Jennifer lovely to see you tonight! Our next presenter….
A. What a privilege to have this person here tonight
B. Their talents are endless
C. It is my great privilege to present to you the great Cher!
V. (Marcia- as Cher) Thank you, I am so excited to be here
A. This is a difficult night for me the power to change communication climates
B. I never thought I would have to pass on the crown of greatest performer of all time!
C. I certainly did not think the crown would get passed on to such a young, relatively
inexperienced musician!
D. None the less, I guess the people have spoken and I am here to pass on my crown
E. So I guess put your hands together for Lady Gaga.
VI. (Jane – as Lady Gaga) (comes out to her music in crazy costume)
A. Yes, yes, of course I am the greatest!
B. Thank you Cher, for recognize your time has come and you no longer rule this
C. Thank you people for recognizing my great talents
D. Thank you parents…..
E. I hope you all have had a wonderful evening (breaks into performance to end the