The effect of muscle length on motor unit recruitment during isometric plantar flexion in humans P.M. Kennedy 1 and A.G. Cresswell 2 1 School of Human Kinetics, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 2 Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute Stockholm, Sweden To be published in: Experimental Brain Research Keywords: single motor unit, triceps surae, gastrocnemius, electromyography, intramuscular Abstract The triceps surae muscle group consisting of the mono-articular soleus (SOL) and bi-articular gastrocnemius (GAS) muscles primarily generates plantar flexor torque. Since the GAS muscle crosses the knee joint, flexion of the knee reduces the length of this muscle, thus limiting its contribution to torque output. However it is not clearly understood how the central nervous system activates muscles that are at inefficient or non-optimal force producing lengths. Therefore, the present study was designed to determine the effect of muscle length on motor unit recruitment in the medial GAS muscle. Single motor unit activity was recorded from the medial GAS muscle while electromyography (EMG) was recorded from the SOL muscle in nine male subjects. With the ankle angle held constant at 90º, the knee angle was changed from 180º to 90º corresponding to a long and short GAS muscle length respectively. Levels of voluntary plantar flexor torque were produced at a rate of 2 Nm · s -1 until motor unit activity was detected. A total of 229 motor units were recorded of which 121 and 108 were obtained at the long and short muscle lengths, respectively. At the short length, onset of motor unit activity occurred at significantly higher levels of plantar flexor torque and SOL EMG. Motor unit onset occurred at 2.97 ± 7.78 Nm and 32.14 ± 10.25 Nm, corresponding to 0.045 ± 0.075 mV and 0.231 ± 0.129 mV of SOL EMG in the long and short position respectively. No individual GAS motor unit could be recorded at both muscle lengths. Motor units in the shortened GAS muscle, may be influenced by peripheral afferents capable of reducing the excitability of the motoneurone pool. This may also reflect a specific inhibition of motor units having shortened, non-optimal, fascicle lengths and are thereby incapable of contributing to plantar flexor torque. 1 Introduction The force that a muscle can produce is dependent not only on the neural commands generated by the central nervous system (CNS) but also on its length. For a given muscle action, the length of the muscle can vary dramatically, and based upon its length-tension relationship may have to generate force at a length that may be less than optimal (Rack and Walmsley 1969; Herzog 2000). Studies investigating the effect of muscle length on force production have focused on both the discharge properties of motor units and the level of electrical activity of the muscle. As there is a decrease in the duration of both the contraction time and half relaxation time of the twitch at shorter muscle lengths, a higher motor unit discharge would be required to produce similar levels of force in the shortened position (BiglandRitchie et al. 1992). This has been evidenced by Vander Linden et al (1991) and Christova et al. (1998) who showed an increase in motor unit firing frequency at reduced muscle lengths in the tibialis anterior and biceps brachii, respectively. The changes in the surface recordings of muscle activity with progressive shortening of muscle length seem to be less clear with both increases (Heckathorne et al. 1981; Lunnen et al. 1981) as well as decrease (Fugl-Meyer 1979; Sale et al. 1982; Cresswell et al. 1995; Pinniger et al. 2000) in the level of EMG being reported. These differences possibly reflect the many strategies that the CNS may use to develop an efficient control of force when an active muscle is varying its length. Moreover, this is further complicated when activation of a synergistic muscle group, whose individual components are operating at differing lengths, must be controlled to provide a required joint torque. At the ankle, the functional group primarily responsible for plantar flexor torque production is the triceps surae, which consists of the bi-articular GAS and mono-articular SOL muscles. Despite being classified as synergists, the relationship between these two muscles is constantly changing depending upon the task. For example, during standing, SOL is most always active, while minimal activation of the GAS (Hodgson 1983; Duysens et al. 1991) is observed. It is with an increase in movement velocity that a corresponding increase in the activity of the GAS is observed (Hutchison et al. 1989, Duysens et al. 1991). This dissociation has been further illustrated during rapid lengthening actions where the SOL can be rendered silent while there is a preferential increase in GAS activity (Nardone et al. 1989). The differential activation patterns observed in these two muscles may be explained by the composition of the respective motoneurone pools, with the SOL predominantly composed of slow twitch motoneurones and GAS having a higher number of fast twitch motoneurones. The variation in force generating capabilities between the SOL and GAS muscles may, however, be influenced more by the differences in their architectural design than their fibre type distributions (Kawakami et al. 1998; Herzog 2000). The GAS muscle crosses both the knee and ankle joints and therefore, for a given ankle angle, its contribution to torque output is considerably altered by the position of the knee (Herzog 2000) with greater torque production occurring when the muscle is lengthened via extension of the knee and or dorsiflexion of the ankle (Cresswell et al. 1995; Kawakami et al., 1998). On the other hand, the SOL muscle, with its length unchanged, would thereby be required to generate a greater or lesser percentage of the overall torque depending on the degree of knee flexion. Despite the increased demand of the SOL muscle to plantar flexor torque with a reduction in knee angle, there may still be a minor torque contribution from the GAS as it has been shown that even in the most flexed knee angles there is still EMG activity from GAS (Cresswell et al. 1995). 2 In an earlier study (Cresswell et al. 1995) we found that the surface EMG amplitude from both heads of the GAS muscle during voluntary plantar flexor efforts with the knee flexed to shorten the GAS was significantly less than that produced with the knee extended. However, it was unclear if the EMG reduction was due to electrode-muscle configuration changes, or due to inhibition of GAS motor units induced by the reduction in their fibre lengths. The question therefore remains as to be how the CNS activates a muscle when many of its fibres are at a non-optimal force producing lengths. The purpose of the present study was therefore to determine the effect of muscle length on motor unit recruitment for the medial gastrocnemius muscle (MG) during isometric plantar flexion. The onset of single motor unit activity with respect to plantar flexor torque and SOL EMG activity was compared with the knee extended at 180° and flexed at 90° corresponding to long and short lengths of the MG muscle. Materials and methods Subjects The following experiment included nine healthy male participants between 25 and 42 years of age. Their mean (±SD) for age, height and body mass were 32.0 (6.0) years, 179.7 (4.5) cm and 78.3 (3.9) kg, respectively. All subjects regularly participated in physical activity and none of these individuals had any known neurological or motor disorders prior to testing. The experimental protocol was explained and the subjects gave their informed consent to participate in the investigation. The local institutional ethics committee approved the following experimental procedures. Experimental Design Subjects lay in a prone position on a padded bed. Their left (n = 6) or right (n = 3) foot was tightly secured to a non-compliant footplate at a constant angle of approximately 90º (measured as the internal angle between the shank and the foot) to ensure isometric conditions. Force was measured from a load-cell (Bofors KRG-4, Nobel Electronic, Sweden, unloaded frequency range 0-2.6 kHz, maximum force 2 kN) that was placed at the distal end of the footplate. The axes of the ankle and footplate were aligned as close as possible. The perpendicular distance between the load-cell and axis of the footplate was used to convert force to ankle plantar flexor torque. From this initial prone position, knee angle (measured as the included angle between the thigh and shank) was manipulated by raising the trunk above the support surface (see Fig. 1). Flexion of the hips altered the knee angle (from 180° to 90°) while the trunk and shank remained horizontal. The subjects placed their arms on the table to provide support in this elevated position. Manipulating the body in this manner shortened the length of the GAS muscle while the length of the SOL muscle remained unchanged. Levels of voluntary plantar flexor torque were produced with the aid of visual feedback. A torque ramp of 2 Nm · s-1 was displayed as a beam on an oscilloscope and a second beam, corresponding to the voluntary plantar flexor torque, were displayed simultaneously. For each trial, the subjects were instructed to align the two beams as precisely as possibly. The motor task was to gradually increase the amount of plantar flexor torque at a rate of 2 Nm · s-1 until motor unit activity could be isolated at a signal-to-noise ratio of at least 2:1. At this point, the ramp was held at that force level, and the subject instructed to maintain the force output for an additional 10-15 seconds, thus maintaining motor unit firing activity. This task was performed for both the long and short lengths of the MG muscle. 3 Fig 1. An illustration of the experimental set-up including subject positions with the knees extended and flexed. The subject’s foot was tightly secured to a footplate to minimise ankle movement. A. Concentric needle electrode inserted into MG (EMG recording above). B. Fine-wire intramuscular electrodes inserted into SOL (EMG recording above). C. Oscilloscope (2 Nm · s-1 ramp and force feedback) to provide the subject with visual feedback. D. Force Transducer located at the distal end of the footplate. Single Motor Unit and EMG Recordings The skin at all electrode sites was shaved and cleaned with 95% ethanol prior to electrode insertion. Single motor unit activity was recorded from MG muscle using a sterile concentric needle electrode (0.46 mm diameter with a 0.07 mm2 recording area, Medelec, UK) inserted percutaneously and randomly repositioned by the experimenter after each trial. Intramuscular EMG was recorded from the lateral aspect of the SOL muscle using fine-wire electrodes (0.075 mm diameter, twisted stainless steel, Teflon coated, Leico Ind., USA) constructed in a ‘double-hook’ manner. A sterile hypodermic needle (0.8 x 80 mm) was used to insert the wires, and prior to this the skin was anaesthetized by superficial injection of 0.5 - 1 ml prilocaine (Citanest, 5 mg·ml -1). The potential sensitive area was the uninsulated end of each wire, 2 mm in length, with an inter-electrode distance of approximately 3-4 mm. A surface reference electrode (self-adhesive Ag/AgCl electrode, Medicotest A/S, Denmark) was placed on the lumbar spine (L3) of each subject. 4 Signal Processing SOL intramuscular EMG was amplified x1000 and band-pass filtered between 10 and 800 Hz (NL 824 and NL125; Neurolog, UK). Torque signals were low-pass filtered at 20Hz and analogue-to-digital (A/D) converted with the SOL EMG signals (16 bit) at a sample rate of 1 kHz (Spike2 and Power 1401, Cambridge Electronics Design, UK). Motor unit activity from MG was amplified x1000, band-pass filtered between 0.3 and 5 kHz and similarly A/D converted at a sampling rate of 15 kHz. For each trial, SOL intramuscular EMG root mean square (rms) was calculated over the entire period using 200-ms bins. To establish the overall torque and SOL EMG rms level that corresponded to the onset threshold of MG motor unit activity, the peak of the first measurable action potential (exceeding 2:1 signal-tonoise ratio) was used to calculate the appropriate values. Single motor unit activity discrimination was performed off-line using the Spike2 spike template matching software with an 80% confidence interval to ensure the analysis of a single motor unit potentials. False positive and/or negative classifications due to spurious frequency changes or action potential collisions were not observed. Statistics Means (±SD) were calculated for all variables. A one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to analyse the torque and SOL EMG rms levels. An independent t-test was used to evaluate differences between mean firing frequencies and amplitudes for MG motor units in the long and short positions. Differences between the means were considered statistically significant at a level of P≤0.05. All statistical analyses were performed using the Statistica software package (StatSoft, USA). Results After several practice trials, subjects were able to consistently match and follow the visual ramp, thereby increasing the rate of plantar flexor torque development at approximately 2 Nm · s-1, and maintain a constant level of torque once a MG motor unit began to discharge. Single motor unit and EMG recordings from two subjects during such ramp contractions in the knee extended (long) and knee flexed (short) positions are presented in Fig. 2. Motor Unit Recordings Using the concentric recording electrode, 229 single motor units were recorded from MG. A little more than half of these recordings were achieved with the MG at the long length (121 out of 229, 53%) while the remaining units (108 out of 229, 47%) were recorded with the MG at the short length. For a specified level of plantar flexor torque (20 Nm), the level of SOL EMG rms observed at the short length was significantly greater than that recorded at the long length (P < 0.01). Moreover, with GAS in the shortened position, motor unit recruitment occurred at significantly higher levels of SOL EMG rms activity and torque output (P < 0.01). This behaviour was consistent across all subjects and the difference in plantar flexor torque (torqueShort – torqueLong) that corresponded to the onset of MG single motor unit activity in the long and short lengths ranged between 17 to 38 Nm. This was similar to the difference in SOL EMG rms (rmsShort – rmsLong), which ranged between 0.09 mV to 0.30 mV. The means ± SD of the SOL EMG rms level for a torque output of 20 Nm in the knee extended and flexed positions corresponded to 0.10 ± 0.05 mV and 0.19 ± 0.09 mV (increase of ~ 47%). The mean torque and SOL EMG rms corresponding to the onset of MG single motor unit activity are illustrated in Table 1 and Fig. 3, respectively. The mean amplitude for the MG units recruited at the short length (0.47 ± 0.43 mV) was significantly greater than the amplitude of those units recruited at the long length (0.30 ± 0.24 5 mV) (P < 0.02). Additionally, at the onset of motor unit activity the initial firing frequency for the first ten action potentials recorded at the short length (5.8 ± 2.2 Hz) was significantly less than the discharge rate for the same number of units recorded at the long length (7.4 ± 2.6 Hz) (P < 0.01). Fig 2. Concentric needle recordings of single motor unit activity from MG in the extended and flexed knee position for subjects 6 (I) and 7 (II). The vertical lines superimposed on the raw data indicate the onset of plantar flexor force production (A) and the onset of motor unit activity (B). Dotted lines superimposed on the voluntary torque trace illustrate the 2 Nm · s-1 ramps. Action potentials below (n = 10) were superimposed to demonstrate the continuous sampling of the same unit. 6 Plantar Flexor Torque versus EMG Thresholds The levels of both torque and SOL EMG rms corresponding to the onset of MG motor unit activity are plotted in Fig. 4. In the long length, MG motor units were generally recruited at low levels of plantar flexor torque (< 5Nm) and SOL EMG rms levels generally less than 0.1 mV. However, there were 9 out of 121 units (7.4% and for the most part from subject 7) recorded in this position that were associated with an elevated level of SOL activation and higher torque. These units were recruited at torque outputs that ranged between 10 to 35 Nm (mean 27 ± 10 Nm) and SOL EMG rms levels of 0.12 to 0.38 mV. On the other hand, there was a greater distribution in the recruitment levels of MG motor units in the flexed knee position, especially pertaining to the SOL EMG rms thresholds. Only a few units (3 out of 108, 2.8% and mostly from subject 8) were recorded with thresholds lower than 10 Nm (ranging between 2 to 8 Nm). At the short length, there were at least 9 trials in which a continuous torque ramp of up to 50% MVC failed to recruit any motor unit activity from the MG muscle. Fig 3. The means ± SD (n = 9) for the torque and SOL EMG rms that is required to recruit a motor unit in both the long (µ) and short (_) positions. See Table 1 for the subject means. The recruitment thresholds reached a level of statistical significance (∗) between knee positions (P<0.05). Plantar Flexor Torque To estimate relative torque production, data from a previous experiment on a similar population was used (Cresswell et al. 1995). In this prior study, maximum voluntary contractions (MVC) were performed in both flexed and extended knee positions. The maximal voluntary torques were 135 ± 24 Nm and 104 ± 24 Nm at the long and short lengths, respectively. As such, in the present study a mean torque recruitment of 3 Nm ± 8 in the extended knee position would be equivalent to 2 ± 6% of the maximal voluntary effort at that same position (range between ~ 0 to 26%). Similarly for the flexed knee, a torque output of 32 ± 10 Nm equated to approximately 24 ± 9 and 31 ± 10% of the MVC at the long and short lengths, respectively (ranging between 3 to 46% for the short length). It is important to note, however, that these values are based on the calculated MVC for the appropriate position. 7 Fig 4. Scatter plot of the torque threshold versus the SOL EMG rms threshold for the total number of motor unit recordings in this study (n = 229). Thresholds were plotted for motor units recorded in the long (Ø) and short (O). Discussion The main findings of this study were the significantly increased levels of SOL EMG rms and plantar flexor torque corresponding to the onset of firing of MG motor units during ramped voluntary isometric plantar flexor efforts with the GAS muscle shortened. The observed changes are credited to increased inhibition of the MG motoneurone pool due to the diminished force producing capabilities of the MG motor units as a result of their reduced length by means of knee flexion. Methodological Considerations Concentric needle electrodes were used rather than fine-wire electrodes, as used by Miles et al. (1986), Vander Linden et al. (1991) and Christova et al. (1998), for the recording of single motor unit activity in the MG muscle. The use of indwelling fine-wire has an advantage in that it may result in the same motor unit being recorded even once the muscle has undergone a length change. However, a limitation is the difficulty to relocate the wires between trials, especially deeper, in order to obtain recordings from different regions within the same muscle. In the present study, the concentric needle was randomly positioned within the muscle between all trials to obtain recordings from a larger muscle volume. Using this technique it was not possible to monitor the same motor unit at different muscle lengths, however, we were able to record from at least 20 different sites in all subjects and thus were able to obtain a larger random sample of motor units. Due to the consistency of MG onset thresholds at both the long and short lengths, we are confident that the differences in onset thresholds are a direct result of changes in muscle length and are not complicated by the positioning of the needle within the muscle. Torque Production at shortened GAS lengths The control of torque production by the triceps surae muscle group is complex, mainly by the fact that the GAS muscle is bi-articular, crossing both the knee joint and ankle while the soleus muscle crosses the ankle only. As such, any change in knee angle will independently 8 alter the length of GAS in relation to SOL. Furthermore, it is believed that the GAS muscle, which is like the majority of muscles that are involved in stretch–shortening actions, operates primarily on the ascending limb of the force-length relationship (Rassier et al. 1999) and that when it is maximally shortened via knee flexion, and independent of ankle angle, is incapable of producing force (cf Herzog 2000). We, and other authors, have previously demonstrated that with a progressive shortening in the GAS muscle via knee flexion, there is a reduction in both voluntary and involuntary maximal plantar flexor torque output (Fugl-Meyer et al. 1979; Sale et al. 1982; Herzog et al. 1991; Cresswell et al. 1995). Recently, Kawakami et al. (1998) reported that as the knee is moved to a more flexed position the medial GAS fascicles decrease their length up to 24 mm and thereby increase their pennation angle by approximately 22ϒ. Such a change may limit the amount of slack that can be taken up in the muscle, thereby resulting in the overall force transmitted to the tendon being reduced. To accommodate for the increased slack and maintain torque output in a shortening muscle the CNS may increase the firing frequency of motor neurons (Vander Linden 1991). However, once the muscle fibre reaches a critical shortened length, the overall contribution of the muscle to torque output will be minimal, even if fully activated. In this condition, the muscle is called ‘actively insufficient’ and it would therefore seem appropriate to reduce the drive to, or neural outflow from, spinal motoneurones whose muscle fibre reside at compromised shortened lengths (cf. Suter and Herzog 1997; Herzog 2000). In earlier studies (Cresswell et al. 1995; Pinniger et al. 2000) we observed a significant reduction in surface EMG from both heads of the GAS muscle during voluntary plantar flexor efforts with the knee flexed to shorten the GAS. From these studies, it was uncertain if the EMG reduction was due to electrode-muscle configuration changes, thereby recording from different volumes and possibly different numbers of fibres within the muscle, or due to inhibition of GAS motor units induced by the reduction in their fibre lengths. To further investigate the latter of these theories we have endeavoured to more specifically determine the effect of changing GAS muscle length on the recruitment and firing behaviour of its motor units. Muscle activations at shortened GAS lengths Similar to previous findings, a greater level of voluntary drive, as evidenced by a significant increase in SOL EMG rms, was required by the plantar flexors to achieve the same level of torque in the flexed knee position. This finding was expected, as the SOL muscle must now be activated to a greater extent to compensate for the limited force contribution of the shortened GAS. It was clearly evident when trying to record single motor units from the shortened MG that the onset of their activity was significantly delayed when performing the voluntary torque ramps. This meant that the MG units at short lengths were recruited at significantly greater levels of plantar flexor drive and torque production. This finding corroborates earlier results of decreased surface EMG amplitude from the GAS and triceps surae at short as compared to long lengths when performing both submaximal and maximal voluntary isometric plantar flexions (Fugl-Meyer et al. 1979; Sale et al. 1982; Cresswell et al. 1995; Pinniger et al. 2000). Moreover, as the recordings in this study were made intramuscularly from many regions within the muscle, the increased threshold of MG units is unlikely a result of electrodemuscle configuration changes but due to an increased level of inhibition or disfacilitation of motor units within the MG motoneurone pool. 9 Interestingly, other studies have demonstrated opposite changes in motor unit behaviour with changes in muscle length. For the biceps brachii, Christova et al. (1998) reported an increase of motor unit discharge rate as it underwent shortening via elbow flexion. In that study, it is unlikely that the biceps brachii was activated on the initial portion of the ascending limb of the length-tension relationship as the upper-arm was maintained parallel to the body and not flexed which would have additionally shortened the muscle. Similarly, Vander Linden et al. (1991) showed increased motor unit discharge rates in the shortened tibialis anterior muscle and concluded that this was due to the decreased peak tension and shorter one-half relaxation times observed in shortened muscle. However, it may well be that the tibialis anterior muscle does not becomes ‘actively insufficient’ at their test position of 20o dorsiflexion. The underlying control mechanisms behind the increased recruitment thresholds for GAS motor units at shortened muscle lengths are not clear. It may well be that cortical drive to the MG motoneurone pool is reduced, regardless of an increased drive to the synergistic SOL. However, more likely candidates responsible for the reduced excitability of the MG motoneurone pool, or even inhibition of specific motor units whose fibres are at less than optimal lengths, are peripheral afferent inputs receptors with inputs at the spinal level. Muscle spindles, which can accurately detect length change, have the ability to reduce motoneurone excitability through reduced spindle input, and as such, are potential candidates for the excitability changes we have seen. However, reduced Ia-afferent input, via increased presynaptic inhibition of the Ia terminals through the possible heightened activation of group II, III and IV peripheral inputs, may also result in disfacilitation of the MG motoneurone pool. Direct and indirect inhibitory effects from cutaneous and joint afferents are also potential mechanisms, as it has been shown that the former receptor can have strong influences on motoneurone excitability (Kanda et al. 1977; McNulty et al.1999). If afferent input is responsible for modulating GAS motoneurone excitability with changes in length, then the questions still remains as to whether the total motoneurone pool is receiving equivalent inhibitory input or whether this input is directed toward specific motor units. The latter may be the case if non-uniformity of muscle fibre length exists and the CNS can adequately detect motor units or populations of motor units who are no longer capable of producing force. The result of greater MG motor unit amplitudes at shorter muscle lengths suggests that higher threshold, or faster, motor units were the first activated and that the slower units that were recruited first at the longer lengths were now inhibited. The initial slower firing frequency of these units at short lengths appears to support this notion (Kudina 1999). However, it must also be pointed out that changes in muscle geometry can have an effect on motor unit amplitude with larger amplitudes being recorded at shorter muscle lengths (Gerilovsky, 1989; Garland et al. 1994) Regardless, this study has demonstrated that with a reduction in muscle length, the onset of motor unit activity in the MG muscle occurs at significantly higher levels of both plantar flexor torque and SOL EMG rms activity. This alteration in recruitment may reflect a general increase in the recruitment threshold of MG motoneurones, or specific inhibition of motor units with muscle lengths that are no longer capable of producing force. At present it is unclear if motor units of varying types are equally affected or if there is a somewhat selective inhibition of low threshold motoneurones. Nonetheless, by limiting the activity of a muscle that is ‘actively insufficient’ the CNS is able to minimise metabolic costs while maximising the force output within a functional group. 10 Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mean SD Onset of MG Single Motor Unit Activity Knee Extended (Long) Knee Flexed (Short) Torque SOL EMG Torque SOL EMG (Nm) rms (mV) (Nm) rms (mV) 1.70 0.79 0.79 0.72 1.15 0.94 8.73 1.41 0.49 2.97 7.78 0.046 0.028 0.023 0.018 0.023 0.023 0.110 0.018 0.015 ∗ 0.045 0.075 • 34.81 34.45 38.16 37.98 32.04 31.61 39.07 19.00 32.48 0.344 0.231 0.316 0.332 0.190 0.226 0.313 0.112 0.121 32.14 ∗ 10.25 0.231 0.129 • Table 1. The mean (±SD) plantar flexor torque and SOL EMG rms levels corresponding to the onset of MG single motor unit activity for both knee positions for each subject. The (∗) and (•) indicate significant differences between the torque and SOL EMG rms variables, respectively. A mean of 12 (±1.3) MG units were recorded in each condition for each subject. References 1. 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