THE EAST HAMPTON STAR. EAST HAMPTON. N. Y., M A Y 2. 1968 Gallil-Haas Wedding Saturday Paul K oby Photo Summer Wedding For Miss Willis Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Tiernan Willis o f Hand Lane, Amagansett, and Louisville, Ky., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Juliette Norton Willis, to Karl Faerber Andrews Jr. o f Colorado Springs, Col. He is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Andrew s o f Color­ ado Springs. Miss W illis was graduated from Louisville Collegiate School and Skidm ore College. She was presented in 1963, and is a m ember o f the Spinters Cotillion Club and a provi­ sional m em ber o f the Junior League o f Louisville. Mr. Andrew s is a graduate of Dartmouth College and the Thayer School o f Engineering at Dartmouth. He is working toward his master’s degree in engineering. Mr. Andrews was a m ember o f Theta Delta Chi fraternity at Dartmouth. A summer wedding is planned. Miss Charlene Randolph Haas, daughter o f Mrs. Albert Hailparn of East Hampton and N ew York, and o f Milton Haas o f San Francisco, Cal., was married in N ew York on Saturday afternoon to Bruce Gallit, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Henry Gallit of Menlo Park, Cal. The ceremony took place in the Brick Presbyterian Church, and was perform ed by the Rev. Dr. Reginald Tohmas. The bride w ore a lace gown with a chapel train and illusion veil, and carried stephanotis, orchids and m ini­ ature ivy. Her attendants w ere Countess Guy de Brantes, matron o f honor; and four children, Pia de Brantes, Tara M cG ivem , Merrie Watson, and Peter Morford. John Waters French was best man. The bride attended the Spence School and was graduated from the Knox School in St. James. She studied at LeFleuron in Florence, Italy, and attended Hollins College. She was presented at the Debutante Cotillion and Christmas Ball in 1960, the International Debutante Ball and the Debutante Assembly and New Year’s Ball. Mr. Gallit is a financial consul­ tant with Parsons and Whittemore in New York. He graduated from Dickinson College and the American Institute o f Foreign Trade, also the West Coast Defense Language Institute and served in Korea as a first lieutenant with Arm y intelli­ gence. Miss LaMonda Wed Saturday Mrs. Ann M. McMillen, daughter o f Mrs. Ethel Mendel and the late William Mendel o f Meeting House Lane, Amagansett. was married to Elbert T. Parsons, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Elbert G. Parsons, Hand Lane, Amagansett, in N ew Y ork on April 17. Following the civil cerem ony, the couple took a wedding trip to Con­ necticut. They are now living at Hedges Lane. Mr. Parsons is em ploy­ ed by the Amagansett Lum ber and Coal Company. Dinner Planned G eorge Dec Photo Mrs. J. M. Forney o f Water Mill is chairman ' o f the Southampton Hospital benefit dinner, sponsored by the Volunteer Service, at Bowden Square Restaurant on June 5. The Hospital w ill receive a dollar for each meal served; last year almost 1,000 w ere served. Mrs. F. Philip Buebendorf o f Sag Harbor is chairman of the prize com ­ mittee. A m ong the other committee m embers are Mrs. Clayton Bunker; Amagansett; Mr. and Mrs. Richard W olff, Bridgehampton; Mr. and Mrs. J. Austin Wyatt, East Hampton; Mrs. Harlow Payne, North Haven; Mrs. Irene Roesel, Sagaponack; and Mrs. Donald Crawford, Sag Harbor. Girls Honored By Local DAR Hadassah Plans Fashion Show The Misses Eileen Warga, Saga­ ponack; Jane Marie Harris, Sag Harbor; Sandra Worrell, Southamp­ ton; Anne Aldrich, Hampton Bays; and Barbara Borsack, East Hampton, were honored as “ Good Citizens” last Tuesday by the Southampton Colony Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. The Hamptons Chapter o f Hadas­ sah will hold its ninth annual luncheon-fashion show at the Villa D’Or on Wednesday, May 15. Mrs. Bernard Zeldin, president of the Chapter, said the fashions will be presented by Charles Runyon of the Dress Box. The luncheon-fashion show will begin at noon. Tickets are available from Mrs. Ben Larson and Mrs. Irving Marko­ witz. The D AR's reception and tea was held at St. A nn’s Parish House, in Bridgehampton. The girls, w ho were selected by their classmates and faculty members, are high school seniors, and all are or have been members o f the National Honor Society. The Chapter held its monthly meeting that afternoon, and members heard various reports. Mrs. Richard Fow ler and a committee served at tea. Miss Minnick To Wed In June Diana Gail LaMonda, the daugh­ ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Harry LaMonda of Montauk Highway, East Hampton was married Saturday to James F. Darrell, the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Howard K. Dallas o f North Main Street, East Hampton. The wedding took place in the Methodist Church o f East Hampton with the Rev. Max Schw indt offici­ ating. The bride w ore an empire dress o f white satin with pearl and lace appliques. Her shoulder length vail was held b y a rosette. She carried a bouquet o f w hite roses and stephanotis. The maid o f honor was Miss Bar- The Circles o f the W om en’s As­ sociation o f the East Hampton Pres­ byterian C h u rch , w ill meet next The engagement o f Miss Paula Tuesday. M innick to Aubrey W. Peterson has The Morning Circle w ill m eet at been announced, and a June wedding 9:30 a.m. at the hom e o f Mrs. in East Hampton is planned. Lenore Sheades; the Afternoon Cir­ Miss M innick is the daughter o f cle at 1:30 p.m. at the Session House; Mrs. A. Hawley Peterson o f 117C and the Evening Circle at 8 p.m. at Main Street, East Hampton, and New the Session Hous$. York, and o f Daniel C. M innick o f Pennsylvania. Mr. Peterson is the son BENEFIT o f A. Hawley Peterson and the late Continued From Page 1 Mrs. W eym outh Peterson, of New Y ork and East Hampton. and Dr. Gerald Sexton, DDS. Miss M innick was graduated from Tickets Dana Hall School, the American Tickets are available from Rotary School in Switzerland, and Katherine Club members or at the public rela­ G ibbs School in New York. tions office at Southampton Hos­ Mr. Peterson is a graduate of pital. Tickets for dinner only, at Phillips Exeter Academ y and Yale $10, are also on sale. The net pro­ University. He is with the Intercon­ ceeds, estimated at $18 per ticket, tinental Shipping Company in New are to go to the Hospital, with 25 York. per cent allocated for new dental equipment. Mr. Taylor, w ho reported that the event was made possible by the gen­ erosity o f the Maidstone’s directors, Mrs. Barbara Peterson Rooney o f said he hoped that the tournament East Hampton and Huntington and would be successful enough to be George A. Schulte, of 75 Spring repeated in future years. Close Highway, East Hampton, were married Saturday afternoon at Town Hall by Justice R. Thomas Strong. The Star M ailed to You—Anyw here The bride is the daughter o f Mrs. —S5 a Year Jane Stanton Peterson and the late Francis T. Peterson, o f Huntington. Mr. Schulte is the son of Mrs. George NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF A. Schulte and the late Mr. Schulte. RESOLUTION SUBJECT A fter a wedding trip to New Eng­ TO REFERENDUM land, Mr. and Mrs. Schulte will make NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that their hom e in East Hampton. the Town Board o f the T ow n of East Hampton, County o f Suffolk, K eep Up Year 'R ound. The Star, State o f N ew Y ork — at a regular S5 a Year meeting thereof held on the third day o f April, 1968 — duly adopted bara Steward o f Roosevelt, w ho subject to a permissive referendum w ore an em pire dress o f pink chiffon. the follow ing resolution: She carried pink-white carnations “RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and red sweet heart roses. is hereby authorized to enter a The attendants, all o f East Hamp­ municipal grant in aide project ton, w ere Miss Mary Lou LaMonda, agreement with the New Y ork State a sister o f the bride; Miss Wanda Historic Trust for the acquisition of Darrell, a sister o f the bridegroom ; 4.2 acres o f land known as Second Pamela LaMonda, a sister o f the House at Montauk, Town o f East bride; and Mrs. Sherrill Bennett, a Hampton, County o f S uffolk — for sister o f the bride. Leslie LaMonda, m unicipal historic purposes and to a brother o f the bride, was the best com m it the T ow n to its share of said project not to exceed Thirtyman. Both the bride and her husband seven Thousand Five-H undred D ol­ are graduates of the East Hampton lars ($37,500.00) said funds to be High School. Mrs. Darrell was gradu­ raised pursuant to the provisions of ated in 1965 from Browne’s Busi­ the L ocal Finance Law. This resolu­ tion is subject to permissive refer­ ness School o f Hempstead. A fter a reception at the Am erican endum.” L egion Hall in Amagansett, the April 3rd, 1968 By Order o f the T ow n Board couple w ent on a w edding trip to Town o f East Hampton, N. Y. Niagara Falls. T hey w ill live on CHARLES T. ANDERSON Three Mile Harbor Road when they return. Mr. Darrell is em ployed by T ow n Clerk DiSunno Motors in Amagansett. C77,c S e a J j rcczc 3 n n Amagansett Atlantic A ven u e DINING RO O M - ROOM S - TAPROOM R eal E s ta te OUR FAMOUS SHORE DINNER— WEEKENDS — Insurance CHARLES J. OSBORNE BY RESERVATIONS 267-3692 MOBILE GUIDE APPROVED MOTHER'S $ DAY ^ SUNDAY, M AY 12th F low ers Say 11 B est! iJetault ^ Est. 1902 89 N ew tow n Lane Tel. 324-2323 East Hampton 35 M ain Street Wooding-Mercier Circles Meeting Schulte-Rooney Parsons-McMillen THREE 324-2800 E ast H am pton K AT H Y BURKE of Water Mill, low er right, whose father is Dr. William Burke o f Southampton College, a McCarthy-pledged candidate for the Democratic convention, talked with Senator Eugene McCarthy, above, on April 23 at the New York Hilton. Miss Burke reported "He's g roovy!" J H c O c A y “& J Miss Christine Lucy Renee Mercier, daughter o f Mrs. George C. Bradley of Sagaponack and Port Washington, and of Dr. Vivian H. S. M ercier of Boulder, Col., and Frank Beecher W ooding III, son o f Mrs. Frank W ooding Jr. o f Lancaster. Pa., and the late Mr. W ooding were united •in-marriage Saturday in-St. Stephen’s Church, Port Washington, by the Rev. Frederick W. Rapp. Mrs. W ooding is a graduate o f the Masters School and Radcliffe Col­ lege. She is a m ember o f the Junior League o f the North Shore. Mr. W ooding is a graduate of Monson Academ y and Harvard College. They are both with the Woods Hole, Mass., Oceanographic Institute. Slides of Japan 'W J L ” Peter Matthiessen, the novelist and naturalist whose recent New Yorker magazine essay form ed the basis o f the text o f “The Shorebirds o f North Am erica,” published by Viking Press, w ill lead a “bird w alk” on Saturday, May 11, as a benefit fo r Senator Eugene J. McCarthy. Leon V. K ofod of Rockville Centre w ill show slides taken on his seven visits to Japan on Tuesday, May 14, stopped here on their journey to at 8 p.m. in the Sag Harbor Metho­ more northerly breeding grounds, dist Church. Mr. K ofod w ill also dis­ The wa, k w m be fo ,lowed b sh play Japanese arts and crafts. The program w ill be open to the public. at the Matthiessen home. Tickets, which must be reserved in advance by telephoning Mrs. William H. Walz of 104 Mill Hill The fund-raising event is the first of a varied series being planned for this area during the next few months by members o f the Coalition for a Democratic Alternative. Lane, East Hampton, w ill cost $15 per person. Mrs. Walz is, with Mrs. Wayne Barker o f Amagansett, co ­ ordinator of the East Hampton Town CDA. Mr. Matthiessen w ill take a lim ited number o f bird-watchers on a w alk along the shore and mudflats near his Sagaponack hom e to see some shorebirds that have arrived in this vicinity to nest or that have The walk w ill start at 2 p.m. It w ill be postponed until Sunday, May 12, in the event o f weather unsuitable for view ing birds. The m oney raised w ill be sent to Senator McCarthy. FO R S A L E 26 Fi. Ulrickson Single 125 h.p. 1966 Set up for fishing 1963 36 Ft. Pacemaker F /B Twin 220 h.p. Excellent combination boat 34 Ft. Fiberglass Sport Fisherman 1966 Tuna Tower Loaded with Extras 1967 31 FT. BERTRAM F /B T win 290 h.p. Fully Equipped E. T. DAYTON, INC. REAL ESTATE — INSURANCE H om e - A u to - Business L ife - A ccid en t - H ealth Ernesi Clark, Jr. 45 Ft. O pen Boat Diesel Powered Fully Found 1958 29 FT. PACEMAKER F /B Single 225 h.p. 1966 Ideal cruise and fish 37 Ft. Viking Peterson 1966 Twin Power Gas— Low Time F /B Fully Equipped Loaded with Extras Many Other Values MONTAUK MARINE BASIN