October 2014 Newsletter
Congratulations to Tracey Salmon-Smith, the first ‘87 chosen by the
Alumni Council to receive 2014–15 Dartmouth Alumni Award!
The Dartmouth Alumni Award,
which was established in 1954
to recognize long-standing
and meritorious service to the
College, career achievement,
and other community service.
Alumni are eligible for this
award after their 25th class reunion. The 2014-15 Award has
been given to Tracey Salmon-Smith ‘87, and five other
Dartmouth alums. Tracey will
receive her award at the annual Alumni Awards Gala, which
will be celebrated during the
209th meeting of the Dartmouth Alumni Council on October 24 in Hanover. Tracey
received the Young Alumni
for two years. Additionally, she
has been an alumni interviewer since 1988, is a Dartmouth
College Fund volunteer, and
is a district enrollment director for the Dartmouth alumni
In addition to being our Class interview program in MonPresident, she served as pres- mouth/Ocean Counties, New
ident of the Black Alumni of Jersey.
Dartmouth Association (BADA)
from 1998–2000 and is on the You know she bleeds green
board of the Dartmouth Law- because she is a member of
yers Association. Tracey served three different Dartmouth
on the Alumni Council Execu- Clubs in two different states!
tive Committee, the Nominat- Thank you, Tracey, for your
ing and Alumni Trustee Search service to Dartmouth and to
Committee, and on the Young our class.
Alumni Distinguished Service
Awards Committee, chairing it For more information: http://alumni.
Award in 2002. Other ‘87s who
have received the Youth Alumni award are Wendy Becker,
Christina Stearns Drescher,
and Ginny Wise.
The Great Class of 1987 - - October 2014
87’s on the Move!
Clockwise, upper left: Sig Ep brothers on top of the world! (Chris Komarek ‘86, Marc
Gordon ‘86, Stephen Crystal and Derick Perry.) Beth Paap and her daughter Elsa,
wearing 6” heels on the way to the Opera. Mary Smyers Kaufman,the day her company went public at the NYSE. Emil Chynn, Erik Schmidt and Tim Moore at the US Open.
Come join your classmates in Hanover at Homecoming! Meet on Saturday October 18th, 11am1pm before the football game at Salt Hill Pub (7 Lebanon Street). Lunch/snacks to be provided, with a cash bar. Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 15th to Liz Spear Deakin at lizdeakin@
Dartmouth Community & Dartmouth’s World
The Dartmouth Entrepreneurial Network’s (DEN) Innovation Center and New Ventures Incubator opened
its doors on 4 Currier Place in early October. A few of our
own ‘87s were major donors to this exciting new program. Programming will include an entrepreneurship
“boot camp” called Six to Start, which will include sessions on brainstorming, pitching, marketing and other
similar concepts, DEN associate James Furnary ’16 said.
The program will be open for public registration.
The Great Class of 1987 - - October 2014
is the name of Rauner Special Collections Library’s ongoing oral history project. They are seeking narrators from
all parts of the Dartmouth community. Who will be the
first ‘87 to participate? To learn more about the project
and read completed transcripts from dozens of community members, visit http://www.dartmouth.edu/~library/
rauner/archives/oral_history/community/, and consider
scheduling an interview at Rauner during your next visit
to campus!
Dartmouth Alumni Magazine has a brand new website: www.dartmouthalumnimagazine.com. The site
has exclusive alumni news and web extras, plus all class
notes and obits. It also features a digital archive of every
DAM issue ever published. To celebrate, they have released some stunning footage of fireworks on the Green!
Check out the video here: https://www.youtube.com/
The Great Class of 1987 - - October 2014
Above: Varsity Football, Fall 1986. Below: Women’s Varsity
Soccer, Fall 1986.
Celebrating 5ΘΔΧ!
And so the ‘turning 50’ celebrations begin... Here is a picture
from Chris Thompson’s 50th
birthday party thrown by his wife
Elizabeth Keenan Thompson
‘88. Plenty of 87’s (88’s and others)
on hand to help him celebrate!
Chris Carter, Mary Halpin Carter, Jessica Slosberg Benjamin,
Jim Benjamin, Alice Toole Baldwin, Sarah Woodbury, Alicia Altman Southwell, John Clarke,
Nigel Ekern and Emerson Bruns.
Who did we miss? (Thanks to Anne
Schnader for the news!)
The Great Class of 1987 - - October 2014
“Coincidence, and some planning,
brought together a few ‘87 Theta Delts
to celebrate our 50th birthday milestone.
Mike Krupka, Bob (Buzz) Terry, Rick
Weiler, Doug Keith, Tim Bernardez,
Briggs Ferguson and Paul Sun (‘89)
were in NYC this past weekend and stayed
with Frank Doyle. Proving that age has
refined us, we started Friday night with
a Broadway show. Okay it was “Rock of
Ages”, not cultural, but certainly cult-like.
Proving that some things are ageless,
from there our weekend continued to regress until we found ourselves Saturday
too-early afternoon playing bier lob pong at the Bier Garden Standard Hotel in the Meatpacking
District of Manhattan. While maybe some fine bier was spilled and a couple paddles lost handles,
we did teach some eager youngsters the finer points of how Dartmouth used to play lob pong in
the hallowed halls of Theta Delta Chi. We look forward to hearing about other classmates celebrating your 50th.” (Thanks to Rick Weiler and Frank Doyle for the details!)
How are YOU celebrating your 50th?
Send in pictures and stories, please!
Thanks to Dartmouth Partners in Community Service, I had a terrific experience becoming acquainted with my
DPCS intern Annie (Manfei) Ma '17 this past summer. She worked at the International Rescue Committee here in
Silver Spring, MD, this summer, where she was helping refugees from other countries find employment in the U.S.
I have included Annie's profile below.
The young man in the photo is Michael Qian, a friend of Annie's and also a Dartmouth ’17 who was working in DC
for the summer. We took this photo when my wife Lynn and daughter Natalie (15) and I hosted Annie and Michael
for dinner and a swim at Bethesda Country Club in August.
Wow, these two undergrads are bright, accomplished, and bound for success in whatever they do. So bright and
eager to make the world a better place! My opportunity to mentor this dazzling DPCS intern made me further
appreciate how special our Dartmouth community is and that it just gets more impressive every year with each
new class of superstars like Annie and Michael.
The Great Class of 1987 - - October 2014
- H Randall Morgan
Annie Ma '17
Major: History
Economic Empowerment Intern
International Rescue Committee
Silver Spring, MD
The International Rescue Committee works with individuals affected by humanitarian crises both domestically
and abroad. In addition to providing aid, the IRC works with refugees, immigrants, and asylum seekers to help
them establish and rebuild their lives in the US. As an intern, Annie will work one-on-one with refugees through
the job search process, helping them with resumes, editing cover letters, and identifying how best to pitch their
skill sets to the job market. Born in China but raised in the US and Canada, Annie looks for and appreciates diversity in unexpected ways. She has participated in Model United Nations, The Dartmouth, and the Academic Skills
Center as a tutor. Annie hopes that this internship will prepare her to work in one of the fields she is passionate
about: education, international relations, and global health and development.
LSA Mexico 1985! Tim Rusert, Phil McCune, Sarah Woodberry, Darr Keiger,
Tim Parker, Garrett Hornsby, Crystal
Crawford. Please send in your favorite
stories from LSA! Who was on your trip?
Where are they now? Send your memories and pictures to juliehubble23@gmail.
com. Plan for a reunion in Hanover!
A Letter from Our Class President
Dear Fellow ‘87s -
The Great Class of 1987 - - October 2014
In September I, along with a couple of your Your executive committee had an opportunity
other class officers, had the opportunity to to participate in the on-going dialog and proattend Class Officers Weekend at Dartmouth, vide input during the spring. President Han(affectionately referred to as COW). It was a lon’s concept of each Dartmouth student being
great time to catch up with what’s going on at entitled to a “welcoming and respectful experiDartmouth. During the weekend, among other ence” is right on point!
things, I had the opportunity to tour Dartmouth
As for our class, in the comEntrepreneurial Network’s
(DEN) Innovation Center
“President Hanlon’s ing year, in addition to regular
mini-reunions, we will continand New Venture Incuconcept
ue with our 87th Night mini-rebator. I recall President
Dartmouth student unions around the globe!
Hanlon speaking about
such a concept last SepWatch your emails and our
being entitled to a
tember and to see it come
class Facebook page for details
to fruition was awesome.
about mini-reunion in your
While its beta launch was respectful experience” area around March 29, 2015.
over the summer, the
is right on point!
grand opening took place
If you will be in Hanover for
on October 2nd. I praise
Homecoming I hope you can
Dartmouth’s commitment to entrepreneurship join us for a mini-reunion on Saturday, October
and experiential learning!
18 from 11-1 at Salt Hill Pub before the Holy
Cross game. Those of you in the Chicago area
I also applaud President Hanlon for his Mov- look for a mini-reunions with the Class of ’88 on
ing Dartmouth Forward initiative that seeks November 2nd.
to develop recommendations to end high-risk
and harmful behavior in the areas of sexual as- Be well!
sault, high-risk drinking, and lack of inclusivity.
Tracey Salmon-Smith ‘87
President of the Great Class of ‘87
The Great Class of 1987 - - October 2014
Recognize any of these names?
We don’t have their email address!
Please forward them this newsletter!
Sally Adams
Yahya Ahmad
Barbara Alkalay
Yared Amare
Liz Babcock Farrington
Craig Bamsey
Sarah Bauer
Steve Berndt
Scott Berry
Maria Bezaitis
Karen Birch
Christine Bobrowski
Jenny Boesch
Michael Bollhorst
Steve Bouchard
Elizabeth Boyd
Andrew Bradford
Lesley Brophy
Richard Brown
Emerson Bruns
Lori Buchsbaum
Nicole Bunting
Donald Burri
Beth Campbell
Matthew Carpenter
Toi Chan
George Cheeks
Sandy Chiaravelotti
Ravi Chikkalingaiah
Scott Clark
John Clarke
Karin Clough
Susan Daher
Mark Dailey
Laurie Daniels
Thomas Daniels
Caroline Danielson
Matthew Dauphinais
Carroll Rios de Rodriquez
Ben Dehan
Kathleen DeMeulemeester
Paul Dent
Stan Derby
Christopher DiMattia
Andrea Dismont
Brian Dolan
Tamara Drozin
David Ey
Katie Faulkner
Susan Ferguson
Marcia Fischer
Michael Fiscus
Robert Flanigan
Danny Fleishman
Tom Foote
Kassy Fritz
Thane Frivold
David Fuller
Laura Gamer
Ralph Garretson
Christin Gillooly
Hope Castiglione Gower
Nicola Grant
Rosemary Griffin
Paul Guerre
Peter Gunas
Clyde Haig
Louis Hampers
Mary Hartman
Philip Hebert
John Helms
William Heston
Brian Hicks
Leslie Hilburn
Jane Ho
Andrew Hub
Denise Irvin
Susan Jarvis
Cathy Jenkins
Alan Johnson
Jocelyn Johnson
Marguerite Kelly
Kersey, Sean
Kenneth Kim
Emily Hart Koch
Jonathan Kraidin
Greg Kroitzsh
Karen Lai-fook
Pete Lapite
Bill Larkin
Ann LaSala
Moira Lawlor
Jonathan Lederman
Mike Lee
Susan Lin
Laura Locklear
John MacGregor
Sarah Gardner
James Margetts
Tim Mark
Marc Maroon
Kevin McCann
Sally McColl
Chris McCoy
Andy McGrath
Mary McGriff
Pamela McKnight
Brad McMillan
Jeffrey Mead
Juan Mejia
Tracey Merwise
Nick Midis
Bob Mitchell
Susan Mitchell
Daniel Monahan
Peter Morse
Scott Mudd
John Muelheuser
David Myers
Karen Nardella
Lisa Newcomb
Leslie Newman
Moira Teevens Nobili
Brian Rowles
Elain Millar Rowles
Karoline Ryan
Kevin Ryan
Bill Schuh
Kenneth Schuhmacher
Alexander Serra
Jennifer Shearman
Sherlock, Faith
Michael Shipper
Linda Shirley
Lydia Magavern Shrestha
Scott Smith
Carolyn Staack
Sharron Coronis Stalock
Eric Stern
Michael Sullivan
David Suny
Michael Tanner
Eric Tate
Eleanor Tison
Brian Toalson
Anthony Tse
Michael Tyne
Catherine Perlman Umoff
Lucy Vanderbilt
Karen Grossman Verlaque
Bruce Voelker
Cindy Vollet
Carolyn Negley Wester
Austin Wiehe
Sloane Wildman
Kevin Wilkins
William Wolf
Melissa Wynecoop
Steve Young
...if your name is in RED,
we have received your update! Thanks!
Please take a look at the names in BLACK. If you have one of your classmate’s email addresses,
please forward them this newsletter, as they won’t receive it any other way! We’d like to keep in
touch with everyone, but we’ve had trouble reaching these classmates by email. If you see your
name on this list, please take a moment to update your contact information at:
The Great Class of 1987 - - October 2014
Deshaun Nolley
Scott Nova
Robin O’Connell
Julian Okwu
Isaac Otunnu
Francine Paston
Kim Patrick
Lisa Petty
Shanta Puchtler
Deborah Radcliffe
Amanda Ragon
Andrew Reed
Jennifer Reining
Hamish William Rickett
Mark Romano
Jill Rosenstock
Tomas Rossant
Martina Roth
If you prefer to simply receive ‘87 news, please send your email address to Tracey at tssmith_us@
yahoo.com. Your address will only be used to receive Class of ‘87 mailings.
Mini-Reunion in CHICAGO with ‘88s and ‘89s!
On Sunday, November 2, there will be a Big Green Reunion for 87s, 88s and 89s in the Windy City. From 5 7pm at the Firehouse Grill in Evanston, 750 Chicago Ave,
Evanston, IL (847) 733-1911. Come for drinks and stay for
dinner! Please RSVP to Liz Deakin or to receive more information. lizdeakin@comcast.com.
The Great Class of 1987 - - October 2014
Honoring Joan Rivers
With the passing of Joan Rivers,
many TV stations are playing the
movie “Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work”
directed by Ricki Sterns. Ricki was
interviewed multiple times after
the great comic’s death. We extend
our thanks to her for capturing an
American Icon for generations to
From Your Editors...
“I know nobody will read this newsletter but sometimes, I get wrapped up in a
sleeping bag and lather butter all over myself and slide around the kitchen floor pretending I’m a slug.” Did you post this to your
facebook status? Betsy did, as did a few other
classmates! Don’t let her get all buttered up
just to get your attention. Send in your 50th
Birthday Plans and Celebrations! Or your favorite pictures of our time in Hanover. As we
cross that half-century mark, our memories
are fading. Start thinking about our Spring
Mini-reunions, and make plans to reconnect!
Julie & Betsy