New Sermon Series: Jesus Who is This man?

New Sermon Series: Jesus Who is This
Nobody ever taught like
this man, Jesus.
On the other hand, his
teaching made some people
so mad they tried to stone
"They devoted themselves to the
Apostles' teaching."
ACTS 2:42
"When they saw the courage of Peter and
John and realized that they were
unschooled, ordinary men, they were
astonished and they took note that these
men had been with Jesus."
ACTS 4:12
When it comes to Jesus, Paul says that He
is "Christ, in whom are hidden all the
treasures of wisdom and knowledge.“
Colossians 2:3
“The Gospels are a river in which a gnat
can swim and an elephant can drown.”
- Early church saying
I. How He Taught
2 Types of Rabbis:
I. Torah Teachers (Teachers of the Law)
II.Rabbis with Authority (Shmeha)
“You have heard it said…
…but now I say to you…”
“When Jesus had finished saying
these things, the crowds were amazed
at his teaching, 29 because he taught as
one who had authority, and not as their
teachers of the law.”
Matthew 7:28-29 28
“They were amazed at his teaching,
because his words had authority.”
Luke 4:32
“Jesus entered the temple courts, and,
while he was teaching, the chief
priests and the elders of the people
came to him. “By what authority are
you doing these things?” they asked.
“And who gave you this authority?”
Matthew 21:23-27 23
I. How He Taught
II. Why He Taught
The goal was to be just like your
The goal of a disciple is to become
what your Rabbi is.
“A student is not above his teacher,
but everyone who is fully trained
will be like his teacher.”
Luke 6:40
I. How He Taught
II. Why He Taught
III. Whom He Taught
“All authority in heaven and on earth
has been given to Me. Therefore go and
make disciples of all
[peoples]…teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you.”
“Day after day, in the temple courts
and from house to house, they never
stopped teaching.”
ACTS 5:42
Justin Martyr, 150 AD
education for
Martin Luther, 16th Century AD
Every person has the
right to be able to
read and write so
they can study the
Scriptures for
Martin Luther, 16th Century AD
This led to a goal of
universal literacy for
everybody in a
Martin Luther, 16th Century AD
"I shall really go after the
shameful, despicable,
damnable parents who are
not parents at all but
despicable hogs and
venomous beasts devouring
their own young."
In America, the first law to
require mass universal
education was in
Massachusetts, 1647. It was
called, believe it or not, The
Old Deluder Satan Act.
This is what they said: "It
being one chief end of that
Old Deluder Satan to keep
men from the knowledge of
the Scriptures and to the end
that learning may not be
buried in the graves of our
Robert Raikes, 1780 AD
Invented Sunday School to
end the cycles of violence
and poverty against
I. How He Taught
II. Why He Taught
III. Whom He Taught
IV. What He Taught
one guy,
Saint Augustine,
said, "All
of Nazareth,
John 14:6
truth is God's truth."
“I am The Truth.”
guy, Saint Augustine,
4th Century
truth is God's truth."
"All truth is
God's truth."
one Benedict,
guy, Saint Augustine,
6th Centurysaid,
AD "All
truth is God's truth."
Founder of the
modern Library,
Patron Saint of
Of the first 108 universities
founded in America, 106 were
distinctly Christian, including the
first, Harvard University,
chartered in 1636.
“Teacher, which is the greatest
commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord
your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all
your mind.’
"We have begun to realize from its
very birth, science owed a great deal
to Christianity.“
Diogenes Allen, Yale University
Johannes Kepler,
16th Century AD
"God, like a Master Builder,
has laid the foundation of
the world according to law
and order. God wanted us
to recognize those laws by
creating us after His image
so we could share in His
own thought."
The vast majority of the pioneers of
science…William of Ockham, Francis
Bacon, Galileo, Copernicus, Pascal,
Priestley, Louis Pasteur, Isaac Newton (who
ended up writing commentaries on
Revelation)…they all viewed their work as
learning to think God's thoughts.
I. How He Taught
II. Why He Taught
III. Whom He Taught
IV. What He Taught
V. When He Taught