NAVIGATION: Journal of The Institute of Navigation Vol. 43, No. 2, Summer 1996 Printed m U.S.A. Development and Testing of a Mobile Pseudolite Concept for Precise Positioning CAPT. J. RAQUET,* C. PELLETIER G. LACHAPELLE, W. QIU, and The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada CAPT. T. NASH and CAPT. F. B. SNODGRASS 746th Test Squadron, Holloman AFB, New Mexico P. FENTON NovAtel Communications Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T. HOLDEN Stanford Telecom, Sunnyvale, California Received December 1995 Revised March 1996 ABSTRACT The concept of using a pseudolite in the reverse mode where the pseudolite is positioned with respect to receivers deployed at known points is presented. Two types of double-difference positioning approaches for eliminating clock and other code and carrier-phase biases are described and analyzed-pseudolite positioning with satellite reference (PPSR) and pseudolite positioning with pseudolite reference (PPPR). Results are given for an initial test conducted in a land vehicle at Holloman APB, New Mexico. The test range consisted of a 600 m course surrounded by six receivers deployed in a noncoplanar configuration at distances ranging from 100 to 1,500 m from the vehicle. The pseudolite position was calculated using both integer and floating-point carrier-phase ambiguities, and the resulting trajectory was analyzed to assess the differential positioning performance of this inverted GPS system. INTRODUCTION A novel flight reference system concept has been developed by the 746th Test Squadron in anticipation of future testing requirements. Originally conceived by [ll, the purpose of this system is to provide a true reference trajectory for aircraft against which other navigation systems can be tested and analyzed. At the top level, there are three driving requirements for this system: (1) very *Capt Raquet is a Ph.D. candidate at The University of Calgary under sponsorship from The Air Force Institute of Technology. 149 Summer 1996 Navigation 150 high position and velocity accuracy (on the order of 0.1 m and 0.005 m/s, respectively), (2) ability to install easily on all aircraft in the Air Force inventory, and (3) ability to operate in the presence of jamming at GPS frequencies. The reference system concept that is expected to meet these requirements is shown in Figure 1. This system represents an inverse of the procedure normally used to perform precise carrier-phase positioning. Normally, relative positioning is performed between two GPS receivers tracking many common GPS satellites, and optionally from one or more ground-based fixed pseudolites. In the new reference system concept, relative positioning is performed between two pseudolites transmitting GPS-like signals, which are collected by many common GPS receivers at precise 3-D coordinates on the ground. If one of the pseudolites is at a fixed, known point on the ground, then the position of the mobile pseudolite (which is on the aircraft) can be determined. The precise carrier-phase measurements from the satellites can be used to determine the fixed receiver positions at the centimeter accuracy level in batch mode. Once the receiver positions are known, signals received from GPS satellites are used only to time-synchronize the pseudolite measurements. The satellite geometry then becomes of secondary importance, but the relative geometry of the mobile pseudolite with respect to the fixed receivers becomes of primary importance. This configuration boasts two distinct advantages over the traditional concept of placing the GPS receiver in the aircraft. First, immunity to intentional GPS jamming is gained by placing the receivers on the ground, away from the focus of the jamming beam on the aircraft. Any residual jamming signals on the receivers can be shielded locally at each receiver. This concept is currently being tested by the 746th Test Squadron. Second, flexibility is gained and cost is reduced by placing most of the hardware and software infrastructure on the Mobile Pseudolite (on aircraft) Reference A, B, C, D, E - GPS Receivers Fig. l-Inverted Central Processing Station Pseudolite Reference System Concept Vol. 43, No. 2 Raquet, et al.: Mobile Pseudolite Concept 151 ground, where power, size, and computational load constraints can be more easily accommodated. The only equipment required on board the aircraft is a GPS pseudolite and antenna, which are relatively small and could be easily placed on most aircraft using several placement options (such as an empty missile pod, empty fuel tank, or wing/fuselage mount). In the past, pseudolites have been shown to improve GPS signal geometry for mobile receivers 121.Pseudolites have also been used to help with ambiguity resolution and autonomous integrity monitoring during aircraft precision approach and landing [3-51. This is the first time the pseudolite itself has been positioned using carrier-phase data in a double-difference mode. This paper presents test results from a proof-of-concept test that took place at the 746th Test Squadron in April 1995. The results demonstrate the feasibility of generating an accurate trajectory of a transmitting pseudolite on a mobile platform. TEST DESCRIPTION The 746th Test Squadron mobile test van was selected as the mobile platform for this proof-of-concept test. The van is a modified touring bus with on-board power supplies, antenna mounts, and equipment racks that make it ideally suited for this type of mission. Finding an adequate test site for this test was a challenge. To obtain a reasonable 3-D solution, it was important for the ground receivers to be placed in a configuration that was as noncoplanar as possible to avoid a critical configuration singularity [61.This meant the receivers needed to be placed at varying altitudes. Another constraint was that each receiver had to maintain signal lock with the pseudolite for the entire test route, so line-of-sight was to be maintained between the ground receivers and the moving vehicle. Additionally, the range between each receiver and the pseudolites was constrained by the dynamic range of the pseudolites (-100-1000 m). After 2 days of initial system checkout and testing, the test route shown in Figure 2 was selected. This route covered a segment of straight, level road. A large hill was located to the northeast of the road, which permitted placement of the receivers at varying altitudes (see Figure 2) while maintaining line-of-sight to the vehicle. The total length of the test route was 600 m. A total of six stationary receivers were used for the test. The positions of the receivers relative to the test route are shown in Figure 2. The nominal height difference between the test route (which was nearly level) and each receiver is given in parentheses. A vehicle was placed at each receiver location to provide power. Receivers 1 through 5 were 12-channel NovAtel model 3151R receivers in PowerpackTMenclosures. Data was transferred in real time through the RS-232 port for storage on separate laptop computers. Receiver 6 was a NovAtel PC card model 3951R that was mounted directly in a laptop computer. All of the receivers used NovAtel’s Narrow CorrelatorTMtechnology 171. NovAtel model 501 dome antennas were used with each receiver. The antennas for receivers 2-6 were mounted directly on the roof of the vehicles with a magnetic mount. To improve reception along the test trajectory, the fixed receiver antennas were placed at a lo-20 deg inclination toward the trajectory. The antennas for receiver 1 and the fixed pseudolite were mounted on surveying tripods in 152 Navigation -400-600-400-200 Summer 1996 0 200 400 600 Easting (m) Fig. 2-Positions (nominal altitude of Six Stationary Receivers and Fixed Pseudolite above test route shown in parentheses) with Respect to Test Route pickup truck beds. All receivers and the fixed pseudolite remained stationary during the entire test. The coordinates of the fixed GPS receivers were determined from GPS measurement data collected by the receivers themselves. First, a floating ambiguity survey was performed between receiver 4 and the 746th Test Squadron reference receiver, located 16 km away from the test site. From that point on, the position of receiver 4 was considered the true reference point against which all other positioning was performed. Next, each fixed GPS receiver was positioned using an integer ambiguity solution relative to each of the other GPS receivers, using about 2 h of data and the SEMIKIN’” software 181.A network adjustment algorithm was then used to combine this redundant set of relative surveys to generate the final positions of each of the fixed receiver antennas. Using this method, the estimated relative positioning accuracy of the fixed receivers is l-2 cm. The pseudolite transmitters were Stanford Telecom Model 7201 Wideband Signal Generators. The data rate for the broadcast was set at 50 bps, and a prerecorded GPS message was transmitted. Two Mini-Circuits broadband amplifiers were used to amplify the RF output from its standard level of -50 dBm to an output of between - 15 and - 10 dBm in order to obtain the desired transmission range. Each unit was controlled by a laptop computer running an in-house Stanford Telecom software product called Synchronicity’“, which was designed to simulate GPS, WAAS, and other pseudolite environments. Vol. 43, No. 2 Raquet, et al.: Mobile Pseudolife Concept 153 The fixed and mobile pseudolites transmitted on Ll using the PRN 10 and PRN 8 Gold codes, respectively. Each of the receivers had the first two channels manually locked onto PRN 10 and PRN 8, and the remaining 10 channels remained free to receive as many GPS satellites as possible. No other modifications were made to the pseudolites or the receivers. Single-frequency (Ll) pseudorange, carrier-phase, and Doppler measurements were collected at a 2 Hz rate from the pseudolites and each tracked satellite. The fixed pseudolite’s antenna was mounted on a tripod in the back of a pickup truck in a position visible to all of the fixed receivers. The position of the pseudolite antenna was determined by attaching one of the NovAtel GPS receivers to the antenna for a GPS survey (relative to the fixed GPS receivers) after the pseudolite testing was complete. Two phases of testing were performed on April 7,1995. Each phase consisted of several passes along the test route at speeds between 5 and 20 m/s. During the first phase, pseudolite 8 was mounted on the roof of the test van, and pseudolite 10 was placed at the fixed location shown in Figure 2. The goal during this phase was to use the data collected by the six stationary receivers to determine the position of the test van’s pseudolite antenna. Two different double-differencing methods were used to generate the results shown below. The first, shown on the left of Figure 3, is referred to as pseudolite positioning with satellite reference (PPSR). This type of double differencing is between two receivers-the mobile pseudolite on the test van and a GPS satellite as the reference transmitter (analogous to the reference receiver in a typical case of relative positioning between two receivers). The other type of double differencing is referred to as pseudolite positioning with pseudolite reference (PPPR). This is the same as PPSR, except that the satellite used as the reference transmitter is replaced with a fixed pseudolite (see Figure 3). Both types of double differencing (PPSR and PPPR) were performed using the same set of data collected during the first phase of testing. During the second test phase, receiver 1 was mounted on the bus, using the same antenna that had been used earlier by the mobile pseudolite. During this Pseudolite Positioning with Satellite Reference (PPSR) Pseudolite Positioning with Pseudolite Reference (PPPR) GPS Satellite 0 Receiver A Fixed Pseudolite Mobile Mobile Pseudolite Receiver B Fig. 3-Double-Differencing Receiver A Receiver B Methods for Pseudolite Positioning Navigation 154 Summer 1996 phase, the receiver collected measurements from the fixed pseudolite and all visible GPS satellites. The trajectory of the antenna was calculated using standard carrier-phase relative positioning techniques between one of the fixed receivers and the mobile receiver. This type of positioning is referred to as receiver positioning with receiver reference (RPRR). The measurements from the fixed pseudolite were not used during this phase. As described later, this RPRR positioning data has proven helpful in characterizing the performance of the mobile pseudolite positioning algorithms (PPSR and PPPR). MULTIPATH ANALYSIS Before attempting to generate a position solution, the raw measurements were analyzed to determine basic measurement quality. Of primary interest was the effect of multipath on the code and carrier measurements. High levels of multipath were expected because both the receivers and pseudolites were ground-based, and the GPS signal would have many potential reflected paths in addition to the straight-line path. The placement of the pseudolite antenna on the test van was also conducive to multipath. To increase reception at low elevations and maximize visibility to the fixed receivers, the pseudolite antenna was mounted on a wooden post 25 cm above a flat 1 m x 1 m metal plate, which was itself mounted 21 cm above the rounded metal roof of the test van. While this configuration was required to accommodate the necessary constraints in a ground-based test, it did create ideal conditions for multipath (a worst-case scenario). Additionally, significant multipath was anticipated because the signal-to-noise ratio (C/N,,) on each of the receivers tended to drop noticeably whenever there was relative motion between the pseudolite and receiver antennas. This effect may have been caused by uncharacteristically high, rapidly changing levels of multipath due to the large potential for reflected signals described above. Analysis was performed on the data collected during all phases of the test, but the results in this paper are shown for a 1673 s time period when one pseudolite was mounted on the van, and the other was at a fixed site on the ground. This time period was the only large segment in which all six receivers maintained continuous carrier lock on both of the pseudolites with no cycle slips (cycle slip detection and correction were not of primary importance in this proof-of-concept demonstration). The measurement data from this time period are representative of the entire test. Code/carrier difference plots are shown in Figure 4. The motion of the mobile pseudolite can be inferred from the bottom plot, which shows latitude as a function of time. Because carrier-phase multipath is very small relative to code multipath, the code minus carrier difference is a good measure of code multipath (plus measurement noise). As expected, there is a relatively high level of multipath variation in the signal from the mobile platform. This multipath correlates strongly with vehicle motion. In contrast, the signal from the stationary pseudolite is relatively flat (note the difference in scale). This does not mean there is no multipath, but that the multipath (if any) is nearly constant. The apparent multipath from the satellite is also relatively small in magnitude as compared with the moving pseudolite. Note that the receivers used in this test feature Vol. 43, No. 2 Raquet, et al.: Mobile Pseudolite -2 Concept 155 Test Van Latitude 33.025 9 s 33.020% -I 33.019 492500 09:48 492800 09:53 493100 09:58 4f;M;O 41903;O 494000 IO:13 494300 IO:18 GPS Week Seconds/Local Time Fig. 4-Code Minus Carrier for Receiver 1 NovAtel’s Narrow CorrelatorTMspacing technology, which reduces code multipath effects [9]. While there is not a direct correlation between code and carrier-phase multipath, the high level of code multipath would imply that there may be high levels of carrier-phase multipath as well. When the mobile pseudolite is actually used on an airborne platform, code and carrier-phase multipath is expected to decrease to the same level as that normally encountered when observing a satellite. The accuracy is therefore expected to be better in the actual application than in the current demonstration. POSITION DOMAIN ANALYSIS The primary goal for this test was to demonstrate the ability to position a mobile pseudolite using carrier-phase processing techniques. This case is analogous to the more typical case of positioning a GPS receiver (differentially) using GPS satellites. The two pseudolites in this test correspond to the two receivers in the typical case, and similarly the fixed receivers on the ground correspond to the satellites. By considering the problem this way, standard methods for ambiguity resolution and positioning can be used to generate the desired trajectory. The two types of double differencing shown in Figure 3 were used in the position domain analysis. Pseudolite Positioning with Satellite Reference (PPSR) With PPSR double differencing, all clock errors are eliminated, and differential atmospheric errors are insignificant for the short baseline of this test case. Navigation 156 Summer 1996 The positioning geometry (DOP) is a function of the relative location of the mobile pseudolite and the receivers on the ground. The GPS SV is used only in the double-differencing process to remove some of the errors, and it has no bearing on the DOP values. DOP values are relevant in this case because no weighting is used in the least-squares solution shown below. Plots of the HDOP (horizontal) and VDOP (vertical) values are shown in Figure 5 as a function of time. The latitude is also given to demonstrate that the DOP values are a function of the position of the mobile pseudolite. Note the relatively high values for VDOP (between 10 and 13), caused by having all of the receivers and the moving pseudolite in nearly the same plane. In the real airborne case, this will be less of a problem. For a fixed set of double-difference integer ambiguities VAN and carrierphase measurements VA@, the measurement residual is defined as (1) v = VA+ + VAN - VAR,~~(P,,bile,Pref)Precl,Preez,...PreeG) "measuTL?a due" “expected value” where VARal, is the calculated double difference of the ranges, based on the position of the mobile PL (pm&ile), the reference SV (pref), and the positions of each of the six receivers (preel,prec2,... pm,). The error in this residual as a function of errors in the assumed positions of the PL, SV, and receivers is expressed by sv = J%mbile~Pmobile + Hdpref + Hre$~rec~ + i Hreej~preej j=l 2.5 8 2 ? 1.51. I I 1-q I IJU Horizontal J +J J 1 1,,1’_i 492500 492800 493100 493400 493700 494000 494300 09:48 0953 09:58 IO:03 IO:08 IO:13 IO:18 GPS Week Seconds/Local Time Fig. 5-Dilution-of-Precision (DOP) Plots Vol. 43, No. 2 Raquet, et al.: Mobile Pseudolite Concept 157 et - e,6 ,Hm, = eb 6 - e6 - e6 m (3) 6 e, where ek is the unit line-of-sight vector from the mobile PL to receiver k, et: is the unit line-of-sight vector from the reference SV to receiver k, and Hrecjis a 5 x 3 design matrix in which the jthrow is t$, - db, and all other rows are 0. In this case, receiver 6 was chosen as the common receiver to minimize the VDOP term. Because the receivers and the roving PL are very close to each other relative to their distance from the SV, e;: = ei for all combinations x and y. This means Href- 0, and the residual error equation becomes 6V = Hmobi&pmobile + J%,,~P,, + 9 H,,,~P,, (4) j=l To determine the position of the roving PL (p m&i,e)ya nominal position is chosen. The error in this position is calculated using the least-squares method under the assumption that the errors in receiver positions are zero: apmobile = 6) (~,bileHrnobile)-lH~,bileSV The roving pseudolite position is then corrected by 8pm&ile, a new set of residuals is calculated, and the process is repeated until the solution has sufficiently converged. Pseudolite Positioning with Pseudolite Reference (PPPR) With PPPR double differencing, all of the sensitivity (H) matrices in equation (2) are nonzero and cannot be eliminated. The roving pseudolite position is calculated in the same manner as in PPSR double differencing using equation (5), only the errors in the reference pseudolite position are also assumed to be zero. The VDOP and HDOP values for this case are the same as those shown in Figure 5. Measurements from the GPS SVs were used to provide a common time base for each of the receivers, but they are not used in the double-differencing process. Double-Difference integer Ambiguity Resolution In the initial attempts to generate a position solution for the mobile pseudolite, standard ambiguity resolution techniques were employed, which included generating an initial estimate of the ambiguities (using code minus carrier double differences), generating an integer search space about the initial estimate, calculating the sum of squares of the residuals CXr2)for each of the candidate ambiguity sets, and selecting the ambiguity set with the minimum 29 1101.For the cases at hand, the residuals over the entire trajectory were calculated for each candidate integer ambiguity set. For PPPR double differencing, the above procedure seemed to work very well, generating a trajectory that closely matched the known trajectory (as described below) and had low measurement residuals throughout. However, 158 Navigation Summer 1996 in the PPSR case, the correct set of integer ambiguities was not positively identified. The ambiguity set with the minimum residuals did not generate a valid solution (the altitude was several meters below the known altitude). One cause of this difficulty may have been the high multipath levels present in this test setup, as described earlier. Multipath is a systematic error that adds noise to the residuals, creating difficulties for the integer ambiguity resolution algorithms. A second possible cause involves the faulty assumption that the errors in receiver position (Sp,,,) were zero. The relative positioning accuracy of the receivers is actually around 1 cm, which is about the same magnitude as the residuals themselves (for the correct set of ambiguities). The residuals are therefore dependent not only on the position of the roving receiver, but also on the position errors in the fixed receivers. Equation (41, however, attempts to minimize the residuals by varying only the roving receiver’s position. In effect, the receiver positioning errors are adding “noise” to the residuals because they have not been properly accounted for from an estimation point of view. A Monte-Carlo analysis showed that when the receiver and pseudolite positions were artificially and randomly moved 1 cm (1 a) in each axis, the residual could increase as much as 300 percent or decrease as much as 54 percent. The average change was an increase of 42 percent. This demonstrated the high sensitivity of the double-difference residuals to small positioning errors of the fixed PL and receivers. A final cause of this ambiguity resolution problem may have been some additional error that is common to both of the pseudolites and is canceled out in the PPPR case, but not in the PPSR case. To arrive at a good set of integer ambiguities for PPSR double differencing, an altitude criterion was also added, based on a priori knowledge of the true altitude. This hand-picked integer ambiguity set chosen for the PPSR double differencing represents the minimum residual case of those that generate a solution near the correct altitude (which was the 19th best residual overall). While providing a reasonable solution, this approach is unacceptable in the general case, since a priori knowledge of the trajectory is usually not available. Double-Difference Floating Ambiguity Resolution To present a more general positioning method for this demonstration, a different method was used which allowed the ambiguities VAN to be any constant floating-point number, rather than constraining them to integers as before. Note that in keeping with commonly used terminology, these ambiguities are referred to as floating ambiguities, meaning only that they are constant floating-point numbers. It does not mean that the values change or “float” over time in this case because postmission batch solutions were used. An iterative batch least-squares algorithm was used to calculate the floating ambiguities. First, a subset of between 10 and 50 measurements was chosen to ensure that the least-squares solutions were stable. These measurements were selected so that they were evenly distributed over the entire trajectory in order to maximize the observability ofthe least-squares parameters. Starting values for the double-difference carrier-phase ambiguities were estimated by using double-differenced code measurements. Initially, a nominal trajectory of the mobile pseudolite was calculated using the initial ambiguity values. Each iteration then included the following steps: Vol. 43, No. 2 Raquet, et al.: Mobile Pseudolite 159 Concept 1) Perform a batch least-squares estimation of the floating ambiguity errors (total of five in this case) and the 3-D position error at each epoch. If n represents the number of measurement epochs, then the total number of unknowns is three dimensions times the number of epochs, plus five ambiguities (3n + 5). Note that there were five double-difference measurements at each epoch, for a total of 5n measurements. 2) Correct the floating ambiguities and the trajectory by the estimated errors. 3) If the estimated floating ambiguity errors are sufficiently small, the process is complete. Otherwise, go back to step 1. Four to eight iterations were typically required to converge on a solution. This floating ambiguity algorithm generated surprisingly consistent sets of ambiguities over a wide range of conditions. It was tested using seven different reference satellites (PPSR) and the fixed pseudolite (PPPR), for a total of eight different reference transmitters. The algorithm generated ambiguities for each of the reference transmitters using between 10 and 50 data points. Figure 6 shows the typical convergence of floating ambiguities as more and more points are used in the batch least-squares estimation. There were very few measurement epochs in common between the data used to generate each point in these plots. The resulting ambiguities are relatively constant, especially when more than 15 points are used, indicating that the estimation algorithm is stable. Many of the floating ambiguities are noninteger values because of the multipath and other error effects described above. ). .t: -1306 I .s DE3 I 1 -1306.5 - o 1 % .ZZ! 00 -1307() 0 0 0 ooo 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 O O0 ~oOOoo 00 0 -1307.5 10 15 -19 I 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 I I I I 1 I 50 Ret 5IRec 6/PL 8/SV 29 Double Difference .G O $3 -19.5-20 -o” 5” “E 0 -20.5 0- ‘F; IEi I 0 O “E ‘Z= 3 I 00 0 6a, 3% 0 I Ret 3IRec 6/PL 8/SV 29 Double Difference O -2110 non-integer due to multipath and other errors 00 Ooo”o 15 Oooo 0 000 OO 20 25 00O ~o”oooOooooo 30 35 40 0 0045 50 Number of Points for Least Squares Estimation of Ambiguities Fig. 6-Typical Convergence Estimation Technique of Floating Ambiguities Using Least-Squares 160 Navigation DEMONSTRATION Summer 1996 RESULTS To allow comparison of trajectories at different times, all results were transformed into a new coordinate frame. The origin of this new coordinate frame is near the southeast end of the test trajectory, the X-axis points northwest directly along the trajectory, the Y-axis points horizontally southwest normal to the test trajectory, and the Z-axis points upward. If put in terms of the path or “track” of the vehicle, the X-axis corresponds to down-track position (with the origin near the southeast end of the trajectory and increasing to the northwest), the Y-axis to cross-track position, and the Z-axis to above-track position. Once this coordinate transformation has been performed, the trajectory can be correlated by down-track (X) position. This is especially useful for the vertical axis since the road is relatively flat, and the altitude of the antenna is sufficiently determined by the down-track position on the road. The cross-track component is also a function of down-track position, but is less repeatable because it depends on the van driver’s ability to follow the same path each time. Comparison Between PPSR and PPPR Double Differencing Integer Ambiguities Using The differences between the trajectories generated by PPSR and PPPR double differencing using integer ambiguities are shown on the left side of Figure 7. The PPSR double differencing used satellite 18 as the reference transmitter. Two different PPSR solutions are differenced with the PPPR solution. The first (dashed line) is from the set of integers that yielded the lowest residuals (but a poor position solution). The second (solid line) is from the hand-picked set of integers chosen on the basis of a priori knowledge of the altitude. In both cases there are significant differences between the PPSR and PPPR solutions, due largely to the multipath and receiver positioning errors as described above. The errors appear to be primarily a function of geometry, which is evident by comparing the shapes of the plots in Figure 7 with the trajectory in the bottom plot of Figure 5. Floating Ambiguities Difference Between 1 PPPR and 7 PPSR Solutions (Sk 2, 18, 19,27,28,29 31 as Reference for PPSR Solutions) Integer Ambiguities Difference Between 1 PPPR and 2 PPSR Solutions (SV 18 as Reference ~ 492500 w:48 492900 0953 493103 0958 49YW ,0:03 $“y -&i&i 4937(10 10:09 > 494ooO to:13 GPS Weak Seconds/Local Time Fig. 7-Comparison 494300 lo:19 4;;go 09 48 493100 09 58 493400 10 03 493700 1008 494000 10 13 GPS Week SecondslLocal Tune of PPPR and PPSR Position Solutions 494300 10 I9 Vol. 43, No. 2 Residuals of Figure 8. magnitudes significantly quate. Raquet, et al.: Mobile Pseudolite Concept 161 for the two types of double differencing are shown on the left The residuals for PPPR double differencing look reasonable, on the order of l-2 cm, while both of the PPSR residuals larger, indicating that the PPSR integer solutions are not Comparison Between PPSR and PPPR Double Differencing Floating Ambiguities side with are ade- Using The difference between one trajectory generated using PPPR double differencing and seven trajectories generated using PPSR double differencing is shown on the right side of Figure 7. The seven PPSR trajectories were generated using seven different satellites as reference transmitters. All of the trajectories were calculated using floating ambiguities. These plots show that all of the various trajectories agree within about 6 cm horizontally and 1 m vertically. While the vertical direction appears to be much worse, this is not surprising given the poor vertical geometry of the test, as represented by high VDOP values between 10 and 13. These results are very encouraging because they demonstrate the ability of the floating-ambiguity algorithm to calculate ambiguities that provide consistent trajectories across many reference transmitters. Typical double-difference residuals using floating ambiguities are shown on the right side of Figure 8. For both PPSR and PPPR solutions, the residuals are typically 1 cm or better, which is an improvement over the fixed integer residuals. This is not surprising since the floating ambiguities are able to absorb more of the errors, rather than forcing them into the residuals. Stationary Positioning Stability As shown in the bottom plot of Figure 5, there were several time periods when the van was stationary. During each of these stationary periods, the position of the antenna was calculated using both PPSR and PPPR double differencing. The standard deviation of the position during these periods pro- Integer Ambiguity Floating Ambiguity Residuals PPSR (Mfnimum Residual Solution) Residuals ;;;t, / I,; PPPR -0 05 492500 492800 493100 493400 493700 494000 494300 0958 1003 ,008 1013 1018 09:4e 0953 GPS Week Seconds/Local Time Fig. &-Measurement Residual Comparison GPS Week Seconds/Local Among Different Solution Time Types 162 Summer 1996 Navigation vides a good measure of the basic stability of the pseudolite positioning methods. For both PPSR and PPPR methods over several stops, the standard deviation of the position varied between 0.9 and 2.7 mm horizontally and 16.7 and 18.4 mm vertically. Once again, the vertical results are poor as compared with the horizontal results. If the vertical results are normalized by the VDOP, however, they are approximately the same as the horizontal results (as they should be). The van also stopped during the final phase of the testing, when the NovAtel receiver was attached to the antenna previously used by the pseudolite. The standard deviation of position from the RPRR (standard GPS receiver) positioning over several stops varied between 2.3 and 6.7 mm in all three axes. Based on these results, the stability of the PPSR and PPPR position solutions is comparable to that of the standard RPRR. Comparison with Receiver Positioning (RPRR) Trajectory with Receiver Reference The data collected by the mobile GPS receiver during the final phase of testing was processed using The University of Calgary’s SEMIKIN’” software, which determined the correct set of integer ambiguities and generated a time history of position [81. Residuals and other quality measurements were monitored to ensure that the trajectory would be correct. As a result, the GPS receiver trajectory is considered a “truth” reference against which the pseudolite positioning can be compared. The estimated accuracy of the GPS trajectory is l-3 cm, depending primarily on carrier-phase multipath. Rather than compare the pseudolite and GPS receiver trajectories verses time (which is impossible since they occurred at different times), they are compared spatially, using the down-track distance (X) as the common reference variable. Altitude comparisons between the pseudolite and GPS receiver trajectories are given in Figure 9. The plots on the left show the altitude from the PPSR and PPPR integer ambiguity pseudolite trajectories, and those on the right show the altitude from the PPSR and PPPR floating-ambiguity pseudolite trajectories. These.plots depict a “side view” of each of the trajectories. On all four plots, the gray lines are pseudolite trajectories, and the black lines are GPS receiver trajectories. Both the GPS receiver and the pseudolite traversed Floating Ambiguity Solutions Integer Ambiguity Solutions 2 g 1 NI-E 5 100 150 PPPR 200 250 Solution 300 350 400 O -1 0 /\ 0 100 Along Track(X) Fig. g-Altitude Comparison and RPRR Truth Solution Between Pseudolite 150 200 250 Along Track (X) Positioning Solutions 300 350 400 Vol. 43, No. 2 Raquet, et al.: Mobile Pseudolite Concept 163 the same section of road several times (5 for the receiver and 4 for the PL), and the plots give a measure of the repeatability of the solution. The pseudolitegenerated altitudes exhibit about 0.5 m of noise, which is good considering the high VDOP values during this test. In the PPSR (integer) plot, one of the pseudolite trajectories shows a 3-5 m bias in altitude. This trajectory was generated using the minimum residual set of integer ambiguities. The better pseudolite altitude shown on the same plot (referred to as “best altitude solution”) was generated by the integer ambiguities which were hand-picked to obtain a good altitude. This is an excellent example showing that minimum residual integer ambiguity resolution techniques may not be optimal in the presence of significant biases due to multipath or other types of errors. It is also apparent that the floating-ambiguity trajectories in general exhibit a bias of about 0.8 m. This is most likely a result of the amplification of remaining survey or multipath errors due to the poor vertical geometry, and it is not overly worrisome after DOP normalization is taken into account. Horizontally, the pseudolite (both PPSR and PPPR) and RPRR solutions all agree within about 0.5 m, which is as good as could be expected since they represent different trips for the van, and the driver could not be expected to repeat the same trajectory to an accuracy better than 0.5 m under normal conditions. The horizontal accuracies are assumed to be better than the vertical accuracies because of the relatively strong horizontal measurement geometry. Comparison with Tape Measure Positioning One final analysis technique was used in an effort to provide an independent measure of the van’s antenna position against which the pseudolite and GPS solutions could be compared. On each southward pass of the trajectory, the van stopped for a period of time near a fixed survey point on the middle of the road. (These are the same points that were used to analyze position stability above). Three measurements were made with a tape measure at each stop point to determine the position of the edge of the van tires with respect to the centerline of the road and the survey marker. These measurements were later converted into measures of the horizontal position and heading of the van at each stop point. After making an assumption about the roll and pitch angles, the exact position of the antenna was calculated. An error analysis determined that approximate 1 u error values for this method are 10 cm for the downtrack (X> axis, 20 cm for the cross-track (Y) axis, and 8 cm for the vertical (Z> axis. The high Y-axis uncertainty is due to the uncertainty in the roll angle. A comparison between the tape-measure and PIJGPS receiver positioning methods is given in Table 1. While not subdecimeter in all cases, these results do show agreement between the independent measurements to a level of lo-20 cm horizontally and about 1 m vertically, which is reasonable considering the accuracy of the tape measure method and the poor vertical geometry in the pseudolite case. CONCLUSIONS The results from this demonstration clearly show that it is possible to generate an accurate position of a transmitting mobile pseudolite using an array of GPS receivers fixed on the ground. Accuracies on the order of lo-30 cm were Summer 1996 Navigation 164 Table 1-Difference Between Tape-Measured and PUGPS Receiver Positions at Selected Survey Points Position Error vs. Tape Measure Method Calculation Type Ref. SVlpL PRN Along-Track GPS Time 6s) (X) Cross-Track Cy) Above-Track (Z) PPPR PPPR PPPR PPPR Integer Integer Floating Floating PL PL PL PL 10 10 10 10 493083-493333 493739-494089 493083-493333 493739-494089 8.2 8.8 14.5 15.2 cm cm cm cm - 7.0 - 8.5 -3.1 -4.5 cm cm cm cm 35.1 41.1 92.7 98.7 cm cm cm cm PPSR PPSR PPSR PPSR PPSR PPSR PPSR PPSR PPSR PPSR Integer (low resid) Integer (low resid) Integer (best ah) Integer (best ah) Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating Floating SV 18 SV 18 SV 18 SV 18 sv2 sv2 SV 18 SV 18 SV 28 SV 28 493083-493333 493739-494089 2.3 3.0 18.3 19.0 16.2 17.2 14.8 15.5 14.5 15.5 cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm - 26.4 -28.2 - 12.8 - 14.5 - 1.5 - 1.7 - 2.6 -4.3 - 3.8 - 6.2 cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm -355.1 - 352.9 70.7 73.0 141.7 164.5 97.5 99.8 48.6 29.9 cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm n/a 497812-498013 498389-498539 17.7 cm 25.2 cm RPRR (Truth Solution) RPRR (Truth Solution) 493739-494089 493083-493333 493739-494089 493083-493333 493739-494089 493083-493333 493739-494089 493083-493333 0.9 cm 4.8 cm - 2.8 cm 1.1 cm demonstrated. Given the somewhat severe conditions that existed in this demonstration relative to an operational system (e.g., very poor vertical geometry and high multipath potential), these results are encouraging, suggesting that such a system may be a feasible means of meeting the reference system requirements for high accuracy (better than 10 cm). The analysis of the data also pointed out areas that require attention if a reliable system is to be developed. In particular, it is important to determine the position of the fixed receivers and fixed pseudolite to a very high degree of accuracy (through better surveys and/or error modeling techniques) because of the close proximity of the pseudolites and receivers. REFERENCES 1. Snodgrass, F. B., Internal Memorandum (a sketch of the system), Holloman AFB, Research and Development Section, 746th Test Squadron, December 1994. 2. Klein, D. and Parkinson, B. 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