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Chapter One: Heading West
Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's
elite. Summer’s here but school’s not out, in love or in war. Things are steamy as ever
between ‘B’ and her main squeeze. And ‘S’ has taken on a certain je ne sais quoi, with
her new Frenchy boy toy - much to the chagrin of one very ‘Lonely Boy’. But keep your
head up, ‘Lonely Boy’, we all know how quickly the seas of love change for ‘S’...
Chuck Bass was standing at the center of a vast empire and he could feel the
power of that empire all around him, like a suit of armor. He surveyed the room that he
was standing in with pride. Everything in this room was finely presented, from the
polished marble floors, covered in intricately woven Persian rugs, to the wood paneled
walls hung with the heads of exotic animals and priceless paintings that would make any
private collector flush with envy. The beauty and elegance of this room commanded the
attention of anyone standing here and that attention was directed to an ornate desk and
the immensely powerful man sitting behind it. The man behind that massive desk was
none other than Chuck’s own father, Bartholomew Bass, and the empire that Bart Bass
ruled over was Bass Industries. Chuck was the heir to this multi-national, multi-billion
dollar company and the thought of all that power made Chuck’s head swim.
But Chuck’s hands weren’t on the reigns of power just yet. In fact, Bart still
controlled Bass Industries with an iron fist. It was because of Bart’s control that Chuck
was in Bart’s office, standing quietly still while Bart thumbed through a stack of papers,
as if Chuck didn’t exist. After a moment, Chuck cleared his throat and Bart Bass looked
up from his work.
“Yes?” Bart said coolly.
“You asked me to come, so here I am,” Chuck replied.
Bart looked over Chuck carefully. His cold gray eyes were intense and
scrutinizing. His gaze had the effect of diminishing anyone caught in it. Chuck fidgeted
but refused to be made little by his father’s will.
“You’re an impudent little turd,” Bart said at last.
Chuck felt his cheeks grow hot and opened his mouth to lash out at his father, but
Bart continued speaking over him, “But you’re my son and some day, you’re going to be
sitting behind this desk, running this company.”
Narrowing his eyes, Chuck said, “Is this why you called me here? To lecture me?”
“No,” Bart snapped. “I’ve brought you here because you disappoint me.”
“The feeling is mutual,” Chuck shot back, his fists clenched tightly. He fought
down the urge to strike out at his father. Nothing would make him happier at that
moment than planting his fist right in the middle of Bart Bass’ face.
“Don’t be childish,” Bart said, ignoring Chuck’s aggressive stance. “What are you
doing with your youth, Charles? What are you doing with your time and your wealth?”
Bart leveled his gaze at Chuck, peering deep into him, and letting a heavy quiet fill the
“You’re doing nothing!” Bart yelled suddenly, shattering the silence. “Today that
ends! Today, you begin acting like a Bass, not like some snot-nose, little rich boy. Today,
I’m setting you on the path to claim your manhood.”
Chuck stared at his father incredulously. My manhood? he thought to himself.
“Do you know how many women I’ve had,” Chuck blurted out, “I’m more of a man than
you could dream of being!”
“Son,” Bart said, his voice threateningly low, “you have so much to learn and I am
a big enough man to admit that I can’t possibly teach it all to you.”
This caught Chuck off guard and he dropped his fists to his side. “What do you
mean?” he asked.
“I mean that I’m getting older and the world is changing. I built Bass Industries
from nothing, and I’d like to see you build it even greater. But in order to do that, you’ll
need to learn to adapt to this changing world.” Bart stood and walked around his desk.
He put his hands on Chuck’s shoulders and looked him straight in the eye. They were
about the same height and had a similar build, though whereas Chuck’s good looks were
hawkish and alluring, age had sculpted Bart’s face into an intimidating mask of lines and
curves. Bart could see himself in his son, and that was both what thrilled him and scared
“I’m sending you to California,” Bart said flatly.
“What?” Chuck choked, “California?”
“Yes,” Bart replied smoothly, “I’m sending you to San Francisco where I’ve
arranged for you to spend time in the company of a group of entrepreneurial investors.
Technology is the future, Charles. I’m sending you to learn all that you can, so that you
can bring it back to Bass Industries and make breathe new life into this company.”
Chuck wasn’t sure how to respond. On the one hand, he had no desire to travel to
California and resented his father having arranged for him to go in the first place. On the
other hand, this would be his chance to prove himself. Once he proved himself, he would
be ready to take on a more active role in the company. No, not the company, his
company. Chuck returned his father’s sharp stare and a smile spread across his
handsome face. “When do I leave?” he asked cheerily.
“Tonight,” his father replied. “Go and pack your things.”