Unit 4 A Bone - Structure 1. Warm-up A FEW PROVERBS Explain the following proverbs: 1. Experience is the best teacher 2. Health is better than wealth. 3. Where the sun enters, the doctor does not. 2. Reading Bones are organs composed of hard living tissue providing structural support to the body. It is a hard matrix of calcium salts deposited around protein fibers. Minerals make bone rigid and proteins (collagen) provide strength and elasticity. To simplify quite a bit, the basic unit is the Haversian system, which is a hollow, laminated rod of collagen and calcium phosphate; the hollow core is a nutrient channel, the Haversian canal. A living bone consists of three layers: the periosteum, or outside skin of the bone; the hard compact bone and the bone marrow. It contains blood vessels, nerve cells and living bone cells known as osteocytes. These are held together by a framework of hard, non-living material containing calcium and phosphorum. A thin membrane called the periosteum covers the surface of the bone – this is the first layer which is packed with nerves and blood vessels and supplies the cells of which the hard bone below is built. Next is a dense, rigid bone called the compact bone. It is shaped like a cylinder and is hard and rigid. It is honeycombed with thousands of tiny holes and passageways, through which run nerves and blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the bone. This dense layer supports the weight of the body and is made up of calcium and minerals, so that it feels no pain. The skin is very sensitive, so that when a bone is broken, injured nerve fibers run through the compact bone and send messages which relay the pain signals to brain. Running along the centre of long bones, such as the femur (thigh bone), is a cavity filled with the bone marrow. Red bone marrow is a soft tissue that produces blood cells and yellow bone marrow is a store for fat. Bone in human and other mammal bodies is generally classified into two types: 1) cortical bone, also known as compact bone and 2) trabecular bone, also cancellous known as spongy bone. These two types are classified as on the basis of porosity and the unit of microstructure. Cortical bone is much denser with a porosity ranging between 5% and 10%. Cortical bone is found primary in the shaft of long bones and forms the outer shell around cancellous bone at the end of joints and the vertebrae. Spongy bone is lightweight and made up of a mesh of needles – like pieces of bone with large spaces between them. 21 Figure 4 A bone-structure (available on <http://www.marymount.k12.ny.us/marynet/Studentwebwork99/biosystems99/cassieandval/I mages/otherbones/bonestructure2.gif>) Task 1 Put the word in bracket into the correct form. 1. Injured nerve fibers _____________ (run) through the compact bone and _____________ (send) messages which _____________ (relay) the pain signals to brain. 2. A living bone _____________ (consist) of three layers. 3. The compact bone _____________ (support) the weight of the body. 4. Red bone marrow is a soft tissue that _____________ (produce) blood cells and yellow bone marrow is a store for fat. 5. Compact bone is dense and _____________ (form) the outer layer of all the bones. Task 2 Complete the following sentences with suitable verbs. consist, send, cut, find, protect, produce, contain, run 1. If we ……………… through the compact bone, we ……………… that its cylinder surrounds and the spongy bone marrow. 2. It ……………… a material much like gelatin. 3. This marrow ……………… red blood cells, white blood cells or platelets. 4. A living bone ……………… of three layers. 5. Injured nerve fibers ……………… through the compact bone and ……………… messages. 22 3. Grammar Presentation Combining sentences Sentences can be combined with subordinate conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs. Conjunctions because (introduces a cause), e.g. I left the party early because I didn't feel well. if (introduces a condition), e.g. If I feel better, I will go to work. unless (means if not), e.g. Unless you are very fit, you should not try to lift very heavy weights. even though, although (introduce an idea that disagrees with the first idea), e. g. Although it was cold, we went swimming. Adverbs therefore, as a result (introduce a result), e.g. This serious disease is as a result of your unhealthy way of life. however, nevertheless, on the other hand (introduce an idea that disagrees with the first idea),e.g. I love my living room. However, I prefer the view from my bedroom window. beside, morover, in addition (introduce an idea that agrees or gives more reasons), e.g. Moreover, life in the country is much slower and people tend to be more friendly. Task 1 Combine each pair of sentences into longer sentence. Remember that the punctuation pattern is different for subordinate conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs. 1. Dogs are only animals. They are loyal and intelligent. (however) 2. Dogs are only animals. They are loyal and intelligent. (although) 3. Mr. Green (he) doesn't like dogs (them). Mr. Green (he) thinks dogs (they) are dirty. (because) Task 2 Complete the sentences with and, so, but or because. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We live in a flat on the top floor, ……. we don't have a garden. I like my job ……….. it's interesting. Prague is expensive, ………. I like it. I like Judy, ……. I often visit her. It's an old house about 100 years old, …… it's very small. 23 4. Writing Write a description of your classroom in about 100 words. Use conjunctions and adverbs if it is possible. Revision Unit 1-4 Answer the questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What are the main parts of the human body?( Describe them.) Describe the anatomical position of the body. What are other imaginary planes? What is ossification? Describe the axial and appendicular skeleton. What is the definition of a bone and what is a bone structure? Explain the terms: the upper extremity, the frontal plane, the axial skeleton, the periosteum, the bone marrow, the compact bone. Translate into English language. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hlava sa skladá z tvárovej a mozgovej časti. Kostra dospelého človeka obsahuje približne 206 kostí a je oporou tela. Kosť sa skladá z troch častí: okostice, pevnej časti a kostnej drene. Predozadná rovina rozdeľuje prednú a zadnú časť tela. Ktoré orgány sa nachádzajú v brušnej dutine? Translate into Slovak language. 1. When a bone is broken, injured nerve fibers run through the compact bone and send 2. 3. 4. 5. messages to the brain. Males have slightly thicker and longer legs and arms than females. The compact bone supports the weight of the body and is made up of calcium and minerals, so that it feels no pain. The skeleton of a newborn baby is made up of more than 300 bones. The movement of the body is produced by the expansion and contraction of the muscles. 24 Vocabulary blood vessel [blad vesl] – cieva brain [brein] – mozog break [breik] – zlomiť, prerušiť cancellous [kænsələs] – špongiózny, pórovitý compact bone [kompakt bəun] – pevná kosť cortical [ko:tikl]- kôrový, kortikálny dense [dens] – hustý epiphysis [ i'pifisis ] – epifýza, koncová časť dlhých kostí epiphyseal [ ipifi'siəl] - epifyzálny fiber [fibə] – vlákno hole [həul] – diera,otvor honeycombe [hanikomb] – plast, sieť injure [indžə] – poškodiť layer [leiə] – vrstva mesh [ meš ] – sieť nutrient [nju: trient] – výživa mineral [minərəl] – nerast, minerálny osteocyte [osteocyt] – osteocyt oxygen [oksidžən] – kyslík pain [pein] – bolesť passageway[pæsidžwei] – vchod, vstup periosteum [peri΄ostiəm] – okostica, periost relay [rilei] – prenášať, zmena rigid [ridžid] – pevný, nehybný rod [rod] - tyčinka sensitive [sensitiv] – citlivý shaft [ša:ft] – nadstavec, stredná časť dlhej kosti shell [ šel] – obal, plášť, vrstva skin [skin] – koža spongy bone [spandži boəun] – pórovitá kosť structure [stakčə] – štruktúra supply [səplai] – zásoba, zásobiť trabecular [trə'bekjulə] – trámcový, trabekulárny weight [weit] – váha, hmota 25