MED/SURG Review Course Description This course is designed for the RN with at least one year’s experience working on a med/surg floor who is preparing for the Academy of Medical/Surgical Nurses examination. Different aspects of the exam will be discussed, including hints in test taking, but the emphasis will be on the clinical portion of the exam. Please note it is advised that the participant attend both days. The course will be held on the TUH campus and will run from 0800- 1630 each day. Course Contents: - GI System Pulmonary System Cardiovascular System Endocrine including Type 1 and Diabetes GU, Renal and Reproductive Systems Musculoskeletal System Neurological System Hematological and Immunological System Nutrition Pain Management Integumentary System Fluid and Electrolytes Nursing Practice Issues Testing Tips This certification review will be conducted based on the new exam blueprint. The CMSRN exam will begin to be offered on May 1, 2013. Your registration fee includes a copy of the faculty’s review materials. Confirmation letters will be sent out via e-mail upon receipt of registration. MED/SURG Review Course Registration Form Lead Faculty Cynthia Blank-Reid, RN, MSN, CEN Is the Trauma Clinical Nurse Specialist at Temple University Hospital. She has been a nurse for over 25 years. She has taken care of med/surg patients through out her career. She has lectured nationally on many topics. Additional faculty is from the Temple University Hospital System and the local area. Name: ___________________________ Address: ____________________________ City ____________________________ State __________ Zip ___________ Registration Fees for the two-day program: Temple University Health System Employees: $150.00 Home Phone: _______________________ All Others: $ 200.00 Organization/Hospital: ______________________ Registration includes: copy of faculty review Unit: materials, coffee and danish in the AM, refreshments in the PM. Lunch and parking are the responsibility of the participant. You will only be registered when payment has been received or your Temple Nurse Manager has granted approval. Payment must be either by check or money order. Refund Policy: Registration fees will be refunded upon notification in writing, and will only be accepted until Jan 28, 2011. There will be a $15.00 administrative processing fee retained for all refunds. Substitutions are permitted or credit for a future educational program can be given for refund requests made after the deadline. Accreditation: Temple University Hospital, Dept of Nursing is an approved as a provider of continuing education in nursing by the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association, which is accredited as an approver of continuing education in nursing by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Nurses will receive 13.0 contact hours. Email: ___________________________ [ ] check enclosed [ ] institution sending check Make checks payable to: Temple University Hospital Department of Trauma Confirmation letters will be sent upon receipt of registration. Mail to: Cynthia Blank-Reid, RN, MSN, CEN Trauma Clinical Nurse Specialist Temple University Hospital 3401 North Broad Street Nursing Admin; 1st Floor - Rock Pavilion Philadelphia, PA 19140-5189 Registration Deadline: Friday, March 15, 2013 Review For Specialty Certification: Medical/Surgical Nursing Wednesday, March 27, 2013 and Thursday, March 28, 2013 Mark Your Calendars Now For Our Upcoming Trauma Educational Programs Earn your mandatory trauma CEs and have fun at the same time. Update your practice knowledge and prepare for certification in a fun and cost effective way!!!! Feb 28 – March 1, 2013 Emergency Nurses Assoc. Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course (ENPC) March 27-28, 2013 Review for Specialty Certification: Med/Surg Review Course Spring 2013 Temple Univ. Hospital’s Basic Trauma Nurse Course (A 4-day course that meets the requirements of the Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation). Sponsored by: The Dept of Nursing and The Dept of Trauma at Temple University Hospital Spring 2013 The Emergency Nurse’s Assoc. Trauma Nurse Core Course (TNCC) June 2013 All day trauma symposium Sept 2013 Pediatric Emergency Nursing (CPEN) Review Please visit Temple Trauma Dept’s website for our brochures and upcoming programs. The website address is: healthcare_professionals.htm Interested in being on our mailing list? Need additional information about the course, call Cindy BlankReid at 215-707-7150 or e-mail In preparation for taking the examination, suggested readings in addition to the curriculum being provided include: - Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. (2009). Medical-Surgical Nursing Review: Self Study Program. Pitman, NJ: Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. - Craven, H (edit) (2009). Core Curriculum for Medical-Surgical Nursing. (4th ed.). Pitman, NJ: Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. Any current medical-surgical nursing textbook. The CMSRN is a registered trademark of the Academy of Medical/Surgical Nurses (AMSN). For more information about the CMSRN, purchase textbook and other review resources or to obtain an exam application, utilize the Internet ( and click on the certification window. The CMSRN is accredited by the ABSNC, is computerized and able to be given at anytime during the year at a convenient local testing site. For more certification information, go to