The World of Vikings: Facts, Fiction, and Fantasy l DIS

Final Syllabus
World of Vikings: Facts, Fiction, and Fantasy
Summer Session 3, 2015
Credits: 4
Classroom: Vestergade 10, room 10-B24
Study Tour: A week-long study tour to Iceland
Disciplines: History. Literature. Religious Studies
Instructor: Janis Granger
Ph.D. in Scandinavian Literature and Languages, U.C. Berkeley, 1982. Taught Scandinavian languages and
literature at U.C. Berkeley, UCLA, Univ. of Washington, University of Wisconsin-Madison and at DIS. Academic
Counselor and faculty member at DIS since 1984; Full time faculty member since 2011. Edited books on
Scandinavian literature, reviews books for “Scandinavian Studies” and “Scandinavia.”
Office hours: by appointment, available before and after class
Description of course: This is a lecture and discussion course on the world of the Vikings - past and present.
First, we will study the history, religion and worldview of these pre-Christians as reflected in medieval texts
and poems from the Viking Age (approx. AD 800-1100). We will examine the origins of the Viking world, its
society and culture along with its religion and mythology. In the second part of the course, we will look at the
reasons for Viking raids, Viking expansion, trade and Vikings settlements – especially the settlement of Iceland.
We will examine Viking literature and explore why so much was recorded and written in Iceland. We will read
an Icelandic family saga in preparation for our study tour. Finally, we will examine how Vikings and Viking lore
are echoed in popular culture of fiction and fantasy of today. There will be field study visits to the Danish
National Museum, the Viking Ship Museum- with a sailing trip on a reconstructed Viking ship. In addition to
lectures and discussions, class time will include the viewing of films about or influenced by the Vikings.
The World of Vikings: Facts, Fiction, and Fantasy | DIS – Danish Institute for Study Abroad | Disciplines: History, Literature, and Religious
Final Syllabus
Learning objectives of the course:
 Develop an understanding of the Viking Age and its legacy in the history, literature and landscape in
Scandinavia in general and Iceland in particular
 Provide insight into the social and cultural world of the Vikings.
 Provide knowledge of Viking Age religion and culture.
 Familiarize students with Icelandic sagas and Viking literature. By reading one complete saga, students
will gain understanding of the greatness and uniqueness of this genre.
 Demonstrate the influence of the Viking Age on contemporary Icelandic consciousness and in popular
culture today.
Required texts:
Byock, Jesse L. The Saga of the Volsungs, University of California Press, 1990.
Byock, Jesse L. Viking Age Iceland, Penguin Books, London, 2001.
Hermann Pálsson & Paul Edwards trans. Egil’s Saga, Penguin Books. 1960.
Jones, Gwyn. A History of the Vikings. 2nd rev. ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.
H.R. Ellis Davidson, Gods and Myths of Northern Europe, Penguin Books, London, 1990
Snorri Sturlusson. The Prose Edda. Trans. Jean I Young, University of California Press, 1954
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit, Harper Collins Publishers, London, 2013
The Poetic Edda, Carolyne Larrington, trans. Oxford University Press, 1996
Articles posted on DIS Forum/Blackboard
Evaluation: In order to receive a passing grade, you must complete all the assignments.
Engagement (class & tour participation)
Short Answer Test (in class on July 14)
Presentation (on site in Iceland or in class)
Final Paper (due last day of class)
“Engagement” is your responsibility, so it is up to you what grade you receive in this area. Consider how often
you discuss, comment or ask questions in class; how many absences you have during the course, how often you
complete all the readings for class; how often you check your phone or Facebook or other non-class related
media during a single class meeting or on the study tour.
Short Answer Test
On July 14, we will have a short answer test in class containing identifications of terms and concepts, historical
background and short answer questions.
Presentations: Students will give a 10 minute presentation either in class or on site in Iceland. The
presentation may be on the topic of your research paper or another topic that interests you.
Final Paper
This paper should be an academic research paper and should be 7-8 pages in length. The paper must
highlight/discuss/analyze items, opinions, texts, or events that you find, for reasons you explain, central to the
study of the world of the Vikings – past or present. You may expand upon your presentation or write on a new
topic. You must use at least TWO OUTSIDE SCHOLARALY sources.
The assignment should have a title, be double-spaced, 12 font with approximately 300 words per page.
Students may refer to “Writing Papers at DIS,” “The MLA Handbook,” or a writing manual from their home
universities. Just be consistent when using citations, footnoting, etc.
Your paper should follow this structure:
The World of Vikings: Facts, Fiction, and Fantasy | DIS – Danish Institute for Study Abroad | Disciplines: History, Literature, and Religious
Final Syllabus
1. Introduction: presentation of the topic to be investigated and a brief overview of what you will be doing
in your analysis along with comments on the methodology (comparative, exploring a specific theme,
use of a specific theory)
2. Short description and/or summary of text(s) to be explored
3. Analysis: comments, discussions, comparisons
4. Summary and conclusion
5. Notes and bibliography
Students are expected to have read the materials for each class and actively participate in discussions.
Students should come prepared to class with questions and points for discussion. When posing questions or
participating in discussions, students should, as much as possible, refer to the readings to support the points
they are making. If you are shy about speaking up in class, you are welcome to email me your questions or
ideas for class discussions. On the study tour, students are expected to be on time, to show respect for
presenters and peers and actively observe and participate.
Approach to Teaching
I am enthusiastic about the Vikings and about Iceland. I bring this enthusiasm to my teaching. I will start out
with some background lectures. But for the most part, the class will be based on analysis of the readings, inclass group discussions and class discussions. I hope my enthusiasm is catching so you all actively participate in
our learning experience.
Practical Matters/Classroom Policies
Students are expected to be on time to class. Since this is an intensive 4 credit course, students are expected
to attend all classes.
Laptops may be used for note-taking. Please wait until the break or time before and after class, to check email,
Facebook and check and send text messages. If surfing the internet or text messaging becomes a problem,
laptops and cell phones will be banned from the classroom.
Disability and Accommodations
Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact
( to coordinate this. In order to receive accommodations, students should inform me of the
approved DIS accommodations within the first two days of classes.
The World of Vikings: Facts, Fiction, and Fantasy | DIS – Danish Institute for Study Abroad | Disciplines: History, Literature, and Religious
Final Syllabus
Course Schedule
Part I: History and World of the Vikings
Tues. July 7
Introduction to the course; Scandinavia and background
of the Viking World; Written Sources; Geography of the Viking World
Readings: Gwyn Jones “A History of the Vikings”:
Introduction pp. 1-13
The Scandinavian Community pp. 55-77
Map on page 271
Wed. July 8
The Viking Social Order; Cultural Beliefs and Social Norms
Viewing of 1st episode of “The Vikings”
History Channel TV series
Readings: The Poetic Edda “The List of Rig” pp. 246-252
The Poetic Edda “”Sayings of the High One” pp. 14-38
Thu. July 9
Viking Religion; Nordic Mythology
Spiritual Values, The Prose Edda
Readings: H.R.Ellis Davidson “Gods and Myths of Northern Europe”:
Introduction pp. 9-17 and “The World of the Northern Gods” pp. 23-47
Snorri Sturluson’s “Prose Edda” pp. 29-93
Fri. July 10
Visit to the Danish National Museum
We will meet in our classroom and then walk to the museum.
After our museum visit and a short break, we will return to our classroom for a
de-briefing of or visit and a discussion of the advent of Christianity in Scandinavia
Pagans & Christians
Readings: Jesse Byock, “Viking Age Iceland”, pp. 292-307
Part II: Viking Expansion & Iceland
Mon. July 13 11.00-14.00
Expansion: First Raids, Ships, Trade and Settlements
Summation of first week of class; Presentation & Paper topics
Readings: Gwyn Jones “A History of the Vikings,” Causes of the Viking
Movement pp. 182-203
Tue. July 14
Test in class
Vikings in Iceland & Introduction to Egil’s Saga
Readings: No assigned reading; review & study for test!
Wed. July 15
Meet at H.C. Andersen Boulevard, by Tivoli at 9:15; departure at 9.30 sharp
All-field study by bus to the Viking fortress in Trelleborg and
The World of Vikings: Facts, Fiction, and Fantasy | DIS – Danish Institute for Study Abroad | Disciplines: History, Literature, and Religious
Final Syllabus
Royal Cathedral and Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde
Readings: Jesse Bock, “Viking Age Iceland, “pages 5-42
Evil’s Saga, introduction pages vii-xxix
Thu. July 16
Vikings in Iceland cont’d/Presentation Schedule
Icelandic Family Sagas
Readings: Egil’s Saga, Chapters 1 – 56; pages 3-105
Fri. July 17
Discussion of Egil’s Saga
Preparation for the study tour
Readings: Egil’s Saga, Chapters 57-90; pages 106-205
Study Tour
No class – BUT we meet at the airport at 17.45 SHARP!
Horseback riding; Afternoon museum visits
Golden Circle Tour: highlights of Icelandic nature/history
Whale Watching/Academic Afternoon
Saga Tour
Blue Lagoon and return to Copenhagen
Mon. July 20
Tue. July 21
Wed. July 22
Thu. July 23
Fri. July 24
Sat. July 25
Part III Fantasy: The Vikings and Popular Culture
Mon. July 27 11.00-14.00
De-briefing from study tour to Iceland
Student Presentations
Tue. July 28
Vikings in Film
Viewing of parts of the following films:
“The Vikings” (1958)
“Erik the Viking (1989)
“Thor” (2011)
Readings: articles posted on DIS Forum/Blackboard
Driver, Martha “Making Medievalism: Teaching the Middles Ages Through Film
Tunzelmann, Alex von “Why Richard Fleisher’s The Vikings is not for Revisionists”
Wed. July 29 11.00-14.00
J.R. R. Tolkien’s World and Legacy
George R. R. Marten
Viewing of from TV series “Game of Thrones”
Readings: Jesse Byock, “The Saga of the Volsungs”;
Wettstein, Martin “Norse Elements in the Work of J.R.R. Tolkien”
on DIS Forum/Blackboard
The World of Vikings: Facts, Fiction, and Fantasy | DIS – Danish Institute for Study Abroad | Disciplines: History, Literature, and Religious
Final Syllabus
Thu. July 30
Departure point to be announced: Leaving for Roskilde
Sailing of the Viking Ships
Lunch at Knarr Café
Return to Copenhagen
Fri. July 31
Vikings Today
Conclusion of the course
Final Paper due!
The World of Vikings: Facts, Fiction, and Fantasy | DIS – Danish Institute for Study Abroad | Disciplines: History, Literature, and Religious