Hagerstown Community College OFFICIAL COURSE SYLLABUS DOCUMENT COURSE: ECO 202 Microeconomic Principles SEMESTER/YEAR: Fall 2014 INSTRUCTOR: Lori Spessard CONTACT INFORMATION: Email: ljspessard@hagerstowncc.edu Office: LRC 113 Phone: 240-500-2458 Office Hours: MTWR 10:15 – 11:30 AM COURSE DESCRIPTION: Microeconomics is the study of decision units within the total economy: consumers, producers, and the government. Topics include supply and demand theory, profit and cost analysis, consumer behavior, antitrust, labor markets, income distribution, poverty, and government regulation. Total 45 hours of lecture. Prerequisites: ENG 099 and MAT 098. TEXTBOOK: Taylor, T. (2014). Principles of Economics. OpenStax College. ISBN-10: 1-938168-23-2 ISBN-13: 978-1-938168-23-9 Available for download at https://openstaxcollege.org/textbooks/principles-of-economics/get Sapling Learning Online Homework access code ISBN 978-0-9833859-6-7 The textbook is available free of charge. The Sapling Learning access code is required if you are in an online or hybrid section of the course; it is optional for all face-to-face sections. The Sapling access code can be purchased at our bookstore or online. Details about access will be handed out in class or sent via HCC student email. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: Explain how the concepts of scarcity, incentives, opportunity cost, and marginal analysis affect economic decision making. Analyze the role of supply, demand, and prices in a market economy and the necessary conditions for a market economy to function well. Describe and analyze theory and policy related to microeconomic issues. Use economic terminology, concepts and theories to analyze “real world” scenarios and current events. General Education Outcomes: The student will be able to: Critically analyze and evaluate issues derived from the Social Sciences utilizing appropriate methodologies. Demonstrate how culture, society, and diversity shape the role of the individual within society and human relations across cultures. ECO 202 Microeconomics Page 1 of 4 FA14 REQUIREMENTS: The textbook is required. Access to the internet is required for downloading the etext, accessing the Moodle and Sapling course sites, and using email. ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES: Your final grade will be based on the following: Exams Quizzes Field report (F2F and hybrid) or Discussion Board (online) 60% 25% 15% Exams and quizzes will cover material from the book, but may also include additional material covered in the class (activities, additional readings, current events, etc.). Field reports and discussions involve researching and reporting on current economic events or data. Problem sets will be available from Sapling Learning. Additional details for all assignments will be provided in class and on Moodle. COURSE POLICIES: Total Hours of Coursework: This is a three-credit, college-level course. To earn one academic credit at HCC, students are required to complete a minimum of 37.5 clock hours (45 fifty-minute “academic” hours) of coursework per semester. Those hours of coursework may be completed through a combination of hours within the classroom and hours outside the classroom. Certain courses may require more than the 37.5 minimum hours of coursework per credit. For most classes, students should expect to do at least 2 hours of coursework outside of class for each hour of in-class coursework. You should expect to spend about six hours per week outside of class in order to succeed. Attendance Policy: Students are expected to actively participate in this course and adhere to the course schedule. In the case of absence due to emergency (illness, death in the family, accident), or participation in official College functions, it is the student’s responsibility to confer with the instructor about the absence and missed course work. Further, it is the student’s responsibility to withdraw officially from any class which he/she ceases to attend. Failure to do so will result in the recording of an “F” grade. The College’s attendance policy can be found in the College Catalog. Late or missed assignments: If you experience an emergency (as defined in Attendance Policy above), and miss an exam, contact your instructor as soon as possible. Under emergency circumstances only, you may be given a make-up exam at the discretion of the instructor. Quizzes cannot be made up, but your lowest score will be dropped. Field reports and discussions are subject to a late penalty of 10% per calendar day. Academic Integrity: The HCC Student Code of Conduct is published in the HCC College Guide: A Handbook Planner for Students and may be obtained in the Student Activities Office. The Code of Conduct includes principles, rights, and prohibited conduct related to academic integrity and due process. Academic dishonesty will be dealt with in accordance with the College’s policies and procedures. ECO 202 Microeconomics Page 2 of 4 FA14 Services for Students with Special Needs: Students who have special needs are encouraged to identify themselves to the Coordinator of Disability Services as early as possible. Reasonable accommodations based on current documentation are provided to qualified students. For more information, contact Jaime Bachtell, Coordinator of Disability Services, at 240-500-2273 or jlbachtell@hagerstowncc.edu. Once approved by the coordinator, it is your responsibility to communicate directly with the instructor about the accommodations you require. The instructor reserves the right to modify the course content, schedule, and/or assessment procedures as deemed necessary. TOPICAL OUTLINE: MODULE 1: Economic Foundations and Microeconomic Theory What Is Economics? Supply and Demand Labor and Financial Markets Elasticity Consumer Choices MODULE 2: Market Structures Cost and Industry Structure Perfect Competition Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly Monopoly and Antitrust Policy MODULE 3: Microeconomic Policy Issues Negative and Positive Externalities Poverty and Income Inequality Labor and Financial Markets Revisited Information, Risk & Insurance ECO 202 Microeconomics Page 3 of 4 FA14 ACCOUNTING FOR CREDIT HOUR REQUIREMENT For face-to-face class: Assignment/Assessment In-class instruction Assigned readings & sample problems Clock Hours 57 Time spent in class Reading, note-taking, practicing sample problems, etc. Quizzes 15 Study time plus time to complete quizzes Exams 17 Study time plus time to complete exams Field report 8 Research, writing, presentation, etc. Total hours 37.5 Explanation 134.5 For online class: Assignment/Assessment Online homework and activities Assigned readings & sample problems 57 Explanation Time spent on a variety of online learning tools Reading, note-taking, practicing sample problems, etc. Quizzes 15 Study time plus time to complete quizzes Exams 17 Study time plus time to complete exams Discussions 8 Research, writing, responding to classmates, etc. Total hours ECO 202 Microeconomics Clock Hours 37.5 134.5 Page 4 of 4 FA14