USING MUSEUMS TO TEACH UNDERGRADUATE PALEONTOLOGY AND EVOLUTION WARREN D. ALLMON1, ROBERT M. ROSS2, RICHARD A. KISSEL3, and DAVID C. KENDRICK4 1Paleontological Research Institution, 1259 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, New York 14850 and Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 <> 2, 3 4 Paleontological Research Institution, 1259 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, New York 14850 Department of Geoscience, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York 14456 ABSTRACT.—Museum exhibitions possess a long history of serving as useful tools for teaching both paleontology and evolutionary biology to college undergraduates. Yet, they are frequently under-appreciated and underutilized. However, they remain potentially outstanding resources because they can be used to meet a spectrum of learning objectives related to nature of science, real-world relevance, and student interest. Specifically, even small museum displays can provide: 1) authentic specimens, which often are more diverse, of higher quality, and historically more significant than those in teaching collections; 2) specimens in context, with other specimens and/or geological or biological background available; 3) examples of how fossils connect to virtually all of Earth and life sciences (explaining why they have so frequently been at the center of traditional “natural history”); 4) cross-disciplinary experiences, connecting science, art, technology, and history within a social context; and 5) opportunities for students to learn about teaching. A survey of instructor-developed activities performed within a host of natural history museums—with particular attention devoted to the Museum of the Earth, an affiliate of Cornell University—suggests that natural history exhibitions, regardless of size and scope, can complement and strengthen formal education in an undergraduate setting. INTRODUCTION “In our highly simulated post-modern culture, museums play…a compensatory role by providing authentic experiences.” (Lowry, 1999) ALTHOUGH FEW new major natural history museums have opened in the United States over the past half-century (and a few institutions have even closed), small and medium-sized museums with fossil displays are still common on college and university campuses or in surrounding communities. Such institutions are uniquely valuable assets for teaching both introductory and advanced courses in evolution, paleontology, and Earth history at little or no additional cost to a course’s budget. This value is present whether exhibits are new or dated, static or interactive. Yet, despite some conspicuous exceptions, natural history museums are viewed by many collegeand university-level educators and administrators as irrelevant, obsolete, or only for the general public or children. Most resources produced for educators by museums, such as educator guides to both permanent and temporary exhibitions, are slanted toward K–12 teachers. Consequently, these resources often are underutilized for undergraduate teaching (e.g., Breithaupt, 1996), diminishing students’ learning potential and perhaps further endangering the future of natural history and paleontology museums and their collections, on- and off-campus. We suggest that all collections-based natural history museums, small and large, rich and poor, can meet important objectives for undergraduate teaching and learning in paleontology, as well as many other subjects, in at least five ways (Table 1). First, such museums are places that house In Teaching Paleontology in the 21st Century, The Paleontological Society Special Publications, Volume 12, Margaret M. Yacobucci and Rowan Lockwood (eds.), pp. 231–246. Copyright © 2012 The Paleontological Society. THE PALEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS, VOL. 12 authentic objects that help meet goals related to student understanding of the nature of historical sciences, and the basis by which we understand the history of life. Museum specimen collections are unique and highly cost-effective resources for formal instruction (Duhs, 2010; Chatterjee, 2010) that can play a pedagogical role that is in some respects similar to, and an extension of, the role that fieldwork plays in undergraduate education. Utilizing museum collections, non-science majors benefit from an understanding of how such specimens are a basis for science and for what they see in popular media reconstructions of ancient life, and majors benefit in their professional development from experiences with a diverse set of scientific specimens. Exhibition specimens of both fossils and modern organisms tend to be larger, better preserved, and/or historically more significant than the specimens that students may see in teaching collections, textbooks, or even online, and may include taxa that are too rare, large, or fragile to be practical in a teaching collection. They thereby provide a peerless source of examples of various taxa, morphologies, modes of preservation, and taphonomic, paleoecological, and paleoenvironmental variables. The use of specimens from museum collections, on or off display, also can be an excellent source for student research projects. Second, museums are places that—to varying degrees—show these objects (specimens) in context via interpretive exhibits, providing structure for a variety of unique learning opportunities that encourage interpreting the origin, interaction, and significance of the taxa and phenomena represented by the specimens. Seen as “content authorities,” museum displays can confidently place content learned within a formal setting into a larger—and visitor-trusted—framework of knowledge (Falk and Dierking, 2000). Third, museums can be places dedicated to an interdisciplinary approach to learning. This is especially true of natural history museums, which by definition span almost all of biology, geology, and beyond. This approach has been and remains essential to biology (Bartholomew, 1986; Greene, 1986, 2005; Futuyma, 1998; Grant, 2000; Wilcove and Eisner, 2000; Dayton, 2003). Natural history is much more than mere description; it is the area of human endeavor that takes as its goal the understanding not just of how natural phenomena work but where they came from (Bates 1950; Allmon, 2004a). The central method of natural history is comparison, and the compara- tive method lies at the heart of all historical science (e.g., Harvey and Pagel, 1991). In order to pursue comparison, adequate data are required. These data originate in description, are organized by classifications, and are vouched for by museum collections. Fourth, some of this context can be outside of traditional science curricula, offering unique opportunities for making intellectual connections between science and other fields, such as art. Thoughtful consideration of objects within the context of a museum experience greatly facilitates learning and meaning-making not only during the visit, but also long after, greatly expanding the potential of the students’ long-term learning (Falk and Dierking, 2000). Finally, museums are places where postsecondary students can learn about teaching via involvement in public educational outreach and in program and exhibition development, design, and production. Some knowledge of the history of natural history museums in the U.S. can also help faculty understand and better use these resources in their teaching. Many paleontology and evolutionary biology faculty who came of age in the late twentieth century or later did not receive their graduate training in a museum culture, and often are unfamiliar with the many unique instructional resources that museums provide. Many are also largely unaware of exactly how and why museums were once so important for science education, and how and why this changed. Changing intellectual fashions and approaches to science have never diminished the value of natural history museums and their offerings. In this chapter, we summarize the many important, continuing, and growing potential roles that such museums can play in teaching and learning evolution and paleontology at the undergraduate level, and present a number of specific examples of how these roles are actually played from a variety of institutions across the U.S. We consider both evolution and paleontology here because they are arguably the two most common and welldeveloped themes in most of the world’s natural history museums (e.g., West, 2005). We hope that our discussion and proposed framework for categorizing and summarizing educational roles and subject matter (Table 1) will encourage faculty to not only use local museums as integral parts of their teaching, but also to support those local institutions’ continued health and existence. 232 ALLMON ET AL.: USING MUSEUMS TO TEACH PALEONTOLOGY AND EVOLUTION TABLE 1.—A potential framework for categorizing and summarizing educational roles and subject matter in natural history museums. Museum collections and ex- Teaching paleontology benefits hibitions provide… through… Teaching evolution benefits through… specimens representing a range of large, rare, or fragile specimens; relaa wide range of outstanding major macroevolutionary events tively comprehensive examples of taxa specimens and trends, as well as concepts of through time and space variation specimens in interpretive concepts (exhibitions) specimens of related modern organisms, explanations of ecology, climate change, plate tectonics, etc. providing a framework for life’s history and the interconnectedness of life and a changing Earth through time the merging of traditional paleontologi- allowing connections between orinterdisciplinary connections cal methods with the incorporation of ganismal anatomy, the environamong natural sciences ment, and geologic change ecology, climate science, etc. attracting student interest through the interdisciplinary connections aesthetic qualities of depicting fossils between science and art and ancient life experiences to learn about teaching an attention to detail and shape, promoting concepts of morphology and variation student opportunities to explain student opportunities to identify fossils, evolutionary concepts to visitors, interpret exhibitions, or give educational teachers, students, and museum programs docents HISTORICAL CONTEXT I: MUSEUMS AND TEACHING EVOLUTION ted to Baconian inductivism, in which facts of nature were widely believed to be able to speak for themselves. With their collections of objects, museums were particularly well-suited for such an approach. Museums had arisen within the Victorian belief that, “the meanings held within objects would yield themselves up to anyone who studied and observed objects carefully enough” (Conn, 1998, p. 4). The Smithsonian’s George Brown Goode wrote in 1888 that, “The museum cultivates the powers of observation, and the casual visitor even makes discoveries for himself and under the guidance of the labels forms his own impressions” (quoted in Conn, 1998). The American Museum of Natural History’s Henry Fairfield Osborn said that, “The peculiar teaching quality of a museum is that it teaches in the way nature teaches, by speaking to the mind direct and not through the medium of another mind.” (Osborn, 1912, p. 500) Today, most of these ideas are anachronistic at best. The rise of experimentalism pushed the institutional base of biology gradually out of museums and into universities (Rainger, 1991; Conn, 1998). American natural history museums have a long history as centers for undergraduate education. Louis Agassiz’s Museum of Comparative Zoology (founded in 1859) and Yale’s Peabody Museum (founded in 1866) are perhaps the most famous of scores of small to large college and university natural history museums, mostly founded in the second half of the nineteenth century, across the U.S. (Lurie, 1960; Winsor, 1991; Wallace, 1999; Jaffe, 2000). Indeed, few American colleges or universities of the period did not have a natural history museum, reflecting the centrality of natural history and object-based learning in both science and science education at the time (see, e.g., Conn 1998; Allmon 2004a; Kohlstedt, 2005). The status of natural history museums in research and undergraduate teaching began to change dramatically in the early twentieth century. Science in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was still significantly commit233 THE PALEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS, VOL. 12 As a result, museums came to be seen as no longer being places of cutting-edge science (or teaching), and consequently, many universities, colleges, and faculty began to view museums as obsolete. Many college and university museums were eliminated, and many others relegated to seemingly permanent marginal status (for discussions of the challenges still confronting university/college natural history museums, see Humphrey, 1991; Tirrell, 2000, 2002; Benton, 2006, 2009; MacDonald and Ashby, 2011). This diminished view of museums decreased their use in undergraduate teaching in paleontology and biology. Most of the world’s natural history museums were founded during the second half of the nineteenth century, simultaneous with the development and institutionalization of Darwinian evolution (Conn, 1998; Allmon, 2004a; Kohlstedt, 2005). As evolutionary theory was refined and further supported by findings made in genetics, paleontology, systematics, and biogeography, the physical evidence for evolution accumulated in museum collections. These collections, combined with the research by scientists in those museums, served as the basis for these museums’ public exhibits, and thereby became the principal means by which the lay public learned about evolutionary theory (Rainger, 1991; Clark, 2008 AbrahamSilver and Kisiel, 2008; Homchick, 2010). Surprisingly, despite this long legacy, modern natural history museums have been criticized for not addressing evolution as explicitly or effectively as they might (e.g., West, 2005; MacFadden, 2008), especially in light of the rise of antievolutionism in the United States. At the first National Conference on the Teaching of Evolution in October 2000, for example, “It was recognized that for a variety of reasons, museums and informal science centers in general do not do a good job of increasing the public understanding of evolution” (UC Museum of Paleontology, 2000, p. x). Many natural history museums have responded to such criticism by addressing evolution more actively and ambitiously in their exhibits and/or public programs (Diamond and Scotchmoor, 2006; Diamond and Evans, 2007). Some of these changes have come in connection with recent external events, such as the rise of “intelligent design” theory and subsequent challenge in a 2005 Federal Court trial in Dover, Pennsylvania (e.g., Anderson, 2005; Anonymous, 2005; Collins, 2005; Burghart, 2006; Dean, 2005; Allmon, 2006; Herrmann, 2006; Kates, 2006), or the celebration of the bicentennial of Darwin’s birth in 2009 (e.g., Eldredge, 2005; Winters, 2006; Dean, 2009). Major new exhibitions have opened at a number of large museums (such as Evolving Planet at Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History; the Hall of Human Origins at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History; and Darwin, a traveling exhibit developed by the American Museum of Natural History), and sessions and symposia have been held at meetings of both museum and science professionals (e.g., Understanding the Tree of Life Conference, held at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Museum of Natural History in 2010). The inaugural issue of a new journal, Museums and Social Issues, appeared in 2006, and was themed around the topic of museums and the public understanding of evolution (e.g., Diamond and Scotchmoor, 2006). Natural history museums have been the focus of considerable research about public knowledge and views of evolution (e.g., Diamond and Scotchmoor, 2006; Spiegel et al., 2006; MacFadden et al., 2007; Diamond and Evans, 2007; Abraham-Silver and Kisiel, 2008; Evans et al., 2009). These studies have found that although visitors to natural history museums are significantly more likely than Americans in general to accept that evolution is true, they typically have no better understanding of evolution than does the public at large (Storksdieck and Stein, 2006; Abraham-Silver and Kisiel, 2008). While there are no comparable data specifically for American college students in museums, a great deal of information is available about what students know and think about evolution (e.g., Nehm and Reilly, 2007; Lovely and Kondrick, 2008; Cunningham and Wescott, 2009; Jakobi, 2010; Allmon, 2011). Thus, the average American college undergraduate, even if they are biology or geology majors, is likely to know and/or understand little about evolution, and these are the preconceptions that they will bring with them into a natural history museum. HISTORICAL CONTEXT II: MUSEUMS AND TEACHING PALEONTOLOGY Although it is possible to have a natural history museum without dinosaurs or other large fossil vertebrates, history suggests these specimens spark public interest and visitation, which are an important step to long-term interest in science and to self-directed learning. As noted by West (2005, p. 23), “Exhibitions of large and impressive fos234 ALLMON ET AL.: USING MUSEUMS TO TEACH PALEONTOLOGY AND EVOLUTION sils have been staples at natural history museums virtually as long as those institutions have existed,” and “vertebrate paleontology may well be the most public, most highly popularized, and most visible branch of systematics; its immense specimens have immense appeal.” (Shelton, 1991, p. 106) Several major natural history museums, for example, were founded with fossil vertebrates at or very close to the core of their existence. Yale’s Peabody Museum, for example, was founded and funded by George Peabody essentially as a professional home for his vertebrate paleontologist nephew, O. C. Marsh (Schuchert and Levene, 1940; Wallace, 1999; Jaffe, 2000). Soon after funding a new natural history museum in Pittsburgh in 1896, Andrew Carnegie made the museum’s top priority the acquisition of a dinosaur “as big as a barn” (Rainger, 1991, p. 97); the discovery of Diplodocus carnegii in 1899—a specimen nicknamed “Dippy” by the public—more than fulfilled that objective (Rea, 2001), and the Carnegie Museum became known as “The House that Dippy Built” (Batz, 1999). In 1909, Carnegie field parties found the site of what is now Dinosaur National Monument in Utah, and the Carnegie Museum quickly amassed one of the world’s outstanding collections of dinosaurs which, with Carnegie’s additional personal donations of over $250,000, continued to grow until his death (Porter 1990, p. 10). “At the Carnegie and other museums, vertebrate paleontology served a social objective: to educate and entertain the public. That was the bedrock on which a program of fieldwork and research in vertebrate paleontology was sustained” (Rainger, 1991, p. 22). Although originally not centered to this degree on fossils, the American Museum of Natural History underwent its most important growth spurt arguably because of, or at least in association with, an enormous expansion of vertebrate paleontology under the guidance of larger-thanlife paleontologist Henry Fairfield Osborn (1857– 1935), who clearly saw the value of dinosaurs and other large fossil vertebrates for engaging the general public (Preston, 1986; Rainger, 1991; Dingus, 1996). As museum president from 1908 to 1933, Osborn was able to expand the museum largely by expanding vertebrate paleontology, raising private funds for acquiring and mounting numerous large dinosaur and mammal skeletons, and reconstructing them via the work of outstanding artists, most importantly Charles R. Knight (Czerkas and Glut, 1982). Although they failed in their original goal of finding the origin(s) of hu- mans, the museum’s Central Asiatic Expeditions of the 1920s were hugely successful for their spectacular discoveries in non-human paleontology. Fossil invertebrates historically have had a much more modest presence in natural history museums despite occasional attempts to the contrary by invertebrate paleontologist curators (e.g., Ruedemann and Goldring, 1929). This paucity of representation of invertebrates likely is due, in part, to the generally smaller size and more distant affiliation with humans. It is also probably is due in part to the greater use of vertebrate fossils in early evolutionary studies (e.g., Rainger, 1991). In the 1920 edition of the General Guide to the Exhibition Halls of the American Museum of Natural History, for example, less than three pages are devoted to fossil invertebrates, compared to 14 on vertebrates (Lucas, 1920). The trend continues today, with the fourth floor of the American Museum home to four large halls devoted to the fossil record and evolutionary relationships of vertebrates, while fossil invertebrates are confined to a small display within the Hall of Ocean Life. Invertebrate fossils are probably best known to modern museum visitors through their recreation in dioramas, some of which have become widely known via textbook illustrations (e.g., Sheehan, 1996). AN EXAMPLE: TEACHING PALEONTOLOGY AT THE MUSEUM OF THE EARTH The Museum of the Earth is the public exhibition arm of the Paleontological Research Institution (PRI) in Ithaca, New York (Allmon, 2004a, 2007). Although PRI was founded in 1932, the 18,000-square-foot public museum opened in 2003, and receives 30–40,000 visitors annually. Most of the ~650 specimens on permanent exhibit in the museum are invertebrates (as is most of PRI’s collection of 2–3 million specimens). The permanent exhibition represents a chronological tour through the history of Earth and its life, with an emphasis on the fossils and geology of the northeastern United States. The only large mounted fossil vertebrates are a cast of the placoderm Dunkleosteus and the complete skeleton of a mastodon that was excavated in 2000 (Allmon and Nester, 2006). The skeleton of a modern North Atlantic right whale hangs in the lobby (Allmon, 2004b). Other vertebrates are either relatively small or represented by one or a few 235 THE PALEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS, VOL. 12 skeletal elements, especially skulls. Also present are life-sized models of the small Triassic dinosaur Coelophysis, often referred to as New York’s dinosaur, because of footprints found in the lower Hudson River Valley (e.g., Fisher, 1981). PRI and the museum are most closely connected with nearby Cornell University, but also regularly serve students and faculty from a number of other colleges and universities in central/ upstate New York, including Ithaca College, Wells College, SUNY Cortland, Colgate University, Syracuse University, Elmira College, Hobart & William Smith Colleges, and several community colleges. Here, we summarize a number of examples of use of the Museum of the Earth in collegelevel education in paleontology and evolutionary biology, most of which could be adapted to other museums. We also provide examples of accompanying materials that various instructors have developed (see Appendices). dent then prepares a fossil specimen. By focusing on fossil preparation and the documentation and final presentation of that work, students are exposed to an important step in the understanding of fossils and their record. A visit to the museum is required of all students taking introductory evolution at Cornell, usually 250–300 students per semester. During their visit, which is made on their own, they must complete an exercise (see example in Appendix 2). These exercises vary by the professor teaching the course, but all focus not only on the fossil record as documentary evidence for the history of life, but also on how fossils can inform us about evolutionary processes, especially extinctions. Ithaca College.—Ross and Kissel each teach sections (about 90 students in each) of a course for non-science majors at Ithaca College (IC) called “The History of Life on Earth.” Students visit the museum on their own time in one of the last few weeks of the semester to do an activity that synthesizes some of the major themes of the class (Appendix 3). The IC classrooms are wellsuited for multimedia, but the shape of the lecture halls, large class sizes, and lack of labs limits the number of specimens that students get to observe. Thus, the museum visit provides students with an opportunity to see the actual fossil evidence upon which the understanding of paleontology is based. The activity is therefore fairly traditional, focusing on observing a wide variety of specimens in the exhibits. In some instances, students find specimens from major events in Earth’s history (the treasure/scavenger-hunt approach; see below); in others, they are drawing specimens; and, in a few cases, they describe patterns in the fossil record using the chronological displays in the Museum. Hobart & Williams Smith Colleges.— Kendrick brings students to the museum for a variety of reasons that depend on the class being taught. However, all of his class visits are motivated by a common set of goals: exposing students to the presence of the museum itself, and encouraging them to understand and interact with it in a variety of ways. Some visits are about understanding the objects presented in the museum exhibits or vouchered in its collections, but others center on using the presentation of the material to foster integrative, critical thinking about historical and paleontological concepts in the earth sciences. It has been easy for Kendrick to develop activities that satisfy the object-focused goal, but more difficult to develop strategies that satisfy the Examples of use of Museum of the Earth Cornell University.—The museum is visited and used regularly by Cornell classes in biology, geology, anthropology, and art. The museum is used in two Cornell courses that one of us (Allmon) teaches. In “Paleobiology,” the labs, which focus on one phylum or other major taxon per week, are taught in the museum classroom (lectures are on campus). Students tour the exhibits and collections early in the semester so that they can use these resources on their own later in the semester. Each student is required to complete a research project using specimens in the PRI collections, on or off exhibit. Almost every week’s lab includes examination and sketching of at least some specimens in the permanent exhibits. In a historical geology course for majors called “Evolution of the Earth System,” students use the permanent exhibits as the basis for several lab exercises, including Devonian fossils (terrestrial plants and tetrapods and marine invertebrates), Carboniferous plants, and Pleistocene mammals (see Appendix 1; all appendices available online at: NAGTWorkshops/paleo/volume2012/index.html). Kissel is lead instructor for the lab-based onecredit course called “Fossil Preparation.” Aside from the introductory lecture and one fossilcollecting field trip, all classes are held at the museum. After students are introduced to the exhibits and collections, their work is conducted primarily within the museum’s on-exhibit Prep Lab, in which group training is conducted and each stu236 ALLMON ET AL.: USING MUSEUMS TO TEACH PALEONTOLOGY AND EVOLUTION concepts-based goal. At the most basic level, Kendrick uses the museum’s permanent exhibits to provide specimens for students to examine in a way that cannot be provided in Hobart and William Smith’s teaching collections, which are—like those in many colleges—limited in number and of variable quality. The collections on exhibit provide a useful adjunct because they often are of better quality, and include a much wider taxonomic and ecological variety. They cannot substitute for vital, hands-on work because they remain fixed on display; however, the value they do provide, as authentic objects and as exemplars to which other touchable material may be compared, is high. In addition, if students are visiting the museum as part of a trip on which they have been to outcrops, the exhibits serve as direct, immediate reinforcement of the organisms and histories they have just examined. What students often think is, “Oh, I see, those are all the things that were living together in that shale unit we just visited.” If the learning goal is about process, rather than particular organisms or environments (i.e., How do you ask and answer questions in paleontology?), Kendrick schedules a visit to PRI’s research collections, rather than the museum exhibits. A behind-the-scenes tour pays off in several ways. Students in introductory classes often are not aware that academic museums keep large collections off display, and usually exhibit only a small sample of their holdings. Looking through drawers of specimens opens their eyes to the vast amounts of data available, and also makes them conscious of the infrastructure required to maintain that information, and the work that it takes to make it available. As a side effect, the experience may encourage students to have a positive attitude about the mission of natural history museums and the hidden activities that go on within them. Without guidance as to what they should be looking for or thinking about, students tend to become overwhelmed by the number of things to see in the museum exhibits, and wander through them without much critical thinking. Without some structure, they will complete a circuit through the exhibits and be mentally prepared to depart in a very short time, prematurely ending the learning opportunity. Exercises listing objects to identify or locate within the exhibits (treasure hunts) are common assignments developed to provide structure for an introductory class visit to a museum (see, e.g., Appendix 1). While good treasure hunts do succeed in getting students to visit examine museum spaces and specimens, and can help develop student’s understanding of the museum content, too often they are perceived by undergraduates as a kind of make-work task that provides them with little benefit other than a grade for completing the exercise. To head off this “it’s just static stuff” mindset, Kendrick has experimented with assignments that encourage students to observe and integrate a wide variety of information presented in the Museum’s exhibits to develop a story, not just checkoff finds. The Museum of the Earth has an unusual asset, Barbara Page’s Rock of Ages Sands of Time, a remarkable 500-foot mural permanently installed along the ramp leading to the permanent exhibits (Page and Allmon, 2001). Each of the 544 11 x 11-inch tiles in the mural represents one million years in the Phanerozoic; walking down the ramp transports the visitors (metaphorically) back to the Cambrian; walking through the Museum’s exhibits and back up the ramp brings them back to the present. Using mural tiles as the organizing element of a class visit helps focus students on a particular part of the story presented at the Museum. For example, in a jigsaw-type assignment in which the learning goal is developing a picture of the world and its biota at particular times (see the assignment handout in Appendix 4), students first choose a subset of mural tiles. In the museum, students investigate the period of time represented by those tiles, developing an internal, then written understanding of that unique moment in time. Before departing, the class gathers by the mural and each student in turn presents a short but full review of what they’ve learned, as well as an analysis of how the tile set fits into that story. The assignment is completed later with a written follow-up summarizing their tile story. This approach promotes a unified view of the particular time period they have chosen, along with an overview of all the time periods represented among the class members. This approach can be modified to address a variety of learning goals. For example, paleoecological comparisons can be developed, or evolutionary histories could be investigated by following groups across tiles, and so on. Finally, to encourage students to think more deeply about museums and their role in education, Kendrick has students work with exhibit design. As part of their museum visit, students are asked to analyze the design of the permanent exhibits. When students consciously examine the choices exhibit designers make, it clarifies the principles 237 THE PALEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS, VOL. 12 and concepts the designers hoped to communicate (Appendix 4). As a final semester project, students also work in groups to develop new exhibit concepts to be pitched in a competition. This is a complex but rewarding project that incorporates almost all elements that museum visits can provide. The students must develop a message about paleontology or evolution that they want to communicate, decide what kinds of objects to include in their exhibit, and decide how they’ll be presented. In the end, it provides a full-circle experience for the class and, because they see the care and thought that should go into displays, it may also encourage a greater interest in supporting these institutions. Colgate University.—Connie Soja frequently brings her paleontology class (GEOL 215, Paleontology of Marine Life) to the museum, where they use an exercise she developed for the exhibits (Appendix 5). After spending the morning in the field collecting Devonian marine fossils, the class spends 1–2 hours in the Museum. Soja reports that, in her experience, the students do not “tend to look very closely at exhibits unless they have some kind of activity,” such as the exercise she provides. The museum visit typically takes place very early in the semester, and Soja uses the museum to emphasize “foundational concepts about taxonomy, preservational processes, taphonomy, evolutionary history, and local fossils.” on vertebrate biomechanics and adaptation in evolution. Bill Gallagher teaches paleontology at Rider College and the University of Pennsylvania, and also uses ANSP exhibits in his classes. The exercise he uses (Appendix 6B) is a scavenger/ treasure hunt that guides the students through the dinosaur hall with the aim of letting them make their own inferences about the paleobiology, paleoecology, and phylogenetic relationships of the animals on display. The assignment culminates with the students constructing their own cladogram of dinosaur relationships. Gallagher says that he tries to let the students do as much as possible on their own or acting in teams. Beneski Museum of Natural History, Amherst College, Amherst, MA.—Whitey Hagadorn taught paleontology at Amherst from 2002 to 2010. He developed a number of lab exercises to take advantage of the recent major renovation of this historic college museum (formerly called the Pratt Museum; see Appendix 7). Hagadorn’s so-called fish lab was designed for students lacking a formal vertebrate paleontology or anatomy background, with the idea that all students could relate to fish they had seen in other contexts (“on a dinner plate, in an aquarium, or even in “Finding Nemo,” as he puts it). Hagadorn says that the dino trackways lab was extremely popular, but more difficult for students to do without significant guidance from him. For example, many students who had not examined sedimentary rocks before needed help with distinguishing between sedimentary structures formed by inorganic processes (e.g., oscillation ripple marks, raindrop imprints, load structures) and organically formed structures (trackways, plant impressions, etc). The tetrapods lab was what Hagadorn describes as “a capstonelike experience” for his students in the sense that it called for them to stretch to apply what they had learned in lecture. “Where else,” Hagadorn writes, could students “reach, on their own, the discovery that birds and dinosaurs are more closely related to one another than to anything else?... After reassurance that there was no wrong answer—after all, cladograms are just hypotheses—they loved it.” For all of these labs, Hagadorn had students work in teams of two or three students, with each team handing in one lab assignment. He tried to arrange the teams so that each was balanced with both geology/more-experienced and first-year/ non-geology students so that the students could learn from one another. OTHER INSTITUTIONAL EXAMPLES To obtain a broader sense of exactly how museums are used in undergraduate instruction in paleontology and evolution, a number of colleagues around the country were contacted, and we solicited their and/or their institution’s experiences. The selection of the individuals contacted was decidedly nonrandom, and their responses varied widely in length and detail. Nevertheless, they do cover much of the spectrum of both museums and undergraduate teaching in the U.S., from small college museums housed in a department to large, university-affiliated museums to very large free-standing museums; from large, urban, research universities to small, rural, undergraduate colleges. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA.—Allison Tumarkin-Deratzian teaches biology at Temple University in Philadelphia, and has developed two exercises using the dinosaur hall at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia (ANSP; see Appendix 6A). These exercises focus 238 ALLMON ET AL.: USING MUSEUMS TO TEACH PALEONTOLOGY AND EVOLUTION California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA.—While a postdoctoral fellow at San Francisco State University, Kenneth Angielcyk developed a lab exercise for a class to use at the California Academy of Sciences (CAS; see Appendix 8). The class made a field trip to CAS (which was, at the time, under renovation and in temporary space in downtown San Francisco). Angielcyk led a tour of the collections for the students and had them do an exercise on a temporary exhibit on dinosaurs that was in the academy at the time. The Field Museum, Chicago, IL.—David Jablonski of the University of Chicago uses The Field Museum to teach a lab session of a core course on evolution for non-scientists (Appendix 9A). In addition to the exercise, which all students do, there are individual projects where each pair of students get an additional question of their own to answer using the exhibits, and they make a presentation of their findings in class a couple of weeks later. Roy Plotnick of the University of Illinois Chicago has modified an exercise for use at The Field Museum (Appendix 9B) based on an exercise first developed by Allison TumarkinDeratzian for use at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia (see above). Linsley Geological Museum, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY.—The Department of Geology at Colgate maintains a small museum named in memory of the late Robert Linsley, who taught paleontology at Colgate from 1955 to 1992. Connie Soja, who succeeded Linsley on the faculty at Colgate, has had students in her course “Evolution: Dinosaurs to Darwin” visit the Linsley Museum exhibit, which houses a Cretaceous Mongolian oviraptorosaur egg—the only one from the famous Central Asiatic Expeditions of the 1920s outside of the American Museum of Natural History (Carpenter, 1999; Soja, 2008). Students have also done an informal and optional extra-credit exercise on mammalian dentition based on the Pleistocene skulls on display. In that exercise, they are asked to determine feeding preference (herbivore, carnivore, omnivore) after identifying tooth types (incisor, canine, pre/molar). Prior to this exercise, students already have completed a similar exercise in class with unidentified skulls representing all vertebrate clades. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and Page Museum, Los Angeles, CA.— Don Prothero taught paleontology and historical geology at Occidental College from 1978 to 2011. He routinely took his historical geology class on the last weekend of the semester to see the La Brea exhibits at the Page Museum, and the dinosaurs and mammals at the Los Angeles Natural History Museum (LACM). When he could arrange it, he took students on a behind-the-scenes tour of the Page Museum, so they could see the quantity and quality of specimens. He also supervised numerous undergraduate research projects using specimens in the Page (Prothero et al., 2011). Luis Chiappe is a curator of vertebrate paleontology at the LACM. He currently has a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences program (OEDG), “Proyecto Dinosaurios”. This grant is aimed at recruiting community-college students of Hispanic background from the greater Los Angeles area and offering them a one-year research program. Each student receives a stipend for 12–15 hours a week, and is assigned a research project. They attend workshops, join Chiappe’s crews in the field in Utah and Arizona, and attend scientific meetings (e.g., Society of Vertebrate Paleontology). Towards the end of their project, they are required to give a public presentation about their research and experience. Although the newly renovated Dinosaur Hall at LACM (see Rothstein, 2011) is not used as a formal teaching component of this program, the new students are taken on a tour of the hall, and it is a resource available to them for their projects. Orton Geological Museum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.—Bill Ausich teaches a non-majors undergraduate course in historical geology at Ohio State. In this course, he uses the exhibits in the Orton Museum for two exercises (Appendix 10). For introduction to fossils and fossil preservation, students complete a 1.5 hour museum exercise examining the full sweep of the multicellular fossil record, from sponges to sloths, and identifying modes of preservation. As a supplement the hands-on specimens available in the vertebrate paleontology lab, students study larger and one-of-a-kind specimens available only in the museum. University of Kansas Natural History Museum, Lawrence, KS.—Bruce Lieberman teaches “Prehistoric Life: From DNA to Dinosaurs” at the University of Kansas, usually to about 150 students. He gives one of his lectures in the University of Kansas Natural History Museum and walks the class through the pertinent parts of the exhibit halls while talking about the exhibits and their 239 THE PALEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS, VOL. 12 scientific significance. Because the permanent exhibits use the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway as a major focus, he talks quite a bit about mosasaurs and pterosaurs. He also spends time on La Brea tar-pits material and large Neogene mammals from Kansas. During this lecture, he focuses on “key paleo examples and what they illustrate about evolution; for example, commonalities between snakes and mosasaurs, pterosaurs vs. bird limbs,” etc. He also draws on the work of Adrienne Mayor (2005) on how Native Americans correctly interpreted fossil remains, using the display of a large corkscrew burrow, Daemonhelix, as an example. Lieberman does this lecture/ tour towards the end of the semester, using it to tie together material discussed throughout the semester. He features images of some of the exhibits in his recent textbook (Lieberman and Kaesler, 2010), and about 5% of the final exam focuses on material covered during the museum visit. Yale Peabody Museum, New Haven, CT.—At least four undergraduate courses at Yale make regular use of vertebrate fossil collections and exhibits in the Peabody Museum. “History of Life” is taught by Derek Briggs and Leo Hickey. The class focuses on examination of fossil and geologic evidence pertaining to the origin, evolution, and history of life on Earth. Emphasis is placed on major events in the history of life, what the fossil record reveals about the evolutionary process, the diversity of ancient and living organisms, and the evolutionary impact of Earth's changing environment. This includes a tour of the Peabody collections, including vertebrate paleontology. “The Collections of the Peabody Museum” is taught by Leo Buss, and enrollment is limited to freshmen and sophomores. This course involves exploration of selected scientific problems using the biological and geological collections of the Peabody Museum. Eric A. Lazo-Wasem reports that students select a topic for which some historically or scientifically important theme or principle can be evaluated. For example, one student evaluated the museum’s sclerosponge collection (built by Willard Hartman, a significant figure in the field), and spent some time evaluating fossil stromatoporoids, thereby learning about the importance of sponges to ancient reefs. Another student evaluated shells, learning how they tell a story of their natural history, and related this to the concept of morphospace in the fossil record as demonstrated by shell shapes, etc. Other student projects have included evaluation of the utility of mouthpart analysis to help make taxonomic decisions, the developmental biology of dorsal plates in stegosaurs, and convergence in cranial morphology between notoungulates and various extant mammal groups. “Vertebrate Paleontology,” taught by Jacques Gauthier, is a seminar offering a detailed look at current issues in the phylogeny, anatomy, and evolution of fossil and recent vertebrates. Lectures review the broad outline of vertebrate phylogeny and evolution, and lab section is required. The lab classes for this course make heavy use of the vertebrate paleontology teaching collection, a subset of the main research collection. Students also get a tour of the collections. Both the biology and geology departments at Yale have a requirement for a research project in the senior year. Each year, the Peabody usually hosts one or two undergraduates who make use of the collections for their project(s). Recent examples include the phylogeny and evolution of softshell turtles across the K/T boundary and body posture in stegosaurs. These projects frequently are co-supervised by collections staff in the Museum’s department of vertebrate paleontology. NEGATIVE RESPONSES We were struck by some of the negative responses we received. A number of colleagues wrote that although there was a museum with displays and collections of fossils close-by and readily available, it was not used in teaching by either themselves or colleagues. Some stated reasons for non-use included: 1) “[the museum] is not very helpful for paleo teaching … [because] all the paleo stuff is terrible old static dusty [sic]” 2) “We have students [at the museum] all the time but there are no formal exercises. … I don’t [use the exhibits or collections] because my class (historical geology) is too big for our little classroom. [The professor who] teaches invert paleo … doesn’t come near the museum!” 3) “We use the museum for grad student research and their support, but don't do any undergrad teaching activities over there. Part of this is because the [invertebrate paleo] collections are housed off site in a warehouse that is a little too far to get to be convenient.” 4) “I barely use the [public museum] in the paleo lectures. I refer students to the 240 ALLMON ET AL.: USING MUSEUMS TO TEACH PALEONTOLOGY AND EVOLUTION public exhibits on occasion, particularly the ones for which we do not have comparable materials in the lecture/lab room. … I do not use the museum for lab. The lab specimens we use are completely independent of the museum materials, partly for convenience, and partly because I do not want to risk damage to the museum specimens. … I have assembled an excellent collection of paleo lab materials, and there is no need for exercises based on museum materials.” specimens of certain modern organisms that are not available in the college teaching collection. Or, the museum may have staff or research collections or other attributes that help students understand the function of collections in paleontological research. The key is to make use of the strengths of the museum exhibits, and use them as a complement to other class resources. Moreover, instructors do not need a museum’s exhibits to be large or extensive to provide useful learning experiences. After all, we want our students to be able to make sense of the natural world around them, to see evidence of evolution, geologic processes, and deep time from the flora, fauna, and rocks with which they are likely to come into contact. Likewise, museum exhibits needn't be comprehensive, unusually well labeled, or interactive to be useful in paleontological education: they simply must have a sufficient number of real specimens beyond what is available in the classroom or in other resources. 3) Teaching specific content using museum exhibitions, even those that are well-designed for public audiences, usually requires the formal structure of an instructor-created exercise. This need stems from the primary role of most museum exhibitions to introduce visitors (usually from the general public) to a few basic concepts, and to inspire curiosity and interest that may promote additional learning after a visitor has left the museum. Although there may be large amounts of information available in an exhibit, tools must be constructed for students to make specific observations and foster specific interpretations. The lab activities presented in the appendices to this paper provide very structured examples that encourage and enable students to make specific observations and interpretations. 4) Some museums may need to be improved for use in teaching undergraduates. Some are so small and limited in their displays, and possibly in their own collections of specimens, that an exhibit experience is of lower quality than a lab experience would be utilizing a decent college teaching collection. Exhibit panels may be so out-of-date that the information they provide is seriously misleading. Even if a local or university museum is suboptimal for undergraduate teaching, however, instructors can consider how they might help improve it. Most museums, even those that are wellfunded and possess modern displays featuring an abundance of specimens, are understaffed and are usually happy to have partnerships, especially with well-informed faculty. Educational pro- DISCUSSION Some generalities emerge from the exercises and experiences discussed above: 1) Museum exhibitions and collections have unique, specific strengths that fill particular teaching needs. Although often unstated, one of the primary benefits of having students use museums is that they see numerous actual specimens, which greatly supplement the 2-D images available in textbooks and the Internet. This can be the case even when specimens incorporated into exhibits cannot be handled as they normally would be in a lab (Kansas, Michigan). In some instances, there is something special simply about the authenticity of specific, rare, and/or interesting specimens (e.g., the oviraptorosaur egg at Colgate; the Hyde Park Mastodon at the Museum of the Earth) or the awesome size of large vertebrates. In other cases, the physicality of real (or cast) specimens with 3D morphology, texture, etc., is widely believed to be a better teaching tool than two-dimensional representations. Such arguments are in some ways akin to valuing fieldwork, and would likely benefit from educational research on object-based learning and visualization. Exploration in museums can also lead to intrinsic motivations and therefore enhanced learning experiences for visitors, including students (Csikszentmihalyi and Hermanson, 1995; Falk and Dierking, 2000). 2) Using a museum to teach is as much about faculty creativity and initiative as it is about the resources in the museum. Even relatively small museums (e.g., the Linsley Geological Museum, Orton Geological Museum, etc.) often have s p e c i m e n s r e f l e c t i n g f u n d a m e n t a l p a tterns—change through time of dominant taxa, origin of major groups, adaptation, significance of mass extinctions—that cannot be explained as well with illustrations or teaching collections. They may have interesting fossil specimens or 241 THE PALEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS, VOL. 12 gramming at a museum might be influenced simply through expertise, i.e., suggesting use of museum collections or exhibits in ways they haven't been because paleontological expertise was not previously available. Museums often have existing K–12 programs that can be extended to make them appropriate for some college activities. Major changes to museum exhibits always cost money, and very good exhibits can be quite expensive, so writing the local museum into the outreach portion of research grants can provide both museum and faculty members with new resources and new opportunities. It can also provide opportunities for students to be involved in public outreach. PRI and its Museum of the Earth, for example, have had numerous exhibits and educational programs funded through research grants to its own staff and colleagues at Cornell University. 5) Museum research collections can provide experiences in specimen-based research that go beyond what is possible in exhibits and teaching collections. Most students and many faculty members have thought little about the existence of collections as a foundation for much of what we think we know about the history and evolution of life. Such use of collections, however, is important both for helping students to understand the science and for helping them to value collections and their own potential role in developing and maintaining collections. For example, PRI offers collections tours for classes from several central New York colleges; colleagues relayed similar experiences at LACM and Yale. Furthermore, some museums may have their own teaching collections that are, in effect, the university teaching collection (e.g., the vertebrate paleontology teaching collection at Yale), or that include specimens not present in the lab collection. Research collections, if they are accessible to students, can be the very best ways to expose students to collections as a component of paleontological science. There are also recommendations here for museums themselves that serve or could serve postsecondary audiences with paleontological education: but should focus on what cannot be found elsewhere. For undergraduate teaching, this means real organisms in natural contexts, combined with compelling storytelling (Valdecasas and Correas, 2010: p. 511). The specimens (and their contexts and stories) should be viewed not as static objects, but rather as perpetual sources of new insights and questions, and new ways of looking at old issues. Natural history museums and their collections are at the core, intellectually and historically, of modern evolutionary biology and paleontology. Evolutionary biology and the closely related disciplines of paleontology and historical geology fundamentally rely on the notion that objects in the natural world have histories—that they have not been created from nothing, and that these histories leave records in the shapes of natural objects. The ancient classical authors and their Enlightenment descendants recognized this concept, and also the idea that objects can speak to their own history, even if these authors did not grasp the mechanisms by which that history occurred. It was this insight that led to the founding of collections and, ultimately, museums. Museums are not obsolete tools for addressing scientific questions that can be solved more adequately by other more “modern” devices, e.g., in labs or computers. The specimens that museums hold in their collections are physical manifestations—shapes, compositions, and contexts—of the processes that make the world as it is. Museums are thus uniquely “a nursery of living thoughts,” which educate the visitor by illustrating “every kind of material object and every manifestation of human thought and activity” (Goode, 1888). The specimens exhibited not only illustrate what we think we already know, but also “arouse a host of unguessed ideas that reverberate through the corridors of countless minds” (Murphy, 1937). Natural history museums have unique educational responsibilities. Because they have a unique relationship with the study and teaching of both evolution and paleontology, natural history museums have a unique potential for public education in these areas, starting with all undergraduates: “…Natural history museums continue to have the potential to profoundly impact science literacy as it relates to evolution if they choose to focus their educational efforts on this important topic. Because they Museums should focus on their unique strengths. In their rush to be perceived as relevant and to compete for audiences with other forms of entertainment, museums should maintain their focus on specimens for research and education, because what they are is uniquely valuable. Natural history museums cannot be everything to everyone, 242 ALLMON ET AL.: USING MUSEUMS TO TEACH PALEONTOLOGY AND EVOLUTION and technical. This should start with the role of museums themselves in making new knowledge and housing objects that can be used for making such knowledge. Museum exhibits should give emphasis not just to the objects, but also to presenting how science works, and the roles of observation, hypothesis testing, uncertainty, and critical reasoning. CONCLUSION hold in trust the tangible objects that are the evidence of evolution, it can be argued that these museums are in fact able to teach about evolutionary theory in a way that is both unique and profound when compared to traditional schooling.” (Abraham-Silver and Kisiel, 2008, p. 52) This obligation includes the training of future scientists. As Philip Humphrey noted twenty years ago, natural history museums, especially those at colleges and universities, “play a crucial role in creating new generations of scholar-curators who are essential for the continued ability of the national community of museums to fulfill their obligations to science and society.” One of the “significant failures of graduate programs in systematic biology,” he wrote, “is that most of the scholar-curators they produce lack an understanding of the broader societal obligations of natural history museums, and have little educational and experiential background in the totality of the complex missions and associated functions of a comprehensive natural history museum.” (Humphrey, 1991, p. 8) A local museum can provide a unique and outstanding opportunity to teach paleontology in a way that helps students understand the central role fossils play in everything we think we know about the history of life. Authentic objects are engaging and informative in ways that images and even models are not. A museum can provide students with experiences they cannot get anywhere else, not just in science, but in the broader culture of science and society. Museums are, of course, storerooms of objects, and vouchers for the ideas that have been generated by those objects. But, they also are fundamentally places of inspiration and potential sources of new ideas. Fossils and museums are often thought of as the epitome of old; yet they can also be wellsprings of the new. Museums are about objects, and what can be learned from them. The word “museum” is now routinely applied to other sorts of educational or entertainment entities. Science centers or science museums, for example, focus mainly on providing experiences and processes that cannot be reduced to unique objects, or they largely replace objects with images. Museums are places-based and focused on unique objects (Alexander and Alexander, 1996). They can and should, of course, usefully employ new learning technologies, as long as it strengthens, rather than replaces, the focus on an object-based experience. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to many colleagues for generously sharing their own and/or their institution’s experiences with teaching paleontology and/or evolution in museums, including: K. Angielczyk, W. Ausich, L. Babcock, L. Balko, T. Baumiller, D. Bottjer, A. Curran, P. Dodson, W. Gallagher, D. Geary, W. Hagadorn, M. Hopkins, D. Jablonski, R. Laub, E. Lazo-Wasem, B. Lieberman, C. Mitchell, C. Myers, E. Nesbitt, R. Plotnick, D. Prothero, C. Soja, A. Tumarkin-Deratzian, T. White, and K. Zaumdio. Thanks also to M. Fraiser, P. Yacobucci, and an anonymous reviewer for their comments, which greatly improved the manuscript, J. Thompson for help with formatting, and the editors for allowing us to participate in this volume. 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